Oxygen and CO2 transportOxygen and CO2 transport Acid- base balanceAcid- base balance Biochemistry II Lecture 9 2008 (J.S.) 1 Transport of O2 and CO2Transport of O2 and CO2 O2 INSPIRED AIR CO2 EXPIRED AIR Lungs O2 INSPIRED AIR CO2 EXPIRED AIR HCO3 – + HHb+ Lungs HbO + H O + CO HbO2 + H+ + HCO3 – HbO2 + H2O + CO2 HCO3 – + HHb+ HbO2 + H2O CO2 PRODUCED Tissues CO2 PRODUCED HbO2 + H+ + HCO3 – HCO3 – + HHb+ + O2 2 Inspired and expired air – partial pressures: pO2 pCO2 pH2O Inspired air 21 kPa 0.03 kPa 0.76 kPaInspired air 21 kPa 0.03 kPa 0.76 kPa Expired air 15.3 kPa 4.4 kPa 6.3 kPa Partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood: pO2 pCO2 Arterial blood 12.0 (9.2 – 15.5) kPa 5.3 (4.6 – 6.0) kPa Mixed venous blood (central) 6.7 (5.3 – 8.0) kPa 6.7 (5.4 – 8.0) kPa 3 Arterial blood ≈ 9.2 mmol O / lArterial blood ≈ 9.2 mmol O2 / l (200 ml O2 / l) Blood in capillaries: Tissue Blood in capillaries: Plasma Erythrocytes HbO2 (97% saturation)HbO2 (97% saturation) O2 consumption O2 2.3 mmol / l extracted (50 ml / l) stimulated by H+ (Bohr effect) (50 ml / l) CO2 production CO2 + 1.8 mmol / l (+ 40 ml / l) Hb (~73% saturation)CO2 H2O H CO(+ 40 ml / l) Cl– HCO3 – Cl– HbH+ H+ HCO3 – H2CO3 Anion antiporter (band 3 protein) THE CHLORIDE SHIFT Cl–Cl– HbH+ (0.7 mmol H+/mmol Hb) (Central) venous blood ≈ 6.9 mmol O2 / l (150 ml O / l) THE CHLORIDE SHIFT 4 (150 ml O2 / l) Transport of oxygen Molecular oxygen in blood exists in two forms: – O associated with haemoglobin, and– O2 associated with haemoglobin, and – O2 dissolved but not associated with any other substance. The concentration of total O c tO = c HbO + c O .The concentration of total O2 c tO2 = c HbO2 + c O2 . Freely dissolved O2 is given by pO2 × ααααO2 (the concentrational solubility coefficient in blood ααααO2 = 0.01 mmol/l kPa (at 37 ºC); the solubility of dioxygencoefficient in blood ααααO2 = 0.01 mmol/l kPa (at 37 ºC); the solubility of dioxygen is very low when compared with CO2 with the ααααCO2 = 0.23). Only about 2 % of the oxygen is transported physically dissolved in the blood. Haemoglobin (4Fe) can bind four molecules O , at complete saturation.Haemoglobin (4Fe) can bind four molecules O2, at complete saturation. At c tHb(1Fe) = 9.2 mmol/l, blood is able to bind 9.2 mmol O2 /l, i.e. 234 ml O2 /l (37 ºC), when the blood does not contain anyi.e. 234 ml O2 /l (37 ºC), when the blood does not contain any methaemoglobin (MetHb) or carbonylhaemoglobin (HbCO). The reference method for haemoglobin in human blood measures the total haemoglobin concentration, which includes also MetHb and HbCO which have lost permanently orconcentration, which includes also MetHb and HbCO which have lost permanently or temporarily the capability of reversible O2 binding at physiological pO2. c tHb = c HbO2 + c HbH+ + c HbCO + c MetHb 5 Oxygen associated with haemoglobin The oxygen saturation curve (the oxygen dissociation curve, ODC) Shift to the right: acidification (Bohr effect) increase in pCOincrease in pCO2 increased temperature increased 2,3-BPG Position of the ODC: p50 cca 3.55 kPa,p50 cca 3.55 kPa, normal range 3.0 – 4.0 kPa Normally, the arterial blood is approximately 97% saturated with oxygen.Normally, the arterial blood is approximately 97% saturated with oxygen. After release of oxygen to the tissue, mixed venous blood is about 75% saturated. Factors that decreased the Hb-O2 affinity (right-shifted curve) facilitate the release of oxygen. In the case of increased Hb-O affinity, release of oxygen is 6 release of oxygen. In the case of increased Hb-O2 affinity, release of oxygen is impeded. Oxygen uptake The arterial oxygen tension (a)pO2 indicates the uptake function of the lungs. Under normal physiological circumstances the available haemoglobin in the arterial blood becomes approximately 97 % saturated in the pulmonaryarterial blood becomes approximately 97 % saturated in the pulmonary capillaries. The remaining 3 % will normally not become oxygenated due to anatomic shunts (or Oxygen transport the match between ventilation and perfusion in the lungs that is expressed by the alveolar-arterial pO2 difference Aa∆pO2). Oxygen transport depends on the concentration of O2 transported by haemoglobin: (a)c tO2 = c tHb × sO2 × (1 – COHb – MetHb) + pO2 × 0.01(a)c tO2 = c tHb × sO2 × (1 – COHb – MetHb) + pO2 × 0.01 Normal range: women 7.1 – 8.9 mmol/l men 8.4 – 9.9 mmol/l Oxygen release to the tissue is determined by the oxygen tension gradient between the capillaries and the tissue, and by the affinity of haemoglobin to oxygencapillaries and the tissue, and by the affinity of haemoglobin to oxygen (the position of the saturation curve, its normal range p50 3.4 – 3.8 kPa). A rough estimate can be obtained from the blood oxygen absorption curve. 7 A rough estimate can be obtained from the blood oxygen absorption curve. The crucial quantity in the O2 supply to the tissues is the end-capillary pO2 and the central mixed-venous blood ( )pO (the extraction oxygen tension).vand the central mixed-venous blood ( )pO2 (the extraction oxygen tension).v Low values (< 4.5 kPa) are indicative of tissue hypoxia. The critical value at 3.5 kPa reflects the minimum O supply to sustain aerobic metabolism. Under normal physiological circumstances the rate of oxygen consumption is fairly constant, at 3.5 kPa reflects the minimum O2 supply to sustain aerobic metabolism. is fairly constant, the arterio-venous oxygen content difference av∆∆∆∆cO2 is about 2.3 mmol/l. c tO2 / mmol l–1 full saturation of real Hb x – 2.3 real measured values in arterial blood x in arterial blood pO2 / kPa anticipated mixed venous pO2 8 Transport of COTransport of CO2 Carbon dioxide is the end product of cellular metabolism. Adult humansCarbon dioxide is the end product of cellular metabolism. Adult humans produce about 300 – 400 litres CO2 per day (~ 15 – 20 mol/d) and this amount may be higher, e.g., with the increase in physical activity. Molecules of carbon dioxide are nonpolar. They freely diffuse acrossMolecules of carbon dioxide are nonpolar. They freely diffuse across plasma membranes. In tissues, capillary blood CO2 content increases by 40 – 50 ml CO2 / l.40 – 50 ml CO2 / l. The total blood CO2 content is in the range 450 – 550 ml / l, from which more than 85 % in the form of HCO3 –,more than 85 % in the form of HCO3 –, about 5 % physically dissolved CO2 and H2CO3, and approximately 10 % as carbamino compounds R–NH-COO–.approximately 10 % as carbamino compounds R–NH-COO . Carbamino compounds originate by attaching CO2 to amino groups –NH2 ofCarbamino compounds originate by attaching CO2 to amino groups –NH2 of various proteins, predominantly of haemoglobin within red blood cells. 9 Acid-base balanceAcid-base balance Metabolism produces large quantities of acids: – CO2 is the product of numerous decarboxylations included in oxidative Metabolism produces large quantities of acids: – CO2 is the product of numerous decarboxylations included in oxidative breakdown of nutrients (tissue respiration, 15 – 20 mol CO2 daily). Carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form volatile carbonic acid:Carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form volatile carbonic acid: CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3 – The lungs control the exchange of carbon dioxide between the blood and the external atmosphere.the external atmosphere. – Non-volatile acids – products of the metabolism of sulfur-containing– Non-volatile acids – products of the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids cysteine and methionine (sulfuric acid), phosphoruscontaining compounds (phosphoric acid), and some carboxylic acids (e.g. lactate, acetoacetate, and 3-hydroxybutyrate, unless they are(e.g. lactate, acetoacetate, and 3-hydroxybutyrate, unless they are completely oxidized to CO2 and water). They represent about 30 – 80 mmol H+ per day that cannot be removedThey represent about 30 – 80 mmol H per day that cannot be removed through the lungs, and must be excreted by the kidney into the urine. 11 Although thre is a large production of acidic metabolites in the body,Although thre is a large production of acidic metabolites in the body, concentrations of H+ ions in biological fluids are maintained in the very narrow range: [H+] in blood = 45 – 35 nmol / l pH = 7.35 – 7.45 The human body is more tolerant of acidaemia (acidosis) than of alkalaemia (alkalosis).alkalaemia (alkalosis). Steep decreases in pCO2 or increases in [HCO3 –] may be life-threatening. The limit blood pH values compatible with life areThe limit blood pH values compatible with life are pH 6.80 i.e. [H+] ≈ 160 nmol / l , four times higher than the normal [H+], pH 7.70 i.e. [H+] ≈ 20 nmol / l , decrease in [H+] by more than 50 %. Changes in hydrogen ion concentration are minimized by means of – buffer systems, both intracellular and extracellular, – removal of CO through pulmonary ventilation, and– removal of CO2 through pulmonary ventilation, and – reabsorption of HCO3 – and H+ ion excretion in the renal tubules; – the liver also has certain role in maintaining the acid-base status. 12 – the liver also has certain role in maintaining the acid-base status. Proteins and phosphates are the main intracellular buffers.Proteins and phosphates are the main intracellular buffers. H+ ions pass plasma membranes in exchange for K+ ions – acidaemia may thus lead to an increased plasma K+ concentration, and alkalaemia to hypokalaemia. Buffer systems comprising the total blood buffer bases (BBb) alkalaemia to hypokalaemia. Buffer systems comprising the total blood buffer bases (BBb) Buffer system Blood Plasma ErythrocytesBuffer system Blood Plasma Erythrocytes HCO3 – 0.50 0.27 0.23 Haemoglobin – 0.25Haemoglobin – 0.25 Plasma proteins 0.20 – Phosphate 0.05 0.01 0.04 0.45 Phosphate 0.05 0.01 0.04 ΣΣΣΣ 1.00 0.48 0.52 Concentration of buffer bases in blood BBb 48 ± 3 mmol / l Concentration of buffer bases in plasma BBp 42 ± 3 mmol / l 13 Concentration of buffer bases in plasma BBp 42 ± 3 mmol / l Cooperation of buffer systemsCooperation of buffer systems If the concentration of H+ increases, the H+ increment is distributed to all buffer systems proportionally to their contribution to the total buffer bases.buffer systems proportionally to their contribution to the total buffer bases. Additional H+ 0.50 0.25 0.20 0.05 [HCO3 –] [Hb] [HbO2] [proteinn–] [HPO4 2–] [CO2+HHCO3] [HHb+] [HHbO2 +] [Hprotein(n–1)–] [HHPO4 –] pKa 6.10 pKa 8.2 pKa 6.6 pKa 5.1 pKa 6.8 Each of these buffers has its own Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, from which it is possible to calculate the resulting change in the ratio cbase/cacid. The knowledge of the change in the ratio cbase/cacid of one of the blood buffers enables to deduce the changes in the other buffer systems. 14 The hydrogen carbonate (bicarbonate) buffering system Carbonic acid H2CO3 is a weak acid, that originates in the reaction The hydrogen carbonate (bicarbonate) buffering system 2 3 of carbon dioxide with water: CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3 –CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3 – In blood plasma, CO2 equilibrates with H2CO3 very slowly, but the reaction is catalyzed by extremely efficient carbonate dehydratase within erythrocytes.is catalyzed by extremely efficient carbonate dehydratase within erythrocytes. The "effective" constant of H CO dissociation is [H+] [HCO3 –] K (H CO ) = and for plasma (37 °C) pK = 6.10 The "effective" constant of H2CO3 dissociation is [CO2+ H2CO3] Keff (H2CO3) = and for plasma (37 °C) pKeff = 6.10 15 Henderson–Hasselbalch equation for HCO –/H CO in blood:Henderson–Hasselbalch equation for HCO3 –/H2CO3 in blood: pH = pK (H CO ) + log [HCO3 –] metabolic component In these equations, the concentrations pH = pKeff(H2CO3) + log [CO2 + H2CO3] [HCO3 ] respiratory component In these equations, the concentrations [HCO3 -] and [CO2+H2CO3] are expressed in mmol/l, not in the basal SI unit mol/l ! [HCO3 –] 0.23 × pCO2 pH = 6.10 + log pCO2 in kilopascals;0.23 × pCO2 pCO2 in kilopascals; (the solubility coefficient of CO2 is 0.03 if pCO2 is measured in mmHg) At pH 7.40, the ratio c(HCO3 –)/c(CO2+H2CO3) equals 20, e.g., 24 mmol/l / 1.2 mmol/l.. The HCO –/H CO buffer is the most important of the blood buffering systemsThe HCO3 –/H2CO3 buffer is the most important of the blood buffering systems – it depends on the intensive cellular metabolism, and – changes in this system also reflect changes in other buffers. 16 – changes in this system also reflect changes in other buffers. Parameters used in the evaluation of acid-base status The classical concept of Astrup, Siggaard-Andersen, et al.The classical concept of Astrup, Siggaard-Andersen, et al. Modern blood analyzers measure pH and pCO2, as well as many supplementary parameters (e.g. pO , concentrations of Normal values in arterial blood: pH = 7.40 ± 0.05 as well as many supplementary parameters (e.g. pO2, concentrations of haemoglobin, Na+, K+, änd Cl–). pH = 7.40 ± 0.05 pCO2 = 5.33 ± 0.5 kPa Values of other parameters are estimated by calculations based onValues of other parameters are estimated by calculations based on known or derived relationships to the measured analytes: actual [HCO3 -] = 24.0 ± 3.0 mmol / l by calculation based onactual [HCO3 ] = 24.0 ± 3.0 mmol / l by calculation based on Henderson-Hasselbalch equation "standard" [HCO3 -] is calculated, when pCO2 value is outside the normal"standard" [HCO3 ] is calculated, when pCO2 value is outside the normal range; it is the value that would be measured in a given sample, if the sample had normal pCO2 and was saturated by O2. base excess BE (positive or negative), normal range 0 ± 3 mmol / l;base excess BE (positive or negative), normal range 0 ± 3 mmol / l; BE is the excess or the deficit in buffer base concentration, in which the sample would differ (at normal pCO2 and saturated by O2) from 17 the sample would differ (at normal pCO2 and saturated by O2) from the normal buffer base concentration in blood 48 ± 3 mmol / l. Values of actual [HCO3 –], "standard" [HCO3 –], and base excess can be also acquired from the Siggaard-Andersen alignment nomogram: Example: acquired from the Siggaard-Andersen alignment nomogram: "standard" [HCO3 –] BEactual [HCO3 –] 18 Buffer base plasma BBp - normal value 42 ± 3 mmol / l- normal value 42 ± 3 mmol / l Components:Components: hydrogen carbonate ~ 24 mmol / l plasma proteins ~ 16 mmol / l (albumin ~ 12 mmol / l) phosphates (HPO 2–/H PO –) ~ 2 mmol / l Buffer base concentration in blood BBb phosphates (HPO4 2–/H2PO4 –) ~ 2 mmol / l Buffer base concentration in blood BBb - normal value 48 ± 3 mmol / l BBb is higher than that of plasma (by about 6 mmol / l). Due to haemoglobin and organic phosphates, the concentration of buffer bases in red blood cells is aboutorganic phosphates, the concentration of buffer bases in red blood cells is about 56 mmol / l. As an approximate estimate of BBblood can serve the value of BBplasma, to whichAs an approximate estimate of BBblood can serve the value of BBplasma, to which 0.67 × c(haemoglobin 1Fe) is added. 19 Blood pH values lower than 7.35 - acidaemia, Basal terms Blood pH values lower than 7.35 - acidaemia, higher than 7.45 - alkalaemia. Processes evoking these deviationsProcesses evoking these deviations - acidosis – the accumulation of H+ in the body that results in acidaemia, - alkalosis – a decrease in H+ concentration in the body- alkalosis – a decrease in H concentration in the body Classification of acid-base disorders Respiratory disorderRespiratory disorder - the primary change in pCO2 due to low pulmonary ventilation or a disproportion between ventilation and perfusion of the lung.or a disproportion between ventilation and perfusion of the lung. Metabolic disorder - the primary change in buffer base concentration (not only HCO –, but also due to changes in protein, phosphate, andHCO3 –, but also due to changes in protein, phosphate, and strong ions concentrations). Quite pure (isolated) forms of respiratory or metabolic disorders don't exist in fact,Quite pure (isolated) forms of respiratory or metabolic disorders don't exist in fact, because of rapid initiation of compensatory mechanisms; however, full stabilization of the disorder may settle in the course of hours or days. 20 of the disorder may settle in the course of hours or days. Ions in blood plasma / serum Changes in main plasma ions concentrations may have considerable effects on acid-base status. It is very useful to know the values even if pH, pCO2, and base excess appear to be in the normal range.base excess appear to be in the normal range. Deviations of [Cl–], and namelyDeviations of [Cl ], and namely changes in [Na+]/[Cl–] ratio indicate metabolic acid-base disorders. Both acidaemia and alkalaemia mayBoth acidaemia and alkalaemia may be causes of life-threatening changes in K+ concentrations. 21 Examination of acid-base status Anaerobic sampling of blood Arterial blood from a. femoralis "Arterialized" capillary blood from the ear lobe from the heel in infants Arterial blood from a. femoralis from the ear lobe from the heel in infants The blood sample is usable during the limited time period: up to 4 hours after sampling, if chilled in ice-cold water;up to 4 hours after sampling, if chilled in ice-cold water; at room temperature, measurement of pO2 within 5 minutes, the other acid-base parameters within 30 minutes. 22 the other acid-base parameters within 30 minutes. Direct measurement of pCO2 and pO2 pCO electrode Direct measurement of pCO2 and pO2 pO2 electrode (Clark's oxygen electrode)pCO2 electrode anode electrolyte (Clark's oxygen electrode) combined glass electrode NaHCO3 solution inert cathode – 600 mV O diffuses from the sample throughCO diffuses from the sample sample sample O2 diffuses from the sample through polypropylene membrane into the electrolyte, where it is reduced to peroxide ion O 2– (principle of CO2 diffuses from the sample through silicone membrane into the NaHCO3 solution, the change in pH is measured (combined glass peroxide ion O2 2– (principle of polarography); electric current proportionate to pO2 is measured. 3 is measured (combined glass electrode). 23 proportionate to pO2 is measured. Evaluation of an acid-base disturbance type and its compensationEvaluation of an acid-base disturbance type and its compensation (the concept of P. Astrup and O. Siggaard-Andersen) Entries:Entries: pCO2 / kPa - measured BE / mmol/lBE / mmol/l calculated or acquired from the S.-A. nomogram ARAc – acute respiratory acidosis ARAlk – acute respiratory alkalosisARAc – acute respiratory acidosis ARAlk – acute respiratory alkalosis AMAc – acute metabolic acidosis AMAlk – acute metabolic alkalosis U – stabilized disturbance NH – area of physiological values Engliš, M.: Prakt. Lék. 1972: 52, 558 24 Engliš, M.: Prakt. Lék. 1972: 52, 558 Acute respiratory or metabolic disorders – blue areasAcute respiratory or metabolic disorders – blue areas Stabilized respiratory or metabolic disorders (effect of compensatory activities of the lung or the kidney) – red areas The primary respiratory disorder leads to a compensatory change in HCO3 – reabsorption by the kidney, which reaches its maximal effectivity in 5 – 7 days.reabsorption by the kidney, which reaches its maximal effectivity in 5 – 7 days. In the primary metabolic disorder, a change in blood pH evokes a rapid change in the pulmonary ventilation rate (during 2 – 12 hours). 25 Combined acid-base disordersCombined acid-base disorders Mixed respiratory and metabolic acid-base disorders result in a greater change in blood pH than simple disorders.change in blood pH than simple disorders. Metabolic acid-base disorders may sometimes escape our attention, if they are caused by changes in independent variables of oppositeif they are caused by changes in independent variables of opposite direction. In these mixed metabolic disturbances, the blood pH and [HCO3 –] or base excess can have normal values, in spite of this the[HCO3 ] or base excess can have normal values, in spite of this the composition of body fluids is changed remarkably. For example, a starving patient (→ ketoacidosis) is losing chlorides due toFor example, a starving patient (→ ketoacidosis) is losing chlorides due to intensive vomiting (→ hypochloridaemic alkalosis) and the mixed disturbance may pass unnoticed. New concept of the evaluation of metabolic components in acid-base disorders was proposed by Stewart, Fencl, et al. It is based on the idea, that acid-base status is determined by three independentIt is based on the idea, that acid-base status is determined by three independent variables: pCO2, strong ion difference, and non-volatile weak acids (proteins and phosphates). 26 Interpretive concept of acid-base disorders (Stewart, Fencl, et al.) Acid-base status of the body is determined by three independent variables: – pCO ,– pCO2, – balanced concentrations of "strong" ions expressed by means of the strong ion difference (SIDeff), andmeans of the strong ion difference (SIDeff), and – concentration of non-volatile weak acids that act as buffer bases (plasma proteins and inorganic phosphates). Primary acid-base disorders thus can be classified as – respiratory, initiated by an increase or decrease in pCO2, and– respiratory, initiated by an increase or decrease in pCO2, and – metabolic (non-respiratory) that may have their causes in – abnormal values of SIDeff due to - water excess or deficit (changes in both SID and [Na+], or eff - water excess or deficit (changes in both SID and [Na+], or - imbalance of strong ions (excess or deficit of chloride ions, excess of unmeasured anions;excess of unmeasured anions; – changes in non-volatile buffer bases caused by - decrease in plasma albumin concentration, and - decrease or increase in plasma phosphate concentration. 27 - decrease or increase in plasma phosphate concentration. Effective "strong ion difference" (SIDeff) SIDeff = [Na+] + [K+] + 3 – [Cl–] – [UA–] Effective "strong ion difference" (SIDeff) SIDeff = [Na+] + [K+] + 3 – [Cl–] – [UA–] The value SIDeff determinates the concentration of plasma buffer bases BBp . SIDeff tration of plasma buffer bases BBp . Normal range = 42 ± 3 mmol / l) UA– SIDeff then can be calculated from measurable concentrations of plasma buffer bases:: SIDeff = [HCO3 – ] + 0.28 Alb(g/l) + 1.8 [Pi] Strong ion ratio [Na+]+[K+] / [Cl–] (normal value 1.35 – 1.43)Strong ion ratio [Na+]+[K+] / [Cl–] (normal value 1.35 – 1.43) is occasionally used as another sign of strong ion imbalance that is typical for hyperchloridaemic acidosis or hypochloridaemic alkalosis). 28 hypochloridaemic alkalosis). Unmeasured anions (UA–)Unmeasured anions (UA–) SIDeff [UA–] = [Na+] + [K+] + 3 – [Cl–] – SIDeff UA– Normal range 8 ± 2 mmol / l Components: sulfateComponents: sulfate lactate acidic ketone bodies the other carboxylic acids Corrected value for water content: the other carboxylic acids [UA–]corr = [UA–] × 140 / [Na+]measured Corrected value for water content: 29 Anion gap (AG) – a simple accessory parameterAnion gap (AG) – a simple accessory parameter that may call an attention to the possible increase in UA–: HCO3 – AG = [Na+] + [K+] + 3 – [Cl–] – [HCO3 –] Usual values 19 ± 2 mmol/l. AG AG represents the "space" filled in by unmeasured anions, Usual values 19 ± 2 mmol/l. unmeasured anions, proteins, and phosphates. In hypoproteinaemia, AG value should be corrected: AGcorr = AGobserved + 0.25 × (Albref – Albmeasured) (decrease in albumin by 1 g/l enables an increase In hypoproteinaemia, AG value should be corrected: (decrease in albumin by 1 g/l enables an increase in HCO3 – by 1 mmol/l) 30 Assessment of the metabolic components in acid-base disorders (Stewart and Fencl) Entries: pH Na+ mmol/l K+ mmol/l (Stewart and Fencl) K mmol/l Cl– mmol/l HCO3 – mmol/l phosphate mmol/lphosphate mmol/l albumin g/l Modification of laboratory data:Modification of laboratory data: – correction of [Cl–] value for the actual water content: [Cl–]corr = [Cl–] × 140 / [Na+]measuredcorr measured – calculation of SIDeff: SIDeff = [HCO3 – ] + 0.28 Alb(g/l) + 1.8 [Pi] – calculation of UA– value and its correction for actual water content:– calculation of UA– value and its correction for actual water content: [ UA–]corr = ([Na+] + [K+] + 3 – [Cl–] – SIDeff) × 140 / [Na+]measured – calculation of the electric charge of albumin (dependence on pH):– calculation of the electric charge of albumin (dependence on pH): [Alb–] = 0.125 × Alb(g/l) × (pH – 5.17) or the value found in the table 1 – calculation of the electric charge of phosphates (dependence on pH): – × × 31 [Pi –] = [Pi] × (0.309 × pH – 0.469) or the value found in the table 2 Electric charge of albumin (mmol/l) – the dependence on pHTable 1 g / l Electric charge of phosphates (mmol/l) – the dependence on pH mmol / l Table 2 mmol / l 32 Quantitative assessment of the ABS metabolic components (Stewart and Fencl) Analyte Reference Real Acidosis Alkalosis value value Na+ mmol/l 140 – +Na+ mmol/l 140 – + Cl– corr. mmol/l 102 + – UA– corr. mmol/l 8.0 + –UA– corr. mmol/l 8.0 + – Phosphate– mmol/l 2.0 + – Albumin– mmol/l 12.0 + –Albumin– mmol/l 12.0 + – 33 Examples: Analyte Reference Real Acidosis Alkalosis value value Na+ mmol/l 140 – excess water + dehydrationNa+ mmol/l 140 – excess water + dehydration Cl– corr. mmol/l 102 + diarrhoea – vomiting, HCl loss UA– corr. mmol/l 8.0 + – lactate, ketone bodies,, formate, glycolateUA– corr. mmol/l 8.0 + – Phosphate– mmol/l 2.0 + renal failure – Albumin– mmol/l 12.0 + - – hypoalbuminaemia formate, glycolate Albumin– mmol/l 12.0 + - – hypoalbuminaemia 34