Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University Directive No. 4/2022 ONBOARDING AND ADAPTATION PROCESS AT THE FACULTY OF ARTS OF MASARYK UNIVERSITY In accordance with § 28, Paragraph 1 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (Higher Education Act), as later amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Act‟), I issue the following Directive: Section 1 General information (1) The Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as “FF MU‟) as an institution strives for gender equality in its actions and communication. As far as possible, it applies the rules of gender sensitivity. In this Directive, we nevertheless use the generic masculine for the sake of simplicity, whereby a role or function referred to in the form of a generic masculine means a role or function performed by persons of different gender. (2) Abbreviations used: PO – Personnel Office, FO – Finance Office, CIT – Centre for Information Technologies, OHS and FS – occupational health and safety and fire safety. Section 2 Subject matter of the regulation (1) This Directive sets out the procedure for onboarding and adaptation of a new employee at the FF MU. (2) For the purposes of this Directive, a new employee is defined as an employee who enters employment at FF MU for the first time and is usually without prior knowledge of the FF MU environment. (3) The aim of the adaptation process is to support the new employee as much as possible in the successful completion of the probation period, i.e., in taking over the job position, orientation at the workplace and the faculty and integration into the work team. (4) This guideline serves as an overview for those involved in the adaptation process. Service units (PO, FO, CIT, and others) are involved and provide assistance throughout the process. (5) By the superior employee (hereinafter referred to as “superior”), who is in charge of the onboarding and adaptation process, is meant the new employee's immediate superior. (6) In addition, the superior may appoint an informal guide to adaptation (hereinafter referred to as a "buddy") who helps, advises, and facilitates the new employee's orientation in the new working environment or in learning work tasks, etc. Section 3 The course of new employee adaptation (1) The course of new employee adaptation is supported electronically by the "Employee Adaptation" application in Inet MU. Persons involved in the adaptation process follow the pre-set checklists in this application. The checklists contain detailed steps that must be taken for the correct course of the entire process and for the mutual coordination of all people involved. (2) The table below gives a brief overview of the adaptation process from the point of view of the persons responsible for this process at FF MU: When Responsibility Action Cooperation Before boarding Personnel Office Communication with the incoming person, processing of formalities and transfer of important information necessary for the entry, in case of a foreigner's entry contact with the Welcome Office Superior Superior Preparation of the workplace (material), preparation of the Job Description and Individual Adaptation Plan Building Management, CIT, FO, PO Superior Determination of a buddy as an informal guide to adaptation and his/her preparation for this role Start day Personnel Office Completion of onboarding documents, implementation of the induction workshop for newcomers (as soon as possible after onboarding) Superior Initial interview with the new employee, introduction to the workplace, colleagues and buddy, the Job Description, Individual Adaptation Plan, handover of work equipment, commissioning of IT equipment, verification that the new employee has completed the OHS and FS training CIT Ongoing until the end of the probation period Superior On-the-job training, handover of the entrusted agenda, provision of training necessary for the performance of the job Buddy 1-2 weeks after the start day Superior Familiarisation of the new employee with the structure and content of internal information systems Buddy 1 week after the start day Superior 1:1 Interview with a new employee 2 weeks after the start day Superior 1:1 Interview with a new employee 1 month after the start day Superior 1:1 Interview with a new employee 2 months after the start day Superior 1:1 Interview with a new employee The week before the end of the probation period Superior Evaluation of the Individual Adaptation Plan and probation period, setting goals and development plan for the new employee Personnel Office The week before the end of the probation period Personnel Office Obtaining and evaluating feedback on the course of the adaptation process from the new employee Section 4 Exceptions during the adaptation of certain employees In justified cases, in the adaptation process of a new employee, certain steps may be waived or applied proportionately. These are in particular the cases of: a) re-engagement of the employee, b) transfer from another MU workplace, c) returning from non-registered status (maternity/parental leave, long-term illness, long-term unpaid leave), d) part-time employment of less than 0.5 e) positions for the implementation of short-term project activities of less than 6 months, f) positions for very specific/expert activities without a wider connection to other activities of the FF MU workplace. Section 5 Supporting documents Supporting documents for the adaptation process are posted on the document server FF MU and continuously updated as needed: • Checklist – Personnel Officer • Checklist – Superior • Checklist – New Employee • Individual Adaptation Plan • Description of the Buddy's Role • Handbook for New Employees at the FF MU Section 6 Transitional Provisions The implementation period of the adaptation process runs until 30 June 2023. Section 7 Final Provisions (1) I entrust the Head of the Personnel Office to interpret and update this Directive. (2) Compliance with this Directive is monitored by the Faculty Bursar. (3) This Directive comes into force upon signature. (4) This Directive comes into effect on 1 January 2023. electronically signed doc. Mgr. Irena Radová, Ph.D. Dean