GLYCEMIA \t «hriniiirMlw Of iividjlln' Glucose transporters Glut T1 - steady state- cerebral vessels Glut T2 - concentration dependent on glucose - intestin, (J cells of pancreas Glut T3 - steady state - neurons Glut T4- internalisation - migration -muscle + fett tissue EXIHACEL Ofmrinq ■closing Conic rmatitm Ott ild lion im-eem INTHACIL ¥11:11 II u urn u If . Ü 12 GLUT 4 (MUSCLE AND FAT TISSUE) fusion ^Hfr- ccin E ■ rT ^J|_-Vi pus 10(1 7- DIABETES MELLITUS ■ SACHARIDS lutMzation of gl. + 1 glycogenosis -* hyperglycemia - glycosuria -* osmotic diuresis.. Na, K -» hemoconcentration (polydipsie) hypotension -*anurie Glykosylatlon of proteins microangiopatia nefropatia, retinopatia, dg glycosylated Hb ■ Lipids liipogenesls, Tlipoiysis-tlipemia-* ketogenesis-acidosis (Kussmaul respiration) -*i^a ...dehydratation ■ PROTEINS tcatabollsm -gluconeogenesis -» loss of N in urine.... • Cell dehydratation Diabetes mellitus type I IDDM (insu linde pendent)... insulinopenie, juvenil damage öf ß cells, genetic disposition, autoimune, th. insulin Diabetes mellitus type II NIDDM (non insulindependen)... insulinoplethoric, resistent to In. - no response of cells (IGlutTi).... Change in receptors for I., disturbance of fusion of Glut T4 with membrane. p cells 1 secretion tili exhaustion Disposition of 20% of population 1 DIRECT t OF THERMOGENESIS ■ BROWN FAT (some rodents, newborns; color by big amount of mitochondria with cytochrome eniymes) - expresses a mitochondrial THERMOGEN1N (UCG uncoupling protein, that dissociates oxidative phosphorylation from ATP generation); beta3 receptors take part in it; ■ UCG is H+ channel, protons generated by electron transport system enter the mitoch. through thermogenin instead of taking part in ATP-synthests circulation of H+ ->tenergy is not incorporated in ATP; free fatty acids open UCG channels because of activated liposysis of triacy (glycerol by adrenalin (also consuming energy for phosphorylation of protein kinase) CIRCULATORY AND RESPIRATORY RESPONSE TO ^ METABOLISM t VENTILATION * CARDIAC OUTPUT-TACHYCARDIA AND * CONTRACTILITY pulse pressures CUTANEOUS VASODILATION {thermoregulation) ->1 PR -» hyperclrelation and hypotension VITAMINS Formation of vit. A from carotene in liver •t1 consumption of vtt, ^ resorption of B 12 GROWTH, DEVELOPMET • CNS development of synapses, myelimsation -^thyroidal hormons -mental retardation, replacement therapy till 6M {later irreverible changes) > Bones - permissive effect for STH, hypothyreosis - dwarf • Metamorphosis in amphibian tadpole -frog (axolotl, Laufberger) ---- GOITER • Chronic treatment by TSH -hypertrophy-an enlargement ENDEMIC - decreased iodine Intake in food ■ EU ...HYPO..-HYPETHYRE01DISM ' Lowthyorofd h.-tTSH • Antithyroid substances inhibition of acumulatfon of I- anions as perchlorate, nitrate, thiocyanate Inhibition of iodinatian of thyrosirt - thiouracil, excesive r 1- HYPOTHYREOIDISM Biotogy congenital, liodine in water, autoimune thyroiditis - Hashimoto' goiter In children cretinism, bone growth delayed - dwarf in adults J.BMR, cold intolerance -hypothermia, i neuromuscular excitability, voice is husky and slow, sleepy, loss of memory, depression, weight increase, hyperlipidemia, hypercholesteroemia, J. CO and BP, deposit of mucopolysaccharlds in skin - myxedema HYPERTHYREOIDISIV1 Ethiotogy thyreoid-stimulating immunoglobulins TSIg thyreotoxikosis - Graves' disease Symptoms f BMR, hyperreflexia, tremor, muscular weakness, insomnia, anxiety, hyperphfagia and weight loss, heat intolerance, T HRand BP, - and 1PR (cutaneous vasodilation)* Ireaction time, exophthalmos - swelling of the eye muscle, accumulation of mucopolysaccharides High- output failure tachycardia and I BP -tCO PLASMATIC TRANSPORT of T3 and T4 * Bound to proteins <-> free dynamic balance Tyroztn binding globulin TEG (23) „ „ prealbumin T6P* Svnini albumin USA i ! capacity,! affinity) T4 Irt cells desonldated to T3 - higher activity (transformation iduring starvation -1 rT3 with low activity) Excretion - liver conjugated with sulfates, glukuronides ____ —-" EFFECT OF T3 a T4 ■ ACTIVATION OF THYROID HORMONE RECEPTORS IN NUCLEUS REGULATES TRANSCRIPTION OF GENES . T3 is more effective than T4 [ $0% of effect) 50x more T4, but more bound to plasma proteins, deiodinated in cells, THR in nucleus have 10x I afiriity to T3, (conversion of T4 to T3 i during starvation, illnes&ea spare of E at unchanged level of TSH) * f BASAL METABOLISM . | 02 CONSUMPTION - 1 HEAT PRODUCTION * GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT - DIFERENTiATION , METAMORPHOSIS * i Of REACTION TIME L SYNTHESIS OF Na-K PUMP « Muscle, kidney, liver * Incorporation of Na-K pump in membrane ■^nf consumption of Overactivity of pump -^activity of pump compensated by ^ leak ofNaaK cycle of cations whereby energy is consumed without useful work SYNTHESIS OF ENZYMES ■ CARBOHYDRATES tglUKoneogenesis, f glykogenolysis, glycemia buffered by t insulin, ^resorption of glucose - postprandial hyperglycemia) - PROTEINS f proteolysis in muscles together with ^proteosynthesis, during hyperthyroidism neg. N bilance, uraturia, kaliuria, calciuria, creatinuria, weakness ■ LIPIDS ■flipolysis, t-number of receptors for LDL In liver-* i cholesterolemia • SYNTHESiS OF ENZYMES IN MITOCHONDRIA ADRENERGIC STIMULATION HEART • BETA RECEPTORS - synthesis in heart, muscle, fat tissue -tachycardia Therapy - Seta blockers • EXPRESSION OF GEN FOR ALFA MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN IN MYOCARDIUM -3"t" contractility and rapid fiber shortening 1