GENERAL STRUCTURE OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TUBE Mucous membrane (tunica mucosa): Folds (plicae), smaller processes (papillae), villi (villi intestinales). Lamina epithelialis, lamina propria mucosae, lamina muscularis mucosae. Folliculi lymphatici solitarii or folliculi lymph. aggregati – Peyer’s patches. Submucous tissue (tunica submucosa) The nervous plexus is called plexus submucosus Meissneri. Muscular tissue (tunica muscularis) Striated or smooth musculature. Internal circular and external longitudinal. The nervous plexus myentericus Auerbachi. Outer layer Tunica adventitia or tunica serosa (visceral peritoneum). Glands of the GIT Intramural (e.g. goblet cells) or extramural glands. ORAL CAVITY (CAVUM ORIS) Rima oris Vestibulum oris Cavum oris proprium Vestibule of the mouth (vestibulum oris) Labia oris - labium superius – sulcus nasolabialis, philtrum - tuberculum labii superioris cheiloschisis (cleft lip) gnathoschisis (cleft jaw) palatoschisis (cleft palate) - labium inferius - sulcus mentolabialis pars intermedia fornix vestibuli superior et inferior - frenulum anguli oris glandulae labiales m. orbicularis oris. Buccae - glandulae buccales, m. buccinator, papilla parotidea - ductus parotideus. Raphe pterygomandibularis – mandibular anesthesia Gingiva - gingiva proper (attached gingiva) - pars fixa gingivae - pars libera gingivae Alveolar mucosa – separated from the gingiva by the mucogingival border The oral cavity proper (cavum oris proprium) diaphragma oris - mylohyoid muscles, geniohyoid muscles, anterior belly of the digastric muscle glandula submandibularis glandula sublingualis 1 Salivary glands Glandulae salivariae minores - labiales, buccales, molares, palatinae, linguales Glandulae salivariae majores - sublingualis, submandibularis and parotis Glandula submandibularis – ductus submandibularis – caruncula sublingualis Glandula sublingualis– plica sublingualis, ductus sublingualis major, ductus sublinguales minores Glandula parotis - fossa retromandibularis, fascia parotideomasseterica.Tractus angularis separates the gland from the trigonum submandibulare. Parotid plexus - CN VII – nervus facialis. Ductus parotideus - papilla parotidea Glandula parotis accessoria Palate (palatum) Hard palate (palatum durum) - palatine processes of the maxillae and horizontal plates of the palatine bones Raphe palati Papilla incisiva Plicae palatinae transversae Glandulae palatinae Soft palate (palatum molle, velum palatinum) Aponeurosis palatina Uvula palatina Arcus palatoglossus et arcus palatopharyngeus Tonsilla palatina – fossa (sinus) tonsillaris, plica triangularis, fossa supratonsillaris– plica semilunaris, 12 – 15 cryptae tonsillares– tonsillitis – tonsillar pegs, paratonsillar vein - tonsillectomy. Muscles of the soft palate: Musculus tensor veli palatini – CN V. M. levator veli palatini M. uvulae M. palatoglossus M. palatopharyngeus plexus pharyngeus (CN IX., X.). Tongue (lingua) Corpus linguae Radix linguae - tonsilla lingualis Dorsum linguae - sulcus terminalis (ductus thyroglossus), sulcus medianus Papillae filiformes, fungiformes, foliatae, valatae, (calliculi gustatorii) Apex linguae Margines linguae Facies inferior linguae - frenulum linguae, plicae fimbriatae, plica sublingualis -caruncula sublingualis Plica glossoepiglottica mediana and two plicae glossoepiglotticae laterales - valleculae epiglotticae 2 DENTITION Dentes permanentes 32 teeth: 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars and 3 molars in one quadrant of the complete permanent dentition. Description of the tooth: Crown (corona dentis) Masticatory surface (facies occlusalis) - tubercula dentalia Contact ss. (facies approximales) - facies mesialis, facies distalis Vestibular s. (facies vestibularis) - f. labialis, f. buccalis Oral s. (facies oralis) - f. palatina, f. lingualis Neck (collum dentis) - gingivodental cap Root (radix dentis) Pulp cavity (cavitas dentis) - canalis radicis - foramen apicis dentis Structure of the tooth Dentin (dentinum) formed by odontoblasts, 70% of inorganic substances. Enamel (enamelum) 97% of inorganic substances. Cement (cementum) formed by the fibrous bone. Pulp (pulpa dentis) - areolar connective tissue, vessels and nerves. Fixation of the tooth Periodontium - collagen Sharpey’s fibers Parodontium - gum, periosteum, alveolus, periodontium, cement Morphology of individual teeth Dens incisivus -1 root, crown - occlusal edge. The largest incisor is upper medial one. The root is long, conical and flat from sides. Dens caninus are long teeth with one root, the crown projects in the acute spike with cutting edges at its sides. The root is long and flat from sides. The upper canine is bigger than lower. Dens premolaris has 2 tubercles on its occlusal surface (one vestibular, the other lingual). Upper premolars have both tubercles of the same size, the lower have the bigger vestibular tubercle. Premolars have one root except the upper first premolar that has two roots – palatinal and buccal. Dens molaris - the occlusal surface of upper molars has 4 tubercles separated by a deep groove. The size of molars decreases distally. The crown has 2 buccal and 2 palatinal tubercles. The groove has the shape of the letter H. Upper 1st molar is the strongest and biggest tooth of the upper arch. The additional tubercle may be on its palatine side (tuberculum anomale Carabelli). Upper 2nd and 3rd molars have often only 2 tubercles. The occlusal surface of the lower molars has the quadrangular shape. The groove has the shape of the cross. The 1st molar has often 5 tubercles the 5th lies distally. Third molars have variable crowns and may be impacted. Upper molars have 3 roots (2 vestibular and 1 palatinal), lower have 2 roots (1 mesial and 1 distal) Dentes decidui Crowns of milk teeth are lower and wide. They are of white colour with a blue shade. Roots are narrower and sharper and are more distant because they surround crowns of permanent teeth. 3 Dental formula i1, i2, c, m1, m2 (I, II, III, IV, V) – deciduous teeth I1, I2, C, P1, P2, M1, M2, M3 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) – permanent teeth Dentition is divided into 4quadrants: 1|2 5|6 4|3 8|7 permanent deciduous 23 = upper left permanent canine 85 = lower right milk second molar Occlusion Upper dental arch has a shape of the half of an oval, lower arch of an parabola. Therefore the teeth do not meet each other exactly. Normally the crowns of the upper teeth direct slightly forward and those of the lower teeth backward. Thus the cutting edges of the upper front teeth lie anterior to that of lower front teeth like a pair of scissors. In the premolars and molars the vestibular tubercles of upper teeth overhangs those of lower teeth. Each tooth is in contact with two opposing teeth, with the principal antagonist (over a large contact area) and with an adjacent secondary antagonist. Only the 1st lower incisor and the third upper molar have a single antagonist. In rare cases the cutting edges are opposite each other like a forceps. In prognathism – the upper jaw is displaced anteriorly; in progenism – the lower jaw is anterior to the upper one. Eruption The primordia of the deciduous teeth are already in a newborn child. The growing root pushes the crown to the gum, which atrophies and the tooth erupts. I 6th -8th month II 8th -12th month III 16th -20th month IV 12th -16th month V 20th -36th month Exchange of the teeth Crowns of the permanent teeth grow orally and elicit resorption of alveoli of milk teeth and their roots. Roots of milk teeth shorten and disappear, the rest of the crown releases from the gum. 1 7th -8th year 2 8th -9th year 3 11th -13th year 4 9th -11th year 5 11th -13th year 6 6th -7th year 7 12th -14th year 8 17th -40th year 4 PHARYNX fornix pharyngis pharyngeal recess cavum pharyngis fascia pharyngobasilaris Pars nasalis pharyngis (nasopharynx) choanae ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae - torus tubarius - plica salpingopharyngea, plica salpingopalatina, torus levatorius tonsilla pharyngea - fornix pharyngis tonsilla tubaria Waldeyer’s lympfoepithelial ring Pars oralis pharyngis (oropharynx) a. isthmus faucium Pars laryngea pharyngis (laryngopharynx) 2. aditus laryngis - epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds 3. recessus piriformis 4. plica n. laryngei Muscles of the pharynx Constrictors - raphe pharyngis M. constrictor pharyngis superior: 1. Pars pterygopharyngea –lamina medialis proc. pterygoidei 2. Pars buccopharyngea –raphe pterygomandibularis 3. Pars mylopharyngea –linea mylohyoidea mandibulae 4. Pars glossopharyngea – transverse muscle of the tongue M. constrictor pharyngis medius: 1. Pars chondropharyngea –cornu minus ossis hyoidei 2. Pars ceratopharyngea - cornu majus ossis hyoidei M. constrictor pharyngis inferior: 1. Pars thyropharyngea –linea obliqua of the thyroid cartilage 2. Pars cricopharyngea – cricoid cartilage Levators: M. stylopharyngeus – from the processus styloideus caudally and medially - the fissure between the superior and middle constrictors. M. palatopharyngeus M. salpingopharyngeus – from the cartilaginous part of the auditory tube The pharynx actively participates in swallowing, respiration and phonation. During swallowing the muscles of the soft palate open the auditory tube to ventilate the tympanic cavity. 5 Mechanism of the deglutition The first stage of the swallowing is voluntary: the anterior part of the tonge is raised and pressed against the hard palate. A bolus is pushed dorsaly. The hyoid bone is is moved up and forwards by the suprahyoid muscles. The root of the tonge is drawn up and back and palatoglossal arches are approximated, pushing the bolus through the isthmus of the fauces into the oropharynx. The second stage is involuntary. The soft palate is elevated, tightened and firmly approximated to the posterior pharyngeal wall (by the upper pharyngeal constrictor). Then the larynx and pharynx is drawn up (stylopharyngeus, palatopharyngeus, thyrohyoid muscles). Simultaneously, the aryepiglottic folds are approximated and epiglottis bends back onto the laryngeal inlet excluding the bolus from the larynx. The bolus slips into the lowest part of the pharynx. The last stage is the expulsion of the bolus into the oesophagus, by the inferior constrictors. OESOPHAGUS 1) Pars cervicalis 2) Pars thoracica pars retrotrachealis pars retropericardiaca 3) Pars abdominalis - cardia - gastrooesophageal junction 3 physiological narrowings hiatus oesophageus adventitia, serosa oesophagoscopy, oesophagography STOMACH (GASTER, VENTRICULUS) regio hypochondriaca sinistra J-shaped stomach, steer horn (transverse type) cardia pars cardiaca fundus (fornix) ventriculi - stomach bubble incisura cardiaca corpus ventriculi - canalis gastricus pars pylorica - antrum pyloricum, canalis pyloricus pylorus - ostium pyloricum paries anterior paries posterior curvatura minor - incisura angularis curvatura major Functionally: Pars digestoria (digestive segment) - fundus and canalis gastricus. Pars egestoria (evacuating segment) - gastric sinus (antrum) and canalis pyloricus Plicae gastricae– sulcus salivarius Mucinous glands – mucus Tubulous glands - succus gastricus 6 Areae gastricae - foveolae gastricae Musculature – fibrae obliquae - stratum circulare - m. sphincter pylori - stratum longitudinale After the stomach is filled the musculature contracts and is in the rest (peristole), the mucosa adheres to the content (20 min). Then rhythmical contractions (peristalsis) begin. Peristaltic waves start in the cardia each 15 -30 seconds and get to the pylorus in 60 seconds. Four waves may be seen together at the X-ray picture. Peristalsis serves for the mixing of the content to the pulpy chyme that in small portions is emptied to the duodenum. Omentum minus – lig. phrenicogastricum, hepatogastricum, hepatoduodenale Omentum majus - lig. gastrocolicum, lig. gastrolienale INTESTINUM Intestinum tenue ansae intestinales Duodenum pars superior - bulbus duodeni flexura duodeni sup. pars descendens duodeni flexura duodeni inf. pars horizontalis pars ascendens flexura duodenojejunalis plicae circulares Kerkringi villi intestinales crypts of Lieberkuhn – glandulae intestinales glandulae duodenales Brunneri plica longitudinalis duodeni - papilla duodeni major Vateri - papilla duodeni minor Jejunum and ileum - jejunoileum JEJUNUM ILEUM upper left part of the inframesocolic space lower right part of the inframesocolic space wider (3-4 cm) narrower (2-3 cm) more plicae circulares fewer plicae circulares 1-2 arcades 2-3 arcades folliculi lymph. solitarii folliculi lymph. aggregati mesenterium ostium ileocaecale - valva ileocaecalis 7 INTESTINUM CRASSUM intestinum caecum appendix vermiformis colon ascendens flexura coli dextra – hepatica colon transversum flexura coli sinistra – lienalis colon descendens colon sigmoideum rectum mucosa - unilayered columnar epithelium, intestinal glands, lymphatic follicles submucosa - vascular and nerve plexuses circular musculature – plicae semilunares, haustra coli longitudinal musculature - taenia mesocolica 12 taenia omentalis 13 taenia libera visceral peritoneum - appendices epiploicae Intestinum caecum recessus retrocaecalis caecum liberum – mesocaecum ostium ileocaecale valva ileocaecalis (Bauhini) - labium sup. et inf. Appendix vermiformis (tonsilla abdominalis) ostium appendicis vermiformis – valva appendicis vermiformis mesoappendix positio pelvina (32%) - ligamentum appendiculoovaricum positio retrocaecalis (64%) positio ileocaecalis positio laterocaecalis positio subcaecalis positio praecaecalis Projection of the appendix: McBurney`s point - linea spinoumbilicalis dextra - Monro’s line Lanz’s point Rectum crena ani- anus Ampulla recti - flexura sacralis - plicae transversae recti - Kohlrausch`s fold - flexura perinealis linea anorectalis Canalis analis – zona hemorrhoidalis - columnae anales - sinus anales - valvulae anales - pecten analis linea anocutanea plexus venosus rectalis m. sphincter ani internus - m. sphincter ani externus – voluntary control of defecation. 8 INTESTINUM CRASSUM intestinum caecum appendix vermiformis colon ascendens flexura coli dextra – hepatica colon transversum flexura coli sinistra – lienalis colon descendens colon sigmoideum rectum mucosa - unilayered columnar epithelium, intestinal glands, lymphatic follicles submucosa - vascular and nerve plexuses circular musculature – plicae semilunares, haustra coli longitudinal musculature - taenia mesocolica 5. taenia omentalis 6. taenia libera visceral peritoneum - appendices epiploicae Intestinum caecum recessus retrocaecalis caecum liberum – mesocaecum ostium ileocaecale valva ileocaecalis (Bauhini) - labium sup. et inf. Appendix vermiformis (tonsilla abdominalis) ostium appendicis vermiformis – valva appendicis vermiformis mesoappendix positio pelvina (40%) - ligamentum appendiculoovaricum positio retrocaecalis (15-30%) positio ileocaecalis positio laterocaecalis positio subcaecalis positio praecaecalis Projection of the appendix: McBurney`s point - linea spinoumbilicalis dextra - Monro’s line Lanz’s point Rectum crena ani- anus Ampulla recti - flexura sacralis - plicae transversae recti - Kohlrausch`s fold - flexura perinealis linea anorectalis Canalis analis – zona hemorrhoidalis - columnae anales - sinus anales - valvulae anales - pecten analis linea anocutanea plexus venosus rectalis 9 m. sphincter ani internus m. sphincter ani externus – voluntary control of defecation. LIVER (HEPAR) Facies diaphragmatica - pars superior (area nuda – bare area) - pars anterior (covered by peritoneum) lig. coronarium - lig. triangulare dextrum - lig. triangulare sinistrum - appendix fibrosa hepatis lig. falciforme hepatis - lobus dexter hepatis - lobus sinister hepatis lig.teres hepatis (v. umbilicalis) Facies visceralis - fissura sagittalis dextra - sulcus v. cavae inf. (lig. venae cavae ), fossa vesicae biliaris - fissura sagittalis sinistra – lig. teres hepatis, lig. venosum (ductus venosus) - porta hepatis- vena portae, a. hepatica propria, ductus hepaticus communis lobus caudatus - processus caudatus lobus quadratus lobus dexter - impressio renalis, suprarenalis, duodeni, colica lobus sinister – tuber omentale, impressio oesophagea, gastrica Hepatic segments (Couinaud) lobus caudatus – 1st segment lobus sinister - 2nd to 4th segments lobus dexter - 5th to 8th segments Cantlie`s line Structure of the liver capsula fibrosa- capsula fibrosa perivascularis lobulus venae centralis (hepaticus) Glisson`s triad – a., v., ductus interlobularis sinusoids trabeculae v. centralis v. sublobularis v. hepatica Blood flow in the liver functional circulation – v. portae nutritive circulation – a. hepatica propria Intrahepatic bile ducts: canaliculus bilifer ductus bilifer intralobularis ductulus bilifer ductus bilifer interlobularis 10 Extrahepatic bile ducts: ductus hepaticus dexter et sinister ductus hepaticus communis ductus cysticus ductus choledochus - m. sphincter ductus choledochi Vater`s papilla (papilla duodeni major)- m. sphincter ampullae hepatopancreaticae (Oddi) The liver fills the whole right diaphragmatic dome and reaches over the midline to the left diaphragmatic dome where it reaches the left midclavicular line. The lower border of the liver follows the right costal arch to the right midclavicular line (9th costal cartilage) where it ascends obliquely toward the end of the left 8th costal cartilage. This part of the liver between costal arches is in contact with the anterior abdominal wall. The superior part neighbors through the diaphragm with the right lung and the heart in the pericardium. Vesica biliaris (fellea) fundus corpus infundibulum collum ductus cysticus- plica spiralis The fundus of the gallbladder is in contact with the anterior abdominal wall in the crossing of the right midclavicular line and the 9th costal cartilage. PANCREAS caput - incisura pancreatis - processus uncinatus corpus - tuber omentale cauda capsula pancreatis facies anterior facies posterior margo superior margo inferior ductus pancreaticus major - m. sphincter ductus pancreatici - papilla duodeni major (Vateri) ductus pancreaticus accessorius (minor) - papilla duodeni minor succus pancreaticus islets of Langerhans - insulin, glucagon The head of the pancreas lies in front of the L2. SPLEEN (LIEN, SPLEN) extremitas anterior extremitas posterior margo superior - crenae lienis margo inferior facies diaphragmatica facies visceralis - hilum lienis - facies gastrica, facies renalis, facies colica capsula fibrosa red pulp white pulp segments 11 The spleen reaches from the 9th to the 11th ribs, the anterior pole does not reach over the costoarticular line – the connection between the end of the 11th costal cartilage and left sternoclavicular joint. In healthy man the spleen is not palpable. The posterior pole is about 4 cm from the 10th vertebra. PERITONEUM peritoneum parietale peritoneum viscerale cavitas peritonealis - pars supramesocolica - pars inframesocolica spatium retroperitoneale spatium subperitoneale spatium preperitoneale Intraperitoneal organs: stomach, bulbus duodeni, jejunoileum, appendix vermiformis, colon transversum, colon sigmoideum, liver and spleen The supramesocolic part - stomach, superior part of the duodenum, liver with bile ducts, spleen - truncus coeliacus The inframesocolic part - coils of the small intestine, large intestine - a. mesenterica sup. et inf. Secondarily retroperitoneal organs: most of the duodenum, caecum, colon ascendens, descendens, pancreas PERITONEAL FOLDS omentum minus – lig. hepatogastricum - lig. hepatoduodenale omentum majus - lig. gastrocolicum mesenterium - radix mesenterii mesocolon transversum mesoappendix vermiformis mesocolon sigmoideum lig. gastrosplenicum (-lienale) lig. phrenicosplenicum (-lienale) lig. splenorenale lig. phrenicocolicum RECESSUS PERITONEI herniae internae bursa omentalis - foramen epiploicum – vestibulum, recessus superior, splenicus, inferior recessus duodenales: recessus duodenalis inferior - plica duodenalis inf. recessus duodenalis superior - plica duodenalis sup. recessus duodenalis sinister - plica duodenalis lat. - v. mesenterica inf. recessus retroduodenalis recessus ileocaecalis sup. - plica ileocaecalis sup. recessus ileocaecalis inf. - plica ileocaecalis inf. recessus retrocaecalis recessus paracolici recessus intersigmoideus 12