MEASURE No. 4/2020 FACULTY OF PHARMACY OF MASARYK UNIVERSITY Advanced Master’s Proceedings In accordance with Section 46 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (Higher Education Act), as later amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”), I issue the following Measure: Section 1 Introductory Provisions 1) This Measure implements the provisions of Part Five of the Study and Examination Regulations of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) and sets out more detailed conditions for the organisation of advanced Master’s proceedings at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as the “Faculty” and “MU”). 2) Advanced Master’s state examinations in all fields of study at the Faculty of Pharmacy are managed by the dean, whose advisory and initiatory body is the Board for Advanced Master’s Proceedings (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”). Section 2 Focus of Advanced Master’s Proceedings 1) Graduates of Master’s degree programmes in pharmacy can take the advanced Master’s state examination, if they have obtained the academic degree of “Master”. 2) The advanced Master’s exam can be taken at the MU Faculty of Pharmacy in the areas of: a) Social pharmacy-pharmacy, b) Pharmacognosy, c) Pharmaceutical technology, d) Pharmacology and toxicology, e) Pharmaceutical chemistry. 3) After successfully passing the advanced Master’s state examination, in accordance with Section 46(d) of the Act, candidates obtain the degree “Doctor of Pharmacy” (abbreviated to “PharmDr.” in Czech and placed before the name, or “PharmD.” in English). 3) The aim of the advanced Master’s proceedings is to increase the qualifications, professional level and social recognition of graduates of pharmaceutical studies. As part of the proceedings, which end with a advanced Master’s state examination (hereinafter referred to as “advanced Master’s proceedings”), participants certify deeper knowledge in the chosen field, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge of science and research and their creative application in practice. Masaryk University, Faculty of Pharmacy Palackého třída 1946/1, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 541 562 801, E:, Masaryk University, Faculty of Pharmacy Palackého třída 1946/1, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 541 562 801, E:, . Section 3 Initiation and Course of Advanced Master’s Proceedings 1) An application for the advanced Master’s state examination may be submitted by a graduate of a Master’s degree programme in pharmacy who has obtained the degree of “Master” or an applicant whose foreign university degree is equivalent to that obtained in a Master’s degree programme in pharmacy in the Czech Republic. 2) The participant submits the application via the Information System of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as “IS MU”). Applications are accepted throughout the academic year. Part of this application is also agreement with Measure of the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Masaryk University No. 5/2020 Fees for Advanced Master’s Proceedings. 3) The submission of the electronic application is considered complete after uploading the attachments below to the IS MU. In the case that the faculty needs the originals of some documents, it shall request them individually. These are: a) advanced Master’s thesis corresponding to the formal requirements set out in Section 5 of this Measure, b) certified copy of the diploma*, c) an officially certified copy of the graduation certificate up to and including 2005, d) an officially certified copy of the “Diploma Supplement” for graduates since 2006, e) professional CV, f) overview of the participant’s professional activities including published results and publications or results accepted for publication, g) statutory declaration that the submitted advanced Master’s thesis has not been used in other proceedings for the award of an academic degree, h) for graduates from a foreign university with a degree programme in the field of pharmacy, a recognition clause. * Pharmacy graduates of at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Masaryk University and at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University of Brno may attach a copy of the diploma and the diploma supplement to the application without official verification. 4) If the application form is not duly filled in or if the application does not contain the specified annexes or if the fee has not been paid, the faculty shall invite the participant to eliminate these shortcomings and set a reasonable deadline for this. If the shortcomings are not remedied within this period, the application shall be disregarded. The fee shall be refunded to the participant. 5) The dean decides on the commencement of the advanced Master’s proceedings with individual participants on the proposal of the chair of the doctoral board in the order in which the applications were delivered, taking into account the capacity and availability of the examination boards. Section 4 Fees for the Advanced Master’s State Examination 1) For acts connected with the acceptance of the application for this examination and with the organisation of the examination, the dean shall set a fee. 2) The participant has the right to use, for a fee, the equipment and information technology necessary for the preparation for the exam in accordance with the rules set by the university. 3) For a fee, the participant has the right to continuously consult the preparation of the work with a selected Masaryk University, Faculty of Pharmacy Palackého třída 1946/1, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 541 562 801, E:, . consultant from the List of Consultants appointed by the dean. 4) The fees for resitting the advanced Master’s state examination or its parts are set by the dean in his/her measures. 5) The participant is obliged to pay the fee for the advanced Master’s proceedings without delay through the Shopping Center in the IS MU at the time of submitting the electronic application for the advanced Master’s proceedings. Section 5 Advanced Master’s Thesis 1) An advanced Master’s thesis must have the characteristics of an original scientific work and must contain knowledge suitable for publication in the scholarly press. 2) The author of the advanced Master’s thesis must take care not to infringe Act No. 121/2000 Coll., on Copyright, on Rights Related to Copyright and on Modification of Certain Acts (Copyright Act), as later amended (the Copyright Act), as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Copyright Act”), and in particular to avoid plagiarism. 3) The text of the submitted advanced Master’s thesis is subject to comparison with the texts of final theses stored in the university or interuniversity database of final theses and with the texts of other publications. Section 47(b) of the Act shall apply to the procedure of publishing advanced Master’s theses. In the event of a higher percentage of matches with the database, the Office for Quality and Academic Affairs shall contact the chair of the advanced Master’s examination board in the field together with the Vice-Dean for External Relations, Strategy and Development, who shall further assess the work and its sources on an individual basis. 4) The advanced Master’s thesis must be printed or otherwise reproduced and placed in a binding suitable for archiving. The participant shall deliver two copies of his/her advanced Master’s thesis to the Office for Quality and Academic Affairs no later than 7 days after uploading its electronic version to the IS MU. 5) The electronic version of the thesis must be uploaded to the database for publishing final theses (IS MU). The conformity of the electronic and paper version is confirmed by the participant’s signature. By submitting the advanced Master’s thesis, the author agrees to its publication, regardless of the result of the defence according to Section 47b of the Act. 6) The advanced Master’s thesis can be submitted in Czech, Slovak or English. 7) A participant who has an access password to the MU Information System (hereinafter referred to as “IS MU”) from previous studies at MU is obliged to upload an electronic version of the advanced Master’s thesis into this system, at the latest 7 days after confirmation of the application for the advanced Master’s state examination in the IS MU by the faculty. 8) A participant who does not have a password to the IS MU from previous studies will, after confirming the application in the IS MU, collect the password to the IS MU in person at the Department for Quality and Academic Affairs, or ask the above mentioned department to send it. The participant shall then upload the advanced Master’s thesis to the system without undue delay, at the latest within 7 days from the collection/delivery of the password. Masaryk University, Faculty of Pharmacy Palackého třída 1946/1, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 541 562 801, E:, . 9) Upon the nomination of the chair of the doctoral board, the dean shall appoint at least two reviewers of the advanced Master’s thesis, who shall assess its content and formal level. 10) The participant to the advanced Master’s proceedings has the right to get acquainted with the opinion of the reviewers no later than 5 calendar days before the date of the advanced Master’s examination. 11) The advanced Master’s thesis must contain original results or original conception of a self-contained issue of the field, at a level that corresponds to the publishing standards of the field. 12) The advanced Master’s thesis may take the form of a set of published works of the applicant or works accepted for publication, which the applicant provides with a comprehensive introduction to the issue and a commentary. 13) A template based on the MU Unified Visual Style shall be used for writing the advanced Master’s thesis. This template is freely accessible in the IS MU Document Server in the faculty folder or from the faculty website. Other recommended formatting of the advanced Master’s thesis is listed in the Guidelines for the Advanced Master’s Thesis Template in the same place. Section 6 Advanced Master’s Proceedings Board 1) The Board consists of the chairs of the boards of doctoral degree programmes and is presided over by the ViceDean for External Relations, Strategy and Development. 2) Meetings of the Advanced Master’s Proceedings Board are convened by its chair at least once a year. The chair informs the dean in writing of the results and proposals of the meetings. 3) The Board may also vote per rollam. 4) Minutes are taken of each meeting of the Board, which must be approved by the members of the Board. Section 7 Doctoral Boards for Advanced Master’s Proceedings 1) The doctoral boards for advanced Master’s proceedings (hereinafter referred to as “doctoral boards”) are identical in their composition to the doctoral boards for doctoral studies as follows: a) doctoral board Safety and Quality of Medicines for advanced Master’s proceedings in the field of Social Pharmacy b) doctoral board Pharmacognosy for advanced Master’s proceedings in the field of Pharmacognosy, c) doctoral board Pharmaceutical Technology for advanced Master’s proceedings in the field of Pharmaceutical Technology, d) doctoral board Pharmacology and Toxicology for advanced Master’s proceedings in the field of Pharmacology and Toxicology, e) doctoral board Pharmaceutical Chemistry for advanced Master’s proceedings in the field of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2) The doctoral boards, through the chairs, submit to the dean: a) proposals to initiate advanced Master’s proceedings, b) proposals for reviewers of advanced Master’s theses, c) proposals for the composition of boards for the advanced Master’s state examination, Masaryk University, Faculty of Pharmacy Palackého třída 1946/1, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 541 562 801, E:, . d) proposals for the date of the advanced Master’s state examination. Section 8 Chair of the Advanced Master’s Examination Board 3) The chair of the advanced Master’s examination board is an academic staff member of the faculty with the pedagogical-scientific degree of associate professor or professor in the given or a related field. The chair of the advanced Master’s examination board for the given area is appointed and removed by the Rector on a proposal from the Board. Proposals for the appointment or removal of the chairs of the advanced Master’s examination boards are submitted to the Rector by the dean. 4) The chair of the advanced Master’s examination board: a) manages activities in the given area of advanced Master’s proceedings, b) assesses the focus and topic of the advanced Master’s thesis and comments on its acceptance, d) submits proposals to the doctoral board: i) to initiate advanced Master’s proceedings, ii) for the appointment of reviewers of advanced Master’s theses, iii) for the composition of the examination board for the advanced Master’s state examination, iv) on the date of the advanced Master’s state examination. e) leads the advanced Master’s state examination and is responsible for its standard and flawless course, f) is responsible for submitting complete documentation on advanced Master’s examinations of individual participants for archiving. Section 9 Participant to Advanced Master’s Proceedings 1) An applicant who has met all the conditions set out in Section 3 shall become a participant to the advanced Master’s proceedings. 2) A participant to the advanced Master’s proceedings does not have the status of a student according to Section 61 of the Act. 3) Before starting the advanced Master’s proceedings, the participant has the right to choose the area of the advanced Master’s state examination, to choose the range of services provided by the faculty and to use the equipment and information technology of the faculty necessary for preparation for the advanced Master’s state examination. As part of the fee paid for the advanced Master’s proceedings, the candidate is entitled to an initial consultation with the chair of the advanced Master’s examination board concerning the course of the advanced Master’s proceedings. Within this consultation, consultancy of the advanced Master’s thesis or its supervision are not addressed. The amount and content of fees is determined by the dean in his/her measure. 4) A participant to the advanced Master’s proceedings is obliged to: a) observe valid legal standards and internal regulations of the Faculty of Pharmacy and MU, b) at the invitation of the dean or the chair of the advanced Master’s examination board, appear to discuss issues related to his/her advanced Master’s proceedings. Masaryk University, Faculty of Pharmacy Palackého třída 1946/1, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 541 562 801, E:, . 5) In the event of a serious and culpable breach of the obligations of a participant to the advanced Master’s proceedings, the dean may, on the proposal of the chair of the Board, suspend or cancel the advanced Master’s state examination. Prior to the adoption of these measures, the participant shall be given the opportunity to discuss the matter with the dean. Section 10 Consultants for Participants to Advanced Master’s Proceedings 1) On the proposal of the chairs of the doctoral boards, the dean shall appoint consultants for participants to the advanced Master’s proceedings from among the academic staff of the faculty or, exceptionally, other experts. 2) A consultant must have at least the academic degree of Ph.D., the scientific degree of DrSc. or CSc., or the academic-scientific degree of Dr. Section 11 Reviewers of Advanced Master’s Theses 1) The chair of the advanced Master’s examination board shall forward the advanced Master’s thesis to the reviewers, who shall assess its content and formal level. At least one of the reviewers must not be an employee of Masaryk University. Reviewers are obliged to submit their opinion to the chair of the advanced Master’s examination board within 30 days at the latest. At the end of the report, the explicit statement “The advanced Master’s thesis is / is not recommended for defence” must be given. In case the statement is positive, the chair of the advanced Master’s examination board shall propose to the doctoral board the date of the advanced Master’s state examination. In the case of a negative opinion, the chair of the advanced Master’s examination board shall return the advanced Master’s thesis to the participant for revision and shall propose a postponement of the advanced Master’s state examination to the doctoral board. 2) The reviewer’s report is written in the language of the advanced Master’s thesis. For advanced Master’s theses written in Slovak, it is possible to give an opinion in Czech, and for Czech written works, an opinion can be prepared in Slovak. 3) A reviewer who is an MU employee is obliged to upload the report into the IS MU; an external reviewer’s report is uploaded to the IS MU by the Office for Quality and Academic Affairs. 4) A reviewer of the advanced Master’s thesis must have at least a Ph.D., the scientific degree of DrSc. or CSc., or the academic-scientific degree of Dr. 5) The reviewer is usually a member of the advanced Master’s examination board. If he/she is unable to attend the examination, the members of the examination board shall be acquainted with the text of the reviewer’s report by the chair of the examination board on his/her behalf. Section 12 Examination Board for the Advanced Master’s Examination 1) For each advanced Master’s state examination, the dean shall appoint a separate examination board composed of the chair of the advanced Master’s examination board and at least four other members. The Masaryk University, Faculty of Pharmacy Palackého třída 1946/1, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 541 562 801, E:, . members of the examination board are usually reviewers of the advanced Master’s theses. If a participant’s consultant is a member of the examination board, he/she shall not have the voting right. 2) The right to be examiners in the advanced Master’s state examination is restricted to professors, associate professors and persons with a Ph.D. or the scientific degree of DrSc., CSc., or the academic-scientific degree of Dr. 3) For reasons worthy of special attention (especially health), the dean may additionally appoint another member of the examination board, or to authorise another member of the examination board to represent the chair of the examination board and to lead the advanced Master’s state examination. Section 13 Advanced Master’s State Examination 1) The dean shall decide on the date and place of the advanced Master’s state examination on the proposal of the doctoral board. Applicants registered in the period from 1 January to 30 June take the examination no later than on 30 September of the given calendar year, and applicants registered from 1 July to 31 December take the examination no later than on 31 March of the following calendar year. 2) The advanced Master’s state examination is carried out before an examination board appointed in accordance with Section 12; the date of the advanced Master’s state examination must be communicated to the participant no later than 30 days before the examination. 3) The advanced Master’s state examination is public and consists of the defence of the advanced Master’s thesis and an oral examination of the subjects set for the given area. Successful defence of the advanced Master’s thesis is a prerequisite for the participant’s admission to the oral part of the advanced Master’s state examination. 4) The examination board decides on the result of the advanced Master’s examination in a closed session by secret ballot, in which it decides by a simple majority of votes of the members present. In the event of a tie, the opinion of the chair of the advanced Master’s examination board shall be decisive. If the chair of the advanced Master’s examination board is at the same time a reviewer or consultant of the thesis of the participant to the advanced Master’s proceedings, his/her right to cast the decisive vote shall pass to the oldest member of the board. 5) The chair of the examination board shall officially announce the result of the advanced Master’s state examination on the day it is held with the evaluation “passed” – “failed”. A record of the course and result of the advanced Master’s state examination shall be prepared and shall be archived at the faculty together with the complete documentation on the advanced Master’s state examination in compliance with the valid regulations. 6) In the case of failure in the advanced Master’s state examination, the dean may, on the basis of a written request from the participant, permit the resit after three months at the earliest. In the case of failure in the oral part of the advanced Master’s state examination, its successfully completed part – the defence of the advanced Master’s thesis – shall be recognised. A maximum of one resit of the advanced Master’s state examination or a part thereof is permissible. The dean determines the fee for resitting the advanced Master’s state examination by his/her measure. 7) If the participant does not request from the dean in writing to resit the advanced Master’s state Masaryk University, Faculty of Pharmacy Palackého třída 1946/1, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 541 562 801, E:, . examination within 12 months from the date of the unsuccessful attempt, the advanced Master’s proceedings shall be suspended by the dean’s decision. Section 14 Absence from the Advanced Master’s State Examination 1) If a participant is unable to attend the advanced Master’s state examination for serious, especially medical, and credibly documented reasons, the dean may, upon written request and agreement of the chair of the advanced Master’s examination board, allow taking the advanced Master’s state examination at an alternate date. The application must be delivered to the dean together with proof of the reason for nonparticipation no later than 5 working days from the date of the advanced Master’s state examination. 2) Unexcused absence from the advanced Master’s state examination is evaluated as “failed”. The dean may allow such a participant to resit the advanced Master’s state examination. The provisions of Section 12 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the repetition of the advanced Master’s state examination. Section 15 Termination and Suspension of Advanced Master’s Proceedings 1) The advanced Master’s proceedings shall be terminated: a) by passing of the advanced Master’s state examination (evaluation “passed”) and the awarding of the academic degree of Doctor of Pharmacy ("PharmDr." in Czech, which is “PharmD” in English), b) by unsuccessful taking of the advanced Master’s state examination (evaluation “failed”), c) on the basis of a written notification from the participant, d) by the decision of the dean of the faculty, if there is a falsehood in any of the data stated in the application and its appendices, the violation of copyright, plagiarism or the non-originality of the advanced Master’s thesis come to light, e) upon expiry of the specified period for the elimination of defects in the application or its annexes, without the participant removing the defect f) in deciding whether to comply with and infringing Section 9 subsection 5. 2) The decision to suspend the advanced Master’s proceedings shall take effect one month from the date of notifying the fact to the participant. The suspension of the advanced Master’s proceedings shall not establish the right to a refund of fees paid. Section 16 Issuance of a Diploma MU shall issue a Diploma confirming the award of the academic degree “PharmDr.” on the completion of the advanced Master’s state examination, which is attached the Diploma Supplement. The Diploma and the Diploma Supplement are usually awarded during an academic ceremony. This Measure comes into effect on 24 September 2020. Masaryk University, Faculty of Pharmacy Palackého třída 1946/1, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 541 562 801, E:, . Administrator of the Measure: : doc. PharmDr. Ondrej Zendulka, Ph.D. Vice-Dean for Strategy and Development doc. PharmDr. Ing. Radka Opatřilová, Ph.D., MBA Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, MU