Masaryk University Faculty of Education Special Education The output has been created: 31/8/2020 08:16, for the accreditation term Contents 1 Basic information about the degree programme 2 1.1 Programme description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Study plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2.1 Special Education (jednooborový) (full-time, single-subject) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2.2 Special Education (combined, single-subject) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2 Characteristics of the courses 9 2.1 Other compulsory and selective courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 Provision of personnel 32 3.1 Common Doctoral Board: Special Education [D-SPZPA] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.2 Pedagogical staff by age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.3 Foreign pedagogical staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.4 Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Output created by: Mgr. Martina Lužná, učo 53034 1 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA 1 Basic information about the degree programme Special Education Guarantor prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. Standard length of studies 4 y. Faculty Faculty of Education Abbreviation D-SPZPA Study mode full-time and combined Degree Ph.D. In cooperation with ------ Code P002ENG Type doctoral degree programme Language of instruction English Field of education Education (100 %) Status in approval process 1.1 Programme description Objectives The aim of the doctoral study program Special Education is to prepare researchers specializing in research, teaching and professional activities in special education focusing on following fields: speech therapy, hearing impairment, intellectual disability, physical disability, visual impairment, specific learning disorders, multiple disorders, special andragogy and addictology. The training prepares highly qualified professionals for theoretical as well as practical applications of special education expertise aimed at solutions of broad range of special educational issues including social inclusion. The aim is to enable outstanding students to continue their chosen profiling in the doctoral study Special Education, to enable them to carry out research activities that many of them have been doing since master's studies and to prepare highly qualified specialists for their further work at the university or at the research institutions in our country and abroad. The doctoral program Special Education is conceived interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary. In the interdisciplinary approach arises a new discipline and at the same time, it inspires the original sciences for further research. A multidisciplinary approach is an unexplored space which is located among several disciplines and each has the right to dominate. The program is realized in both full-time attendance and combined attendance, in Czech language and English language. Learning Outcomes After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to: 1. know deeply and systematically the subject and scope of their special pedagogical field, both in the historical and contemporary wider contexts and at the level of the contemporary state of knowledge; 2. gain profound knowledge in the field of special education with a focus on inclusion, inclusive education, and social inclusion; 3. design, implement and evaluate results of special education research; be able to enrich scientific knowledge with ethnical principles in scientific projects; 4. engage in the life of the national and international scientific community, including publishing activities, planning research projects, obtaining resources for their implementation; 5. present results of own research to the professional community: in the form of monographs, papers at domestic and international conferences; 6. use own knowledge and experiences in solving special educational problems; 7. collaborate with experts from other research units, both nationally and internationally; Occupational Profiles of Graduates The graduates from the doctoral studies in Special Education are highly qualified specialists and find their positions mostly at universities or at the scientific and research institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad. Practical Training In the DSP Special Education, PhD students participate in the teaching of students in the bachelor programs, both in a subject Special Education and in subjects of their specialization for 2 semesters. Abroad internships are preferred (ERASMUS, ERASMUS +, foreign practice, etc.). Comulsory internship is required for 7 weeks abroad. Traineeships are especially suitable in counselling services: special educational centres, pedagogical and psychological counselling centres, educational centres, speech therapy ambulances and others according to the focus of their dissertation. Doctoral students are members of scientific teams 2 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA - The research Special Needs of Pupils in the Context of the Framework Educational Program, the researcher: prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (2007-2013) - Interdisciplinary research project Inclusion in School as an Interdisciplinary Issue. Basis, Conditions and Implementation of the Strategy, the researcher: prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (2013-2015) - Specific research projects - annually from 2010 (projects A and B) - FRMU projects - OPVVV project Quality Inclusive Education of Pupils with Special Educational Needs in Primary and Secondary schools, the researcher: prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (2017-2020) - Other projects implemented by the Department of Special and Inclusive Education or the Institute for Research in Inclusive Education (IVIV). Goals of Theses Objectives of the Qualification Theses Students must be aware of the current issues in the field of special education, be able to define the topic of their theses (research) clearly, describe the initial state of knowledge and propose adequate methods of solution, clearly and logically create the title of the thesis. The student is able to work with the primary and secondary study sources, to quote them according to the valid standards and in accordance with the ethical principles of scientific work. He/she is able to lead discussions and argue with the authors, to draw own conclusions and recommendations. The student can design his/her own quantitative or qualitative research, including a clear definition of objectives and the choice of adequate research methods in relation to the nature of the phenomenon under investigation, work with the appropriate method, including the ability to analyze quantitative and qualitative data and interpret and draw conclusions in an appropriate way. The student will demonstrate the stylistic competencies by the creation of his/her own text. The student is able to create the scientific work, maintain the logical line of the work composition without grammatical errors. The student will demonstrate the ability to ask questions and solve problems in an unconventional way, to formulate new ideas and conclusions of the thesis that would bring at least partially new knowledge about the phenomenon being studied or enrich the (new) methodological (in the area of research) or methodical procedures (in the field of education), in relation to clearly defined and selected target groups (elementary school pupils, secondary school students, groups with special educational needs, etc.). The standards of the final theses within special education are prepared according to the Dean's Decree No. 1/2015, For the completion of the final theses (bachelor's, master's, rigorous and final theses of the life-long learning cour- ses). Motto ``Special education is a study program focusing on scientific preparation of professionals who strive to use practiceoriented research for enhancement of educational, work, and independent living conditions of children and adults with special needs with the aim to increase their quality of life.'' 1.2 Study plans 1.2.1 Special Education (jednooborový) (full-time, single-subject) Code P002ENG01 Abbreviation P00201 Study Mode doctoral full-time Status in preparation Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesis Compulsory subjects - Inclusive special education - Psychology of Disability and Disorders of mental development Selective choice courses – syllabus 1, 2 (1 course) - Speech therapy, Education of individuals with hearing impairment, Education of individuals with mental impairment, Education of individuals with social-pathological phenomenon in behaviour, Specific learning difficulties, Multiple disabilities, Special andragogy, Addictology The themes of state doctoral examination are given by the structured content of the relevant subject. 3 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Part of the state doctoral examination is a debate consisting of dissertation propositions which represent the essential parts of the dissertation thesis. The alternative could be represented by the defence of rigorous thesis. As the doctoral thesis there are accepted: original research theories, comparison from historical perspective, methodological and empirical thesis or thesis which represent appropriate combination of preceding designs. The expert committee of Doctoral study programme of Special Education stands for following requirements: empirical research preference; the doctoral thesis contains: definition of the topic and basic terms, summary of actual research and study process, description of research methodology (information about research process, design, research sample, methods of collecting and analysing the data), presentation of research results, discussion and interpretation of results, formulation of conclusion. The scope of the doctoral thesis is approximately 150 standard pages. The state doctoral examination is focused on achieving the knowledge from the field of special inclusive education and pathopsychology. It deals with students' competences - to be able to express deep knowledge of the subject and the educational field, and also to describe pedagogy from historical and actual perspective; systematically know significant theories, concepts and methods which represent the main areas in the field in national and also international context; to be able to choose, plan, implement and evaluate the research process in the particular field of study and also in pedagogy itself; to recognize processes and phenomenon in educational reality; to enrich the academic knowledge along with the respect to the research ethics; be familiar with the organization of academic community and its varieties; to be able to be a part of the national and international academic community including publishing, planning research projects and gaining sources for the realization. Requirements of the study Part of the doctoral studies is continuous publishing; the minimal publishing standard is 4 studies of which the doctoral student is the main author or co-author - one of the studies is in the journal registered in the database WOS or SCOPUS, and one study in reviewed journal or chapters in publications. The active presentation (seminar papers) in four seminars or at conferences - 2 in the Czech Republic and 2 abroad (the scholarship is possible) and publication in collection. It is compulsory to be a part of the teaching the subject Inclusive special education and particular specializations (4 semesters). In four-year doctoral study programme - Special education contains compulsory foreign language at the level C1, optional at the level B1 and compulsory internship abroad (minimum of 7 weeks). In the ISP (Individual study plan) the milestones are set as a requirements of the study programme (f.e. Defence of the Dissertation thesis project – during the first year of the study; defence of the Research theses – after the third study year if the Rigorous thesis procedure is undertook; The defence of the Dissertation thesis – usually after the fourth study year). Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses 1. The use of student-centered teaching methods for students with learning disabilities 2. Facilitating Academic Achievements in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Learners in Inclusive Education Programmes Using Bilingual Educational Methodologies: A Case Study of Inclusive Special Schools in Akwa Ibom State – Nigeria 3. Inclusive Education the way for future for Fiji schools: A comparative case study of Inclusive Education in the Czech Republic Schools in Brno and Fiji Primary Schools 4. Analysis of social services provided to individuals with intellectual disabilities in Slovakia 5. The development of professional skills of children living in institutional care within the context of their preparation for independent life 6.The analysis of reading skills of pupils with specific learning difficulties 7. Peer social support of children with problem behaviour 8. Assessment and Self-evaluation in Foreign Language Teaching to Learners with Specific Learning Disorders Courses in the study plan Required courses Dissertation Preparation and Professional Orientation in the Field of Study Students are expected to enrol in the course Work on the Dissertation Preparation 8 x, 120 credits in total. Students are expected to enrol in the course Professional Orientation in the Field of Study 8 x, 40 credits in total. Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term SPDA008 Professional Orientation in the Field of Study M. Vítková k (colloquium) 0/0/0 5 SPDA009 Dissertation Preparation M. Vítková k (colloquium) 0/0/0 15 - 20 credits 4 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term SPDA001 Inclusive Special Education M. Vítková zk (examination) 0/0/0 8 1 SPDA002 Methodology 1 K. Pančocha zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 1 SPDA003 Philosophy of Education H. Řehulková zk (examination) 0/0/0 5 2 SPDA004 Psychology of Disability E. Řehulka zk (examination) 0/0/0 5 3 SPDA005 Disorders of mental development E. Řehulka zk (examination) 0/0/0 5 7 SPDA006 An abroad internship V. Vojtová z (credit) 0/0/0 5 7 SPDA007 Methodology 2 K. Pančocha zk (examination) 0/0/0 15 8 53 credits Selective courses Speciality Students complete at least two courses in a group of courses "Speciality" during their studies. Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term SPDA010 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Addictology P. Kachlík zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA011 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Special andragogy K. Pančocha zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA012 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Education of individuals with social-pathological phenom V. Vojtová zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA013 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Speech therapy I. Bytešníková zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA014 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Education of individuals with visual impairment P. Beneš zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA015 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Education of individuals with mental impairment B. Bazalová zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA016 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Specific learning difficulties I. Márová zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA017 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Education of individuals with physical impairment M. Vítková zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA018 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Education of individuals with hearing impairment L. Doležalová zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA019 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Severe and multiple disabilities D. Opatřilová zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 100 credits 5 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Foreign language at C1 level Students complete at least one course in a group of courses Foreign language at C1 level during their studies. Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term RCSZ_AJC1 English for PhD Studies - C1 G. Hublová zk (examination) 0/2/0 7 6 RCSZ_FJC1 French for Academic Purposes K. Sedláčková zk (examination) 0/0/0 konzultace. 7 6 RCSZ_NJC1 German for PhD Studies - C1 R. Herout zk (examination) 0/0/0 konzultace. 7 6 RCSZ_RJC1 Russian for PhD Studies - C1 M. Ševečková zk (examination) 0/0/0 konzultace. 7 6 28 credits * Extent and Intensity provides information on teaching sessions and their amount. The information listed relates to lectures/seminars/other teaching activities (laboratory practice, projects, etc.). 1.2.2 Special Education (combined, single-subject) Code 1 Abbreviation P00202 Study Mode doctoral combined Status in preparation Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesis Compulsory subjects - Inclusive special education - Psychology of Disability and Disorders of mental development Selective choice courses – syllabus 1, 2 (1 course) - Speech therapy, Education of individuals with hearing impairment, Education of individuals with mental impairment, Education of individuals with social-pathological phenomenon in behaviour, Specific learning difficulties, Multiple disabilities, Special andragogy, Addictology The themes of state doctoral examination are given by the structured content of the relevant subject. Part of the state doctoral examination is a debate consisting of dissertation propositions which represent the essential parts of the dissertation thesis. The alternative could be represented by the defence of rigorous thesis. As the doctoral thesis there are accepted: original research theories, comparison from historical perspective, methodological and empirical thesis or thesis which represent appropriate combination of preceding designs. The expert committee of Doctoral study programme of Special Education stands for following requirements: empirical research preference; the doctoral thesis contains: definition of the topic and basic terms, summary of actual research and study process, description of research methodology (information about research process, design, research sample, methods of collecting and analysing the data), presentation of research results, discussion and interpretation of results, formulation of conclusion. The scope of the doctoral thesis is approximately 150 standard pages. The state doctoral examination is focused on achieving the knowledge from the field of special inclusive education and pathopsychology. It deals with students' competences - to be able to express deep knowledge of the subject and the educational field, and also to describe pedagogy from historical and actual perspective; systematically know significant theories, concepts and methods which represent the main areas in the field in national and also international context; to be able to choose, plan, implement and evaluate the research process in the particular field of study and also in pedagogy itself; to recognize processes and phenomenon in educational reality; to enrich the academic knowledge along with the respect to the research ethics; be familiar with the organization of academic community and its varieties; to be able to be a part of the national and international academic community including publishing, planning research projects and gaining sources for the realization. Requirements of the study Part of the doctoral studies is continuous publishing; the minimal publishing standard is 4 studies of which the doctoral student is the main author or co-author - one of the studies is in the journal registered in the database WOS or SCOPUS, and one study in reviewed journal or chapters in publications. The active presentation (seminar papers) in four seminars or at conferences - 2 in the Czech Republic and 2 abroad (the scholarship is possible) and publication in collection. It is compulsory to be a part of the teaching the subject Inclusive special education 6 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA and particular specializations (4 semesters). In four-year doctoral study programme - Special education contains compulsory foreign language at the level C1, optional at the level B1 and compulsory internship abroad (minimum of 7 weeks). In the ISP (Individual study plan) the milestones are set as a requirements of the study programme (f.e. Defence of the Dissertation thesis project – during the first year of the study; defence of the Research theses – after the third study year if the Rigorous thesis procedure is undertook; The defence of the Dissertation thesis – usually after the fourth study year). Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses 1. The use of student-centered teaching methods for students with learning disabilities 2. Facilitating Academic Achievements in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Learners in Inclusive Education Programmes Using Bilingual Educational Methodologies: A Case Study of Inclusive Special Schools in Akwa Ibom State – Nigeria 3. Inclusive Education the way for future for Fiji schools: A comparative case study of Inclusive Education in the Czech Republic Schools in Brno and Fiji Primary Schools 4. Analysis of social services provided to individuals with intellectual disabilities in Slovakia 5. The development of professional skills of children living in institutional care within the context of their preparation for independent life 6.The analysis of reading skills of pupils with specific learning difficulties 7. Peer social support of children with problem behaviour 8. Assessment and Self-evaluation in Foreign Language Teaching to Learners with Specific Learning Disorders Courses in the study plan Required courses Dissertation Preparation and Professional Orientation in the Field of Study Students are expected to enrol in the course Work on the Dissertation Preparation 8 x, 120 credits in total. Students are expected to enrol in the course Professional Orientation in the Field of Study 8 x, 40 credits in total. Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term SPDA008 Professional Orientation in the Field of Study M. Vítková k (colloquium) 0/0/0 5 SPDA009 Dissertation Preparation M. Vítková k (colloquium) 0/0/0 15 - 20 credits Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term SPDA001 Inclusive Special Education M. Vítková zk (examination) 0/0/0 8 1 SPDA002 Methodology 1 K. Pančocha zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 1 SPDA003 Philosophy of Education H. Řehulková zk (examination) 0/0/0 5 2 SPDA004 Psychology of Disability E. Řehulka zk (examination) 0/0/0 5 3 SPDA005 Disorders of mental development E. Řehulka zk (examination) 0/0/0 5 7 SPDA006 An abroad internship V. Vojtová z (credit) 0/0/0 5 7 SPDA007 Methodology 2 K. Pančocha zk (examination) 0/0/0 15 8 53 credits Selective courses 7 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Speciality Students complete at least two courses in a group of courses "Speciality" during their studies. Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term SPDA010 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Addictology P. Kachlík zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA011 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Special andragogy K. Pančocha zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA012 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Education of individuals with social-pathological phenom V. Vojtová zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA013 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Speech therapy I. Bytešníková zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA014 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Education of individuals with visual impairment P. Beneš zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA015 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Education of individuals with mental impairment B. Bazalová zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA016 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Specific learning difficulties I. Márová zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA017 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Education of individuals with physical impairment M. Vítková zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA018 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Education of individuals with hearing impairment L. Doležalová zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 SPDA019 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Severe and multiple disabilities D. Opatřilová zk (examination) 0/0/0 10 3 100 credits Foreign language at C1 level Students complete at least one course in a group of courses Foreign language at C1 level during their studies. Code Name Guarantor Type of Compl. Extent and Intensity* Credits Term RCSZ_AJC1 English for PhD Studies - C1 G. Hublová zk (examination) 0/2/0 7 6 RCSZ_FJC1 French for Academic Purposes K. Sedláčková zk (examination) 0/0/0 konzultace. 7 6 RCSZ_NJC1 German for PhD Studies - C1 R. Herout zk (examination) 0/0/0 konzultace. 7 6 RCSZ_RJC1 Russian for PhD Studies - C1 M. Ševečková zk (examination) 0/0/0 konzultace. 7 6 28 credits 8 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA * Extent and Intensity provides information on teaching sessions and their amount. The information listed relates to lectures/seminars/other teaching activities (laboratory practice, projects, etc.). 2 Characteristics of the courses This chapter contains the characteristics of required and selective courses from study plans templates. Doctoral degree programmes may not contain courses. The general study requirements to be met by the Ph.D. candidate are described in the study plan in Chapter 1.2. 2.1 Other compulsory and selective courses PdF:RCSZ_AJC1 English for PhD Studies - C1 7 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Mgr. Gabriela Hublová, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Mgr. Gabriela Hublová, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives The Level C1 course is intended for doctoral students at the Faculty of Education (with the exception of students of the Didactics of a Foreign Language study programme). The course develops all four language skills (speaking, writing, listening comprehension and reading comprehension) while putting a special emphasis on genre-based academic writing and speaking. In developing writing skills, attention is paid to the academic writing style, writing an effective abstract/summary, expressing particualr communicative functions(evaluation, argumentation, comparison, contrast, etc.) and ppt presentation preparation. In terms of developing speaking abilities, instruction focuses on academic discussion and presentation of the dissertation research project. The course design incorporates principles of collaborative learning, which are put into action in providing constructive feedback and in tasks involving critical thinking. Finally, students will acquire general academic vocabulary and concepts needed for metadiscussion of the above-mentioned academic skills and principles. Teaching methods Pair work, group work, class work, language noticing, text analysis and deconstruction, role plays, discussions, presentations, providing peer feedback, etc. Assessment methods Credit requirements: 1 Active participation in course sessions. A minimum of four sessions depending on individual preferences of each student is required. 2 Completed ROPOT quizzes/”Odpovědníky” (useful language, common errors, etc.) in MUNI.CZ – 65% passmark (each quiz). A minimum of six quizzes depending on individual preferences is required. 3 Written exam. 4 Oral exam. 5 Meeting the deadlines. WRITTEN EXAM: Standard credit requirement: Submission of an extended abstract of a PhD thesis/dissertation work theses or a dissertation work proposal (the preferred type should reflect student's stage of study). The text will have between 1000―1500 words. The required writing process: Draft 1 – Peer-feedback (reviewing two drafts) – Draft 2. Alternative credit requirements: 1) Submission of a text the student has published (or that has been accepted to be published) in a peer-reviewed* academic journal (the student needs to be the text's only author). *The peer-review needs to involve receiving and incorporating feedback from at least two external reviewers. OR 2) Submission of a C1/C2 CEFR level specialist or academic (not general) English certificate. The above documents must be submitted to the course instructor by 5 January 2019. ORAL EXAM: Standard credit requirement: A presentation (10 minutes) in front of a specialist audience (e.g. doctoral students attending the RCSZ_AJC1 course and the examiner) followed by a discussion (10 minutes). Dissertation supervisors and consultants are welcome. Alternative credit requirements: 1) A certificate/confirmation that the student has presented a paper (not a poster) in English at an international conference. (Tandem presentations are not accepted.) OR 2) A C1/C2 CEFR level specialist or academic English certificate. The above documents must be submitted to the course instructor by 5 January 2019. Learning outcomes C1 student can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices. Syllabus SESSION 1: Course introduction (syllabus, organisation, requirements). Giving biographical information. Introduction to academic writing: key features of academic writing; types of academic texts (academic genres); audience; purpose; academic and non-academic style. SESSION 2: The writing process: pre-writing strategies; drafting, revising, editing/proofreading, receiving peer-feedback. Clarity and accuracy of expression in academic writing. Language of definitions. SESSION 3: Degree of formality in academic writing. Personal and impersonal style in academic writing. Language of classification. SESSION 4: Degrees of certainty in academic writing: categorical and cautious statement; expressing uncertainty in academic writing. Language of generalisation/hedging. SESSION 5: Achieving logic and flow in academic writing. Unity. Coherence. Cohesion. Types of cohesive devices. Expressing logico-semantic relations: addition, comparison, contrast, cause and effect. SESSION 6: Types of academic articles. Writing an academic article: genre expectations (structure; section headings; sections; consistency; referring to visuals; useful language). Economy of expression in academic writing. SESSION 7: Writing an abstract for an academic article. Constructing an effective title. Useful phrases for an academic article opening and conclusion. SESSION 8: Giving credit to other writers: quoting/paraphrasing/summarising. Useful language. References. Format and citation styles. Giving peer-feedback 9 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA on academic writing. SESSION 9: The language of presentation and presentations skills. Verbal and non-verbal communication. Preparing a ppt presentation. Delivering a paper/poster presentation. Week 10 - 13: Independent work on the written assignment and providing peer feedback. Literature required literature Study material posted in the course folder in the MU Information System. recommended literature ŠTĚPÁNEK, Libor, Janice DE HAAFF, Alena HRADILOVÁ and David SCHÜLLER. Academic English – Akademická angličtina: Průvodce anglickým jazykem pro studenty, akademiky a vědce (Academic English: a guide for students, academics and scientists). Praha: Grada, 2011. 224 pp. ISBN 978-80-247-3577-1. MCCARTHY, Michael and Felicity O'DELL. Academic vocabulary in use. First published. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 176 stran. ISBN 9780521689397. Certificate in Advanced English. Cambridge University Press. 2009. ISBN 978-0-521-71443-3 3. Cambridge IELTS with answers. Cambridge University Press, 2008. ISBN 978-0-521-54462-7. 1. Cullen, Pauline. Vocabulary for IELTS. Cambridge University Press, 2008. ISBN 978-0-521-70975-0 not specified DE CHAZAL, Edward and Julie MOORE. Oxford EAP : a course in English for academic purposes.. 1st ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. 239 s. ISBN 9780194001793. DE CHAZAL, Edward and Sam MCCARTER. Oxford EAP : a course in English for academic purposes.. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. 152 s. ISBN 9780194001786. PdF:RCSZ_FJC1 French for Academic Purposes Předmět se nevypisuje! 7 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Mgr. Kateřina Sedláčková, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Mgr. Kateřina Sedláčková, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives The aim of this course is to test that the student has at least a C1 level (CEFR - Common European Framework) of French in academic speaking and writing. Teaching methods Individual preparation of the student. Consultations with the examiner before the examination. Assessment methods FRENCH FOREIGN LANGUAGE EXAM FOR FF DOCTORAL STUDENTS: The WRITTEN PART of the exam can take one of the following forms (for which the student will submit): A) an EXTENDED ABSTRACT whereby the original text should be 500-800 words long (without citations) and respect the following structure: •1) theme related to specialization •2) current state (of the research) and statement of limitations •3) methodology •4) results •5) discussion •6) bibliography B) the THESIS of the dissertation or a related PROJECT (depending on the phase of study) in the length of 1000-1500 words and following this structure: •1) theme, defining the limits of the issue and key concepts •2) theoretical background •3) summary of the current state of knowledge/research •4) methodology •5) preliminary results •6) expected or final results •7) discussion •8) bibliography C)an ACADEMIC PAPER written by the student for publication in an academic journal D) proof of MASTER'S STUDIES in English The ORAL PART of the exam can take one of the following forms: A) INTERVIEW with the examiner on a given topic (c. 30 min.) B) submitting a certificate/proof of having given a PRESENTATION in English at an international conference C) submitting a C1 (CEFR) level CERTIFICATE (in general or specialized English) D) submitting proof of MASTER'S STUDIES in English Learning outcomes No information. Syllabus This is an exam course only, there is no participation component. Literature recommended literature maia grégoire:Grammaire progressive du français, perfectionnement : avec 600 exercices, CLE International, 2012 10 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Chovelon, B.: Le résumé Le compte rendu La synthese. Presses universitaire de Grenoble. 2003 CHOVELON, Bernadette and Marie BARTHE. Expression et style : français de perfectionnement. Grenoble: Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 2002. 152 s. ISBN 2706110813. not specified LESCURE, Richard. Dalf C1/C2 : 250 activités. Paris: CLE International, 2007. 287 s. ISBN 9782090352320. PdF:RCSZ_NJC1 German for PhD Studies - C1 7 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Mgr. Radim Herout Teacher(s) Mgr. Radim Herout (lecturer) Course objectives PhD. program students: In the German for Academic Purposes course the postgraduate students of Masaryk University Faculty of Education will consolidate their language skills, widen their knowledge of terminology relating to their specialization, and learn some academic skills (presentations, CVs, letters of application, notetaking, summary writing, etc.) in German. Teaching methods self study Assessment methods A) written part: 1. abstract (500-800 words) or 2. article in a journal B) oral part: 1. dialogue with the examinator about the topic of the project (30 min.) or 2. presentation (international conference) or 3. C1 certificate Learning outcomes The students will be able: - to understand an academic test; - to write an academic test; - to speak about their dissertation; - to discuss an academic topic. Syllabus Topics: Wissen und Können; Was ist Wissen?; Vom Wissen zum Können; Lernen und Gedächtnis; Gefühle, Emotionen; Arbeiten international; Wege ins Ausland; Literature recommended literature PERLMANN-BALME, Michaela and Susanne SCHWALB. Em Hauptkurs Deutsch als Fremdsprache für die Mittelstufe. 1. Aufl. Ismaning: Max Hueber Verlag, 1997. 167 s. ISBN 3-19-001600-3. EGGERS, Dietrich, Gabriele NEUF-MÜNKEL and Regine ROLAND. PNdS Training : Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung zum Nachweis deutscher Sprachkenntnisse.. Ismaning: Hueber, 1993. magnetof. ISBN 3190115255. not specified DANIELS, Albert. Mittelpunkt B2 : Deutsch als Fremdsprache für Fortgeschrittene.. 1. Aufl. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Sprachen, 2007. 192 s. ISBN 9783126766012. PdF:RCSZ_RJC1 Russian for PhD Studies - C1 Předmět se nevypisuje! 7 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Mgr. Monika Ševečková, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Mgr. Kateryna Hertlová (lecturer) Mgr. Monika Ševečková, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives The AIM of this course is to verify that the student has at least a CEF C1 level of Russian in ACADEMIC WRITING and SPEAKING. Teaching methods There are self-study materials, a bibliography and instructions for the student to consult.. Assessment methods The WRITTEN PART of the exam can take one of the following forms (for which the student will submit): A) an EXTENDED ABSTRACT whereby the original text should be 500-800 words long (without citations) and respect the following structure: •1) theme related to specialization •2) current state (of the research) and statement of limitations •3) methodology •4) results •5) discussion •6) bibliography B) the THESIS of the dissertation or a related PROJECT (depending on the phase of study) in the length of 1000-1500 words and following this structure: •1) theme, defining the limits of the issue and key concepts •2) theoretical background •3) summary of the current state of knowledge/research •4) methodology •5) preliminary results •6) expected or final results •7) discussion •8) bibliography C)an ACADEMIC PAPER written by the student for publication in an academic journal D) proof of MASTER'S STUDIES in Russian The ORAL PART of the exam can take one of the following forms: A) INTERVIEW with the examiner on a given topic (c. 30 min.) B) submitting a certificate/proof of having given a PRESENTATION in Russian at an international conference C) submitting a C1 (CEFR) level CERTIFICATE (in general or specialized Russian) D) submitting proof of MASTER'S STUDIES in Russian 11 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Learning outcomes The student will be able to analyze and interprete specialized texts and topic, identify and summarize the text. Will be able to speak independently and discuss specialized topics, write an essay. Syllabus This is a COURSE CODE meant ONLY for RECOGNITION of LANGUAGE LEVEL. The student may choose one of the forms described in the ASSESSMENT METHODS AND CRITERIA (see the section below) to fulfill both the WRITING part and SPEAKING part). There is NO class participation component. Literature Иванов П.И. Методика написания рефератов, Саратов 2000 Матюхина Н.В. Методика подготовки эссе по заданной теме, Москва 2009 PdF:SPDA001 Inclusive Special Education 8 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. Teacher(s) prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (seminar tutor) Course objectives The aim of the course is to further deepen and gain new knowledge about issues of inclusion in the current educational system in the Czech Republic and its comparison with selected educational systems in other coun- tries. Furthermore, the course focuses on deepening of theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for successful organization of the environment and teaching strategies in inclusive classrooms with pupils with special educational needs. At the end of this course the student will be able understand complex issues of inclusive education, special education and social inclusion. The student will be able to characterize different domains of individual educational plan (IEP) and recommend special education approaches for pupils with special educational needs. Teaching methods Individual study and readings. Assessment methods Elaborate one question from general questions of inclusive special education and one question from the specialization with regard to specific age group and type of disability – approx. 10 to 15 pages (A4). Learning outcomes • Use of knowledge in the field of special education with the focus on inclusion, inclusive education and social inclusion gained mainly from international sources • Explain the terms connected with special education with the focus on inclusion, inclusive education and social inclusion • Apply knowledge of the field of special education and education in context of historical development and current state of the discipline • Know fundamental theoretical concepts and methods which represent the significant aspects of the field of study in national and international context • Make use of special education methods (diagnostic and educational) • Effectively apply supportive measures to the interventions with people with special needs • Make full use of the knowledge related to the inclusive special education in own dissertation project. Syllabus BASIC TOPICS • Inclusion and inclusive education in national and international literature • Participation and social inclusion • Current trends in support of individuals with special needs from developmental point of view • Framework conditions for inclusive education of pupils with special education needs in the Czech Republic and abroad • Current legislature of inclusive education in the Czech Republic • Educational and psychological counselling services SPECIALIZED TOPICS: • Early intervention • Education of children with special needs in preschool settings • Functional deficits in preschool age and readiness for school attendance • Education of pupils with special needs in inclusive primary school settings • Education of pupils with severe and multiple disabilities in special school settings • Pre-professional, professional, and socio-professional preparation of students based on their disability • Adult and lifelong education from special education perspective 12 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Literature required literature BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava. Approaches to students with learning disorders in inclusive school environment. 1st ed. Brno: Masaryk University, 2014. 163 s. ISBN 9788021071100. BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava, Marie VÍTKOVÁ and Martin VRUBEL. Inclusion in Education for Students with Special Educational Needs from the Perspective of Research. Petr Kovařík. 1st Edition. Brno: Masaryk University, 2014. 161 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-7152-0. BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava, Marie VÍTKOVÁ and Martin VRUBEL. Inclusion in Education for Students with Special Educational Needs from the Perspective of Research. Petr Kovařík. 1st Edition. Brno: Masaryk University, 2014. 161 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-7152-0. recommended literature KRATOCHVÍLOVÁ, Jana and Jiří HAVEL. Index for Inclusion in the Czech Primary Schools. Teachers SelfEvaluation in Primary Schools. Research. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012. 124 pp. ISBN 978-80- 210-5931-3. AINSCOW, Mel, Alan DYSON, Tony BOOTH and Peter FARRELL. Improving schools, developing inclusion. New York: Routledge, 2006. vi, 218. ISBN 9780415372794. PdF:SPDA002 Methodology 1 10 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor doc. PhDr. Karel Pančocha, Ph.D., M.Sc. Teacher(s) doc. PhDr. Karel Pančocha, Ph.D., M.Sc. (lecturer) Mgr. Lenka Slepičková, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives The aim of the course is to acquire the methodological knowledge and procedures used in special education (selected methods and techniques of qualitative research, quantitative research, mixed methods research design) and acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for the elaboration of the dissertation. Students will acquire skills for writing professional text according to IMRAD rules. Attention will be paid to the preparation of literature review study and subsequently to case study research methods and single subject research design, which are often used in special education research. Teaching methods Seminar, project consultation. Assessment methods Submit a research plan defining the research field, the research objective, methods and techniques. Submit a review of three methodological books of your choice with focus of own research plan. Prepare a literature review paper on the topic of own dissertation research and offer it for publication in a professional journal. Oral exam in the form of a discussion on the dissertation project and its methodological plan. Participation in a of three-day intensive methodological workshop (compulsory only for full-time students). Learning outcomes A successful graduate is able to: - Describe the most commonly used research methods in special education - Develop own dissertation research plan - Develop a literature review paper on the topic of own dissertation research - Write scientific text according to IMRAD rules - Use the acquired methodological knowledge for independent research work within the frame of dissertation thesis Syllabus Content: Definition of research topic, problem and questions in the field of special education Research proposal as a communication tool and researcher's plan Justification of the relevance of the research problem Search of resources in national and international databases Ethical aspects of research in special education Specific issues of research in special education Topics of qualitative and quantitative research methods Mixed methods research design Literature review and its elaboration for the purpose of the dissertation Case study and its use in special education Single-subject design research Secondary analysis and unobtrusive research techniques Principles of presentation of research findings in professional texts Practical, legal, political and ethical issues of research in special education 13 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Literature required literature YIN, Robert K. Case study research and applications : design and methods. Sixth edition. Los Angeles: Sage, 2018. xxx, 319. ISBN 9781506336169. THOMAS, Gary. How to do your case study : a guide for students and researchers. 1st ed. Los Angeles: Sage, 2011. xi, 231. ISBN 9780857025623. Single case research methodology : applications in special education and behavioral sciences. Edited by David L. Gast - Jennifer R. Ledford. Second edition. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014. xix, 415. ISBN 9780415827911. MERTENS, Donna M. and John A. MCLAUGHLIN. Research and evaluation methods in special education. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press, 2004. xiv, 275. ISBN 0761946535. THOMAS, Gary. How to do your research project : a guide for students in education and applied social sciences. 2nd ed. London: Sage, 2013. xix, 307. ISBN 9781446258873. recommended literature CLOUGH, Peter and Cathy NUTBROWN. A student's guide to methodology : justifying enquiry. 3rd ed. London: Sage, 2012. xv, 269. ISBN 9781446208625. CRESWELL, John W. A concise introduction to mixed methods research. Los Angeles: Sage, 2015. xiv, 132. ISBN 9781483359045. KRIPPENDORFF, Klaus. Content analysis : an introduction to its methodology. Fourth edition. Los Angeles: Sage, 2019. xiv, 451. ISBN 9781506395661. CRESWELL, John W. and Cheryl N. POTH. Qualitative inquiry & research design : choosing among five approaches. Fourth edition. Los Angeles: SAGE, 2018. xxv, 459. ISBN 9781506361178. POTH, Cheryl N. Innovation in mixed methods research : a practical guide to integrative thinking with complexity. First published. Los Angeles: Sage, 2018. xxxiii, 34. ISBN 9781473906693. MERRIAM, Sharan B. and Elizabeth J. TISDELL. Qualitative research : a guide to design and implementation. Fourth edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, a Wiley brand, 2016. xix, 346. ISBN 9781119003618. BAKKER, Arthur. Design research in education : a practical guide for early career researchers. First published. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. xxii, 290. ISBN 9781138574489. MANNAY, Dawn. Visual, narrative and creative research methods : application, reflection and ethics. First published. and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016. ix, 152. ISBN 9781138024328. ESTERBERG, Kristin G. Qualitative methods in social research. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2002. xv, 256. ISBN 9780767415606. PdF:SPDA003 Philosophy of Education 5 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor Mgr. Hana Řehulková, Ph.D. Teacher(s) Mgr. Hana Řehulková, Ph.D. (lecturer) prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (lecturer) Course objectives Think about the deeper issues of education and training, mainly relating to current issues of their profession. Teaching methods seminar Assessment methods Seminar work. Learning outcomes A successful graduate is able to: • Apply rich knowledge of philosophy of training, sociology and education • Use and apply the knowledge in education of persons with special needs • Reflect the information about the science system and its development along with the research problems according to pedagogy and related areas • Combine the knowledge of philosophy of education with the knowledge of pedagogy, psychology and special education 14 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Syllabus 1. Philosophical questions in education 2. Philosophy of education and the educator 3. Philosophy of education and education in general 4. What are paradigms 5. Understanding of myths 6. History of the philosophy of education - the concept of a man and education 7. Antiquity (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle) 8. Middle Ages (Aurelius Augustinus, Thomas Aquinas) 9. Modern Age (R. Descartes) 10. Philosophy of Education of J. A. Komenský 11. Contemporary world and education 12. Society of Knowledge - Theory of Miseducation (K. P. Liessmann) Literature The Wiley handbook of Paulo Freire. Edited by Carlos Alberto Torres. First published. Hoboken: Wiley Blackwell, 2019. xviii, 606. ISBN 9781119236719. REDMAN, Lena. Knowing with new media : a multimodal approach for learning. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. xxv, 276. ISBN 9789811313608. Wild pedagogies : touchstones for re-negotiating education and the environment in the anthropocene. Edited by Bob Jickling - Sean Blenkinsop - Nora Timmerman - Michael De Danann Si. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. xxxi, 140. ISBN 9783319901756. CALDECOTT, Stratford. Beauty for truth's sake : the re-enchantment of education. Edited by Ken Myers. Repackaged edition. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Brazos Press, 2017. 156 stran. ISBN 9781587434020. BECK, Ulrich. Politik in der Risikogesellschaft : Essays und Analysen. Edited by Oskar Lafontaine. 1. Aufl. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1991. 434 s. ISBN 3518383310. PdF:SPDA004 Psychology of Disability 5 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor prof. PhDr. Evžen Řehulka, CSc. Teacher(s) prof. PhDr. Evžen Řehulka, CSc. (lecturer) prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (lecturer) Course objectives The course provides students with knowledge about the psychological issues associated with illness and disability and in the psychology of disability. The course is using approaches from a number of theoretical and practical disciplines, especially medicine (psychiatry, neurology and other medical fields) and focuses on special education and psychology with the emphasis on supporting people with disabilities in their daily life. Teaching methods Theoretical presentations. Assessment methods Written exam. Learning outcomes After completing the course, the student will be able to: • Explain basic concepts of psychology of disability, pathopsychology, psychopathology focused on special education and the need of professionals in helping professions • Know basic categories related to challenging and stressful life situations • Know relations between physical and mental disorders and qualitative abnormalities related to cognition and personality Syllabus 1. Definition of the subject matter. Psychology of disability, pathopsychology and psychopathology 2. Norm, normality and abnormality. Models of abnormal behavior. 3. Health and illness. 4. Etiology and pathogenesis of mental disorders. 5. Challenging life situations. Deprivation, frustration, conflict, trauma, crisis, and stress. 6. Coping with challenging and stressful situations. Coping strategies. 7. Mental health and personal lifestyle. Prevention and resilience. 8. Quality of life. 9. Description and classification of disorders of mental functions focusing on consciousness, attention, perception, cognition and intelligence, emotions and motivation, volition, instincts and personality. Emphasis is placed on psychological, educational and social perspectives. Literature required literature WEIS, Robert. Introduction to abnormal child and adolescent psychology. 3 edition. Los Angeles: Sage, 2018. 15 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA xxviii, 65. ISBN 9781506339764. Oxford textbook of psychopathology. Edited by Theodore Millon - Paul H. Blaney - Roger Dale Davis. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. xii, 732. ISBN 0195103076. PdF:SPDA005 Disorders of mental development 5 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor prof. PhDr. Evžen Řehulka, CSc. Teacher(s) prof. PhDr. Evžen Řehulka, CSc. (lecturer) prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (lecturer) Course objectives This course follows and extends the course Psychology of disability. The course focuses on students understanding of etiology and pathogenesis of mental disorders and description and classification of mental disorders with emphasis on consciousness, cognitive processes, memory and attention, emotions, intelligence, volition, instincts, behavior, motivation and personality. Emphasis is placed on the psychological, educational and social perspectives of the issues. Teaching methods Theoretical presentations. Assessment methods Written exam. Learning outcomes After completing the course, students will be able to: • know the characteristics of personality disorders of children, youth and adults • understand the negative effects of social environment in the development of mental disorders • use relevant professional literature in the field of psychology Syllabus 1. Psychology of disability, the psychological issues of individuals with disabilities and their mental functions as related to various types of physical and mental disabilities. 2. Somatic disease as a psychological problem. Subjective perception of disease. 3. Disorders and diseases of the nervous system and their psychological consequences. Epilepsy. Cerebral palsy. 4. Visual, auditory, physical disabilities, impaired communication skills. 5. Dementia and mental retardation. Schizophrenia and pervasive developmental disorders. 6. Anxiety and post-traumatic disorders. 7. Affective disorders. Eating disorders. 8. Disorders of dsexuality. 9. Self-harm and suicide. Personality disorders. Literature SIMS, Andrew C. P. Symptoms in the mind : an introduction to descriptive psychopathology. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2003. ix, 451. ISBN 0702026271. A casebook in abnormal psychology : from the files of experts. Edited by Richard P. Halgin - Susan Krauss Whitbourne. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. vi, 292. ISBN 9780195092981. CARSON, Robert C., James Neal BUTCHER and Susan MINEKA. Abnormal psychology and modern life. 10th ed. New York: Longman, 1998. xxii, 700. ISBN 0-321-01681-5. HOLMES, David. Abnormal psychology. New York: Harper Collins publishers, 1991. xx, 641. ISBN 0060428724. PdF:SPDA006 An abroad internship 5 credits, type of completion z (credit), course guarantor doc. PhDr. Věra Vojtová, Ph.D. Teacher(s) prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (lecturer) doc. PhDr. Věra Vojtová, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives The course is intended for students of doctoral studies with the aim of gaining experience and professional contacts from foreign universities and institutions. The purpose is to deepen the knowledge related to the preparation of the dissertation or the experience of research in the international team; deepening of professional and linguistic skills. Teaching methods Teaching methods depend on the type of programme and the conditions of the hosting institution. It includes lectures, theoretical preparation, seminars, individual preparation under professional guidance, lectures, presentations, work on a dissertation project. 16 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Assessment methods The subject is terminated by credit. Consultation with the trainer is required before going abroad. Learning outcomes The student will expand his expertise in special and inclusive pedagogy in interdisciplinary contexts abroad. It will increase his competences in the areas of cooperation on scientific projects, presentation of his own research in the international pedagogical area of work. Student will get acquainted with the teaching system applied in other countries; contacts with the prospect of possible cooperation in the future. Syllabus A foreign internship can be filled with different forms and more activities. The total stay abroad is at least 7 weeks. Longer-term study stays and erasmus+ work placements are preferred. Foreign conferences, international projects of a research nature, foreign summer schools, etc. are also possible. Literature recommended literature Stacie Nevadomski Berdan: A Student Guide to Study Abroad,Institute of International Education (August 23, 2013) Internationalisation of higher education and global mobility. Edited by Bernhard Streitwieser. Oxford: Symposium Books, 2014. 320 s. ISBN 9781873927427. BROOKS, Rachel and Johanna L. WATERS. Student mobilities, migration and the internationalization of higher education. First published. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. ix, 196. ISBN 9780230578449. FLEXER, Robert W. Transition planning for secondary students with disabilities. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008. xx, 442. ISBN 0132387638. Guidelines for Inclusion: Ensuring Access to Education for All. : Unesco, 2005. images/0014/001402/140224e.pdf not specified EVERY CHILD MATTERS: (2004) Change for Children in Schools. Ref. DfES/1089/2004, Nottingham: DfES Publications OECD (2011) Education at a Glance 2011: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing. Paris OECD. (2009) Education Today: The OECD Perspective. PARIS: OECD PUBLISHING. OECD. (2007) Students with Disabilities, Learning Difficulties and Disadvantages. PARIS: OECD PUBLISHING. OECD (2012) Equity and Quality in Education: Supporting Disadvantaged Students and Schools, OECD Publishing. Paris OECD. (2005) Guidelines for Inclusion: Ensuring Access to Education for All. PARIS: OECD PUBLISHING PdF:SPDA007 Methodology 2 15 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor doc. PhDr. Karel Pančocha, Ph.D., M.Sc. Teacher(s) doc. PhDr. Karel Pančocha, Ph.D., M.Sc. (lecturer) Mgr. Lenka Slepičková, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives The aim of the course is to deepen and expand the knowledge of the subject Methodology 1, especially in relation to the methodology and techniques that students will use in elaborating their dissertation research. Attention will also be paid to the presentation of research data and findings in the dissertation text itself. In the field of qualitative research, students will learn about the specifics that accompany entry into the environment to be researched, data collection and processing. In quantitative data analysis, students will be able to work with statistical sets, statistical unit, measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) and measures of variance (range, variance, standard deviation). Students should be able to distinguish and use parametric and non-parametric statistical tests and perform basic inferential statistics operations. They will learn to work with basic functions in a statistical software (STATISTICA, SPSS). Students will also gain experience in presenting research findings at a public forum (professional conference). Teaching methods Seminar, partial elaboration of the dissertation text. Assessment methods Presentation of the methodological chapter of the dissertation and discussion on the way of data processing and analysis. Consultation of the first results of own dissertation research. Presentation of the first dissertation results at a public forum (professional conference). Learning outcomes A successful graduate is able to: - reflect in their own research the specifics that accompany the entry into the environment to be researched, 17 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA data collection and processing, as well as the presentation of research findings in special education - use data collection and processing techniques to be used in their dissertation research - present research data and findings in the dissertation text - present their own research findings at a national or international conference Syllabus Content areas Entry into the environment to be researched and relationship with informants as a key moment of qualitative research Theoretical saturation and constant comparison method Theoretical sensitivity and sources of theoretical sensitivity Analysis of qualitative data and outputs from qualitative research Procedures for processing quantitative data, including the use of statistical methods Basics of work with statistical software SPSS or STATISTICA Procedures for processing mixed research data Principles of presentation of research findings at a professional conference Literature required literature Rumrill, P. D., Cook, B. G., & Wiley, A. L. (Eds.). (2011). Research in special education: Designs, methods, and applications. Charles C Thomas Publisher. Bruce, S., & Pine, G. (2010). Action research in special education. Columbia University: Teacher Collage Kratochwill, T. R., & Levin, J. R. (2014). Single-case intervention research: Methodological and statistical advances. American Psychological Association. recommended literature CHARMAZ, Kathy. Constructing grounded theory. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Sage, 2014. xxi, 388. ISBN 9780857029133. Creswel, J. W. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Fifth edition. Los angeles: University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Delamont, S. Fieldwork in educational settings: Methods, pitfalls and perspectives. Psychology Press, 2002. Louis, C., Lawrence, M., & Keith, M. (2007). Research methods in education. New York: Routledge. PdF:SPDA008 Professional Orientation in the Field of Study 5 credits, type of completion k (colloquium), course guarantor prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. Teacher(s) doc. PhDr. Mgr. Barbora Bazalová, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. Mgr. Pavel Beneš, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. PhDr. Ilona Bytešníková, Ph.D. (lecturer) Mgr. et Mgr. Karel Červenka, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. MUDr. Petr Kachlík, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. PaedDr. Jiřina Klenková, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. PhDr. Mgr. Dagmar Opatřilová, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. PhDr. Karel Pančocha, Ph.D., M.Sc. (lecturer) prof. PhDr. Evžen Řehulka, CSc. (lecturer) prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (lecturer) doc. PhDr. Věra Vojtová, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives Purpose of study Preparation for the scientists research and training activities in special pedagogy - speech therapy, hearing impairments, intelectual disabilities, physical disabilities, visual impairments, behavioral disordrs or specific learning disabilities. Upon successful completion of this course the student will be prepared for research and professional activities in various fields of special education. The aim of the course is to provide orientation for students in their field of study and in the research community. It fulfills the function of control, it allows supervisors to evaluate how student progress with the dissertation. Teaching methods Theoretical training, graduation internship. Assessment methods Evaluation during the study in the SAA The evaluation of scientific work is carried out according to the student study and Examination Regulations for students of doctoral study programs, termly (assessed by means of colloquia supervisor, write to IS) In case of a positive assessment of the scientific work semester the student writes to the next semester (registration objects to the IS in line with the schedule and MU according to the individual student's plan). 18 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Learning outcomes The semestral evaluation of research work by the supervisor • Publishing activity, teaching activity • Participation of educational events, conferences (including foreign background) • Presentation of partial research outcomes in special education and special andragogy at the conferences for doctoral students in the Czech Republic and abroad • An internship in research institution in the Czech Republic and abroad Syllabus During the study, the student is monitored in the following areas: 1. List of published works, appearances to the active scientific conferences, internships abroad, etc. 2. Present a list of consulted literature of special education and related disciplines (pedagogy, psychology, medical disciplines) 3. The scientific debate to present a comprehensive overview of the basic professional in the field of special education in their disciplines border 4. To specify the range of personal professional interests of specially selected educational discipline 5. Present proposals planned research project to demonstrate knowledge in the area of methodology, in particular related to the research project dissertation 6. Prove the conditions for independent scientific and research activities. This subject is linked to the methodological and optional subjects, which are connected with the dissertation. The specific content of the course content provides the supervisor. Literature required literature Understanding physical, health, and multiple disabilities / Kathryn Wolff Heller ... [et al.] Upper Saddle River : Merrill/Pearson, c2009 HEWARD, William L. Exceptional children : an introduction to special education. Tenth edition. Harlow: Pearson, 2014. ii, 664. ISBN 9781292022024. Disability and public health. Edited by Charles E. Drum - Gloria L. Krahn - Hank A. Bersani. Washington, D.C.: American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 2009. viii, 212. ISBN 9780875531915. Dictionary of special education and rehabilitation. Edited by Glenn A. Vergason - M. L. Anderegg. 4th ed. Denver: Love Publishing Company, 1997. xi, 210. ISBN 0891082433. PdF:SPDA009 Dissertation Preparation 15 credits, type of completion k (colloquium), course guarantor prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. Teacher(s) doc. PhDr. Mgr. Barbora Bazalová, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. Mgr. Pavel Beneš, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. PhDr. Ilona Bytešníková, Ph.D. (lecturer) Mgr. et Mgr. Karel Červenka, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. MUDr. Petr Kachlík, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. PaedDr. Jiřina Klenková, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. PhDr. Mgr. Dagmar Opatřilová, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. PhDr. Karel Pančocha, Ph.D., M.Sc. (lecturer) prof. PhDr. Evžen Řehulka, CSc. (lecturer) prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (lecturer) doc. PhDr. Věra Vojtová, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives Main objectives can be summarized as follows: searching special literature; scheduling and realization research; evaluation and delivery of opinion scientific piece of knowledge female former Dissertation thesis. The aim of the course is to keep students to study issues related to dissertation and to translate the results into the dissertation. It fulfills the function of control, it allows supervisors to evaluate how student progress with the dissertation. Teaching methods Lecture. Assessment methods Consultation, handover Dissertation thesis,credit. Learning outcomes The supervisor provides the evaluation of the certain parts of the dissertation theses • Formulate thesis of the dissertation or rigorous theses which substitutes for the formulation of the thesis • Be able to make a full use of theory of special education concerning the formulation of theoretical part of the dissertation theses • Reflect the educational practice in the dissertation theses • Be able to fully use and apply information from the methodology in processing the research project of the 19 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA dissertation theses – be able to define recommendation for special educational theory and practice Syllabus The basic workconception: warp Dissertation thesis, workstudy special literature; literature scheduling; research realization and research evaluation; conjectures delivery of opinion results by the help of Dissertation thesis. This subject is linked to the methodological and optional subjects, which are connected with the dissertation. The specific content of the course content provides the supervisor. Literature PUNCH, Keith. Introduction to social research : quantitative & qualitative approaches. 3rd ed. Los Angeles: SAGE, 2014. xvi, 386. ISBN 9781446240939. PUNCH, Keith. Developing effective research proposals. 2nd ed. London: Sage, 2012. ix, 164. ISBN 9781412921251. PdF:SPDA010 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Addictology 10 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor doc. MUDr. Petr Kachlík, Ph.D. Teacher(s) doc. MUDr. Petr Kachlík, Ph.D. (lecturer) prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (lecturer) Course objectives A successful graduate is able to: • To develop understanding of problematics of the addictive substances and behaviour and its effect of the human organism • Express the knowledge of types of addiction, diagnostics criteria and preventive treatment • Develop the information about the first aid concerning the skills and providing • Gain the relevant information about drug epidemiology and school primary prevention of social pathology Teaching methods Lecture with lots of difficult interpretation of the substance, theoretical preparation of the recommended print and electronic information sources. Feedback - the audience response during a lecture or in consultation hours. Assessment methods Type of teaching: lecture. Type of exam: written test in the range of 30 questions from discussed issues (see circuit below). Answers are offered a closed form is just a good few of those. The successful completion of the course is to be achieved at least 50% correct answers. Lessons are held weekly, the subject is taught 1 semester. Themes for the written test: 1st Basic terminology. 2nd History of drug use. 3rd Drug Addiction (the concept, classification, examples, criteria, career addict, experimenter, user dependent, development of drug dependence in time). 4th Effects involved in the formation of drug dependence (four-member model: Starters, drug, personality, environment. The significance of individual components). 5th Warning signs of incipient drug addiction (what you may notice parents, teachers, friends, coworkers, possible, probable and certain signs of drug abuse). 6th The most important groups of abused substances and drug-occurrence, appearance, effects, risks, addiction (alcohol, tobacco, types of alcohol, stimulants, dance drugs, opiates, other means of silencing than opiates, hemp products, hallucinogens, sniffing volatile substances, addictive behavior, virtual drugs). 7th Epidemiology (methods of monitoring the drug problem, prevalence, incidence, describe, epidemiological studies, their significance and types). 8th The development and current state of the drug scene in the Czech Republic and the world (the vulnerable population groups and regions, extended types of drugs, trends). 9th Options-intervention counseling and drug treatment (strategies and systems advice, treatment and prevention of pathological addiction, including alcoholism and tobacco smoking, state and non-governmental organizations dealing with treatment, prevention and rehabilitation). 10th First Aid for the addictive substance intoxication (acute drug intoxication, the main symptoms and procedures, resuscitation, shock). 11th Criminal responsibility and the current legislation in narcotic and psychotropic substances (production, possession, distribution, consumption, less than a small amount, penalties, legal standards and provisions, criminal and Construction Act). 12th Corporate and individual hazards of drugs). 13th Medical use of certain drugs (controlled drug use in medicine lege artis, Drug addiction, dependence of everyday life). 14th Other sources of information about drugs (professional and nonfiction literature, electronic media, inc. Internet. Collection, sorting, evaluating and using information obtained). 20 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Learning outcomes After completing the course, the student will know the basic concepts of addictology and epidemiology, types and effects of addictive substances on the organism. Students will know basic types of addictive behavior, causes, symptoms and types of addiction, possibilities of its treatment and prevention. Student will know basic legislation related to addictology. They will be able to enumerate the risky and preventive factors of drug addiction, the possibilities of prevention and treatment. The student will know examples of good and bad preventive strategies and possibilities of preventive action in school and family. Syllabus Basic terminology History of drug abuse Drug addiction, factors participating on origin of drug addiction, high signs of originating drug addiction The most important substances and groups of drugs Drug epidemiology, development and current situation of the drug scene in the Czech Republic and around the world Ways of intervention - counseling and cure of drug addiction First aid for intoxication from addictive substances Criminal liability and current legislation in the field of narcotic and psychotropic substances Social and individual dangerousness of drugs. Literature required literature Substance abuse :a comprehensive textbook. Edited by Joyce H. Lowinson. Fourth edition. 1 online r. ISBN 9780781734745. Guidelines for the treatment of drug dependence : a European perspective. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2011. 23 s. ISBN 9789291684908. Addiction medicine. Edited by Noeline Latt. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. xxxi, 459. ISBN 9780199539338. Addictive behaviors : new readings on etiology, prevention, and treatment. Edited by G. Alan Marlatt - Katie Witkiewitz. 1st ed. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2009. xii, 778. ISBN 1433804026. Principles of addiction medicine. Edited by Richard K. Ries - David A. Fiellin - Shannon C. Miller - Richard Saitz. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009. xxix, 1570. ISBN 9780781774772. Introduction to addictive behaviors. Edited by Dennis L. Thombs. 3rd ed. New York: Guilford Press, 2006. xiii, 322. ISBN 1593852789. WASHTON, Arnold M. Cocaine addiction : treatment, recovery, and relapse prevention. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1989. vii, 243. ISBN 0393307158. PdF:SPDA011 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Special andragogy 10 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor doc. PhDr. Karel Pančocha, Ph.D., M.Sc. Teacher(s) doc. PhDr. Karel Pančocha, Ph.D., M.Sc. (lecturer) prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (lecturer) Course objectives The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of Special Andragogy and to include it in the historical, social and scientific context. Emphasis will be placed on the creation of a broad knowledge base on the subject and a thorough knowledge of special andragogic categories such as adults with disabilities, education of adults with disabilities, social status of people with disabilities, human capital, etc. Further, to deepen and broaden the knowledge and skills related to the practical aspects of the lives of adults with disabilities, the possibilities of supporting their development within the framework of comprehensive rehabilitation, lifelong learning, re-education and retraining, labor inclusion and social inclusion. This knowledge will be linked with knowledge from other disciplines (sociology, psychology, psychiatry, social work, etc.) and compared with the situation abroad. Teaching methods self-study, individual consultation Assessment methods Preparation of a semestral project with educational, interventional or therapeutical themes and its practical application in adults with disabilities. Active collaboration with selected target group/selected organization. Teaching in subject specialization: special andragogy in two semesters. Learning outcomes A successful graduate is able to: • Apply rich knowledge of the field Special andragogy concerning the historical, social and scientific context • Develop knowledge of the field and special educational categories, e.g. adult person with impairment, education of adults with impairment, social status of people with impairment, human capital etc. 21 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA • Express the knowledge and ability of practical aspects of life of adults with impairment, possibilities of support of their development concerning the complex rehabilitation, lifelong education, re-education and requalification, work and social inclusion • Combine gained information with knowledge from other disciplines (sociology, psychology, social work) and be able of the comparison with the situation in foreign countries Syllabus Special andragogy as a scientific and practical discipline, Methodology of special andragogy, Adult with disability, From education to guidance of adults with disabilities, professionals in education of adults with SEND, Communication and interaction of/with adults with SEND, Methods and approaches in special andragogy, Education of adults with SEND, social dimension of SNE education, quality of life od adults with SEND. Literature KNOWLES, Malcolm S., Elwood F. HOLTON and Richard A. SWANSON. The adult learner : the definitive classic in adult education and human resource development. Eighth edition. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015. xiv, 387. ISBN 9780415739016. KNOWLES, Malcolm S., Elwood F. HOLTON and Richard A. SWANSON. The adult learner : the definitive classic in adult education and human resource development. 7th ed. London: Routledge, 2012. xii, 389. ISBN 9781856178112. BÉLANGER, Paul R. Theories in adult learning and education. Opladen: Barbara Budrich publishers, 2011. 106 stran. ISBN 9783866493629. Adult education : the response to global crisis strengths and chalenges of the profession. Edited by Snežana Medić - Regina Ebner - Katarina Popović. Belgrade: Department of Pedagogy and Andragogy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, 2010. 359 s. ISBN 9788682019633. JARVIS, Peter. Adult education and lifelong learning : theory and practice. 4th edition. London: Routledge, 2010. xiv, 338. ISBN 9780415494816. OLIVER, Esther. Research and development in adult education : fields and trends. Opladen: Barbara Budrich, 2010. 135 s. ISBN 9783866493049. International encyclopedia of adult education. Edited by Leona M. English. First published in paperback. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. xiv, 750. ISBN 9781403917355. MERRIAM, Sharan B., Rosemary S. CAFFARELLA and Lisa BAUMGARTNER. Learning in adulthood : a comprehensive guide. 3rd ed. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, 2007. xvi, 533. ISBN 9780787975883. ELIAS, John L. and Sharan B. MERRIAM. Philosophical foundations of adult education. 3rd ed. Malabar: Krieger Publishing Company, 2005. xii, 286. ISBN 1575242540. Dimensions of adult learning : adult education and training in a global era. Edited by Griff Foley. 1st pub. Maidenhead: Open University Press, 2004. xv, 335. ISBN 0335214487. ROGERS, Jennifer. Adults learning. 4th ed. Buckingham: Open University Press, 2001. 225 s. ISBN 0335206778. PdF:SPDA012 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Education of individuals with social-pathological phenom 10 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor doc. PhDr. Věra Vojtová, Ph.D. Teacher(s) prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (lecturer) doc. PhDr. Věra Vojtová, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives After completing this course, students should be able to: understand and explain the context of inclusive and resiliency in the approach to behavioral disorders in child- hood; use this knowledge to analytical and comparative studies of the phenomenon in school and institutional practice; to create the concept of the research study; submit a reasoned assumptions of its outputs. 22 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Teaching methods Lectures,homeworks,Internship, discussions,presentations. Assessment methods The processing of the case studies, analysis of research studies; data presentation, teamwork on a research study. Oral exam. Learning outcomes A successful graduate is able to: • Gain information from the field Education of individuals with social-pathological phenomenon in behaviour • Understand the multidimensional and interdisciplinary context of development of behavioural disorders in childhood according to the life perspectives and the quality of life in adulthood • Apply the knowledge to the present practice of the specialization and connect with the research studies • Combine these concepts according to the international context • Make full use of gained knowledge into the research strategies in the specialization • To develop the conceptual systematic process of the research domain – 3S strategy (support, strengthen, share) in the intervention process of the specialization • Make use of knowledge into the practice together with the use of historical concepts and examples of good practice from the international school environment Syllabus Comparative studies in interdisciplinary context; The issue of behavioral disorders and its development in childhood in the context of inclusion and resiliency; Comparative analysis of research studies on a given topic; Support, reinforcement, guidance in the concept of the special needs of the target person and inclusive edu- cation; A comparative study of the approaches to education of children and youth at risk, with the behavioural problems or disorders in school and residential care systems from the interantional perspective. Literature required literature KAUFFMAN, James M. Characteristics of emotional and behavioral disorders of children and youth. 8th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson, 2005. xx, 522. ISBN 013111817X. LANE, Kathleen L., Frank M. GRESHAM and Tam E. O'SHAUGHNESSY. Interventions for children with or at risk for emotional and behavioral disorders. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2002. xviii, 334. ISBN 0205321828. recommended literature KAUFFMAN, James M. Cases in emotional and behavioral disorders of children and youth. Upper Saddle River: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2005. vi, 104. ISBN 0131185675. not specified YELL, Mitchell L., Nancy B. MEADOWS, Erik DRASGOW and James G. SHRINER. Evidence-based practices for educating students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Second edition. xxii, 442. ISBN 0132657996. JENNINGS, Sue. 101 ideas for managing challenging behaviour. Illustrated by George Johnson - Matyas Fazarkis. 1. vyd. Buckingham: Hinton House Publishers, 2013. xix, 160. ISBN 9781906531447. FARRELL, Michael. The effective teacher's guide to behavioural and emotional disorders : disruptive behaviour disorders, anxiety disorders, depressive disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2011. 128 s. ISBN 9780415565684. COULTAS, Valerie. Constructive talk in challenging classrooms : strategies for behaviour management and talk-based tasks. 1st pub. London: Routledge, 2007. viii, 166. ISBN 9780415403436. CONNOR, Daniel F. Aggression and antisocial behavior in children and adolescents : research and treatment. Edited by Russell A. Barkley. New York: Guilford Press, 2002. xv, 480. ISBN 1572307382. PdF:SPDA013 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Speech therapy 10 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor doc. PhDr. Ilona Bytešníková, Ph.D. Teacher(s) doc. PhDr. Ilona Bytešníková, Ph.D. (lecturer) PhDr. Barbora Chleboradová, Ph.D. (lecturer) prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (lecturer) Course objectives The aim is to extend the knowledge of speech therapy, link them with other disciplines - hearing impairments, intelectual disabilities, physical dissabilities, visual impairments including psychology and medical diciplines (neurology, ENT, phiniatrics). To deepen the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology and pathophysiology of disorders Communication with the children and people in adulthood. 23 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Teaching methods consultation Assessment methods essay, oral exam Learning outcomes the student's profit from the subject will be: • gaining knowledge from the field of speech therapy and their functional interconnection with the knowledge of key collaborative special pedagogical disciplines, medical disciplines and psychology • orientation in Czech and foreign literature - with regard to the chosen topic of dissertation • developing the ability to work with resources at the postgraduate level • strengthening competences in working with texts in a foreign language • development of presentation and argumentation skills in reflection with the supervisor. Syllabus GENERAL SPEECH THERAPY ISSUES -Speech therapy from a historical perspective, evaluation of the development of science and field of study in the 21st century. -Etiology and pathogenesis of impaired speech development. -Speech therapy in early intervention programs. -The education and support of pupil with impaired communication abilities in elementary school - in the context of inclusive education. -The role of speech therapy in comprehensive rehabilitation care provided to persons with acquired neurogenic communication disorders in adulthood and old age. -The current concept of speech intervention for children and pupils with special educational needs. -Alternative and augmentative communication - communication systems, conditions for implementation of new AAC systems for children, adolescents, adults, seniors. Literature JOHNSON, Maggie and Alison WINTGENS. The selective mutism : resource manual. Second edition. London: Speechmark, 2016. xvi, 337. ISBN 9781909301337. Handbook of child psychology and developmental science.. Edited by Lynn S. Liben - Ulrich Müller - Richard M. Lerner. Seventh edition. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2015. xxv, 1094. ISBN 9781118136782. MASH, Eric J. Abnormal child psychology. Edited by Eric J. Mash - David A. Wolfe. 5th ed. [United States?]: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2013. xx, 603. ISBN 9781133492610. PAPATHANASIOU, Ilias, Patrick COPPENS and Constantin POTAGAS. Aphasia and related neurogenic communication disorders. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013. xxiii, 505. ISBN 9780763771003. Cleft palate speech : assessment and intervention. Edited by Sara Howard - Anette Lohmander. First published. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. xv, 373. ISBN 9780470743300. PLUMMER, Deborah. Helping children to improve their communication skills : therapeutic activities for teachers, parents and therapists. Illustrated by Alice Harper. 1st publ. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2011. 174 s. ISBN 9781843109594. Progressive language impairments : intervention and management. Edited by Lyndsey Nickels - Karen Croot. Hove: Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2009. s. 124-326. ISBN 9781848727014. Language intervention strategies in aphasia and related neurogenic communication disorders. Edited by Roberta Chapey. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008. xvii, 1091. ISBN 9780781769815. Group treatment of neurogenic communication disorders : the expert clinician's approach. Edited by Roberta J. Elman. 2nd ed. San Diego, CA: Plural Pub., 2007. xvii, 366. ISBN 9781597560702. Child psychology. Edited by Brian Allen. 1st ed. Chandni Chowk, Delhi: Global Media, 2007. 1 v. (unpa. ISBN 9788189940409. MCMINN, Jill. Supporting children with speech and language impairment and associated difficulties : suggestions for supporting the development of language, listening, behaviour and co-ordination skills. 2nd ed. London: Continuum, 2006. 190 s. ISBN 0826491030. BASSO, Anna. Aphasia and its therapy. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. xviii, 317. ISBN 0195135873. BUCKLEY, Belinda. Children's communication skills : from birth to five years. First published. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2003. xxii, 255. ISBN 0415259940. PdF:SPDA014 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Education of individuals with visual impairment 10 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor doc. Mgr. Pavel Beneš, Ph.D. 24 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Teacher(s) doc. Mgr. Pavel Beneš, Ph.D. (lecturer) prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (lecturer) Mgr. Martin Vrubel, Ph.D. (lecturer) Course objectives The goal is to increase knowledge in specific areas of psychomotor development of the individual with visual impairments. Explore further methods of reeducation and compensation from the perspective the visual impairment. At the end of the course the student will understand well the problems of education in the field of visual impairment. Teaching methods Bookwork, homeworks. Assessment methods Additional requirements for testing: Case study (10 pages), including rehabilitation plan prepared (min. 2 pages). Learning outcomes A successful graduate is able to: • Adapt deep knowledge of the specifics of interventions with persons with visual impairment • Adapt special diagnostics skills and supportive methods • Focus and provide the support from early age to adulthood • Combine gained information with other disciplines – psychology, education of individuals with physical and hearing impairment, speech therapy and medical fields (ophthalmology, phoniatrics, otorhinolaryngology, neu- rology) • Demonstrate the ability of working with academic and expert literature concerning the specialization domain (including Czech and foreign literature, as well as electronic forms) • Make use of gained information in order to deliver a summary study • Write and form a case study according to the specialization domain; and be able to make a full use of knowledge from the specialization and pathopsychology Syllabus GENERAL QUESTIONS: • Developing the relationship of the visually impaired • Paradigma oftalmopedie under the paradigm of special education • Specificity psychomotoric development of individuals with visual impairment from the perspective of developmental stages Erikson and Piaget • Methods of compensation and reeducation of view oftal. • School issues in the field of visual disabilities • non-profit sector as one of the pillars komprehensivní rehabilitation of visually impaired (early care Tyfloservis, TyfloCentrum, SONS, LORM) • u Postproduktivní age individuals with visual impairment and their mobilization SPECIALIZATION HEADINGS: • Early intervention for children with visual impairment • Cooperation with family child visual impairment • binocular vision disorders in preschool children , reeducation • Specific teaching of blind and partially sighted pupils • visually impaired and the phenomenon of combined disability • Education of individuals deafblind. Literature ROMAN-LANTZY, Christine. Cortical visual impairment : an approach to assessment and intervention. Second edition. New York: AFB Press, American Foundation for the Blind, 2018. v, 260. ISBN 9780891286882. VRUBEL, Martin, Petra RÖDEROVÁ and Pavel BENEŠ. EDUCATION POLICY: INCLISIVE EDUCATION,SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION - Accessibility of Education for Students with Visual Impairment. Journal “EDUCATION“, Tbilisi: Sokhumi State Univerzity, 2018, 9-10, 9-10, p. 14-24. GREELEY, J. C. and Melinda Doyle MCCALL. Teaching life differently : the expanded core curriculum for babies and young children with visual impairment. Watertown: Perkins School for the Blind, 2018. 271 stran. ISBN 9781947954724. VRUBEL, Martin. Barriers for pupils with visual impairment in elementary schools - attitudes of school principals. 2014. VRUBEL, Martin. The educational system of people with visual impairment in the Czech Republic. 2014. VRUBEL, Martin. Visual impairment as a barrier to education in elementary schools - attitudes of school principals. 2014. PARKER, Victoria. I know someone with a visual impairment. Chicago, Illinois: Heinemann Library, 2011. 32 s. ISBN 9781432945787. 25 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Visual impairment in children due to damage to the brain. Edited by Gordon Dutton - Martin Bax. London: Mac Keith, 2010. xv, 352 p. ISBN 1898683867. Teaching pupils with visual impairment : a guide to making the school curriculum accessible. Edited by Ruth Salisbury. 1st publ. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008. xi, 159. ISBN 9781843123958. Teaching pupils with visual impairment : a guide to making the school curriculum accessible. Edited by Ruth Salisbury. 1st publ. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008. xi, 159. ISBN 9781843123958. NOVÁKOVÁ, Zita. Visual Impairment. In ŠIMONÍK, Oldřich and Marie VÍTKOVÁ. Pregraduate Teacher Training 2. Essay Selection.. 1. vyd. Brno: MSD, 2008. p. 123-127, 5 pp. pedagogická literatura. ISBN 978-80-7392-058- 6. WHITMAN STEINGOLD, Rita. Taking visual impairment to school. Illustrated by Tom Dineen. Plainview: JayJo Books, 2004. [30] s. ISBN 1891383272. Educating students who have visual impairments with other disabilities. Edited by Sharon Sacks - Rosanne K. Silberman. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes, 1998. xxiv, 519. ISBN 1557662800. PdF:SPDA015 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Education of individuals with mental impairment 10 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor doc. PhDr. Mgr. Barbora Bazalová, Ph.D. Teacher(s) doc. PhDr. Mgr. Barbora Bazalová, Ph.D. (lecturer) doc. PhDr. Mgr. Jarmila Pipeková, Ph.D. (lecturer) prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (lecturer) Course objectives To deepen the knowledge from psychopaedia and link them with the knowledge of other disciplines - psychology, sociology, medicine disciplines (psychiatry, neurology). Teaching methods Theoretical preparation, self-study. Assessment methods Process of seminar work in the range of 10 pages of a selected topic from the area of general psychopedic's questions and one topic of specialisation areas. Process of individual educational plan of student with in inclusive settings in kindergarten, elementary school. Teaching in the subject psychopaedia in 2 semesters. Project (range - 30 pages). Learning outcomes A successful graduate is able to: • Adapt deep knowledge of the specialization – Education of individuals with mental impairment • Adapt deep knowledge of the specialization – Autistic Spectrum Disorders • Combine gained information with other disciplines – psychology, sociology, medical fields (psychiatry, neu- rology) • Demonstrate the ability of working with academic and expert literature concerning the specialization domain (including Czech and foreign literature, as well as electronic forms) • Write and form a case study according to the specialization domain; and be able to make a full use of knowledge from the specialization and pathopsychology Syllabus GENERAL QUESTIONS: • The development of the attitude of society towards persons with intellectual disabilities. • Definition of categories of persons with intellectual disabilities, degree of disability. • The social dimension of intellectual disability. • The system of education of children, pupils and student with intellectual disabilities. • Special educational diagnosis in individuals with intellectual disabilities. • Therapy in special edcation care (hippotherapy, occupational therapy, animal assisted therapy, art therapy, drama therapy, method of basal stimulation etc.). • Current international trends in the field of supporting people with intellectual disabilities. • The issue of lifelong education of individuals with intellectual disabilities. SPECIALISATION AREA: • Characteristics of persons with intellectual disabilities, the impact of upbringing and education on the development of individuals with intellectual disabilities, their possibilites in the field of employability according to various degrees of disability, issues of adulthood. • Down syndrome, etiology, characteristics, possibilites of education and extracurricular activities, period of adulthood. • Autism, etiology, characteristics, educational opportunities according to individual forms. • Autism spectrum disorders, etiology, characteristics, possibilites of education, employment at various autism spectrum disorders. • Social services provided to persons with intellectual disabilities, development and prognosis of provided services in the social sphere. • Non-state facilities, possibilites of alternative care of people with intellectual disabilities throughout all life. Literature PIPEKOVÁ, Jarmila, Marie VÍTKOVÁ, Miroslava BARTOŇOVÁ, Karel PANČOCHA, Lenka SLEPIČKOVÁ, Evžen ŘEHULKA and Helena VAĎUROVÁ. Social Inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities. 1. dotisk 1. vyd. 26 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015. 217 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-7726-3. VÍTKOVÁ, Marie and Petr KOPEČNÝ. Strategies in the Education of Students with Severe Disabilities Extending into Young Adulthood. Petr Kovařík. 1. dotisk 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015. 192 pp. ISBN 978-80- 210-7194-0. BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava. Students with intellectual disability in inclusive education settings. 1st ed. Brno: Masaryk University, 2014. 173 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-6817-9. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-5. 5th ed. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2013. xliv, 947. ISBN 9780890425558. PAVLÍKOVÁ, Dana. Meeting with Asperger syndrome. In Univerzita obrany. Meeting with Asperger syndrome. Brno: Ing. Eva hájková, CSc., Mgr. Rita Vémolová, 2013. ISBN 978-80-7231-923-7. BAZALOVÁ, Barbora. Education of Students with Special Educational Needs Focused on Asperger Syndrome and High-functioning Autism. In Recenzovaný sborník příspěvků vědecké konference s mezinárodní účastí – Sapere Aude 2011. Hradec Králové. 1. vyd. Hradec Králové: MAGNANIMITAS, 2011. p. 111-119, 674 pp. ISBN 978-80-904877-2-7. 76&Itemid=82 DOWNING, June. Academic instruction for students with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities in inclusive classrooms. Edited by Diane Ryndak. Thousand Oaks: Corwin, 2010. xvii, 189. ISBN 9781412971423. BAZALOVÁ, Barbora and Radka VLČKOVÁ. Inclusion of a Student with Asperger's Syndrome. In Šimoník, O. (ed.) School and Talented Pupil. První vydání. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2010. p. 103-112, 10 pp. ISBN 978- 80-210-5350-2. Asperger syndrome and employmentwhat people with Asperger syndrome really really want. Edited by Sarah Hendrickx. Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2009. 149 p. ISBN 1843106779. BAZALOVÁ, B. Asperger Syndrome - Genius or Disability?. In Šimoník, O.; Vítková, M. and Šimoník, O.; Vítková, M. Education and Talent 1. MSD, spol. s.r.o. Brno: PdF MU, 2008. p. 61-69, 10 pp. Výzkumné zprávy číslo 2. ISBN 978-80-7392-033-3. Asperger syndrome and social relationshipsadults speak out about Asperger syndrome. Edited by Genevieve Edmonds - Luke Beardon. Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2008. 170 p. ISBN 1843106477. Planning and support for people with intellectual disabilities : issues for case managers and other professionals. Edited by Jim Mansell - Christine Bigby - Chris Fyffe - Elizabeth Ozanne. Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley, 2007. 308 s. ISBN 9780868409504. Psychiatric and behavioural disorders in intellectual and developmental disabilities. Edited by Nick Bouras Geraldine Holt. 2nd ed. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. xiv, 424. ISBN 9780521608251. Assessing adults with intellectual disabilities : a service providers' guide. Edited by James Hogg - Arturo Langa. Oxford: BPS Blackwell, 2005. ix, 253. ISBN 9781405102209. Mental health aspects of autism and Asperger Syndrome. Edited by Mohammad Ghaziuddin. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2005. 252 p. ISBN 1843107333. DREW, Clifford J. and Michael L. HARDMAN. Mental retardation : a lifespan approach to people with intellectual disabilities. 8th ed. Upper Saddle River: Merrill, 2004. xix, 424. ISBN 0131112163. RAPLEY, Mark. The social construction of intellectual disability. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004. xi, 246. ISBN 0521005299. PdF:SPDA016 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Specific learning difficulties 10 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor PhDr. Mgr. et Mgr. Bc. Ivana Márová, Ph.D. Teacher(s) PhDr. Mgr. et Mgr. Bc. Ivana Márová, Ph.D. (lecturer) prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (lecturer) Course objectives To expand knowledge in the field of specific learning disabilities, connect them with the didactics of the Czech language and mathematics at PRIMARY schools with regard to pupils with special educational needs, know the major theories, concepts and methods that are at the forefront of the knowledge industry, and in national and international context. Teaching methods Discussion, text search, survey 27 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Assessment methods Discussion on the basis of performance of assigned tasks. Learning outcomes A successful graduate is able to: • Adapt deep knowledge of the specialization • Combine gained information with didactics of Czech language, foreign language and math at primary school with the focus on pupils with special needs • Demonstrate the knowledge of theory, concepts and methods which are most relevant for the specialization in national and international context • Demonstrate the ability of working with academic and expert literature concerning the specialization domain (including Czech and foreign literature, as well as electronic forms) • Deliver specific interpretation of a pupil´s personality according to the learning preferences and strategies • Make use of gained information in order to deliver a summary study • Write and form a case study according to the specialization domain; and be able to make a full use of knowledge from the specialization and pathopsychology Syllabus Terminology - outcomes definition of learning disabilities, definitions, the manifestations of specific learning disorders A systemic approach to the disturbances of learning - a systemic and causal access, system thinking Specific learning disorders in the context of international comparison • The etiology of specific disorders of learning and behavior - dispositional causes of, influence of environment • A detailed analysis of symptomatiky ADD, ADHD (LMD). Deficits sub-functions • Secondary and primary consequences of behavioral disorders and specific learning disorders • Diagnostic and intervention approaches to the specific breakdowns learning • The system care students with specific learning disabilities in the CZECH republic • Inclusive education of students with specific learning disabilities, pupils ' attitudes to school and learning, the educational needs of pupils with specific learning disabilities • Study and professional orientation of pupils and students with learning disabilities (school, educators, the- rapists) • Manifestations of disorders of learning and behaviour personality development, the issue of adult individuals Specialized circuits The peculiarities of the psychological development of the individual with learning disabilities Resilience in a family and educational activity for the child with learning disabilities, parents as partners The principles of reeducation of care, intervention approaches, alternative methods Reeducation of dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthography, dyscalculia and other disorders of the SPU Cognitive processes in reflection of the personality of the individual with learning disabilities The position of foreign language in the education of students with learning disabilities Strategies and approaches in the inclusive education of individuals with specific learning disabilities Identification of needs-motivation, coping and success individuals with learning disabilities in the learning pro- cess Literature GRAY, Abigail. Effective differentiation : a training guide to empower teachers and enable learners with SEND and specific learning difficulties. First published. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. x, 179. ISBN 9781138502833. BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava. Approaches to students with learning disorders in inclusive school environment. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014. 164 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-7110-0. ROWE, Ann, Julie F. PACE and Karin TULCHINSKY COHEN. Creating effective programs for gifted students with learning disabilities. Waco, Tex.: Prufrock Press, 2013. xi, 236. ISBN 9781618210449. KAUFMAN, Scott Barry. Ungifted : intelligence redefined. New York, NY: Basic Books, 2013. xxiii, 397. ISBN 9780465025541. KORMOS, Judit and Anne Margaret SMITH. Teaching languages to students with specific learning differences. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2012. xii, 232. ISBN 9781847696205. PAGLIANO, Paul J. The multisensory handbook : a guide for children and adults with sensory learning disabilities. 1st pub. London: Routledge, 2012. x, 162. ISBN 9780415597548. Dyslexia : a practitioner's handbook. Edited by Gavin Reid. 4th ed. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. xx, 388. ISBN 9780470760406. Learning disabilities. Edited by Helen Edwards - Bob Gates - Helen Atherton. 5th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2007. xvii, 727. ISBN 9780443101984. REID, Gavin and Shannon GREEN. 100 ideas for supporting pupils with dyslexia. New York: Continuum, 2007. xi, 123. ISBN 9780826493989. 28 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA PdF:SPDA017 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Education of individuals with physical impairment 10 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. Teacher(s) doc. PhDr. Mgr. Dagmar Opatřilová, Ph.D. (lecturer) prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (lecturer) Course objectives The aim of the course is to widen the knowledge about intervention in individuals with physical impairment, special diagnostics and supportive measures. Furthermore, aimed the support from early age to adulthood. The course topics connect the knowledge from other fields, such as education of individuals with mental and visual impairment, speech disorders and other medical fields (neurology, physiotherapy, orthopaedics, psychiatry, ENT and ophatlmology). Teaching methods Consultation, self-study. Assessment methods Write up a seminar thesis in the extent of 10 – 15 pages concerning selected topic from the field of general questions. Learning outcomes A successful graduate is able to: • Adapt deep knowledge of the specifics of interventions with individuals with physical impairment • Adapt special diagnostics skills and supportive methods • Focus and provide the support from early age to adulthood • Combine gained information with other disciplines – education of individuals with mental and visual impairment, speech therapy, and medical fields (neurology, orthopaedics, psychiatry, otorhinolaryngology, phoniatrics, ophthalmology) • Demonstrate the ability of working with academic and expert literature concerning the specialization domain (including Czech and foreign literature, as well as electronic forms) Syllabus * General questions of education of individuals with physical impairment • Society approach towards individuals with physical (health) impairment • Categorization of individuals with physical impairment • Social dimension of physical impairment • Education of individuals with physical impairment in the Czech Republic • The picture of physical impairment in various stages of life • Special pedagogical diagnostics in individuals with physical impairment • Therapy in special educational practice (medical rehabilitation in individuals with central motor neurone disorder, occupational therapy, basal stimulation, hipotherapy). Literature BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava. Approaches to students with learning disorders in inclusive school environment. 1st ed. Brno: Masaryk University, 2014. 163 s. ISBN 9788021071100. BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava, Marie VÍTKOVÁ and Martin VRUBEL. Inclusion in Education for Students with Special Educational Needs from the Perspective of Research. Petr Kovařík. 1st Edition. Brno: Masaryk University, 2014. 161 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-7152-0. BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava, Marie VÍTKOVÁ and Martin VRUBEL. Inclusion in Education for Students with Special Educational Needs from the Perspective of Research. Petr Kovařík. 1st Edition. Brno: Masaryk University, 2014. 161 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-7152-0. DAVIS, Ronald W. Teaching disability sport : a guide for physical educators. 2nd ed. Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics, 2011. xxiv, 256. ISBN 9780736082587. HELLER, Kathryn Wolff. Understanding physical, health, and multiple disabilities. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River: Merrill/Pearson, 2009. xviii, 429. ISBN 9780132402736. KUDLÁČEK, Martin. Inclusion of children with physical disabilities in physical education, recreation and sport. 1st ed. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, 2008. 157 s. ISBN 9788024421568. FOWLER, Susan. Sensory stimulation : sensory-focused activities for people with physical and multiple disabilities. Edited by Hilary Johnson. Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007. 247 stran. ISBN 9781843104551. POPE, Pauline M. Severe and complex neurological disability : management of the physical condition. Edited by Lynne Turner-Stokes. Edinburgh: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007. 284 s. ISBN 9780750688253. AINSCOW, Mel, Alan DYSON, Tony BOOTH and Peter FARRELL. Improving schools, developing inclusion. New York: Routledge, 2006. vi, 218. ISBN 9780415372794. 29 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA PdF:SPDA018 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Education of individuals with hearing impairment 10 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor PhDr. Lenka Doležalová, Ph.D. Teacher(s) PhDr. Lenka Doležalová, Ph.D. (lecturer) PhDr. Radka Horáková, Ph.D. (lecturer) prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (lecturer) Course objectives Learning outcomes of the course unit is to acquaint students with the system of counseling: school counseling and school counseling facilities: special education centers, psychological counseling centers, educational care centers. Personnel occupation, standards of activity. Counseling for parents and children with disabilities in early age, early intervention, early-day care centers care; early intervention. Health consultancy, speech therapy outpatient clinics. Legislative measures to deal with counseling. Teaching methods theoretical training and internship, seminar work / reflection Assessment methods Write up a seminar work on selected topics (15 pages A4), oral exam in theoretical training. Learning outcomes A successful graduate is able to: • Adapt deep knowledge of the specialization • Combine gained information with other disciplines – speech therapy, psychology and medical fields (otorhinolaryngology, phoniatrics) • Demonstrate the ability of working with academic and expert literature concerning the specialization domain (including Czech and foreign literature, as well as electronic forms) • Make use of gained information in order to deliver a summary study • Write and form a case study according to the specialization domain; and be able to make a full use of knowledge from the specialization and pathopsychology Syllabus Teamwork for comprehensive diagnostic examination of auditory defects and interdisciplinary relationships. Classification of defects and hearing disorders. Definition of a counseling system for individuals with special educational needs in the Czech Republic. Legislative conditions for the provision of advisory services. Early Care Centers for children with hearing impairment - Activities and staffing. Specially Educational Centers for children with hearing impairment - Activity and Personnel Occupation. Pre-occupational and professional preparation of pupils with hearing impairment. Support for the employment of people with hearing impairment. Professional counseling. Hearing impairment in adulthood and in old age. Tinnitus. Hearing defect and other associated disabilities. Literature MADELL, Jane Reger, Carol Ann FLEXER, Jace WOLFE and Erin C. SCHAFER. Pediatric audiology : diagnosis, technology, and management. Third edition. New York: Thieme, 2019. xvii, 408. ISBN 9781626234017. GIRARD-GROEBER, Simone. Participation by hard-of-hearing students in integration classrooms : facets of interactional competence. Berlin: Frank & Timme, Verlag für wissenschaftliche Literatur, 2018. 518 stran. ISBN 9783732904334. ALLEN, Susan G. A guidebook for the auditory perception test for the hearing impaired : from assessment to intervention. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing, 2016. xiv, 250. ISBN 9781597564861. FITZPATRICK, Elizabeth M. and Suzanne P. DOUCET. Pediatric audiologic rehabilitation : from infancy to adolesence. New York: Thieme, 2013. 225 s. ISBN 9781604066951. Pediatric audiology casebook. Edited by Jane Reger Madell - Carol Ann Flexer. New York: Thieme, 2011. xvi, 280. ISBN 9781604063844. Perspectives on diseases and disorders : deafness and hearing impairment. Edited by Clay Farris Naff. 1st edition. Detroit: Gale Cengage learning, 2010. 144 stran. ISBN 9780737747881. NAPIER, Jemina, Rachel MCKEE and Della GOSWELL. Sign language interpreting : theory and practice in Australia and New Zealand. 2nd edition. Sydney: The Federation Press, 2010. xiv, 239. ISBN 9781862877801. 30 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA EASTERBROOKS, Susan R. and Ellen L. ESTES. Helping deaf and hard of hearing students to use spoken language : a guide for educators and families. Edited by Mary Ellen Nevins. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press, 2007. xvii, 205. ISBN 9781412927338. HUMPHRIES, T and C PADDEN. Inside Deaf Culture.. USA: Harvard University Press, 2005. ERNST SCHNEIDER, Elaine. Taking hearing impairment to school. Illustrated by Tom Dineen. 1st ed. [Plainview, NY]: JayJo Books, 2004. [32] s. ISBN 9781891383236. NAPIER, Jemina. Sign language interpreting : linguistic coping strategies. Coleford: D. McLean, 2002. xvi, 240. ISBN 0946252378. PdF:SPDA019 Speciality - wider scientific basis - Severe and multiple disabilities 10 credits, type of completion zk (examination), course guarantor doc. PhDr. Mgr. Dagmar Opatřilová, Ph.D. Teacher(s) doc. PhDr. Mgr. Dagmar Opatřilová, Ph.D. (lecturer) prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. (lecturer) Course objectives The aim of the course is to understand and be able to apply knowledge of the gained field (Education of individuals with combined disabilities) in practice. Furthermore, students will deepen their knowledge from the fields of education of individuals with visual, mental and physical impairment and learn how to connect them with knowledge from other fields such as psychology, sociology and medical disciplines (neurology, physiotherapy, psychiatry, ophthalmology, ENT and phoniatry). Students will be taught to use special educational methods (diagnostics and educative) and apply supportive measures in the intervention of individuals with combined disabilities. Teaching methods Consultation Assessment methods Oral examination and elaboration of case study of student with cerebral palsy and associated disabilities (10 pages) with an emphasis on selected field of support (didactics approaches, methods, aids and individual educational plan). Learning outcomes A successful graduate is able to: • Understand and apply the gained information according to the specialization domain • Acquire deep knowledge from the specialization – ophthalmology, education of individuals with mental and physical impairment • Combine gained information with other disciplines – psychology, sociology, philosophy and medical fields (neurology, orthopaedics, psychiatry, ophthalmology otorhinolaryngology, phoniatrics) • Administrate the special methods (diagnostic and educational) • Process the supportive measures during the interventions with individuals with severe and multiple disabili- ties • Demonstrate the knowledge of theory, concepts and methods which are most relevant for the specialization in national and international context • Demonstrate the ability of working with academic and expert literature concerning the specialization domain (including Czech and foreign literature, as well as electronic forms) • Make use of gained information in order to deliver a summary study • Write and form a case study according to the specialization domain; and be able to make a full use of knowledge from the specialization and pathopsychology Syllabus - Basic terminology: definition of severe physical disability, etiological factors, classification. - Education of individuals with combined disabilities: definition, subject, bases and perspectives of intervention for individuals with severe disability in the Czech Republic, Framework Educational Programme for Elementary Education, the aim, objectives, principals and methods of education, counselling service. - Special Educational diagnostics and diagnostics criteria. - Provided support: Interventional measures, Individual educational plan, educational aspects, facilitation. - Symptomatic speech disorders in individuals with cerebral palsy, mental and visual impairment. - Individuals with visual impairment, education of individuals with visual impairment in early age, education in schools for individuals with visual impairment (specifics), ICT aids for individuals with purblind and blind. - Characteristics of individuals with deafblindness, specifics of education and institutional system. - Education of students with visual impairment, methodics and specifics of education. - Development of visual perception and examination of visual functions. - Spatial orientation and independent movement: special care course for student with severe visual impairment. Literature KOVALČÍKOVÁ, Iveta, Iveta BORŽÍKOVÁ, Marta KOPČÍKOVÁ and Ingrid RUŽBARSKÁ. Attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity : from interdisciplinary perspective. 1st edition. Lüdenscheid: RAM-Verlag, 2018. 132 stran. ISBN 9783942303729. 31 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Keys to educational success : teaching students with visual impairments and multiple disabilities. Edited by Sharon Sacks - Mary C. Zatta. New York: AFB Press, American Foundation for the Blind, 2016. xvi, 588. ISBN 9780891285519. BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava. Approaches to students with learning disorders in inclusive school environment. 1st ed. Brno: Masaryk University, 2014. 163 s. ISBN 9788021071100. FRY, Troy and Colleen CORNWALL. Essential for living : a communication, behavior and functional skills curriculum, assessment and professional practitioner's handbook : for children and adults with moderate-to-severe disabilities. Edited by Pat McGreevy. Orlando: Patrick McGreevy, 2014. 287 stran. ISBN 9780985560508. HEWARD, William L. Exceptional children : an introduction to special education. Tenth edition. Harlow: Pearson, 2014. ii, 664. ISBN 9781292022024. ADHD comorbiditieshandbook for ADHD complications in children and adults. Edited by Thomas E. Brown. 1st ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Pub., 2009. xxi, 456 p. ISBN 9781585628339. POPE, Pauline M. Severe and complex neurological disability : management of the physical condition. Edited by Lynne Turner-Stokes. Edinburgh: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007. 284 s. ISBN 9780750688253. Meeting the needs of children with disabilities : families and professionals facing the challenge together. Edited by Helen K. Waren. New York: Routledge, 2006. ix, 166. ISBN 0415280389. CHEN, Deborah and June DOWNING. Tactile strategies for children who have visual impairments and multiple disabilities : promoting communication and learning skills. New York: AFB Press, American Foundation for the Blind, 2006. x, 210. ISBN 9780891288190. Attention deficit disorderthe unfocused mind in children and adults. Edited by Thomas E. Brown. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005. xxi, 360 p. ISBN 0300106416. O'DELL, Nancy and Patricia A. COOK. Stopping ADHD : a unique and proven drug-free program for treating ADHD in children and adults. New York: Avery, 2004. xix, 246. ISBN 1583331972. LINTON, Simi. Claiming disability : knowledge and identity. Edited by Michael Bérubé. London: New York University Press, 1998. xv, 203. ISBN 0814751342. 3 Provision of personnel Provision of personnel includes a) members of the doctoral board and doctoral committe and b) supervisors of the dissertation in last 8 years or intended supervisors of the degree programme. K osobám jsou uvedeny údaje o zkušenostech s vedením kvalifikačních prací na MU od roku 2000 a to ve formě počet aktuálně vedených prací / celkový počet vedených a úspěšně obhájených prací. prof. PaedDr. Miroslava Bartoňová, Ph.D. Supervisor Contract worker: Pedagogická fakulta Karlovy univerzity v Praze Bachelor's theses: 0 / 116 Master's theses: 0 / 209 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 5 / 14 doc. PhDr. Mgr. Barbora Bazalová, Ph.D. Supervisor Bachelor's theses: 6 / 99 Master's theses: 1 / 87 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 1 doc. Mgr. Pavel Beneš, Ph.D. Supervisor Internal member (Common Doctoral Board: Special Education, see 3.1) Contract worker: Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity Bachelor's theses: 2 / 19 Master's theses: 0 / 10 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 4 / 4 32 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA doc. PhDr. Ilona Bytešníková, Ph.D. Supervisor Bachelor's theses: 1 / 198 Master's theses: 8 / 165 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 4 / 4 Mgr. et Mgr. Karel Červenka, Ph.D. Supervisor Bachelor's theses: 10 / 122 Master's theses: 5 / 93 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 1 doc. PaedDr. Petr Franiok, Ph.D. External member (Common Doctoral Board: Special Education, see 3.1) Contract worker: Pedagogická fakulta Ostravské univerzity v Ostravě Bachelor's theses: 0 / 0 Master's theses: 0 / 1 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 2 doc. PaedDr. Terézia Harčaríková, PhD. External member (Common Doctoral Board: Special Education, see 3.1) Contract worker: PdF Komenského univerzity v Bratislavě, Slovensko Bachelor's theses: 0 / 0 Master's theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 doc. MUDr. Petr Kachlík, Ph.D. Supervisor Bachelor's theses: 0 / 132 Master's theses: 6 / 159 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 3 doc. PaedDr. Jiřina Klenková, Ph.D. Supervisor Bachelor's theses: 0 / 165 Master's theses: 0 / 233 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 9 Theses outside MU: UK - 7 disertačních prací doc. PhDr. Lea Květoňová, Ph.D. External member (Common Doctoral Board: Special Education, see 3.1) Contract worker: Pedagogická fakulta Karlovy univerzity v Praze Bachelor's theses: 0 / 2 Master's theses: 0 / 6 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 doc. PhDr. Mgr. Dagmar Opatřilová, Ph.D. Supervisor Bachelor's theses: 8 / 118 Master's theses: 16 / 188 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 4 Theses outside MU: - 33 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA doc. MUDr. Hana Ošlejšková, Ph.D. Internal member (Common Doctoral Board: Special Education, see 3.1) Contract worker: Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity Bachelor's theses: 0 / 0 Master's theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 1 / 3 doc. PhDr. Karel Pančocha, Ph.D., M.Sc. Supervisor Internal member (Common Doctoral Board: Special Education, see 3.1) Bachelor's theses: 3 / 14 Master's theses: 2 / 53 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 4 / 6 prof. PhDr. Evžen Řehulka, CSc. Supervisor Bachelor's theses: 0 / 30 Master's theses: 1 / 60 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 3 / 9 Prof. Dr. Tom Schmid External member (Common Doctoral Board: Special Education, see 3.1) Contract worker: Fachhochschule St. Pölten, Studiengang Sozialarbeit, Rakousko Bachelor's theses: 0 / 0 Master's theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 prof. MUDr. Ivo Šlapák, CSc. Internal member (Common Doctoral Board: Special Education, see 3.1) Contract worker: Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity Bachelor's theses: 1 / 1 Master's theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 2 / 13 prof. PaedDr. Alica Vančová, CSc. External member (Common Doctoral Board: Special Education, see 3.1) Contract worker: Pedagogická fakulta Komenského univerzity v Bratislavě Bachelor's theses: 0 / 0 Master's theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 prof. Mgr. Kateřina Vitásková, Ph.D. External member (Common Doctoral Board: Special Education, see 3.1) Contract worker: Pedagogická fakulta Palackého univerzity v Olomouci Bachelor's theses: 0 / 0 Master's theses: 0 / 0 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 0 / 0 prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. Supervisor Chairman (Common Doctoral Board: Special Education, see 3.1) Bachelor's theses: 5 / 149 Master's theses: 6 / 294 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 5 / 36 34 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA doc. PhDr. Věra Vojtová, Ph.D. Supervisor Internal member (Common Doctoral Board: Special Education, see 3.1) Bachelor's theses: 3 / 224 Master's theses: 12 / 277 Doctoral theses, Dissertations: 5 / 11 Theses outside MU: Disertační práce 1 3.1 Common Doctoral Board: Special Education [D-SPZPA] Chairman prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. Internal members External members doc. Mgr. Pavel Beneš, Ph.D. doc. PaedDr. Petr Franiok, Ph.D. (Pedagogická fakulta Ostravské univerzity v Ostravě) doc. MUDr. Hana Ošlejšková, Ph.D. doc. PaedDr. Terézia Harčaríková, PhD. (PdF Komenského univerzity v Bratislavě, Sloven- sko) doc. PhDr. Karel Pančocha, Ph.D., M.Sc. doc. PhDr. Lea Květoňová, Ph.D. (Pedagogická fakulta Karlovy univerzity v Praze) prof. MUDr. Ivo Šlapák, CSc. Prof. Dr. Tom Schmid (Fachhochschule St. Pölten, Studiengang Sozialarbeit, Rakousko) doc. PhDr. Věra Vojtová, Ph.D. prof. PaedDr. Alica Vančová, CSc. (Pedagogická fakulta Komenského univerzity v Bratislavě) prof. Mgr. Kateřina Vitásková, Ph.D. (Pedagogická fakulta Palackého univerzity v Olomouci) 3.2 Pedagogical staff by age Position Up to 35 years 36–55 years 56–70 years 71 years and more Professor 0 3 2 2 Associate professor 0 6 6 0 Assistant professor 0 1 0 0 3.3 Foreign pedagogical staff Quantity Total number of pedagogical staff 20 From Slovakia 2 Other countries 0 Total number of foreign pedagogical staff 2 3.4 Publications The academic has selected up to five of their most important publications over the last five years. prof. PaedDr. Miroslava Bartoňová, Ph.D. Aspects of inclusive education within the Czech educational system BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava. Aspects of inclusive education within the Czech educational system. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, Velká Británie: Taylor and Francis Ltd., Oxon, 2016, Vol. 62, No 1, p. 51-62. ISSN 2047-3869. doi:10.1179/2047387715Y.0000000001. Specifika školní zralosti u dětí s tělesným postižením a možnosti speciálně pedagogické diagnostiky BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava, Dagmar OPATŘILOVÁ and Marie VÍTKOVÁ. Specifika školní zralosti u dětí s tělesným postižením a možnosti speciálně pedagogické diagnostiky (Specifics of school maturity in children with physical disabilities and possibilities of educational support). In Nakladatelství Dr. Josef Raabe s.r.o. Školní zralost a dítě s SVP: vzdělávání a diagnostika. první. Praha: Nakladatelství Dr. Josef Raabe s.r.o., Praha 2019, 2019. p. 61-128, 68 pp. Školní zralost 4. ISBN 978-80-7496-421-3. Bildung als interdisziplinäres Thema VÍTKOVÁ, Marie and Miroslava BARTOŇOVÁ. Bildung als interdisziplinäres Thema. In 53. pracovních dnů docentů speciální pedagogiky v německy mluvících zemích - Hamburg. 2018. Analyse der Bedingungen in einer heterogenen Klasse mit Schülern mit sonderpädagogischem Förder- bedarf VÍTKOVÁ, Marie and Miroslava BARTOŇOVÁ. Analyse der Bedingungen in einer heterogenen Klasse mit Schülern mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf. In Hedderich, I., Zahnd R. (Hrsg.). Teilhabe und Vielfalt: Herausforderungen 35 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA einer Weltgesellschaft. 1, vydání. Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, Bad Heilbrunn, 2016. p. 123-133, 11 pp. ISBN 978-3-7815-2059-2. Analysis of the state of institutional pre-school education of underprivileged children BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava. Analysis of the state of institutional pre-school education of underprivileged children. Eisenstadt: Pedagogische Hochschule Burgenland, 2016. doc. PhDr. Mgr. Barbora Bazalová, Ph.D. Autismus v edukační praxi BAZALOVÁ, Barbora. Autismus v edukační praxi (Autism in Educational Practice). Vydání první. Praha: Portál, s. r. o., 2017. 207 pp. ISBN 978-80-262-1195-2. Participace na situační recenzi ''Autorská cesta do fantazie'' o snímku ''Normální autistický film'' pro ''dok.revue'' BAZALOVÁ, Barbora. Participace na situační recenzi ''Autorská cesta do fantazie'' o snímku ''Normální autistický film'' pro ''dok.revue''. 2016. doc. Mgr. Pavel Beneš, Ph.D. Bioinspirované materiály pro kontaktní čočky BENEŠ, Pavel. Bioinspirované materiály pro kontaktní čočky. In Odborný seminář Mikulov 2019. 2019. Digitální únava očí v populaci mladých jedinců. VESELÝ, Petr, Pavel BENEŠ and Lubomír HANÁK. Digitální únava očí v populaci mladých jedinců. (Digital eyestrain in population of young subjects.). Česká a slovenská oftalmologie, Praha: Česká lékařská společnost J.E.Purkyně, 2019, vol. 74, No 4, p. 154-157. ISSN 1211-9059. Krátkodobé a dlouhodobé nežádoucí účinky vysoce ředěného atropinu ČÁSLAVSKÁ, Barbora, Miroslav DOSTÁLEK, Michaela DUCHÁČKOVÁ, Kateřina MALÁ, Inka KREJČÍŘOVÁ, Jiří HOZMAN, Pavel BENEŠ and Rudolf AUTRATA. Krátkodobé a dlouhodobé nežádoucí účinky vysoce ředěného atropinu. In Odborná konference ČSO: Ortoptika a současnost. 2019. Barevné brýlové čočky. Korekční a terapeutické filtry. VESELÝ, Petr, Pavel BENEŠ, Sylvie PETROVÁ and Lucie PATOČKOVÁ. Barevné brýlové čočky. Korekční a terapeutické filtry. 2018. CORNEAL ANTERIOR SURFACE DAYTIME CHANGES TRÁVNÍKOVÁ, Dana and Pavel BENEŠ. CORNEAL ANTERIOR SURFACE DAYTIME CHANGES. In OPTICS AND OPTOMETRY FORUM 2018. 2018. ISBN 978-80-01-06392-7. doc. PhDr. Ilona Bytešníková, Ph.D. Stručný dotazník dětského slovníku : vývoj a normy nástroje pro screening vývoje jazyka v raném věku SMOLÍK, Filip and Ilona BYTEŠNÍKOVÁ. Stručný dotazník dětského slovníku : vývoj a normy nástroje pro screening vývoje jazyka v raném věku (Short inventory of child vocabulary : the development and norms of a screening tool for language development in early age). Československá psychologie, Praha: ACADEMIA, Psychologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., 2017, vol. 61, No 5, p. 460-473. ISSN 0009-062X. Dítě s opožděním ve vývoji řeči – čekat do třetího roku, nebo zahájit péči v raném věku? BYTEŠNÍKOVÁ, Ilona. Dítě s opožděním ve vývoji řeči – čekat do třetího roku, nebo zahájit péči v raném věku? (Children with delayed speech development – wait until they reach the age of three or start a therapy in their early age?). Pediatrie pro praxi, Olomouc: Solen, s.r.o., 2017, vol. 18, No 2, p. 114-116. ISSN 1213-0494. Interdisciplinární přístup v rané logopedické intervenci BYTEŠNÍKOVÁ, Ilona. Interdisciplinární přístup v rané logopedické intervenci (Interdisciplinary approach in early speech therapy intervention). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2017. 262 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8659-3. Options in speech therapy intervention from an early age to adulthood BOČKOVÁ, Barbora, Ilona BYTEŠNÍKOVÁ, Radka HORÁKOVÁ and Petr KOPEČNÝ. Options in speech therapy intervention from an early age to adulthood. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016. 187 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8411-7. Koncepce rané logopedické intervence v České republice. Teorie, výzkum, terapie BYTEŠNÍKOVÁ, Ilona. Koncepce rané logopedické intervence v České republice. Teorie, výzkum, terapie (The Conception of Early Speech Therapy Intervention in the Czech Republic : Theory, research, therapy). 1. dotisk 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015. 286 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-7561-0. Mgr. et Mgr. Karel Červenka, Ph.D. Personality centered approach to education of children with emotional and behavioral disorders: Intervention through the eyes of educational professionals from residential educational facilities ČERVENKA, Karel. Personality centered approach to education of children with emotional and behavioral disorders: Intervention through the eyes of educational professionals from residential educational facilities. Journal of Exceptional People, Olomouc: Faculty of Education - Palacký University Olomouc, 2018, vol. 2018, 1/12, p. 61-75. ISSN 1805-4978. Three roles of trust in the intervention into the situation of children with emotional and behavioural disorders 36 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA ČERVENKA, Karel. Three roles of trust in the intervention into the situation of children with emotional and behavioural disorders. Štúdie zo špeciálnej pedagogiky/Studies in Special Education, 2018, vol. 7, No 1, p. 7-23. ISSN 2585-7363. Boundaries and perspectives: needs of children with emotional and behavioral disorders from the perspective of children and educators ČERVENKA, Karel. Boundaries and perspectives: needs of children with emotional and behavioral disorders from the perspective of children and educators. Journal of Exceptional People, Olomouc: Palacký university, Olomouc, 2017, vol. 2, No 11, p. 59-72. ISSN 1805-4978. Sud, který nemá dno? Potřeby dětí s poruchami emocí a chování očima výchovných profesionálů ČERVENKA, Karel. Sud, který nemá dno? Potřeby dětí s poruchami emocí a chování očima výchovných profesionálů (The educational needs of children with behavioural and emotional difficulties from the perspective of educational professionals). Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016. 139 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8138-3. Výzkum jako inspirace pro intervenci v praxi školských zařízení pro výkon ústavní a ochranné výchovy VOJTOVÁ, Věra and Karel ČERVENKA. Výzkum jako inspirace pro intervenci v praxi školských zařízení pro výkon ústavní a ochranné výchovy (Research as an inspiration for intervention within educational residential facilities). In Pacnerová, H., Myšková, L. (eds.). Kvalita péče o děti v ústavní výchově. Praha: NUV, 2016. p. 53-62, 10 pp. ISBN 978-80-7481-157-9. doc. PaedDr. Petr Franiok, Ph.D. Franiok, P. Inkluzivní vzdělávání a naplňování speciálních vzdělávacích potřeb. In: Škola pro všechny aneb Interdisciplinarita ve školní edukaci: Škola pro všechny aneb Interdisciplinarita ve školní edukaci 2018 Olomouc. Brno: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2019. s. 141-151. ISBN 978-80-905245-9-0. Franiok, P. Aktuální otázky v psychopedii a logopedii. Speciální pedagogika, 2017, roč. 27, č. 2, s. 181-183. ISSN 1211-2720. Franiok, P. Inkluze a speciálněpedagogické intevrnece. In: Speciálněpedagogické intervence v současnosti: Speciálněpedagogické intervence v současnosti 2017-02-15 Ostrava. Ostrava: Pedagogická fakulta Ostravské univerzity, 2017. s. 52-60. ISBN 978-80-7464-902-8. Adamus, P., Zezulková, E., Kaleja, M., Franiok, P. (2016) Inkluzivní vzdělávání v kontextu proměn českého školství. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita – PdF, ISBN 978-80-7464-884-7. 25%. Franiok, P. (2015) Therapeutic Interventions and Students with Multiple Disabilities. What Will Be next. Special Educational system. Milano: EduCatt, s. 123-144. ISBN 978-88-6780-767-3. doc. PaedDr. Terézia Harčaríková, PhD. Ivanová, Z., & Harčaríková, T. (2020). SEXUALITY OF INDIVIDUALS WITH PHYSICAL DISABILITIES - SOCIAL MYTHS AND PREJUDICES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 37(6), 140-147. Harčáriková, T., Nagyová, K. (2019). FAMILY NEEDS OF INCURABLE ILL CHILDREN IN THE CONTEXT OF SPECIAL EDUCATION CBU International Conference Proceedings Volume: 7, ISSN: 1805-997X . Harčaríková, Terézia (2018) Potreby rodiny jednotlivca s letálne chorým dieťaťom v kontexte špeciálnej pedagogiky = Some needs for families with a letally ill child in the context of special education Lit.: 20 zázn. In: Speciální pedagogika. Roč. 28, č. 2 (2018), s. 89-116. - ISSN (print) 1211-2720 Harčaríková, Terézia (2018) Súčasný stav a perspektívy detských liečební a ozdravovní na Slovensku Lit.: 39 zázn. In: Teória a praxeológia výchovnej a komplexnej rehabilitácie: zborník vedeckých príspevkov. - Brno: MSD, S. 107-133. - ISBN 978-80-7392-286-3 Harčaríková, T. Kollárová, E. (2016) Základy pedagogiky telesne postihnutých, chorých a zdravotne oslabených. 1.vyd. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Pedagogická fakulta. ISBN 978-80-89726-81-3. doc. MUDr. Petr Kachlík, Ph.D. Edukační přístupy k dětem v riziku, s problémy a s poruchami v chování KACHLÍK, Petr, Věra VOJTOVÁ, Karel ČERVENKA, Martin FIALA, Michaela FIALOVÁ, Tereza KRČMÁŘOVÁ, Viktor KRIŽO, Jiří MARTINEC, Petra SEGEŤOVÁ and Kateřina ŠTRAUSOVÁ. Edukační přístupy k dětem v riziku, s problémy a s poruchami v chování (Educational attitudes towards children at risk, children with behavioural problems and children with behavioural disorders). 1., elektronické vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2019. 199 pp. ISBN 978- 80-210-9379-9. Reflexe speciálních vzdělávacích potřeb v edukačním procesu KOPEČNÝ, Petr, Ilona BYTEŠNÍKOVÁ, Karel ČERVENKA, Lenka DOLEŽALOVÁ, Ilona FIALOVÁ, Radka HORÁKOVÁ, Barbora CHLEBORADOVÁ, Petr KACHLÍK, Jana MAGEROVÁ, Ivana MÁROVÁ, Dagmar OPATŘILOVÁ, Petra RÖDEROVÁ, Evžen ŘEHULKA, Věra VOJTOVÁ and Dana ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ. Reflexe speciálních vzdělávacích potřeb v edukačním procesu (Reflection of Special Educational Needs in the Educational Process). 1. vydání. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2018. 150 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-9206-8. Edukační přístupy k dětem v riziku, s problémy a s poruchami v chování KACHLÍK, Petr, Věra VOJTOVÁ, Karel ČERVENKA, Martin FIALA, Michaela FIALOVÁ, Tereza KRČMÁŘOVÁ, Viktor KRIŽO, Jiří MARTINEC, Petra SEGEŤOVÁ and Kateřina ŠTRAUSOVÁ. Edukační přístupy k dětem v riziku, s problémy a s poruchami v chování (Educational attitudes towards children at risk, children with behavioural problems and children with behavioural disorders). první. Brno: MU, 2017. 199 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8916-7. Addictive Behavior of Full-time Students at Masaryk University and Options in its Prevention KACHLÍK, Petr. Addictive Behavior of Full-time Students at Masaryk University and Options in its Prevention. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016. 186 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8514-5. 37 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA Faktory resilience v intervenci 3P jako koncept inkluzivních strategií v etopedii BUCHTOVÁ, Veronika, Tomáš ČECH, Karel ČERVENKA, Martina DAMIANOVÁ, Michaela FIALOVÁ, Petr KACHLÍK, Ivana KOLIBOVÁ, Viktor KRIŽO, Pavlína GRÁC LIVŇANSKÁ, Jiří MARTINEC, Jarmila MATOCHOVÁ, Lucie NOVÁČKOVÁ, Jan OLBERT, Hana PAVLÍČKOVÁ, Tereza PETINISOVÁ, Pavla PITNEROVÁ, Pavlína PŘIBYLOVÁ, Petra SEGEŤOVÁ, Kateřina ŠTRAUSOVÁ, Adéla TICOVÁ and Věra VOJTOVÁ. Faktory resilience v intervenci 3P jako koncept inkluzivních strategií v etopedii (The Factors of Resiliency in 3P Intervention as a Concept of Inclusive Strategies in Education of Children with Special Behavioural Difficulties/Disorders). první. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015. 303 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8131-4. doc. PaedDr. Jiřina Klenková, Ph.D. KOŠŤÁLOVÁ, M., POLÁKOVÁ, B., ULREICHOVÁ, M., ŠMÍD, P., JANOUŠOVÁ, E., KUHN, M., KLENKOVÁ, J., BEDNAŘÍK, J. Dotazník funkcionální komunikace (DFK) – validace originálního českého testu. Česká a Slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie, Praha: Česká lékařská společnost J.E. Purkyně, 2015, roč. 78, č. 2, s. 188-195. ISSN 1210-7859. ED1.1.00/02.0068. doc. PhDr. Lea Květoňová, Ph.D. článek v časopise MARTIN A., STRNADOVÁ I., NĚMEC Z., HÁJKOVÁ V., KVĚTOŇOVÁ L. Teacher assistants working with students with disability: the role of adaptability in enhancing their workplace wellbeing. International Journal of Inclusive Education [online], 2019, vol. Neuveden., s. 2-24. ISSN 1464-5173. příspěvek Profesní dispozice a hodnoty jako součást étosu povolání asistenta pedagoga (HÁJKOVÁ V., NĚMEC Z., KVĚTOŇOVÁ L., STRNADOVÁ I.) na konferenci Konference ''Stejné a jiné ve filozofické a speciálněpedagogické praxi. Inkluzivní škola.'' (Pedagogická fakulta UK: 03.05.2018). část knihy NĚMEC Z., HÁJKOVÁ V., KVĚTOŇOVÁ L., STRNADOVÁ I.The role of teaching assistants in the education of students from ethnic minorities in the Czech Republic. In GOMÉZ CHOVA L., LÓPEZ MATÍNEZ A., CANDEL TORRES I., ICERI2018 Proceedings. Seville, Spain: International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2018, s. 8407-8413. ISBN 978-84-09-05948-5. článek v časopise STRNADOVA I., HÁJKOVÁ V., KVĚTOŇOVÁ L. Voices of university students with disabilities: inclusive education on the tertiary level - a reality or a distant dream?. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 2015, vol. 19, s. 1080-1095. ISSN 1360-3116. KVĚTOŇOVÁ L., HÁJKOVÁ V., STRNADOVÁ I.. Cesty k inkluzi. Praha: Karolinum, 2012, 167 s. ISBN 978-80-246-2086- 2. část knihy HÁDKOVÁ K., KVĚTOŇOVÁ L.Ausbildung der Cochlea-Implantat Kinder in der Tschechischen Republik. In HEDDERICH I., ZAHND R., Teilhabe und Vielfalt: Herausforderungen einer Weltgesellschaft. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt, 2016, s. 134-143. ISBN 978-3-7815-2059-2. doc. PhDr. Mgr. Dagmar Opatřilová, Ph.D. Specifika školní zralosti u dětí s tělesným postižením a možnosti speciálně pedagogické diagnostiky BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava, Dagmar OPATŘILOVÁ and Marie VÍTKOVÁ. Specifika školní zralosti u dětí s tělesným postižením a možnosti speciálně pedagogické diagnostiky (Specifics of school maturity in children with physical disabilities and possibilities of educational support). In Nakladatelství Dr. Josef Raabe s.r.o. Školní zralost a dítě s SVP: vzdělávání a diagnostika. první. Praha: Nakladatelství Dr. Josef Raabe s.r.o., Praha 2019, 2019. p. 61-128, 68 pp. Školní zralost 4. ISBN 978-80-7496-421-3. Reflexe speciálních vzdělávacích potřeb v edukačním procesu KOPEČNÝ, Petr, Ilona BYTEŠNÍKOVÁ, Karel ČERVENKA, Lenka DOLEŽALOVÁ, Ilona FIALOVÁ, Radka HORÁKOVÁ, Barbora CHLEBORADOVÁ, Petr KACHLÍK, Jana MAGEROVÁ, Ivana MÁROVÁ, Dagmar OPATŘILOVÁ, Petra RÖDEROVÁ, Evžen ŘEHULKA, Věra VOJTOVÁ and Dana ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ. Reflexe speciálních vzdělávacích potřeb v edukačním procesu (Reflection of Special Educational Needs in the Educational Process). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2018. 150 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-9206-8. Support Measures for Students with Special Education Needs in Mainstream Schools in the Czech Republic and Abroad BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava, Marie VÍTKOVÁ, Ilona BYTEŠNÍKOVÁ, Lenka GAJZLEROVÁ, Dagmar OPATŘILOVÁ and Dana ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ. Support Measures for Students with Special Education Needs in Mainstream Schools in the Czech Republic and Abroad. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2017. 198 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8504-6. Support Measures for Students with Special Education Needs in Mainstream Schools in the Czech Republic and Abroad BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava, Marie VÍTKOVÁ, Ilona BYTEŠNÍKOVÁ, Lenka GAJZLEROVÁ, Dagmar OPATŘILOVÁ and Dana ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ. Support Measures for Students with Special Education Needs in Mainstream Schools in the Czech Republic and Abroad. první. Brno: MU, 2017. 198 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8504-6. Edukace osob s těžkým postižením a souběžným postižením více vadami OPATŘILOVÁ, Dagmar. Edukace osob s těžkým postižením a souběžným postižením více vadami (Education of Persons with Severe Disability and Multiple Disability). 2. dotisk 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016. 186 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-6221-4. doc. MUDr. Hana Ošlejšková, Ph.D. Long-term approach to patients with postsurgical seizures RYZÍ, Michal, Hana OŠLEJŠKOVÁ, Ivan REKTOR, Zdeněk NOVÁK, Jan HEMZA, Jan CHRASTINA, Michal SVOBODA, Markéta HERMANOVÁ and Milan BRÁZDIL. Long-term approach to patients with postsurgical seizures. Epilepsia, Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, vol. 57, No 4, p. 597-604. ISSN 0013-9580. doi:10.1111/epi.13343. Malignant catatonia due to anti-NMDA-receptor encephalitis in a 15-year-old girl: case report and summary of current knowledge 38 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA AULICKÁ, Štefánia, Ondřej HORÁK, Lenka MRÁZOVÁ, Peter MIKOLÁŠEK, Jaroslav ŠTĚRBA, Lenka KRBKOVÁ and Hana OŠLEJŠKOVÁ. Malignant catatonia due to anti-NMDA-receptor encephalitis in a 15-year-old girl: case report and summary of current knowledge. Neuropsychiatry, London: Future Medicine Ltd., 2016, vol. 6, No 4, p. 136-141. ISSN 1758-2008. Muscular dystrophies and myopathies: the spectrum of mutated genes in the Czech Republic STEHLÍKOVÁ, Kristýna, Daniela SKÁLOVÁ, Jana ZÍDKOVÁ, J. HABERLOVÁ, Stanislav VOHÁŇKA, R. MAZANEC, Lenka MRÁZOVÁ, Petr VONDRÁČEK, Hana OŠLEJŠKOVÁ, J. ZÁMEČNÍK, T. HONZÍK, J. ZEMAN, M. MAGNER, D. ŠIŠKOVÁ, M. LANGOVÁ, V. GREGOR, M. GODAVA, V. SMOLKA and Lenka FAJKUSOVÁ. Muscular dystrophies and myopathies: the spectrum of mutated genes in the Czech Republic. Clinical Genetics, Hoboken: WILEY, 2017, vol. 91, No 3, p. 463-469. ISSN 0009-9163. doi:10.1111/cge.12839. The influence of EEG-detected nocturnal centrotemporal discharges on the expression of core symptoms of ADHD in children with benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BCECTS): A prospective study in a tertiary referral center DANHOFER, Pavlína, Jana PEJČOCHOVÁ, Ladislav DUŠEK, Ivan REKTOR and Hana OŠLEJŠKOVÁ. The influence of EEG-detected nocturnal centrotemporal discharges on the expression of core symptoms of ADHD in children with benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BCECTS): A prospective study in a tertiary referral center. EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR, SAN DIEGO: ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2018, vol. 79, FEB 2018, p. 75-81. ISSN 1525-5050. doi:10.1016/j.yebeh.2017.11.007. Age at diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders: Is there an association with socioeconomic status and family self-education about autism? HRDLICKA, Michal, Maria VACOVA, Hana OŠLEJŠKOVÁ, Veronika GONDŽOVÁ, Iveta VADLEJCHOVA, Jana KOCOURKOVA, Jiri KOUTEK and Iva DUDOVA. Age at diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders: Is there an association with socioeconomic status and family self-education about autism? Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, Auckland: Dove Medical Press Ltd., 2016, vol. 12, 6 July 2016, p. 1639-1644. ISSN 1178-2021. doi:10.2147/NDT.S107239. doc. PhDr. Karel Pančocha, Ph.D., M.Sc. A survey of the use of applied behaviour analysis for children with autism in the Czech Republic KINGSDORF, Sheri Leigh and Karel PANČOCHA. A survey of the use of applied behaviour analysis for children with autism in the Czech Republic. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION, ABINGDON: ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2020. ISSN 0885-6257. doi:10.1080/08856257.2020.1726092. Časný záchyt poruch autistického spektra v ordinacích PLDD SLEPIČKOVÁ, Lenka, Karel PANČOCHA and Helena VAĎUROVÁ. Časný záchyt poruch autistického spektra v ordinacích PLDD (Early Screening of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Pediatrician’s Offices). Pediatrie pro praxi, Olomouc: Solen, s. r. o., 2019, vol. 20, No 6, p. 330-334. ISSN 1213-0494. Evaluation of School Inclusion: Mission (Im)possible TANNENBERGEROVÁ, Monika, Petr FUČÍK, Karel PANČOCHA and Martin VRUBEL. Evaluation of School Inclusion: Mission (Im)possible. 1. vyd. Münster: Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2018. 161 pp. ISBN 978-3-8309-3771-5. Teaching complex behaviors with acoustic guidance PANČOCHA, Karel. Teaching complex behaviors with acoustic guidance. Journal of Exceptional People, Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2018, vol. 12, No 1, p. 17-23. ISSN 1805-4978. Sekundární příznaky zdravotního postižení v mezinárodních studiích MÁROVÁ, Ivana, Karel PANČOCHA and Petr KACHLÍK. Sekundární příznaky zdravotního postižení v mezinárodních studiích (Secondary symptoms of disability in international studies). Časopis lékařů českých, Praha: Česká lékařská společnost J. E. Purkyně, 2017, vol. 156, No 8, p. 437-444. ISSN 0008-7335. prof. PhDr. Evžen Řehulka, CSc. Zdraví – učitelé – škola ŘEHULKA, Evžen. Zdraví – učitelé – škola (Health – Teachers – School). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016. 211 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8254-0. Fenomén transferu při studiu psychologie ŘEHULKA, Evžen. Fenomén transferu při studiu psychologie (Transfer phenomenon while studying psychology). In Učíme psychologii/Teaching psychology. 2015. Inkluze ve škole a ve společnosti jako interdisciplinární téma BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava, Marie VÍTKOVÁ, Barbora BOČKOVÁ, Ilona BYTEŠNÍKOVÁ, Lenka HLOUŠKOVÁ, Radka HORÁKOVÁ, Ivona JEDLIČKOVÁ, Geraldina PALOVČÍKOVÁ, Petr KOPEČNÝ, Bohumíra LAZAROVÁ, Dagmar OPATŘILOVÁ, Hana OŠLEJŠKOVÁ, Karel PANČOCHA, Jarmila PIPEKOVÁ, Milan POL, Lucie PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Evžen ŘEHULKA, Lenka SLEPIČKOVÁ, Ivo ŠLAPÁK, Kateřina TRNKOVÁ, Martin VRUBEL and Dana ZÁMEČNÍKOVÁ. Inkluze ve škole a ve společnosti jako interdisciplinární téma (Inclusion in Schools and in Society as an Interdisciplinary Issue). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015. 363 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8093-5. Koncepce a výsledky projektu ŠKOLA A ZDRAVÍ PRO 21. STOLETÍ ŘEHULKA, Evžen. Koncepce a výsledky projektu ŠKOLA A ZDRAVÍ PRO 21. STOLETÍ (Concept and Results of the Project SCHOOL AND HEALTH FOR 21.CENTURY). In ŘEHULKA, E., REISSMANNOVÁ, J., GAJZLEROVÁ, L. (eds.). ŠKOLA A ZDRAVÍ V 21. STOLETÍ: sborník za roky 2014 a 2015. první. Brno: MU, 2015. p. 432-443, 12 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8139-0. Social Inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities 39 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA PIPEKOVÁ, Jarmila, Marie VÍTKOVÁ, Miroslava BARTOŇOVÁ, Karel PANČOCHA, Lenka SLEPIČKOVÁ, Evžen ŘEHULKA and Helena VAĎUROVÁ. Social Inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015. 217 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-7726-3. Prof. Dr. Tom Schmid Schmid, Tom (2019): Inklusive Sozialplanung in Österreich. IN: Dimmel, Nikolaus (Hrg.): Das Soziale gestalten. Beiträge zur Sozialplanung. Linz. S. 359 – 368. Schmid, Tom (2018): Einfluss des Faschismus auf Pflege, medizinische Diagnostik und Therapie. In: Flemmich, Günter / Hais, Angelika / Schmid, Tom (Hrg.): Gesundheitsberufe im Wandel. Wien. S. 58 – 68. Flemmich, Günter / Hais, Angelika / Schmid, Tom (Hrg.) (2018): Gesundheitsberufe im Wandel. Wien. Böhmer, Veronika / Schmid, Tom (2017): Wie kann Sozialarbeit in der Institution Krankenhaus gelingen?. In. Sozialarbeit in Österreich 3/17. Wien. S. 23 – 24. Erkinger, Julia / Richter, Veronika / Schmid, Tom (Hrg.) (2016): Aufbruch / Ausbruch. Baustellen der Gleichstellung. Wien prof. MUDr. Ivo Šlapák, CSc. Immunohistochemical analysis of retraction pocket pars tensa of tympanic membrane in children URÍK, Milan, Pavel HURNIK, Dušan ŽIAK, Josef MACHAČ, Ivo ŠLAPÁK, Oldřich MOTYKA and Petr JABANDŽIEV. Immunohistochemical analysis of retraction pocket pars tensa of tympanic membrane in children. International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2019, vol. 122, JUL 2019, p. 111-116. ISSN 0165- 5876. doi:10.1016/j.ijporl.2019.04.008. Post-myringotomy oto-liquorrhea in children - A case study and literature review URÍK, Milan, Ivo ŠLAPÁK, David LAŠTOVIČKA, Jana JANČÍKOVÁ, Denisa PAVLOVSKÁ, Dagmar HOŠNOVÁ, Eliška ŽAROŠSKÁ and Michaela ŤOUKÁLKOVÁ. Post-myringotomy oto-liquorrhea in children - A case study and literature review. International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2018, vol. 115, DEC 2018, p. 153-155. ISSN 0165-5876. doi:10.1016/j.ijporl.2018.06.013. Histological analysis of retraction pocket pars tensa of tympanic membrane in children URÍK, Milan, Pavel HURNÍK, D. ŽIAK, Josef MACHAČ, Ivo ŠLAPÁK, O. MOTYKA, J. VACULOVÁ and J. DVOŘÁČKOVÁ. Histological analysis of retraction pocket pars tensa of tympanic membrane in children. International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2016, vol. 86, JUL 2016, p. 213-217. ISSN 0165-5876. Pott's puffy tumor: A rare complication of acute otitis media in child: A case report URÍK, Milan, Josef MACHAČ, Ivo ŠLAPÁK and Dagmar HOŠNOVÁ. Pott's puffy tumor: A rare complication of acute otitis media in child: A case report. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2015, vol. 79, No 9, p. 1589-1591. ISSN 0165-5876. doi:10.1016/j.ijporl.2015.06.029. Dětská otorinolaryngologie ŠLAPÁK, Ivo, Milan URÍK, Klára PERCEOVÁ, Linda FLORIANOVÁ, Gabriela FORSTOVÁ, Dagmar HOŠNOVÁ, Josef MACHAČ, Michaela MÁCHALOVÁ, Kateřina MALINOVÁ, Martina ONDROVÁ, Kateřina SOBOTKOVÁ, Jana JANČÍKOVÁ, Denisa BEZDĚKOVÁ, Andrea KALIARIKOVÁ, Alice FRYČKOVÁ and Vít KRUNTORÁD. Dětská otorinolaryngologie (Children Otorhinolaryngology). 2.přeprac. a doplněné vydání. Praha: Mladá fronta a.s. - Aeskulap, 2019. 366 pp. ISBN 978-80-204-5426-3. prof. PaedDr. Alica Vančová, CSc. Vančová, A., & Osvaldová, M. (2020). ART EDUCATION IN MUSIC FIELD OF PUPILS WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 37(6), 71-84, ISSN 1895-9911. INNOVATIVE TRENDS IN GEOGRAPHY FOR PUPILS WITH MILD INTELLECTUAL DISABILITYVančová, A., Šulovská, M. CBU International Conference Proceedings Volume: 4 (2016) ISSN: 1805-997X. Petr Adamus, Alica Vančová, Monika Löfflerová: Poruchy autistického spektra v kontextu aktuálních interdisciplinárních poznatků? Ostrva 2017, ISBN 8074649571, 9788074649578 Vančová Alica, Šulovská, Monika: INNOVATIVE TRENDS IN GEOGRAPHY FOR PUPILS WITH MILD INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY. In: CBU International Conference Proceedings [registrované vo WoS]. - Vol. 4 (2016), s. 392-398 [online] ISBN 978-80-88042-04-4 ISSN 1805-9961. prof. Mgr. Kateřina Vitásková, Ph.D. ČERVINKOVÁ, H., VITÁSKOVÁ, K. (2015). Specifics of Logopedic and Special Education Intervention in Children with Psychiatric Diagnosis. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2015, roč. 14, č. 3/2015, s. 812-818. ISSN 1303-6521. [Scopus] typ Jsc VITÁSKOVÁ, K., KYTNAROVÁ, L. (2017). The evaluation of pragmatic level of language in children with autism spectrum disorder. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého. 170 s. ISBN 978-80-244-5215-9 (94%) VITÁSKOVÁ, K., KYTNAROVÁ. (2017). The Role of Speech and Language Therapist in Autism Spectrum Disorders Intervention – An Inclusive Approach. In: Fernandes, F.D., M. (Ed.), Advances in Speech-language Pathology. Rijeka: InTech, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.70235. p. 355-370. ISBN 978-953-51-3510-4.. VITÁSKOVÁ, K., Component of Transdisciplinarity. (2018) In: Lechta, V., Bizová, (eds.) Key compontents of inclusive education. pp. 241-258. Berlin: Peter Lang. ISBN 978-631-76658-7. Bratislava: VEDA: Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. ISBN 978-80-224-1713-6 VITÁSKOVÁ, K., ŠTEFKOVÁ, V., KYTNAROVÁ L. (2019) La importancia del estudio de los trastornos del nivel pragmático del lenguaje en el contexto educativo actual: el trastorno del espectro autista. In: Hinojo Lucena, F.J., Aznar Díaz, I. y Cáceres Reche, M.P. (Eds.) Avances en recursos TIC e innovación educativa. DYKINSON, S.L. Madrid [E-book]. p. 18-29. ISBN 978-84-1324-355- 40 MU Details of the Degree Programme PdF:D-SPZPA prof. PhDr. Marie Vítková, CSc. Inkluzivní didaktika v praxi základní školy. Teorie, výzkum a praxe BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava, Alena SEDLÁČKOVÁ and Marie VÍTKOVÁ. Inkluzivní didaktika v praxi základní školy. Teorie, výzkum a praxe (Inclusive Didactics in Elementary School Practice. Theory, Research and Practice). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2020. 141 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-9585-4. Rozšíření školního poradenského pracoviště o pozici školního speciálního pedagoga a školního psycho- loga PIPEKOVÁ, Jarmila, Miroslava BARTOŇOVÁ, Jan VIKTORIN and Marie VÍTKOVÁ. Rozšíření školního poradenského pracoviště o pozici školního speciálního pedagoga a školního psychologa (Extension of the School Counseling Center with the Position of School Special Educator and School Psychologist). Online Journal of Primary and Preschool Education, Ústí nad Labem: Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity Jana Evangelisty Purkyně, 2019, vol. 3, No 1, p. 1-8. ISSN 2533-7106. doi:10.21062/ujep/326.2019/a/2533-7106/OJPPE/2019/3/1. Specifika školní zralosti u dětí s tělesným postižením a možnosti speciálně pedagogické diagnostiky BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava, Dagmar OPATŘILOVÁ and Marie VÍTKOVÁ. Specifika školní zralosti u dětí s tělesným postižením a možnosti speciálně pedagogické diagnostiky (Specifics of school maturity in children with physical disabilities and possibilities of educational support). In Nakladatelství Dr. Josef Raabe s.r.o. Školní zralost a dítě s SVP: vzdělávání a diagnostika. první. Praha: Nakladatelství Dr. Josef Raabe s.r.o., Praha 2019, 2019. p. 61-128, 68 pp. Školní zralost 4. ISBN 978-80-7496-421-3. Bildung als interdisziplinäres Thema VÍTKOVÁ, Marie and Miroslava BARTOŇOVÁ. Bildung als interdisziplinäres Thema. In 53. pracovních dnů docentů speciální pedagogiky v německy mluvících zemích - Hamburg. 2018. Inkluze ve škole a ve společnosti jako interdisciplinární téma BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava and Marie VÍTKOVÁ. Inkluze ve škole a ve společnosti jako interdisciplinární téma (Inclusion in Schools and Society as an Interdisciplinary Issue). 2. upravené vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016. 270 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8140-6. doc. PhDr. Věra Vojtová, Ph.D. Balharová, K., Balhar, J., & Vojtová, V. (2021). Dyslexia and Accessibility in the Modern Era: Emerging Research and Opportunities. BALHAROVÁ, Kamila, Jakub BALHAR and Věra VOJTOVÁ. Balharová, K., Balhar, J., & Vojtová, V. (2021). Dyslexia and Accessibility in the Modern Era: Emerging Research and Opportunities. 1. vydání. Hersshey, Spojené státy: IGI Global, 2020. 279 pp. Advances-human-social-aspects-technology. ISBN 978-1-7998-4267-5. doi:10.4018/978-1- 7998-4267-5. Edukační přístupy k dětem v riziku, s problémy a s poruchami v chování KACHLÍK, Petr, Věra VOJTOVÁ, Karel ČERVENKA, Martin FIALA, Michaela FIALOVÁ, Tereza KRČMÁŘOVÁ, Viktor KRIŽO, Jiří MARTINEC, Petra SEGEŤOVÁ and Kateřina ŠTRAUSOVÁ. Edukační přístupy k dětem v riziku, s problémy a s poruchami v chování (Educational attitudes towards children at risk, children with behavioural problems and children with behavioural disorders). 1., elektronické vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2019. 199 pp. ISBN 978- 80-210-9379-9. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Through Sri Lankan Primary School Teachers’ Eyes MENIKDIWELA, Kanchana Rukmali and Věra VOJTOVÁ. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Through Sri Lankan Primary School Teachers’ Eyes. Journal of Education and Practice, USA: IISTE Journal Publishing, 2017, Vol 8/2017, No 2, p. 4-10. ISSN 2222-1735. Edukační přístupy k dětem v riziku, s problémy a s poruchami v chování KACHLÍK, Petr, Věra VOJTOVÁ, Karel ČERVENKA, Martin FIALA, Michaela FIALOVÁ, Tereza KRČMÁŘOVÁ, Viktor KRIŽO, Jiří MARTINEC, Petra SEGEŤOVÁ and Kateřina ŠTRAUSOVÁ. Edukační přístupy k dětem v riziku, s problémy a s poruchami v chování (Educational attitudes towards children at risk, children with behavioural problems and children with behavioural disorders). první. Brno: MU, 2017. 199 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8916-7. Inkluze jako cesta k předcházení rozvoji problémů v chování KACHLÍK, Petr, Karel ČERVENKA, Věra VOJTOVÁ, Veronika BUCHTOVÁ, Michaela FIALOVÁ, Pavlína GRÁC LIVŇANSKÁ, Tereza KRČMÁŘOVÁ, Viktor KRIŽO and Petra SEGEŤOVÁ. Inkluze jako cesta k předcházení rozvoji problémů v chování (Inclusion as a way to prevent the development of behavioural problems). 1. vyd. Brno: MU, 2016. 174 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8509-1. 41