How to renew your loans? YOU CAN RENEW THE BOOK WHICH IS NOT RESERVED BY SOMEONE ELSE.  go to or through QR code  click login (top right side of the web page)  then log in with your UČO and your primary password  in your account you can see the list of your actual loans (and from which of the MU libraries are the loans of)  by checking the box you can choose loans you want to renew  it is possible to renew all the loans at once by clicking – renew all items  you can renew the books five times  prolongation of the loan is always 30days since the day you prolong it, i.e. 180 days in total  in case the book can not be renewed it is probably because it is reserved by some other reader, prolongation limit is over, or some other problem (inactive account, penalty, something else). In that case do not hesitate to contact us at or by phone +420 549 491 669