'^'■-•■:-—.r«-.?,í^T*-: -■" ■ ■ "--------t Alternative pupils' conceptions about photosynthesis and plant respiration by pupils of 6 grade of lower secondary school Inn] Katerina Švandova H ... ©© INTRODUCTION The study is focused on the investigation of common alternative conceptions of lower secondary school pupils in 6™ grade regarding to photosynthesis and plant respiration. These are abstract concepts and prove to be hard acquirable terms, not only for pupils. In this study alternative pupils' conceptions are understood as children's conceptions, misconceptions or misunderstanding. People often hold alternative conceptions about natural phenomena for the whole life. To overcome alternative conceptions pupils must become aware of scientific conceptions, the evidence that bears on the validity of their alternative conceptions and the scientific conceptions, and they must be able to generate the logical relationships among the evidence and alternative conceptions (Lawson, Thompson, 1988). REFERENCES Lawson, A.E., & Thompson, L.D. (1988). Formal reasoning ability and alternative conceptions concerning genetics and natural selection. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 25(9), 733-746. AIMS AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS The main aim of the present study is to find out level of 6* grade pupils' alternative conceptions about photosynthesis and plant respiration with respect to gender and attitudes towards biology. They were determined by the following research questions: Q1: Is there any difference between boys and girls in the level of alternative conceptions about photosynthesis and plant respiration? Q2: Is there any difference in the alternative conceptions about photosynthesis and plant respiration with the respect to favorite subject? Q3: Can attitudes toward biology change level of knowledge and alternative conceptions about photosynthesis and plant respiration? METHODS One of methods how alternative conceptions are investigated is a two-tier test. It showed that great percentage of alternative conceptions in this area; particularly pupils' and students' did not understand photosynthesis and plant respiration as related, mutually connected physiological functions. In this study there was also used a two-tier test with nineteen items. The first part of every question in the test was focused on knowledge, the secondpart on the explanation of answer. The sample size was compound of 6* grade lower secondary school pupils in the Czech Republic. The data were re-encoded in several ways, first by analysing the pupils' knowledge (from correct/incorrect answers), but also their alternative conceptions (frequency of occurrence of alternative conceptions). The 17 items regarding to attitudes towards biology was the part of the research tool, too. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The contribution was supported by the grant MUNI/A/07O6/2012. The study is one part of longitudinal research conducted in a doctoral study (the present part will be a part of PhD. thesis of the author). CONTACT TO THE AUTHOR PhDr. Katerina Svandova Masaryk University, Faculty of Education, Department of Biology Porici 7, 603 00 Bmo, Czech republic email: katkasvandova@gmail.com RESULTS Mean score for knowledge part of the test was 0.33 (SD = 0.13) which shows a low-level knowledge about photosynthesis and plant respiration. Pupils responses were analyzed with respect to gender and favorite subject. The results were gained on analysis of variance (ANOVA). They didn't show statistically significant difference between boys and girls (F = 2.89, p = 0.09) and between pupils with science and non-science favorite subject (F = 1.22, p = 0.27). Our next intention was to examine whether there are associations between attitudes toward biology and knowledge (and misconceptions associated with them). The correlation between two variables was weak (r = 0.0090) and not statistically significant. For the evaluation of misconceptions were used evaluation of each of the items separately. We are not observing only correct answers, but we take into account primarily the percentage of individual responses in combination with all reasons of responses. In item number 3, the investigated where the plants receive nourishment containing the energy they need to live. Frequently misconception is that the most important source of nutrients for the plant is water with dissolved substances which are absorbed through the root system. This response was chosen 72.70 % of pupils in 6* grade. aj PupCt u rc/iooi f JvlfiUii tile crttJwri talk. Tnty intfuirf eonksirr «wir liwpisnti ttetiv* MttrishmtKI :oHz win? dv tnirjy thty n*ii 1» tlW- V The raaia freesitttch £e plantsabeam rrKrseeta is chleYCtrircsi. which is IKMN is !fce leaves, ej Theyare createdrhetaseivesirisid* ±eir bodies. Tiv'eszsifo'm. insr-rer;;. i Hwtr.os:mponaRt!mtnfa:i3M^;fC ska: theptanr needs te fetalis. - The most iatpcrast sonccec: acaients isTvater and .he disseised substances. which are absorbed bvche racr syiuca. 1 Plants can pc-dticeaijxects lteaiselvesiaadetheirbcd-.es, source cfenerryrK iorraaacr. of such substances is prretarciyirr and tantajbt. Year of srocr* Number of respondents Couren? choice Reason response Í1.36 No reason 0.SC' Ton: The :nnec: chcice and reassc .-esavnse -No fes3cr.se en this catescry Among the most frequent misconceptions belong statement that photosynthesis and plant respiration are the same processes which are differ in sign and on the part of the day when this processes take place (photosynthesis takes place by the day and respiration by the night). Another relatively strongly represented misconception is that plant produce oxygen during day and night too. Pupils often think that oxygen release is the main meaning of photosynthesis. Between next misconceptions we can mention a statement that it is necessary quantity of oxygen, carbon dioxide and chlorophyle for photosynthesis but it is not necessary quantity of light (length and intensity of sunlight). Although pupils often choose the option that breathes every living cell in the plant body (in question 4), they deny it in question number 11 when they are chosen response "Respiration takes place only in leaves where the special apertures (pores) for exchange of gases are." This misconception can be given by idea of breathing by animals and human with special breathing organs-lungs.