Ulli I Masaryk University PhD Philosophy - Illustration of a study progress - during the whole study the minimum of 240 credits (cr) is obligatory, i.e. 30 cr per semester on average, as illustrated below - each semester at least 20 cr must be obtained to be allowed for registration to the next semester - Doctoral Exam after the 6th semester (the earliest time), but not later than the 4th year of study (i.e. after the 8th semester) - before Doctoral Exam many courses e.g. Doctoral Seminars must be completed, cf. so-called Control Template obligatory courses - most fixed position within the study progress; 'block of seminars', 'block of duties', 'block of outcomes' semi-eligible course - middle fixed position; courses eligible from blocks (A) and (B) (see below); 'block of eligible courses' eligible courses - highly flexible position; fully eligible courses; 'block of eligible courses' Semester course name ('block of seminars') cr course name ('block of duties') cr course name ('block of outcomes') cr course name ('block of eligible courses') cr total cr 1. Doctoral Seminar 1 10 Philosophy for Doctoral Study 1 10 Foreign Languages 5 Specialised Eligible Course (A) 5 30 II. Doctoral Seminar II 10 Philosophy for Doctoral Study II 10 National Conference 5 Interdisciplinary Eligible Course (A) 5 30 III. Doctoral Seminar III 10 Pedagogical Activities and Tutoring 1 5 Research Article 1 10 'any eligible course' 5 30 IV. Doctoral Seminar IV 10 Pedagogical Activities and Tutoring II 5 Research Article II 10 Popularisation and further Publication Activities (B) 5 30 V. - - International Stay 20 - - International Eligible Course (A) International Practical Stay (B) 5 5 30 VI. Seminar Preparing for Doctoral Exam 1 10 Doctoral Theses for Doctoral Exam 5 International Conference 5 Research Article (further) (B) 'any eligible course' 5 5 30 VII. Seminar Preparing for Doctoral Exam II 10 - - International Research Article 20 - - 30 VIII. Seminar for Dissertation Thesis 10 Dissertation Thesis Report 10 Research Article III 10 - - 30 Department of Philosophy (Faculty of Arts) Masaryk University © 2022 1 |\| T Masaryk U Ii 1 University PhD Philosophy - Courses from the viewpoint of their eligib COMMON COURSES OF DOCTORAL STUDIES total cr - courses provided by authorised departments of FF MU - even a student of philosophy must register Philosophy for Doctoral Study I and II PHDZ1, PHDZ2 Philosophy for Doctoral Study I, II 2x10 PHD_C.I1 Foreign Language 5 obligatory courses total 25 cr OBLIGATORY PROGRAMME COURSES - educational courses (seminars) are provided by KF (=Department of Philosophy) - non-educational courses are usually (indirectly) provided by external scientific institution (journal, conference programme committee etc.) DPH_DS1, ...2, ...3, ...4 Doctoral Seminar I, II, III, IV 4x10 PHD_SD1, PHD_SD2 Seminar Preparing for Doctoral Exam I, II 2x10 PHD_DP Seminar for Dissertation Thesis 10 PHD_TE Doctoral Theses for Doctoral Exam 5 Department of Philosophy (Faculty of Arts) Masaryk University © 2022 2 Ulli I Masaryk University PHD_AU Dissertation Thesis Report 10 PHD_TK National Conference 5 PHD_ZK International Conference 5 PHD_OPl, ...2, ...3 Research Article I, II, III 3x10 PHD_ZP International Research Article 20 PHD_ZS International Stay 20 PHD_PG1, PHD_PG2 Pedagogical Activities and Tutoring I, II 2x5 obligatory programme courses total 175 cr obligatory common and programme courses total 200 cr SEMI-OBLIGATORY COURSES - two blocks of semi-obligatory course, A and B - from each block at least 15 cr must be gathered - selection course must be approved by the supervisor before the semester - most of the courses can be registered repeatedly (cf. 'further') (see the next page) Department of Philosophy (Faculty of Arts) Masaryk University © 2022 3 Ulli I Masaryk University semi-obligatory courses, at least 30 er for any (fully) eligible courses one typically needs 10 cr Block A "internationalisation-interdisciplinarisation" PHDJVK Interdisciplinary Eligible Course 5 PHD_ZVK International Eligible Course 5 PHD_SVK Specialised Eligible Course 5 PHD_CJD Foreign Language (further) 5 Block B "publications and further outcomes" PHD_OPD Research Article (further) 5 PHD_ZPD International Research Article (further) 20 PHD_ZKD International Conference (further) 5 PHD_ZPX International Practical Stay 5 PHD_PPA Popularisation and Further Publication Activities 5 ELIGIBLE COURSES - the courses listed below are provided by KF - any suitable courses from FF ML) or ML) can be registered Department of Philosophy (Faculty of Arts) Masaryk University © 2022 4 UNI Masaryk University PHD. _SPJ Specialised Source Language 5 PHD. _PSV Source Study and Research 5 PHD. TST National Research Stay 5 PHD. _PGD Pedagogical Activities and Tutoring (further) 5 PHD. _POA Project and Organisation Activities 5 PhD Philosophy - Control Template for Doctoral Exam - Doctoral Exam after the 3rd year of study (i.e. after the 6th semester), not later than the 4th year of study (i.e. after the 8th semester) * Philosophy for Doctoral Study I, II * Foreign Language * Research Article I, II * International Conference * Pedagogical Activities and Tutoring I, II * Doctoral Seminar I, II, III, IV * Seminar Preparing for Doctoral Exam I, II * Seminar for Dissertation Department of Philosophy (Faculty of Arts) Masaryk University © 2022 5