DeepL Subscribe to DeepL Pro to translate larger documents. for more information. Measure of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University No. 1/2021 Procedure for public procurement of supplies and services at the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University (as amended with effect from 1.2.2021} Pursuant to Section 28(1) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts (Act on Higher Education}, as amended {hereafter referred to as the "Act on Higher Education"} and in accordance with the provisions of Article 2, paragraphs (2), {4} and (S) and Article 4, paragraph (9) of Masaryk University Directive No: Article 1 Subject of modification (1) This measure regulates the procedures for public procurement of supplies and services at the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University (hereinafter also referred to as "LF MU"). (2) The purpose of this measure is to proceed with public procurement at the MU Faculty of Medicine in accordance with Act No. 134/2016 Coll, 10/2015 Rules for Public Procurement (hereinafter referred to as the "MU Guidelines"), in accordance with the principles of transparency and proportionality, equal treatment and non-discrimination, with regard to the economical, effective and efficient use of the MU Faculty of Medicine's financial resources, in accordance with the MU internal regulations and in accordance with the rules set out by the relevant grant programmes, if the public procurement is co-financed from these sources. Article 2 Definition of terms (1) Public contracts for supplies and services awarded in accordance with the ZZVZ procedure: a. Over-limit public contract for supplies and services - this means a public contract with an estimated value in CZK excluding VAT reaching at least the financial limit set by the ZZVZ and the implementing legal regulations for over-limit public contracts b. Under-limit public contract for supplies and services - this means a public contract with an estimated value of at least CZK 2,000,000 excluding VAT and not exceeding the financial limit for over-limit public contracts (2) Small-scale public contract for supplies and services - this means a public contract with an estimated value of up to CZK 2,000,000 excluding VAT (hereinafter also referred to as "VZ MR") (3) Market research - procedure leading to the selection of the most suitable tender in the context of the award of a small-scale public contract for supplies or services up to a financial limit of CZK 500,000.- excluding VAT (4) Tender procedure - procedure leading to the selection of the most suitable tender in the context of awarding a small-scale public contract for supplies or services within the financial limit from CZK 500,000,- excluding VAT to CZK 2,000,000,- excluding VAT. (5) Request for quotation - invitation to tender by the supplier (6) Breakdown of public procurement into types of supplies and services a. Non-investment supplies 6.1 Consumables and small tangible and intangible assets below the unit prices referred to in paragraphs 6.2 to 6.5 of this Article 6.2 Small tangible assets with a unit price from CZK 2,001 to CZK 40,000, including VAT 6.3 Small intangible assets with a unit price of CZK 7,001 to CZK 60,000, including VAT b. Investment supplies 6.4 Fixed tangible assets in unit price from 40.001,- CZK including VAT 6.5 Intangible fixed assets with a unit price from CZK 60,001.- including VAT c. Services Article 3 Procurement of under- and over-limit public supply and service contracts (1) When awarding under-limit and over-limit public contracts, the ML) Faculty of Medicine proceeds accordance with the ZZVZ. (2) The procurement of these public contracts is handled by the ML) Faculty of Arts' Procurement Department, unless they are public contracts awarded by the ML) Rectorate's Procurement Department or unless the Dean stipulates otherwise. Article 4 Small-scale public procurement of supplies and services A. Public contracts with an estimated value of CZK 500,000,- excluding VAT up to CZK 2,000,000,-excluding VAT (1) When awarding small-scale public procurement contracts for supplies and services with an estimated value of at least CZK 500,000, excluding VAT, and less than CZK 2,000,000, excluding VAT, the ML) Faculty of Medicine proceeds in accordance with the ML) Guidelines and ML) internal regulations. (2) The procurement of these public contracts is handled by the ML) Faculty of Arts' Procurement Department, unless they are public contracts awarded by the ML) Rectorate's Procurement Department or unless the Dean stipulates otherwise. B. Public contracts with an estimated value of up to CZK 500,000,- excluding VAT (3) When awarding small-scale public contracts with an estimated value of less than CZK 500,000 excluding VAT, the ML) Faculty of Medicine is not obliged to award the public contract on the basis of a tender procedure, but it is obliged to comply with the principles of transparency and proportionality, equal treatment and non-discrimination, while the award of the public contract must be carried out at prices that are customary at the time and place, i.e. the award of the public contract must always be carried out in an economical manner. a. Investment supplies 3.1 The public contract for investment supplies will be awarded on the basis of a market survey, i.e. without a competitive tendering procedure. 3.2 The designated staff member of the relevant department shall draw up a request for quotation with the necessary particulars in accordance with the model set out in Annex 1 to this measure and shall address, e.g. by e-mail, at least three prospective suppliers and invite them to submit a written offer. 3.3 The designated staff member of the relevant department shall forward the supplier bids received to the designated member of the Economics Department or the designated member of the Procurement Department. 3.4 On the basis of the tenders received, the relevant department, in cooperation vih the designated officer of the economic department or the public procurement department, will carry out an assessment and evaluation of the market survey. 3.5 On the basis of the conclusions of the evaluation and assessment of the bids, the authorised employee of the relevant department prepares and submits to the Economic Department of LF MU an Application for the Issuance of an Investment Order (Annex 2) 3.6 The procurement of the investment supply will be carried out by the Economics Department or the Public Procurement Department of the MU Faculty of Arts. b. Non-investment supplies and services • - 3.7 The Dean, the Secretary or the Procurement Officer may establish categories of related and similar non-investment supplies and services to be procured centrally in a given calendar year. The Procurement Department of the MU Faculty of Arts will ensure the award of these public contracts. 3.8 Unless otherwise specified by the Dean, the Secretary or the Procurement Officer in specific cases, departments are authorised to procure non-investment supplies and services separately. 3.9 At the request of the Dean, the Secretary or the Procurement Officer, the department must be able to demonstrate that the principles of transparency and proportionality, equal treatment and non-discrimination were observed in the acquisition of the non-investment supply or service and that the acquisition was carried out at prices that were customary at the time and place, i.e. the procurement was carried out in an economically efficient manner. 3.10 In case of uncertainty regarding the procedure for awarding the required public procurement for non-investment supplies and services or the amount of the estimated value for the required non-investment supplies and services, the department is obliged to consult further procedure with an employee of the LF MU Public Procurement Department. The obligation pursuant to this paragraph shall always apply to a request for the award of a public contract for non-investment supplies and services with an estimated value of more than CZK 100,000 excluding VAT. (4) The procedure under Article 4(B) of this measure need not be followed, in particular in the following cases: 4.1 the number of suppliers to be approached for objective and demonstrable reasons does not reach the minimum number set by this measure. In such a case, the number of suppliers known to exist must be invited to submit a tender and the reasons for this must be duly justified. 4.2 The contract must be awarded in an emergency and cannot be awarded in accordance with the procedures set out in Article 4(B) of this measure for reasons of time. An exception under this paragraph is granted by the Dean of the MU Faculty of Medicine. Article 5 Contracts awarded through a dynamic purchasing system (DNS) or framework agreement (1) When procuring supplies or services for which a dynamic purchasing system or framework agreement is in place, the department is obliged to procure those supplies or services through the dynamic purchasing system or framework agreement. (2) Up-to-date information regarding the dynamic purchasing system and framework agreements is available upon request from the LF MU Public Procurement Department. (1) The measure is binding for all departments of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University (2) In the event that the rules of the relevant grant programs provide for more stringent conditions or procedures than these Measures, the Institute shall follow and comply with the rules of the relevant grant program in such cases. (3) This measure cancels the Dean's Measure No. 3/2016 Procedure for the purchase of property and services at the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University effective from 5.3.2008 (4) The interpretation of individual provisions of this measure is entrusted to employees of the Legal Department of the Dean's Office of the MU Faculty of Arts. (5) Compliance with this measure is monitored by the LF MU Secretary (6) This measure shall enter into force on the date of its publication (7) This measure takes effect on 1.2.2021 (8) The separate annexes to this measure are:Annex 1- Inquiry (general model) Annex No. 2 - Application for the issuance of an investment order In Brno on 20 January 2021 /""T~~"\ Article 6 Final provisions MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA / LékařsWů fakulta 625 00 Brnol Ijfcmenice 5 prof. MUDr. Martin Řepko, Ph.D. děkan LF MU DEMAND (MODEL): Madam, sir, we are interested in acquiring............................ these parameters: workplace)* We are contacting you with a request to send us an offer. Please include the following (name of device, equipment, material, service ...)* . (must be formulated by an expert/designee from information in your offer: 1. the price of the delivery excluding VAT including related costs 2. VAT + total price as final price 3. delivery time 4. warranty period 5. service conditions 6. any other information you can use to expand your offer. (For specific devices, you can specify additional evaluated indicators that are essential for their functionality.)* Send your offer by e-mail later than..................................................(specify date - approx. 5-10 days, depending on the complexity of the subject of performance or urgency)* The tender must be made out to the following address: Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine ..........................(fa lusv roworkingl-volume)* Kamenice with 625 00 Brno (Offers must be addressed to the Faculty of Medicine, not to the hospital.)* *) Additional notes in brackets are for LF employees only, please delete them before sending the request to the supplier. MUNIMASARYK MED - UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE Name of workplace: Order text Purpose of use: Property Specifications: Price address Application for an investment order without VATI supplies: %dpho price including VA1 Processed by: Site Project promoter (if a project) (Source of funding: -I- 1 Supplier: Jß_ TAX ID text: Order Number of pieces Mm inTV-n*-Hia sttatpnfla-r.7.rPU hi, Till^H ill hi I.a. rffl npiiupry- time (to be filled in by the EO o rOVRPP) QiiJWicy ncy CZK .00% 0, 00 —1-- CZK name, phone date signature name, telephone numbersignature Manager: Check for NameDateSignatwe- head of the workplace zakázka accuracy sub-order workplace activity faculty.acco unt CZK order {HS} Principal operatio --as— Dean you're dealing with! - Budget factual _acmraey= head of Name Date Signature Name -NameDateSignature date Signature suborderlHS\ workplace I rincipal . faculty aptivityoperations account Dean CZKRepresentati :iv