The integration of intermediaryThe integration of intermediary metabolism of nutrientsmetabolism of nutrients at the tissue and organ level Biochemistry II Lecture 3 2007 (J.S.) Nutrients – dietary fuels Saccharides are the most universal nutrients – the overdose is transformed in the fat stores, Nutrients – dietary fuels the overdose is transformed in the fat stores, carbon skeleton of non-essential amino acids may originate from saccharides.from saccharides. Triacylglycerols exhibit the highest energetic yield – but fatty acids cannot convert into saccharides or thebut fatty acids cannot convert into saccharides or the skeleton of amino acids. Amino acids in the form of proteins represent the unique,Amino acids in the form of proteins represent the unique, precious source of nitrogen for proteosynthesis. They can be used as a fuel rather when the body is lacking in otherbe used as a fuel rather when the body is lacking in other nutrients – during starving, a disease, or injury. Glucogenic amino acids can convert into glucose.Glucogenic amino acids can convert into glucose. An overdose of diet protein may be transformed into fat stores. 2 stores. Fuel reserves in a typical 70-kg man Nutrient mass and available energy Total energy stores of the body equal about 700 MJ, most of that as the fat storesTotal energy stores of the body equal about 700 MJ, most of that as the fat stores (total body fat represents approximately 10 - 25 % body weight. Glycogen in the liver is not very large, it is exhausted, without refilling, less than 24 h. Muscle glycogen can be utilized only within muscles, because there is no glucose-6-Muscle glycogen can be utilized only within muscles, because there is no glucose-6phosphatase activity to release free glucose. Proteins have essential roles other than providing energy. Muscle protein may supply amino acids for gluconeogenesis, but only limited amounts (not more than approximately ⅓ of muscle 3 acids for gluconeogenesis, but only limited amounts (not more than approximately ⅓ of muscle protein) can be oxidized for energy to preserve the vital functions of the tissue. Synthesis and mobilization of TG stores in adipose tissueSynthesis and mobilization of TG stores in adipose tissue stimulation of the enzyme is mediated by GLUCAGON Hormone-sensitive lipase mediated by GLUCAGON or adrenaline (in stress) inhibition mediated by INSULINmediated by INSULIN 4 Basal metabolic rate (BMR)Basal metabolic rate (BMR) Rough estimate: 100 kJ / d per l kg body weight Harris and Benedict equations (BMR in kcal / kg): BMRwomen = 655 + (9.6 × w) + (1.8 × h) – (4.7 × a) × × × w – weight in kg h – height in cm a – age in years BMRmen = 6.6 + (13.7 × w) + (5 × h) – (6.8 × a) 1 kcal = 4.2 kJ a – age in years Basal metabolic rate depends on - gender (women about 10 % lower than men),- gender (women about 10 % lower than men), - body temperature (increase by 12 % at 1 °C body temperature increment), - environmental temperature (increased in cold climates),- environmental temperature (increased in cold climates), - thyroid status (increased in hyperthyroidism), - pregnancy and lactation (increased), - long-term low-energy intake (low-calory diets, anorexia nervosa,- long-term low-energy intake (low-calory diets, anorexia nervosa, - age (increased in childhood). Under basal conditions, muscle spends about 30 % BMR,Under basal conditions, muscle spends about 30 % BMR, nervous system (namely central) 20 %, myocard 11 %, and the kidney up to 10 %. 5 the kidney up to 10 %. Energetic content of dietary componentsEnergetic content of dietary components corresponds to the heat of combustion of a nutrient: Saccharides 17 kJ / gSaccharides 17 kJ / g Fats 38 kJ / g Protein *) 17 kJ / gProtein *) 17 kJ / g *) the biological value, final catabolites of proteins in human bodies are CO2, H2O a urea CO(NH2)2. Notice the energetic content of alcohol, which equals 30 kJ / g. are CO2, H2O a urea CO(NH2)2. Recommended ratio of nutrients in the human dietRecommended ratio of nutrients in the human diet for individuals performing light to moderate physical activity: Saccharides 50 - 55 % of energy intake (predominantly polysaccharides), fat 25 - 30 % (essential fatty acids should account for about 10 % of total intake, saturated less than 10 %),10 % of total intake, saturated less than 10 %), proteins 10 - 15 % (0.7 g / kg ideal body weight per day, containing satisfactory amounts of essential amino acids). 6 satisfactory amounts of essential amino acids). Body mass index (BMI)Body mass index (BMI) extreme undenourishment underweight < 16 16-20 BMI underweight "ideal" body mass overweight 16-20 20-25 25-30 overweight obesity extreme obesity 25-30 30-40 > 40 Daily energy expenditure (kJ / d) BMRwomen BMR 6000 - 7000 7000 - 8000 (kJ / d) BMRmen Very light activity 7000 - 8000 8000 - 11000 Light to moderate activity Heavy work 11000 - 14000 14000 - 18000 7 14000 - 18000 Relationships among the major energy metabolism pathways GLYCOGEN STORES FAT STORES TRIACYLGLYCEROLS MONOSACCHARIDES TRIACYLGLYCEROLS FATTY ACIDSGlycerol FATTY ACIDSGlycerol Pyruvate ×PROTEINS Glucogenic AA (non-essent.) × × × Glucogenic AA (essential) Ketogenic AA (essential) ACETYL-CoA × ACETYL-CoA Citrate cycleKETONE BODIES × × Citrate cycle OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION 8 OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION ATP Tissues differ in the ability to utilize nutrients due to their enzyme equipment:due to their enzyme equipment: Pathway Liver Kidney Muscle CNS RBC Adipose Pathway Liver Kidney Muscle CNS RBC Adipose tissue Glycolysis + + + + + +Glycolysis + + + + + + FA β-oxidation + + + 0 0 0FA β-oxidation + + + 0 0 0 Utilization of ketone bodies 0 + + (+) 0 + ketone bodies Ketogenesis + 0 0 0 0 0 Gluconeogenesis + + 0 0 0 0 FA synthesis + ± ± ± 0 + 9 The metabolism of nutrients is sophistically controlledThe metabolism of nutrients is sophistically controlled through different mechanisms in the fed state (absorptive phase), the early fasting state (post-absorptive phase), and inthe early fasting state (post-absorptive phase), and in the metabolic adaptation in prolonged starvation.. During physical activity, the nutrient sources for muscle contractionDuring physical activity, the nutrient sources for muscle contraction are determined by intensity and duration of activity. There are differences in the selection of fuels between anaerobic musculardifferences in the selection of fuels between anaerobic muscular work and prolonged aerobic work (e.g. sprinting and dostance running).running). 10 The absorptive (fed, postprandial) state After a typical high-saccharide meal, glucose leaves the intestine in high concentrations. The absorptive (fed, postprandial) state concentrations. Hyperglycaemia stimulates the pancreas to release insulin, glucagon release isglucagon release is inhibited. A part of nutrient is oxidized to meet the immediate energy needs,A part of nutrient is oxidized to meet the immediate energy needs, excessive nutrients are stored – as glycogen in liver and muscle, and mainly – as triacylglycerols in adipose tissue.– as triacylglycerols in adipose tissue. Insulin secretion from the B cells of Langerhans islets of the pancreas:Insulin secretion from the B cells of Langerhans islets of the pancreas: Basal secretion is very low, glucose levels below 4.5 – 5,5 mmol/l don't stimulate insulin release. During the hyperglycaemia, transporters GLUT 2 more effectively facilitates diffusion of glucose into the B cells. ATP produces by glycolysis closes the ATP-dependent K+-channel;of glucose into the B cells. ATP produces by glycolysis closes the ATP-dependent K+-channel; the resulting depolarization of the plasma membrane opens the voltage-operated Ca2+channels, and increase in intracellular Ca2+ is followed by the exocytosis of secretion granules 11 containing insulin. Insulin is an anabolic hormone. Itis an anabolic hormone. It – inhibits the secretion of glucagon from the pancreatic A cells (paracrine effect),(paracrine effect), – supports the entry of glucose into skeletal muscle and adipocytes by translocation of GLUT4 transporters to the cell membrane,translocation of GLUT4 transporters to the cell membrane, – promotes glycogen synthesis and storage in the liver and muscle (at the same time inhibits glycogen breakdown through dephosphorylation of the key enzymes),dephosphorylation of the key enzymes), – stimulates glycolysis (at the same time inhibits gluconeogenesis) through its effects on glycolytic enzymes and induction ofthrough its effects on glycolytic enzymes and induction of synthesis of those enzymes, – intensifies triacylglycerol synthesis in the liver (secretion of VLDL) and in adipose tissue (induces the production of lipoprotein lipase in vascular beds and inhibits hormone-sensitive lipase), – promotes synthesis of proteins in muscle by increasing amino acid– promotes synthesis of proteins in muscle by increasing amino acid transport as well as by stimulating ribosomal proteosynthesis. The mentioned effects result in the hypoglycaemic effect. 12 The mentioned effects result in the hypoglycaemic effect. Saccharides in the absorptive state The LIVER ADIPOSE TISSUE The LIVER GLYCOGEN TG Food intake: GLUCOSE FATTY ACIDS glycerol 3-P glucose VLDLNADPH MUSCLE high blood GLUCOSE INSULINMUSCLE Erc INSULIN glucose lactate HEART GLYCOGEN Glc CO CNS (prefer FA from LDL) HEART KIDNEY Glc CO CO2 (FA from LDL preferred) 13 (prefer FA from LDL) CO2 ADIPOSE TISSUE The LIVER Triacylglycerols in the absorptive state The LIVER TRIACYLGLYCEROLS FA TRIACYLGLYCEROLS glycerol 3-P FATTY ACIDS Food intake: TG in VLDL FAglycerol 3-P MUSCLE Chylomicrons TRIACYLGLYCEROLS glycerol TG in CM, VLDL and LDL LPL MUSCLE Erc TG in CM, VLDL and LDL glycerol HEART FA LPL CNS HEART KIDNEY FACO2 CO2 14 FACO2 CO2 The postabsorptive phase – early fasting is the time period from the first feeling of hunger (few hours after a meal), which doesn't last usually more than 10 -12 h (e.g. during the nightly The postabsorptive phase – early fasting which doesn't last usually more than 10 -12 h (e.g. during the nightly starved-fed cycle, till the refed state is reached again after breakfast) Within about one hour after a meal, blood glucose concentrationWithin about one hour after a meal, blood glucose concentration begins to decline. As a consequence, release of glucagon from the A cells begins, the stimulation of insulin discontinues. – stimulates the liver glycogenolysis (inhibits glycogenesis), the A cells begins, the stimulation of insulin discontinues. Glucagon antagonizes the effect of insulin: – stimulates the liver glycogenolysis (inhibits glycogenesis), – activates mobilization of fat stores (fatty acid release from adipocytes), – supports gluconeogenesis from lactate, glycerol, and amino acids in the– supports gluconeogenesis from lactate, glycerol, and amino acids in the liver and kidney, and induces the synthesis of key-enzymes of gluconeogenesis All these effects result in maintaining fuel availability in the absence of dietary glucose. 15 Glucagon has no influence on skeletal muscles metabolism. The LIVER ADIPOSE TISSUESaccharides in the postabsorptive state The LIVER Glycogenolysis Gluconeogenesis Glucose glycerol 90 % glycerol MUSCLE low blood GLUCOSE GLUCAGONMUSCLE Erc GLUCAGON lactate Glycogenolysis KIDNEY lactate alanine GlcGlc-6-P Pyruvate KIDNEY CNS Glc CO Gluconeogenesis 10 % Pyruvate CO2 16 Glc CO2 CO2 For example, glucagon turns the glycolysis to gluconeogenesis through the decrease in the concentration of fructose 2,6-bisphosphatethrough the decrease in the concentration of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate (Fru-2,6-P2), which acts as one of the allosteric activators of phosphofructo-1-kinase as well as an allosteric inhibitor of fructose well as an allosteric inhibitor of fructose 1-bisphosphatase. The concentration of Fru-2,6-P2 controlled by a bifunctional enzyme: Its phosphofructo-2-kinase activity catalyzes the phosphorylation of Fru-6-P to Fru- 2,6-P2, the fructose 2-bisphosphatase activity of the same protein molecule, but another domain, catalyzes dephosphorylation of Fru-2,6-P2 to Fru-6-P. The phosphorylated form of the enzyme exhibits the phosphatase activity (it depends on glucagon, reversal of glycolysis to gluconeogenesis), the dephosphorylated form of the enzyme (controlled by insulin) catalyzes the formation of Fru-2,6-P . 17 of the enzyme (controlled by insulin) catalyzes the formation of Fru-2,6-P2. Control of the Fru-2,6-P concentration by phosphorylation andControl of the Fru-2,6-P2 concentration by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of the bifunctional enzyme: GLUCAGON INSULIN 18 INSULIN The LIVER ADIPOSE TISSUETriacylglycerols in the postabsorptive state The LIVER Hydrolysis of TRIACYLGLYCEROLS Hormone-sensitive lipase KETOGENESIS FATTY ACIDS Hormone-sensitive lipase KETOGENESIS glycerol FATTY ACIDS MUSCLE low blood GLUCOSE GLUCAGON FATTY ACIDS MUSCLE Erc KETONE BODIES Ketone bodies HEART Ketone bodies Fatty acids CNS HEART KIDNEYCO2 CO 19 CO2 Adrenaline (as well as noradrenaline) in the state of acute stress, acute exposure to danger, initiates the alarm reaction ("fight or flight"). The adaptation syndrome follows, in which("fight or flight"). The adaptation syndrome follows, in which the fuel metabolism is maintained by the action of cortisol. The actions of adrenaline on fuel metabolism are similar to those of glucagon.are similar to those of glucagon. In addition, adrenaline stimulates glycogenolysis in skeletal muscles. 20 Prolonged fasting - starvationProlonged fasting - starvation During prolonged fasting, changes in utilization of nutrients occur. A major goal is to spare glucose: tissues use less glucose than they use during a brief fast and use predominantly triacylglycerols and ketone bodies. After several days of starvation, the brain also begins to consume appreciable amounts of acetoacetatebegins to consume appreciable amounts of acetoacetate (30 – 60 %) in place of glucose. The second priority is to spare proteins. ketone bodies The second priority is to spare proteins. ketone bodies glucoseglucose free fatty acidsfree fatty acids 21 The LIVER ADIPOSE TISSUE Metabolism of nutrients in prolonged starvation (approx. 3 – 4 weeks) The LIVER ADIPOSE TISSUE TRIACYLGLYCEROLS (No glycogen) GLUCONEOGENESIS (90%) KETOGENESIS TRIACYLGLYCEROLS FATTY ACIDS GLUCONEOGENESIS (90%) 80 g/d 180 g/d KETOGENESIS glycerol FATTY ACIDS 100 g/d MUSCLE Erc low GLUCOSE FATTY ACIDS MUSCLE Erc KETONE BODIES (No glycogen) Proteolysis alanine 20 g/d lactate Glc KETONE BODIES 20 g/d Acetyl-CoA CNS KIDNEY CO2 COCO Glc Proteolysis Gluconeogenesis (10 %) 22 CO2CO2 Glc Gluconeogenesis (10 %) Nutrient consumption / production Amount in grams per day Nutrient consumption / production Amount in grams per day 3rd day 40th day Glucose needed for the brain 100 40 Ketone bodies needed for the brain 50 100 All other use of glucose 50 40 Glucose output of the liver 150 80Glucose output of the liver 150 80 Ketone bodies output 150 150 Triacylglycerols mobilized 180 180Triacylglycerols mobilized 180 180 Muscle proteins degraded 75 20 Amount of glucose consumpted in erythrocytes (about 30 g/d) remains the same, it can reach up to 50 % of glucose production in starvation. Utilization of ketone bodies on muscles is stopped, ketone bodies are sparedUtilization of ketone bodies on muscles is stopped, ketone bodies are spared for the brain. Proteolysis increases in the course of several days of starving temporarily, in theProteolysis increases in the course of several days of starving temporarily, in the earliest weeks, after that it diminishes to spare proteins; 20 g degraded protein represent approx. 12 g glucose. Initial sources of proteins are proteins of intestinal epithelium, digestive enzymes, some of the liver enzymes, and in skeletal 23 intestinal epithelium, digestive enzymes, some of the liver enzymes, and in skeletal muscles, contractile proteins and enzymes of the glycolytic pathway. Fuels consumption in muscles Anaerobic phases of physical exercise or muscular work with maximal intensity Initially, exercising muscle uses endogenous fuels, from its own stores). or muscular work with maximal intensity Initially, exercising muscle uses endogenous fuels, from its own stores). ATP (5 mmol/l), ATP regenerated from phosphocreatine (9 mmol/l), and muscle glycogen. The decrease in ATP concentration as well as appearance of AMP initiates breakdown of glycogen and stimulates glycolysis.initiates breakdown of glycogen and stimulates glycolysis. ATP and phosphocreatine can sustain exercise for only a few seconds. Glycogen stores in muscle are adequate to support an exercise with maximal outputGlycogen stores in muscle are adequate to support an exercise with maximal output intensity for only a limited period of time, not longer than 1 - 2 minutes, because of lactate accumulation. The limited supply of O2 disables aerobic glycolysis and fatty acid oxidation.fatty acid oxidation. 24 Aerobic phase of physical exercise – prolonged exercise with sufficiently low energy expenditureprolonged exercise with sufficiently low energy expenditure In initial 3 - 30 minutes, utilization of saccharides prevails (liver glycogen, gluconeogenesis from lactate and alanine – the Cori and the glucose-alanine cycles, later on also from glycerol – product of lipolysis). After approximately 1 hour of exercise, fatty acid oxidation is the major sourceAfter approximately 1 hour of exercise, fatty acid oxidation is the major source of ATP generation. Glucose is spared so that a sufficient amount of glucose is available to supply oxaloacetate for the citrate cycle. The Cori cycle and the glucose-alanine cycle 25