2 \ m Z Co ,0 IVIV. INSTITUT • VYZKUMU • INKLUZIVNIHO * VZDELÄVÄNI Art Availability & Visual Impairment RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Evaluation Research: predefined criteria (the accessibility of buildings, the accessibility of the arts, navigation system at galleries and more offers for people with visual impairments). FUTURE OF RESEARCH We take a step back from the assessment of accessibility of Fine Arts and we will evaluate an alternative methods of art, practical accessibility of galleries and cultural institutions that offer special services for people with visual impairment. accessibility of buildings accessibility of art other services Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam Amsterdam basic navigation system Tallinn guide dogs are welcome basic navigation system free admission audio guide Braille special program for pupils with visual impairment ATENEUI Helsinki free admission assistant for dissabled private tours audio guide Prague KIASMA NYKYTAITEEN MUSEO MUSEET FOR NUTIDSKDNST MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART Helsinki free admission 7 trained assists trained tourguides some works of art may be touched floor plans in Braille special aids and magnifying glasses to rent rOCyjAPCTBEHHUH 3 P M H T A )K 7 K ■ ■ 'if fit 18 St.Petersburg THE STATE HERMITAGE MUSEUM free admission audio guide free admission Introduction Culture is the foundation of all advanced societies. One of the important part of the culture is also art. Fine Art is accessible in galleries that also have educational role. Education pupils in the field of culture takes place in the gallery. According to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, all people have the same conditions for education. What are the possibilities of education of people with visual impairment in the galleries? Are galleries accessible to people with visual impairment? http://www.ngprague.cz/ http://www.hermitagemuseum.org http://www.kumu.ee/en/ http://www.ateneum.fi/en http://www.kiasma.fi/ http://www.alvaraalto.fi http://www.vangoghmuseum.nl https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en/organisation Kozue Handa, Hitoshi Dairoku and Yoshiko Toriyama: Investigation of priority needs in terms of museum service accessibility for visually impaired visitou, British Journal of Visual Impairment, September 2010; vol. 28, 3: pp. 221-234. Martin Vrubel