FACULTY OF EDUCATION MASARYK UNIVERSITY CZECH REPUBLIC MEDIA EDUCATION IN THE INSTRUCTION OF CZECH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE TEACHERS Dagmar Strejčkova D T3 Q] Q] L LL Education □ □ 3 cd 3 E6ER ECER 2012, Cadiz Introduction This presentation is a summary of findings from a research of Media Education as realized by teachers of Czech language and literature at upper primary schools. Media Education is a new topic in the Czech Republic, which has been introduced by the Framework Education Programme for Elementary Education (2007, further referred as FEP EE) and can be implemented in School educational programme in different ways according to the needs and specifics of each school. FEP EE as a state curricular document has been issued by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. The cross-curricular subject Media Education provides the pupil with elementary knowledge and skills related to media communication and work with the media. Cross-curricular subjects may be used as an integrative part of the educational content of a subject of instruction or in the form of independent subjects of instruction, projects, seminars, courses, etc. The aim of the study and methodology This study aims to analyze the most important aspects of realization of this cross-curricular subject by teachers in upper primary schools in the Czech Republic. The partial aims are oriented to finding out the mode of realization and benefits of cross-curricular subject Media Education in the upper primary schools by teachers and survey the use of media in the instruction of Czech language and literature teachers at the realization of Media Education. The sample consisted of Czech language and literature teachers at upper primary schools (n = 600). The research was carried out in the quantitative method, using a self-made questionnaire. Reliability of the tool has been tested with the use of Cronbach's a coeficient (a = 0.77). In this part the statistics procedure was utilized. Inductive statistical methods such as Student's t-test and ANOVAwere used. Results The research brought findings concerning the form of realizations of cross-curricular subject Media Education by teachers of Czech language and literature at upper primary schools in the Czech Republic. It was found out that the prevailing form of implementation of cross-curricular subject Media Education is in education subject of Czech language and literature (416 respondents, 69.33 %). It is less often taught as an independent subjects of instruction or as a projects (chart n.1). Teachers, who integrate cross-curricular subject Media Education in their instruction, use thematic areas of Media Education to the same degree as those, who realize Media Education as an independent subject or as an project (F = 1,85, p = 0,09). See chart n. 2. Box plot integration vs. independent subject vs. project 4,0 3,5 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 -0.5 I 2,66 □ T H,3€j □ R.oq □ o _ o T3 c . NAMLE - National Association for Media Literacy Education. Accessible from . OECD (2010). PISA 2009 Results: What Students Know and Can Do. Student Performance in Reading, Mathematics ad Science, [online]. Accessible from . Study on Assessment Criteria for Media Literacy Levels. A comprehensive view of the concept of media literacy and an understanding of how media literacy levels in Europe should be assessed (2009) [online]. Accessible from . The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. Accessible from < http://www.msmt.cz/>. Acknowledgements Contact: PhDr. Dagmar Strejčkova Masaryk University Faculty of Education Department of Czech Language Poříčí 7, Brno 603 00 Czech Republic e-mail: d.strejckova@gmail.com www.ped.muni.cz This study and its presentation were supported by the scholarship fund of the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Czech Republic.