Original slides-Circulation lecture CIRCULATION - doted system -parallel circuits permit varialinns in regional BV ■ „,,, jiI,I■„ vryi-111■Jnci»IaJ " il himl chanpes in UP Antoregulatioti H: Starling p. frequency e Vessels: Myotonic Metabolic Humoral (NO, Endothel i Prostaglandins Humoral Adrenalin Nor ad renal in Angiotensin II |S J* CONSULT BIimmI pressure \"arialion Ileal hy he a Systolic Diasl oiic a.-|H m!i »I oo peripher and cardiac interval Pulse dependent un stroke vi: long lasting change or Mean I resist aqee 0 U04OIUI5II ■«'HUI I mniiit.....m - Homeort^ of BP < rabbit n. tfa ui i ■ # tont? aa. (sy) VOLl-MOKFCm t.*m pnuurt1 - atrial rec. I Acilv durin« atrial syst r. of Ruinhridgc #ILR during* VR « m Acllv ill iln- end of dl;i-s(olr RECEPTORS CHEMORECEPTORS At#p02.*pCOJT*pII ♦ HR+ vasoconslr. 1. i.i VKNTR1CIJES veratrtdin, nltoun Refold-Jariwrli Ischemic (Ml)*UH M*ou pain, \asoconstr. and*!IK(MI> "i i\ I ■.(«■-:■ i ■- irt gtwirtrffi i'.iin. ,-rftfmfltlous. Oc-utncard. eeflvs, > l>lec*tlvt sclent *HK,*ADH(llcnrj-(;outr rrfles^+*3ecn:tii.i|i of ANFand BF In Wdncy antidiuretic liormon atrial iiatrilireuc homBII A change of duration of pulse interval (in msi due to a change «r blond pressure by I inin11« Barorcflcv sensitivity BUS ...... ms/mmHg Bolus injections of vasoactive drugs MOOr 120 SystoBc pressure (mmHg) lTIG, 5.4. Comparison or R-R interval responses of one subject to intra Mus injections of phenylephrine and nitroglycerine. Adapted with pcrmissio I'kkeringrla/. 1972c). OJtTEX inrormLiMis CEREBELLUM Adaptation of HK during movements MED. OUL B.VKOREFLKX t Illhlliitl.m nl Ionic illsd ol vasomotor nn 1. \cnv»lril paensvmp. ncl ambigumlHK 4. th£rmor. UEMIJA cut BF40bubHe Biofeedback \.Limbic system - agressive -#BP,*HR •„dead" #B1\ *IIR collaps 2. tin nl I ii >n of BRS Direct stim p( 'Oj — VASOMOTOR TONUS ♦ intracran. press. -»#BP+ reflex, bradycardia = Cubing reflex CHEMOR£FL£X I vessels heart Inervation of Blood Vessels • Sympathetic nerves - plexus on adventitia, current spreads between cells by gap junctions, tonic vasoconstrictor) activity (sympathectomy -dilation); NA ... + neuropeptid V (constr) • Sympathetic cholinergic vasodilator system muscle -animals • Cholinergic inervation in vessels of heart, lungs, kidneys, uterus; + VIP (dil) • Sensoij nerves (antidromic reflex - dil), SubstP (skin) CGRP Cardiac Inervation * Vagus -ACh - - chronotropic, prevalence at rest = „ vagal tone", - dromotropic, atrial myocardial cells neg. - inotropic via inhibition ofsymp. • Sympathetic nerves - NA + chronotropic, +dromotropic, inhibition of vagal stim. (by cotransmitter neurop. Y), + inotropic, + hatlimotropic Blockade of vagus - UK 150-1811 bpm Blockade ol both - MR 100 bpm