ACIDOSIS - production of H+ ■ TISSUE METABOLISM- 12 500meqldCO2 * LIVER utilization of AMA lor gluconic gene sis Hi504, HjPOa 3 major H* load...... 50 nraqMay - STRENUOUS EXERCISE........lactic acid ■ DIABETES MELLITUS ...... ketoacidosis . INGESTION OF ACIDS, DIARRHOEA . FAUILURE OF KIDNEY ALKALOSIS •Vomit •Fruits, vegetables Consequence of pH disturbances • Change of tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins • I of activity of enzymes • changes in permeability of membranes ■ changes in distribution of electrolytes Regulation of pH of body fluids ■ Buffer systems... immediately, small capacity ■ Lungs,., co, ...quickly, limited capacity • Kidney...h\hco3 .slowly, high capacity BUFFERS - BUFFER CAPACITY OF BLOOD * BUFFER-weak acid + The Hendeison-Hasselbalch equation HA H* + A- <= + H* JiJdMl stiffly iod Relative acidity of weak acids is expressed by t--.--.--r constant ■ Negative logarithm of d .const, is pK is which concentration of W and UDdissociated molecules equals pH=pK + log [A-]/[AH] Trie highest buffering capacity if pH =pK buffer capacity of Wood ■ 48rnmol/l BUFFERS IN BLOOD - Plasma proteins dissociate Free carboxyl: R-COOH R-COO-+ H* Free aminogroups: R-NHj' <=>R-NHS* H* • Hemoglobin (histidin residua) Buffering capacity 6« I lhanthat of proteins Hb is weaker acid than HbO.=> Hb is better buffer than HbCV'l buffering capacity in lungs-egsier release of CO, . opposite effect in tissue helps binding CO, 1 ■ Phosphates H?POj «:=> HPO,*+.H* • Bicarbonate system HCO/ + H+ K-(|lia.lion 27- 15 co, + H,0 J=« HtC.O, H- + uco, co, + M,(I^»H- + iico3 Unnonr, w* can Jeliue a dissociation wtisLnni for int< „ _ ih-JIIUCO,) ~ JCOJ In VigWWhiiiir torn, this equal Urn becomes: Equation 77-17 k:o,i Finally. » tMprWB lCO,\ In icrnib of Pc.03. "Tailing, iium Henry's Law ihm |coj — s ■ l'£_L3,: Equation ■.!:■! pH = pK + lag [HCOjl DISTURBANCES OF ACID/BASE BALANCE Physiologic value malab&lic raspiialory HCOy 20 hcd,1 HC03- HC03- HC03 CO, 1 CO, CO; CO, Compensation h(p«rlli(paVMitllatiori Wdrceye-c.&alion HCp, HCO3" HCO3" HCCy >: CO; CO- COMPENSATION OF ACIDOSIS NEAD OF NaHC03mmolfl: BE*0,3*WEIGHT • Isotonic solution 1,39 % (0,167molfl) "A of amount needed, new measurement, (examination of K+) ACfDOBASIC BALANCE AND MOVEMENT OF K* BETWEEN ECF AND ICF PLASMATIC CONCENTRATIONS!-S.J mmolfl ECF 1 -t- »!■■-' ' hypokallumi* «- H* icr haliuiia Dependence of kaliemie on pH - at a constant total content of K+ PH 7.2 7.4 7.6 K+ 4.9 4.0 3.2 mmol'J 6.2 5.0 3.8 7.3 6.0 4.5 Physiologic PLASMATIC CONCENT RAT I Oh 3.5 - E.3 mmo"! METABOLIC ACIDOSIS . CAUSES T Production of acids (diabetes, loss of weight anaerobic glycolysis) Loss of bicarbonate (diarrhea, inhibitors of carbonic artftydrase} Intake ol acids RenaE failure of add secretion ■ RESPIRATORY COMPENSATION H* is bound IH* + HCOa- - H,0 + CO.) EXSPIRATION (Kussmaul respiration) ALKALIC RESERVE DECREASES METABOLIC ALKALOSIS - CAUSES Loss of H* (vomit, deficiency of K*) Intake of bases Production of bases (oxidation of lactate) - RESPIRATORY COMPENSATION is limited - hyp oven tUation -hypoxia + CO, - sons -ol respiration - EXCRETION of BICARBONATE by KIDNEY * TpH-ICa*,-*tetany RESPIRATORY ACIDOSIS • CAUSES IVentilation (barbiturates) Reduction of lung's tissue ■ H* SUFFERED BY TJONBICARBQNATE BUFFERS • EXCRETION of H* by KIDNEY lag by 1-2 days RESPIRATORY ALKALOSIS - CAUSES hyperventilation (hypoxia, psychiatric) - H* RELEASED BY NONBICARBONATE BUFFERS • EXCRETION of BIKARBONATE by KIDNEY - First aid - quieting, rebrealhing