Selfcheck — instructions for use Selfcheck is a self-service rental facility. It is located on the first and second above-ground floors of Central library. Selfcheck can be used if you are registered and your account is OK, i.e. you have no blocking, fine, invalid registration, the book is not reserved by another reader. BORROWING BOOKS  Start with switching the language into English.  Tap on the “Check Out” button and place your student’s card to the card reader next to the display (see Figure 1). Figure 1 Figure 2  Place one book on the board into a grey square (see Figure 2) and wait for the checkout.  The book will be automatically credited to your account, and you will see the due date on display.  Please beware of borrowing in-house loans (that book has a red dot on the ridge). You are allowed to borrow in-house loans overnight only — you have to return them till the 10 AM next day otherwise will pay fine 10 CZK per hour!  If you want to borrow some more books, put another book into the grey square and wait for the checkout. Repeat these steps until you checked out all of the books.  Terminate book lending: if you want to print out a receipt tap on “Print Receipt” or if you want to save the paper and you are happy with an electronic receipt tap on “E-mail Receipt” or if you do not want to any confirmation tap on “No Receipt”. (continued on next page) RETURNING BOOKS  Start with switching the language into English.  Tap on the “Returns” button.  Place one book on the board into a grey square and wait for the check in.  The book will be automatically written off your account.  If you want to return some more books, put another book into the grey square and wait for the check in. Repeat these steps until you checked in all of the books.  If you want to print out a receipt click on “Print Receipt” or if you do not want to any confirmation click on “No Receipt”.  Put the returned books on the cart next to the SelfCheck. The fine created by the late return of the book is necessary to pay at the circulation desk. You can find out the amount of the fine through the SelfCheck’s “Account information” or your Aleph account, or you can ask a librarian at the circulation desk. ACCOUNT INFORMATION AND RENEWING OF LOANS  Start with switching the language into English.  Click on the “Account information” button and place your student’s card to the card reader next to the display.  Check out your account — you will see the number of checked out items, overdue items, some fines etc.  If you choose the option “Renew Items” you will see the list of your loans and the due dates.  Tick those items you want to renew and tap on the button “Renew Items”.  If you want to print out a receipt tap on “Print Receipt” or if you want to save the paper and you are happy with an electronic receipt tap on “E-mail Receipt” or if you do not want to any confirmation tap on “No Receipt”. (turn to top)