Endocrine system Hierarchy /. Hypothalamus li. Hypophysis SJ, Harmons effeting O. Pancreas ub4)3w GIH jbkI™, CtX, ChemicNlructure Epiphysis -ine.l.rttini.n "Ijpptlialainus- Etabltf. Hbenw i«popliysis- i.STE, PSLjropra ACTTLLH. FSII) Id g.n. - ADI I. .■•.ul.'-ti! e parathyroid gland r»\liurmmi ,ca lo rti m i n ic suprarenal gland ' l Blie eonads ptii^uula ■ GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF ENDOCRINE CONTROL • specificity Ligand I • tissue 1-specific receptor for 1 Ligand 2 ■ tissue 2- specific receptor tor 2 tissue 3- specific rccepLorw for L and 2 ■ Overlap nl'i'ITeiis -2 homioris the same effect ■ Peptids, proteohormons - -f* specificity, heterogenous • Main mi siilt effects ■ Gerard effect (insulin - glucose) - metabolic ..target1 ■ intHio noons - competitive inhibition ■ Syatetfe derivates- 1 effects, another'J' {prr>lco;ifiabolics ^virilisaUon, glukocorticoids-l'tiiineriil.) EFFECTIV1TY AND A DETERMINATION OF MORMONS • COCC in blood - secretLon. metabolisation and excretion ■ Binding: \a plasms pf^loins steroids, thyroxin, balance- between bound and free honnon • Previous cone -up and down regulation - [nacuvatiom antibodies against reqej*tbfi-TSH hypo-hypcrihyreosis, Ach-uikotin r niyastema gravis) • Antagonistic homioiu - glycemia {diab. pis -1 dosis of insulin —snuiU hypoglycemia ^ tadrwalin. corlicvsteroids -* fneed of insulin) ■ Pulse secretion • Kadtoimunoaisay. uii/>i»oir»iuio:mulyst5 RADIOIMUNOASSAY Itoclw! , Cone, oi .. fl«ao«Kn«ilfl HECIP10B'..^ narnio,^ Ttt*io-3h. supehnMMITU 6 6 6 6 6*6* 66 6:6: 6 6 6m6' 6 Soil \*/ kjdioa^iiviiy ol supuniartant and sUdiincnt w1 RECEPTORS for hormons, neurotransmiters, and other lignnds Binding of hormorts to membrane receptors is in ;i dynamic huhncc CH x CR< = >('ji-Ft TLI. - 11mm regulation of receptors 1. Internalization = receptor mediated endocytosis 2. DesensitJsediOrt - changes in properties of a receptor -^sensitivity (jiomoiog - for ! iigtind. heterofog - for mom Uganda) ill. - lp regulation of receptors I. Rtwyctiag of an internalized receptor 1, S\i!tlieisis de novo CONSEQUENCE Denervation hypersensitivity, insulinoresisL diabetes, tolerance to m or fin Inhibiting Hormones = Statins Growth hormon-inhibiting hormone = Somatostatin (14AA) (GIH) Prolactin-inhibiting-hormone = Prolactostatin (dopamin) (PIH) Releasing Hormones = Liberins Corticotropin-releasing hormone = corticoiiberin (41AA) (CRH) Thyrotropin-releasing h. = Thyroliberin (3AA) (TRH) Gonadotropin-releasing h. = Gonadoliberin (10AA) (GnRH) Growth hormon-releasing hormone = Somatoliberin (44AA) (GRH) Hypothalamus - nuclei: nucl. ventromedialis nucl. dorsomedialis nucl. Infundibularis HYPOTHAlm^, vessels Proteins p^c^roiein Chromophob cells Peptides Acidophilic c. • ■ • '.STH; PRLf FSH * ■ »* dimer: Basophilic c. u\ tropic Jlf h:-tsh: : pomc;= ♦* proopiomelanocortin - precursor of ACTH, . WISH, LPH • a identical subunrt^ p endorphillj met. -alsohCG enkefalin • p speciphic ^ subunit Stress analgesia Depresesion after stress nucl. supraopticus nucl. paraventricularis Secretomotoric A.P. AP 10x longer Axonal transport Anterior p. q. Posterior pituitary gland ADH oxytocin, Large precursor... protein neurophysin