Rap corpus
- Eva LALKOVIČOVÁ. French rappers resemble cursed poets. online.muni.cz, 26. 12. 2014. Retrieved from https://www.online.muni.cz/veda-a-vyzkum/5536-francouzsti-raperi-se-podobaji-prokletym-basnikum.
- Karim HAMMOU.French rap examined in the Czech Republic, 2015, Sur un son rap. Retrieved from http://surunsonrap.hypotheses.org/3138.
- Thierry BULOT & Valentin FEUSSI (dirs) Norms, urbanities and plurilingual emergences Parlers (of) young French speakers L’Harmattan, 2012, 264 p. Report by Françoise Gadet, Language and society 2/2013 (no. 144), p. 124-125. Retrieved from www.cairn.info/revue-langage-et-societe-2013-2-page-123.htm. DOI : 10.3917/ls.144.0123.
- LINGEA (2012). Cooperation with the Institute of Romance Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Arts MU. Zpravodaj Lingea, 27. 04. 2012. Retrieved from http://www.lingea.cz/zpravodaj.asp?c=64
- LINGEA (2012). PAS DE BLEME ! a dictionary of slang and colloquial French. 17. 09. 2012. Retrieved from http://www.lingea.cz/pas-de-bleme-slovnik-slangu.html