nº1, January 2015 Newsletter Compostela Group of Universities for students Willing to live the STELLA Junior experience for yourself? Step 1.- Check on www. gcompostela.org>activities>STELLA Junior if your University is endorsed. Step 2.- If so, explore the different offers available on the STELLA Junior database. Step 3.- Apply for your chosen offer just by filling in the application form available on the website and sending it jointly with the documentation required by the offer to your institution’s coordinator (the list of coordinators is also available on this website). Getting funding The CGU will support with up to 500 euro the travel costs of a number of participants. The criteria applied in the assignation will be “firstcome, first-served” although preference will be given to placements that entail intercontinental mobility. Besides, students can apply for funding opportunities such as Leonardo, Erasmus +, etc. through their home Universities. STELLA Junior is an international training programme for students organised by the Compostela Group of Universities (CGU). The association facilitates a permanent updated database (on its website) where the students of the enrolled member universities can find and apply for tailored training placement offers at other CGU univer- sities/institutions. The Compostela Group supports a number of students each year with up to 500 euro to cover their travel costs. At the moment, there are 46 offers of training placements at CGU institutions published on the STELLA Junior database. The universities enrolled are from: Brazil, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Poland, Portugal and Spain. International training through STELLA Junior Programme Gabriela de la Rosa, a student from Universidad Anáhuac Xalapa (Mexico), enjoyed a training stay at the CGU’s Secretariat (Spain). María Novás, from Universitat Jaume I (Spain), was trained at the Gender Equality Office of the University of A Coruña (Spain). A student from the University of Jaén (Spain), Rocío Chueco, went to UNINETTUNO (Italy) through the STELLA Junior Programme. How to participate... Step 1.- Check on www. gcompostela.org>activities>Video Contest if your University is endorsed. Step 2.- Some universities organise an internal competition before submitting their candidates to the CGU’s Contest, others do not. Please, contact your institution’s coordinator (details available on the website) to show your interest in participating as well as to get information on the specific conditions at your institution. Step 3.- Prepare your video. On the CGU’s website you can find the Guidelines of the Contest, including the topic options. Our technical requirements are simple: use any kind of device, don’t make a video longer than 1 minute 30 seconds, music and images should have been granted by their author, if the video is not in English it should include subtitles in correct English, and the logo of the CGU and of the student’s University should be present in the whole video. Step 4.- Submit your video to your coordinator and wait for the results! The winning video of the last edition of the CGU’s International Video Contest for Students was “Year Abroad: Make The Most of It”, which was submitted by a team of students from the University of Roehampton: Morgane Allard-Le Berre, Albert Bellés Chorva, Elena Churakova, Andrea Estrada and Judit Hideg (in the pictures above, during the filming process). In accordance with the agreement the Compostela Group signed with Euronews, one of the students will be offered a traineeship at the news channel very soon. Besides, the team was invited to the CGU’s XXth General Assembly, which took place at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland) on 25-27 September 2014 and their video is being promoted through the CGU communication tools. The CGU’s International Video Contest for Students: a source of opportunities Projects with European funding that you may be interested in PROJECT FULL NAME TYPE & NUMBER AIMS WEBSITE EUREKA Enhancement of University Research and Education in Knowledge Areas for Sustainable Development Erasmus Mundus 545867-EM-1-2013- 1-DE-ERA MUN- DUS-EMA21 Fostering structured cooperation between European and Latin American Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) through the promotion of mobility at all levels of studies as well as for research, administrative and academic staff. http://www.eure- ka-sd-project.eu/ HUMERIA HUManities, Education, Research, International Relations and Arts between EU and ENPI HEIs Erasmus Mundus 545743-EM-1-2013- 1-EE-ERA MUN- DUS-EMA21 Promotion of collaboration between EU and ENPI HEIs in the fields of Humanities, Education, Research, International Relations, Arts and Design. http://humeria.eu/ EUPHRA- TES EU Promotion of Health through Research, Applied Technology, Education and Science in India Erasmus Mundus 545638-EM-1-2013- 1-ES-ERA MUN- DUS-EMA21 Stimulation of entrepreneurial culture and selfemployment among students through exchanges between EU and Indian universities. http://www.usc.es/ euphrates/project.htm EXPERTS - SUSTAIN Exchange by Promoting Quality Education, Research and Training in South and South-East Asia (SSEA) Erasmus Mundus 552079-EM-1-2014- 1-DE-ERA MUN- DUS-EMA21 Continuation of cooperation in EU-SSEA partnership and improving good practices implemented in previous EXPERTS projects. It aims at increasing the employability of university graduates through structured mobility and internships. http://www.experts- asia.eu/eramun.asp UMEI Universities in the Maghreb: Inclusive Education TEMPUS 516982-TEMPUS-1- 2001-1-BE-TEMPUS- JPGR Widening the access to Higher Education, focusing on students with difficult economic backgrounds, with disabilities and from rural areas. http://goo.gl/36o- 8za CERES Clean Energy and Research in Environmental Studies TEMPUS 517401-TEMPUS-1- 2011-1-ES-TEMPUS- JPCR Responding to the current demands of the labour and energy sectors for competent and well trained engineers in the fields of energy and environment (establishing master programmes, a centre of excellence for consultants, tailored training programmes for engineers, etc.). http://ceres.artolo- gystudio.com/ Explore their websites and find out when and how to apply for mobility and other opportunities. Projects with European funding that you may be interested in PROJECT FULL NAME TYPE & NUMBER AIMS WEBSITE BABEL Building Academic Bonds with Europe and Latin America Erasmus Mundus 372326-1-2012-1-PTERA MUNDUS-EMA-21 Implementation of a minimum of 100 mobility flows of Latin American students (undergraduate, master and doctorate level), researchers and staff members willing to undertake a mobility period or full degree (depending on the type of mobility) in one of the European partner institutions. http://babel.up.pt/ ANGLE Academic Networking, a Gate for Learning Expe- riences Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – Strand 1 (EMA2 – STRAND 1 Mobility for students and staff from ACP countries to prestigious HEIs in Europe. http://angle.up.pt/ PEACE Program for Excellence Academy Cooperation Exchange Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Development of further collaboration among EU and Middle East Institutions for sending and hosting mobility of talented students and staff. http://www.usc.es/ peace/ PEACE II Program for Excellence Academy Cooperation Exchange II Erasmus Mundus 545638-EM-1-2013- 1-ES-ERA MUN- DUS-EMA21 Promoting mobility between Latin America and Europe students at bachelor (exchange), master (exchange/degree), PhD (exchange/ degree), post-doctorate (exchange), administrative and academic staff (exchange) levels. http://www.usc.es/ peace2/ EMAIL II EMAIL II Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Widening the access to Higher Education, focusing on students with difficult economic backgrounds, with disabilities and from rural areas. https://www.em2il. muni.cz/ EMAIL III EMAIL III Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Lot 2 545716-EM-1-2013- 1-CZ-ERA MUN- DUS-EMA21 Widening the access to Higher Education, focusing on students with difficult economic backgrounds, with disabilities and from rural areas. https://www.em2il. muni.cz/ Get constantly updated information on our activities and opportunities through our social media! for students and on the CGU’s website: www.gcompostela.org CGU’s Secretariat Casa da Cuncha, Rúa da Conga, 1. 15782 Santiago de Compostela (Spain) Tel.: 0034 881 812 931/4/5 - Fax: 0034 881 812 932 e-mail: lucia.castro@usc.es; noelia.martinez.cagiao@usc.es; estibaliz.taboas@usc.es