Tests spring 2012 Test 1 Oral cavity 1. Vestibulum oris does not communicate with proper oral cavity through: :r1 oral part of pharynx :r2 tremata :r3 space behind last molar :r4 space when tooth is missing :r5 communicates through all mentioned ways -- 2. Into vestibule of oral cavity opens out: :r1 caruncula sublingualis :r2 papilla parotidea :r3 ductus nasolacrimalis :r4 plica sublingualis :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 3. The underlay of lips is: :r1 m. labialis :r2 m. orbicularis oculi :r3 m. orbicularis oris :r4 m. buccalis :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 4. The upper lip is partially connected with alveolar process using: :r1 lig. labii superioris :r2 m. platysma :r3 frenulum labii superioris :r4 plica labii superioris :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 5. Cheek is not made up of: :r1 skin :r2 adipose body :r3 muscular layer :r4 adventitia :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 6. Parotid duct passes through: :r1 m. masseter :r2 m. buccinator :r3 m. orbicularis oris :r4 m. pterygoideus lateralis :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 7. The underlay of hard palate is not: :r1 praemaxilla :r2 vomer :r3 processus palatinus maxillae :r4 lamina horizontalis ossis palatini :r5 all mentioned bones form the underlay of hard palate -- 8. Which statement describing mucosa of hard palate is not correct: :r1 it contains big amount of submucosal connective tissue :r2 it is covered by columnar epithelium :r3 firmly grows together with periosteum :r4 it is almost not movable against the bottom :r5 it contains glandulae palatinae -- 9. Mark the true statement describing the palate: :r1 there is papilla incisiva positioned there :r2 mucosa contains glandulae palatinae :r3 there are plicae palatinae transversae positioned there :r4 the basis of soft palate is made by fibrous aponeurosis palatina :r5 all mentioned statements are correct -- 10. The underlay of the soft palate is formed by: :r1 fibrous aponeurosis palatina :r2 lamina horizontalis ossis palatini :r3 mucosa :r4 arcus palatinus :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 11. Muscles of the soft palate do not include: :r1 m. palatoglossus :r2 m. palatopharyngeus :r3 m. tensor veli palatini :r4 m. levator veli palatini :r5 all mentioned muscles belong to muscles of soft palate -- 12. Muscles of the soft palate do not include: :r1 m. glossopharyngeus :r2 m. tensor veli palatini :r3 m. levator veli palatini :r4 m. uvulae :r5 m. palatopharyngeus -- 13. Isthmus faucium is bordered by: :r1 arcus palatoglossus :r2 arcus palatopharyngeus :r3 root of the tongue :r4 palatum mole :r5 all mentioned structures border the isthmus faucium -- 14. Permanent dentition usually consists of: :r1 32 teeth :r2 26 teeth :r3 30 teeth :r4 20 teeth :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 15. Temporary dentition usually consists of: :r1 16 teeth :r2 20 teeth :r3 18 teeth :r4 24 teeth :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 16. Facies occlusalis of a tooth is a surface: :r1 biting :r2 facing medially :r3 facing into vestibule :r4 facing to adjacent tooth :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 17. In adult, in one dental quadrant, usually there are: :r1 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 premolars, 8 molars :r2 2 incisors, 1 canine, 1 premolar, 2 molars :r3 2 incisors, 1 canine, 1 premolar, 3 molars :r4 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, 3 molars :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 18. Temporary dentition is completely erupted usually at: :r1 the age of 1 :r2 the age of 2,5 :r3 the age of 4 :r4 the age of 6 :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 19. The changing of temporary to permanent dentition, counting M3 too, is usually finished: :r1 at the age of 10 :r2 at the age of 12 :r3 at the age of 14 :r4 at the age of 16 :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 20. In dental formula, number 85 denotes: :r1 temporary second lower right molar :r2 permanent second lower right premolar :r3 temporary second upper right molar :r4 permanent second lower left premolar :r5 this number does not fit to any tooth´s location -- 21. In dental formula, number 21 denotes: :r1 permanent first upper left incisor :r2 permanent first upper right incisor :r3 permanent second upper left incisor :r4 permanent second lower left incisor :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 22. It is not typical for incisors: :r1 they have one root :r2 they have shovel-shaped or chisel-shaped crown :r3 occlusal side is of edge-shaped :r4 occlusal side rises up into two tubercles :r5 all mentioned characteristics are typical for incisors -- 23. It is typical for premolars: :r1 occlusal side rises up into two tubercles :r2 lower ones have two roots :r3 every human being has 6 premolars :r4 all of them have two roots :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 24. Abrasion affects the tooth´s: :r1 crown :r2 neck :r3 root :r4 alveolus :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 25. Which statement describing the enamel is not true? :r1 it covers the tooth´s root :r2 it covers the tooth´s crown :r3 it is the most firm substance of the human body :r4 it consists of abot 97% of inorganic substances :r5 this of temporary teeth is white with blue shade -- 26. Cement covers: :r1 crown :r2 neck and root :r3 crown and neck :r4 alveolus :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 27. Which statement describing the dentine is not true? :r1 it is of yellowish colour :r2 it contains more than 70 % of inorganic substances :r3 it contains sensory nerve fibres :r4 it contains vessels :r5 none of answers is convenient -- 28. Which of statements, describing upper molars, is correct: :r1 usually they have three roots :r2 usually they have two roots :r3 occlusal side rises up into two tubercles :r4 they replace temporary molars :r5 none of answers is correct -- 29. In dental formula, label 33 suits to: :r1 permanent lower left canine :r2 permanent lower right canine :r3 permanent upper left canine :r4 permanent upper right canine :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 30. In dental formula, label 11 suits to: :r1 permanent upper right first incisor :r2 permanent upper left first incisor :r3 permanent lower right incisor :r4 permanent lower left incisor :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 31. Which of following structures is not located on the dorsal surface of the tongue (dorsum linguae)? :r1 sulcus terminalis :r2 plica fimbriata :r3 foramen caecum linguae :r4 sulcus medianus linguae :r5 all mentioned structures are placed on dorsum linguae -- 32. Which of following structures is located on the lower surface of the tongue (facies inferior linguae)? :r1 plica sublingualis :r2 sulcus terminalis :r3 plica fimbriata :r4 caruncula sublingualis :r5 there is none of mentioned structures on facies inferior linguae -- 33. Which of following structures is not a component of Waldeyer´s lymphoepithelial circle: :r1 tonsilla lingualis :r2 tonsilla pharyngea :r3 tonsilla palatina :r4 tonsilla tubaria :r5 all mentioned tonsils are components of Waldeyer´s lymphoepithelial circle -- 34. Gingiva is mucosa, which covers: :r1 palate :r2 cheeks :r3 alveolar process :r4 tongue :r5 none of mentioned answers is correct -- 35. Upper lip is laterally bordered by: : r1 nasolabial sulcus : r2 zygomatic arch : r3 mouth corner : r4 front edge of masseter muscle : r5 no answer is correct -- 36. Parotid gland is located in: : r1 submandibular fossa : r2 retromandibular fossa : r3 sublingual fossa : r4 masseteric fossa : r5 no answer is correct -- 37. Underlying tissue for the upper and lower lips is: :r1 muscular layer :r2 skin :r3 subcutaneous fibrous tissue :r4 mucosa :r5 all mentioned components are present within the lips -- 38. Which of following structures structures passes through the cheek: :r1 ductus submandibularis :r2 ductus sublingualis :r3 ductus parotideus :r4 ductus buccalis :r5 none of answers is correct -- 39. Which of following structures does not contribute to the underlay of the hard palate? : r1 os palatinum : r2 praemaxilla : r3 maxilla : r4 vomer : r5 all of following structures contribute to the underlay of the hard palate -- 40. Which statement is not correct about the palatine mucosa? : r1 together with the periosteum it forms the mucoperiosteum : r2 papilla incisiva is located behind the first upper incisors : r3 there are no salivary glands : r4 there are found 3 to 4 plicae palatinae transversae : r5 no answer is convenient -- 41. The underlay of the soft palate is: :r1 lamina horizontalis ossis palatini :r2 aponeurosis palatina :r3 cartilaginous plate :r4 uvula :r5 no answer is correct -- 42. Which of following muscles does not belong to muscles of the soft palate? :r1 m. tensor veli palatini :r2 m. levator veli palatini :r3 m. uvulae :r4 m. levator labii superioris :r5 no answer is correct -- 43. Which of following muscles does not belong to muscles of the soft palate? :r1 m. styloglossus :r2 m. palatoglossus :r3 m. palatopharyngeus :r4 m. uvulae :r5 no answer is correct -- 44. Which of following muscles does not belong to muscles of the soft palate? :r1 m. tensor veli palatini :r2 m. constrictor pharyngis superior :r3 m. levator veli palatini :r4 m. palatopharyngeus :r5 no answer is correct -- 45. Tonsilla palatina lies: :r1 in the oral cavity :r2 in the nasal cavity :r3 in the fauces (isthmus faucium) :r4 in the nasopharynx :r5 no answer is correct -- 46. Salivary glands could be: :r1 serous :r2 mucous :r3 seromucous :r4 mucoserous :r5 all answers are correct -- 47. Which statement is false about the parotid gland? :r1 it is a serous gland :r2 it is the largest salivary gland :r3 it the polystomic salivary gland :r4 it is paired :r5 no answer is convenient -- 48. Glandula parotis: :r1 contains branches of CN VII :r2 is a monostomic gland :r3 is divided into the superficial and deep parts :r4 it is covered by parotid fascia :r5 all mentioned answers are correct -- 49. Glandula submandibularis: :r1 is located in the cheek :r2 is polystomic :r3 leads to caruncula sublingualis :r4 is only serous :r5 no answer is correct -- 50. Which muscle does not belong to extraglossal muscles: :r1 m. styloglossus :r2 m. genioglossus :r3 m. hyoglossus :r4 m. transversus linguae :r5 no statement is correct Pharynx-rectum 1. The digestive tube can be divided into the following layers: :r1 only the tunica mucosa, tunica submucosa, adventitia :r2 tunica mucosa, tunica submucosa, tunica muscularis, adventitia or serosa :r3 tunica mucosa, tunica submucosa, tunica muscularis (smooth muscle only) :r4 tunica mucosa, tunica submucosa, tunica muscularis (only striated muscle) :r5 no statement is correct -- 2. Mark the true statement about the pharynx: :r1 it ranges from C6 to the T4 :r2 it lies anterior to the prevertebral muscles :r3 it is made up of smooth muscle :r4 it is associated with the nasal cavity through the isthmus faucium :r5 no statement is correct -- 3. Pharyngeal orifice of the pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube: :r1 is located in the nasopharynx at the level of the superior nasal meatus :r2 pharyngeal tonsil is in the mucosa of this opening :r3 torus levatorius stretches from this opening toward the fornix pharyngis :r4 lies in the tonsillar fossa between the palatoglossal and palatopharygeal arches :r5 no statement is correct -- 4. M. palatopharyngeus: :r1 goes from the pharynx to the thyroid cartilage :r2 goes from tongue to the pharyngeal wall :r3 narrows isthmus faucium :r4 extends isthmus faucium :r5 no statement is correct -- 5. Which of following structures is not located on the lateral pharyngeal wall? :r1 tonsilla palatina :r2 torus tubarius :r3 plica salpingopalatina :r4 tonsilla tubaria :r5 all mentioned structures are located there -- 6. Mark the true statement about the pharynx: :r1 pharynx starts at the level of hyoid bone and reaches up to C6 :r2 pharyngeal tonsil is situated in the fornix pharyngis in children :r3 pharynx communicates with the nasal cavity through the isthmus faucium :r4 pharynx is the most spacious part of the digestive tube :r5 no statement is correct -- 7. Mark the true statement: :r1 serosa is on the surface of the pharynx :r2 pharyngeal muscles are smooth muscles :r3 mucous membrane of the entire pharynx is covered by multilayered squamous epithelium :r4 the constrictor pharyngis superior muscle inserts to the base of skull along the whole superior insertion line of the pharynx :r5 no statement is correct -- 8. Musculus constrictor pharyngis superior has following parts: :r1 pars pterygo-, bucco-, stylo- and glossopharyngea :r2 pars stylo-, mylo-, bucco- and mandibulopharyngea :r3 pars pterygo-, bucco-, mylo- and glossopharyngea :r4 pars pterygo-, bucco and desmopharyngea :r5 no statement is correct -- 9. Following muscles belong to the levators of pharynx: :r1 m. stylopharyngeus, m. palatopharyngeus, m. hyopharyngeus :r2 m. stylopharyngeus, m. glossopharyngeus, m. salpingopharyngeus :r3 m. stylopharyngeus, m. palatopharyngeus, m.salpingopharyngeus :r4 m. stylopharyngeus, m. thyropharyngeus, m.salpingopharyngeus :r5 no statement is correct -- 10. Mark the true statement: :r1 pharynx passes at the level of C4 into the esophagus :r2 mesopharynx is connected with cavum nasi by choanae :r3 levators of pharynx insert at the dorsal wall of the pharynx to the fibrous band (raphe pharyngis) :r4 parapharyngeal region is cranially marginated by styloid septum and caudally continues into the omoclaviculare triangle :r5 no statement is correct -- 11. Mark the true statement about the oesophagus: :r1 it extends from the skull base to C6 :r2 in adulthood it is approximately 15 cm long :r3 its outer layer is composed of either adventitia or serosa :r4 between the esophagus and the trachea runs the superior laryngeal nerve :r5 the trachea runs behind esophagus -- 12. Mark the true statement about the oesophagus: :r1 cervical part of the oesophagus lies anterior to prevertebral muscles :r2 the trachea runs ventral to oesophagus :r3 thoracic part of the oesophagus is located in the posterior mediastinum :r4 hiatus oesophageus in the diaphragm is located anterior to hiatus aorticus :r5 all statements are correct -- 13. Mark the true statement about the oesophagus: :r1 oesophagus runs through the centrum tendineum of the diaphragm :r2 oesophagus extends from the vertebra T4 to T12 :r3 its thoracic part passes through the posterior mediastinum :r4 it is located in the median plane in its whole range :r5 while passing through the diaphragm, it is placed behind the aorta -- 14. Mark the true statement about the oesophagus: :r1 there is one constriction throughout its course :r2 the transition of oesophageal mucosa in the stomach one is called the pharyngooesophagical junction :r3 the innermost muscular layer is arranged longitudinally in the oesophagus :r4 the adventia covers the greatest part of the surface of the oesophagus :r5 no statement is correct -- 15. Mark false statement about the oesophagus: :r1 its mucosa is covered with the multilayered squamous epithelium :r2 the plexus submucosus is between the muscular layers :r3 its abdominal part is covered by serosa :r4 oesophagus passes through the muscular part of the diaphragm :r5 the trachea runs anterior to the esophagus -- 16. Mark the true statement about the oesophagus: :r1 there are two short physiological constrictions at the oesophagus :r2 cranial constriction is at the level of the bifurcation of the aorta :r3 cranial constriction is located 40 cm from the incisors :r4 oesophageal mucosa is covered with cylindrical ciliated epithelium :r5 the oesophagus is followed by the stomach -- 17. Mark the false statement about the oesophagus: :r1 the recurrent laryngeal nerve runs in the groove between the esophagus and trachea bilaterally :r2 one of three physiologic constrictions of the esophagus is at the beginning of the oesophagus from the pharynx :r3 gastrooesophagical junction is a transition of oesophageal musculature to the gastric musculature :r4 the thoracic part of oesophagus is covered by the adventitia :r5 vegetative nerves (sympaticus, parasympaticus) innervate the oesophagus -- 18. The largest part of the stomach is situated: :r1 in the umbilical region :r2 in the left hypochondriac region :r3 in the right lateral abdominal region :r4 in the right hypochondriac region :r5 in the left lateral abdominal region -- 19. Mark the false statement about the stomach: :r1 stomach is located intraperitoneally :r2 lesser omentum (omentum minus) originates from the lesser curvature of the stomach :r3 the stomach mucosa is formed by the reserved folds :r4 stomach serves only for mechanical processing of food :r5 musculature of the stomach is organized into three layers -- 20. Mark the false statement about the stomach: :r1 it is the most spacious part of the digestive tube :r2 the maximum capacity is usually 750 ml :r3 parasympathetic innervation is from the vagus (CN X) :r4 the sulcus salivarius runs along the lesser curvature of the stomach :r5 all statements are correct -- 21.Mark the true statement about the stomach: :r1 stomach is located secondarily retroperitonealy :r2 its capacity is usually about 6 liters :r3 the stomach is fixed by the ligamentum triangulare dextrum et sinistrum in its right position :r4 stomach helps create the anterior wall of the lesser sac (bursa omentalis) :r5 no statement is correct -- 22.Mark the true statement about the stomach: :r1 the anterior surface of the stomach is in contact with the anterior abdominal wall in the epigastric region :r2 the sulcus salivarius runs along greater curvature of the stomach :r3 omentum majus originates from the lesser curvature and is directed towards the diaphragm :r4 the outer muscular layer creates the musculus sphincter pylori :r5 all statements are true -- 23. The dorsal wall of the stomach: :r1 is in contact with the diaphragm, left kidney, adrenal gland, spleen, pancreas and mesocolon transversum :r2 forms the caudal wall of the bursa omentalis (lesser sac) :r3 is in contact with the left hepatic lobe, left kidney and adrenal gland :r4 is in contact with the right kidney, adrenal gland, diaphragm, spleen, pancreas :r5 no statement is true -- 24. The ventral wall of the stomach: :r1 is in contact with the anterior abdominal wall in the range of the right hypochondriac region :r2 is in contact with the anterior abdominal wall, right hepatic lobe and diaphragm :r3 is in contact with the anterior abdominal wall in the range of epigastric region :r4 is in contact with the anterior abdominal wall, left liver lobe and the right dome of diaphragm :r5 no statement is true -- 25. Gastric cardia: :r1 is projected to the left from the median plane at the level of the vertebrae L3-4 :r2 is part of the left gastric vault :r3 is the only part of the stomach, which is possible to palpate through the abdominal wall :r4 is separated from the fundus ventriculi by incisura angularis :r5 no statement is true -- 26. Lesser curvature of the stomach (curvatura ventriculi minor) points: :r1 to the left and cranially :r2 to the right and cranially :r3 to the left caudally :r4 caudally :r5 no statement is true -- 27. Mark the true statement: :r1 lesser curvature of the stomach (curvatura ventriculi minor) turns right and cranially :r2 greater curvature of the stomach (curvatura venriculi major) turns right and cranially :r3 lesser curvature of the stomach (curvatura ventriculi minor) turns left and caudally :r4 sulcus salivarius lies along the greater curvature of the stomach (curvatura venriculi major) :r5 no statement is true -- 28. Mark the true statement about stomach: :r1 greater curvature of the stomach (curvatura venriculi major) is convex and points to the right :r2 cardiac groove separates pars pylorica from the stomach body :r3 angular notch (incisura angularis) is located at the lesser curvature of the stomach (curvatura ventriculi minor) :r4 the gastrocolic ligament originates from the lesser curvature of the stomach (curvatura ventriculi minor) :r5 all statements are true -- 29. Gastric mucosa: :r1 is covered by multilayered squamous epithelium :r2 is at the anterior and posterior body of the stomach arranged in longitudinal folds :r3 creates the sulcus salivarius along the greater curvature of the stomach :r4 gastric glands open into foveolae gastricae (gastric pits) :r5 all the statements are true -- 30. Mark the true statement about the stomach: :r1 sulcus salivarius is the major producer of the gastric juice (succus gastricus) :r2 after filling the stomach with food, the first phase of the stomach musculature is called diastole :r3 the origin of the greater omentum (omentum majus) forms the cranial wall of bursa omentalis (lesser sac) :r4 the fundus ventriculi is in contact with the heart and base of the left lung through the diaphragm :r5 stomach is located in the retroperitoneal space near the left kidney and adrenal gland -- 31. Gasatric cardia of the lying patient projects to the: :r1 right from the body of vertebra L2 :r2 left from the body of vertebrae T10-T11 :r3 right from the body of vertebra L4 :r4 left from the body of vertebra L4 :r5 no statement is true -- 32. For the duodenum applies: :r1 pars superior of the duodenum is located intraperitoneally :r2 pars superior is about 4-5 cm long :r3 duodenojejunal flexure lies to the left from the vertebra L2 :r4 pars superior duodeni creates impressio duodenalis of the liver :r5 all the statements are true -- 33. Papilla duodeni major of Vater is located: :r1 in the pars descendens duodeni :r2 in the pars superior duodeni :r3 in the pars horizontalis duodeni :r4 about 2 cm lateral from the papilla duodeni minor :r5 no statement is true -- 34. Plica longitudinalis duodeni is produced by: :r1 the course of the ductus pancreaticus minor :r2 accumulation of lymphoid tissue :r3 circular sphincter :r4 the course of the ductus choledochus :r5 no statement is true -- 35. Papilla duodeni major projects to the point which is: :r1 at the line connecting the navel with the top of the right axilla, about 6 cm far away from the navel :r2 at the line connecting the navel with the top of the left axilla, about 6 cm far away from the navel :r3 at the intersection of the line connecting the navel with the top of the left axilla and the 10th left rib :r4 at the line connecting the navel with the right anterior superior iliac spine, about 6 cm far away from the navel :r5 at the line connecting the navel with the left anterior superior iliac spine, about 6 cm far away from the navel -- 36. Jejunum: :r1 is slightly narrower than the ileum :r2 has more numerous arterial arcades than the ileum :r3 has more lymphoid tissue than the ileum, which create Peyer’s patches (nodi lymphatici aggregati) :r4 has more mucosal folds (plicae circulares) than the ileum :r5 no statement is true -- 37. Ileum: :r1 has more mucosal folds (plicae circulares) than the jejunum :r2 is slightly broader than the jejunum :r3 has richer and more numerous arterial arcades than the jejunum :r4 has less lymphoid tissue than the jejunum, which create nodi lymphatici solitarii :r5 no statement is true -- 38. For the Meckel diverticulum is valid: :r1 it is a part of the jejunum :r2 it is a remnant of the ductus omphaloentericus :r3 it occurs constantly :r4 it is a part of the colon :r5 all statements are correct -- 39. For colon transversum applies: :r1 here are created no haustra :r2 it hangs on the mesocolon transversum, which goes from left colic flexure (flexura coli sinistra) to the flexura duodenojejunalis :r3 it is secondarily retroperitoneal organ :r4 it contains circular mucosal folds :r5 no statement is correct -- 40. The origin of the appendix projects on the anterior abdominal wall: :r1 to the point, where the right midclavicular line intersects the 7th rib :r2 to the line connecting the navel with the left anterior superior iliac spine, about 6 cm far away from the spine :r3 to the line connecting the navel with the right axilla, about 6 cm far away from the navel :r4 to the line connecting the navel with the right anterior superior iliac spine, at the so called Mac Burney point :r5 no statement is true -- 41. The flexura coli dextra: :r1 is fixed to the diaphragm via the ligamentum phrenicocolicum :r2 is in connection with the visceral surface of the liver and gallbladder :r3 leaves an imprint in the pars descendens duodeni :r4 is attached to the liver via hepatoduodenal ligament :r5 no statement is true -- 42. The longitudinal stripes on the colon do not involve: :r1 taenia mesocolica :r2 taenia gastrica :r3 taenia omentalis :r4 taenia libera :r5 all longitudinal stripes are on the colon -- 43. For colon does not apply: :r1 its mucosa is covered with one-layered cylindrical epithelium :r2 colon has an inner circular muscular layer :r3 its mucosa contains villi :r4 on the surface of the colon is mainly serosa :r5 all the statements are true -- 44. The posterior wall of the appendix is usually in connection with: :r1 quadratus lumborum muscle :r2 internal obturator muscle :r3 crus mediale of the diaphragm :r4 psoas major muscle and iliac muscle :r5 all the statements are true -- 45. Of the following positions of the appendix is the most common: :r1 ileocaecal position :r2 pelvic position :r3 subcaecal position :r4 laterocaecal position :r5 praecaecal position -- 46. Mark the correct statement about the rectum: :r1 rectum has following parts: the fundus, ampulla, canalis analis :r2 rectum has following parts: pars pelvina, canalis analis, pars intramuralis :r3 the submucosal layer is missing in the rectum :r4 rectum starts at the level of L5-S1 :r5 no statement is correct -- 47. Mark the correct statement about the rectum: :r1 rectum is about 25 cm long :r2 its parts are ampulla recti and canalis analis :r3 the submucosal layer is missing in the rectum :r4 rectum has taenie :r5 no statement is correct -- 48. Mark the true statement about the rectum: :r1 sinus anales are components of the anal canal :r2 rectum contains Kohlrausch´s fold :r3 rectum begins at the level of S2-3 :r4 rectum is about 12-15cm long :r5 all the statements are true -- 49. Mark the true statement about the intestine: :r1 arteries of the small intestine form so-called ansae intestinales :r2 the islet accumulations of glandulae duodenales in the submucosal layer of the duodenal wall create the major and minor duodenal papilla :r3 ostium ileocaecale is provided with the bicuspid valve :r4 the completion of chemical digestion of food and absorption of nutrients occurs in the large intestine :r5 folliculi lymphatici solitarii are located in the jejunal mucosa -- 50. Mark the true statement about the intestine: :r1 haustra coli are mutually separated by taeniae :r2 caecum projects in the blindly terminated appendix vermiformis, thus it has no appendices epiploicae on its surface :r3 appendix vermiformis is of different shape, but mostly it has the fetal shape :r4 ampulla recti is situated above the diaphragma pelvis in the sacral concavity :r5 colon transversum hangs on the mesocolon transversum, which is attached to centrum tendineum of the diaphragm -- 51. Mark the true statement about the digestive tube: :r1 abdominal part of the muscular wall of the rectum is formed by the rectus abdominis muscle :r2 Meckel's diverticulum is also known as abdominal tonsilla :r3 on the surface of the colon are three longitudinal taeniae: mesocolic, mental and omental :r4 m. salpingopharyngeus is one of the levators of the pharynx :r5 no answer is correct -- 52. Mark the false statement: :r1 gastric cardia is located on the left side of the spine at the level of the T10 :r2 pylorus is located on the right side of the spine at the level of the L4 :r3 lesser omentum runs from the lesser curvature of the stomach to the porta hepatis :r4 greater omentum originates at greater curvature of the stomach :r5 all statements are true -- 53. Mark the correct statement: :r1 m. constrictor pharyngis inferior originates from hyoid bone :r2 flexura duodenojejunalis lies leftwards from L2 :r3 lesser curvature of the stomach (curvatura minor ventriculi) turns leftwards – to the spleen :r4 caecum is located in the left iliac fossa :r5 none of mentioned statements is correct -- 54. Mark the correct statement: :r1 sulcus salivarius is located along the greater curvature of the stomach :r2 oesophagus is the continuation of the larynx from the height of T2 :r3 parotid gland has usually only one duct :r4 cardia is a place of transition of the stomach into the duodenum :r5 no statement is correct -- 55. Mark the correct statement: :r1 m. constrictor pharyngis medius starts at cartilago thyroidea :r2 greater curvature of the stomach turns rightwards – to the liver :r3 flexura duodenojejunalis is located rightwards from L2 :r4 colon sigmoideum is located within the right iliac fossa :r5 no statement is correct Liver, pancreas, spleen and peritonem 1.The dorsal wall of the pancreas: :r1 is in contact with the mesocolon transversum :r2 is separated from large vessels (aorta and inferior vena cava) by the peritoneum in the adult :r3 is separated from large vessels (aorta and inferior vena cava) by thin connective tissue – the Treitz´s membrane :r4 portal vein is not located posterior to the caput pancreatis :r5 no statement is true -- 2.Pancreas: :r1 caput pancreatis is located on the left side of the gland :r2 caput pancreatis is located anterior to the L4 vertebra :r3 tuber omentale protrudes dorsally :r4 cauda pancreatis is directed towards the spleen :r5 no statement is true -- 3.Omentum minus (lesser omentum): :r1 extends from lesser curvature of the stomach (curvatura ventriculi minor) to the liver :r2 forms the anterior wall of omental bursa (lesser peritoneal sac) :r3 it is partly formed by the hepatogastric ligament :r4 it is partly formed by the hepatoduodenal ligament :r5 all statements are true -- 4.Hepatoduodenal ligament :r1 extends from the hepatic porta to the descending part of the duodenum. :r2 is part of the omentum majus (greater omentum) :r3 forms a lower margin of the falciform ligament of the liver (lig. falciforme hepatis). :r4 extends from the hepatic porta to the bulbus duodeni (pars superior) :r5 no statement is correct. -- 5.Falciform ligament of the liver (lig. falciforme hepatis): :r1 extends from the hepatic porta to lesser curvature of the stomach (curvatura minor ventriculi) :r2 extends from the liver to the anterior abdominal wall :r3 lies on and fuses with the colon transversum :r4 is a part of the greater omentum (omentum majus) :r5 no statement is true -- 6.Omental bursa (lesser peritoneal sac) is limited: :r1 dorsally by the pancreas, left kidney, diaphragm (all are covered by the peritoneum) :r2 ventrally only by the hepatoduodenal, hepatogastric and gastrolienal ligaments :r3 caudally by the pancreas and radix mesenterii :r4 ventrally only by greater omentum (omentum majus) and stomach :r5 cranially by mesocolon transversum -- 7.Hepatogastric ligament: :r1 is a part of the greater omentum (omentum majus) :r2 extends from the greater curvature of the stomach (curvatura major ventriculi) to the hepatic porta :r3 is a part of the falciform ligament of the liver (lig. falciforme hepatis) :r4 forms the dorsal wall of the lesser peritoneal sac (omental bursa) :r5 no answer is correct -- 8.Gastrocolic ligament: :r1 is a part of the lesser omentum (omentum minus) :r2 extends from the lesser curvature of the stomach (curvatura minor ventriculi) to the omental taenia of the descending colon :r3 is a part of the falciform ligament of the liver (lig. falciforme hepatis) :r4 forms the dorsal wall of omental bursa (lesser peritoneal sac) :r5 no statement is correct -- 9.A part of the greater omentum (omentum majus) is: :r1 the falciform ligament of the liver (lig. falciforme hepatis) :r2 hepatoduodenal and hepatogastric ligaments :r3 gastrocolic ligament :r4 gastrolienal ligament :r5 no statement is correct -- 10.Round ligament of the liver (ligamentum teres hepatis): :r1 is the obliterated umbilical artery :r2 extends from the hepatic porta to the duodenal bulb (bulbus duodeni) :r3 extends from the navel to the hepatic porta :r4 creates border of the epiploic (omental) foramen :r5 no statement is correct -- 11.A part of the lesser omentum (omentum minus) is: :r1 gastrolienal ligament :r2 hepatoduodenal and hepatogastric ligaments :r3 gastrocolic ligament :r4 round ligament of the liver (ligamentum teres hepatis) :r5 no statement is correct -- 12.Which of the following organs is located retroperitoneally? :r1liver :r2 spleen :r3 pancreas :r4 stomach :r5 neither of them is located retroperitoneally -- 13.Which of the following organs is not located intraperitoneally? :r1 pancreas :r2 spleen :r3 colon transversum :r4 stomach :r5 all of them are located intraperitoneally -- 14.Which of the following organs is not located intraperitoneally? :r1 colon sigmoideum :r2 spleen :r3 colon transversum :r4 liver :r5 all of them are located intraperitoneally -- 15.Hepatoduodenal ligament is a part of the: :r1 greater omentum (omentum majus) :r2 lesser omentum (omentum minus) :r3 falciform ligament of the liver (lig. falciforme hepatis) :r4 hepatogastric ligament :r5 no statement is correct -- 16.The root of mesentery extends: :r1 from the left colic flexure to the right iliac fossa :r2 from the pylorus to the right iliac fossa :r3 from the lower pole of the right kidney to the hilum of the left kidney :r4 from duodenojejunal flexure to the right iliac fossa :r5 no statement is correct -- 17.The recesses of peritoneum do not involve: :r1 left duodenal recess :r2 inferior ileocaecal recess :r3 paracolic recesses :r4 intersigmoid recess :r5 all mentioned recesses are the peritoneal recesses -- 18.Mark the false statement: :r1 phrenicocolic ligament extends from the right colic flexure to the diaphragm :r2 anterior wall of the omental bursa (lesser peritoneal sac) is partially formed by lesser omentum (omentum minus) :r3 lesser omentum extends from the lesser curvature of the stomach (curvatura minor ventriculi) to the hepatic porta :r4 greater omentum is attached to the greater curvature of the stomach (curvatura major ventriculi) :r5 all statements are convenient -- 19.Mark the correct statement: :r1 foramen epiploicum is anteriorly bounded by the greater omentum (omentum majus) :r2 mesocolon transversum crosses the descending part of the duodenum (pars descendens duodeni) :r3 lesser omentum (omentum minus) forms the caudal wall of the lesser sac (bursa omentalis) :r4 foramen epiploicum is a space below the stomach :r5 no statement is correct -- 20.Mesocolon transversum inserts posteriorly in the line defined by the: :r1 top of the right kidney and the lower edge of the duodenojejunal flexure :r2 caudal edge of the right kidney and the cranial edge of the spleen :r3 caudal edges of both kidneys :r4 head of the pancreas and the splenic hilum :r5 no statement is correct -- 21.Mark the correct statement describing the liver, pancreas and gallbladder: :r1 at the visceral surface of the liver are distinctive Z-shaped grooves, so called Z line :r2 the border between the right and left lobes of the liver is defined using the branches of the hepatic triad, it is formed by the so called area nuda (the bare area) :r3 the gallbladder hangs on the visceral surface of liver by means of the spiral fold :r4 splenic artery and vein run along the superior border of the pancreas; the vein creates an impression in the gland parenchyma :r5 a process, cauda pancreatis, extends from the posterior part of the pancreatic body behind the superior mesenteric vessels -- 22.Mark the correct statement pertaining to the description of the peritoneum and peritoneal cavity: :r1 gallbladder is ventrally covered by the visceral surface of the liver, therefore it belongs to the retroperitoneal organs :r2 hepatogastric and hepatoduodenal ligaments form together the greater omentum :r3 appendix vermiformis is, due to its length and mobility, an intermittent intra-and retroperitoneal organ :r4 lesser sac (omental bursa) is connected with the peritoneal cavity (greater sac) through the foramen epiploicum :r5 no statement is correct -- 23.Mark the correct statement: :r1 nasopharynx and oropharynx are connected together through isthmus faucium :r2 intestinum caecum continues into the descending colon :r3 hepatic porta is located at the diaphragmatic surface of the liver :r4 ductus choledochus runs anterior to the portal vein and right to the hepatic artery proper in the hepatoduodenal ligament :r5 no statement is correct -- 24.The gallbladder point is on the anterior abdominal wall: :r1 at the right third of the interspinous line (linea bispinalis) :r2 at the line connecting the navel with the right anterior superior iliac spine, about 6 cm far away from the spine :r3 at the line connecting the navel with the right axilla, about 6 cm far away from the navel :r4 at the intersection of the right midclavicular line with the costal arch :r5 no statement is correct -- 25.Mark the correct statement: :r1 spiral fold is inside the ductus choledochus :r2 capacity of the gallbladder is about 150 ml :r3 right hepatic duct (ductus hepaticus dexter) joins the cystic duct to form the ductus choledochus :r4 bile is produced by the hepatic cells :r5 no statement is correct -- 26.Mark the correct statement: :r1 ductus choledochus is formed by the union of the ductus pancreaticus major and the common hepatic duct (ductus hepaticus communis) :r2 ductus choledochus is formed by the union of the ductus pancreaticus minor and the common hepatic duct :r3 ductus choledochus is formed by the union of the cystic duct and the common hepatic duct :r4 ductus choledochus is formed by the union of the cystic duct and the right hepatic duct (ductus hepaticus dexter) :r5 no statement is correct -- 27.Fissura sagittalis sinistra at the visceral surface of the liver consists of the: :r1 fossa vesicae felleae anteriorly and fissura lig. teretis posteriorly :r2 fissura lig. teretis anteriorly and fossa vesicae felleae posteriorly :r3 fissura lig. teretis anteriorly and fissura ligamenti venosi posteriorly :r4 fossa vesicae felleae anteriorly and fossa venae cavae inferioris posteriorly :r5 no statement is correct -- 28.Mark the correct statement: :r1 pancreas produces bile :r2 inferior vena cava enters the liver through the hepatic porta :r3 ligamentum teres hepatis is placed anteriorly and ligamentum venosum posteriorly in the fissura sagittalis sinistra hepatis :r4 gallbladder is located in the fissura sagittalis sinistra hepatis :r5 no statement is correct -- 29.Mark the correct statement: :r1 right and the left hepatic ducts unite to form the common hepatic duct :r2 right and the left hepatic ducts join in the hepatic porta to form the ductus choledochus :r3 ductus choledochus opens at the papilla duodeni minor :r4 cystic duct extends from the hepatic porta and opens at the papilla duodeni minor :r5 no statement is correct -- 30.The peritoneal recesses: :r1 can become places of internal hernias :r2 duodenal recesses are located between the stomach and duodenum :r3 appendix vermiformis is usually located in the superior ileocaecal recess :r4 retrocaecal recess is posterior to the descending colon :r5 no statement is correct -- 31.Which of following ligaments is not made up of the peritoneum? :r1 gastrosplenic ligament :r2 hepatogastric ligament :r3 the falciform ligament of the liver (lig. falciforme hepatis) :r4 phrenicocolic ligament :r5 ligamentum venosum -- 32.Which of following organs is not in contact with the spleen? :r1 stomach :r2 duodenum :r3 left kidney :r4 left colic flexure :r5 all of them are in contact with the spleen -- 33.Infracolic compartment (pars inframesocolica): :r1 lies below the mesocolon transversum :r2 in its right side are located loops of small intestine, appendix vermiformis, ascending and transverse colon :r3 is part of the peritoneal cavity :r4 is divided by the root of mesentery into the right cranial and left caudal parts :r5 all the statements are true -- 34.Choose the correct statement about the peritoneal cavity: :r1 pancreas is an intraperitoneal organ :r2 spleen is located retroperitoneally :r3 foramen epiploicum connects the omental bursa with the peritoneal cavity :r4 stomach is located in its infracolic compartment :r5 all the statements are correct -- 35The longitudinal axis of the spleen runs: :r1 along the 9th left rib :r2 along the 9th right rib :r3 along the 10th right rib :r4 along the 10th left rib :r5 no statement is correct -- 36.Bursa omentalis can run out in the: :r1 superior recess, right recess, left recess, inferior recess :r2 superior recess, inferior recess, splenic recess :r3 superior recess, gastric recess, inferior recess :r4 superior recess, pancreatic recess, inferior recess :r5 no statement is correct -- 37The infracolic compartment of the peritoneal cavity : :r1 is usually covered by the greater omentum (omentum majus) anteriorly :r2 root of mesentery divides it into two parts :r3 contains the caudal part of the duodenum, loops of the small intestine, caecum with the appendix vermiformis, ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid colon, and cranial part of the rectum :r4 organs in this region are supplied from the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries :r5 all statements are correct -- 38.Peritoneum: :r1 is the ligament :r2 is aponeurosis :r3 is a thin serous membrane :r4 is the adventitia :r5 no answer is correct -- 39.Vesica biliaris: :r1 produces bile :r2 the ductus choledochus is its outlet :r3 within its outlet runs the plica salivaria :r4 fundus vesicae biliaris touches the abdominal wall at the intersection of the right midclavicular line with the cartilage of the 7th right ribs :r5 no answer is correct -- 40.On the left hepatic lobe is an imprint of the: :r1 stomach :r2 duodenum :r3 colon transversum :r4 left kidney :r5 right kidney -- 41.Pancreas is: :r1 an endocrine gland :r2 an exocrine gland :r3 serous tuboalveolar gland :r4 lobular gland :r5 all answers are true -- 42.The liver is: :r1 completely covered by serosa :r2 completely covered by adventitia :r3 the largest gland of the human body :r4 divided by fissura sagittalis dextra into the left and right lobe :r5 no answer is true -- 43.Cardiac impression is found at: :r1 the visceral surface of the liver :r2 the caudate lobe of the liver :r3 the lobus quadratus of the liver :r4 the diaphragmatic surface of the liver :r5 no answer is correct -- 44.Fissura sagittalis dextra at the visceral surface of the liver is formed by the: :r1 fissura ligamenti teretis and fissura ligamenti venosi :r2 fissura ligamenti venosi anteriorly and fissura ligamenti teretis posteriorly :r3 fossa vesicae biliaris and sulcus venae cavae inferioris :r4 lobus quadratus and lobus caudatus :r5 no statement is correct -- 45.Groove of the inferior vena cava (sulcus v. cavae inferioris) is located: :r1 along the porta hepatis :r2 between the impressio colica and impressio renalis :r3 next to the impressio gastrica :r4 right from the impressio cardiaca :r5 no answer is correct -- 46.Which of following impressions are at the surface of the liver? :r1 impressio colica :r2 impressio cardiaca :r3 impressio renalis :r4 impressio gastrica :r5 all answers are true -- 47.Portal vein lies: :r1 dorsal to the ductus choledochus and arteria hepatica propria :r2 ventrally from the ductus choledochus and arteria hepatica propria :r3 at the right side of the ductus choledochus and arteria hepatica propria :r4 at the left side of the ductus choledochus and arteria hepatica propria :r5 no answer is correct -- 48.Ductus choledochus: :r1 is created by the union of the cystic duct and common hepatic duct (ductus hepaticus communis) :r2 portal vein is located dorsal to ductus choledochus :r3 the terminal part of the ductus choledochus opens together with the ductus pancreaticus major in the descending part of duodenum :r4 is about 5-8 cm long :r5 all answers are true Muscles of the abdomen 1. Select the correct statement about the transversus abdominis muscle: : r1 It starts from the linea intermedia of the iliac crest. : r2 Its derivative is pyramidalis muscle. : r3 It is the innermost muscle from the group of lateral abdominal muscles. : r4 It participates in the trunk anteroflexion. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 2. Select the correct statement about the rectus sheath (vagina m. recti abdominis): : r1 Ventral sheet is made up by aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle. : r2 Linea arcuata is located posterior to the rectus abdominis muscle. : r3 No aponeurotic layer is caudal to the linea arcuata posterior to the rectus muscle. : r4 Aponeurosis of the internal oblique muscle is split into two sheets cranially from the linea arcuata. : r5 All statements are correct. -- 3. Structures forming the navel do not involve: : r1 Umbilical ring (Anulus umbilicalis) : r2 Umbilical papilla : r3 Umbilical fascia : r4 Falciform ligament of the liver : r5 Umbilical scar - 4. Superficial inguinal ring (Anulus inguinalis superficialis) is: : r1 bounded medially by fibrae intercrurales. : r2 a hole in the aponeurosis of internal oblique muscle. : r3 reinforced by the course of the internal spermatic fascia. : r4 supplemented by reflected inguinal ligament (lig. inguinale reflexum) mediocaudally. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 5. The cranial wall of the inguinal canal is made up by: : r1 Fascia of the transverse abdominal muscle. : r2 Inferior margins of the internal oblique muscle and transverse abdominal muscles. : r3 Flashy fibers of external oblique muscle. : r4 Transversalis fascia. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 6. For the posterior wall of the inguinal canal is valid: : r1 It is formed by an anterior lamina of aponeurosis of the internal oblique muscle. : r2 We can find the superficial inguinal ring (anulus inguinalis superficialis) here. : r3 It contributes to the muscle fibers of cremaster muscle. : r4 Interfoveolar ligament containing inferior epigastric vessels borders the medial edge of the deep inguinal ring (anulus inguinalis profundus). : r5 No statement is correct. -- 7. Select the true statement describing the abdominal muscles: : r1 Quadriceps lumborum belongs to the posterior group of abdominal muscles. : r2 Both rectus sheaths create tendineous band in the midline called linea arcuata. : r3 Pyramidalis muscle starts from the xiphoid process, muscle fibers converge to the midline caudally. : r4 Muscle fibers of the cremaster muscle originate from the internal and external oblique muscles. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 8. Abdominal muscles do not involve: : r1 Pyramidalis : r2 Rectus abdominis : r3 Quadriceps lumborum : r4 Transversus abdominis : r5 All these muscles belong to the group of abdominal muscles. -- 9. Abdominal muscles are not involved in: : r1 Movements of the trunk. : r2 Compression and support of the abdominal viscera. : r3 Breathing. : r4 Defecation. : r5 Hip flexion. -- 10.Select the correct statement about the rectus abdominis muscle: : r1 Its function is rotation of the body. : r2 Transversalis fascia covers its ventral surface. : r3 7-8 tendinous intersections anchor the muscle to the posterior layer of the rectus sheath. : r4 It is broad and thin inferiorly and narrow and thick superiorly. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 11. Select the correct statement about the external oblique muscle: : r1 It originates from the inguinal ligament. : r2 Unilateral contraction rotates the spine with a chest to the opposite side. : r3 Its fibers direct mediocranially. : r4 Superficial inguinal ring is an opening in the fleshy part of the muscle. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 12. Select the correct statement about the internal oblique muscle: : r1 Its caudal edge is reinforced by the inguinal ligament. : r2 Unilateral contraction rotates the chest to the opposite side. : r3 Unilateral contraction helps rotate the chest to the contracted side. : r4 Muscle fibers direct mediocaudally. : r5 No statement is correct.— 13. Select the correct statement about the transversus abdominis muscle: : r1 It originates from the external lip of the iliac crest of the hip bone. : r2 It is covered by the transversalis fascia ventrally. : r3 It is covered by the peritoneum dorsally. : r4 It contains an opening called deep inguinal ring (anulus inguinalis profundus). : r5 No statement is correct. -- 14. For the inguinal canal is true: : r1 It is 20 cm long. : r2 Broad ligament of the uterus (lig. latum uteri) passes through the canal in a woman. : r3 Deep inguinal ring corresponds to the medial inguinal fossa. : r4 Superficial inguinal ring lies in the fleshy part of the external oblique muscle. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 15. Select the true statement: : r1 Cremaster muscle derives from the external oblique muscle. : r2 Superficial inguinal ring lies in the muscular part of the external oblique muscle. : r3 Conjoint tendon (falx inguinalis) is a reinforcement of the external oblique muscle. : r4 Round ligament of the uterus passes through the inguinal canal in a woman. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 16. Select the correct statement about the interfoveolar ligament: : r1 It originates from the rectus abdominis muscle. : r2 It separates the superficial inguinal ring from the deep inguinal ring. : r3 It is reinforced strip of transversus abdominis muscle. : r4 It bounds the inguinal triangle laterally. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 17. Inguinal triangle: : r1 lies lateral to the conjoint tendon (falx inguinalis). : r2 lies medial to the interfoveolar ligament containing inferior epigastric vessels. : r3 Direct inguinal hernias can pass through this triangle. : r4 It lies posterior to the superficial inguinal ring. : r5 All statements are correct. -- 18. Select the false statement: : r1 Indirect inguinal hernia passes through the whole inguinal canal. : r2 Round ligament of the liver (lig. teres hepatis) is a remnant of the umbilical vein. : r3 Interfoveolar ligament borders deep inguinal ring medially. : r4 Anterior wall of the inguinal canal is made up by muscle fibers of the external oblique muscle. : r5 None of statements is convenient.— 19. Which of following muscles, rotates the trunk to the side opposite during unilateral contraction? : r1 Transversus abdominis : r2 Internal oblique muscle : r3 External oblique muscle : r4 Quadratus lumborum : r5 All of mentioned muscles have this action. : ok -- 20. Select the true statement about the cremaster muscle: : r1 It passes through the inguinal canal. : r2 It derives from the internal oblique muscle. : r3 It draws the testicle superiorly. : r4 It derives from the transversus abdominis muscle. : r5 All statements are correct -- 21. Select a false statement concerning the rectus sheath (vagina m. recti abdominis): : r1 It is made up of muscle fibers of oblique abdominal muscles. : r2 Its posterior one third is missing, only transversalis fascia covers its posterior side. : r3 Rectus sheaths of both sides meet in the linea alba in the midline. : r4 In the halfway of the linea alba is a weak area known as the umbilical scar. : r5 None of the statements is convenient. -- 22. The ventral layer of the rectus sheath (vagina m. recti abdominis): : r1 is made up by the anterior sheet of aponeurosis of the internal oblique muscle. : r2 is made up by the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle. : r3 in the midline, is connected through the linea alba with contralateral rectus sheath. : r4 is made also by aponeurosis of trasversus abdominis muscle in the lower third. : r5 All statements are correct. -- 23. Select the correct statement about the linea alba: : r1 It is reinforced fibrous band connected to the lig. inguinale : r2 Rectus abdominis muscle originates from it. : r3 It extends from the anterior superior iliac spine to the symphysis. : r4 It extends from the processus xiphoideus to the pubic symphysis. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 24. Select the correct statement about transversalis fascia: : r1 It forms the posterior wall of the inguinal canal. : r2 It covers the transversus abdominis muscle. : r3 There is an opening in it called anulus umbilicalis profundus. : r4 It is reinforced by lig. interfoveolare. : r5 All statements are correct. -- 25. Select the correct statement: : r1 Anulus inguinalis superficialis lies in the aponeurosis of internal oblique muscle. : r2 Interfoveolar ligament is reinforced aponeurosis of external oblique muscle. : r3 Anulus inguinalis profundus corresponds to the fossa inguinalis lateralis. : r4 Anulus inguinalis profundus is bounded by crus laterale et crus mediale : r5 No statement is correct— 26. Aponeurosis of external oblique muscle: : r1 It makes the back sheet of the rectus sheath (vagina m. recti abdominis). : r2 Anulus inguinalis profundus is located in the aponeurosis. : r3 It forms the anterior wall of canalis inguinalis. : r4 It is reinforced by the interfoveolar ligament. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 27. Select the correct statement about fossa inguinalis lateralis: : r1 Direct inguinal hernias pass through it. : r2 It contains the anulus inguinalis superficialis. : r3 It is bounded by the interfoveolar ligament laterally. : r4 It is bounded by falx inguinalis medially. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 28. Select the correct statement about falx inguinalis: : r1 It is the reinforcement of external oblique muscle. : r2 Inguinal triangle lies laterally from it. : r3 Inguinal triangle lies medially from it. : r4 It bounds the anulus inguinalis profundus laterally. : r5 All statements are correct. -- 29. Weak places of the abdominal wall involve: : r1 Umbilicus : r2 Trigonum lumbale : r3 Canalis inguinalis : r4 Tetragon Krausei : r5 All these structures are the weak places of the abdominal wall. -- 30. Anterior wall of canalis inguinalis is made up by: : r1 Fascia transversalis : r2 Aponeurosis of external oblique muscle : r3 Aponeurosis of internal oblique muscle : r4 Fascia abdominis superficialis : r5 No statement is correct. -- 31. Aponeurosis of transverse abdominal muscle: : r1 forms the posterior wall of canalis inguinalis. : r2 is part of the dorsal sheet of the rectus sheath (vagina m. recti abdominis). : r3 contains the anulus inguinalis profundus. : r4 attaches to the lig. interfoveolare. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 32. Select a false statement about the aponeurosis of external oblique muscle: : r1 It forms the anterior sheet of the rectus sheath (vagina m. recti abdominis). : r2 Anulus inguinalis superficialis is the opening in it . : r3 It forms the superior border of the canal inguinalis. : r4 It connects with the ventral sheet of the aponeurosis of internal oblique muscle. : r5 No statement is convenient. -- 33. Lateral umbilical ligament is a remnant of the: : r1 Urachus : r2 Umbilical vein : r3 Umbilical artery : r4 Ductus omphaloentericus : r5 No statement is correct. -- 34. The floor of the trigonum lumbale is made up by: : r1 Transversus abdominis muscle : r2 Internal oblique muscle : r3 External oblique muscle : r4 Quadratus lumborum muscle : r5 No statement is correct. -- 35. Fibrae intercrurales of the anulus inguinalis superficialis: : r1 are made by crus anterius et posterius. : r2 are made by muscle fibers of the external oblique muscle. : r3 form its laterocranial border. : r4 continue to the ligamentum inguinale reflexum laterally. : r5 All statements are correct. -- 36. Select the correct statement about linea arcuata: : r1 It forms the border between aponeurotic and fleshy parts of abdominal muscles. : r2 It is the lateral continuation of the linea alba. : r3 It lies between the spina iliaca anterior superior and tuberculum pubicum. : r4 It forms the margin between the aponeurotical and fascial parts of the dorsal layer of the rectus sheath (vagina m. recti abdominis). : r5 No statement is correct. -- 37. Which of following muscles participates at the formation of the abdominal press: : r1 external oblique muscle : r2 internal oblique muscle : r3 transversus abdominis : r4 rectus abdominis : r5 All mentioned muscles participate at the formation of the abdominal press. -- 38. Lateral border of the inguinal triangle is formed by: : r1 Falx inguinalis : r2 Ligamentum umbilicale mediale : r3 Ligamentum interfoveolare : r4 Ligamentum inguinale : r5 No statement is correct. -- 39. Anulus inguinalis profundus: : r1 is medially bounded by interfoveolar ligament. : r2 is the opening in the transversalis fascia : r3 Inferior epigastric vessels run medial to it : r4 Indirect hernias enter it. : r5 All statements are correct. -- 40. Inferior wall of the inguinal canal is made by: : r1 Interfoveolar ligament : r2 Transversus abdominis muscle : r3 Cremaster muscle : r4 Inguinal ligament : r5 No statement is correct. -- 41. Select the correct statement about canalis inguinalis: : r1 Ventral wall consists of aponeurosis of internal oblique muscle. : r2 Direct inguinal hernias pass through the whole canal. : r3 Its caudal border forms ligamentum interfoveolare. : r4 Round ligament of the uterus passes through the canal in women. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 42. Intersectiones tendinae: : r1 are apouneuroses of abdominal muscles. : r2 connect processus xiphoideus with pubic symphysis. : r3 are tendons incorporated in the transversus abdominis muscle. : r4 are found in a number of 3-4 in the rectus abdominis muscle. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 43. Select the correct statement about pyramidalis muscle: : r1 It belongs to the lateral group of abdominal muscles. : r2 It derives from the internal oblique muscle. : r3 It lies between the tuberculum pubicum and the spina iliaca anterior inferior. : r4 It is inervated by intercostal nerves. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 44. Canalis inguinalis: : r1 is a canal in the groin below the inguinal ligament. : r2 in women is more spacious than in men. : r3 has a length of 10-12 cm. : r4 is a canal in the anterior abdominal wall cranially from the inguinal ligament : r5 hernias, which passes through it, are referred to as umbilical hernias -- 45. Abdominal fasciae involve: : r1 Fascia abdominis superficialis. : r2 Fascia abdominalis profunda. : r3 Fascia of the rectus abdominis muscle. : r4 Fascia of the quadratus lumborum muscle. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 46. Dorsal layer of the rectus sheath (vagina m. recti abdominis): : r1 is made up by rectus abdominis aponeurosis. : r2 is formed by aponeurosis of internal and external oblique muscles along its entire length. : r3 is formed by fascia transversalis along its entire length. : r4 fascia transversalis forms its lower part. : r5 No statement is correct -- 47. Select the true statement about the rectus sheath (vagina m. recti abdominis): : r1 Ventral layer is terminated by the linea arcuata below the navel. : r2 Aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle is contributes to both anterior and posterior layers of the rectus sheath. : r3 Transversus abdominis does not participate in the formation of the rectus sheath. : r4 It is created first after birth. : r5 No statement is correct. Muscles of the head and neck 1. Select the correct statement about musculus mylohyoideus: : r1 It contributes to the formation of muscular floor of the mouth. : r2 It is auxillary depressant of the mandible. : r3 It originates at linea mylohyoidea mandibulae. : r4 It is paired muscle : r5 All statements are correct. -- 2. Mark the false statement about the musculus longus capitis: : r1 It is covered by lamina praevertebralis of the cervical fascia : r2 It attaches to pars basilaris ossis occipitalis : r3 It belongs to nuchal muscles. : r4 It is innervated from the cervical plexus. : r5 Bilateral contraction bends the head forward. -- 3. Mark the false statement about the musculus longus colli: : r1 It belongs to the prevertebral muscles. : r2 It attaches to pars basilaris ossis occipitalis. : r3 Bilateral contraction helps bend the head. : r4 It is covered by the lamina praevertebralis of the cervical fascia : r5 No statement is convenient. -- 4. Sternocleidomastoid muscle: : r1 lies superficial to the cervical fascia. : r2 forms the border between the anterior and lateral cervical regions. : r3 attaches to the styloid process. : r4 originates with two heads from the clavicle. : r5 All statements are correct. -- 5. Muscles of the mouth do not include: : r1 m. procerus : r2 m. orbicularis oris : r3 m. zygomaticus major : r4 m. buccinator : r5 no statement is correct -- 6. Musculus pterygoideus medialis is attached: : r1 to the fossa pterygoidea at the processus condylaris of the mandible. : r2 to the tuberositas pterygoidea at the angulus mandibulae. : r3 to the tuberositas masseterica at the angulus mandibulae. : r4 to the processus pterygoideus of the maxilla. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 7. Musculus pterygoideus lateralis is attached: : r1 to the fovea pterygoidea at processus condylaris of the mandible. : r2 to the tuberositas pterygoidea at the angulus mandibulae. : r3 to the tuberositas masseterica at the angulus mandibulae. : r4 to the processus pterygoideus of the maxilla. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 8. Select the correct statement about muscles of facial expression: : r1 They are innervated from trigeminal nerve. : r2 They are innervated from facial nerve. : r3 They are covered by thick fasciae. : r4 They are non-striated muscles. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 9. Musculus masseter is attached: : r1 to the fossa pterygoidea at the processus condylaris mandibulae. : r2 to the tuberositas masseterica at the processus condylaris mandibulae. : r3 to the tuberositas masseterica at the angulus mandibulae. : r4 to the caput mandibulae. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 10. Musculus temporalis is attached: : r1 to the processus condylaris mandibulae. : r2 to the tuberositas pterygoidea at the angulus mandibulae. : r3 to the tuberositas masseterica at the angulus mandibulae. : r4 to the caput mandibulae. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 11. It is true that: : r1 m. temporalis is attached to the fovea pterygoidea. : r2 m. pterygoideus lateralis is attached to the fossa pterygoidea. : r3 m. pterygoideus medialis originates at tuber maxillae and in the fossa pterygoidea. : r4 m. pterygoideus medialis is attached to the tuber maxillae and to the fovea pterygoidea. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 12. Masticatory muscles involve: : r1 m. buccinator : r2 m. zygomaticus major : r3 m. zygomaticus minor : r4 m. temporalis : r5 m. procerus -- 13. It is true that: : r1 m. temporalis is attached to the fovea pterygoidea. : r2 masticatory muscles are innervated from the facial nerve (CN VII). : r3 m. masseter originates at the maxilla. : r4 facial muscles are innervated from trigeminal nerve (CN V). : r5 No statement is correct. -- 14. Musculus masseter originates: : r1 from the styloid process of the temporal bone. : r2 from the arc and the corpus of the zygomatic bone. : r3 caudally from the linea temporalis superior of the temporal region. : r4 near the incisura mastoidea of the occipital bone. : r5 No statement is correct. -- 15. For m.epicranius applies: : r1 It covers the entire vault of the skull. : r2 Its anterior part is called m. frontalis. : r3 Its tendon is called galea aponeurotica. : r4 Its dorsal part is referred to as m. occipitalis. : r5 All statements are correct. -- 16. M. buccinator does not originate from: :r1 Raphe pterygomandibularis :r2 Ramus mandibulae :r3 Processus alveolaris superior :r4 Processus alveolaris inferior :r5 No statement is cnvenient. -- 17. Select the incorrect statement about m. levator labii superioris alaeque nasi: :r1 It raises the upper lip. :r2 It extends nose holes. :r3 It pulls the corners of the mouth down. :r4 It originates from dorsum nasi. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 18. Select the correct statement about m. procerus: :r1 It forms vertical wrinkles on the radix nasi. :r2 It forms transverse wrinkles on the radix nasi. :r3 It forms the dimple in the face. :r4 It forms wrinkles on the forehead. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 19. Select the correct statement about m.occipitofrontalis: :r1 Its venter occipitalis originates at the linea nuchae inferior. :r2 Its lateral fibers originate from the upper edge of the cartilage of the ear lobe. :r3 Venter frontalis forms vertical wrinkles on the forehead. :r4 Venter frontalis originates in the skin of the upper eyelid and forehead. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 20. Select the correct statement about musculus platysma: :r1 It originates from cranial ribs. :r2 It lies beneath the superficial cervical fascia. :r3 It belongs to the auxiliary inspiratory muscles. :r4 It lies just under the skin. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 21. Select the correct statement about musculus digastricus: :r1 Its venter posterior originates at the linea nuchae inferior. :r2 Its incorporated tendon is attached to the greater horns of hyoid bone. :r3 Its venter anterior is attached to the spina mentalis mandibulae. :r4 It belongs to the suprahyoid muscles. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 22. Select the correct statement about musculus omohyoideus: :r1 Its venter inferior originates from angulus inferior scapulae. :r2 It has two heads. :r3 It is a riser of the scapula. :r4 It is closely related to the vena jugularis interna. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 23. Select the correct statement about musculi scaleni: :r1 They extend the cervical spine. :r2 Their bilateral contraction results in flexion of the head and neck. :r3 They belong to the auxiliary expiratory muscles. :r4 They are four paired muscles. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 24. Select the correct statement about musculus scalenus anterior: :r1 It is the auxiliary inspiratory muscle. :r2 It attaches to the first rib. :r3 Its bilateral contraction bends forward the cervical spine. :r4 It originates from the processus transversi of the C3 to C6. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 25. Select the correct statement about cervical fascia: :r1 Superficial lamina of the cervical fascia lies under the skin and m. platysma. :r2 Lamina praetrachealis encases infrahyoid muscles and thyroid gland. :r3 Lamina superficialis fasciae cervicalis passes to the fascia nuchae. :r4 Praevertebralis lamina of the cervical fascia covers the prevertebral muscles and m. levator scapulae. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 26. Trigonum colli laterale: :r1 is bordered by the trapezius muscle, posterior margin of sternocleidomastoid muscle and the lower belly of omohyoid muscle. :r2 is divided into the trigonum caroticum and trigonum omotrapezium. :r3 is bordered by m. trapezius, posterior margin of sternocleidomastoid muscle and the clavicle. :r4 is divided by two bellies of musculus digastricus. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 27. Trigonum caroticum: :r1 is bordered by anterior belly of m. digastricus, superior belly of m. omohyoideus and ventral margin of the m. sternocleidomastoideus. :r2 is a triangle within the trigonum colli laterale. :r3 is bordered by the median plane, anterior belly of m. digastricus and hyoid bone. :r4 is bordered by posterior belly of m. digastricus, superior belly of m. omohyoideus and ventral margin of the m. sternocleidomastoideus. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 28. Select the correct statement about the musculi pterygoidei: :r1 M. pterygoideus lateralis originates at tuber maxillae. :r2 Function of m. pterygoideus medialis is mandibular flexion. :r3 Mm. pterygoidei belong to the muscles of facial expression. :r4 M. pterygoideus lateralis is related to temporomandibular joint. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 29. Select the incorrect statement about the muscles of the oral orifice: :r1 M. orbicularis oris narrows the mouth. :r2 M. zygomaticus major is attached to the skin in sulcus nasolabialis. :r3 M. buccinator is attached to the skin of the chin . :r4 All muscles of this group are innervated by CN VII (facial nerve). :r5 No statement is cnvenient. -- 30. Select the correct statement about the neck muscles: :r1 All infrahyoid muscles are attached to the hyoid bone. :r2 Venter posterior m. digastrici originates in the incisura mastoidea ossis temporalis. :r3 M.omohyoideus belongs to the suprahyoid muscles. :r4 Trigonum caroticum is bordered by m.sternocleidomastoideus, venter anterior m.digastrici and venter inferior m.omohyoidei. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 31. Select the correct statement about the neck muscles: :r1 Certain neck muscles are innervated from the cervical plexus. :r2 Caudal border of the trigonum omoclaviculare is formed by the clavicle. :r3 Béclard´s angle is the site of ligation of the lingual artery. :r4 M. scalenus anterior and m. scalenus medius border the fissura scalenorum. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 32. Suprahyoid muscles do not involve: :r1 M. digastricus :r2 M. stylohyoideus :r3 M. omohyoideus :r4 M. mylohyoideus :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 33. Infrahyoid muscles do not involve: :r1 M. sternohyoideus :r2 M. omohyoideus :r3 M. sternothyroideus :r4 M. digastricus :r5 M. thyrohyoideus -- 34. Select the incorrect statement about m.platysma: :r1 It belongs to the muscles of facial expression. :r2 It is innervated from n. facialis (CN VII.) :r3 Its surface is covered with fascia. :r4 It is paired muscle that tightens the skin of the neck. :r5 It lies superficially on the lamina superficialis fasciae cervicalis. -- 35. Suprahyoid muscles do not involve: :r1 m. styloglossus :r2 m. stylohyoideus :r3 m. mylohyoideus :r4 m. digastricus :r5 m. geniohyoideus -- 36. Which of following muscles does not close the mouth? :r1 m. masseter :r2 m. temporalis :r3 m. pterygoideus lateralis :r4 m. pterygoideus medialis :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 37. Dimples in the face are caused by: :r1 M. levator anguli oris :r2 M. risorius :r3 M. depressor anguli oris :r4 M. zygomaticus major :r5 No statement is correct. -- 38. Dimple in the chin is caused by: :r1 M. depressor anguli oris :r2 M. mentalis :r3 M. depressor labii inferioris :r4 M. orbicularis oris :r5 No statement is correct. -- 39. Which muscles involve galea aponeurotica? :r1 Muscles of oral orifice :r2 Muscles of cranial vault :r3 Muscles of eye orifice :r4 Masticatory muscles :r5 No answer is correct -- 40. Which of following muscles does not form the bottom of the oral cavity? :r1 M. mylohyoideus :r2 M. digastricus :r3 M. genioglossus :r4 M. geniohyoideus :r5 No answer is convenient -- 41. Lamina praetrachealis fasciae cervicalis: :r1 lies superficial to the m. platysma. :r2 wraps m. sternocleidomastoideus. :r3 wraps infrahyoid muscles and thyroid gland. :r4 covers praevertebral muscles and pass on mm. scaleni. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 42. Lamina praevertebralis fasciae cervicalis: :r1 covers m. platysma. :r2 wraps m. sternocleidomastoideus. :r3 wraps infrahyoid muscles. :r4 covers praevertebral muscles and pass on mm. scaleni. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 43. Trigonum submentale is bordered by: :r1 anterior bellies of both digastric muscles and body of hyoid bone. :r2 anterior belly of m.digastricus and caudal margin of the mandibular body. :r3 anterior and posterior bellies of m.digastricus and caudal margin of the mandibular body. :r4 ventral margin of m. platysma and caudal margin of the mandibular body. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 44. Trigonum omotrapezium: :r1 does not belong to the triangles of the neck. :r2 is bordered by m. sternocleidomastoideus, m. trapezius and inferior belly of m. omohyoideus. :r3 is a part of the trigonum colli mediale. :r4 is used for ligation of a. lingualis known as trigonum Pirogovi. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 45. In the trigonum colli laterale is located: :r1 Trigonum submandibulare :r2 Trigonum submentale :r3 Trigonum caroticum :r4 Trigonum omoclaviculare :r5 No statement is correct. -- 46. In the trigonum colli mediale is located: :r1 Trigonum submentale :r2 Trigonum submandibulare :r3 Trigonum caroticum :r4 Béclard´s angle :r5 All statements are correct. -- 47. Which of following muscles is not the masticatory one? :r1 M. masseter :r2 M. temporalis :r3 M. pterygoideus medialis :r4 M. buccinator :r5 M. pterygoideus lateralis -- 48. Which of following muscles is not a muscle of facial expression? :r1 M. masseter :r2 M. buccinator :r3 M. zygomaticus major :r4 M. orbicularis oculi :r5 M. mentalis -- 49. Which of following muscles is not a muscle of facial expression? :r1 M.orbicularis oris :r2 M.depresor labii inferioris :r3 M.risorius :r4 M.masseter :r5 M.occipitofrontalis Test 2 Respiratory system 1. Parts of the external nose are: :r1 Radix, basis, dorsum, apex. :r2 Alae, apex, radix, cervix :r3 Radix, dorsum, alae, apex. :r4 Radix, corpus, alae, dorsum. :r5 Corpus, cuspis, dorsum, alae. -- 2. Upper respiratory tract does not include: :r1 Cavum nasi osseum :r2 Nasopharynx :r3 Larynx :r4 Nasus externus :r5 Vestibulum nasi -- 3. Mark the incorrect statement. Cartilago septi nasi: :r1 connects with the lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidalis. :r2 forms the back part of the nasal septum. :r3 connects with ossa nasalia. :r4 underlies the dorsum nasi. :r5 connects with the vomer. -- 4. Select the correct statement about cartilago nasi lateralis: :r1 It is paired cartilage. :r2 It connects with the cartilago septi nasi. :r3 It is inserted under the nasal bones. :r4 It is the base of the cartilaginous part of the dorsum nasi. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 5. Select the correct statement about vestibulum nasi: :r1 Its walls are covered with the skin. :r2 It reaches the agger nasi. :r3 Its walls are covered with the mucosa. :r4 In adulthood, there are hairs called trichia. :r5 All the statements are correct. -- 6. Select the correct statement about cavum nasi proprium: :r1 It lies dorsally from limen nasi. :r2 Caudal wall separates it from the oral cavity. :r3 Ductus nasolacrimalis opens to its meatus nasi inferior. :r4 Its meatus nasi medius lies between concha nasalis inferior et media. :r5 All the statements are correct. -- 7. Select the correct statement about cavum nasi proprium: :r1 It is a paired cavity. :r2 Caudal wall separates it from the oral cavity. :r3 Hiatus semilunaris opens to the meatus nasi medius. :r4 Meatus nasi medius lies between the concha nasalis inferior et media :r5 All the statements are correct. -- 8. Select the correct statement about meatus nasi inferior: :r1 It is located between the concha nasalis inferior et media. :r2 Sinus maxillaris opens here. :r3 It is located under the concha nasalis inferior. :r4 Sinus frontalis opens here. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 9. Select the correct statement about meatus nasi medius: :r1 Cellulae ethmoidales posteriores open here. :r2 Sinus frontalis opens here. :r3 It is located above the concha nasalis media. :r4 Ductus nasolacrimalis opens here. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 10. Select the correct statement about meatus nasi superior: :r1 Sinus maxillaris opens here. :r2 Sinus frontalis opens here. :r3 Cellulae ethmoidales anteriores open here. :r4 It is located above the concha nasalis media. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 11. Select the correct statement about meatus nasi medius: :r1 Ductus nasolacrimalis opens here. :r2 Sinus sphenoidalis opens here. :r3 It is located above the concha nasalis media. :r4 Cellulae ethmoidales posteriores open here. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 12. Select the correct statement about nasal mucosa: :r1 It is covered by the stratified ciliated epithelium in the regio olfactoria. :r2 It is continuous with the mucosa of paranasal sinuses. :r3 Regio respiratoria is located on the ceiling, on the lateral wall in region of the upper turbinate and in the part of the nasal septum. :r4 It is covered with squamous epithelium in regio respiratoria. :r5 It is not underlain by submucosa. -- 13. Select the correct statement about sinus paranasales: :r1 They start to develop in puberty. :r2 The largest one is the maxillary sinus with a capacity of about 25 ccm. :r3 Sinus frontalis opens into the meatus nasi communis. :r4 They reach their final size in around 40 years of age. :r5 They are clinically insignificant. -- 14. Select the correct statement about larynx: :r1 It is a fibrous organ. :r2 It lies anterior to pharynx. :r3 It is a part of the upper respiratory tract. :r4 It extends from C1 to C6 vertebrae. :r5 It continues as bronchi principales caudally. -- 15. Laryngeal cartilages do not involve: :r1 Cartilago thyroidea :r2 Cartilago erythroidea :r3 Cartilago cuneiformis :r4 Cartilago cricoidea :r5 All these cartilages form the basis of larynx. -- 16. Select the incorrect statement about larynx: :r1 It is a part of the upper respiratory tract. :r2 Cartilago epiglottica is a part of the larynx. :r3 It participates in the creation of voice. :r4 Its cavity has the shape of an hourglass (sandglass). :r5 Ligamenta vocalia are true vocal ligaments. -- 17. Select the correct statement about cartilago thyroidea: :r1 It has cornu anterius et posterius. :r2 It has articular surfaces for connection with cartilago arytaenoidea. :r3 M. thyrohyoideus originates from its linea obliqua. :r4 M. sternohyoideus ends at its linea obliqua. :r5 It is a place of origin of paries membranaceus tracheae. -- 18. Select the correct statement about cartilago cricoidea: :r1 Arcus cartilaginis cricoideae forms its dorsal part. :r2 It is connected by joints only with cartilago thyroidea. :r3 It is connected by ligaments with bronchi. :r4 Conus elasticus is connected to it. :r5 All the statements are correct. -- 19. Select the correct statement about cartilago arytaenoidea: :r1 Ligamentum ventriculare is attached to its processus vocalis. :r2 It is connected by a synovial joint with cartilago thyroidea. :r3 Muscles of the larynx are attached only at its processus muscularis. :r4 Fovea oblonga is located on its facies medialis. :r5 Facies medialis borders pars intercartilaginea rimae glottidis. -- 20. Select the correct statement about cartilago epiglottica: :r1 Its base is formed by paired fibrous cartilage. :r2 It connects to the cartilago cricoidea. :r3 Its function is affected by m. cricoepiglotticus. :r4 Its narrow part is called petiolus epiglottidis :r5 All statements are correct. -- 21. Select the correct statement about m. cricothyroideus: :r1 It is located on the lateral side of the larynx. :r2 It is abductor of vocal ligaments. :r3 Its antagonist is m. thyroarytaenoideus. :r4 It relaxes vocal ligaments. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 22. Which of following muscles is the abductor of vocal ligaments? :r1 M. cricoarytaenoideus lateralis :r2 M. thyroarytaenoideus :r3 M. vocalis :r4 M. thyroepiglotticus :r5 None of metioned muscles is the abductor of vocal cords. -- 23. Select the correct statement about m. cricoarytenoideus posterior: :r1 It originates at the back surface of the lamina cartilaginis cricoideae. :r2 It rotates the arytenoid cartilage externally. :r3 Muscles of both sides abduct vocal ligaments. :r4 It is inserted to the dorsal surface of processus muscularis. :r5 All the statements are correct. -- 24. Select the correct statement about m. arytaenoideus transversus: :r1 It extends from the lamina of cricoid cartilage to the processus muscularis of arytaenoid cartilage. :r2 It adducts vocal ligaments. :r3 It extends from processus vocalis of arytaenoid cartilage to the thyroid cartilage. :r4 It expands the aditus laryngis. :r5 All the statements are correct. -- 25. Select the correct statement about larynx: :r1 Plicae vocales are covered by ciliated striated columnar epithelium. :r2 It has no submucosa. :r3 Vestibulum laryngis tapers cranially. :r4 Vocal cords are adducted in respiratory position. :r5 No statements is correct. -- 26. Vocal cords (plicae vocales): :r1 are covered by stratified squamous epithelium. :r2 are reddish and immobile. :r3 are formed by vocal ligament and cricothyroid muscle. :r4 are in adduction during respiration. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 27. Paries membranaceus of the trachea: :r1 are horseshoe-shaped like plates of connective tissue located among tracheal cartilages. :r2 forms dorsal wall of trachea. :r3 is reinforced portion of tracheal surface just at the region where trachea is in the contact with the thyroid gland. :r4 forms ventral wall of trachea. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 28. Trachea: :r1 begins from the larynx at the level of C4. :r2 divides into right and left main (principal) bronchi just over the superior thoracic aperture. :r3 is lined by simple squamous epithelium. :r4 ends at the level of T10-T11 :r5 No statement is correct. -- 29. Trachea: :r1 has no submucous connective tissue. :r2 Cricotracheal ligament joins the trachea to the caudal margin of the thyroid cartilage. :r3 15-20 tracheal cartilages reinforce the wall of trachea. :r4 Trachea is divided into three principal bronchi on the right side. :r5 Esophagus passes anterior to trachea. -- 30. Bronchi: :r1 Main bronchi (bronchi principales) divide into segmental bronchi. :r2 Wall of the main bronchi (bronchi principales) is reinforced by horseshoe-shaped cartilages. :r3 Both main bronchi (bronchi principales) point to the apex of the corresponding lung. :r4 Main bronchi (bronchi principales) have no membranous wall (paries membranaceus) :r5 No statement is correct. -- 31. Lung (pulmo): :r1 Mediothoracicum is located between both lungs. :r2 We distinguish diaphragmatic, costal and lateral surfaces in the lung. :r3 Pulmonary hilum communicates through the superior thoracic aperture with the neck, :r4 Medial surface of the right lung has impression frm the aorta – aortic groove (sulcus aorticus) :r5 No statement is correct. -- 32. Lung (pulmo): :r1 Each lung has a horizontal fissure, the right lung has even an oblique fissure. :r2 Medial surface of the left lung has impression of the aorta (sulcus aorticus). :r3 Left lung has three pulmonary lobes, the right lung has two pulmonary lobes. :r4 Horizontal fissure of the right lung runs paralel to the sixth rib. :r5 Alveoli pulmonis protrude from the walls of terminal bronchioli. -- 33. Mark correct statement: :r1 Bronchioli have no cartilaginous stiffeners. :r2 Terminal bronchiolus divides usually into two respiratory bronchioli. :r3 Respiratory bronchioli divide into alveolar ductuli. :r4 Pulmonary alveoli protrude from the pulmonary sacculi (sacculi pulmonis). :r5 All statements are correct. -- 34. Mark correct statement: :r1 Walls of bronchioli have no cartilaginous stiffeners, striated muscle form the main structures of their walls. :r2 Pulmonary alveoli protrude from the pulmonary sacculi (sacculi pulmonis). :r3 Respiratory bronchioli usually divide into two terminal bronchioli. :r4 Pulmonary alveoli of one segmental bronchus represent primary pulmonary lobule (lobulus pulmonis primarius) :r5 No statement is correct. -- 35. Pleura: :r1 is divided into parts as: superior, inferior and intrathoracic convexa. :r2 Epithelium which covers the pleura is formed by two to three layers of cylindrical cells. :r3 Cupula pleurae protrudes above superior thoracic aperture about 15 cm approximatelly. :r4 Caudal margin of the pleura reaches the caudal margin of the 8th rib in anterior axillary line. :r5 Costomediastinal recess is the deepest pleural space. -- 36. Mediastinum: :r1 Costal pleura forms lateral border of mediastinum. :r2 Mediastinum is a space of the thorax between the right and left pleural cavities. :r3 Big vessels – aorta, superior vena cava etc. are located in the anterior caudal mediastinum :r4 Heart in the pericardiac sac is located in the anterior superior mediastinum :r5 No statement is correct. -- 37. Border between superior and inferior mediastinum runs: :r1 through horizontal plane passing between sternal angle and bodies of 4-5 thoracic vertebrae. :r2 through horizontal plane between body of sternum and its xiphoid process. :r3 as horizontal plane passing through the 5th sternocostal joint. :r4 as horizontal plane passing through the 8th thoracic vertebra. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 38. Mark correct statement: :r1 Both lungs are located in the superior mediastinum. :r2 Mediastinum is a space between the parietal and visceral pleura. :r3 Thymus is located in the anterior superior mediastinum ventrally from the manubrium sterni. :r4 The biggest organ of the superior mediastinum is the heart. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 39. Thyroid gland (glandula thyroidea): :r1 is located on the ventral side of the neck just on the external surface of infrahyoid muscles. :r2 consists of right and left lobes joined by transversely located cervix (neck) of thyroid gland. :r3 Dorsal surface of the thyroid gland lobes adjoins constantly to the aortic arch which forms here aortic groove (sulcus aorticus). :r4 Parathyroid glands (glandulae parathyroideae) are located on the ventral side of thyroid gland. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 40. Thyroid gland (glandula thyroidea): :r1 Pyramidal lobe is located transversely between right and left lobes of thyroid gland and joins them. :r2 Parenchyma of thyroid gland is arranged to the lobules which consist of spacious alveoli. :r3 Thyroid gland has the fibrous capsule. :r4 Thyroid duct (ductus thyroideus) distributes hormones of the thyroid gland to the vessels located around the thyroid cartilage. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 41. Parathyroid glands (glandulae parathyroideae): :r1 are located on the ventral side of thyroid gland lobes. :r2 produce the calcitonin hormone. :r3 produce corticoids. :r4 produce parathormone which regulates level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood plasma. :r5 Cranial pair of parathyroid glands adjoin cranial margin of sternum. -- 42. Trachea: :r1 Its wall is formed by 10-15 fibrous cartilages of ellipsoid shape. :r2 Paries membranaceus forms the ventral wall of the trachea. :r3 Carina tracheae is a transversal fold located at the border between larynx and trachea. :r4 Isthmus glandulae thyroideae is adjacent to the ventral wall of the trachea at the level of 2.-4th tracheal cartilages :r5 no statement is correct -- 43. Lung (pulmo): :r1 Medial lobe of the left lung consists of two segments. :r2 Alveoli pulmonis of one bronchiolus respiratorius form primary pulmonary lobulus (lobulus pulmonis primarius). :r3 Impressio cardiaca is deeper in the right lung. :r4 Apex of the left lung runs supraclavicularly as narrow strip – left lingula pulmonis. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 44. M. thyroarytenoideus: :r1 opens aditus laryngis. :r2 collaborates during abduction of the vocal cords. :r3 closes aditus laryngis. :r4 releases tension of the vocal cords. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 45. Cartilages of the larynx: :r1 Cricoid cartilage is located cranial to the thyroid cartilage. :r2 Two types of synovial joint are located between cartilages of the larynx (one between thyroid and cricoid cartilages and another between cricoid and arytenoid cartilages). :r3 Two types of synovial joint are located between cartilages of the larynx (one between thyroid and arytenoid cartilages and another between cricoid and vocal cartilages). :r4 There is no synovial joint between cartilages of larynx, they are joined only by ligaments. :r5 Ventral portion of the cricoid cartilage is formed by its lamina. -- 46. Cricoarytenoideus lateralis muscle: :r1 adducts and relaxes vocal ligaments (ligamenta vocalia). :r2 abducts and tenses vocal ligaments (ligamenta vocalia). :r3 closes aditus laryngis. :r4 opens aditus laryngis. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 47. The correct statement about larynx is: :r1 Laryngeal vestibule (vestibulum laryngis) extends from aditus laryngis to the vestibular cords (plicae vestibulares). :r2 Laryngeal vestibule (vestibulum laryngis) extends from aditus laryngis to the vocal cords (plicae vocales). :r3 Glottis is the widest portion of larynx. :r4 Glottis extends from cranially located rima glottidis to caudally located rima vestibuli. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 48. Mark the correct statement: :r1 Cavum infraglotticum extends from the vestibular cords (plicae vestibulares) to the caudal margin of the cricoid cartilage :r2 Infraglottic cavity (cavum infraglotticum) is wider cranially and narrow caudally :r3 Larynx has got no lymphooid tissue. :r4 Larynx has got no submucous layer. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 49. The correct statement about thymus is: :r1 Thymus is located in the mediastinum ventrally from the sternum. :r2 Thymus consists of three lobes and an isthmus. :r3 Main development of thymus comes after puberty. :r4 Thymus is the soft, lymphoepitelial organ. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 50. Mark the correct statement: :r1 Lobulus of thymus has cortex peripherally and medulla centrally. :r2 Cranial part of thymus is located dorsally from the trachea. :r3 Thymus is located in the posterior mediastinum. :r4 The most development of the thymus comes in adult age. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 51. Mark the correct statement: :r1 Cranial margin of the conus elasticus is formed by vestibular ligaments. :r2 Caudal margin of conus elasticus is formed by vocal ligaments. :r3 Vestibule of larynx joins with laryngeal part of pharynx (pars laryngea pharyngis) by aditus of larynx. :r4 Vocal cords (plicae vocales) are located transversally. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 52. Mark the correct statement: :r1 Vestibular cords of larynx (plicae vestibulares laryngis) are white and movable folds. :r2 Vestibule of the larynx is wider in direction towards the glottis. :r3 Aditus laryngis is bordered dorsally by the epiglottis. :r4 Caudal margin of the quadrangular membrane is formed by the vestibular ligament. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 53. Mark the correct statement: :r1 Cartilage of epiglottis (cartilago epiglottica) is the pair cartilage of the larynx. :r2 Vocal process of arytenoid cartilage is oriented laterodorsally. :r3 Arytenoid cartilages are joined by the synovial joints to the cricoid cartilage. :r4 Muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage is oriented ventrally. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 54. Mark the correct statement: :r1 Articular surface for the thyroid cartilage (facies articularis thyroidea) is situated on the cranial edge of the cricoid cartilage lamina (lamina cartilaginis cricoideae). :r2 Thyrohyoid membrane joins the caudal edge of the thyroid cartilage to the hyoid bone. :r3 Petiolus of the epiglottis is joined to the inner surface of the cricoid cartilage lamina (lamina cartilaginis cricoideae). :r4 Fibroelastic membrane of larynx (membrana fibroelastica laryngis) consists of the conus elasticus and thyrohyoid membrane (membrana thyrohyoidea). :r5 No statement is correct. -- 55. Mark the correct statement concerning the nasal cavity: :r1 Infundibulum ethmoidale is a part of semilunar hiatus. :r2 Nasal septum consists of: membranous, cartilaginous and osseous parts (pars membranacea, pars cartilaginea and pars ossea). :r3 Limen nasi is formed by caudal edge of lateral nasal cartilage (cartilago nasi lateralis). :r4 Major alar cartilage (cartilago alaris major) has medial and lateral crura. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 56. Mark the correct statement: :r1 Vocal ligaments of the larynx are covered by the stratified ciliated epithelium. :r2 Larynx has no submucous connective tissue. :r3 Vestibular ligaments of larynx are movable and yellowish, and they are covered by stratified squamous epithelium. :r4 Cavity of larynx continues caudally to the laryngeal part of pharynx (pars laryngea pharyngis). :r5 No statement is correct. -- 57. Mark the correct statement: :r1 Glottis is a narrow, transversely oriented middle part of laryngeal cavity (cavitas laryngis). :r2 Paired aryepiglottic folds (plicae aryepiglotticae) form ventral border of the laryngeal inlet (aditus laryngis). :r3 Glottis extends from cranially located rima glottidis to caudally located rima vestibuli. :r4 Caudal margin of the quadrangular membrane is formed by the vestibular ligament. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 58. Mark the correct statement: :r1 No seromucous tracheal glands are located in the submucous connective tissue of trachea. :r2 Trachea beginss from the larynx at the level of C4 in adults. :r3 Posterior wall of the trachea is called paries membranaceus. :r4 Trachea is located dorsally from the esophagus. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 59. Mark the correct statement: :r1 Base of the lung (basis pulmonis) runs cranially and is located between scaleni muscles. :r2 Craniocaudal sequence of pulmonary root structures is identical in the right hilum and left hilum. :r3 Course of oblique fissure is identical in the right and left lungs. :r4 Lingula (lingula pulmonis sinistri) is situated between medial and superior lobes of the left lung. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 60. Mark the correct statement: :r1 Pulmonary segments are separated from each other by the septa containing pulmonary arteries :r2 Pulmonary veins run inside the septa between segments of the lung. :r3 Right lung has three pulmonary segments. :r4 Segmental bronchi have no branches and terminate by alveoli pulmonis. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 61. Mark the correct statement: :r1 Visceral pleura lines walls of pleural cavity. :r2 Pleura is serous membrane formed by stratified ciliated epithelium. :r3 Right lung has 3 pulmonary segments. :r4 Visceral pleura is thicker than parietal pleura. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 62. Mark the correct statement: :r1 Cupula pleurae protrudes over superior aperture of the thorax (apertura thoracis superior) :r2 Diaphragmatic pleura grows together with the diaphragm. :r3 Pleura is the serous membrane formed by single layer of the flat epithelium :r4 costodiaphragmatic recess (recessus costodiaphragmaticus) forms the deepest space of the pleural cavity :r5 all statements are correct -- 63. Mark the correct statement: :r1 Caudal margin of the lung reaches upper edge of the 9th rib in the paravertebral line. :r2 Ventral borders of the pleura are identical (paralel) up to the level of 6th rib cartilage. :r3 Mediastinal pleura separates pleural cavity from the mediastinum. :r4 Pleural cavity is a fissure between the parietal pleura and the endothoracic fascia. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 64. Mark the correct statement: :r1 Thymus is located in the superior mediastinum ventral to the manubrium sterni (in the area pleuralis superior). :r2 Heart in periacardial sac is located in the posterior mediastinum. :r3 Esophagus is located in the anterior mediastinum. :r4 The deepest space of the pleural cavity is formed by costodiaphragmatic recess (recessus costodiaphragmaticus). :r5 All statements are correct. -- 65. Mark the correct statement: :r1 It is not possible to separate pulmonary segments from each other. :r2 Each lung has ten pulmonary segments (some of them can fuse together). :r3 Pulmonary segment has pyramid like shape with the base pointing to the hilum of the lung and its apex pointing to the surface of the lung. :r4 Each pulmonary segment is ventilated by two or more segmental bronchi. :r5 All statements are correct. Urinary system 1. Which statement is correct about the renal calices? :r1 minor renal calices (calices renales minores) surround the renal papillae :r2 there are usually 2 - 3 minor renal calices (calices renales minores) in a kidney :r3 renal pelvis is a continuation of minor renal calices (calices renales minores) :r4 there are usually 20 - 30 minor renal calices (calices renales minores) in a kidney :r5 no statement is correct -- 2. Which statement is correct about the kidney? :r1 there are usually 10 - 20 major renal calices (calices renales majores) in a kidney :r2 number of major renal calices (calices renales majores) is equal to number of pyramids :r3 renal hilum is at the level of vertebrae L1 or L2 :r4 left kidney is located lower than the right one :r5 no statement is correct -- 3. Which statement is incorrect about the urinary tract? :r1 minor renal calices (calices renales minores) surround the renal papillae :r2 there are usually 3 to 4 major renal calices (calices renales majores) in a kidney :r3 capacity of the renal pelvis is about 10-15 ccm :r4 X-ray image of the urinary tract is called urography :r5 renal pelvis is located within the adipose capsule of the kidney -- 4. Which statement is correct about the urinary tract? :r1 renal pelvis is located outside the adipose capsule and fasciae of the kidney :r2 renal pelvis is located within the adipose capsule and fasciae of the kidney :r3 renal pelvis is located intraperitoneally :r4 renal pelvis is a continuation of the minor renal calices (calices renales minores) :r5 number of major renal calices (calices renales majores) is equal to number of pyramids -- 5. Ureter has the following constrictions: :r1 at its beginning from the renal pelvis; at the crossing with the deferent duct; where it passes through the wall of the urinary bladder :r2 at its beginning from the renal pelvis; at the crossing with the iliac vessels; where it passes through the wall of the urinary bladder :r3 at its beginning from the urinary bladder; where it passes through the pelvic floor; at its orifice at the surface of the body :r4 at its beginning from the major renal calices; at the crossing with the psoas major; where it passes through the wall of the urinary bladder :r5 no statement is correct -- 6. Which statement is correct about the ureter? :r1 its length in the adult man is about 15 cm :r2 ureter connects the major renal calices (calices renales majores) with the urinarry bladder :r3 ureter is located intraperitoneally :r4 it is of the same diameter along its entire length :r5 its end is called ureteric orifice (ostium ureteris) -- 7. Which statement is incorrect about the ureter? :r1 its end is called urethral orifice (ostium urethrae) :r2 it has a constriction area where it crosses the testicular vessels :r3 it produces the ureteric fold (plica ureterica) in the pelvis :r4 it is a muscular tube :r5 length of the ureter of the adult individual is about 25 – 35 cm -- 8. Which statement is correct about the ureter? :r1 its average length is about 30 cm :r2 male ureter crosses the deferent duct (ductus deferens) :r3 it is located retroperitoneally :r4 male ureter crosses testicular vessels :r5 all statements are correct -- 9. Empty urinary bladder is located: :r1 intraperitoneally :r2 preperitoneally :r3 retroperitoneally :r4 subperitoneally (infraperitoneally) :r5 no statement is correct -- 10. Which statement is correct about the urinary bladder? :r1 parts of the urinary bladder are: fundus, corpus, collum et apex :r2 it is located intraperitoneally :r3 the lateral umbilical ligament (ligamentum umbilicale laterale) connects the urinary bladder to the navel :r4 trigonum vesicae se is within the range of the body of the urinary bladder (corpus vesicae) :r5 no statement is correct -- 11. Which statement is correct about the urinary bladder? :r1 rectovesical pouch separates the male urinary bladder from the rectum :r2 urinary bladder is located in the greater pelvis :r3 fundus vesicae is directed cranially towards coils of the small intestine :r4 female urinary bladder is located between the uterus and rectum :r5 no statement is correct -- 12. Which statement is correct about the urinary bladder? :r1 fundus vesicae is directer anterosuperiorly :r2 cervix vesicae is an area of the urinary bladder where both ureters are attached :r3 full urinary bladder does not reach above the superior border of the pubic symphysis :r4 apex vesicae directs ventrocranially :r5 no statement is correct -- 13. Which of following structures is not a part of the urinary bladder? :r1 anulus urethralis :r2 ostium urethrae internum :r3 trigonum vesicae :r4 plica vesicalis :r5 all mentioned structures are components of the urinary bladder -- 14. Which of following structures is not a part of the urinary bladder? :r1 plica urethralis :r2 ostium urethrae internum :r3 trigonum vesicae :r4 plica ureterica :r5 all mentioned structures are components of the urinary bladder -- 15. Which of following structures is not a part of the urinary bladder? :r1 musculus sphincter vesicae :r2 ostium urethrae internum :r3 trigonum vesicae :r4 plica interureterica :r5 all mentioned structures are components of the urinary bladder -- 16. Mean maximum capacity of the urinary bladder is: :r1 150 ml :r2 300 ml :r3 750 ml :r4 1500 ml :r5 no statement is correct -- 17. Choose incorrect statement pertaining the urinary bladder: :r1 apeces of the trigonum vesicae are formed by the internal urethral orifice and two ureteric orifices :r2 musculus sphincter vesicae is a non-striated muscle :r3 musculus sphincter urethrae is a striated muscle :r4 mucosa of the bladder forms reserve folds :r5 mucosa is covered by the columnar ciliated epithelium -- 18. Choose incorrect statement pertaining the urinary bladder: :r1 there are reserve folds within the entire empty urinary bladder :r2 musculus sphincter urethrae is a striated muscle :r3 venous plexus (anulus urethralis) surrounds the internal urethral orifice (ostium urethrae internum) :r4 uvula vesicae protrudes behind the ostium urethrae internum :r5 mucosal folds are irregularly arranged -- 19. Choose incorrect statement pertaining the urinary bladder: :r1 the whole outer surface of the urinary bladder is covered by adventicia :r2 adventicia forms the dense fascia vesicae at the surface of the urinary bladder :r3 adventicia of the urinary bladder continues to the lateral paracystium :r4 urinary bladder is located intraperitoneally :r5 no statement is correct -- 20. Choose correct statement pertaining the urinary bladder muscle: :r1 the outer muscular layer forms so called ureteric sheath at the surface of ureters :r2 the wall of the urinary bladder is formed by the striated musculature :r3 the musculature of the urinary bladder is formed by two completely separated muscular layers :r4 the inner layer of the musculature is longitudinally arranged :r5 no statement is correct -- 21. Choose correct statement pertaining the trigonum vesicae: :r1 its apeces are: the external urethral orifice and both ureteric orifices :r2 its apeces are: the internal urethral orifice and both ureteric orifices :r3 its apeces are: the ureteric orifice and both internal urethral orifices :r4 its apeces are: the ureteric orifice and both external urethral orifices :r5 no statement is correct -- 22. Choose correct statement pertaining the trigonum vesicae: :r1 interureteric fold (plica interureterica) is produced by the course of the urethra :r2 interureteric fold (plica interureterica) is produced by the course of ureters :r3 interureteric fold (plica interureterica) is produced by the venous plexus :r4 interureteric fold (plica interureterica) is produced by a muscle :r5 no statement is correct -- 23. Choose correct statement pertaining the trigonum vesicae: :r1 the mucosa of the trigonum forms numerous folds :r2 there is the retrotrigonal fossa dorsal to the trigonum vesicae :r3 the submucosa surrounding the ureteric orifices contains venous plexusses :r4 interureteric fold (plica interureterica) is produced by the course of ureters :r5 no statement is correct -- 24. Choose correct statement pertaining the trigonum vesicae: :r1 its apeces are: the external urethral orifice and both ureteric orifices :r2 there is a thick layer of submucosa in the trigonum vesicae :r3 trigonum vesicae has no reserved folds :r4 interureteric fold (plica interureterica) is produced by the course of the urethra :r5 no statement is correct -- 25. Which of following muscles is formed by the striated musculature? :r1 musculus sphincter vesicae :r2 musculus sphincter urethrae :r3 musculus ureteralis :r4 musculus trigonalis :r5 all mentioned muscles are formed by the striated musculature -- 26. Which of following statements is correct? :r1 fundus vesicae is directed cranially towards the navel :r2 mean capacity of the male urinary bladder is as twice greater as that in female :r3 Lanz point is located at the transpyloric line between the lateral and medial thirds :r4 cervix vesicae is located between the apex and body of the urinary bladder :r5 no statement is correct -- 27. Which of following statements is correct? :r1 maximum capacity of the urinary bladder is usually 250 mL :r2 right kidney is located a half of vertebra lower than the left one :r3 hepatorenal ligament, which borders the epiploic foramen, directs towards the left kidney :r4 left kidney and suprarenal gland produce impressions at the diaphragmatic surface of the liver :r5 no statement is correct -- 28. Which of following statements is incorrect? :r1 trigonum vesicae is a triangle with internal urethral orifice (ostium urethrae internum) and both ureteral orifices as its apeces :r2 musculus sphincter vesicae is formed by the non-striated musculature :r3 musculus sphincter urethrae is from the striated musculature :r4 mucosa of the ureter forms longitudinal folds :r5 trigonum vesicae forms part of the anterior wall of the urinary bladder -- 29. Which of following statements is incorrect? :r1 mucosa of the urinary bladder is covered by the multilayered transitional epithelium :r2 musculus sphincter urethrae is formed by non-striated musculature :r3 anulus urethralis surrounds the internal urethral orifice (ostium urethrae internum) :r4 uvula vesicae is a prominence at the posterior border of the internal urethral orifice (ostium urethrae internum) :r5 cervix vesicae is a part of the urinary bladder around the internal urethral orifice (ostium urethrae internum) -- 30. What are layers of the wall of the urinary bladder? :r1 mucosa without folds, submucosa, 3 muscular layers, adventicia and serous membrane :r2 mucosa with irregularly arranged folds, submucosa, 2 muscular layers, adventicia and serous membrane :r3 mucosa without folds, submucosa, 2 muscular layers, adventicia :r4 mucosa with folds, submucosa, 3 muscular layers, serous membrane :r5 no statement is correct -- 31. Which of following sites of the male urethra are not constricted? :r1 at its beginnich in the urinary bladder (pars intramuralis) :r2 at its end in the external urethral orifice :r3 at its passage through the muscular pelvic floor :r4 in the urethral ampulla :r5 all mentioned sites are constricted -- 32. Which of following structures are not located in the prostatic part of the urethra? :r1 colliculus seminalis :r2 utriculus prostaticus :r3 openings of ejaculatory ducts :r4 crista urethralis :r5 all mentioned structures are located in the prostatic part of the urethra -- 33. Which of following statements about the female urethra is incorrect? :r1 it passes through the hiatus urogenitalis :r2 it passes through the diaphragma urogenitale :r3 it produces a crest (crista urethralis) in the anterior wall of the vagina :r4 it opens as the external urethral orifice (ostium urethrae externum) at the glans clitoridis :r5 it is about 4-6 cm long -- 34. Which of following statements about the female urethra is correct? :r1 it starts in the urinary bladder as the internal ureteral orifice (ostium ureterum internum) :r2 it is located behind the vagina :r3 it opens as the external urethral orifice (ostium urethrae externum) at the glans clitoridis :r4 it passes through the levator ani muscle :r5 no statement is correct -- 35. Which of following statements about the female urethra is correct? :r1 it is located posterior to the vagina and anterior to the rectum :r2 it is located between the vagina and rectum :r3 it is located posterior to the rectum :r4 it is located anterior to the pubic symphysis :r5 no statement is correct -- 36. Which of following statements about the female urethra is incorrect? :r1 its mucosa forms longitudinal folds :r2 its external opening is called ostium urethrae externum :r3 its internal opening is called ostium urethrae internum :r4 it opens on the papilla urethralis :r5 it it 7-10 cm long -- 37. Which of following muscles is formed by the striated musculature? :r1 musculus detrusor vesicae :r2 musculus sphincter vesicae :r3 musculus sphincter urethrae :r4 musculus trigonalis :r5 all mentioned muscles are from non-striated musculature -- 38. Which of following X-ray methods do not examine the urinary tract? :r1 ascending pyelography :r2 vesicography :r3 descending urography :r4 cystography :r5 all mentioned methods examine the urinary tract -- 39. Which of following statements pertaining the suprarenal gland is incorrect? :r1 it is related to the superior pole of the kidney :r2 it has three surfaces: facies medialis, lateralis et inferior :r3 hilum of the gland is on the anterior surface :r4 it is located retroperitoneally :r5 the right gland is triangular in shape -- 40. Which of following statements pertaining the suprarenal gland is incorrect? :r1 medulla secretes hormones :r2 cortex is less extensive than medulla :r3 it is surrounded by the adipose capsule of the kidney :r4 it is located retroperitoneally :r5 the left gland is semilunar in shape -- 41. Which of following statements pertaining the suprarenal gland is correct? :r1 it is related to the lateral margin of the kidney :r2 it has three surfaces: facies anterior, posterior et inferior (renalis) :r3 medulla does not secrete hormones :r4 it is located intraperitoneally :r5 all mentioned statements are correct -- 42. What is the right sequence of the urinary tract components in craniocaudal direction: :r1 Major renal calices, minor renal calices, renal pelvis, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra. :r2 Renal pelvis, minor renal calices, major renal calices, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra. :r3 Renal pelvis, minor renal calices,major renal calices, urethra, urinary bladder, ureter. :r4 Minor renal calices, major renal calices, renal pelvis, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 43. Kidneys have: :r1 Anterior and posterior poles :r2 Medial and lateral surfaces; anterior and posterior margins :r3 Anterior and posterior surfaces; medial and lateral margins :r4 Superior and inferior surfaces; anterior and posterior margins :r5 No statement is correct. -- 44. Mark the correct statement about kidneys: :r1 Anterior surface is flatter than the posterior one. :r2 Anterior surface is more convex than the posterior one. :r3 Axes of both kidneys converge inferiorly :r4 Fibrous capsule is firmly attached to the whole surface of kidney. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 45. Mark the correct statement about kidneys: :r1 Posterior surface is flatter than the anterior one :r2 Posterior surface is more convex than the anterior one. :r3 Kidneys are surrounded by pararenal adipose body (corpus adiposum pararenale) within the renal fascia. :r4 Layers of renal fascia fuse medially and inferiorly. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 46. Mark the correct statement: :r1 Anterior surface of the kidney is flatter than the posterior one. :r2 Renal hilum is situated in the anterior margin of the kidney. :r3 Vessels enter kidney through the cribriform area. :r4 Renal hilum is located at the level of L4 vertebra. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 47. Mark the correct statement about kidneys: :r1 Suprarenal gland is related to the caudal end of kidney. :r2 Ureter leaves the kidney in the renal sinus. :r3 Anterior surfaces of both kidneys are related to the stomach. :r4 Kidneys are intraperitoneal organs. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 48. Mark the correct statement about kidneys: :r1 Cortex sends processes between pyramids called pars radiata of cortex (pars radiata corticis). :r2 Renal pyramids forme the medulla of kidney. :r3 Apeces of renal pyramids point towards the surface of the kidney. :r4 Kidney has usually 20-30 renal pyramids. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 49. Mark the false statement: :r1 Left kidney is situated a half of vertebra higher than the right one. :r2 Left kidney is related to the visceral surface of the spleen. :r3 Renal hilus is located approximately at the level of L1. :r4 Dorsal surface of kidney adjoins 8th rib. :r5 Renal pyramids form the medulla of kidney. -- 50. Kidneys are located: :r1 intraperitoneally. :r2 subperitoneally. :r3 retroperitoneally. :r4 supraperitoneally. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 51. Kidneys are located: :r1 primarily retroperitoneally. :r2 secondarily retroperitoneally. :r3 intraperitoneally. :r4 infraperitoneally. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 52. Which of following structures is not a part of nephron? :r1 Glomerulus :r2 Renal adipose capsule (capsula adiposa renalis) :r3 Proximal renal tubule (tubulus renalis proximalis) :r4 Distal renal tubule (tubulus renalis distalis) :r5 All mentioned formations are parts of nephron. -- 53. Which of following structures is not present in the renal sinus? :r1 Renal pelvis (pelvis renalis) :r2 Fatty (adipose) tissue :r3 Branches of the renal artery :r4 Major renal calices (calices renales majores) :r5 All mentioned formations are present in the renal sinus. -- 54. Praerenal and retrorenal layers of renal fascia join: :r1 cranially and caudally. :r2 caudally and laterally. :r3 cranially and laterally. :r4 They have no connection. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 55. Renal cortex: :r1 is located in the central part of kidney around the renal pelvis. :r2 forms renal columns. :r3 is not macroscopically visible. :r4 forms renal pyramids. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 56. Mark correct statement about renal cortex: :r1 It is darker than renal medulla. :r2 It is externally covered by capsula adiposa. :r3 Its thickness is about 20-30 mm. :r4 It gives renal pyramids to the renal medulla. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 57. Mark correct statement about renal medulla: :r1 It is darker than renal cortex. :r2 It forms renal columns (columnae renales). :r3 Its thickness is about 5-8 mm. :r4 It forms granular superficial layer of the kidney. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 58. Mark correct statement about renal medulla: :r1 It is located superficially beneath renal capsule. :r2 It forms renal columns (columnae renales). :r3 It is not macroscopically visible. :r4 It forms renal pyramids (pyramides renales). :r5 No statement is correct. -- 59. Mark false statement: :r1 Capacity of renal pelvis is about 5 mL. :r2 Crossing of the ureter and common iliac vessels projects to the ureteral point (Lanz´s point) on the ventral abdominal wall. :r3 Course of urethra forms the ureteric fold (plica ureterica) located inside of the urinary bladder (vesica urinaria). :r4 Trigonum vesicae has no submucous connective tissue. :r5 Ureteral sheath is formed by longitudinal muscular layer in the pelvic part of ureter. -- 60. How much of primary urine is produced in renal corpuscles of kidneys during 24 hours? :r1 1,5-2 liters :r2 15-20 liters :r3 150-200 liters :r4 1500-2000 liters :r5 No statement is correct. Male genital system 1. Which of following statements about the testis is incorrect? :r1 Left testis is located lower than the right one. :r2 Its weight is about 20 to 25 g. :r3 It has the superior and inferior poles. :r4 It has the anterior and posterior surfaces. :r5 Caput epididymidis is related to its superior pole. -- 2. Which of following statements about the testis is incorrect? :r1 Tunica albuginea is at its surface. :r2 Mediastinum testis is formed at its posterior margin. :r3 Septula testis divide the testis into 20 to 30 lobes. :r4 Parenchyma of lobules is formed by the seminiferous canals. :r5 It reaches its definitive size after puberty. -- 3. Which of following statements about the testis is incorrect? :r1 Each seminiferous canal is 50 to 70 cm long. :r2 Seminiferous canals are lined with the germinal epithelium. :r3 Seminiferous canals join towards the hilum to form tubuli seminiferi recti. :r4 There is only one canal that exits the testis to enter the epididymis. :r5 Left testis is usually bigger than the right one -- 4. Testis produces: :r1 testosterone. :r2 sperms. :r3 male genital hormone. :r4 testicular fluid. :r5 All answers are correct. -- 5. Which of following statements about the epididymis is incorrect? :r1 It is formed by canals. :r2 Its outlet is called ductus epididymidis. :r3 Epithelium of canals produces an alcaline secretion. :r4 Progression of sperms through the epididymis takes 8 to 17 days. :r5 Ductus epididymidis continues in the ductus deferens. -- 6. Which of following statements about the epididymis is incorrect? :r1 Epididymis is attached to the lateral surface of the testis. :r2 Ductus epididymidis is about 4 m long. :r3 Epithelium of canals produces neutral secretion. :r4 Progression of sperms through the epididymis takes 8 to 17 days. :r5 Ductuli efferentes testis enter the head of the epididymis. -- 7. Which of following statements about the epididymis is correct? :r1 It is made up of canals. :r2 It continues to the deferent duct. :r3 It receives sperms from the efferent ducts of the testis. :r4 Progression of sperms through the epididymis takes 8 to 17 days. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 8. Descent of the testis means: :r1 Descent of the testis to the inguinal canal. :r2 Absence of the testis. :r3 Retaining of the testis in the abdominal wall. :r4 Retaining of the testis in the abdominal cavity. :r5 No answer is correct. -- 9. Testis and epididymis develops: :r1 in the perineum. :r2 in the abdominal cavity at the level of the deep inguinal ring. :r3 in the abdominal cavity at the level of L5 vertebra. :r4 in the abdominal cavity at the level of L1 –L2 vertebrae. :r5 No answer is correct. -- 10. Which of the following statements pertaining the deferent duct is incorrect? :r1 It is a thick-walled tube. :r2 It is 40 –50 cm long. :r3 It enlarges in the seminal vesicle before it enters prostate. :r4 It joins the outlet of the seminal vesicle. :r5 It passes through the inguinal canal. -- 11. Which of the following statements pertaining the deferent duct is incorrect? :r1 It is a thick-walled tube. :r2 It is 70 –90 cm long. :r3 It enlarges in the ampulla ductus deferentis before it enters prostate. :r4 It joins the outlet of the seminal vesicle. :r5 It is lined with the mucosa forming longitudinal folds. -- 12. Parts of the deferent duct involve: :r1 pars epididymica. :r2 pars funicularis. :r3 pars inguinalis. :r4 pars pelvina. :r5 All answers are correct. -- 13. Parts of the deferent duct do not involve: :r1 pars epididymica. :r2 pars funicularis. :r3 pars inguinalis. :r4 pars urethralis. :r5 Deferent duct has all the mentioned parts. -- 14. Which of following statements is correct pertaining seminal vesicles? :r1 They are located lateral to the ampullae of deferent ducts. :r2 They are located at the posterior side of the urinary bladder. :r3 They can be examined per rectum. :r4 The outlet is called ductus excretorius. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 15. Which of following statements is incorrect pertaining seminal vesicles? :r1 They are located lateral to the ampullae of deferent ducts. :r2 The outlet is called ductus seminiferus. :r3 Surface of the gland is knobby. :r4 Their outlets join the deferent duct to form ejaculatory ducts. :r5 They are approximately 4-5 cm long. -- 16. Which of following statements is incorrect pertaining seminal vesicle? :r1 Surface of the gland is covered by the adventicia. :r2 It lies lateral to the ampulla of the deferent duct. :r3 It is located at the posterior side of the urinary bladder. :r4 Its outlet is called ejaculatory duct. :r5 It is lined with the mucosa. -- 17. Which of following statements is incorrect pertaining prostate? :r1 Basis prostatae directs towards the neck of the urinary bladder. :r2 Facies anterior directs towards the pubic symphysis. :r3 Facies posterior directs towards the rectum. :r4 Weight of the prostate is about 200 g. :r5 It has the capsula propria at its outer surface. -- 18. Which of following statements is incorrect pertaining prostate? :r1 Basis prostatae directs towards the neck of the urinary bladder. :r2 Facies anterior directs towards the pubic symphysis. :r3 Right and left lobes are joined by the isthmus posterior to the urethra. :r4 Weight of the prostate is about 20 to 30 g. :r5 Surface of the prostate is smooth. -- 19. Which of following statements is incorrect pertaining prostate? :r1 Deferent duct enters the prostatic part of the urethra. :r2 Facies anterior directs towards the pubic symphysis. :r3 Facies posterior directs towards the rectum. :r4 It is made up of 30-50 tuboalveolar glands. :r5 It can be examined per rectum. -- 20. Which of following statements is incorrect pertaining prostate? :r1 Both ejaculatory ducts open to the prostatic part of the urethra. :r2 Facies anterior directs towards the pubic symphysis. :r3 Right and left lobes are related to the levator ani muscles. :r4 Weight of the prostate is about 50 to 60 g. :r5 Urethra passes through the prostate. -- 21. Which statement is incorrect about the male urethra? :r1 Its lenght is 20 to 25 cm. :r2 Its beginning in the urinary bladder is called ostium urethrae internum. :r3 Its opening on body surface is ostium urethrae externum. :r4 It passes through cavernous bodies of penis. :r5 In relaxed penis there are 2 curvatures. -- 22. Which statement is incorrect about the male urethra? :r1 Its lenght is 10 to 17 cm. :r2 Its beginning in the urinary bladder is called ostium urethrae internum. :r3 Its opening on body surface is ostium urethrae externum. :r4 It passes through cavernous bodies of penis. :r5 It passes through diaphragma urogenitale -- 23. Male urethra has these parts: :r1 Intramural part :r2 Prostatic part :r3 Membranous part :r4 Spongy part :r5 It has all mentioned parts -- 24. Which of following parts is not involved in male urethra? :r1 Intramural part :r2 Prostatic part :r3 Membranous part :r4 Cavernous part :r5 It has all mentioned parts -- 25. Choose incorrect statement: :r1 Glans penis is a terminal part of spongious body. :r2 Ostium ureterum externum opens on glans penis. :r3 Glans penis is covered by double-layered skin fold called praeputium. :r4 Root of the penis is attached to the pubic symphysis by the ligamentum fundiforme penis. :r5 Preputium is attached to the glans of the penis with frenulum. -- 26. Choose incorrect statement: :r1 Bulbus penis is a part of spongious body of penis. :r2 Ostium urethrae externum opens on glans penis. :r3 Male urethra passes through the cavernous body of penis. :r4 Penis is attached to the pubic symphysis by the ligamentum fundiforme penis. :r5 Crura penis are attached to crista phallica ossis pubis a ossis ischii. -- 27. Choose incorrect statement: :r1 Glans penis is a component of the spongious body. :r2 Ostium urethrae externum opens on glans penis. :r3 Glans penis is covered by double-layered skin called praeputium. :r4 Raphe penis can be found on the dorsum penis. :r5 Spongious body produces a convexity of facies urethralis penis. -- 28. Choose incorrect statmenent pertaining male urethra: :r1 Intramural part passes through the neck of urinary bladder. :r2 Both ejaculatory ducts open in pars prostatica. :r3 Membranous part passes through the musculature of diaphragma pelvis. :r4 Spongious part is the longest portion of male urethra. :r5 Subpubic curvature is fixed. -- 29. Choose incorrect statement: :r1 Scrotum lies below pubic symphysis. :r2 Scrotum dorsally continues to perineum. :r3 Tunica dartos is striated muscle in subcutaneous tissue of scrotum. :r4 Skin of the scrotum is highly pigmented. :r5 Scrotum is covered by hair called pubes. -- 30. Choose incorrect statement: :r1 Temperature in scrotum is about 2-4 °C higher than the body temperature. :r2 Scrotum dorsally continues to perineum. :r3 Skin of the scrotum is folded in cold. :r4 There are two cavities inside the scrotum. :r5 Tunica dartos is subcutaneous tissue containing smooth muscle cells. -- 31. Choose incorrect statement: :r1 Scrotum dorsally continues to perineum :r2 Scrotum lies below symphysis :r3 Skin of the scrotum is thin, in cold is folded :r4 There is one cavity inside the scrotum :r5 Raphe scroti goes in the midline -- 32. Choose incorrect statement pertaining male urethra: :r1 Intramural part passes through the diaphragma pelvis. :r2 Both ejaculatory ducts open in pars prostatica. :r3 Membranous part passes through the diaphragma urogenitale. :r4 Spongious part is the longest portion of male urethra. :r5 Bulbourethral glands produce secretion into ampulla urethrae. -- 33. Choose incorrect statmenent concerning male urethra: :r1 Both ejaculatory ducts open in pars prostatica. :r2 Membranous part passes through the diaphragma urogenitale. :r3 Intramural part passes through the neck of urinary bladder. :r4 Spongious part is the shortest portion of male urethra. :r5 Navicular fossa is a part of the spongious portion. -- 34. Choose incorrect statement concerning male urethra: :r1 It has 3 constant curvatures. :r2 Intramural, prostatic, and membranous part are referred to as urethra fixa. :r3 Spongious part is called urethra mobilis. :r4 Border between parx fixa and pars mobilis is called subpubic curvature. :r5 Praepubic curvature is straightened during erection. -- 35. Choose correct statement: :r1 Lamina visceralis tunicae vaginalis testis covers the whole surface of testis. :r2 Tunica albuginea is a connective tissue membrane covering the surface of testis. :r3 Tunica albuginea is thickened anteriorly in the mediastinum testis. :r4 Tunica albuginea covers only posterior surface of testis. :r5 No statement is correct -- 36. Choose correct statement: :r1 Internal spermatic fascia is a derivative of the transversalis fascia. :r2 Deep fascia of the penis is a continuation of the parietal peritoneum. :r3 External spermatic fascia is a derivative of the transversalis fascia. :r4 Skin of the foreskin is thin and contains numerous sebaceous glands :r5 None of the statements is correct. -- 37. Concavity of subpubic cuvature of the male urethra directs: :r1 Anteriorly and inferiorly :r2 Anteriorly and superiorly :r3 Posteriorly and inferiorly :r4 Posteriorly and superiorly :r5 None is correct -- 38. Cauda epididymidis and testis are attached to the inferior part of scrotum by: :r1 Ligamentum epididymidis inferius :r2 Mediastinum testis :r3 Ductus deferens :r4 Gubernaculum testis :r5 None is correct -- 39. Choose correct statement: :r1 Mesorchium covers the surface of testis. :r2 Gubernaculum testis binds testis to parietal peritoneum. :r3 Tunica vaginalis testis is a double-layered peritoneal derivative. :r4 Caput epididymidis transforms into ductus deferens. :r5 None of the statements is correct. -- 40. Ampulla urethrae is: :r1 widening of male urethra just under the transversus perinei profundus muscle. :r2 widening of male urethra just above the transversus perinei profundus muscle. :r3 widening of the intramural part of male urethra. :r4 widening of the prostatic part of male urethra. :r5 None of mentioned answers is correct. -- 41. Choose correct statement concerning male urethra: :r1 Intramural part is covered by columnar multilayered epithelium. :r2 Mucosa in navicular fossa is covered by stratified squamous epithelium. :r3 Praepubic curvature is fixed. :r4 Pelvic part of ductus deferens is located lateral to ureter. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 42. Choose incorrect statement: :r1 Leydig cells produce testosterone :r2 Ligamentum epididymidis superius et inferius bound sinus epididymis :r3 Epiorchium lines cavum serosum scroti :r4 Ductus deferens opens in prostatic part of male urethra :r5 No statement is convenient -- 43. Choose incorrect statement: :r1 Fascia penis profunda continues from superficial abdominal fascia. :r2 Ligamentum fundiforme penis surrounds the root of the penis. :r3 Ligamentum suspensorium penis is attached to the anterior surface of pubic symphysis. :r4 Sphincter urethrae muscle is a striated muscle. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 44. Choose correct statement: :r1 Epididymis produces acidous secretion. :r2 Seminal vesicles produce alcaline secretion. :r3 Bulbourethral gland is located within the transversus perinei profundus. :r4 Ejaculatory duct opens in prostatic part of urethra. :r5 All staments are correct. -- 45. Find incorrect statement: :r1 Glans penis lacks tunica albuginea. :r2 Crura penis are attached to the phallic crest of the lower border of the hip bone. :r3 Glands of foreskin produce smegma preputii. :r4 Sphincter vesicae is from the striated muscle. :r5 Leydig cells can be found in the interstitial tissue of the testis. -- 46. Choose correct stament: :r1 Internal spermatic fascia is continution of transversalis fascia. :r2 Epiorchium is the visceral layer of the tunica vaginalis testis. :r3 Periorchium is the parietal layer of the tunica vaginalis testis. :r4 Glands of the foreskin produce smegma praeputii. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 47. Choose correct statement: :r1 Urethral crest is caudal continuation of uvula vesiacae. :r2 Sphincter vesicae is from the striated muscle. :r3 Muscular pelvic floor is innervated by nerves of the lumbar plexus. :r4 Sphincter urethrae consist of non-striated muscle. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 48. Choose correct statement: :r1 Seminal vesicles are located in septum rectovesicale. :r2 Prostate basis points caudally. :r3 Body of the seminal vesicle continues to the ducuts ejaculatorius, which joins ductus excretorius. :r4 Seminal vesicles are completely covered by peritoneum. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 49. Rete tesis is formed by: :r1 Tubuli seminiferi contorti :r2 Septula testis :r3 Tubuli seminiferi recti :r4 Ductuli efferentes testis :r5 No answer is correct. -- 50. Ejaculatory ducts enter the following part of the prostate: :r1 Apex prostatae :r2 Basis prostatae :r3 Lateral walls :r4 Posterior wall :r5 No statement is correct. -- 51. Parenchyma of lobuli testis is made up by: :r1 Tubuli seminiferi contorti :r2 Mediastinum testis :r3 Rete testis :r4 Tunica erythroidea :r5 No statement is correct. -- 52. Subpubic curvature of the male urethra is a transition of: :r1 Intramural part into prostatic part :r2 Membranous part into prostatic part :r3 Membranous part into spongious part :r4 Prostatic part into spongious part :r5 No statement is correct -- 53. Choose correct statement: :r1 Seminal vesicles are located medial to ampullae ductus deferentis. :r2 Pelvic part of deferent duct is located lateral to the ureter. :r3 Ampula of deferent duct lies between urinary bladder and rectum :r4 Descent of testis is enabled by shortening of mesorchium :r5 No statement is correct Muscles of the thorax and pelvic floor 1. Between muscles of thorax is not included: :r1 m. transversus thoracis :r2 m. serratus anterior :r3 m. subclavius :r4 mm. scaleni :r5 all muscles are thoracic 2. Choose correct statement: :r1 musculus pectoralis major is attached on crest of minor tubercle of humerus :r2 musculus pectoralis major performs supination of the arm (external rotation) :r3 musculus pectoralis major performs abduction of the arm over horizontal plane :r4 musculus pectoralis major is innervated by branches of plexus cervicalis :r5 none of the statement is correct 3. Choose correct statement: :r1 musculus serratus anterior inserts on lateral border of scapula :r2 musculus serratus anterior inserts on processus coracoideus scapule :r3 musculus serratus anterior inserts on crista tuberculi minoris of humerus :r4 musculus serratus anterior is inervated by intercostal nerves :r5 none of the statement is correct 4. Choose correct statement: :r1 Minor pectoral muscle is an accesory inspiratory muscle :r2 Minor pectoral muscle perfoms arm supination ( external rotation ) :r3 Minor pectoral muscle is inervated from intercostal nerves :r4 Minor pectoral muscle inserts on manubrium sterni :r5 No statement correct 5. Choose correct statement: :r1 Internal intercostal muscles are accessory inspiratory muscles :r2 External intercostal muscles belongs to the group of thoracohumeral muscles :r3 Internal intercostal muscles spreads within the range of bony parts of ribs, between rib cartiliges are substituted by internal intercostal membrane :r4 External intercostal muscles are inervated by intercostal nerves :r5 No statement correct 6. Choose correct answer: :r1 Centrum tendineum of diaphragm is made up by thick fascia :r2 Centrum tendineum is an aponeurotic portion of diaphragm :r3 Hiatus aorticus, through which the abdominal aorta passaes, is in the centrum tendineum of diaphragm :r4 In centrum tendineum of diaphragm passes oesophagus ( hiatus oesophageus ) :r5 All answers are correct 7. Choose correct statement: :r1 Clavipectoral fascia surrounds major pectoral muscle :r2 Endothoracic fascia covers the inner surface of thorax and caudal surface of diaphragm :r3 Diaphragm is inervated from nervus phrenicus from plexus cervicalis :r4 While contracting, diaphragm enlarges thorax in transversal plane :r5 No statement is correct 8. Choose correct staement: :r1 Minor pectoral muscle performs abduction of arm :r2 Centrum tendineum of diaphragm has three parts: sternal, thoracic and lumbar :r3 Subclavian muscle is inervated by branches from cervical plexus :r4 Anterior serrate muscle is inervated by intercostal nerves :r5 No statement is correct 9. Choose correct statement :r1 External intercostal muscles spread from strenum to costal angles :r2 Internal intercostal muscles descends from cranial rib mediocaudally to caudal rib :r3 Innermost intercostal muscles have oposite direction of muscle fibres than that of internal intercostal muscles :r4 Contraction of external intercostal muscles helps widening of thoracic cavity (inspiration) :r5 No statement is correct 10. Choose correct statement: :r1 Internal intercostal membrane can be found between costal cartiliges :r2 In lumbar part of diaphragm foramen venae cavae inferioris can be found :r3 Anterior serrate muscle begins with three parts: sternal, costal, abdominal :r4 Minor pectoral muscle attaches on tuberculum minus humeri :r5 No statement is correct 11. Choose correct statement: :r1 Endothoracic fascia covers inner surface of thorax and caudal surface of diaphragm :r2 Internal intercostal muscles descends from cranial rib mediocaudally to caudal rib :r3 Subclavian muscle does not belong to thoracic muscles :r4 Anterior serrate muscle is attached to margo medialis scapulae :r5 No statement is correct 12. Choose correct statement :r1 Left diaphragmatic dome reaches the level of the 5th intercostal space :r2 Right diaphragmatic dome reaches the level of the 6th intercostal space :r3 Left diaphragmatic dome reaches the level of the 8th intercostal space :r4 Right diaphragmatic dome reaches the level of the 8th intercostal space :r5 No statement is correct 13. Choose correct statement: :r1 Contraction of major pectoral muscle performs supination of arm :r2 Subclavian muscle is attached to manubrium sterni :r3 Diaphragm is inervated by branch of cervical plexus – phrenic nerve :r4 Clavipectoral fascia surrounds major pectoral muscle :r5 No statement is correct 14. Choose correct answer: :r1 Anterior serrate muscle is not a thoracic muscle :r2 Internal intercostal muscles do not reach costal cartiliges, they are substituted there by internal intercostal membrane :r3 Aortic hiatus passes through centrum tendineum of diaphragm :r4 Left costal arch reaches the level of the 5th intercostal space :r5 No statement is correct 15. Function of major pectoral muscle: :r1 Auxiliary inspiratory muscle :r2 Dorsal flexion of the arm :r3 Pronation of the arm :r4 Abduction of the arm :r5 All statements correct 16. Choose correct statement: :r1 Anterior serrate muscle begins with three parts: sternal, costal and abdominal ones :r2 Transversal thoracic muscle spreads on outer surface of rib cartiliges (2nd to 6th), just under the skin :r3 Primary function of minor pectoral muscle is arm adduction :r4 Major pectoral muscle has these origins: clavicular, sternocostal, abdominal :r5 No statement is correct 17. Muscles assisting deep inspiration involve: :r1 m. serratus anterior :r2 m. serratus posterior superior :r3 m. pectoralis major :r4 m. pectoralis minor :r5 all of them belong to auxiliary inspiratory muscles 18. Muscles assisting deep inspiration do not involve: :r1 m. serratus anterior :r2 m. serratus posterior inferior :r3 m. pectoralis major :r4 m. pectoralis minor :r5 all of them belong to auxiliary inspiratory muscles 19. Muscles assisting expiration do not involve: :r1 m. serratus posterior inferior :r2 m. quadratus lumborum :r3 m. obliqus abdominis internus :r4 m. pectoralis minor :r5 all of them belong to auxiliary expiratory muscles 20. Muscles assisting deep inspiration do not involve: :r1 m. serratus anterior :r2 m. serratus posterior superior :r3 m. pectoralis major :r4 m. scalenus anterior :r5 all of them belong to auxiliary inspiratory muscles 21. Choose correct statement: :r1 Major pectoral muscle is main expiratory muscle :r2 Minor pectoral muscle origins with five teeth on 2nd to 7th ribs :r3 Internal intercostal muscles are inspiratory muscles :r4 All thoracic muscles are inervated by intercostal nerves :r5 No statement correct 22. In centrum tendineum of diaphragm can be found: :r1 foramen venae cavae inferioris :r2 foramen venae cavae superioris :r3 hiatus oesophageus :r4 hiatus aorticus :r5 all mentioned structrures pass through centrum tendineum of diaphragm 23. Choose correct statement :r1 diaphragm has a shape of copula, which ascends to thoracic cavity :r2 aponeurotic middle part of diaphragm is called centrum tendineum :r3 lumbar part of diaphragm consists of medial and lateral crura :r4 sternocostal triangle is paired weak area of diaphragm :r5 all statements are correct 24. Choose correct statement: :r1 most movable part of diaphragm is centrum tendineum :r2 while contracting diaphragm moves cranially :r3 diaphragm is main expiratory muscle :r4 diaphragm takes part in rising of abdominal tension/pressure :r5 no statement is correct 25. Choose correct statement: :r1 Transverse thoracic muscle arises with 9 teeth from upper nine ribs :r2 External intercostal muscles rise lower ribs and narrows thorax :r3 Intercostal nerve and vessels run between external and internal intercostal muscles Internal intercostal muscles are completed with internal intercostal membranes at the spinal column. :r4 No statement is correct 26. Choose correct statement: :r1 Internal intercostal membrane lies next to spinal column :r2 Internal intercostal membrane lies next to sternum :r3 Major pectoral muscle is main inspiratory muscle :r4 Hiatus oesophageus lies in centrum tendineum of diaphragm :r5 No statement is correct 27. Choose incorrect statement concerning major pectoral muscle: :r1 One its origin arises from the anterior layer of vagina musculi recti abdominis :r2 Its tendon produces plica axillaris anterior :r3 Muscle is innervated by plexus cervicalis – nervus phrenicus :r4 Its function is adduction and internal rotation of the arm :r5 It is innervated from brachial plexus 28. Between anal canal and hiatus urogenitalis occurs: :r1 Tendinous arch for musculus levator ani :r2 Puborectal muscle :r3 Perineal body :r4 Anococcygeal ligamnet :r5 None of mentioned statements is correct 29. Levator ani muscle has: :r1 Coccygeal part :r2 Iliac part :r3 Rectal part :r4 Urogenital part :r5 None of mentioned parts belong to levator ani muscle 30. Sphincter urethrae muscle arises from: :r1 m. transversus perinei superficialis :r2 m. sphincter vesicae :r3 m. ischiocavernosus :r4 m. levator ani :r5 no statement is correct 31. Musculus transversus perinei profundus arises from: :r1 spina ischiadica :r2 body of ischial bone :r3 inferior ramus of pubic bone :r4 pecten ossis pubis :r5 none of mentioned parts are origins for the muscle 32. Urogenital diaphragm : :r1 is a plate lateral to bulbus spongiosus. :r2 is a derivate of m.bulbospongiosus. :r3 spreads only between ischial tuberosities. :r4 Ligamentum transeversum perinei does not contribute to it. :r5 Vagina passes through it. -- 33. Arcus tendineus m. levatoris ani : :r1 is a derivative of fascia transversalis. :r2 contains internal pudendal vessels. :r3 is a component of the ischiorectal/ischioanal fossa. :r4 is a strengthened band of the fascia of m. obturatorius externus. :r5 No statement is correct. 34. Which of following structures passes through urogenital diaphragm: :r1 Anal canal :r2 Pudendal canal :r3 Male urethra :r4 Crura clitoridis :r5 All mentioned structures pass through it. 35. Perineal body is: :r1 layer of tissue anterior to vagina. :r2 layer of tissue lateral to vagina. :r3 Insertion of m. sphincter vesicae. :r4 Continuation of ligamentum anococcygeum :r5 No statement is correct. 36. Pelvic fasciae do not involve: :r1 fascia perinei superficialis :r2 fascia diaphragmatis pelvis superior :r3 fascia ovarica :r4 fascia diaphragmatis pelvis inferior :r5 all mentioned fasciae are components of pelvic floor 37. Ischiorectal/ischioanal fossa: :r1 lies mostly in front of diaphragma pelvis. :r2 contains ischiorectal canal. :r3 dorsally is bounded by m.piriformis. :r4 contains branches of internal pudendal vessels. :r5 contains obturatory canal. 38. Bulbuspongious muscle :r1 takes part in emptying of urethra during ejaculation :r2 dorsally continues to the m.sphincter ani internus :r3 passage is the same in women and men :r4 in men is divided into three independent units :r5 all statements are correct 39. Alcock’s canal: :r1 is a part of diaphragma urogenitale. :r2 contains n.dorsalis penis. :r3 is covered by labia minora. :r4 is made up by m.obturatorius externus. :r5 No statement is correct. 40. Alcock’s canal: :r1 contains n.dorsalis clitoridis. :r2 is covered by labia minora. :r3 is made up by m.obturatorius externus. :r4 contains internal pudendal vessels. :r5 is made up by upper border of m.levator ani. 41. M. levator ani : :r1 forms a roof of fossa ischiorectalis . :r2 belongs to mm. perinei externi. :r3 m. sphincter ani internus forms its caudal part. :r4 forms the anterior part of diaphragma urogenitale. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 42. Diaphragma pelvis: :r1 is a triangular connective tissue plate . :r2 involves the perineal body. :r3 is made up by m. transversus perinei superficialis et profundus. :r4 is made up by non-striated muscle. :r5 All statements are correct. 43. M. levator ani : :r1 pubic parts of both sides bound hiatus urogenitalis. :r2 iliac part originates from strenghtened fascia obturatoria interna as tendineal arch of m.levator ani. :r3 contributes to formation of elastic pelvic floor. :r4 muscle fibers attach to lig anococcygeum. :r5 All statements are correct. 44. Choose correct statement: :r1 Perineal body is located above anus. :r2 M.coccygeus extends from tuber ischiadicum to lateral part of sacral bone and coccygeal bone. :r3 M.puborectalis is the main constrictor of anus. :r4 Urogenital diaphragm lies above pelvic diphragm. :r5 All statements are correct. 45. Choose correct statement: :r1 Perineal muscles take part in formation of urogenital diaphragm. :r2 Perineal muscles cover hiatus urogenitalis superficially. :r3 Deep transverse perineal muscle inserts at centrum perineale. :r4 Some muscle fibres from m.pubococcygeus form m.levator prostatae :r5 All statements are correct 46. Deep transverse perineal muscle: :r1 forms pelvic diaphragm. :r2 cranially bounds ischiorectal fossa. :r3 it is not developed in women. :r4 ends in centrum perineale. :r5 All statements are correct. 47. Choose correct statement: :r1 Female ischiocavernous muscle directs along vaginal orifice towards clitoris. :r2 Transverse perineal ligament forms a fibrous border of m. transversus perinei superficialis. :r3 Ischiorectal/ischioanal fossa is laterally bound by m. levator ani. :r4 Crura penis (clitoridis) lie between fascia perinei superficialis et fascia diaphragmatis urogenitalis inferior. :r5 All statements are correct. 48. To the perineal body is attached: :r1 fascia diaphragmatis pelvis superior. :r2 m. sphincter ani externus. :r3 m. transversus perinei superficialis. :r4 m. levator ani. :r5 All mentioned structures are continuous with the perineal body. 49. Choose correct statement: :r1 M. sphincter urethrae divides from m. transversus perinei superficialis. :r2 M.transversus perinei profundus is main underlay for pelvic diaphragm. :r3 Perineal body lies between anus and urethra in women. :r4 M.sphincter urethrae is made up by non-striated muscle. :r5 No statement correct 50. Choose incorrect statement concerning major vestibular glands: :r1 they are covered by m.bulbospongiosus :r2 are sunk in m. transversus perinei profundus :r3 lie below pelvic diaphragm :r4 lie in hiatus urogenitalis :r5 No answer is convenient. 51. Choose incorrect statement: :r1 Pudendal canal lies in fascia obturatoria interna. :r2 Ischiorectal/ischioanal fossa lies anterior to urogenital dipahragm. :r3 Ischiorectal/ischioanal fossa lies between tuber ischiadicum and os pubis. :r4 Pudendal canal is a part of ischiorectal/ischioanal fossa. :r5 No statement is convenient. 52. Perineal body: :r1 lies between anus and urethra in men. :r2 M. transversus perinei profundus is attached to it. :r3 Septum rectovaginale attaches here in vomen. :r4 M.bulbospongiosus originates here. :r5 All statements are correct. 53. M. sphincter ani externus: :r1 is made up from smooth muscle. :r2 encircles the rectal ampulla. :r3 is a part of m. transversus perinei profundus. :r4 attaches to perineal body. :r5 All statements are correct. 54. Choose incorrect statement concerning m.coccygeus: :r1 It has the same direction as the sacrotuberal ligament. :r2 It is a part of urogenital diaphragm. :r3 It inserts to the lateral borders of os sacrum and os coccygis :r4 It takes part on suspension of pelvic organs :r5 No statement is convenient. 55. Lig. anococcygeum: :r1 is a part of urogenital diaphragm. :r2 is a site of attachment for m. iliococcygeus. :r3 continues from tendineal arch of m. levator ani cranially. :r4 continues as sacrospinal ligament laterally. :r5 All statements are correct. Female genital system 1. Ovarian fossa: :r1 is located dorsal to fossa of Claudius. :r2 is bound anteriorly by broad ligament of the uterus. :r3 is posterior to ureter. :r4 continues to suspensory ligament caudally :r5 No statement is correct. 2. Ovarian fossa: :r1 occurs only in multipara. :r2 is posterior to ureter. :r3 is related to paracystium. :r4 neighbours with paracolpium caudally. :r5 No statement is correct 3. Ovary: :r1 is supplied from cystic aretry. :r2 lies secondarily retroperitoenally. :r3 is covered with adventicia. :r4 Vessels enter its superior pole. :r5 No statement is correct. 4. Ovary: :r1 is supplied from inferior mesenteric artery. :r2 starts to develop at the level of L5 vertebra. :r3 Ovarian follicles are in the medulla of ovary. :r4 is attached to the horn of the uterus by suspensory ovarian ligament. :r5 No statement is correct. 5. Ovary: :r1 reaches its final position in puberty. :r2 Ampulla of the uterine tube is attached to it. :r3 Lymph is drained to nodi lymphatici lumbales. :r4 Lymph is drained into nodi lymphatici ovarici. :r5 No statement is correct 6. Mesovary: :r1 is attached to the anterior margin of ovary. :r2 does not include uterine tube. :r3 attaches the ovary to the posterior wall of broad ligament of uterus. :r4 is a part of perimetrium. :r5 All statements are correct. 7. Uterine tube: :r1 Its lumen in its narrowest parts is 1mm wide. :r2 comunicates with cervix uetri. :r3 its luminal surface is smooth. :r4 is attached to ovary by mesosalpinx. :r5 All statements are correct. 8. Tuba uterina: :r1 Its luminal surface forms folds. :r2 It forms one side of mesosalpinx. :r3 Its shortest part is the uterine part. :r4 One portion is called isthmus. :r5 All statements are correct. 9. Which of following structures is not a part of tuba uterina? :r1 Infundibulum :r2 Isthmus :r3 Plica ovarica :r4 Fimbria ovarica :r5 All belong to parts of tuba uterina 10. Tuba uterina: :r1 All its portions direct craniolaterally. :r2 is in contact with ceacum on the right side. :r3 is 5 – 8 cm long. :r4 Its surface is formed by serous membrane. :r5 All statements are correct. 11. Tuba uterina: :r1 is in contact with appendix on the right side. :r2 is 20 cm long. :r3 Its surface is formed by adventicia. :r4 X-ray examination is called hysterosalpingography :r5 All statements are correct 12. Cavum uteri: :r1 is lined by double-layered columnar epithelium. :r2 In fundus uteri palmate folds can be found. :r3 squamous epithelium lines the cervical canal. :r4 palmate folds are in the cervical canal. :r5 All statements are correct. 13. Isthmus uteri: :r1 is a part of the vaginalis portion of cervix. :r2 is a part of uterus between its fundus and body. :r3 is approximatelly 1cm long. :r4 is the upper segment of uterus. :r5 No statement is correct. 14. Which of following layers is not included in myometrium? :r1 stratum submucosum. :r2 stratum musculare. :r3 stratum vasculosum. :r4 stratum subserosum. :r5 All answers are correct. 15. Part of uterus is: :r1 neck of the uterus :r2 rectal wall :r3 basis uteri :r4 intestinals wall :r5 No answer is correct. 16. For uterus applies: :r1 Its lenght is around 8 – 10 cm. :r2 It contains cervical glands. :r3 Uterine tubes are attached to the horns of uterus. :r4 Broad ligament of uterus is positioned frontally. :r5 All answers are correct. 17. For uterus applies: :r1 It contains glandulae uterinae. :r2 Its lenght is around 8 – 10 cm. :r3 Its transition to uterine tubes is widened. :r4 Broad ligament comes out only from body of uterus. :r5 No answer is correct. 18. Parametrium does not include: :r1 Sacrouterine ligaments :r2 Round ligament of uterus :r3 Broad ligament of uterus :r4 Cardinal ligament of uterus :r5 All ligaments belong to the parametrium. 19. Parametrium includes: :r1 Sacrouterine ligaments :r2 Round ligaments of cervix :r3 Paracystic ligaments :r4 Parauterine ligaments :r5 No answer correct 20. Round ligament of uterus: :r1 assures vertical position of uterus. :r2 helps in descent of ovaries. :r3 is part of perimetrium. :r4 enters anulus inguinalis profundus. :r5 No statement is correct. 21. Round ligament of uterus: :r1 enters fossa inguinalis medialis. :r2 fixes uterus laterally. :r3 It is a peritoneal reduplication. :r4 ends in labia minora pudendi. :r5 No answer is correct. 22. Round ligament of uterus: :r1 ends in labia majora pudendi. :r2 ends in cervix uteri. :r3 It is a peritoneal reduplication. :r4 Its structure is not constant. :r5 No answer is correct. 23. Parametrium does not include: :r1 Cardinal ligament of uterus :r2 Vesicouterine ligament :r3 Sacrococcygeal ligament :r4 Round ligament of uterus :r5 Sacrouterine ligament 24. Paracolpium is : :r1 Dense connective tissue lying around the vagina :r2 Peritoneal derivative of small pelvis :r3 Loose submucous tissue :r4 Loose connective tissue in vestibulum vaginae :r5 No answer is correct 25. Parakolpium is: :r1 Colagenous tissue around vestibulum vaginae :r2 Connective tissue underlying rugae vaginales :r3 Loose connective tissue outside from adventica of vagina :r4 Mucous connective tissue of vagina with venous sinuses :r5 No statement is correct 26. Rugae vaginales: :r1 are inconstant folds on dorsal wall of vagina. :r2 are visible only in proliferative stage of menstruation cycle. :r3 form trigonal vaginal area dorsally. :r4 contain numerous glands. :r5 No answer is correct 27. Vagina: :r1 is covered by serous membrane. :r2 contains small mucous glands. :r3 surrounding paracolpium is derivative of peritoneum. :r4 loose surrounding tissue is called paracolpium. :r5 No statement is correct. 28. Vagina: :r1 contains mucous glands. :r2 does not have lymphatic drainage. :r3 Sensitive innervation is ensured by n.pudendus. :r4 Its anterior wall contains mucous folds,dorsal wall is smooth. :r5 All answers are correct. 29. Vagina: :r1 is attached to the cervix of the uterus. :r2 Its posterior wall is longer than its anterior wall. :r3 It has no glands. :r4 Posterior fornix is bigger than the anterior one. :r5 All answers are correct 30. Anterior wall of vagina: :r1 continues into ostium uteri superiorly. :r2 contains serous glands. :r3 lies posterior to paraproctium. :r4 is surrounded by m.bulbospongiosus in its middle part. :r5 No answer is correct. 31. Vagina: :r1 contains columnae rugarum. :r2 Mucous membrane forms area trigonalis vaginae. :r3 Mucous membrane is moistened by transsudate. :r4 is related to rectouterine pouch posteriorly and superiorly. :r5 All answers are correct. 32. Bulbus vestibuli: :r1 The whole surface is covered by muscular fibres of m.ischiocavernosus. :r2 is unpaired erectile body. :r3 produces columnae rugarum of vagina. :r4 is around 1cm long. :r5 No answer is correct. 33. Bulbus vestibuli: :r1 lies on the anterior part of m.levator ani. :r2 is a part of clitoridal erectile bodies. :r3 is analogous to cavernous bodies of penis. :r4 its anterior narrow parts join anterior to external urethral orifice. :r5 All answers are correct. 34. Major vestibular glands lie: :r1 lateral to bulbus vestibuli. :r2 ventral to vestibulum vaginae. :r3 below m. transversus perinei superficialis. :r4 at the crura clitoridis. :r5 No answer is correct. 35. Major vestibular glands: :r1 are mucous glands in the vaginal vestibule. :r2 are accumulated around urethra. :r3 lie at the medial wall of bulbus vestibuli. :r4 open to vestibulum vaginae. :r5 No answer is correct. 36. X-ray examination of uterus is called: :r1 Uterosalpingography :r2 Cystography :r3 Hysterouteroscopy :r4 Hysterocystography :r5 No answer correct 37. Uterus: :r1 X-ray examination is called hysterosalpingography. :r2 is connected to the surrounding tissue by the hysteropubic ligament. :r3 Cardinal ligament of uterus is derivative of peritoneum. :r4 Perimetrium is a loose connective tissue that connects it to surrounding tissue. :r5 All answers are correct. 38. Which of following ligaments is not a component of parametrium? :r1 Sacrouterine ligament :r2 Cardinal ligament of uterus :r3 Broad ligament of uterus :r4 Vesicouterine ligament :r5 Each mentioned ligament is a component of parametrium. 39. Vagina: :r1 contains serous glands. :r2 contains vaginal rugae. :r3 Parametrium surrounds it. :r4 Its anterior wall is covered by peritoneum. :r5 No answer is correct. 40. Labia majora pudendi: :r1 encircle mons pubis. :r2 Cleft between them is called rima labii :r3 Round ligament of uterus ends in their connective tissue. :r4 Contain venous sinuses. :r5 All answers are correct. 41. Labia majora pudendi: :r1 Cleft between them is called rima vestibuli. :r2 They continue towards the perineum as frenulum labiorum. :r3 Its underlying tissue is fibrous and muscular tissue. :r4 connects with crura clitoridis anteriorly. :r5 No answer is correct 42. Labia minora pudendi: :r1 are typical mucosal glands. :r2 contain sweat glands. :r3 direct into hymen laterally. :r4 form praeputium clitoridis anteriorly. :r5 Fat is its underlying tissue. 43. Labia minora pudendi :r1 their sweat glands produce smegma. :r2 Fat is its underlying tissue. :r3 form frenulum clitoridis anteriorly. :r4 helps fix hymen. :r5 All answers are correct. 44. Clitoris: :r1 contains spongious body. :r2 is attached to crista phallica of symphysis. :r3 lacks ligamentum fundiforme. :r4 Its foreskin is formed by labia majora pudendi. :r5 No statement is correct. 45. Clitoris: :r1 Its crura clitoridis are fixed to the iliac bone. :r2 Its body is fixed to superior ramus of pubic bone. :r3 Its glans is covered by folds of labia minora pudendi. :r4 It is formed by the spongious body. :r5 All statements are correct. 46. Hymen: :r1 After defloration carunculae myrtiformes are formed. :r2 Hymen septus is the most common type of hymen. :r3 Carunculae hymenales are remnants of hymen after delivery. :r4 Anular hymen is the most common type of hymen before defloration :r5 No answer is correct. 47. Carunculae hymenales: :r1 are openings of vestibular glands. :r2 are a parts of hymen cribriformis. :r3 are marginal folds of hymen after defloration. :r4 are parts of perineum. :r5 No answer is correct. 48. Uterus does not include: :r1 Fundus uteri :r2 Isthmus uteri :r3 Palmate folds :r4 Anterior segment :r5 Perimetrium 49. What is the name of structure of the Graffian follicle that surrounds mature egg? :r1 Membrana granulosa :r2 Antrum folliculi :r3 Cavity of primary follicle :r4 Cumulus oophorus :r5 Tunica albuginea 50. Vagina: :r1 Urinary bladder is related to the vagina in the extent of area trigonalis vaginae. :r2 Posterior fornix of vagina is entry route to peritoneal cavity. :r3 Promontorium vaginae is a prominence of the posterior vaginal wall produced by contraction of m. pubovaginalis. :r4 Ureter crosses uterine artery lateral to the posterior fornix. :r5 All answers are correct 51. Vagina: :r1 Posterior fornix of vagina is entry route to peritoneal cavity. :r2 Broad ligament of uterus is lateral to the vagina. :r3 Urinary bladder produces mucosal folds in the vagina. :r4 Cardinal ligament is a part of paracolpium. :r5 All answers are correct. Test 3 Lymphs 1. Choose correct statement: r1: Lymphatic system begins by capillary plexuses which are continuous with blood capillaries r2: Lymphatic vessels in central nervous system influence circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. r3: Upper and lower extremities have superficial and deep lymphatic vessels. r4: Lymphatic trunks have structure of their walls similar to arterial walls. r5: All statements are correct 2. Lymph node: r1: is interposed in the course of lymphatic vessels, lymph passes through many lymph nodes before entering blood stream. r2: Its surface is covered by capsula nodi lymphatici. r3: Reticulum is inside each lymfoid organ. r4: Afferent vessels open into subcapuslar sinuses. r5: All statements are correct. 3. Choose correct statement: r1: Lymph on contrary of blood plasm does not clot, which accelerates its flow through lymph vessels. r2: Daily production of lymph is 5 litres . r3: Lymph is produced mostly from cerebrospinal fluid. r4: While passing through lymph nodes,lymph is enriched by lymphocytes and specific antibodies. r5: No statement is correct. 4. Thoracic duct: r1: originates above diaphragm. r2: originates as confluence of truncus intestinalis and both trunci lumbales. r3: is widened in cisterna chyli at the level of superior thoracic aperture. r4: Its thoracic part passes in anterior mediastinum. r5: No statement is correct. 5. Thoracic duct: r1: it opens into the right venous angle. r2: Its thoracic part has no valves, in cervical part is a system of valves which prevent flow of lymph back. r3: collects lymph from the half of the body. r4: truncus subclavius sinister opens to the terminal part of thoracic duct. r5: All statements are correct. 6. Retroauricular lymph nodes: r1: belong to the group of superficial lymph nodes of the neck. r2: collect lymph mostly from frontal and occipital regions. r3: collect lymph from temporal region and external ear. r4: are situated ventral to the auricle. r5: No statement is correct. 7. Retropharyngeal lymph nodes : r1: drain lymph into deep cervical lymph nodes. r2: drain lymph into submandibular lymph nodes. r3: drain lymph into deep parotid lymph nodes. r4: drain lymph into internal jugular lymph nodes. r5: No statement is correct. 8. Choose correct statement: r1: Lymph from the tip of a tongue may pass through submental lymph nodes. r2: Wood’s lymph node collects lymph from the palatine tonsil. r3: Supraclavicular lymph nodes collect lymph also from breasts. r4: Tumor of the stomach can spread into left supraclavicular lymph nodes. r5: All statements are correct 9. Choose correct statement describing lymphatics of upper extremity: r1: Superficial lymphatic vessels lie under fasciae. r2: Profound lymphatic vessels accompany nerves of brachial plexus. r3: All collectors of upper extremity end in small group of 4-5 axillary lymph nodes. r4: Malignant process in breast often affects Wood’s lymph node, which is located on the subclavian muscle. r5: No statement is correct. 10. Choose correct statement: r1: Lymph from lungs is drained to pulmonary lymph nodes, which are located around bifurcation of trachea. r2: Anterior mediastinal lymph nodes collect lymph also from diaphragm. r3: Lymph from spinal canal is collected by parasternal lymph nodes. r4: Lymph from the heart is drained only into posterior mediastinal lymph nodes. r5: All statements are correct 11. External iliac lymph nodes: r1: collect lymph mainly from lower extremity, from pelvic walls, from urinary bladder, penis or clitoris. r2: collect lymph only from pelvic walls and gluteal region. r3: collect lymph only from lower extremity and gluteal region. r4: collect lymph only from penis or clitoris and urinary bladder. r5: No statement is correct. 12. Lymph from testes or ovaries flows into: r1: External iliac lymph nodes r2: Internal iliac lympgh nodes r3: Commune iliac lymph nodes r4: Lumbar lymph nodes r5: No statement is correct. 13. Coeliac lymph nodes do not receive lymph from: r1: Stomach r2: Pancreas r3: Small intestine r4: Kidneys r5: None mentioned 14. Lymph from uterus flows into: r1: Lumbar lymph nodes r2: Internal iliac lymph nodes r3: Inguinal lymph nodes r4: Sacral lymph nodes r5: All statements are correct. 15. Choose correct statement: r1: Superficial lymphatic vessels of lower extremity form medial,lateral, and dorsal groups of collectors r2: Lymph from deep lymphatic vessels of lower extremity flows into superficial inguinal lymph nodes. r3: Cloguet-Rosenmuller‘s lymph node is one of superficial inguinal lymph nodes. r4: Lymph from the whole lower extremity and from inguinal superficial lymph nodes flows into deep iliac lymph nodes. r5: No statement is correct 16. Thymus: r1: consists of rigt and left lobes with the isthnus in between. r2: weighs roughly 300 grams r3: In elderly people is atrophic and changes into thymic cartilage body r4: lies in anterior superior mediastinum. r5: No statement is correct. 17. Thymus: r1: B-lymfocytes are mostly stored in thymic reticulum. r2: lies behind the sternum, anterior to infrahyoid muscles. r3: lies in the mediastinum above the heart in area interpleuralis superior seu thymica. r4: is situated behind the sternum, just anterior to oesophagus. r5: No statement is correct. 18. Efferent vessels from retropharyngeal lymph nodes conduct lymph into: r1: Deep cervical lymph nodes r2: Anterior cervical lymph nodes r3: Deep nuchal lymph nodes r4: Retroauricular lymph nodes r5: No statement is correct. 19. Choose incorrect statement: r1: there are three lymphatic plexuses of the heart: subendocardial, myocardial and epicardial. r2: left anterior lymphatic trunk lies in anterior interventricular groove. r3: right anterior lymphatic trunk lies in right coronary groove. r4: heart has no lymph vessels. r5: No statement is convenient. 20. Terminal part/s of lymphatic system is/are: r1: thoracic duct r2: thoracic duct, right lymphatic duct r3: thoracic duct, left lymphatic duct r4: thoracic duct, right lymphatic duct and left lymphatic duct r5: No statement is correct. 21. Thoracic duct: r1: opens into the rigt venous angle. r2: originates as a confluence of lumbar trunks. r3: passes together with aorta through hiatus aorticus. r4: collects lymph from right upper extremity. r5: No statement is correct. 22. Right lymphatic duct: r1: together with thoracic duct and left lymphatic duct forms terminal branches of lymphatic system. r2: typically originates as a confluence of left jugular trunk a left subclavian trunk (20% of cases). r3: shows no variability. r4: next to the confluence has twisted widening – cisterna chyli. r5: No statement is correct. 23. Thymus: r1: Anterior wall of thymus is related to the trachea. r2: consists only from one lobe. r3: produces oxytocin. r4: In elderly atrophies and changes to corpus adiposum thymi r5: No statement is correct. 24. Which of following lymph nodes are drained into superficial cervical lymph nodes? r1: occipital lymph nodes r2: submental lymph nodes r3: submandibular lymph nodes r4: retropharyngeal lymph nodes r5: All answers are correct. 25. Chaose correct statement: r1: Thymus is a lymphoepithelial organ. r2: Thoracic duct collects lymph from the right part of a head. r3: Vas efferens enters a lymph node and vas afferens leaves it. r4: Lymph does not clot, which accelerates its passage through the lymphatic system. r5: All statements are correct. 26. Choose correct statement: r1: Efferents from submadibular lymph nodes conduct lymph into superficial cervical lymph nodes. r2: Lymph from infrahyoid muscles is collected to internal jugular lymph nodes. r3: Lateral, anterior and posterior collectors arise from superficial lymphatic plexusses of the hand. r4: External iliac lymph nodes collect lymph mostly from lower extremity r5: No statement is correct. 27. Choose correct statement: r1: Superficial lymphatic vessels of lower extremity form lateral, medial and anterior groups of collectors r2: Superficial lymphatic vessels of lower extremity form lateral, posterior and anterior groups of collectors r3: Superficial lymphatic vessels of lower extremity form lateral and medial groups of collectors r4: Superficial lymphatic vessels of lower extremity form lateral, medial and posterior groups of collectors r5: No statement is correct. 28. Choose incorrect statement: r1: Lymph from parauterine lymph node (lymph node of Bayer) is collected into internal iliac lymph nodes. r2: Posterior collectors of lower extremity conduct lymph into popliteal lymph nodes. r3: Hepatic lymph nodes are located in ligamentum falciforme hepatis. r4: Lymph from retroauricular lymph nodes flows into superficial and deep cervical lymph nodes. r5: No statement is convenient. 29. Choose correct statement: r1: Deep cervical lymph nodes form a chain of lymph nodes deep to m.sternocleidomastoideus r2: Thymus consists of two lobes,left and right. r3: Superficial lymphatic vessels of upper extremity form lateral,medial and anterior groups of collectors. r4: Cloquet- Rosenmuller lymph node is one of deep inguinal lymph nodes, the most proximal lymph node in lacuna vasorum r5: All statements are correct. 30. Choose correct statememt: r1: Lymphatic vessels do not have valves. r2: Collectors of lower extremity end in a group of 5-8 axillary lymph nodes. r3: Left supraclavicular lymph nodes may be affected by carcinoma of stomach r4: Lymph is drained from bronchmediastinal trunk into left lymphatic duct r5: All statements are correct. 31. Axillary lymph nodes do not include: r1: pectoral axillary lymph nodes r2: medial axillary lymph nodes r3: subscapular axillary lymph nodes r4: lateral axillary lymph nodes r5: No statement is cnvenient. 32. Choose incorrect statement: r1: Daily production of lymph is 1,5 – 2. r2: Stomach is drained by lumbar lymph nodes. r3: Superficial lymph nodes of lower extremity forms medial, lateral and posterior collectors. r4: External iliac lymph nodes collect lymph mostly from lower extremity. r5: No statement is convenient. 33. Which lymphatic plexus does not drain from heart: r1: subendocardial r2: myokardial r3: subepicardial r4: submyocardial r5: No statement is convenient. 34. Which of following lymph nodes do not drain the large intestine? r1: ileocolic lymph nodes r2: colic lymph nodes r3: mesenteric lymph nodes r4: inferior mesenteric lymph nodes r5: No statement is convenient. 35. Which of following lymph nodes receive lymph from diaphragm? r1: superior phrenic lymph nodes r2: parasternal lymph nodes r3: anterior mediastinal lymph nodes r4: posterior mediastinal lymph nodes r5: all mentioned nodes receive lymph from the diaphragm. 36. Which of following lymph nodes directly receive lymph from pleura? r1: parasternal lymph nodes r2: intercostal lymph nodes r3: posterior mediastinal lymph nodes r4: anterior mediastinal lymph nodes r5: No statement is correct. 37. Lymph nodes of lung are: r1: alveolar lymph nodes r2: lobular lymph nodes r3: bronchopulmonary lymph nodes r4: areolar lymph nodes r5: No statement is correct. 38. Lymph from tongue is drained into: r1: juguloomohyoidl lymph node r2: submental lymph nodes r3: internal jugular lymph nodes r4: jugulodigastric lymph node (lymph node of Kuttner ) r5: All statements are correct. 39. Tonsillar lymph node is called also : r1: lymph node of Virchow r2: lymph node of Kuttner r3: lymph node of Bayer r4: lymph node of Wood r5: No statement is correct. 40. Choose correct statement about submandibular lymph nodes: r1: Their efferent vessels enter deep cervical lymph nodes. r2: They are located in submental triangle. r3: Their efferent vessels enter superficial cervical lymph nodes. r4: They drain lymph from palate. r5: No statement is correct. 41. Lymph from the uterus is drained by: r1: lumbar lymph nodes r2: sacral lymph nodes r3: inguinal lymph nodes r4: internal iliac lymph nodes r5: All statements are correct. 42. Choose correct statement: r1: Deep lymphatic vessels of lower extremity end in the superficial inguinal lymph nodes. r2: Superficial cervical lymph nodes collect lymph from submental lymph nodes. r3: Urinary bladder is drained by external and internal iliac lymph nodes. r4: Weight of thymus is 300 – 400 g. r5: All statements are correct. 43. Choose correct statement: r1: Superficial lymphatic vessels of upper extremity form medial, lateral and anterior groups of collectors. r2: Deep lymphatic vessels of upper extremity form medial, lateral and posterior groups of collectors r3: Superficial lymphatic vessels of upper extremity form medial, lateral and posterior group of collectors. r4: Deep lymphatic vessels of upper extremity form medial, lateral and anterior group of collectors. r5: No statement is correct. 44. Choose incorrect statement: r1: While flowing through lymph nodes, lymph is enriched with lymphocytes and specific antibodies. r2: Lymph from kidneys flows into lumbar lymph nodes . r3: Lymph node of Cloquet belongs to superficial lymph nodes of lower extremity. r4: Lymph nodes around lungs have often greyish or even black colour r5: No statement is convenient. 45. Lymph from testes/ovaries is drained into : r1: sacral lymph nodes r2: parauterine lymph nodes r3: external iliac lymph nodes r4: lumbar lymph nodes r5: No statement is correct. 46. Liver is drained by: r1: hepatic lymph nodes r2: anterior mediastinal lymph nodes r3: posterior mediastinal lymph nodes r4: parasternal lymph nodes r5: All statements are correct. 47. Choose correct statement : r1: Efferent vessels open into subcapsular sinuses of a lymph node. r2: Head of the pancreas is drained by pyloric lymph nodes. r3: Lymph does not contain any proteins, therefore it does not clot. r4: Lymph from prostate is conducted to superficial iliac lymph nodes. r5: All answers are correct. 48. Lymph from middle ear flows into: r1: retroauricular lymph nodes r2: parotid lymph nodes r3: retropharyngeal lymph nodes r4: buccinator lymph nodes r5: All answers are correct. 49. Lymph from colon descendens flows into: r1: ileocolic lymph nodes r2: inferior mesenteric lymph nodes r3: right colic lymph nodes r4: rectal lymph nodes r5: No statement is correct. 50. Internal iliac lymph nodes do not include: r1: paralabial lymph nodes r2: paravesical lymph nodes r3: paravaginal lymph nodes r4: parauterine lymph nodes r5: All lymph nodes belong to internal iliac lymph nodes. Heart 1. Which of following features could be found in the interatrial septum? :r1 Orifice of vena cava superior :r2 Fossa ovalis :r3 Opening of sinus coronarius :r4 Opening of vena cava inferior :r5 No statement is correct. -- 2. Apex cordis directs: :r1 downwards, forwards and to the left :r2 downwards, forwards and to the right :r3 downwards, backwards and to the left :r4 upwards, backwards and to the left :r5 No statement is correct. -- 3. Choose correct statement: :r1 Ductus arteriosus is a connection between the aort and right ventricle. :r2 Sinus coronarius opens to the right ventricle of the heart. :r3 Left cardiac ventricle contains trabecula septomarginalis. :r4 Four vv. pulmonales enter the left atrium. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 4. Sounds of which of following valves could be listened to at the second left intercostal space? :r1 valva tricuspidalis :r2 valva trunci pulmonalis :r3 valva aortae :r4 valva bicuspidalis :r5 No statement is correct. -- 5. Cardiac skeleton does not include: :r1 trigonum fibrosum dextrum :r2 anulus aorticus :r3 anulus trunci pulmonalis :r4 pars membranacea septi cordis :r5 fasciculus limbicus -- 6. Sounds of which of following valves could be listened to at the second right intercostal space? :r1 valva tricuspidalis :r2 valva trunci pulmonalis :r3 valva aortae :r4 valva bicuspidalis :r5 No statement is correct. -- 7. Choose correct statement about cardiac ventricles: :r1 Papillary muscles are attached to the semilunar valves by tendinous cords. :r2 Papillary muscles are attached to the cuspid valves by tendinous cords. :r3 Wall of the right ventricle is three-times thicker than the wall of the left ventricle. :r4 There is no difference between the thickness of the ventricular walls. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 8. Which of following features could be found in the septum interatriale? :r1 Opening for right superior pulmonary vein :r2 Fossa ovalis :r3 Ostium atrioventriculare sinistrum :r4 Opening for left superior pulmonary vein :r5 Valva sinus coronarii -- 9. Which of following vessels pass in the anterior interventricular groove? :r1 Anterior interventricular branch of right coronary artery and vena cordis magna :r2 Anterior interventricular branch of left coronary artery and vena cordis parva :r3 Anterior interventricular branch of left coronary artery and vena cordis magna :r4 Anterior interventricular branch of left coronary artery and ramus circumflexus :r5 No statement is correct. -- 10. Base of the heart points: :r1 superiorly, anteriorly, to the left :r2 inferiorly, anteriorly, to the right :r3 inferiorly, posteriorly, to the left :r4 superiorly, posteriorly, to the right :r5 No statement is correct. -- 11. Right coronary artery supplies blood to: :r1 right atrium,right ventricle and frontal part of septum cordis :r2 right atrium,right ventricle, dorsal part of septum cordis and dorsal part of left ventricle :r3 only right atrium and ventricle :r4 right atrium, right ventricle and left atrium :r5 No statement is correct. -- 12. Choose correct statement: :r1 Muscle is the underlying tissue of cuspid valves. :r2 Epicardium is the underlying tissue of cuspid valves. :r3 Aortic valve consists of anterior, lateral and medial semilunar valvules. :r4 Valve of pulmonary trunk consists of anterior,right and left semilunar valvules. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 13. Sounds of which of following valves can be listened to in the left 5th intercostal space medial to midclavicular line? :r1 valva tricuspidalis :r2 valva trunci pulmonalis :r3 valva aortae :r4 valva bicuspidalis :r5 No statement is correct. -- 14. Sulcus coronarius does not contain: :r1 sinus coronarius :r2 ramus circumflexus a. coronariae cordis sinistrae :r3 vena cordis parva :r4 autonomic plexus coronarius :r5 All mentioned structure pass in the coronary groove. -- 15. coronaria cordis sinistra supplies blood to: :r1 left atrium, left ventricle, anterior part of right ventricle and anterior part of septum cordis :r2 left atrium, left ventricle, posterior part of right ventricle and posterior part of septum cordis :r3 left atrium, left ventricle, anterior part of right ventricle and posterior part of septum cordis :r4 only left atrium and left ventricle :r5 No statement is correct. -- 16. Which of the following structures does not occur in atrium dextrum: :r1 ostium venae cavae inferioris :r2 torus intervenosus :r3 ostium sinus coronarii :r4 ostium venae pulmonalis dextrae :r5 All mentioned structures occur in atrium dextrum. -- 17. Choose correct statement: :r1 Valva venae cavae superioris consists of valvula semilunaris anterior, dextra, and sinistra. :r2 Valva tricuspidalis consists of cuspis anterior, medialis, and lateralis. :r3 Valva trunci pulmonalis consist of valvula semilunaris anterior, posterior, and septalis. :r4 Valva aortae consists of valvula semilunaris posterior, dextra, and sinistra. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 18. Choose correct statement: :r1 Ramus circumflexus a. coronariae cordis sin. lies in sulcus coronarius. :r2 Crista terminalis divides both heart auricles. :r3 Nodus sinuatrialis lies next to ostium venae cavae inferioris. :r4 Venae cordis anteriores open in left ventricle. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 19. Choose correct statement: :r1 Nodus atrioventricularis of heart conducting system is located next to ostium venae cavae superioris. :r2 Nodus sinuatrialis of heart conducting system is located in front of ostium sinus coronarii. :r3 Heart skeleton is made up by spongious bone. :r4 Endocardium is outer superficial heart membrane. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 20. Which of following structures can be found in ventriculus dexter cordis? :r1 Ostium venae cavae inferioris :r2 Valva bicuspidalis :r3 Ostium sinus coronarii :r4 Trabecula septomarginalis :r5 No statement is correct. -- 21. Which of following vessels pass in sulcus interventricularis posterior? :r1 Ramus interventricularis posterior a. coronariae cordis dx. and v. cordis media :r2 Ramus interventricularis posterior a. coronariae cordis sin. and v. cordis parva :r3 Ramus interventricularis posterior a. coronariae cordis dx. and v. cordis magna :r4 Ramus interventricularis anterior a. coronariae cordis sin. :r5 No answer is correct. -- 22. Which structure can be found in left ventricle? :r1 Ostium venae cavae inferioris. :r2 Trabecula septomarginalis. :r3 Ostium sinus coronarii :r4 Ostium venae pulmonalis dextrae :r5 No answer is correct. -- 23. Choose incorrect statement: :r1 Sulcus interventricularis anterior is located on facies sternocostalis of heart. :r2 Sulcus coronarius is an outer border between atria and ventricles. :r3 Fossa ovalis is located on septum interatriale. :r4 Apex cordis points anteriorly, inferiorly and to the right. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 24. Which following structure does not belong to a conducting system of the heart: :r1 Fibres of Purkyně :r2 Nodus sinuatrialis :r3 Fasciculus atrioventricularis :r4 Nodus atrioventricularis :r5 Fasciculus intervenosus -- 25. Nervi accelerantes of the heart: :r1 are branches of nervus vagus. :r2 belong to parasympathetic system. :r3 accelerate heart activity. :r4 slow down activity of nodus sinuatrialis :r5 are components of heart conducting system -- 26. Choose incorrect statement: :r1 Valva bicuspidalis is auscultated in the 5th intercostal space to the left around 1cm medially from left medioclavicular line. :r2 Valva trunci pulmonalis is auscultated in the 2th intercostal space to the right from the sternum. :r3 Anulus fibrosus dexter of heart skeleton encircles ostium atrioventriculare dextrum :r4 Basis pericardii lies on diaphragm. :r5 Nodus sinuatrialis is a part of heart conducting system. -- 27. Nervi retardantes of heart : :r1 are branches of nervus vagus. :r2 belong to sympathetic system. :r3 accelerate heart activity. :r4 are components of heart conducting system :r5 No statement is correct. -- 28. Choose correct statement: :r1 fibres of vagus accelerate heart activity :r2 plexus cardiacus superficialis is located between aorta and bifurcation of trachea :r3 parasympathetic fibres slow down heart activity :r4 sympathetic fibres slow down heart activity :r5 No statement is correct. -- 29. Choose correct statement: :r1 Heart is located in left pleural cavity. :r2 Heart is located in posterior mediastinum. :r3 Apex cordis points to the left, posteriorly and superiorly. :r4 Sounds of valva trunci pulmonalis can be heard in the left 2nd intecostal space at the sternum. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 30. Choose correct statement: :r1 Base of pericardium fibrosum is fused with centrum tendineum of diaphragm. :r2 Heart is located in middle mediastinum. :r3 Sounds of valva aortae can be heard in the right 2nd intercostal at the sternum. :r4 Plexus cardiacus superficialis is located between aorta and truncus pulmonalis. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 31. Choose correct statment concerning fetal blood circulation: :r1 Blood from vena cava inferior passes through foramen ovale from right atrium to left ventricle. :r2 Ductus venosus obliterates and becomes ligamentum venosum after birth. :r3 Vena umbilicalis obliterates and becomes ligamentum arteriosum after birth. :r4 Arteria umbilicalis conducts oxygenated blood from placenta to fetus. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 32. The beginning portion of ramus circumflexus a. coronariae cordis sin. is located in: :r1 sulcus interventricularis anterior :r2 left part of sulcus coronarius :r3 sulcus interventricularis posterior :r4 right part of sulcus coronarius :r5 No statement is correct. -- 33. Right border of cardiac shadow of X-ray image in PA view is not formed by: :r1 vena cava superior :r2 arcus aortae :r3 atrium dextrum :r4 vena cava inferior :r5 vena brachiocephalica dextra -- 34. Left border of cardiac shadow of X-ray image in PA view is formed by: :r1 auricula sinistra :r2 arcus aortae :r3 vetriculus sinister :r4 truncus pulmonalis :r5 All statements are correct. -- 35. Choose correct statment concerning fetal blood circulation: :r1 Arteria umbilicalis conducts oxygenated blood to fetus. :r2 Vena umbilicalis drains deoxygenated blood from fetus. :r3 Ductus venosus is a connection between vena umbilicalis and vena cava inferior. :r4 Ductus arteriosus obliterates after birth into lig. umbilicale mediale. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 36. Choose correct statment concerning fetal blood circulation: :r1 A. umbilicalis obliterates to create lig. arteriosum after birth. :r2 V. umbilicalis obliterates to create lig. teres hepatis after birth. :r3 Ductus venosus is a connection between truncus pulmonalis and aorta. :r4 Ductus arteriosus is a connection between a. umbilicalis and aorta. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 37. Choose correct statement about heart: :r1 Inner surface of auricula is smooth. :r2 Aorta ascendens is located anterior to truncus pulmonalis. :r3 Truncus pulmonalis branches into two vv. pulmonales at the angle of 45 degrees. :r4 Begining part of truncus pulmonalis is called conus arteriosus. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 38. Choose incorrect statement about heart: :r1 Ostium venae cavae superioris is bordered by valvula venae cavae superiosis. :r2 Edge of each valvula semilunaris is called lunula. :r3 Truncus pulmonalis is located anterior to aorta when leaving heart. :r4 Ostium venae cavae inferioris is bordered by valvula v. cavae inf. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 39. Choose correct statement about left ventricle: :r1 It has triangular shape at the transverse section :r2 Inner muscular layer forms trabeculae carnae. :r3 Valva tricuspidalis is located in ostium atrioventriculare sinistrum. :r4 Foramen ovale can be found on septal wall of left ventricle. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 40. Choose incorrect statement about heart: :r1 Right ventricle is triangular at transverse section. :r2 Crista terminalis is located in right atrium. :r3 Torus intervenosus runs is on the posterior wall of the right atrium. :r4 Foramen ovale connects both atria before birth. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 41. Choose correct statement about heart: :r1 Torus intervenosus runs between auricula dextra and sinistra. :r2 Crista terminalis is a border between inflow and outflow parts of left ventricle. :r3 Margo dexter cordis is rounded (s.c. margo obtusus, pulmonalis) :r4 Crista supraventricularis separates inflow and outflow parts of right ventricle. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 42. Choose correct statement about heart: :r1 Endocardium of atria is thicker than that of ventricles. :r2 Myocardium of ventricles is thicker than myocardium of atria. :r3 Superficial layer of myocardium forms vortex cordis on the apex of heart. :r4 Deep layer of myocardium forms trabeculae carnae. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 43. Which of following formation is not formed by working myocardium? :r1 fasciculus interauricularis horizontalis a verticalis :r2 fasciculus terminalis :r3 fasciculus atrioventricularis :r4 fasciculus limbicus sup. a inf. :r5 All answers are correct. -- 44. Choose correct statement about pericardium: :r1 Porta arteriarum can be found around aorta and truncus pulmonalis. :r2 Porta venarum can be found around truncus pulmonalis and openings of both venae cavae. :r3 Sinus transversus pricardii is located below porta venarum. :r4 Sinus obliquus pericardii is a space between porta arteriarum and porta venarum. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 45. Sinus coronarius cordis does not receive: :r1 v. cordis magna :r2 vv. cordis anteriores :r3 v. cordis parva :r4 v. cordis media :r5 v. obligua atrii sinistri -- 46. Lymphatic system of the heart does not include: :r1 nodus lymphaticus praeaorticus :r2 subendocardial lymphatic :r3 nodus lymphaticus retroaorticus :r4 myocardial lymphatic plexus :r5 plexus cardiacus superficialis -- 47. Sinus coronarius cordis: :r1 drains around 40% of venous blood from a heart. :r2 Its mains inflows are vv. cordis ant. :r3 is located together with left coronary artery in sulcus intervenricularis ant. :r4 opens by ostium sinus coronarii into atrium dextrum. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 48. Nervous system of heart does not involve: :r1 plexus coronarius sinister :r2 plexus cardiacus superficialis :r3 ganglion cardiacum :r4 nodus sinuatrialis :r5 plexus coronarius dexter -- 49. Cavum pericardii includes: :r1 sinus coronarius :r2 sinus transversus pericardii :r3 recessus costodiaphragmaticus :r4 recessus costomediastinalis (praecardiacus) :r5 no statement correct -- 50. Which of following vessels opens into left atrium of heart? :r1 sinus coronarius :r2 truncus pulmonalis :r3 vv. cordis minimae :r4 v. cava sup. :r5 No statement is correct. Veins 1. Vena cava superior originates as a confluence of: :r1 vena jugularis interna dextra and vena subclavia dextra :r2 v. brachiocephalica dextra and v. brachiocephalica sinistra :r3 v. jugularis interna sinistra and v. subclavia sinistra :r4 truncus brachiocephalicus and v. subclavia dextra :r5 No statement is correct. -- 2. Direct tributaries of vena cava superior are: :r1 v. saphena magna :r2 v. azygos :r3 v. lienalis :r4 v. thoracoepigastrica :r5 No statement is correct. -- 3. As angulus venosus is marked angle between: :r1 v. jugularis interna and v. subclavia :r2 v. jugularis interna and v. jugularis externa :r3 v. brachiocephalica dextra and v. brachiocephalica sinistra :r4 v. jugularis externa dextra and v. subclavia dextra :r5 No statement is correct. -- 4. Choose incorrect statement: :r1 V. jugularis interna continues from sinus sigmoideus. :r2 V. jugularis interna passes thorugh dorsolateral portion of foramen jugulare. :r3 V. jugularis interna originates by confluence of v. temporalis sup. and v. maxillaris. :r4 V. jugularis interna drains blood from skull cavity, facial part of head and neck. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 5. Choose incorrect statement. Plexus pterygoideus: :r1 is a venous plexus located in fossa infratemporalis. :r2 anastomoses with veins of the orbit and by them with sinus cavernosus. :r3 anastomoses with v. profunda faciei. :r4 forms v. maxillaris. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 6. Plexus pterygoideus does not drain: :r1 nasal cavity :r2 oral cavity (palate) :r3 maxilla :r4 nuchal region :r5 No statement is correct. -- 7. Which of following veins are not direct tributaries of v. jugularis interna? :r1 v. retomandibularis :r2 v. thyroidea sup. :r3 sinus sigmoideus :r4 v. cephalica :r5 No statement is correct. -- 8. Choose incorrect statement: :r1 V. cephalica runs on radial side of forearm :r2 V. basilica runs on ulnar side of forearm :r3 V. basilica begins in rete venosum dorsale manus as v. salvatella :r4 V. cephalica opens in v. brachialis :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 9. Choose incorrect statement. V. jugularis ext.: :r1 can be a continuation of v. retromandibularis. :r2 Its tribuaries involve v. auricularis post. and v. occipitalis. :r3 It can drain in v. jugularis int. or v. subclavia. :r4 is one of deep veins of neck, runs together with a. carotis ext. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 10. Superficial veins of neck do not involve: :r1 v. jugularis externa :r2 v. jugularis interna :r3 v. jugularis anterior :r4 arcus venosus juguli :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 11. Choose correct statement: :r1 V. cephalica runs on ulnar side of forearm. :r2 V. cephalica begins in rete venosum dorsale manus as v. salvatella. :r3 V. cephalica opens into v. axillaris in trigonum deltoideopectorale. :r4 N. basilica originates in fossa cubiti by confluence of v. basilica and v. mediana antebrachii. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 12. Choose incorrect statement: :r1 V. cephalica runs on ulnar side of forearm. :r2 V. cephalica begins in rete venosum dorsale manus as v. cephalica pollicis. :r3 V. basilica passes through fascia in lower half of arm. :r4 V. cephalica opens into v. axillaris in trigonum deltoideopectorale. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 13. Choose correct statement concerning v. subclavia: :r1 It passes through fissura scalenorum together with a. subclavia. :r2 Its tributary is usually v. azygos. :r3 It joins v.jugularis int. posterior to sternoclavicular joint to form v. brachiocephalica. :r4 It runs in subcutaneous tissue, it is a continuation of v. cephalica. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 14. Choose incorrect statement: :r1 V. cava inferior originates as a union of left and right v. iliaca communis. :r2 V. cava inferior has numerous valves. :r3 V. cava inferior opens in right atrium of heart. :r4 V. cava inferior originates at the level of L4-5 vertebrae. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 15. Choose incorrect statement: V. cava inferior: :r1 collects blood from lower limbs, pelvis, part of abdominal and thoracic cavities. :r2 originates at the left side of L4-5 vertebrae. :r3 produces impression in the visceral surface of liver (sulcus v. cavae inf.) :r4 passes through centrum tendineum of diaphragm (foramen v. cavae inf.) :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 16. Which of following organs are not drained by v. cava inferior? :r1 liver :r2 kidneys :r3 stomach :r4 testes or ovaries :r5 No statement convenient. -- 17. Choose incorrect statement concerning v. cava inferior: :r1 It originates as a union of v. iliaca comm. dx. and sin. at the right side of L4-5 vertebrae. :r2 It has an opening in right atrium provided with valvula v. cavae inf. :r3 It receives 2-3 vv. hepaticae in sulcus v. cavae inf. of the liver. :r4 It passes through basis pericardii. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 18. Which of following veins are not parietal tributaries of vena cava inferior? :r1 vv. lumbales :r2 vv. phrenicae inferiores :r3 v. sacralis mediana :r4 vv. hepaticae :r5 No statement is convenient. :r4 ok -- 19. Which of following veins are not parietal tributaries of vena cava inferior? :r1 vv. lumbales :r2 vv. testiculares :r3 vv. phrenicae inferiores :r4 v. sacralis mediana :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 20. Which of following veins are not parietal tributaries of vena cava inferior? :r1 vv. renales :r2 vv. lumbales :r3 vv. phrenicae inferiores :r4 v. sacralis mediana :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 21. Which of following veins are not visceral tributaries of vena cava inferior? :r1 vv. phrenicae inferiores :r2 vv. renales :r3 v. suprarenalis dx. :r4 v. ovarica dx. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 22. Which of following veins are not visceral tributaries of vena cava inferior? :r1 vv. renales :r2 v. suprarenalis dx. :r3 v. sacralis mediana :r4 v. ovarica dx. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 23. Which of following veins are not visceral tributaries of vena cava inferior? :r1 vv. renales :r2 v. suprarenalis dx. :r3 vv. lumbales :r4 v. ovarica dx. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 24. Which of following veins do not drain rectum? :r1 vv. rectales externae into plexus venosus sacralis :r2 vv. rectales inf. into v. pudenda int. :r3 vv. rectales mediae into vv. iliacae int. :r4 v. rectalis sup. into v mesenterica inf. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 25. Choose incorrect statement concerning v. saphena magna: :r1 It originates from rete venosum dorsale pedis. :r2 It runs anterior to medial malleolus. :r3 It opens into v.poplitea. :r4 One of their tributaries is v.epigastrica superficialis. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 26. Choose incorrect statement concerning v. saphena magna: :r1 It runs behind lateral malleolus. :r2 One of their tributaries is v. pudenda ext. :r3 It is located in subcutaneous tissue of lower limb. :r4 It penetrates hiatus saphenus and opens into v. femoralis. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 27. Find incorrect statement for v. saphena magna : :r1 Its largest tributary is v. femoropoplitea. :r2 It runs anterior to medial malleolus. :r3 One of its tributaries is v. circumflexa ilium spf. :r4 It penetrates hiatus saphenus and opens into v. femoralis. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 28. V. saphena parva: :r1 runs anterior to medial malleolus. :r2 One of its tributaries is v. pudenda ext. :r3 Its largest tributary is v. femoropoplitea. :r4 It penetrates hiatus saphenus and opens into v. femoralis. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 29. V. azygos: :r1 is a continuation of v. lumbalis ascendens sin. :r2 One of its tributaries is v. thoracica interna. :r3 opens in vena cava superior. :r4 collects blood from unpaired organs of abdominal cavity. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 30. Choose incorrect statement pertaining v. azygos: :r1 It is a continuation of v. lumbalis ascendens dx. :r2 One of its tributaries is v. hemiazygos. :r3 It forms an anastomosis between both venae cavae, blood can flow in both directions. :r4 collects blood also from intercostal spaces. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 31. V. hemiazygos: :r1 is a continuation of v. lumbalis ascendens dx. :r2 One of its branches is v. hemiazygos accesoria. :r3 usually opens directly into vena cava superior. :r4 collects blood also from spleen. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 32. Choose incorrect statement concerning v. hemiazygos: :r1 It is a continuation of v. lumbalis ascendens sin. :r2 It runs on the left side of spine paralel to v. azygos. :r3 It usually opens into v. azygos. :r4 It passes through midline (runs from left to right) at the level of T7-9 vertebrae. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 33. Which of following veins are not tributaries of vena azygos? :r1 v. lumbalis ascendens dx. :r2 v. hemiazygos :r3 vv. intercostales posteriores dx. :r4 vv. hepaticae :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 34. Choose incorrect statement concerning plexus venosi vertebrales interni: :r1 They are located in epidural space of vertebral canal. :r2 Blood can flow every direction in the plexuses. :r3 They have numerous connections with plexus venosi vertebrales externi. :r4 They also collect blood from spinal cord. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 35. Plexus venosi vertebrales externi do not anastomose with: :r1 v. vertebralis :r2 v. portae :r3 v. azygos :r4 plexus venosi vertebrales interni :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 36. V. portae does not drain: :r1 spleen :r2 liver :r3 stomach :r4 intestine :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 37. V. portae does not drain: :r1 kidneys :r2 spleen :r3 stomach :r4 intestine :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 38. Choose incorrect statement concerning v. portae: :r1 It originates as a union of v. iliaca comm. dx. and v. iliaca comm. sin. at the level of L4 vertebra :r2 One of its branches is v. mesenterica sup. :r3 It runs in ligamentum hepatoduodenale. :r4 It enters porta hepatis. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 39. Choose incorrect statement concerning v. portae: :r1 It originates behind the head of pancreas at the level of L2 vertebra. :r2 It originates as a union of v. lienalis and v. mesenterica sup. :r3 It runs in omentum majus. :r4 It enters porta hepatis. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 40. Choose incorrect statement concerning v. portae: :r1 One of its branches is v. mesenterica inf. :r2 It originates as a union of v. lienalis a v. hepatica. :r3 It runs in ligamentum hepatoduodenale. :r4 One of its branches is v. gastrica sin. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 41. Choose incorrect statement concerning v. portae: :r1 One of its branches is v. lienalis. :r2 It is a part of hepatic functional circulation. :r3 It runs in ligamentum hepatoduodenale. :r4 It opens into vena cava inferior in porta hepatis. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 42. V. portae: :r1 originates behind the head of pancreas at the level of L2 vertebra. :r2 originates as a union of v. lienalis and v. mesenterica sup. :r3 runs in ligamentum hepatoduodenale. :r4 One of its tributaries is v. gastrica dx. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 43. Portocaval/portosystemic anastomoses involve: :r1 connections between vv. gastricae and vv. oesophageae :r2 connections around umbilicus (caput Medusae) :r3 connections around rectum :r4 connections around urinary baldder :r5 All statements are correct. -- 44. Portocaval/portosystemic anastomoses do not involve: :r1 connections between vv. gastricae and vv. oesophageae :r2 connections around umbilicus (caput Medusae) :r3 connections around rectum :r4 connections between v. azygos and v. hemiazygos :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 45. Portocaval/portosystemic anastomoses do not occur in: :r1 wall of appendix :r2 wall of oesophageus :r3 subcutaneous tissue of abdominal wall around umbilicus :r4 wall of rectum :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 46. Portocaval/portosystemic anastomoses do not occur in: :r1 subcutaneous tissue of lower limbs :r2 wall of oesophageus :r3 around umbilicus :r4 wall of rectum :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 47. Choose correct statement: :r1 Connections between vv. paraumbilicales and subcutaneous veins around umbilicus are called cavocaval anastomoses. :r2 Cavocaval anastomoses are formed by system of v.azygos. :r3 V. azygos arises by the junction of the v. lumbalis ascendens sin. and v. subcostalis sin. :r4 One of cavocaval anastomosis is connection between venae gastricae and venae oesophageae. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 48. Choose correct statement concerning fetal circulation: :r1 Ductus venosus connects umbilical vein with superior vena cava. :r2 Ligamentum arteriosum is obliterated urachus :r3 Vena umbilicalis delivers oxygenated blood to fetus. :r4 Arteria umbilicalis obliterates into ligamentum teres hepatis after delivery. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 49. Which of following plexuses are not included in pelvic venous plexuses? :r1 plexus rectalis :r2 plexus vesicalis :r3 plexus prostaticus in males :r4 plexus sacralis :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 50. Blood from rectum is not usually drained via: :r1 vv. rectales externae into plexus venosus sacralis :r2 vv. rectales inf. into vv. iliacae int. :r3 vv. rectales mediae into vv. pudendae int. :r4 v. rectalis sup. into v. mesenterica inf. :r5 No statement is convenient. -- 51. Which of following veins are not involved in deep veins of upper extremity? :r1 vv. radiales :r2 vv. ulnares :r3 v. cephalica :r4 vv. digitales :r5 All mentioned veins are deep veins of upper extremity. -- 52. Choose correct statement about vv. brachiocephalicae: :r1 V. brachiochiocephalica dx. is longer than v. brachiocephalica sin. :r2 V. brachiocephalica originates as a union of v. jugularis externa and v. subclavia. :r3 V. brachiocephlica dx. lies behind tr. brachiocephalicus. :r4 One of tributaries of v. brachiocephalica is v. thoracica int. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 53. Which of following veins are not involved in deep veins of upper extremity? :r1 vv. radiales :r2 vv. ulnares :r3 v. cephalica :r4 vv. digitales :r5 All mentioned veins are deep veins of upper extremity. -- 54. Arcus venosus juguli originates as a union of: :r1 v. jugularis int. dx. and v. sublavia dx. :r2 v. jugularis ant. dx. and v. jugularis ant. sin. :r3 v. jugularis int. sin. and v. jugularis ext. sin. :r4 v. jugularis ext. dx. and v. sublavia dx. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 55. V. femoralis: :r1 lies in fossa poplitea lateral to a. femoralis. :r2 Its continuation is v. iliaca interna. :r3 passes through lacuna musculorum. :r4 V. saphena parva is one of its direct tributaries. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 56. Choose incorrect statement concerning v. femoralis: :r1 It is located in trigonum femorale together with a. femoralis. :r2 Its continuation is v. iliaca externa. :r3 It passes through lacuna vasorum. :r4 V. saphena parva is one of its direct tributaries. :r5 No statement is convenient. Arteries I 1. Aorta ascendens: :r1 has no branches. :r2 begins at the level of the 6th intercostal space. :r3 is located anterior to truncus pulmonalis. :r4 passes in pericardial sac. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 2. Aorta ascendens: :r1 exits ventriculus sinister. :r2 gives off truncus brachiocephalicus sin. :r3 is connected with truncus pulmonalis by ligamentum arteriosum. :r4 is a continuation of arcus aortae. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 3. Aorta ascendens: :r1 gives off a. carotis communis. :r2 Its part is bulbus aortae. :r3 is located anterior to truncus pulmonalis. :r4 continues as arcus aortae from the level of the 4th sternocostal joint. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 4. Arcus aortae: :r1 begins from the right 2nd sternocostal joint. :r2 has two branches - truncus brachiocephalicus dexter and sinister. :r3 gives off truncus brachiocephalicus, a. carotis communis dextra and a. subclavia dextra. :r4 Lig. arteriosum is obliterated a. umbilicalis. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 5. Arcus aortae: :r1 begins from the left 2nd sternocostal joint. :r2 forms an arch with convexity turned caudally. :r3 is located behind bifurcation of trachea. :r4 Concavity of arch is connected with truncus pulmonalis by lig. arteriosum. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 6. Truncus brachiocephalicus: :r1 supplies left part of head and neck and left upper extremity. :r2 is a branch of aorta ascendens. :r3 is a branch of arcus aortae. :r4 is a branch of aorta descendens. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 7. A. carotis communis: :r1 Right artery is a direct branch af aorta. :r2 Left artery is longer than right one. :r3 Both right and left arteries are direct branches of aorta. :r4 passes behind n. vagus. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 8. A.carotis communis: :r1 divides into its terminal branches at the level of lower border of cartilago cricoidea. :r2 Its division into terminal branches is located in trigonum submandibulare. :r3 is divided into a. carotis anterior et posterior. :r4 can be compressed against tuberculum anterius of C6 vertebra. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 9.A.carotis externa: :r1 arises from a. carotis communis in trigonum omotracheale. :r2 passes in retrostyloid space. :r3 passes in prestyloid space. :r4 supllies brain, orbit and inner ear. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 10.A carotis externa: :r1 It is branched into medial, lateral and terminal. :r2 passes in prestyloid space. :r3 A. thyroidea superior is its medial branch. :r4 Its terminal branch is called a. mandibularis. :r5 all statements correct. -- 11.Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of a. carotis externa? :r1 a. lingualis. :r2 a. facialis. :r3 a. mandibularis. :r4 a. thyroidea superior. :r5 Each mentioned artery is a branch of a. carotis ext. -- 12.Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of a. carotis externa? :r1 a. maxillaris. :r2 a. thyroidea superior. :r3 a. dorsalis nasi. :r4 a. temporalis superficialis. :r5 a. occipitalis. -- 13.Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of a. carotis externa? :r1 a. maxillaris. :r2 a. thyroidea inferior. :r3 a. pharyngea ascendens. :r4 a. temporalis superficialis. :r5 a. occipitalis. -- 14.Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of a. carotis externa? :r1 a. maxillaris. :r2 a. thyroidea superior. :r3 a. pharyngea ascendens. :r4 a. temporalis superficialis. :r5 a. cervicalis ascendens. -- 15.Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of a. carotis externa? :r1 a. maxillaris. :r2 a. thyroidea superior. :r3 a. pharyngea ascendens. :r4 a. temporalis superficialis. :r5 Each mentioned artery is a branch of a. carotis ext. -- 16.A. thyroidea superior: :r1 is a branch of a. carotis interna. :r2 points cranially towards thyroid gland. :r3 gives off a. laryngea superior. :r4 is a branch of a. carotis communis. :r5 no statement correct. -- 17.A. lingualis: :r1 belongs between anterior branches of a. carotis externa. :r2 Its terminal branch is a. submentalis. :r3 is a branch of a. facialis. :r4 can pass through glandula submandibularis. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 18.A. facialis: :r1 is a medial branch of a. carotis interna. :r2 can be compressed against hyoid bone. :r3 can pass through glandula submandibularis. :r4 ends near the lateral angle of the eye. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 19.Superior and inferior labium oris is supplied by: :r1 a. lingualis. :r2 a. buccalis. :r3 a. maxillaris. :r4 a. facialis. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 20.Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of a. facialis? :r1 a. angularis. :r2 a. palatina ascendens. :r3 a. pharyngea ascendens. :r4 a. submentalis. :r5 Each mentioned artery is a branch of a. facialis. -- 21.Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of a. carotis externa? :r1 a. sternocleidomastoidea. :r2 a. vertebralis. :r3 a. occipitalis. :r4 a. auricularis posterior. :r5 Each mentioned artery is a branch of a. carotis ext. -- 22.A maxillaris: :r1 has three parts: pars mandibularis, pars pterygoidea and pars pterygopalatina. :r2 Its branch a. meningea media enters fossa cerebri anterior through foramen rotundum. :r3 Its branch a. temporalis media nourishes m. masseter. :r4 nourishes only teeth and gingiva of maxilla and mandibula. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 23.Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of a. maxillaris? :r1 a. alveolaris superior posterior. :r2 a. canalis pterygoidei. :r3 a. temporalis superficialis. :r4 a. alveolaris inferior. :r5 Each mentioned artery is a branch of a. maxillaris. -- 24.A. subclavia: :r1 Right one is a branch of arcus aortae. :r2 passes in the slit between m. scalenus medius and posterior. :r3 is located under the first rib. :r4 Its branch a. vertebralis nourishes fossa cerebri posterior. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 25.Find incorrect statement: :r1 Arteria subclavia dextra is a branch of truncus brachiocephalicus. :r2 Arteria subclavia gives off a. thyroidea superior. :r3 Arteria subclavia sinistra is a direct branch of arcus aortae. :r4 Arteria subclavia dextra is shorter than a. subclavia sinistra :r5 Arteria vertebralis is a branch of a. subclavia. -- 26.Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of a. subclavia? :r1 truncus thyrocervicalis. :r2 truncus costocervicalis. :r3 truncus brachiocephalicus. :r4 a. transversa colli. :r5 Each mentioned artery is a branch of a. subclavia. -- 27.Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of a. subclavia? :r1 a. vertebralis. :r2 a. thoracica interna. :r3 a. thyroidea superior. :r4 a. transversa colli. :r5 Each mentioned artery is a branch of a. subclavia. -- 28.Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of a. subclavia? :r1 truncus thyrocervicalis. :r2 truncus costocervicalis. :r3 a. vertebralis. :r4 a. transversa colli. :r5 Each mentioned artery is a branch of a. subclavia. -- 29.Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of a. subclavia? :r1 a. thoracica lateralis. :r2 truncus costocervicalis. :r3 a. vertebralis. :r4 a. transversa colli. :r5 Each mentioned artery is a branch of a. subclavia. -- 30. A. vertebralis: :r1 is a branch of a. subclavia. :r2 enters the cranial cavity through membrana atlantooccipitalis anterior. :r3 lies on bodies of cervical vertebrae. :r4 is a branch of a.axillaris. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 31. A. thoracica interna: :r1 is a branch of a. subclavia. :r2 Its branch passes on dorsal side of m. rectus abdominis. :r3 supplies some organs in mediastinum. :r4 gives off rr. intercostales anteriores. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 32.Truncus thyrocervicalis: :r1 is a branch of a. vertebralis. :r2 nourishes by a. suprascapularis muscles on dorsal side of scapula. :r3 gives off a. cervicalis descendens. :r4 contributes to blood supply of thyroid gland by a. thyroidea superior. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 33.Truncus thyrocervicalis: :r1 is a branch of a. carotis externa. :r2 gives off a. cervicalis superficialis. :r3 gives off a. thyroidea superior. :r4 contributes to blood supply of thyroid gland by a. thyroidea media. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 34.Truncus costocervicalis: :r1 is a branch of a. carotis externa. :r2 Its branches nourish intercostal muscles. :r3 gives off a. cervicalis ascendens. :r4 gives off a. cervicalis superficialis. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 35.A. transversa colli: :r1 is a branch of a. subclavia. :r2 points between roots of plexus brachialis towards angulus superior scapulae. :r3 gives off ramus ascendens and descendens. :r4 can be a branch of truncus thyrocervicalis. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 36.A. axillaris: :r1 is a direct continuation of a. brachialis. :r2 supplies blood to the neck. :r3 gives off a.circumflexa humeri anterior and posterior. :r4 gives off a.profunda brachii. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 37.Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of a. axillaris? :r1 a. subscapularis. :r2 a. circumflexa humeri posterior. :r3 a. thoracica interna. :r4 rr. subscapulares. :r5 Each mentioned artery is a branch of a. axillaris. -- 38.Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of a. axillaris? :r1 a. suprascapularis. :r2 a. circumflexa humeri posterior. :r3 a. thoracica lateralis. :r4 a. subscapularis. :r5 Each mentioned artery is a branch of a. axillaris. -- 39.Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of a. axillaris? :r1 a. thoracoacromialis. :r2 a. circumflexa humeri posterior. :r3 a. thoracica lateralis. :r4 a. intercostalis suprema. :r5 Each mentioned artery is a branch of a. axillaris. -- 40.Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of a. axillaris? :r1 a. thoracica superior. :r2 a. circumflexa humeri anterior. :r3 a. thoracica lateralis. :r4 a. subscapularis. :r5 Each mentioned artery is a branch of a. axillaris. -- 41.A. suprascapularis: :r1 is a branch of truncus thyrocervicalis. :r2 passes mostly over ligamentum transversum scapulae. :r3 anastomoses with a. circumflexa scapulae. :r4 enters fossa supraspinata. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 42.A. circumflexa humeri posterior: :r1 is a branch of truncus thyrocervicalis. :r2 passes mostly through foramen humerotricipitale. :r3 passes mostly through foramen omotricipitale. :r4 enters fossa supraspinata. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 43.A. circumflexa humeri posterior: :r1 is a branch of a. subscapularis. :r2 passes mostly through foramen omotricipitale. :r3 nourishes m. deltoideus. :r4 is the most cranial branch of a. axillaris. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 44.A. circumflexa scapulae: :r1 is a branch of a. subscapularis. :r2 passes mostly through foramen omotricipitale. :r3 anastomoses with a. suprascapularis. :r4 enters fossa infraspinata. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 45.A. circumflexa scapulae: :r1 is a branch of a. subclavia. :r2 passes mostly through foramen humerotricipitale. :r3 enters fossa supraspinata. :r4 nourishes m. deltoideus. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 46.A. brachialis: :r1 nourishes anterior part of arm. :r2 begins at the level of inferior border of pectoralis major. :r3 nourishes posterior side of arm. :r4 nourishes m. triceps brachii. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 47.A. brachialis: :r1 Some of its branches end in rete articulare cubiti. :r2 begins at the level of inferior border of pectoralis major. :r3 supplies m. supraspinatus. :r4 Its terminal branch is a. profunda brachii. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 48.Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of a. brachialis? :r1 a. profunda brachii. :r2 a. collateralis ulnaris superior. :r3 a. circumflexa humeri posterior. :r4 a. radialis. :r5 Each mentioned artery is a branch of a. axillaris. -- 49.A. radialis: :r1 its pulsation can be palpated on medial side of antebrachium. :r2 nourishes muscles of the arm. :r3 gives off a. interossea anterior. :r4 nourishes lateral side of forearm, palma et dorsum manus. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 50.A. ulnaris: :r1 Its pulsation can be palpated on lateral side of antebrachium. :r2 nourishes lateral part of forearm and hand. :r3 terminal branches are a. princeps pollicis and r. palmaris profundus. :r4 gives off a. interossea communis. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 51.Arcus palmaris superficialis: :r1 Tributary from a. ulnaris is mostly bigger than that of the radial artery. :r2 is situated in the midway of carpal bones. :r3 Tributary from a. radialis is mostly bigger than that of ulnar artery. :r4 gives off aa. digitales dorsales communes. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 52.Arcus palmaris profundus: :r1 is located on mm. interossei palmares. :r2 gives off aa. metacarpeae palmares. :r3 Its branches are connected with branches of arcus palmaris superficialis. :r4 is located more proximally than arcus palmaris superficialis. :r5 All statements are correct. Arteries II 1. Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of aorta thoracica? :r1 arteriae phrenicae superiores. :r2 arteria subclavia. :r3 arteriae intercostales posteriores. :r4 rami pericardiaci. :r5 All mentioned arteries are branches of aorta thoracica. -- 2. Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of aorta thoracica? :r1 arteriae phrenicae inferiores. :r2 rami bronchiales. :r3 arteriae intercostales posteriores. :r4 rami pericardiaci. :r5 All mentioned arteries are branches of aorta thoracica. -- 3. Aorta thoracica: :r1 passes in posterior mediastinum. :r2 begins on the left side of the body of T3 vertebra. :r3 ends at the level of T11-12 vertebrae. :r4 is located between oesophagus and spine above diaphragm. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 4. Which of following arteries are direct branches of aorta thoracica? :r1 truncus pulmonalis. :r2 arteria thoracica interna. :r3 arteriae intercostales anteriores. :r4 arteriae intercostales posteriores. :r5 None of them are branches of aorta thoracica. -- 5. Which of following arteries are not direct branches of a. intercostalis post.? :r1 r. dorsalis :r2 rr. musculares :r3 rr. mammarii mediales :r4 r. collateralis :r5 r. cutaneus lateralis -- 6. Which of following organs is not supplied by aorta thoracica? :r1 left and right lung. :r2 heart. :r3 oesophagus. :r4 trachea. :r5 Aorta thoracica nourishes each stated organ. -- 7. Which of following organs are not supplied by aorta thoracica? :r1 trachea. :r2 intercostal spaces. :r3 right and left lung. :r4 pericardium. :r5 Aorta thoracica contributes to nourishment of all stated organs. -- 8. Aorta descendens: :r1 follows aorta ascendens. :r2 divides into pars cervicalis, thoracica and abdominalis. :r3 is divided into its terminal branches at the level of L4 vertebra. :r4 runs intraperitoneally through the abdominal cavity. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 9. Find incorrect statement: :r1 Aorta descendens folows arcus aortae behind right sternoclavicular joint. :r2 Aorta descendens divides into aorta thoracica and aorta abdominalis. :r3 Aorta descendens passes through diaphragm at the level of T11-12 vertebrae. :r4 Aorta descendens passes through pars lumbalis of diaphragm. :r5 Aorta descendens ends at the level of L4 vertebra. -- 10. Find incorrect statement. Aorta abdominalis: :r1 divides into terminal branches at the level of veretbra L4. :r2 gives off arteria uterina. :r3 One of its unpaired visceral branches is arteria mesenterica sup. :r4 nourishes all retroperitoneally located organs. :r5 gives off arteria suprarenalis media. -- 11. Truncus coeliacus: :r1 divides into a. hepatica communis, a. gastrica sinistra, and a. lienalis. :r2 divides into a. hepatica communis, a. mesenterica sup., and a. lienalis. :r3 divides into a. hepatica communis, a. gastrica dextra, and a. lienalis. :r4 divides into a. hepatica communis, a. gastrica communis, and a. lienalis. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 12.A. gastrica dextra is a branch of: :r1 a. hepatica communis. :r2 a. hepatica propria. :r3 a. lienalis. :r4 a. mesenterica superior. :r5 a. gastroduodenalis. -- 13.A. phrenica inferior is a branch of : :r1 a. hepatica communis. :r2 aorta abdominalis. :r3 a. lienalis. :r4 a. mesenterica superior. :r5 a. gastroduodenalis. -- 14.A. suprarenalis superior is a branch of: :r1 a. renalis. :r2 a. phrenica inf. :r3 a. lienalis. :r4 aorta abdominalis. :r5 a. gastroduodenalis. -- 15.A. suprarenalis media is a branch of: :r1 a. renalis. :r2 a. phrenica inf. :r3 a. lienalis. :r4 aorta abdominalis. :r5 a. ovarica/testicularis. -- 16.A. cystica for gall bladder is a branch of: :r1 a. hepatica communis. :r2 a. gastrica dextra. :r3 a. lienalis. :r4 r. dexter a. hepaticae propriae. :r5 a. gastroduodenalis. -- 17.A. suprarenalis inferior is a branch of: :r1 a. renalis. :r2 a. phrenica inf. :r3 a. lienalis. :r4 aorta abdominalis. :r5 a. ovarica/testicularis. -- 18.A. testicularis is a branch of: :r1 a. renalis. :r2 a. phrenica inf. :r3 a. suprarenalis media. :r4 aorta abdominalis. :r5 a. iliaca interna. -- 19.A. ovarica is a branch of: :r1 a. uterina. :r2 a. phrenica inf. :r3 a. suprarenalis media. :r4 aorta abdominalis. :r5 a. iliaca interna. -- 20.A. testicularis: :r1 arises from aorta at the level of L2 vertebra. :r2 is located on m. psoas major. :r3 gives off r. uretericus. :r4 is a component of funiculus spermaticus. :r5 All statements are correct. -- 21.A. ovarica: :r1 arises from aorta at the level of L2 vertebra. :r2 enters ligamentum ovarii proprium. :r3 gives off r. vaginalis. :r4 passes through inguinal canal. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 22.A. Arteria mesenterica superior: :r1 nourishes digestive tube from the caudal part of oesophagus to rectum. :r2 contributes to nourishment of pancreas and digestive tube to flexura coli dextra. :r3 contributes to nourishment of pancreas and digestive tube from duodenum to flexura coli sinistra. :r4 nourishes only small intestine. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 23. Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of arteria mesenterica superior? :r1 arteria ileocolica. :r2 arteria colica dextra. :r3 arteria colica media. :r4 arteria colica sinistra. :r5 Each mentioned artery is a branch of arteria mesenterica superior. -- 24. Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of arteria mesenterica superior? :r1 arteria jejunalis. :r2 arteria colica dextra. :r3 arteria colica media. :r4 arteria ileocolica. :r5 Each mentioned artery is a branch of arteria mesenterica superior. -- 25. Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of arteria mesenterica inferior? :r1 arteria rectalis superior. :r2 arteria colica dextra. :r3 arteria colica sinistra. :r4 arteria sigmoidea. :r5 Each mentioned artery is a branch of arteria mesenterica inferior. -- 26. Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of arteria mesenterica inferior? :r1 arteria rectalis inferior. :r2 arteria colica dextra. :r3 arteria colica media. :r4 arteria ileocolica. :r5 None of them is a branch of arteria mesenterica inferior. -- 27. Arteria colica media is a branch of : :r1 truncus coeliacus. :r2 a. mesenterica superior. :r3 a. mesenterica inferior. :r4 a. iliaca interna. :r5 A. colica media is not a branch of any mentioned artery. -- 28. Arteria gastroepiploica sinistra is a branch of: :r1 truncus coeliacus. :r2 a. mesenterica superior. :r3 a. mesenterica inferior. :r4 a. lienalis. :r5 A. gastroepiploica sinistra is not a branch of any mentioned artery. -- 29. Arteria gastroepiploica dextra is a branch of: :r1 truncus coeliacus. :r2 a. mesenterica superior. :r3 a. mesenterica inferior. :r4 a. gastroduodenalis. :r5 A. gastroepiploica dextra is not a branch of any mentioned artery. -- 30. Which of following arteries with its branches does not contribute to nourishment of pancreas? :r1 arteria lienalis. :r2 arteria gastroduodenalis. :r3 arteria mesenterica superior. :r4 arteria mesenterica inferior. :r5 Each mentioned artery contributes to nourishment of pancreas. : -- 31. Arteria pancreaticoduodenalis superior is a branch of: :r1 a. gastroduodenalis. :r2 a. mesenterica superior. :r3 a. mesenterica inferior. :r4 a. lienalis. :r5 A. pancreaticoduodenalis superior is not a branch of any mentioned artery. -- 32. Arteria pancreaticoduodenalis inferior is a branch of: :r1 a. gastroduodenalis. :r2 a. mesenterica superior. :r3 a. mesenterica inferior. :r4 a. lienalis. :r5 A. pancreaticoduodenalis inferior is not a branch of any mentioned artery. -- 33. Which organ is not supplied from branches of aorta abdominalis: :r1 spleen. :r2 liver. :r3 kidneys. :r4 pancreas. :r5 each mentioned organ is supplied from aorta abdominalis. -- 34. Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of aorta abdominalis? :r1 arteria epigastrica inferior. :r2 arteria mesenterica inferior. :r3 arteria renalis. :r4 truncus coeliacus. :r5 Each artery is a branch of aorta abdominalis. -- 35. Which of following arteries does not contribute to nourishment of rectum? :r1 arteria iliaca externa. :r2 arteria iliaca interna. :r3 arteria mesenterica inferior. :r4 arteria pudenda interna. :r5 each artery contributes to nourishment of rectum. -- 36. Find correct statement: :r1 Organs of lesser pelvis are nourished by arteria iliaca externa. :r2 Ovaries are nourished by direct branches of aorta abdominalis. :r3 Rectum is nourished only by branches of a. iliaca interna. :r4 Primary artery for urinary bladder is a. uterina. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 37. Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of arteria iliaca interna? :r1 arteria vesicalis inferior. :r2 arteria uterina in women, arteria ductus deferentis in men. :r3 arteria ovarica in women, arteria testicularis in men. :r4 arteria glutaea superior. :r5 Each artery is a branch of arteria iliaca interna. -- 38. Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of arteria iliaca interna? :r1 arteria rectalis superior. :r2 arteria uterina in women, arteria ductus deferentis in men. :r3 arteria glutaea superior. :r4 arteria obturatoria :r5 Each artery is a branch of arteria iliaca interna. -- 39. Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of arteria iliaca interna? :r1 arteria vesicalis inferior. :r2 arteria sacralis medialis. :r3 arteria obturatoria. :r4 arteria glutaea superior. :r5 Each artery is a branch of arteria iliaca interna. -- 40. Arteria obturatoria: :r1 is a branch of arteria iliaca interna :r2 gives off r. pubicus :r3 supplies adductors of thigh :r4 runs through canalis obturatorius :r5 All statements are correct. -- 41. Find incorrect statement. Arteria obturatoria: :r1 is a branch of arteria iliaca externa :r2 gives off r. pubicus :r3 supplies adductors of thigh :r4 supplies components hip joint :r5 r. acetabularis from its r. posterior nourishes caput femoris -- 42. Find incorrect statement. Arteria femoralis: :r1 nourishes articulatio coxae. :r2 passes through lacuna musculorum. :r3 is located in trigonum femorale. :r4 enters canalis adductorius. :r5 is a continuation of a. iliaca ext. -- 43. Arteria femoralis: :r1 passes through lacuna musculorum together with nervus femoralis. :r2 Its continuation is arteria profunda femoris. :r3 one of its branches is arteria pudenda interna. :r4 passes through lacuna vasorum. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 44. Arteria profunda femoris: :r1 gives off a. epigastrica inferior. :r2 gives off a. circumflexa femoris medialis and lateralis in fossa iliopectinea. :r3 one of its branches is arteria genus descendens. :r4 passes through hiatus adductorius. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 45. Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of arteria profunda femoris? :r1 arteria circumflexa femoris medialis. :r2 arteria circumflexa femoris lateralis. :r3 arteriae perforantes. :r4 arteria genus descendens. :r5 Each artery is a branch of arteria profunda femoris. -- 46. Which of following arteries is not a direct branch of arteria femoralis? :r1 arteriae pudendae externae. :r2 arteria profunda femoris. :r3 arteria tibialis anterior a posterior. :r4 arteria genus descendens. :r5 Each artery is a branch of arteria femoralis. -- 47. Arteria tibialis posterior: :r1 Its continuation is arteria dorsalis pedis. :r2 runs behind lateral malleolus. :r3 is a direct continuation of arteria femoralis. :r4 aits terminal branches are arteria plantaris lateralis and medialis. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 48. Find incorrect statement. Arteria poplitea: :r1 is a direct continutaion of arteria femoralis. :r2 nourishes articulatio genus. :r3 Its terminal branches are arteria tibialis and arteria fibularis. :r4 is located in fossa poplitea on dorsal side of articulatio genus. :r5 gives off arteriae surales. -- 49. Corona mortis is anastomosis between: :r1 branches of arteria colica media and arteria colica sinistra. :r2 branches of arteria colica media and arteria colica dextra. :r3 branches of arteria epigastrica inferior and arteria obturatoria on ramus superior ossis pubis. :r4 branches of arteria iliaca interna and arteria femoralis at ramus inferior ossis pubis. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 50. Find correct statement: :r1 Arteria dorsalis pedis is a continuation of arteria tibialis posterior. :r2 Terminal branches of arteria tibialis anterior are arteria plantaris medialis and lateralis. :r3 Arteria dorsalis pedis runs through sinus tarsi. :r4 Arteria tibialis posterior runs behind medial malleolus. :r5 No statement is correct. -- 51. Find incorrect statement. Arteria tibialis anterior: :r1 is a direct continuation of arteria femoralis. :r2 passes through membrana interossea cruris. :r3 runs under the tendon of m. extensor hallucis longus. :r4 gives off a. recurrens tibialis anterior. :r5 gives off a. recurrens tibialis posterior.