ELECTION REGULATIONS OF THE ACADEMIC SENATE OF THE FACULTY OF ARTS, MASARYK UNIVERSITY (As amended with effect from 13 December 2023) Section 1 Introductory Provisions (1) The Election Regulations of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") apply to the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as the "FF MU AS "), which is at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as the "FF MU") in accordance with Act No. 111/1998 Coll, on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts (Higher Education Act), as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"), and the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University Statutes as the autonomous representative academic body of the FF MU. (2) These Regulations govern the election of members of the FF MU AS in accordance with the Act and the FF MU Statutes. (3) For the purposes of these Regulations, the term "in writing" means sending by electronic mail via the Masaryk University Information System (hereinafter referred to as the "IS MU") to: a) e-mail address volebni.komise@phil.muni.cz in case of communication with the FF MU AS Electoral Committee, b) e-mail address in the format UČO@mail.muni.cz in case of communication with the FF MU AS Chair (where UČO is the university number of the person traceable in the IS MU). Section 2 Constituencies (1) For the purposes of exercising their rights under these Regulations, each member of the academic community belongs to one constituency of the FF MU academic community. (2) For the purposes of these Regulations, the academic community of the FF MU is divided into an academic staff constituency and a student constituency. (3) An academic staff member who is concurrently a student shall belong to an academic staff constituency unless they choose to belong to a student constituency. Section 3 Election System (1) The academic staff constituency elects twelve members of the FF MU AS from among its ranks. (2) The student constituency elects nine members of the FF MU AS from among its ranks. Section 4 Election Cycle (1) The FF MU AS election cycle lasts 36 calendar months. (2) The FF MU AS election cycle begins on the day immediately following the end of the previous FF MU AS election cycle. (3) If the term of office of all members of the FF MU AS expires in accordance with the procedure pursuant to Section 26(3) of the Act, the term of office of the FF MU AS expires on the last day of the elections announced by the Dean. (4) The term of office of the FF MU AS members is the same as the election term. (5) Substitutes called to membership and members elected in by-elections and reelection serve as members until the end of the FF MU AS term. Section 5 Organization of Elections (1) Elections are held electronically via the IS MU E-voting application (hereinafter referred to as the "Application"). (2) Reasonable measures are taken to ensure secrecy in elections. Section 6 Announcement of Elections (1) The schedule of elections is announced by the FF MU AS Chair no later than three months before the end of the FF MU AS election period. If they fail to do so, the Dean will announce the elections. The announcement of the elections is published in the Application. (2) The announcement of the election includes the designation of the two constituencies referred to in Section 2. (3) Voting is initiated no later than two months before the end of the FF MU AS election cycle. Section 7 Electoral Committee (1) Elections for both constituencies are administered by the FF MU AS Electoral Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Electoral Committee"). (2) The Chair and at least two other members of the Electoral Committee are appointed and removed by the FF MU AS from among the members of the FF MU academic community. At least one of the Electoral Committee members is a student. (3) In case that a member of the Electoral Committee accepts candidacy in the FF MU AS elections, their membership in the Electoral Committee ceases. Membership is also terminated by resignation, removal or termination of membership in the relevant constituency. If the number of members of the Electoral Committee falls to less than three, the Committee must be replenished immediately. In such a case, if there is any risk of delay, the Chair of the FF MU AS may appoint members. Section 8 Electoral Rolls (1) The Electoral Committee will verify the accuracy of the list of members of the constituency concerned and make it available to the members of the constituency. (2) Objections regarding the accuracy of the list of constituency members shall be dealt with by the Electoral Committee without delay. Section 9 Candidates (1) Any member of the relevant constituency may stand as a candidate. (2) Written notification of candidacy must be received by the Chair of the Electoral Committee no later than the date specified in the schedule. The candidate may attach their election programme, which will be made available on the Application. The Chair or a designated member of the Electoral Committee will acknowledge receipt of the candidacy. Section 10 Information on Candidates and Election Times (1) The Electoral Committee will publish the list of candidates at least one week before the start of the elections. (2) Within the same time limit, the Electoral Committee will inform the voters about when they may vote via the Application. Section 11 Election Campaign (1) Election rallies may be held at the FF MU with all candidates, or in support of individual candidates. (2) In this context, the Electoral Committee must ensure that a level playing field for campaigning is maintained. (3) The election campaign is conducted in a spirit of decency, honesty and collegiality. Section 12 Election Process (1) The Application is open for voting for a minimum of seven calendar days, according to the announced schedule. (2) A voter can cast a vote in the Application for as many candidates as the number of FF MU AS members to be elected in the respective constituency. (3) Interim election results will not published. Section 13 Determination and Publication of Election Results (1) The Electoral Committee will use the Application to determine the results of the election in the relevant constituency no later than the next working day after the last day of the election. (2) There is no mandatory minimum turnout in any constituency. (3) The candidates with the highest number of votes in their constituency will be elected. (4) The non-elected candidates with the highest number of votes will become substitutes. (5) In the event of a tie in the order of voting for members or substitutes, the Electoral Committee shall determine the order by lot. (6) The Electoral Committee will announce the elected candidates after the deadline for the submission of complaints has expired, or once any complaints have been settled. (7) The Electoral Committee will prepare an election report on the course and result of the election, which includes: (a) the election schedule, (b) the names of members of the Electoral Committee, (c) the number of voters, (d) a list of names of all the candidates, in order of the number of votes received, indicating those candidates who were elected, (e) a statement on the conduct of the election and the validity of the result, including a statement on the number and nature of any complaints, (f) the date the minutes were drawn up along with the signatures of all members of the Electoral Committee. (8) The Electoral Committee will publish the results of the election, including the electoral report, in a manner allowing remote access. Section 14 Complaints (1) A voter may file a complaint with the Electoral Committee against violations of the Act, the FF MU Statute, or these Regulations in the preparation of the elections, the course of the election campaign, the organisation of the elections and the election results. The complaint must be filed within seven calendar days of the announcement of the result. (2) The complaint must be in writing and legitimate. (3) The Electoral Committee will consider the complaint about the election within seven calendar days of its receipt. The decision on the complaint will be appended to the election report. (4) An appeal against a decision on a complaint is delivered in person to the FF MU AS Chair. An appeal does not have suspensive effect. Section 15 Repeated Elections (1) The election should be repeated if there has been a serious breach of the principles and rules of the election which may have affected the results of the election as regards the elected members. Where such misconduct relates to the order of substitutes, the substitutes will not be elected from the place in the order, inclusive, to which the misconduct relates. (2) The Electoral Committee decides on repeating the election. (3) The provisions on elections apply mutatis mutandis to the repeated elections. Section 16 By-election (1) By-elections are held in the event that there is no substitute for the vacant seat of a member of the FF MU AS, or all substitutes have declined the summons, or not all members were elected in the regular elections. (2) If the vacancy occurrs in the last six months of the term, the FF MU AS may decide that a by-election is not necessary. (3) The provisions on elections apply mutatis mutandis to by-elections. Section 17 Termination of Membership (1) Membership in the FF MU AS expires during the electoral cycle: (a) on the date of terminating the membership of the academic community of the constituency, (b) on the date of accepting an office incompatible with membership in the FF MU AS, (c) on the date of resignation of membership. (2) Members of the FF MU AS will notify the FF MU AS Chair of the termination of membership for the reasons specified in Paragraph 1. (3) The resignation of membership must be made in a written statement delivered in person to the FF MU AS Chair. Section 18 Retention of Membership by Admission to Follow-up Studies (1) Membership in the FF MU AS does not cease in the case of a student who, during their term of office, duly completes their studies in degree programmes implemented by the FF MU, but is immediately admitted to another, follow-up degree programme at the FF MU. In such a case, membership is only interrupted according to Paragraph 2. (2) The membership of a student in the FF MU AS pursuant to Paragraph 1 who notifies the FF MU AS Chair no later than seven calendar days after the regular completion of studies that they intend to study and enrol for studies at the FF MU will be maintained and the exercise of the rights and obligations associated with the mandate of a member of the FF MU AS will be returned to them on the day following the day of enrolment in studies. However, the period between the completion of studies and enrolment in studies may not exceed four months, otherwise the mandate of the FF MU AS member will expire; the mandate will also expire upon the expiry of the deadline set for enrolment in studies. (3) No substitute is called for the period of suspension of membership in the FF MU AS pursuant to Paragraph 1. Section 19 Summoning Substitute (1) The substitute is summoned by the Chair of the FF MU AS. (2) The substitute may refuse the summons in writing. This will terminate their status as a substitute for the relevant term of office without the possibility of renewal. (3) The provisions of Section 17 will apply mutatis mutandis to the termination of the office of the substitute. Section 18(1) and (2) will apply mutatis mutandis to the suspension of a substitute; the notification requirement of Section 18(2) will not apply to a substitute. Section 20 Documentation of Elections and FF MU AS Membership (1) The FF MU AS maintains all election documentation (announcements, candidacies, candidate lists, report on the results obtained from the Application). (2) The Chair of the FF MU AS maintains a list of FF MU AS members, including a list of committee members. Section 21 Final Provisions (1) The Election Regulations of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University effective from 27 March 2020 are repealed. (2) Pursuant to Section 27 (1) (b) of the Act, these Regulations were approved by the Academic Senate of the FF MU on 20 November 2023. (3) Pursuant to Section 9(1)(b) of the Act, these Regulations were approved by the MU Academic Senate on 4 December 2023. (4) These Regulations come into force on the date of approval by the MU Academic Senate. (5) These Regulations come into force on the date of publication in the public section of the FF MU website. signed electronically doc. Mgr. Irena Radová, Ph.D. Dean