Pedagogical Translation in English Language Teaching: its Model and Research Design (Dissertation: Using Pedagogical Translation in English Language Teaching) Michaela Šamalová 12th ESSE Conference, UPJŠ Košice 29 August - 2 September 2014 Overview • •Theoretical framework •Aims •Research design • •Sampling •Measure •Data analysis • •Pedagogical Translation Model Key Terms • •Pedagogical translation (PT) • •Pretest-posstest control group quasi-experiment • •Quantitative research • •Communicative Approach • • • • Challenge • • •'Translation has been too long in exile, for all kinds of reasons which… have little to do with any considered pedagogic principle. It is time it was given a fair and informed appraisal.' • •Widdowson 2003: 160 Aims • • •Determine the influence of pedagogical translation on learners‘ language skills • • •Establish new understandings of the application of pedagogical translation in English language teaching • • • • • • • Research Design: Pretest-Posttest Control Group Quasi Experiment Pre-research study Sampling Students Teachers Interviews Seminars Pretest Teachers‘ feedback Application of PT Posttest Test evaluation, data analysis Replication study Test evaluation, data analysis Sampling & Procedure •150 – 180 learners •5 – 6 schools • •Controlled extraneous variables •Type of school and year of study •Level in English (CEFR A2-B1) •Textbook •Teachers • •Experimental vs. control group •Non-random assignment • •Replication study Pre-research Study Sampling Students Teachers Interviews Seminars Pretest Teachers‘ feedback Application of PT Posttest Test evaluation, data analysis Replication study Test evaluation, data analysis Application of PT • • •Experimental group • × •Control group • •Feedback •Reflective diaries • •In-class observations • • Pre-research Study Sampling Students Teachers Interviews Seminars Pretest Teachers‘ feedback Application of PT Posttest Test evaluation, data analysis Replication study Test evaluation, data analysis Measure & Data Analysis • •Pretest •Posttest • •Standardized language tests • •Teachers‘ feedback • • • Pre-research Study Sampling Students Teachers Interviews Seminars Pretest Teachers‘ feedback Application of PT Posttest Test evaluation, data analysis Replication study Test evaluation, data analysis •Translation and the Communicative Approach? Pedagogical Translation: Past • • • • PEDAGOGICAL • TRANSLATION • • CONTENT AIMS READING SKILLS WRITING SKILLS • • PROCEDURES • • • Contemporary Pedagogical Translation: Theoretical Foundations • •Belief that learner‘s mother tongue influences the process of second language acquisition (SLA) • •Contemporary theories of SLA • Cross-Linguistic Influence (Terence Odlin) • Cross-Linguistic Similarity (Hakan Ringbom) • •Communicative Approach • •Contemporary goals of foreign language instruction • Framework Educational Programme • •External influences Pedagogical Translation • •LANGUAGE PROXIMITY •LANGUAGE DISTANCE • PEDAGOGICAL • TRANSLATION COMMUNIC. • COMPETENCE •LEARNER DIFFERENCES CONTENT AIMS READING SKILLS • WRITING SKILLS • PROCEDURES SPEAKING SKILLS • LISTENING SKILLS •CONTEXTUAL •FACTORS External influences •Language proximity × language distance • •Learner differences •Relative learner‘s proficiency in L2 •Preferred learning strategies •Previous experience with learning a L2 •Motivation, personal traits, etc. •Cognitive processes •Interlingual identification •Learner‘s subjectivity • •Contextual factors • Summary • • •‘Modern translation activities have clear communicative aims and real cognitive depth, show high motivation levels and can produce impressive communicative results.‘ •Kaye, 2009 • • References •Cook, G. (2012). Translation in Language teaching . Oxford: Oxford University Press. •Duff, A. (1898). Translation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. •Gall, M., Gall, J., & Borg, W. ( 1996). Educational Research: An Introduction. New York: Longman,. •Gall, M., Gall, J., & Borg, W. (c2010). Applying educational research: how to read, do, and use research to solve problems of practice. Boston: Pearson. •Gavora, P. (2010). Úvod do pedagogického výzkumu. Brno: Paido. •Hendrich, J. et al. (1988). Didaktika cizích jazyků. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství. •Kaye, P. (2009). Translation activities in the language classroom. Retrieved from •Leonardi, V. (c2010). The role of pedagogical translation in second language acquisition: from theory to practice. Bern: Peter Lang. •Malmkjaer, K. et al. (1998). Translation and Language Teaching. Language Teaching and Translation. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing. •Odlin, T. Cross-Linguistic Influence. In: Doughty, C., & Long, M. (c2003). The handbook of second language acquisition. (ix, 888 s.) Malden: Blackwell Publishing. •Odlin, T. (1989). Language Transfer: Cross-linguistic Influence in Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. •Ortega, L. (2009). Understanding Second Language Acquisition. London: Hodder Education. •Ringbom, H. (c2007). Cross-linguistic similarity in foreign language learning. (viii, 144 s.) Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. •Stoddart, J. (2000). Teaching Through Translation. The Journal 11 (pp. 6-13). •Švaříček, R., & Šeďová, K. (2007). Kvalitativní výzkum v pedagogických vědách. Praha: Portál. •Widdowson, H.G. (2003). Defining Issues in English Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. • Thank you •Michaela Šamalová •Masaryk University, Faculty of Education •Brno, Czech Republic • •E-mail: