SUPRARENAL G LAND Ai>RK:v'AL CORTEX «aeiriiui Tor life - steroids Zom pOCMnflHll MimrilACortlboJi ALDOSTERONE • 7, íasikíilJtJ Glucocorticoids CORTISOL • I.. rťtiť u Iuris Androgens DEIIVDROEF1ANDROST EHONE him issential Cells: 9(r% EPINEPtlRINE -ADRENALIN lOREPl NEPHRINE ORATjRENALIN SPLANCHNIC NN BIOSYNTHESIS OF STEROIDS • Liver and steroid glands - cholesterol from acetate (C27) * I'rogesteron C21 Adrenal enrtex Androgens Estrogens C21 CIS CIS Hydroxüation of C TESTOSTERONE ESTRADIOL 17,21,11 CORTISOL 21,11 ALDOSTERONE TRANSPORT OF GLUCOCORTICOIDS * Bimml tn proteins <=> ir«e dynamic balance <í|iiiíflc binding proti in - a globulin . j ranavrtl"*" - LUÜHlWwuM« hlmLtnp globulin CHU (Aangrs if lb tonlonualiwi iinir Inflam mali mi i-ckeaw curlfset) - t'.Bp 1 |ir*ana«y Iclrrhaiih Hit* If™ IACTH lACFH 4 t>[i.f»-n< (pigm dilation) \let:ibulisatLim in liver kctustcroid-1 teh'ahvtlľfíWH'tLsole, coiriwtm- conjugation -Glucuronids, sulfates Excretion - misu- and but- (15%) _ EFFECT ON INTERMEDIAL METABOLISMS . DDtBCI --------.....----------- I GLYCEWIA DIABETOGENIC - ANTHN3UI.IN (steroid diabctea) Provides glukose for md ^ant---"' fon^p glueoneogunusis * 'lipoLysisfT lipemiaand celusist \ protein breakdown in periphery (ncg N balance), but prateosynlhesij in liver (angiMeiisinoscn>, fcrmatio of erythrocyte, tlirojubocytes, neutrophil gramlocytw ANTI INFLAMMATORY EFFECT IMMFI.AMAl lo.N . VASCULAR REACTIVITY _ ruspotw-1« «u T responsiveness to uaLecholamins (TBP) r^ ill.. BpaCGMUB Ireleuse of histamine (IpennwMrty) a„cJi:ng • BLOOO CELLS ieosmotils. L Jyroineytcs. monocytes, basophil granulocytes ■ IHBROBLAT4C ACTIVITY isuars, keloid, adhesis walling ■ INHIBITION OF SYNTHESIS AND RELEASE OF prostaglandins T '«"^ tromboxaij, ILl(pyrogeii) DANGER DURING THERAPY BY GLUCOCORTICOIDS, NEGATIVE EFFECTS TR1SK OP INACTION (TBC) l,-,d\■:,,:!. - IACTH - relative insufficiency vA&B therapy is stopped Woekened protection of gastric mucosc - danger of peptic ulcer PFRMiSiVfi forcatecholamins MINERALOCt )RTICOID EFFECT in high dose* 1 CUSHING'S SYNDROME . * plasma GLUCOCORTICOIDS ■ {':inM'ti h\ eiogenou* administration; prim - sec — tcrciaL..adrenal hyperplasia or tumor ^.immimORlobuliits; hypersecretion oLACTH, <^RH • ttyin|tti*tw: GInwn«^Bew"-hypcijlywiráa, ínsulin-resistent diabetes,hyperlipemia^) mi išeí ilepleted (thin skin, muscles, wounds heal poorly); f*i redistribution (thin extremities, abdomhul wall + striae - rupture of the subclermal tissue, moon face); mtfteralocorticoii at {ion (K depletion, weakness); rtsswnponiMs; gastric uicii?) T HC.1+ lmucustestretion CONN'S SYNDROME • 11Y RE R AL IX) STE Rl NI SM ■ K depletion, Na retention HYPERTENSION + HYPERVOLÄMIE polyuria, weakness, tetany Adrenal medulla w* sympathetic gang!. - an. lost axons" |. W/otwll) i-pim-lnn (adrenalin) 3 llTmplts llifuwfill*firMlnlMtlw) J., t(jD,,ariiiii"- U'MWMhtirteCSlk per1"1'-- - ■'S'!"'Y' «MkrC*Kn| Paragfliiglia -.rtoiqis ol'M* ntar WrlPJI and *M"» symiKHhiaiu ganglia Adrenalectomy - plasma level of A: 0 (it later occur), NA: unchanged Adrenal medullar hormones are net essential for life ADDISON'S DISEASE - ADRENOCORTICAL INSUFICIHNCY * < :.!i:si.: ■ autoimmune, TBC,.. « Total insuiiciciicv ntpidK fatal * Incomplete-pigmentation(^ACTH), hypotension - loss of Na(l*aldQsleron), hypoglycemia (^glucocorticoids), stress leads to a collaps (addisonian crisis") CORTICAL ANDROGENS * Dl:1 IVDROr-PIANDROSIHRON ■ SECRETION IN MAN = WOMEN (20% activity of tcstosteron), physiol - protein ajriftbolism, masculinising effect when secreated in excess -Precoucious pseudop liberty in boys, pseudohermafroditism in female, • aJit-'nogcniiiil -iyndrumi; ♦cortisol^frACTH" (pigmentation) ^androgens tberöpj "Two classes of ADRENERGIC RECEPTORS a AITIni[\ NA, hWkcr Grolulsmiin od TP3-' IftaM ifCa*"* from vjwktiHsifLclipn. jtyi'ůgfJiDl>Ti(s, oDitracihinyrm. -4it?opfl&fe,ti1«n«. brwíeWoil, Spfainiiera digestives, in-iniir.v bi BS't'cAMP -. i.|n-uini! .ifV+ ch«ind (byperpnlurfctEion). ('fiisroa of vuli.ípÉ- uhIpiI VHb* rtiajintl prasynaptk membrane í>fíynn-: iggřégpínn Mn^tóoejrtes p UTinil> ■ .V is*(HT«lwiwl eesp., bjur+trr prflprasolal pi C WII* ■■ ph"<.|>Iittr> lutimi rfC** • ehauin1! «* Kffcetytfé elŠ**, titiitFiiIin KtcAMP - -uiliviilinn uf SH -*tipiakr *f rtbiAÍÍon uíbionchi, v^,>iihtat!t.ii{sk*!fial BHRcfeft ntlTUS iioriiifí piTgBHBTJ A3 ni l>r»»m 1'jiifi nnHÍii.iiufi hrm Relationship between secretion of A and NA Different n|teck*: tuts-NA prrdnminati-i tings - A |>r*(FinniiLatil* Human - relation* hip í> WfaMfrd h) Nvmiiiithriif aluww.tii-tkoWs ... \ (rrKthvblionuf N \) STRESS is an answer of organism to physical and mental toad (1936 - Sety*), activation of syt»iutf««-Hdrenal system femergrncy (nnctioti■ * AACTH(hypotiwbuniu$ * f (ilutix-ortwnids (adtviuil mrttt) * if ;uiwiviliTi (nil renal iimmJuIU) * if. wjudiwHrfw (ndtvnui Medulla, sympathetic a i ,n_ . ■ ofdhwiW-utar Efftťl uti svstvnt: ■ i-mrsy Maauciig * immune Stimuli activating sympathoadrenal system - cold, heat, hemorrhage, hypoxia, hypoglycemia, infections d.) Plasma level of iNA (sympathetic activity), A {medullary secretion) On litis I asi s - ^ MA • f A - ilic individual uoew r»«i know what to «pM ■