'{Y"3mU r l.iesr!fÈ* qlegii$ns whalisrhe plpls perceptionol6-i€lbooks? ls therè anydifierencebeiweenlh€ per@ptionof pnnbd and +texlbooks? iQrsesrciltool a questionnairewlh 10 ùkerl lype ilemswith a s-pÒinls€lè (sronqly agree- slighllyegree- nor ag.ed6or disaoreé- slighllydBagF€ L demographicandónlext focùseditems(g€rd4 age,qEde)4 p6 2 ilems locused on iho gèneÉl view on prinied bnbooks and + 3. tems focusedon dif€renl leatùresol e-books(sound,inage elc.) 2 pG 4 pùpls'p€f€@nesror pnnbdlexlbooks/Èt€x1bóoks13pG 5. open-endeditemson advanlag€s€nddisadvanlagesof pdnledandeThe.eliablÌityvonfedbylhecbnbachs a phacoefcient o=o81 'rhe va idityprovedbythe Facio. analyss Resèercb9arfrlrle 285pùpilsfom8l@er se@ndaryschoolsinlheCzechRepùblÌc ' 24%usn9e-lenbooksandpnntedènbooks,76%usinaonly pnntedEnbooks (acrcssdif€rent subjects) ' agedl2 to 16yea.s(7lhglhgrad€) Mellìcit rlf datapréccssiíig . dèscnpilvestalisbcs (fi ea., So) . ft6st tof invesligalinglhe sralisti€l diference of viewsoi rhe Groop 1: v ewsol pupilsusingpnobd t6xlbookson pnnledtexlbooks Grclp 2: v ewsof pupilsusirg €-l6xtbookson pnntedlexlbooks Group 3: vlewsol pupilsusingprinl€dloxtbookson erexlbooks Grclp 4: v ewsoi pupilslsinq e-textbookson +texlbooks . addtionaqualilaliveanalysisofopen-endedil€ms C{}fipering îlrerisws af t}iipil$on prini"d aild s-texll]€oì<${fi{" 1} Pupisusingonlypnnbdbnbooks havesimiaf vi4s onprinl€daodeienbooksas . nosiqnifcantdiffere.cebeMeengroup1 andgoup 2 (t = 144;p = 0,15),no slgnifcènrdiffeÈncebetweef,grcup3 andg.oup4 (r= 0,97 p = 0,33) Puplsusng onlypdnledlexìbookshavedifecnt v ewsonpnnbdande.lerlbooks . a s gnircanldifferencebelweenqoup l andgrcup3 (t= 11,43ip<0,001) Pupilsusing+textbookshavediferentviewsonpnntedandÈt€xlbÒoks . a 6iqnlfc€tditrerenebetueeng.oup2 andgoup4 (i= 655ìp<0,001) prpils' preferercegls e'lex{boak$ . 52vdwouldlikèto lse lhe e-tenbook at school 25% mlld . 75% ikevid€os,aldlosandsninalionsonelexlbooks . 61%findlhee+nbookmofeenledainingthanthepnnbd . 65 % pupis lh nk lnal e-lexlbooksofeB muchmore informalionthan prìntedtexthook Aalv*!'ìtag*$ & disadva*iage$ ot etextht)óli:i 1nths pupil$' point ,){ yi€w . Mosiryfom theenlenainmenrandr€chnic€l(malerìal) poiflt of vièw (seeihe quotatons in speechbanoons)