Renal functionsRenal functions Biochemistry II Lecture 10 2008 (J.S.) 1 The main functions of the kidneysThe main functions of the kidneys – Maintaining of the composition, osmolality, and volume of ECF– Maintaining of the composition, osmolality, and volume of ECF – Excretion of nitrogenous catabolites (urea, uric acid, creatinine and various hydrophilic drugs or toxins into the urine. – Control of acid-base balance. – An endocrine function (erythropoietin, renin, urodilatin, calcitriol). The excretory function of the kidneys includes filtration of the plasma in the glomeruli – glomerular filtration,filtration of the plasma in the glomeruli – glomerular filtration, transport of water and solutes from the tubular lumen into the blood – tubular resorption,– tubular resorption, and transport of substances from tubular cells to the lumen – tubular secretion, The blood flow through the kidney is about 1.2 – 1.8 l / min. 2 The urine Urinary excretion of selected compoundsUrinary excretion of selected compounds depends on the dietary intake. Approximate ranges of amounts excreted daily in adults: Inorganic ions Na+ 120 – 240 2.8 – 5.6 24 h-urine:mmol / d g / d Na+ 120 – 240 2.8 – 5.6 K+ 45 – 90 1.8 – 3.6 Ca2+ 1.2 – 10 0.05 – 0.4 Mg2+ 2 – 6 0.05 – 0.14 Cl– 120 – 240 4.3 – 8.6 Phosphates 16 – 48 0.5 – 1.5 (P)Phosphates 16 – 48 0.5 – 1.5 (P) SO4 2– 8 – 35 0.3 – 1.1 (S) Nitrogenous compounds % of total nitrogen NH4 + 30 – 50 0.5 – 0.9 ~ 5 Urea 330 – 600 20 – 30 ~ 84 Creatinine 9 – 16 1.0 – 1.8 ~ 4Creatinine 9 – 16 1.0 – 1.8 ~ 4 Uric acid 1.5 – 6 0.25 – 1.0 ~ 4 Amino acids 3.5 – 14 0.4 – 1.7 ~ 1 3 Other – – < 1 The osmolality is mostly much higher than that of blood plasma, it varies from about 80 to 1200 mmol / kgH2O. The osmolality of the glomerular filtrate is about 300 mmol / kgH2O , therefore the maximal increase in urine osmolality is approximately urine osmolality is approximately fourfold. There are substantial differences in the increases of particular solute concentrations.of particular solute concentrations. Approximate values of urine / plasma concentration ratio Na+ 1.0 K+ 10 Ca2+ 1.3 Cl– 1.2 Phosphate 15Phosphate 15 NH4 + 700 Urea 100Urea 100 Creatinine 100 Uric acid 10 4 Amounts of solutes excreted into the urine during a given period The amount of a solute excreted into the urineThe amount of a solute excreted into the urine depends on – the amount that has been filtered in the glomeruli– the amount that has been filtered in the glomeruli nfiltered / t = cplasma × VGF / t = cplasma × GFR (GFR is glomerular filtration rate, l / d or ml / s)(GFR is glomerular filtration rate, l / d or ml / s) – the amount reabsorbed in the tubules nabs / t, and –– the amount secreted from the tubular cells nsecr / t. The total amount excreted during a given period equalsThe total amount excreted during a given period equals curine × Vurine / t = cplasma VGF / t + (nsecr – nabs) / t From the equation can be calculated the fraction of the amount excreted into the urine from the amount that has appeared in the glomerular filtrate 5 into the urine from the amount that has appeared in the glomerular filtrate within a given period – the fractional excretion E/F. The clearance of substances from plasma The quantity renal clearance is commonly used to express the efficiency of the elimination of a particular solute from blood plasma into the urine, Renal clearance, simply clearance of a solute X (Cx) is the ratio of the amount of a solute X that is excreted in a unit of time into the urine (c × V / t ) to its concentration in blood plasma c :(curine × Vurine / t ) to its concentration in blood plasma cplasma : Cx = curine × Vurine t–1 / cplasma (in ml / s or l / d) Thus the clearance of a solute X may be understood as the volume of plasma that is completely cleared of that substance in a unit of time. Cx = curine × Vurine t / cplasma plasma that is completely cleared of that substance in a unit of time. Clearance is a very informative quantity. For example, the clearance of the compound that is completely filtered and neither reabsorbed nor secreted in the renal tubules (as inulin or, with certain limitations,in the renal tubules (as inulin or, with certain limitations, endogenous creatinine) is equal to the glomerular filtration rate GFR, the volume of 6 the glomerular filtration rate GFR, the volume of filtrate formed in a unit of time. Another example: p-Aminohippuric acid is an aromatic acid that is both filtered in the glomeruli and secreted by the cells of proximal renal tubules, so that Another example: glomeruli and secreted by the cells of proximal renal tubules, so that the blood plasma is completely cleared of it during the sole passage through the renal vessels. If p-aminohippurate (PAH) is applied intravenously tillIf p-aminohippurate (PAH) is applied intravenously till the steady concentration is reached, concentrations of the compound can be measured in plasma and urinethe compound can be measured in plasma and urine and the clearance CPAH calculated. Its value corresponds to the renal plasma flow in a time unit. The renal plasma flow is 8 – 13 ml / sThe renal plasma flow is 8 – 13 ml / s (500 – 800 ml / min). NH–CH –COOH –CONH2– p-aminohippuric acid (PAH, p-aminobenzoylglycine) NH–CH2–COOH 7 The nephron FILTRATION The nephron FILTRATION Controlled REABSORPTION Obligatory isoosmotic REABSORPTION REABSORPTION Isotonic cortex REABSORPTION Tubular SECRETION Hyperosmolal renal medulla Countercurrent mechanism of the loop of Henle and vasa recta Mostly hypertonic URINE of the loop of Henle and vasa recta forms a high osmolality environment in the medulla 8 Glomerular filtration In renal glomeruli, the blood plasma is filtered.In renal glomeruli, the blood plasma is filtered. The composition of ions and small molecules in glomerular filtrate is quite similar to that of plasma.filtrate is quite similar to that of plasma. A common statement that glomerular filtrate is a protein-free fluid is not right. Low concentrations of proteins are present (predominantly of those with M < 30 000), about 10 – 30 mg(predominantly of those with Mr < 30 000), about 10 – 30 mg per litre of filtrate, but most of proteins are reabsorbed in the tubules. fenestrated endothelial layercapillary lumen (plasma) The glomerular filtration barrier fenestrated endothelial layer (about 30 % of the basement membrane not covered by the endothelial cells) the thick basement membrane capillary lumen (plasma) the thick basement membrane ~ 300 nm the slit membrane (pore size ~ 5 nm) - - - - - --- - - - -- - - - -- the processes of podocytes (visceral epithelium) and filtration slits the slit membrane (pore size ~ 5 nm) - -- - - - - - - - -- 9 filtration slits Bowman´s space (tubular fluid) The basement membrane consists of type IV collagen fibres and certain amount of laminin and proteoglycans. Heparan sulfate in the membrane and sialic acidof laminin and proteoglycans. Heparan sulfate in the membrane and sialic acid containing glycoproteins in the filtration slits have negative electrical charges. Podocytes with their interdigitating foot processesinterdigitating foot processes separated by filtration slits cover the basement membranes of capillary wallsof capillary walls (scanning electron micrograph). Plasma proteins with a M above approx. 120 000 are excluded by filtration.Plasma proteins with a Mr above approx. 120 000 are excluded by filtration. Proteins with a Mr above 65 000 and anionic character (albumin and transferrin) are prevented from entering the urine by an electrostatic filter,transferrin) are prevented from entering the urine by an electrostatic filter, concentration of albumin in the filtrate is about 4 mg/l (0.01 % plasma concn.). Low-molecular plasma proteins (Mr 10 000 – 60 000) cross the filtration barrier, their concentration in glomerular filtrate can reach 50 – 90 % concentration in plasma. 10 r concentration in glomerular filtrate can reach 50 – 90 % concentration in plasma. Healthy adults excrete less than 150 mg of total urinary protein per 24 h: albumin 7 – 11 mg / d (less than 20 mg / d), transferrin < 1 mg / d, α1-acid glycoprotein < 10 mg / d,α1-acid glycoprotein < 10 mg / d, α1-microglobulin 1 – 5 mg / d, retinol-binding protein < 0.5 mg / d, β -microglobulin < 0.3 mg / d, etc. Proteinuria – more than 300 mg of total urinary protein per 24 h . β2-microglobulin < 0.3 mg / d, etc. Glomerular proteinuria – the normal glomerular barrier to plasma proteins is disrupted, proteins with molecular mass higher than 65 000 are present in the urine (albumin 67 000, transferrin 79 000, immunoglobulinsin the urine (albumin 67 000, transferrin 79 000, immunoglobulins > 150 000). Low-molecular proteins are reabsorbed in the tubules. Tubular proteinuria – the cause is in incomplete proximal tubularTubular proteinuria – the cause is in incomplete proximal tubular reabsorption (in the presence of normal glomerular permeability), normally filtered low-molecular-mass plasma proteins appear in the urinenormally filtered low-molecular-mass plasma proteins appear in the urine in increased amounts. Tubular proteinuria can occur alone or in association with glomerular proteinuria. 11 proteinuria. Test for microalbuminuria (Micral-test®) Microalbuminuria is excretion of albumin in the range from 30 mg / d toMicroalbuminuria is excretion of albumin in the range from 30 mg / d to 200 – 300 mg /d (to obvious proteinuria). It often predicts development of nephropathy. It is important to detect microalbuminuria early, because kidneynephropathy. It is important to detect microalbuminuria early, because kidney damages are minimal and are still reversible. Measurements of urinary albumin is especially important for diabetic and hypertensive patients. 12 Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the volume of glomerular filtrate formed in a unit of time. Normal range 1.33 – 2.33 ml / s i.e. 80 – 140 ml / min The ideal marker for GFR Normal range 1.33 – 2.33 ml / s i.e. 80 – 140 ml / min ( 115 – 200 l / d ) – would appear endogenously in the plasma at a constant concentration, – would be freely filtered at the glomerulus, – would be neither reabsorbed nor secreted by the renal tubule, and– would be neither reabsorbed nor secreted by the renal tubule, and – would undergo no extrarenal elimination from the body. Clearance of inulin or with certain limitations alsoClearance of inulin or with certain limitations also clearance of endogenous creatinine are equal to GFR. Clearance of inulinClearance of inulin is a very exact measure of GFR, suitable more for scientific research than for routine use.routine use. Inulin is a plant (or synthetic) polyfructosan. It must be infused intravenously, about 50 mg/kg body weight. The samples of blood as well as urine cannot be taken before a steady concentration of inulin in plasma is reached. 13 before a steady concentration of inulin in plasma is reached. Creatinine clearance (Ccreat) Creatinine is excreted predominantly through glomerular filtration. There serves as an routine estimate of GFR for more than 60 years, because it is a very simple test.. Creatinine is excreted predominantly through glomerular filtration. There is no tubular reabsorption, but (namely at higher plasma concentrations) the amount of creatinine secreted in the tubules increases.the amount of creatinine secreted in the tubules increases. Clearance of creatinine depends on age and gender, timed samples of urine must be collected, and the analytical method is not quite specific. Creatinine clearances have slightly higher values when compared withCreatinine clearances have slightly higher values when compared with inulin clearances (about 2.33 and 2.00, resp.). Calculation:Calculation: Entries - cplasma(creatinine) in mmol/l (normal value about 115 µmol/l) curine(creatinine) in mmol/l V / t in ml / sVurine / t in ml / s Ccreat = uncorrected GFR = curine × Vurine t–1 / cplasma (ml/s) Glomerular filtration rate corrected to the standard body surface area 1.73 m2: GFRcorr = GFR × A / 1.73 (ml/s) 14 Body surface A = 0.167 × (in m2)w×h Estimate of GFR from cystatin C concentration in serum Cystatin C is a low-molecular protein (Mr ≈ 13 400) that acts as an inhibitor of cysteine proteinases and is released uniformly from all nuclear cells into the circulating blood. Its concentration is stable (e.g., it doesn't depend oncirculating blood. Its concentration is stable (e.g., it doesn't depend on inflammatory processes). Like other low-molecular weight proteins, cystatin C is eliminated from theLike other low-molecular weight proteins, cystatin C is eliminated from the plasma exclusively by glomerular filtration and decomposed in tubular cells. Cystatin C concentration in serum is indirectly related to GFR.Cystatin C concentration in serum is indirectly related to GFR. The interindividual variability in cystatin C concentration is lower than that of creatinine, what enables the early detection of decrease in GFR. Concentration of cystatin C in serum or plasma is determined by means of an immunoturbidimetric method or ELISA. There is no need to collect urine. The estimate of GRF corrected to the standard body surface area is calculated in adults as GFRcystatin (ml / s) = 1.41 × ρρρρ (cystatin C, mg/l) –1.68 , in adolescents under the age of 14 multiplied by the "praepubertal" factor 1.384 . Estimates of GFRcorr from the clearance of creatinine are progressively substituted by 15 corr GFRcystatin. Glomerular filtration - laboratory investigationsGlomerular filtration - laboratory investigations Serum creatinine concentration ~ 100 µmol/l ( 55 – 120 µmol/l)~ 100 µmol/l ( 55 – 120 µmol/l) Rough estimates of GFR from the creatinine concentration were derived in the past (e.g. the Cockcroft-Gault formula).derived in the past (e.g. the Cockcroft-Gault formula). Glomerular filtration rate. 1.5 – 2.5 ml/s – estimated either from serum cystatin C concentration or as creatinine clearance corrected to body surface area 1.73 m .or as creatinine clearance corrected to body surface area 1.73 m2. Serum urea concentration 2.5 – 6.6 mmol/l2.5 – 6.6 mmol/l High serum urea in any cause of impaired renal perfusion, reduced GFR, or obstruction to urine outflow. Detection of proteinuria / microalbuminuria Quantification of urinary protein excretion (albumin < 20 mg/d, total protein < 150 mg/d)(albumin < 20 mg/d, total protein < 150 mg/d) Serum albumin concentration, determination of proteinuria type 16 The functions of renal tubulesThe functions of renal tubules The proximal tubuleThe proximal tubule Efficient reabsorption of most amino acids, nearly all glucose, unless its supply is greaternearly all glucose, unless its supply is greater than the capacity of the transfer into the cells - a threshold approximately at 10 mmol/l,- a threshold approximately at 10 mmol/l, most Na+ (50 – 60 %), K+, Cl–, phosphates, HCO3 –, etc., driven by Na+,K+-ATPase located within the basolateral membranes.driven by Na ,K -ATPase located within the basolateral membranes. Passive reabsorption of water (70 – 80 %, isotonic and "obligatory", independent on ADH). Tubular secretion of organic ions, basic drugs. 17 Proximal tubule K+ Basolateral membraneApical plasma membrane Proximal tubule Tubular lumen Blood plasma GLUT2 tight junctions K+ Na+ ATP Na+ glucose H2O Na+, Cl– solvent drag Reabsorption of GLUT2Na+ Na+ Na+ phosphate glucose amino acids Reabsorption of 70 – 80 % water 50 – 60 % Na+ aquaporin 3 phosphate H2Oaquaporin 1 H2O Reabsorption of (not shown here) > 90 % K+, aquaporin 3 Na+/Ca2+ H+ aquaporin 1> 90 % K , 85 % Cl–, 90 % HCO3 – , 50 – 70 % phosphates, Tubular secretion – anions of weak acids – cations of organic bases – amphions (e.g. EDTA) 50 – 70 % phosphates, 65 % Ca2+, urate, small proteins, etc. – amphions (e.g. EDTA)small proteins, etc. 18 form the osmotic gradient between the renal cortex and medulla. The loop of Henle and vasa recta form the osmotic gradient between the renal cortex and medulla. High osmolality of the medullary peritubular interstitial fluid is essential for the efficient reabsorption of water in the collecting ducts, for concentrationthe efficient reabsorption of water in the collecting ducts, for concentration of urine. The osmolality increases from the cortex to the medulla, and it is maintained by the countercurrent mechanism that consists ofmaintained by the countercurrent mechanism that consists of - countercurrent multiplication of the loop of Henle, and - passive countercurrent exchange of water and urea between vasa recta, the descending loop of Henle, and collecting ducts. In the thick ascending limb, which is impermeable for water, Na+,K+-ATPase drives the active ion transport out from tubules (increase in osmolality of interstitial fluid). .the active ion transport out from tubules (increase in osmolality of interstitial fluid). . In the thin descending limb, water moves freely from the tubules into the hyperosmolal interstitial fluid. The medullary parts of collecting ducts are permeable for water (controlled by ADH) and urea, so that water may be efficiently reabsorbed (similarly to the thin descending limb of the loop) into the hyperosmolal interstitial fluid and drained todescending limb of the loop) into the hyperosmolal interstitial fluid and drained to the cortex by vasa recta. There is also a high concentration of urea in the collecting ducts, urea freely diffuses into the interstitial fluid, into the thick ascending parts of the loop of Henle and vasa recta (urea recycling). 19 the loop of Henle and vasa recta (urea recycling). The thin descending limb of the loop There are numerous aquaporins in the plasma membrane (AQP 1 in the apicaI part) that make the membranes freely permeable to water, which moves out of the lumen into the hyperosmolal surrounding tissue; ion transporters are absent. The thick ascending limb of the loop lumen into the hyperosmolal surrounding tissue; ion transporters are absent. Apical membrane of the thick ascendent limb of the loop The thick ascending limb of the loop Na+ Na+ K+ ascendent limb of the loop is impermeable for water. Na Na+-K+-2Cl– efficient symport Cl– K+ ATP recirculation of K+ Cl– Cl– K+ Cl–Na+, K+, and Cl– are pumped out against the concentration gradient Cl– against the concentration gradient into the hyperosmolal interstitial fluid (the process is driven by Na+,K+-ATPase. 20 Osmolality of the tubular and peritubular interstitial fluidOsmolality of the tubular and peritubular interstitial fluid renal cortex renal medullarenal medulla urea recirculation of Na+, Cl–, and urea 21 Distal tubules and collecting ducts – Passive reabsorption of water into the hyperosmolal interstitium (controlled by antidiuretic hormone) – the final concentration of urine. – Resorption of Na+ (driven by Na+,K+-ATPase) and – tubular secretion of K+ (most of K+ excreted into the urine) –– tubular secretion of K+ (most of K+ excreted into the urine) – both under the control of aldosterone or natriuretic peptides – Excretion of Ca2+ and phosphates under the control of parathyrin– Excretion of Ca2+ and phosphates under the control of parathyrin and calcitonin. – A part of tubular secretion of H+ in the form of H2PO4 – and NH4 + depends 22 – A part of tubular secretion of H in the form of H2PO4 and NH4 depends on the acid-base status. Distal tubuleDistal tubule reabsorption driven by Na+,K+-ATPase Na+ Symport Na+ Cl– (no K+ transport) K+ Na+ Cl– recirculation of K+ leakage of K+leakage of K+ only at very high intracellular [K+] The cells of distal tubules represent the sites of Ca2+ reabsorption (about 10 % of total reabsorbed) and phosphate leakage controlled(about 10 % of total reabsorbed) and phosphate leakage controlled by parathyrin and to a less extent by calcitonin. 23 Collecting ducts 3 Na+ Tubular lumen Aldosterone Blood plasma The principal tubular cells In spite of reabsorption of only about 3 % of total filtered Na+ ions Na+Na+ 3 Na+ 2 K+ 3 % of total filtered Na+ ions in the collecting ducts, changes in that relatively small percentage are decisive in natriuresis, elimination K+K+ Na+Na+ ATP decisive in natriuresis, elimination of Na+ from the body. Both Na+ and K+ channels are inhibited by "potassium saving" H2O aquaporin 3 H2O 0 receptorsinhibited by "potassium saving" diuretics amilorid and spironolacton. H2O 0 aquaporin 2 receptors V2 for ADH Aldosterone enlarges reabsorption of Na+ equally with losses of K+Aldosterone enlarges reabsorption of Na+ equally with losses of K+ by exposition of Na+ and K+ channels and also by partial stimulation of Na+,K+-ATPase. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH, Arg-vasopressin) increases reabsorption of water. It binds onto membrane V receptors and activation of proteinkinases A is a cause ofIt binds onto membrane V2 receptors and activation of proteinkinases A is a cause of exposition of aquaporin AQP-2 in the apical membrane. Natriuretic peptides inhibit Na+ and K+ channels (in addition to the vasodilating effect) so that they support Na+ excretion and retention of K+. The intercalated cells have their major role in excretion of H+ and reabsorption of HCO3 –. that they support Na+ excretion and retention of K+. 24 have their major role in excretion of H+ and reabsorption of HCO3 –. Natriuresis - the renal excretion of sodium ions Diuretics are drugs that support elimination of water from the body by stimulating natriuresis through different mechanisms. Most diureticsby stimulating natriuresis through different mechanisms. Most diuretics influence the cells from the tubular fluid (the apical part of plasma membranes). distal tubules 5 – 8 % of total reabsorbed Na+ proximal tubules 50 - 60 % reabsorbed 5 – 8 % of total reabsorbed Na+ inhibition by thiazide diuretics (partly by "loop" diuretics, too) 50 - 60 % reabsorbed thick ascending limb 30 – 40 % of total reabsorbed Na+ inhibition by "loop" diuretics collecting ducts 2 – 3 % of total reabsorbed Na+ inhibition by "loop" diuretics (e.g. furosemide) 2 – 3 % of total reabsorbed Na+ (regulated by aldosterone) inhibition by potassium- saving diureticspotassium- saving diuretics (e.g. amiloride, spironolactone) 25 Tubular functions - laboratory investigation Capacity of the kidneys top concentrate the urine (formerly tested by thirsting – healthy subjects up to osmolality 800 – 1100 mmol/kgH2O or density 1026 – 1032 g/l) Osmolar clearance Cosm should not exceed 0.05 ml/s to prevent solute lossesshould not exceed 0.05 ml/s to prevent solute losses Fractional excretion of solutes E/Fosm normal values ≤ 0.035 (≤ 3.5 %) Clearance of electrolyte-free water (EWC) CEWClearance of electrolyte-free water (EWC) CEW negative values – amount of water which has to be added to the urine to become isotonic with the plasma positive values – amount of water which has to be relieved from thepositive values – amount of water which has to be relieved from the urine to become isotonic with the plasma the usual range – 0.002 ± 0.008 ml/s (positive values only temporarily in healthy persons after high water intake)(positive values only temporarily in healthy persons after high water intake) Urinary Na+ output must be proportional to the intake, about 100 – 200 mmol/d.must be proportional to the intake, about 100 – 200 mmol/d. Fractional excretion of Na+ E/FNa+ normal range 0.004 – 0.012 (0.4 – 1.2 %) Fractional excretion of K+ E/F normal range 0.04 – 0.19 (4 – 19 %) 26 Fractional excretion of K+ E/FK+ normal range 0.04 – 0.19 (4 – 19 %) The endocrine function of the kidney Erythropoietin (EPO) is the primary regulatory factor of erythropoiesis (formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow). EPO is a glycoprotein (165 AA, M ~ 34 000), released in the kidney (about 10 % also in the liver)(165 AA, Mr ~ 34 000), released in the kidney (about 10 % also in the liver) by splitting of the precursor protein by the action of a specific proteinase. Hypoxia and decrease in blood haemoglobin stimulate the release of EPOHypoxia and decrease in blood haemoglobin stimulate the release of EPO from the kidneys. Calcitriol (1α,25-dihydroxycalciol) originates from circulating calcidiolCalcitriol (1α,25-dihydroxycalciol) originates from circulating calcidiol (25-hydroxycalciol) by hydroxylation in the renal tubular cells. The specific hydroxylating system is stimulated by parathyrine.The specific hydroxylating system is stimulated by parathyrine. Urodilatin is the natriuretic peptide synthesized in the kidney (4 amino acid residues more than ANP, M ~ 3 500) being more paracrine, it isacid residues more than ANP, Mr ~ 3 500) being more paracrine, it is secreted into the urine. Urodilatin regulates water and sodium reabsorption in the collecting duct by inhibition of Na+ channels and vasodilation. Renin is a proteinase secreted from the juxtaglomerular cells that starts the renin-angiotensin system – RAS: ./. 27 the renin-angiotensin system – RAS: ./. The juxtaglomerular apparatus and the renin-angiotensin system afferent arteriole and the juxtaglomerular cells distal tubule and cells of the macula densa The juxtaglomerular apparatus responds to decreased renal perfusion pressure by secreting a proteinase, renin, that uses angiotensinogen (one of the plasmaby secreting a proteinase, renin, that uses angiotensinogen (one of the plasma glycoproteins in the α2-globulin fraction) as its substrate and liberates angiotensin I (a decapeptide) from angiotensinogen. Angiotensin I is transformed into a octapeptide angiotensin II (by angiotensin-converting enzyme, ACE) that stimulatesa octapeptide angiotensin II (by angiotensin-converting enzyme, ACE) that stimulates the synthesis and release of a mineralocorticoid aldosterone. The macula densa also senses the tubular chloride concentration. 28 The macula densa also senses the tubular chloride concentration. Control of acid-base balance by the kidneysControl of acid-base balance by the kidneys In healthy persons, 50 – 100 mmol H+ / d (from non-volatile acids) have to be excreted.50 – 100 mmol H+ / d (from non-volatile acids) have to be excreted. Although the urine is more acidic than blood plasma, excretion of free H+ ions in this way (actual acidity) may be neglected: Only 0.01 mmol H+H ions in this way (actual acidity) may be neglected: Only 0.01 mmol H is excreted in one litre urine pH 5.0 . – Tubular cells excrete H+ ions in the form of H2PO4 – ions (H+ bound onto– Tubular cells excrete H+ ions in the form of H2PO4 – ions (H+ bound onto HPO4 2–), the urine so becomes slightly acidic - this titratable acidity represents approximately 10 – 30 mmol H+ / d eliminated from the body. – Tubular cells excrete NH4 + ions formed from NH3 by binding H+ ; NH3 is released from glutamine (and glutamate). About 30 – 50 mmol H+ / d are excreted in this way.are excreted in this way. – Reabsorption of HCO3 – ions from tubular fluid saves the main plasma buffer base.buffer base. In alkalosis, HCO3 – ions are secreted into the urine. 29 Reabsorption of HCO3 – 90 % HCO3 – reabsorbed in the proximal tubule (pars recta),90 % HCO3 – reabsorbed in the proximal tubule (pars recta), 10 % in the collecting ducts (by intercalated cells) Reabsorption is regulated by pCO2. H+ ions transported into the tubular fluid are not excreted into the urine, they give water. HCO3 – ions are secretedHCO3 – ions are secreted in alkalosis: When [HCO3 –] in blood exceeds 28 mmol/l, Na+/H+ antiport is diminished and Cl–/HCO3 – antiporters are inserted into the apical membrane of separate base-secreting tubular cells by a triggered exocytosis. A steady state with a maximal HCO – excretion is 30 tubular cells by a triggered exocytosis. A steady state with a maximal HCO3 – excretion is reached in the course of several days. Excretion of H+ in the form of H2PO4 – Cells of straight part of proximal tubules and intercalating cells of collecting ductsCells of straight part of proximal tubules and intercalating cells of collecting ducts H+ ions bound onto hydrogen phosphate changes the ratio [HPO4 2–] / [H2PO4 –], so that they result in only a slight decrease in pH value. The amount of H+ excreted in this way can be measured as "titratable" acidity of the urine. Tubular lumen Na+ Na+ K+ ATP HPO4 2– H+ proton-producing reactions K+ ATP ATP H+ Cl– proton-producing reactions and/or increased pCO2H2CO3 HCO3 – H2PO4 – exposition of the vesicular H+-ATPase Under physiological conditions, 10 – 30 mmol H+/d are excreted in this way. The increase of that amount is limited by the accessibility of HPO4 2– in the tubular fluid to a maximum of about 40 – 50 mmol/d, i.e. to the urinary pH 4.5). 31 of about 40 – 50 mmol/d, i.e. to the urinary pH 4.5). The excretion of H+ in the form of NH4 + Proximal tubules, distal tubules, and intercalated cells of collecting ductsProximal tubules, distal tubules, and intercalated cells of collecting ducts – without any decrease in pH value of the urine. Tubular lumenTubular lumen K+ Na+ Na+ glutamine ATP production of glutamine in the liver preferred NH4 + instead of H+ glutamate oxoglutarate in the liver preferred in acidosis transfer of NH + into the blood NH4 + NH4 + Na+ instead of K+ in K+ channel transfer of NH4 + into the blood in alkalosis (NH4 + is the substrate for ureosynthesis thatfor ureosynthesis that is a proton-producing process) Under physiological conditions, 30 – 50 mmol H+/d are excreted in this way. In an extreme acidosis, the excretion of NH4 + may reach (stepwise during 5 days) 200 – 500 mmol/d; NH4 + can accumulate in the renal medullary interstitium. 32 200 – 500 mmol/d; NH4 can accumulate in the renal medullary interstitium.