REQUIREMENTS FOR THE START, PROCESS AND TERMINATION OF THE STUDY DOCTORAL STUDY PROGRAM SPECIAL EDUCATION 4-year doctoral study program Special Education 1. Start of study: Dissertation project Simultaneously with the submission of the application for the admission procedure to the doctoral study program, the applicant submits, among other things, a dissertation project. The discussion on the dissertation project is part of the admission procedure. The project of the dissertation usually has the following parts: definition of the solved problems and basic concepts, summary of the current state of knowledge, aim of the work, outline of the methodology and solution procedure, expected research results, list of used literature. Requirement for the foreign language exam (most often English): Confirmation of a foreign internship in a bachelor's or master's degree, an alternative is a certificate from an English course (possibly another language) 2. Course of study: requirements for publication of results The core of the study in the doctoral program is usually the implementation of the dissertation research in parallel with the elaboration of the text of the project into the form of the dissertation itself. In addition to the preparation of the dissertation, the study in the doctoral program also includes subjects expanding and deepening knowledge of a broader scientific field beyond the master's program, subjects deepening specialized knowledge, specialized professional seminars, preparation and assistance in teaching in bachelor's and master's programs, or preparation of dissertation theses. work (MU Study and Examination Regulations, Article 28, paragraph 4). Requirements for students, resp. program graduates are specified in LOGBOOK (Logbook for DSP Special Education, 2021) Available electronically in czech:, in english: Part of the study in the SP doctoral program is active publishing activities; the minimum publication standard is 4 studies for which the doctoral student is the main author, of which at least 1 study in a journal included in the WOS ISI, SCOPUS, ERIH databases or in the List of peer-reviewed non-impact periodicals published in the Czech Republic) (eg Ph publico, Journal of Exceptional People, Speciální pedagogika, Špeciálny pedagóg) or chapters in professional books. Active presentations (papers, communications) at three seminars or conferences in our country and abroad (possibility to obtain a scholarship), publications in proceedings. Part of the study at DSP SP is a mandatory internship abroad of min. 1 month. Participation in teaching in the subject of inclusive (special) education and selected specializations (2 semesters after 2 hours) - compulsory for full-time form. Participation in research projects of supervisors (min. 8 hours per semester) compulsory for full-time form. Participation in the management of bachelor's or master's theses is possible only in the case of working hours at the department or work agreements. 3. End of study The condition for successful completion of the study is (a) passing the state doctoral examination (Study and Examination Regulations of Masaryk University, Art. 31) (b) successful defense of the dissertation (Study and Examination Regulations of Masaryk University, Art. 32). The application for the state doctoral examination can be submitted after the fulfillment of all prescribed study obligations and the submission of the dissertation thesis. The submitted and defended rigorous thesis, which includes the dissertation thesis, will be recognized as defended theses. 3a. State doctoral examination The first part of the state doctoral examination is a discussion of the dissertation thesis, on which the Departmental Board of the doctoral study program Special Education places the following requirements: - The dissertation thesis is an excerpt of the essential parts of the prepared dissertation. - Theses are processed in the structure of the dissertation project, ie they usually contain the following parts: • to define the issues addressed and basic concepts; • a summary of the current state of knowledge or solution; • a description of the research methodology; o presentation of selected / preliminary results; • o formulation of working conclusions, including the prospect of finalization of the dissertation. - The scope of the dissertation thesis: 20-40 standard pages, ie 36000-72000 characters, including spaces. - Dissertation theses are prepared in accordance with the requirements of the citation standard APA - American Psychological Association; ml#APA%20.zasady_tvorby - The dissertation thesis must be submitted together with the application for the State Doctoral Examination in the number of 10 copies, with the exception of doctoral students who have defended a rigorous thesis, which includes the dissertation thesis. - The theses of the dissertation are written in the language in which the doctoral study program is carried out: in the Czech or Slovak language, or in English or German in accordance with the accreditation of the program. The second part of the state doctoral examination of the Special Education is a discussion during which they are verified (1) knowledge and orientation in inclusive special education, (2) in the subject Psychology of Disabilities and Disorders of Mental Development, (3) in the specialization of a broader scientific basis (speech therapy, deafness, psychopedia, somatopathy, ophthalmopedics, ethoopedia, specific learning disorders, multiple disabilities, addictology, special andragogy, (4) knowledge in the field relevant to the dissertation within the methodology 1. (note: Methodology 2 is written only in the 4th year) (5) it is mandatory to pass the exam in a foreign language You can find the areas of the state doctoral examination at 3b. Dissertation defense The study in the doctoral study program aims at the creation of a dissertation which, according to §47 of the Higher Education Act, "demonstrates the ability and readiness for independent activity in the field of research or development or for independent theoretical and creative artistic activity". Original scientific theoretical, historical-comparative, methodological and empirical works, or works that combine these concepts in a suitable way, are accepted as dissertations. - Theoretical works deal with various theoretical approaches to problems in the subject area, requiring a high degree of abstract and analytical thinking and insight. - Historical-comparative works process various subject areas in their historical context in interdisciplinary comparison. - Methodological works analyze (new) research approaches, methods, tool techniques and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. - Empirical work brings specific findings obtained by specific research methods, while the presented findings always result from the realized empirical research. In accordance with Article 30 of the MU Study and Examination Regulations, the Departmental Board of the 4-year doctoral study field of Special Education places the following requirements on the dissertation: - Dissertations containing empirical research are preferred - The dissertation is processed in the structure of its project, ie it usually contains the following parts: • to define the issues addressed and basic concepts, • a summary of the current state of knowledge or solution, a description of the research methodology (includes information on the research process, design, research file and used methods of data collection and analysis), • the presentation of research results, • discussion and interpretation of results, formulation of conclusions. - Scope of the dissertation: 150 standard pages, ie 270000 characters, including spaces (without attachments). The dissertation is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the citation standard APA (American Psychological Association; ml#APA.zasady_tvorby) - The dissertation is submitted in a non-detachable binding, in the number of 3 copies and electronically via IS MU - The dissertation is accompanied by an abstract, which contains the main ideas of the work, brief information about the methodology used and a summary of the results. Its range is 12-20 pages and is attached in a number of 10 pieces. The abstract also includes a CV and an overview of the applicant's creative activity (typically generated from the IS MU). The publication of part of the dissertation is mentioned in point 2 above. In addition, the doctoral student has the opportunity to prepare a research monograph from his / her research without appendices, approx. 100 standard pages, ie 180,000 characters. The doctoral study program (DSP) Special Education underwent institutional accreditation on 29 September 2020, valid until 28 September 2028 in Czech and English. DSP Special Education has been implemented at PdF MU since 2002/2003. The Department of Special and Inclusive Education (KSIP) and the Institute for Inclusive Education Research (IVIV) participate in the implementation of the DSP Special Education. The guarantor of the programs at the VR PdF MU was the approved founder of the field, prof. PhDr. Marie Vitkova, CSc. Brno, 30. March 2022 prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. Chairwoman of the Board DSP Special Education guarantor DSP Special Education