Frostbites Tereza Prokopová Frostbites2 Learning objectives ̶ Student will learn the degrees of frostbite. ̶ Student will learn the basics of FA for frostbite. ̶ Student will learn the possibilities of frostbite. Forstbites3 Definition + characteristics ̶ Local damage of skin or deeper structures ̶ From cold, wind, dampness ̶ Most often the extremities – ears, nose, limbs ̶ First signs: cold, stabbing feeling, pain, redness ̶ Before rewarming: pale, cold, decrease sensitivity ̶ The degree is clear after couple of days Frostbites4 The degrees Frostbites5 Therapy ̶ Transport to warm place, thermal comfort ̶ Undress wet clothes ̶ Rewarm only if there is no danger of another freezing ̶ Warm bath 37 – 38°C, ideally with antiseptic ̶ Dry carefully, wrap in sterile dressing ̶ Frostbites on legs – do not walk ̶ Seek the doctor Frostbites6 What NOT to do ̶ Rub the frostbite with ice or snow ̶ Puncture the blisters ̶ Use direct heat source ̶ Uderestimate the first signs of frostbites Frostbites7 Prevention ̶ Enough fluids and energy ̶ Appropriate clothes – boots, gloves,… ̶ Spare clothes – change if wet ̶ Do not smoke ̶ Sufficient acclimatization ̶ Search actively for signs of frostbites Frostbites8 Learning outcomes ̶ Student is able to name and define the degrees of frostbite. ̶ Student is able to describe the principles of FA for frostbite. ̶ Student is able to discuss the possibilities of frostbite prevention. Frostbites9 Thank you for your attention Frostbites10 Sources ̶ field/ ̶ Pictures: ̶ ̶ Simulation Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University 2020