Analysisof educationof pupilswith mentaldisabilitiesfocusing ontheapplicationof alternativemethods PhDr.KateÍina Jiskrovó ISSUES OF MY COURSE related to the MU Faculty of Educ*tion Research . Integrationofpeoplewith disabilitiesin education,employmentandsociallife ofthe majority . Opportunitiesin educationofpeoplewith Downsyndromewhichcanraiseaadsupport theirdevelopment,integrationandautonomy . Specialmethodsfor thedevelopmentof commr:nicationandcognitivefunctionsof peoplewith Down syndrome Meandmvcqursedescription l,Iasaryk tlnive13ity - Facùlty ofEducation Departm€ntof - SpecialN€edsEducstion FieldsofStùdy - Doctoral DegreeProgram - Supeì'visor:doc.PaedDr.Miroslava Bartoiovó, Ph.D. My specialization - Education ofpeople with m€ntal disabilities Mi focus - Work and friendship with peopl€with Down syrdrome Summary of my thesis Researchfocusedonthe experiencesofparents and teachersofchildren with Down syndromeusing altemativemethodsfor supportcommunicationand cognitive functions Fundame|rtalten6s . Down syndrome ' Integration ' Educalion . Parents . Teachers . Cognifive fwìctions (tbjnking, perception,memory, attention, communication) Summarlyof mythesis l. Part: Qrantitative part of res€archusing qlestionnair€s . analysisof theexperiencesandviewsof parentsusing altemativemethodsin educationoftheir childrenwith DS . analysisofthe experiencesandopinionsofteachersusing altemativemethodsin educationof pupilswith DS Il, P:rt: Qualitative part ofresearch in dir€ct work with children wiih DS . ResearchdescribinguseFeuerstein'smethodsfor education of peoplewith DS Aims . Determinewhichaltemativemethodsaremost usedfor supportthedevelopmentof children with DS . Describetheexperience,advantagesand disadvantagesof usingeachmethods . Focusontheviewsof parentsandteachers . Describetheuseandimpactof Feuerstein's methodfor developmentof communicationand cognitivefunctionsof peoplewithDS Alternative methods used by families of children with DS in the Czech Republic: Researchmetlods Qù$tiúative rc6.5rch ' Analyscsofdocuments . Questionúiles . Teacbe$ . Evalustion atrdsummary ofr€search r€sults Oùdilrtive rescrrch ' Researchd$cribs useand impact ofFeuerstein'smelhod - observjngpeoplewith DS whenworkingwith thismelhod - description of the influence of merhodìn communication,thinking, memory, perception.attentìonandorienlalion in tìme. spaceandemotions - evaluationof theinfluenceofFeuerstein'smethodanddescriptionofthe possibìlitiesof lse for peoplewith DS t.rC """no.*t .l .otJ "no.""d on I Alternativemethodsusedin elementaryschoolsas partof educationfor childrenwith Downsyndrome: Jof .J t or'si J "c *.r """ èources or InrormaÚon aoour atrernaÍve mernoos ror families: lnvolvement of alternative methods: Current czechresources . SELIKOWITZ,M.: Downùtsyndrom.Praha:PoÍ41,2005.197s. ISBN80-7178-973-9. . SUSTROVA, M.: Díagnó.a: Downor syndróm-Bratislava: Spoloènost'Downovhosyndrómuv Slovenskejrepublike,2004.240 s.ISBN80-8046-259-3. . gantoitova, l,l. Jouéasnétrendt I ed kaci dètía;àhù se speciàlními v.dèlalacími potíebahi t Ceskérepublice. Bmol MSD,2005.ISBN80-86633-37 ' VALENTA, M., MÙLLEF.,O.: Psychopedie.Teoretickézókladya meÍodika.Pîaha:Paúa,2004. .