Pondělí 10. 10. 2022 16:00-17:30 Zoom 10. října 2022 prof. Jon Stewart Slovak Academy of Sciences An Analysis of the Religion of the Maya: A Hegelian Approach aaaaaaaa Abstract Critics have argued that the development of the world religions that Hegel sketches in the Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion is a crass expression of 19th-century Eurocentrism. This criticism aims to undermine Hegel’s claim about the necessity of this development. If one wanted to defend Hegel against this charge, it would be necessary to explore other religions that he failed to treat and to see to what extent, if at all, they can be said to fit into his scheme of the development of world religions. If his theory is really universal as he claims, then we would expect to find this same kind of development in other religions, besides the ones that Hegel himself was familiar with. In this paper I wish to do this by means of an exploration of the religion of the Maya in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. My thesis is that the polytheism of the Maya, in fact, fits very well into Hegel’s scheme. I argue specifically that it corresponds generally to the stage occupied by the Egyptian religion on Hegel’s account. Join Zoom Meeting https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/91882884243?pwd=T1N3c2NKd2ZsMlJDVjRaT2RIOGVFZz09