FACULTY OF MEDICINE Appendix c. 1 to the Instruction of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University c. 1/2018 to conduct safety training for employees and occupational health and safety (OHS) and fire protection (FP) (of 16 April 2018) I. Date of training The deadline for employee training on occupational safety and health protection (OSH) and fire protection (FP) is extended to 30 June 2018 inclusive. In Brno, 3 May 2018 v -? prof. MUDr. art in Bares, Ph. D. Dean of MU Faculty of Medicine 1/1 . I M as ar yk Un iv er sit y, Fa cu lty of M ed ici ne Ka me nic e 75 3/5 . 62 5 00 Brn o, Cz ech Re pu blic T: +4 20 54 9 49 29 10, E: info @ me d. mu ni.c z, ww w. me d. mu ni.c z B a n k i n g c o n n e c t i o n K B B r n o - c i t y . C u : 85636621/0100, IC: 00216224, DIC: CZ00216224 In the reply, please indicate the number of the account.