Metabolism of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides DNA replication Biochemistry I Lecture 12 2008 (J.S.) 1 Purine and pyrimidine nucleotides are used in large quantities in the biosynthesis of nucleic acids. They are synthesized de novo by most organisms, the synthetic pathways are basically similar in all of them. Some types of cell synthesize nucleotides from purines and pyrimidines salvaged from the degradation of nucleic acids by scavenger pathways. Purine and pyrimidine bases released from the nucleic acids ingested as components of food are broken down in the gastrointestinal tract and are not utilized in the synthesis of nucleotides. The allosteric feedback control mechanisms balance the synthesis of all purine and pyrimidine ribonucleotides and deoxyribonucleotides.. 2 Glutamine, aspartate, tetrahydrofolate (H4folate) and phosphoribosyl diphosphate (PRPP) are compounds of special importance in the biosynthesis of pyrimidine and purine bases. Glutamine and aspartate are donors of amino groups for the synthesis of both pyrimidine and purine bases, and aspartate supplies three atoms of carbon for the pyrimidine ring. . HOOC-CH-CH2-CH2-C.' NH. HOOC-CH-CH2-COOH ■CH-( NHL Glutamine Aspartate Phosphoribosyl diphosphate (PRPP, 5-phosphoribosyl 1-diphosphate) supplies the phosphorylated ribosyl for the synthesis of all nucleotides. The synthesis of PRPP is under feedback control being inhibited allosterically by the intracellular nucleoside diphosphate concentration. i? -O-P-O-CH I o- ft ft -P-O- 1 1 lo- o- Ribose 5-phosphate + ATP * PRPP + AMP PRPP synthetase 3 Tetrahydrofolate originates from folate by the reduction (dihydrofolate reductase). It serves as a coenzyme which transfers one-carbon units: A/5,A/10-Methylene-H4folate is the donor of methyl in the synthesis of thymine, A/10-formyl-H4folate supplies two C1-groups in the synthesis of purines. COOH I N' •N. .CH2-NH^f >CO-NH-CH-CH2-CH2-COOH H2N- N Folate (folic acid) N H2N' N H N 5 N H 10 COOH I -CH2-NH-V >CO-NH-CH-CH2-CH2-COOH H4folate (5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolic acid) 4 Biosynthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides de novo The heterocyclic ring of pyrimidine bases is synthesized from carbamoyl phosphate and aspartate. The pyrimidine derivative (orotic acid) is then attached to the ribosyl 5-phosphate. Carbamoyl phosphate -O-P-O- is formed in cytosol, the donor of an amido group is glutamine: Glutamine + HC03- + 2 ATP -► Carbamoyl phosphate + Glutamate + 2 ADP + Pj The reaction is catalysed by carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II, one of the three activities of the protein called dihydroorotate synthase that catalyses also the next two reactions of pyrimidine biosynthesis (aspartate transcarbamoylase, dihydroorotase). In mitochondria, the enzyme carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I supplies carbamoyl phosphate for the ureosynthetic cycle, but it accepts the amido group from NH4+ and its activity depends essentially on the presence of A/-acetylglutamate (V-type of allosteric activation). Only two proteins catalyse the further reactions: Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, an iron-containing flavoprotein which is located on the outer side of the inner mitochondrial membrane (two electrons reduce coenzyme Q). Uridine phosphate synthase catalyses the reaction with PRPP and the decarboxylation of orotidine phosphate to UMP. 5 Carbamoyl phosphate o ii o- h3n ^coo- As pa rtate o 0 -0-p-0-ch2 1 I' o- hn o Carbamoyl aspartate NADH + H4 Dihydroo rotate Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase NAD+ m a ni I ■ I ij. O hn " J ;oo- O rotate (Orotic acid) )r7T)h Uridine 5-phosphate (UMP, uridylate) CO Orotidine 5-phosphate (Orotidylate) UMP is converted to other pyrimidine nucleotides: Synthesis de novo 2'-Reduction 4-Amination UTP ^^^^CTP ATP serves as a donor of high-energy phosphoryl group in the successive phosphorylations of nucleoside phosphates to nucleoside diphosphates and triphosphates. 4- Amination of UTP to CTP is a glutamine-dependent reaction driven by ATP. In the reduction of ribonucleoside diphosphates to 2-deoxyribonucleotides, the direct reductant is thioredoxin, oxidized redoxin is reduced by NADPH + H+. 5- Methylation of dUMP to TMP requires methylene-H4folate as the one-carbon donor. 7 Synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides (both pyrimidine and purine) by the reduction of ribonucleoside diphosphates NADPH NADPH + HH Thioredoxin I I SH SH Hydrogenation Thioredoxin I I S-S o o IT II -0_P_0-fj>-0-CH2 o- o- Base Ribonucleotide diphosphate Deoxygenation H20 0 O M M -0-P-O-P-O-CK Base o- o- .0 Thioredoxin reductase Ribonucleotide reductase y Deoxyribonucleoside diphosphate Thioredoxin - a small protein - functions as a coenzyme in the reduction, it supplies two hydrogen atoms for the deoxygenation of ribosyl. 8 Synthesis of thymine nucleotides dUMP (deoxyuridylate) is methylated to TMP (deoxythymidine 5'-phosphate, thymidylate). The methyl donor is methylene-H4folate, which becomes oxidized to H2folate during transfer. Dihydrofolate reductase catalyses the regeneration of tetrahydrofolate before it can be reused. Serin Dihydrofolate reductase Glycine Methylene H4folate H2folate NADPH + H+ o UDP dUDP -> dUMP TMP -O-P-O-CH Thymidylate synthase OH 2'-Deoxythymidine 5'-phosphate 9 Inhibitors of the synthesis of thymidylate are used in cancer chemotherapy. By inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase or thymidylate synthase, these compounds stop cell division in rapidly dividing cells so that are effective anti-tumour drugs and immunosuppressants Aminopterin (4-amino-dihydrofolate) and methotrexate (amethopterin, 4-amino-10-methyl-dihydrofolate) are anti-folate drugs - potent competitive inhibitors of dihydrofolate reductase. Tetrahydrofotate Serine Glycine /V5,/V10-Methylene-tetrahydrofolate NADP ^Vr Dih' \ NA[ Dihydrofolate reductase NAOPH+H+ Aminopterin and methotrexate Dihydrofolate j* itjn Thymidylate _ dUMP synthase ™P Fluorodeoxyuridylate T Fluorouracil Trimethoprim, another folate analog, has potent antibacterial and antiprotozoal activity by inhibiting dihydrofolate reductases of many susceptible microorganism much more intensively than the mammalian enzymes. It is used (above all in combination with sulphonamides) to treat infections. Fluorouracil is converted in vivo into fluorodeoxyuridylate that irreversibly inhibits thymidylate synthase after acting as a normal substrate through part of the catalytic cycle (an example of suicide inhibition). 10 Summary of the pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis: 2 ATP HC^ Glutamin* e Carbamoyl phosphate Aspartate i I c Pyrimidine ring The heterocyclic pyrimidine ring is synthesized from carbamoyl phosphate and aspartate. The pyrimidine derivative orotic acid is then attached to the ribosyl 5-phosphate. PRPP (PhosphoriboGyl diphosphate) UTP Reduction IdeTEiyUliui) CTP to RNA Redl ciion t dCTP to DNA TMP to DNA 11 Regulation of the pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis The key steps (catalysed by carbamoyl-P synthase and dihydroorotase activities) are regulated by feedback inhibition, UTP and CTP act as allosteric inhibitors. ATP and PRPP stimulate the biosynthetic pathway.. ............................................................>*-CTP ^^dCTP Gin Aspi . . . "f J Carbamoyl-P^ asp^aVte ^ * *UMP >UDP ■JfcJJTP dUDP *TTP PRPP ATP dATP/ATP The overall activity of ribonucleotide reductase is diminished by dATP, which signals an abundance of deoxyribonucleotides, though dATP or ATP enhances the reduction of UDP and CDP. This complex pattern of regulation supplies the appropriate balance of the four deoxyribonucleotides needed for the synthesis of DNA. 12 Biosynthesis of purine nucleotides de novo: Glutamine PRPP Glu + PPi Glycine y^cine HO OH ,NH* Methenyl-H/olate ^ CO -- » CO yCHO Glutamine Glu ftfcose-(g) H4folate Ribose-© ATP ADP+P; CH2 VCHO Wbose-ig) 5-Phosphoribosylamine ^ ATP S^ADP+P Ten reactions of the IMP synthesis from PRPP are catalysed by six enzymes (three of them are multifunctional) 2> H,0 Inosine 5-phosphate (IMP) H2N O il FormylH folate O ii Fumarate Aspartate OHC Gi H-folate H RibosQ-(g) ADP+P ATP RftK>S8-tg Y CO, ooc ON Hibosa -(g) (Two steps, the intermediate is A/-succinate derivative) 13 Inosine 5'-phosphate (IMP) is transformed to adenosine 5-phosphate (AMP) or guanosine 5-phosphate (GMP): GDP + P; Aspartate GTP Ribose-® Inosine 5-P (IMP) coo CH-CK2COO" Fumarate Ribose-® Adenylosuccinate O H20 NAD+ NADH+H+ HrS N Glutamine H Ribose-© ATP AMP + PPi MP f Xanthosine 5-P Glu NH- N N Ribose-© Adenylate (AMP) h2n Ribose-© Guanylate (GMP) 14 Purine and pyrimidine nucleotides are synthesized de novo in many types of cell and used in large quantities in the biosynthesis of nucleic acids. The synthesis of one molecule AMP or GMP (incl. formation of PRPP) requires consumption of 7 and 8 ATP, resp. The cells of some extrahepatic tissues are able to reconvert a part of free purine bases released by the action of 5'-nucleotidase and nucleoside phosphorylase from nucleotides (hypoxanthine and guanine above all) again to nucleotides, so that the bases are salvaged from their further degradation. Those reactions are called scavenger pathways and are catalysed by phosphoribosyl transferases. For example: Hypoxanthine O II -O-P-O-CH o- o o II II o-p-o-p-o- o- o- Inosine monophosphate (IMP) Phosphoribosyl transferase o o hoJLo-p^-o-o- o- PPi 15 Inhibitors of the purine nucleotide synthesis which act at control points in purine biosynthesis may be also of limited use in cancer chemotherapy or as immunosuppressants. Glutamine analogs, e.g. antibiotics azaserine or diazooxonorleucine (DON), inhibit glutamine-dependent aminations of PRPP, formylglycinamidine ribotide, and xanthosine phosphate. Purine analogs used in medicine, e.g. 6-mercaptopurine, 6-thioguanine, and azathioprine, are converted in vivo to their ribonucleotides, which act as inhibitors of the transformation of IMP to adenylate. 6-Mercaptopurine 6-Thioguanine Azathioprine Anti-folate drug (folate analog) methotrexate, in addition to its inhibitive effect on methylation of dUMP to thymidylate, decreases the overall accessibility of H4folate that supplies C1-groups for the synthesis of purines. 16 Summary of the purine nucleotide synthesis: The heterocyclic ring system is built up while attached to ribose 5-phosphate. All intermediates are nucleotides. Aspartate i G|ycine C«— w10-Formyl-H4fo[ate 7 4 ^jsj-^^ N <-Glutamine Glutamine Ribose 5-phosphate Purine nucleotide IMP Inosine 5-phosphate / \ ATP GTP to RNA Reduction dATP dGTP to DNA j. / Regulation of the purine nucleotide biosynthesis Negative and positive feedback controls the overall rate of purine synthesis and ensures that all nucleotides required for RNA and DNA are synthesized in the correct proportions. The committed step in the purine synthesis is the conversion of PRPP into phosphoribosylamine (glutamine phosphoribosyl amidotransferase). The enzyme is feedback-inhibited by synergistic action of AMP and GMP. 5-phosphate 18 Catabolism of nucleotides The nucleotides of a cell undergo continual turnover. Nucleotides are hydrolytically degraded to nucleosides by 5-nucleotidase: Nucleotide + H20 -► Nucleoside + Pj The glycosidic bond of nucleosides are cleft in phosphorolytic reactions catalysed by nucleoside phosphorylases: Nucleoside + H2P04- -► Free base + (Deoxy)ribose 1-phosphate Ribose 1-phosphate is isomerized by phosphoribonutase to ribose 5-phosphate, a substrate in the synthesis of PRPP. The deamination of purine bases adenine and guanine may be realized before the free bases are released (the usual pathways are highlighted): : AMP GMP Adenosine Adenosine I deaminase Adenine IMP Guanosine Inosine XMP Guanine Xanthosine Hypoxanthine Guanine deaminase Xanthine 19 Some of the bases are reused to form nucleotides by scavenger pathways (named also salvage reactions). The reincorporation of free pyrimidine bases into nucleotides is negligable, if it occurs at all, most of free pyrimidine bases are degraded to products that are excreted. Free purine bases are reconverted to nucleotides in various extent. In many tissues much less than 30 % of purine bases enter the scavenger pathways, but those are very important in CNS and also in bone marrow and blood cells. The reactions with PRPP are catalysed by phosphoribosyl transferases (PRT). 20 Catabolism of pyrimidine bases Degradation of pyrimidines is essentially the reverse of synthesis: Reduction Deamination q (Hydrogenation) i hn' h h20 nh3 h Cytosine hn o ■X Amide hydrolysis q Hojt h2n CH2 nadh nad+ h + h l sCS „ch2 7^ h h2° cooh nh3 vch3 C02 ych2 P-Alanine (p-Aminoisobutyrate from thymine) (3-Alanine is deaminated to malonic semialdehyde (-> acetyl-CoA), (3-aminoisobutyrate to methylmalonic semialdehyde (-> succinyl-CoA). 21 Catabolism of deaminated purine bases Xanthine oxidase oxidizes hypoxanthine to xanthine and this same enzyme oxidizes xanthine to uric acid. The lactam forms of those compounds are shown: Hypoxanthine Xanthine Uric acid (6-hydroxypurine) (2,6-dihydroxypurine) (2,6,8-trihydroxypurine) Uric acid is the final metabolic product of purine catabolism in humans and other primates (also in uricotelic animals - birds and land-dwelling reptiles), and is excreted in the urine. Other organisms, incl. most mammals, metabolize urate to allantoin or other simpler forms. 22 Xanthine oxidase ((XO) is a molybdenum- and iron-containing flavoprotein, which may exist in two forms - D-form and O-form. Under physiological conditions, the D-form catalyses the oxidation (hydroxylation) as a dehydrogenase, the acceptor of electrons is NAD+. XO - form D Hypoxanthine / Xanthine ^ » Urate r > NAD+ NADH+H+ H20 In tissue hypoxia, the D-form is transformed into the O-form by the proteolytic splitting of 20 amino acyl residues. The O-form is a oxygenase, the acceptor of electrons is dioxygen. Then the reaction produces superoxide anion-radicals which dismutase into hydrogen peroxide by the action of SOD (the cause of so-called "reperfusion injury" after the restoration of a sufficient oxygen supply to the ischaemic tissue). XO - form O Hypoxanthine / Xanthine--► Urate o2 ■ o2- H20 H202 23 Uric acid (2,6,8-trihydroxypurine) Lactam form Lactim form is a very weak diprotic acid. The pKa1 equals 5,75, therefore the predominant form of uric acid in body fluids is the monovalent hydrogen urate anion. Unfortunately, uric acid and its urate salts have a low solubility in water. The average serum concentrations in humans (normal range 100-400 Limol/I) is close to the solubility limit, above which the precipitation of needle-shaped monosodium urate crystals may begin. Excessive accumulation of urate crystals results frequently in deposites in the soft tissues, particularly in interstitium of the kidney and in joints. On the other hand, an increase in urate concentration in primates has a markedly beneficial action. Urate is a highly effective antioxidant - a scavenger of reactive oxygen species which is about as effective as ascorbate taken in the diet. In the reaction with oxygen radicals, urate is changed into the radical that is non-enzymatically (spontaneously) transformed into allantoin. Primates thus excrete small amounts of allantoin proportionally to their exposure to oxidative stress, although they lack the uricacid oxidase. 24 Examples of defects in purine metabolism Inborn gouty syndromes Gout (primary gout) is a metabolic disease caused by accumulation of excess urate in body fluids due to the miscontrol of endogenous purine de novo synthesis supported by high intake of purines in the diet. The crystals of monosodium urate are deposited in tissues, particularly in kidneys (may result in renal failure), and in joints (painful arthritis). Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is a rare nearly complete deficit in hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT, see scavenger pathways of nucleotide synthesis), that stimulates an overproduction of purines. Children with this disease exhibit mental retardation, spasticity, compulsive self-destructive behaviour (biting their fingers and lips) and aggression toward others. An incomplete deficit in HGPRT leads in adults only to the formation of renal stones followed by the gouty arthritis years later. Familial hyperuricacidaemic nephropathy of juveniles is a heavy defect of urate renal excretion of young persons that leads progressively to the renal failure. {continued) 25 "Secondary" hyperuricacidaemia and/or gout may have its cause in - an intensified desintegration of cells, e.g. in myelo- and lymphoproliferative diseases, during the cytostatic cancer chemotherapy, in hypercatabolic states (prolonged starvation, chronic alcoholism, high doses of corticosteroids), - a decreased renal excretion of urate in renal diseases or due to the side-effect of some kind of diuretics (furosemide). o hn Hyperuricacidaemias and gouty syndromes are usually treated with allopurinol, a "suicide" inhibitor of xanthine oxidase. j* |j Instead of urate, the final products of purine catabolism are then hypoxanthine ^n^^n' and xanthine, which are more soluble and thus more easily excreted into the H urine. Allopurinol is oxidized by xanthine oxidase to 2-hydroxyallopurinol Allopurinol (alloxanthine) that remains bound to the molybdenum atom of the enzyme, thereby inactivating it. Immunodeficiency syndromes The autosomal recessive form of severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome (SCIDS) has its cause in approximately 50 % of patients in a genetic deficiency of adenosine deaminase, which is oft associated with defects of 5~-nucleotidase and nucleoside Phosphorylase, too. All these enzymes také part in the purine salvage pathway. 26 Final metabolic products of purine catabolism in animals other than primates o H H CO. A Urate is the final product in humans and other primates (benefitial antioxidant), as well as in birds and terrestial reptiles (embryogenesis in enclosed space) Urate oxidase H H2N J O^m-— H H Allantoin - most mammals other than primates, turtles, molluscs H20 Allantoinase °V°" NH, H2N H H Allantoic acid - many bony fish ! Allantoicase 2 NH -CO-NH + OCH-COO" ^rea ancl 9ly°xy,ate " niany fish and amphibians; 2 2 in many invertebrates urea is hydrolytically decomposed by urease. 27 DNA replication 28 Recapitulation of basal facts Polynucleotide chain structure (RNA depicted) 5"-phosphate end "O O OH I CH, base 1 0 \ 0 O CH, OH base 2 0 OH \ 0 O CH, base 3 0 \ OH Bases are attached to the sugar-phosphate backbone through (3-A/-glycosidic bonds. By convention, direction of reading is from 5'-end to 3'-end. base 4 CH, 3"—>5" phosphodiester link between 3'-OH and 5'-OH OH OH free 3"-OH end (event. 3'-phosphate end) 29 Primary structure of single strand nucleic acid - abbreviated notation RNA chain: Ura Cyt Ade Ade Gua Cyt 5-P-l K 3'-0H Symbolic notation of the base sequence From the 5'-end: pU^C^A^A^G^C 5-UCAAGC UCAAGC Identical chain from the 3'-end: C^G^A^A^C^Up 3-CGAACU DNA chain pdG-dC-dT-dT-dG-dA d(pGCTTGA) GCTTGA or d(A^G^T^T^C^G) 3-AGTTCG 30 Nuclear deoxyribonucleic acid of eukaryotes is linear double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). Most sequences of nucleotides on DNA (about 70 %) are quite unique, but only 3 % code for proteins. The other are either moderately and highly repetitive (20 %) or in the form of inverted repeats (10 %, called satellite sequences). Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is double-stranded and circular. Human mtDNA consists of only 16 500 base pairs, almost entirely without non-coding regions. Bacterial DNA is linear or circular dsDNA in the form of chromosome or plasmids. Some viruses contain single stranded DNA. 31 Secondary double helical structure of DNA 5-end the main helical axis Two polynucleotide chains wind about a common axis with a right-handed twist. Two strands are antiparallel they run in opposite direction. The coiling is plectonemic - the strands cannot be separated without unwinding the helix. The hydrophilic ribose-phosphate chains are coiled about its periphery ("sugar-phosphate backbone"); negatively charged phosphate groups bind positively charged groups of proteins and simple cations. 32 The bases fill the inner of the helix as complementary base pairs - each base forms hydrogen bridges to the complementary base on the opposite strand. Hydrogen bonds originate spontaneously, without enzymatic catalysis. Pairing of bases (Watson-Crick geometry) is the principle of chain complementarity: CH H H"N dRib h dA=dT (A=U in RNAs) dG=dC (GeC in RNAs) 33 B-formofDNA (B-DNA) is the predominant form of dsDNA - the regular right-handed helix of Watson and Crick. The "ideal form": 10 base pairs per one turn 34 nm 3.4 nm" 5-end 5'_e1%JL^ Two unequal grooves arise on the surface because the glycosidic bonds of a base pair are not diametrically opposite each other. 3'-end 3'-end 20 nm 34 Human nuclear genome consists of circa 3 x 109 base pairs. 70 % of this number are unique sequences, which occur mostly in one copy in the haploid genome. Among those unique sequences, approx. 25 000 structural genes coding for proteins are included, as well as genes coding for structures of rRNA and tRNA. DNA sequences that code for proteins represent only 3% of genome. Moderately repetitive sequences (less than 106 copies) and highly repetitive sequences (6-100 bp, over 106 copies in the haploid genome, called satellite DNAs) represent about 20 % of genome and are clustered in several locations (e.g. at centromers, as telomers). They are not transcribed and exhibit individual specifity so that they may be used for personal identification (DNA fingerprinting). 10 % of the genome are inverted repeats (palindromes with twofold axis of symmetry) and other non-classified Qunk) DNA. Human mitochondrial genome has a highly compact structure consisting almost entirely of coding regions with genes for 13 protein subunits, 22 tRNAs and 2 rRNAs. 35 DNA as a template In DNA replication, both DNA strands act as templates to specify the complementary base sequence on the new chains, by base-pairing. In transcription of DNA into RNA in vivo, only one DNA strand of dsDNA acts as template that is called the negative strand. The base sequence of the transcribed RNA corresponds to that of the coding (positive) strand, except that in RNA thymidine is replaced by uridine. dsDNA_ 5-p----CACCTGCTCAGGCCTTAGC*** -3-oh 3 -oh-« ••GTGGACGAGTCCGGAATCG*** -5 -p transcribed RNA 1 5-p----CACCUGCUCAGGCCUUAGC*- -3-oh coding strand positive strand template negative strand 36 Higher levels of DNA organization - chromatin Human nuclear genome (23 chromosomes, each « 1.3 x 108 bp) consists of circa 3 x 109 bp. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in diploid cells. In the nuclei, DNA is present in a condensed form as chromatin. Three higher levels of DNA organization into chromatin: "Bare" double helical DNA 1st level - fibrils of nucleosomes, 2nd level - superhelix of nucleosome fibrils, solenoid, 3rd level - radial loops of solenoids surrounding a central nuclear protein scaffold form the fibres of intermitotic chromatin. In the course of mitosis, chromatin fibres are rearranged into the metaphasic chromosomes. 37 dsDNA (bare double helix, 10 bp per turn) 2nm I /XXXXXX>03' direction. Nucleoside triphosphates are the substrates for the synthesis. The new strands can grow only in the 5'—> 3' direction, antiparallel to the template strand. DNA polymerases have binding sites for the free 3-OH group, for bases of the template strand, for nucleoside triphosphates. They are able to cleave p-phosphate bond of NuTP and to form 3'-5' phosphodiester bond, to recognize improperly paired base, and some of them exhibit 3'-5' exonuclease (proofreading) activity. 45 Nucleases catalyze hydrolytic splitting of phosphodiester bonds. 3'-5' exonuclease activity (a "proofreading" activity) cleaves phosphodiester bonds from the 3'-OH end of the chain, i.e. in the reverse direction from that of synthesis, if there is a mismatch (improperly paired base), and release single nucleotides. If DNA polymerase mispairs a nucleotide with the template, the 3'-5' exonuclease activity of the DNA polymerases 5 and e is utilized to excise the mismatched nucleotide. Among eukaryotic DNA polymerases, only DNA polymerase ft has a 5-3' exonuclease activity that is needed for splitting of RNA primers, or for repairs of DNA strands. Endonucleases cleave bonds within the chains and produce single-stranded nicks. 46 3'- Template strand > hase 5'-P ..D-CH, OCH„ 2 I—I direction of synthesis ■5'-P ■5'-P 5'-P New 3-5' phosphodiester bond originates in the reaction between 3 '-OH group of existing chain and oc-5'-phosphate of the incoming nucleoside triphosphate. Diphosphate is released (complexed with Mg2+ ions). IV 3- \ n n nt \ i- 5-P hy Cyt Ade Ade Gua Cyt Áďe Gua Ťhy Thy J N N 47 DNA polymerases cannot start the synthesis of DNA chains de novo. Because they require a free 3'-hydroxyl group for linking a new nucleotide, they are able to elongate only existing chains. . Before the DNA chain synthesis begins, a short stretch of RNA complementary to the template, RNA primer, is synthesized. It consists of about 10-20 ribonucleotides. The synthesis of primers de novo is catalyzed by a specialized DNA-dependent RNA polymerase called primase. In eukaryotes, DNA polymerase a has primase activity, used to synthesize RNA primers. After a sequence of some deoxyribonucleotides has been added to the primer, DNA pol a is displaced. The DNA pol 8 or 8 bind onto the template and replication continues until adjacent replicons meet and fuse. RNA primers are removed and the DNA fragments are joined. 48 RNA primer 5' 3 Chromosomes in eukaryotes are very long DNA molecules that cannot be replicated continuously. Replication is initiated at multiple origins (up to several hundred in each chromosome, one every 30 to 300 kbp) in both directions. In each replicon (replication eye or bubble), there are two replication forks, which move in opposite directions. °o° o histones released from nucleosomes single-strand DNA templates 3' 5' separation of the two complementary strands at the origins of replication (AT-rich region, which bind ORC -origin of replication complex of proteins) single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSB) maintain the separation of the strands 3' 5' 5 3' Replication fork DNA helicase atp (unwinding prote 49 Since DNA polymerases add nucleotides only to 3'-ends, DNA synthesis can proceed in a simple continuous manner along one strand of the fork, that is called the leading strand. fork movement leading strand origin of replication The antiparallel strand of the fork is synthesized from short segments called the Okazaki fragments (about 100 - 200 nucleotides), which are joined after removal of primers and filling in the gaps. This DNA is called the lagging strand. lagging strand lagging strand origin leading strand fork movement 3' 5 DU Continuous DNA synthesis of the leading strand Origin of replication i DNA template 3 ^llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 5 primase Fork movement 1 III Will II 3 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii5 5'J i 3 iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii im im min ii mi I miiiiiiiiiii5 5U1U111J3 RNA primer i 3 MINIMI 5' iiiiiiiinminiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii 5 111111 it......v DNA polymerase 8 i 3 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllWUlll 5' .--iiiiiiiii in uiii ii in ii I yii iiiiiniiiiiijB At) ^ new DNA strand "Prepriming" proteins and primase bind onto single-strand DNA and displace SSB-proteins. A short RNA primer is synthesized and (after polymerase "switching") elongated by DNA polymerase synthesizing new DNA strand continuously until reaching adjacent replicon. 51 Discontinuous DNA synthesis of the lagging strand Unwinding of the duplex allows the synthesis of new RNA primers. Primers are elongated by DNA polymerase synthesizing short DNA strands. RNA primer is removed by the 5-3' exonuclease activity of polymerase p. The same enzyme also replaces primer with DNA by elongating the Okazaki fragment, so that the gap is filled in. DNA ligase joins the fragments. DNA polymerase moves back to initiate a new Okazaki fragment. DNA template for the lagging strand 3 Hill I IIHll MINIMI lllllllll Mil.....[ji'iil Fork movement 5 prjmer Origin of replication 1 II111111 5 pol £ 1 111111 Ml iii Ml 5 imiiiixiiiii primer limniinilllllllllllllllllllllllllill 11 lllllltl ! .............1.....'1................... pol e Okazaki fragments ^ i mi i in ii i iiiiinii hihi ........111111..... i inufiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii3 ij/riiMiniii.....miiiiiiiiiiM.............Ml J J 111111 111 111 lllllllll lllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll i 111 11iiiii111 0 ""...................1............ '"".......................Ill excision of primer by pol p 1 3 iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiminnniiiiimm 5 ^ ■■II.M..IIIIIMM.....IMM111111V.1T. .Tff......Illllllllll................ filling in the gap by pol p joining of fragments by DNA ligase 52 Enzyme activities involved in eukaryotic DNA replication - Topoisomerases and helicase - unwinding of dsDNA. - Primase activity (DNA-dependent RNA polymerase) catalyzing formation of RNA primers, exhibited by DNA polymerase a. - DNA-dependent DNA polymerases 8 and e synthesizing leading DNA strands (pol 8) and Okazaki fragments in the lagging strands (pol e); both enzymes have also 3-5' exonuclease (proofreading) activity. - 5-3' exonuclease activity (excision of primers) and DNA polymerase activity (filling the gap), exhibited by DNA polymerase (3. - DNA ligase (with ATPase activity) that removes nicks by joining the fragments through phosphodiester bond. - Telomerase activity (not present in some cell types) that enable replication at the 3'-ends of linear chromosomes. 53 DNA synthesis at the replication fork histones released from nucleosomes 5' 3' fork movement 0 DNA polymerase e leading strand o replication origin Nk, 3 newly synthesized histones single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSB) DNA polymerase 5 RNA primer replication ^/origin primase (pol oč) Eukaryotic DNA polymerases Major type Polymerase a Polymerase 8 Polymerase 8 Polymerase ß Function primase activity (synthesis of the RNA primer) elongates the leading strand elongates the lagging strand excision of primers and filling the resulting gaps Exonuclease Relative activity activity Polymerase y replication of mitochondrial DNA none 3'-5' 3'-5' 5'-3' 3'-5' > 80 % 10-15% 2-15% 55 Telomeres and telomerases At the ends of eukaryotic linear chromosomes, there are the DNA sequences called telomeres. The telomeric DNA is unusual, it contains up to 1000 tandem repeats of a hexanucleotide sequence, G-rich (at the 3'-end, TTAGGG in humans). Telomeres protect the ends of chromosomes against nuclease activities. It is difficult to fully replicate template DNA strands at their 3'-ends, because the syntheses of the lagging strands require parental strands longer than those replicated in fact (the lagging strand would have an incomplete 5'-end after removal of the last RNA primer). Unless long telomere sequences are attached to parental DNAs, each round of replication would shorten chromosomes. Telomerases - not present in all cell types - elongate the telomeres by attaching the newly synthesized telomeric hexanucleotide repeats. A telomerase is a specialized reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) that carries its own RNA template - it is a nucleoprotein whose RNA component contains a segment that is complementary to the telomeric tandem repeats. 56 Telomerase in the replication of the chromosome's 3'-end (the replication of the chromosome's 5'-end is not shown) 111111111111......11 r 11 n 11 n ■ template strand telomeric DNA 5 -.....i rii 1111 ii iiiiiiiii rm if 3 -.....illlllUHIHHHIHIIIl|niff""|""f| 5 -end the lagging strand RNA primer (newly synthesized, incomplete) telomerase adds tandem repeats to the telomere's 3'-end 5 -......i ii 1111 ni iiiiiiiii run 3'......-Mlllllllllll.............I.............: .....lull......n 1111 n i n 11 n n i 111 n i n 11 n 111L11......n n 11 n i n 11 n n iliaíTí -end 5'-3'- iiiiiiiiniiiiiniimii>m