Body water Fluid and electrolyte balanceFluid and electrolyte balance Biochemistry II Lecture 8 2008 (J.S.) 1 Body water about 60 % of the body weight (55 % taken usually for women) 2/3 intracellular fluid (ICF, 40 % b.w.)2/3 intracellular fluid (ICF, 40 % b.w.) 1/3 extracellular fluid (ECF, 20 % b.w.) interstitial fluid and lymphECF ICF blood plasma (5 % b.w.) interstitial fluid and lymph (ISF, 15 % b.w.) ISFISF plasma The water content of the body changes – with age: about 75 % in the newborn, less than 50 % in the elders,less than 50 % in the elders, – with the total fat content, there are only 10 % water in adipose tissue. 2 only 10 % water in adipose tissue. "Transcellular" fluids"Transcellular" fluids include water that is present at the moment within the GIT, abdominal and pleural cavities, as well as spinal fluid, urine, and bile. In adults, theand pleural cavities, as well as spinal fluid, urine, and bile. In adults, the volume is about 2 litres (2 – 3 % b.w.) under normal conditions. In most clinical considerations the volume of transcellular fluids is notIn most clinical considerations the volume of transcellular fluids is not taken into account, but it must be considered, when ascites or other large exsudates might be awaited. 3 The movement of ions and polar neutral molecules across cell membranes is due to the existence of specific transport proteins (including ion pumps). Diffusion of water molecules is possible, but it is slow and not efficient. AquaporinsAquaporins are membrane proteins that form water channels and account for the nearly free and rapid two-way moving of water molecules across most cell membranes (about 3 × 109 molecules per second).across most cell membranes (about 3 × 109 molecules per second). Aquaporin channel structure Aquaporins consist of six membrane-spanning segmenst arranged in two hemi-pores, which fold together to form the "hourglass-shaped" channel. The highly conserved NPA motifs (Asn-Pro-Ala) may form a size-exclusion pore, giving the channel its high specifity. 4 channel its high specifity. In membranes, some of aquaporin types exist as homotetramers, or formIn membranes, some of aquaporin types exist as homotetramers, or form regular square arrays. Aquaporins are controlled by means of gene expression, externalization of silencedAquaporins are controlled by means of gene expression, externalization of silenced channels in the cytoplasmic vesicles, and also by the changes in intracellular pH values (e.g., increase in proton production inhibits water transport through AQP-2 and increases the permeability of AQP-6).and increases the permeability of AQP-6). More than 12 isoforms of aquaporins were identified in humans, 7 of which are located in the kidney.which are located in the kidney. Examples: AQP1 (aquaporin-1), opened permanently, is localized in red blood cells,AQP1 (aquaporin-1), opened permanently, is localized in red blood cells, endothelial and epithelial cells, in the proximal renal tubules and the thin descendent limb of the loop of Henry. AQP2 is the main water channel in the renal collecting ducts. It increases tubuleAQP2 is the main water channel in the renal collecting ducts. It increases tubule wall permeability to water under the control of ADH: If ADH binds onto the V2 receptors located in the basolateral membrane, AQP2 in the membranes of cytoplasmic vesicles is phosphorylated and exposed in the apical plasmacytoplasmic vesicles is phosphorylated and exposed in the apical plasma membrane. Reabsorbed water leaves cells through AQP3 and AQP4 in the basolateral plasma membrane. 5 basolateral plasma membrane. The movement of water across cell membranes is controlled by osmolalityis controlled by osmolality ECF ICFExamples of four simplified causes of water movements: (Any other solute can substitute sodium salt in the examples.)(Any other solute can substitute sodium salt in the examples.) Significant loss of solute-free waterSodium salt retention or overload Hypernatraemia (hyperosmolality of ECF) → hyperosmolar expansion of ECF, decrease in ICF volume (cellular dehydration). Hypernatraemia (hyperosmolality of ECF) by dehydration → cellular dehydration Solute-free water excess "Pure" sodium salt loss Hyponatraemia by dilution (a decrease in ECF Hyponatraemia (hypoosmolal ECF) → decrease Expansion of ICF →increase in intracranial pressure, imminent danger of cerebral oedema. Hyponatraemia by dilution (a decrease in ECF osmolality) → expansion of ICF volume, oedema Hyponatraemia (hypoosmolal ECF) → decrease in ECF volume, expansion of the cell volume. 6 Expansion of ICF →increase in intracranial pressure, imminent danger of cerebral oedema. Na+ concentration (as well as osmolality) depends on changes in both ECF volume and amount of Na+ in ECF: normal Na+ amount in ECF both ECF volume and amount of Na+ in ECF: 180 – – [Na+] / mmol l–1 (proportional to osmolality) amount in ECF Na+ retention 160 – – hypernatraemia (hyperosmolal ECF) Na+ retention or overload 140 – – hyponatraemia (hypoosmolal ECF) (hyperosmolal ECF) 120 – – (hypoosmolal ECF) Na+ losses ECF lossexcess water, water retention 100 – ECF loss decrease in extracellular volume excess water, water retention expansion of the EC volume normal body weight 7 weight The approximate calculation of Na+ ion deficit in patients with hypovolaemic hyponatraemia: Na+ deficit = (140 – [Na+] ) × 0.6 × kg b.w. (in millimoles) The approximate calculation of water deficit in patients with hypernatraemia:The approximate calculation of water deficit in patients with hypernatraemia: water deficit = [Na+] – 140 × 0.6 × kg b.w. (in litres)water deficit = [Na+] × 0.6 × kg b.w. (in litres) 8 The daily water intake and loss in an adult personThe daily water intake and loss in an adult person Water intake at least 2000 ml/d Water loss at least 2000 ml/dWater intake at least 2000 ml/d drink > 1200 ml food 500 ml Water loss at least 2000 ml/d urine > 1200 ml expired air 300 mlfood 500 ml metabolism 300 ml 1 g saccharide → 0.55 ml 1 g protein → 0.41 ml expired air 300 ml sweat and perspiration 500 ml (profuse sweating up to litres /d)1 g protein → 0.41 ml 1 g fat → 1.07 ml Attention should be paid to the water intake (profuse sweating up to litres /d) faeces 100 ml Attention should be paid to the water intake in the childhood and namely in the elders (the feeling of thirst is impaired or lacking) 9 Intestinal fluid Per day: FOOD / FLUIDS oral intake 2000 mlIntestinal fluid balance 1000 mlsaliva SECRETION 2000 ml 400 mlbile gastric 400 ml 1000 ml RESORPTION pancreatic bile 2000 ml RESORPTION 5000 ml jejunal sum total 9000 ml 600 ml 2900 ml ileal sum total 9000 ml 1000 ml 10 FAECES 100 ml/d Osmolality of blood plasma men 290 ±±±± 10 mmol / kg H2O women 285 ±±±± 10 mmol / kg H2Owomen 285 ±±±± 10 mmol / kg H2O Osmolality of biological fluids is measured by means of osmometers that are based mostly on the cryoscopic principle. Osmolality of blood plasma depends predominantly on the concentrations of Na+, K+, glucose, and urea. that are based mostly on the cryoscopic principle. of Na+, K+, glucose, and urea. Even if the osmolality of a sample is known (it has been measured), it is useful to compare the value with the approximate assessment: osmolality (in mmol / kg H2O) ≈ 2 [Na+] + [glucose] + [urea] (in mmol l–1). useful to compare the value with the approximate assessment: An osmotic gap can be perceived in this way. The measured value is higher than the calculated rough estimate, if there is a highis higher than the calculated rough estimate, if there is a high concentration of an unionized compound in the sample (e.g. alcohol, ethylene glycol, acetone). 11 One gram of ethanol per litre will increase the osmolality by about 22 mmol / kg H2O. Osmometers – cryoscopic principle: Depression of the temperature of solidifying is one of the colligativeDepression of the temperature of solidifying is one of the colligative properties that depends only on the activity of solutes in solutions. Thermistors able to measure temperature differences less than 0.01 °CThermistors able to measure temperature differences less than 0.01 °C are required. Cryoscopic constant K´(water) = 1.85 K kg mol–1K´(water) = 1.85 K kg mol–1 - i.e. Increase in osmolality + 10 mmol / kg H2O will depress the temperature of solidifyingthe temperature of solidifying by – 0.0185 °C. Osmolality in mol / kg H2O equals ∆∆∆∆ϑϑϑϑ / K´(water). 12 Oncotic pressure – colloid osmotic pressure (COP)Oncotic pressure – colloid osmotic pressure (COP) Within the extracellular fluid, the distribution of water between blood The capillary wall, which separates plasma from the interstitial fluid, is plasma and interstitial fluid depends on the plasma protein concentration. Oncotic pressure is a small fraction of the osmotic pressure that is The capillary wall, which separates plasma from the interstitial fluid, is freely permeable to water and electrolytes, but restricts the flow of proteins. Oncotic pressure is a small fraction of the osmotic pressure that is induced by plasma proteins. ρ (plasma proteins) = 62 – 82 g / l c ≈ 1 – 1.3 mmol / lρ (plasma proteins) = 62 – 82 g / l c ≈ 1 – 1.3 mmol / l ρ (plasma albumin) = 35 – 50 g / l c = 0.52 – 0.75 mmol / l (albumin – about 80 % of oncotic pressure) Oncotic pressure of blood plasma equals approx. 3 kPa (2.7 – 3.3 KPa). Values 2.7 – 1.4 kPa - sizable oedemas, imminent danger of pulmonary oedema;Values 2.7 – 1.4 kPa - sizable oedemas, imminent danger of pulmonary oedema; < 1.4 kPa – unless albumin is given i.v., survival is hardly possible. 13 The movement of fluid between plasma and interstitial fluid Oncotic pressure can be measured by means of colloid osmometers. 14 Ions in body fluids VENOUS ISF INTRACELLULAR 15 VENOUS PLASMA / SERUM ISF FLUID Ions in blood plasma / serum 16 Effective "strong ion difference" (SIDeff) SIDeff = [Na+] + [K+] + 3 – [Cl–] – [UA–] Effective "strong ion difference" (SIDeff) SIDeff = [Na+] + [K+] + 3 – [Cl–] – [UA–] The value SIDeff determinates the concentration of plasma buffer bases BBp . SIDeff tration of plasma buffer bases BBp . Normal range = 42 ± 3 mmol / l) UA– SIDeff then can be calculated from measurable concentrations of plasma buffer bases:: SIDeff = [HCO3 – ] + 0.28 Alb(g/l) + 1.8 [Pi] Strong ion ratio [Na+]+[K+] / [Cl–] (normal value 1.35 – 1.43)Strong ion ratio [Na+]+[K+] / [Cl–] (normal value 1.35 – 1.43) is occasionally used as another sign of strong ion imbalance that is typical for hyperchloridaemic acidosis or hypochloridaemic alkalosis). 17 hypochloridaemic alkalosis). Unmeasured anions (UA–)Unmeasured anions (UA–) SIDeff [UA–] = [Na+] + [K+] + 3 – [Cl–] – SIDeff UA– Normal range 8 ± 2 mmol / l Components: sulfateComponents: sulfate lactate acidic ketone bodies the other carboxylic acids Corrected value for water content: the other carboxylic acids [UA–]corr = [UA–] × 140 / [Na+]measured Corrected value for water content: 18 Anion gap (AG) – a simple accessory parameterAnion gap (AG) – a simple accessory parameter that may call an attention to the possible increase in UA–: HCO3 – AG = [Na+] + [K+] + 3 – [Cl–] – [HCO3 –] Usual values 19 ± 2 mmol/l. AG AG represents the "space" filled in by unmeasured anions, Usual values 19 ± 2 mmol/l. unmeasured anions, proteins, and phosphates. In hypoproteinaemia, AG value should be corrected: AGcorr = AGobserved + 0.25 × (Albref – Albmeasured) (decrease in albumin by 1 g/l enables an increase In hypoproteinaemia, AG value should be corrected: (decrease in albumin by 1 g/l enables an increase in HCO3 – by 1 mmol/l) 19 Water and osmolality control Antidiuretic hormone (ADH, Arg-vasopressin, AVP)Antidiuretic hormone (ADH, Arg-vasopressin, AVP) released from the nerve terminals in posterior pituitary AldosteroneAldosterone secreted from the zona glomerulosa of adrenal cortex after activation of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS)after activation of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) Natriuretic peptides ANP and BNP secreted from some kinds of cardiomyocytes in heart atria andsecreted from some kinds of cardiomyocytes in heart atria and chambers 20 Water and osmolality control INTAKE OF Na+ WATER LOSS Osmolality increase Decrease in ECF volume Filling of heart Filling of arteries OSMOSENSORS VOLUMOSENSORS Filling of heart upper chambers Filling of arteries hypothalamus liver heart juxtaglomerular cells Increase Secretion of renin Sensation of thirst Secretion of ADH (vasopressin) Increase of HMV Secretion of aldosteroneof thirst Renal ADH (vasopressin) Better filling of arteries aldosterone WATER INTAKE Renal RETENTION OF WATER RETENTION OF Na+ 21 Antagonistic action of natriuretic peptides ANP and BNP Antidiuretic hormone (ADH, Arg-vasopressin, AVP) is a nine amino acid cyclic peptide: Cys–Tyr–Phe–Gln–Asn–Cys–Phe–Arg–Gly S S Vasopressin receptors V2 are in the basolateral membranes of cells renal of renal collecting ducts (see picture 5).renal of renal collecting ducts (see picture 5). Vasopressin receptors V1 are responsible for the vasoconstriction. 22 The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) Fluid volume decrease Blood pressure decrease Blood osmolality decrease ANGIOTENSINOGEN (blood plasma α2-globulin, >400 AA) THE JUXTAGLOMERULAR CELLS of the renal afferent arterioles Blood osmolality decrease Protein renin (a proteinase) of the renal afferent arterioles release into the blood ANGIOTENSIN I (a decapeptide) angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE, a glycoprotein in the lung,His-Leu (ACE, a glycoprotein in the lung, endothelial cells, blood plasma) ANGIOTENSIN II His-Leu Stimulation of ALDOSTERONE production ANGIOTENSIN II (an octapeptide) in zona glomerulosa cells of adrenal cortex Vasoconstriction of arterioles ANGIOTENSIN III Rapid inactivation 23 Rapid inactivation by angiotensinases Angiotensin II and III α angiotensinogen: NH2–Asp–Arg–Val–Tyr–Ile–His-Pro–Phe–His–Leu–Leu–Val–Tyr N-Terminal sequence of the plasma α2-globulin angiotensinogen: renin Decapeptide angiotensin I: –Asp–Arg–Val–Tyr–Ile–His-Pro–Phe–His–LeuNH2–Asp–Arg–Val–Tyr–Ile–His-Pro–Phe–His–Leu angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) Octapeptide angiotensin II: –Asp–Arg–Val–Tyr–Ile–His-Pro–PheNH2–Asp–Arg–Val–Tyr–Ile–His-Pro–Phe aminopeptidase Heptapeptide angiotensin III: Arg–Val–Tyr–Ile–His-Pro–PheArg–Val–Tyr–Ile–His-Pro–Phe inactivating angiotensinases 24 inactivating angiotensinases Aldosterone (hemiacetal form) (11β,21-dihydroxy-3,20-dioxo-4-pregnen-18-al )(11β,21-dihydroxy-3,20-dioxo-4-pregnen-18-al ) 25 Natriuretic peptides Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) which, despite its name, is largely of cardiac ventricular origin. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) of cardiac ventricular origin. Both peptides have a cyclic sequence (17 amino acyl residues) closed by a disulfide bond; ANP consists of 28 residues, BNP of a disulfide bond; ANP consists of 28 residues, BNP of 32. They originate from C-ends of their precursors (126 and 108 residues) by hydrolytic splitting and have short biological half-lives. Released N-terminalhydrolytic splitting and have short biological half-lives. Released N-terminal sequences are inactive, but because they are long-lived, they determination is useful. 26 determination is useful. Both ANP and BNP have been shownBoth ANP and BNP have been shown – to have diuretic and natriuretic effects, – to induce peripheral vasodilatation, and – to inhibit the release of renin from the kidneys and– to inhibit the release of renin from the kidneys and aldosterone from the adrenal cortex. These peptides are viewed as protectors against volume overload andThese peptides are viewed as protectors against volume overload and as inhibitors of vasoconstriction (e.g. during a high dietary sodium intake). Membrane receptors for natriuretic peptides are of unique kind – they exhibit intrinsic guanylate cyclase activity; binding of NPs onto receptors increases intracellular concentration of cGMP.receptors increases intracellular concentration of cGMP. 27