Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart – Schulverwaltungsamt School Catering in Stuttgart Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart – Schulverwaltungsamt Meals served per day: ca. 8.500 Price per meal: 3.50 € ; price for low-income families: 1.00 € Price includes:  standard meal or vegetarian meal  dessert  salad  snack in the afternoon  costs for kitchen assistants and cleaning staff  billing costs (hardware and software) Actual costs per meal: 6.00 to 10.00 € The remaining amount between the actual costs and the price parents pay is borne by the municipality. Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart – Schulverwaltungsamt Folie 3  size of school cafeteria depends on the number of pupils taking part in the lunch programme  distribution of food in two or three shift operation  salad bar  soda maker Standards at all-day schools SCHOOL CAFETERIA Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart – Schulverwaltungsamt Standards at all-day schools KITCHEN  kitchens are jointly planned by the school administration, public works service (structural engineering office) and kitchen planners  regeneration/preparation kitchens for the process „Cook & Chill“ or „Cook & Freeze“  interim operation „Cook & Hold“ service until completion of school cafeteria and kitchen  separation of „clean“ and „unclean“  wet and dry storage areas; separate staff toilet and changing room  installation of electronic billing system Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart – Schulverwaltungsamt Folie 5 Regeneration kitchens Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart – Schulverwaltungsamt Folie 6 Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart – Schulverwaltungsamt School cafeterias Folie 7 Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart – Schulverwaltungsamt Folie 8 Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart – Schulverwaltungsamt Folie 9 Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart – Schulverwaltungsamt Public tender / public procurement Folie 10  national or EU-wide public tender in cooperation between the school administration and the public procurement office  consideration of schools‘ individual needs and preferences (e.g. allergies, religious specifics, food restrictions)  listing of schools‘ specifications  seasonal and regional products take priority  minimum of 5% organic products  healthy snack in the afternoon (e.g. raw fruit, vegetables, muesli) Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart – Schulverwaltungsamt Folie 11  menus based on nutritional standards established by the German Nutrition Society (DGE)  selection process includes test meals attended by headmaster, teachers, parents, children and administration officials. selection criteria: • quality • consistency • taste • appearance  quantifier of the criteria for award of contract (criteria of assessment): 45%price, 55% result of test meal  regular quality assurance meetings attended by headmaster, caterer and school administration officials Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart – Schulverwaltungsamt Hygiene standards  compliance with food safety rules; health regulations in the food sector; safety and accident prevention regulations; instructions under the German Infection Protection Act  regular food quality control and documentation of inspections  compliance with hygienic standards during the entire workflow  control of the delivered meals with regard to temperature, standards and quality  cold chain management of perishable foodstuffs Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart – Schulverwaltungsamt Current challenges  requirement of social criteria (demanded by the city council) as a third criterion beside price and test meal which have to be fullfilled by the tenderer social criteria such as recruiting long-term unemployments or disabled persons -> tenderer doesn‘t know for sure previously wether he will be able to find the required employees on the job market -> difficulty of controlling/monitoring the implementation of the criteria Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart – Schulverwaltungsamt  requirement of organic products (minimum of 5%) -> also difficulty of controlling/monitoring the criterion since there are no institutional standards respectively significant certificates (different statements from different official government agencies)  delay of construction projects (school cafeteria and kitchen) -> canteen operation cannot start -> loss of earnings for the caterer -> municipality has to pay for it AND look for an alternative possibility where canteen service/school lunch can be provided till the completion of the building Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart – Schulverwaltungsamt Thank you for your attention Folie 15