Pondělí 20. 3. 2023 16:00-17:30 A11 FF MU 20. března 2023 dr. Urszula Lisowska Wroclaw University Towards an Account of Wonder as a Category of Political Philosophy in the Anthropocene aaaaaaaa Abstract The lecture aims to locate the concept of wonder in the context of the political challenge of the Anthropocene. In the first part of the lecture, the latter is placed in the framework of the nature-politics dualism present in Western political philosophy. Literature reviewed includes the recent works of Dipesh Chakrabarty, John S. Dryzek and Jonathan Pickering, as well as Emily Ann Parker. In the second part, the concept of wonder is introduced and presented at three levels – as a philosophical, political and environmental category. Here, such authors as Hannah Arendt, Martha C. Nussbaum, Jeremy Bendik-Keymer and Mary-Jane Rubenstein are discussed. The third part suggests possible areas in which wonder can prove relevant to the political challenge of the Anthropocene. These include an embodied account of freedom, the reconceptualization of politics as a space between bodies, as well as the recontextualization of politics in the Earth system with the aid of the concept of heterotopia.