1 Our journey to the HR Award What have we done? What awaits us now? What changes are planned? Information brochure for employees muni arts 2 325completed questionnaires 142pages of documents sent to the European Commission 40principles of the Charter and the Code 28members of the Expert Team and Working Group 4areas of the Charter and the Code 1logo HR Excellence in Research The Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University endorses the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. In practice, this meant for us to evaluate compliance with these principles at our faculty and to propose measures where we have identified reserves. What does it mean? What changes are planned? You will find everything you need to know in this information brochure. 1 prof. Mgr. Lukáš Fasora, Ph.D. Vice-dean for Research and Development Foreword Dear Colleagues, In April 2021, we became proud holders of the HR Excellence in Research Award (HR Award). Our faculty‘s efforts to earn this certificate have two aspects. The award is both a condition for further development of research, and it is an opportunity to fundamentally reflect on the personnel and research policy of the faculty in light of the challenges of the 21st century. The awarding of the certificate is not the culmination of the whole process of cultivating our personnel research policy but only the conclusion of the initial phase of the work. Many discussions preceded the actual declaration of our interest in the HR Award in autumn of 2019. They became livelier during the coordinated efforts of the entire Masaryk University to establish a gender equality policy in 2021, and in fact, almost every single point in the HR Award Action Plan for our faculty promises to revise some substantial part of the work in the field of research and human resources. The initial phase was not easy, nor will the subsequent ones be. For this reason, I would like to thank all employees, students of doctoral programmes at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, for their willingness to participate in debates about changes. I especially appreciate the work of the members of the Working Group and the Steering Committee and the excellent coordination of all the administrative work by the close cooperation of the FA MU HR Award team. This presented brochure is not only an overview of what has already been achieved and information about the tasks stemming from our HR Award obligation. It is mainly an incentive to think about what needs to be improved at the faculty so that we can all truly feel comfortable here. 2 What is the HR Award? The HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH AWARD (abbreviated as the HR Award) is granted by the European Commission to research institutions that implement the HRS4R (The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers). The HRS4R is based on the 40 principles set out in The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Re- searchers. So far, more than 580 European research institutions have received this award, of which 30 are in the Czech Republic (according to the data available on 15th April 2021). What are the advantages of the HR Award? — A long-term sustainable, international and transparent work environment open to top local and foreign researchers — Increasing the prestige and international awareness of the university and the faculty for researchers — Increasing the quality of human resource management — Creating conditions for a more attractive career in research and development — Guaranteeing modern transparent recruitment and selection of new researchers — Appreciation of experience from mobility in the public and private sector — Supporting researcher career development — Involvement in a pan-European network of research organisations holding the HR Award — Improved position in obtaining research funding from European and national research support programmes 3 1 2 II. Recruitment and Selection 12. Recruitment  13. Recruitment (Code)  14. Selection   15. Transparency 16. Judging merit   17. Variations in the chronological order of CVs  18. Recognition of mobility experience  19. Recognition of qualifications  20. Seniority   21. Postdoctoral appointments  I. Ethical and Professional Aspects 1. Research freedom  2. Ethical principles 3. Professional responsibility  4. Professional attitude  5. Contractual and legal obligations  6. Accountability  7. Good practice in research  8. Dissemination, exploitation of results  9. Public engagement  10. Non discrimination  11. Evaluation/appraisal systems  3 4 III. Working Conditions and Social Security 22. Recognition of the profession  23. Research environment  24. Working conditions  25. Stability and permanence of employment  26. Funding and salaries  27. Gender balance  28. Career development  29. Value of mobility  30. Access to career advice  31. Intellectual property rights  32. Co-authorship 33. Teaching 34. Complains/Appeals   35. Participation in decisionmaking bodies IV. Training and Development 36. Relation with supervisors  37. Supervision and managerial duties  38. Continuing professional development  39. Access to research training and continuous development 40. Supervision 40 principles of the Charter and the Code 4 Which teams cooperate on the HR Award? Working Group Representatives of academic and nonacademic researchers The Head of Personnel Office Expert Team The HR Award Manager The HR Award Specialist The HR Award professionals Steering Committee The Dean The Dean‘s Board The HR Award Manager The Director of Personnel Management Office, Rector‘s Office entire HR Award process. It consists of the Dean’s Board of the FA MU headed by the Dean, the HR Award Manager of the FA MU and the Director of Personnel Management Office of the Rector‘s Office. The Steering Committee — monitors progress in implementing the Action plan on the basis of defined indicators, — comments on and approves the draft proposals for new HR Award documents and activities, — supervises the compliance of HR Award activities with other activities taking place at FA MU and MU, — decides on matters of a strategic nature, Steering Committee The Steering Committee is responsible for overseeing the setup of the 5 — transfers the solution of some general topics beyond the specific issues of the FA MU to university-wide working groups or other boards at the university level. Working Group The Working Group was set up to involve researchers who form the advisory team in the HR Award process as much as possible. It consists of representatives of academic and non-academic staff and the Head of Personnel Office. The staffing of the Working Group is balanced in terms of the representation of men and women, various departments of the faculty (in the field groups of human sciences, historical sciences, philological disciplines and art sciences) and also according to the career level of researchers. The Working Group — participates in the elaboration of the Gap Analysis, the Action Plan and its implementation, — proposes and discusses the form, details and continuity of the prepared activities and documents related to the HR Award, — comments on and approves proposals from the persons/ departments responsible for each action of the Action Plan, — transfers the topics of the HR Award to the individual workplaces and then brings feedback from the fellow researchers to the group. Expert Team The Expert Team has an executive and implementation role in the HR Award process. It consists of the HR Award Manager and Specialist, selected employees of the Personnel Office, the Office for Research and Development, the Office for External Relations, the Lawyer of the FA MU, and an expert to support activities for doctoral students. The Expert Team — prepares proposals for new documents from the Action Plan, — prepares suggestions, proposals and comments of the Working Group on documents and actions, — submits progress reports, work schedules, draft documents/ proposals for actions for comments and approval to the Steering Committee. 6 What are the phases of the HR Award certification process? Initial assessment HR Award granting 2020 Endorsement of the C&C Application for the HR Award Gap Analysis, Initial Action Plan Design Initialphase Interim assessment Implementationphase 2023–2026 Implementation of the Revised Action Plan Renewal with site visit HR Award granting 2026–2029 Implementation of the Improved Action Plan Renewal without site visit Awardrenewalphase 2029–2032 Implementation of the Further Improved Action Plan Renewal with site visit 1 2 3 2021–2023 Implementation of the Action Plan HRS4R—fromprogresstoquality 7 1What was the goal of the initial phase? Using the Gap Analysis to evaluate compliance with the principles of the Charter and the Code at the FA MU and, based on it, to propose measures for the Action Plan. What are the main outputs of the initial phase? — Report from the FA MU HR Award questionnaire survey focused on researchers — Gap Analysis — Action Plan Links to all documents can be found on the faculty website in the section dedicated to the HR Award. The documents approved by the Steering Committee were sent to the European Commission on 30th November 2020 for assessment. On 14th April 2021, the European Commission awarded the FA MU HR Excellence in Research. What happened at the FA MU in the initial phase? What was the first step? On 2nd December 2019, the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University endorsed the 40 principles set out in the Charter and the Code by sending the Endorsement letter and committed itself to creating quality working conditions, to support professional development and the transparent recruitment of researchers. 8 Working Group Consultations with experts Questionnaire survey Gap analysis Action plan Principle 1 – gap Principle 15 – gap Principle 40 – gap 9 2 What will happen in the implementation phase? What is the goal of this phase? Introducing and implementing the measures set out in the Action Plan. At the same time, responding flexibly to the current needs of the FA MU and its researchers by appropriate adaptation of these measures during their implementation. What is the content of the Action Plan? Proposed actions for the period 2021–2024: 1. 2. 3. MU ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEE CODE OF ETHICS Cooperation with the MU Rector’s Office on updating the MU academic and professional employee code of ethics, in compliance with the Charter and the Code. Implementation of an information campaign following the expected publication of the document update. SYSTEM OF JOB POSITIONS AND JOB TITLES Creation of an internal rule defining the nature of job positions at FA MU, which will be the input for other areas – the recruitment, adaptation, training and development, and evaluation and remuneration of employees. CAREER MANAGEMENT Creation of the Career Regulation of the FA MU containing definitions of professional growth, career promotion and a description of career paths which will be the input for other areas – the recruitment, adaptation, training and development, and evaluation of employees. 10 9. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Cooperation with the MU Rector’s Office on the creation of a university-wide OTM-R policy and on updating the wording of the Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures at MU. Setting up the recruitment process according to the specifics of the FA MU and preparation of internal methodology. ADAPTATION PROCESS Setting up the adaptation process for new employees. Implementation of introductory training and creation of supporting information sources. EMPLOYEE EVALUATION Revision of the current system and creation of an exact form of evaluating academic and non-academic employees taking into account the needs and specifics of the faculty. Linking the evaluation system with the training and development system. EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Setting up the process of training and development of FA MU employees in connection with the planned university system. Creating a standard training offer – key topics and training formats including e-learning. Linking employee training and development with the evaluation system. CAREER COUNSELLING Cooperation with the MU Rector’s Office on the creation of a university-wide career guidance system for researchers. Implementation of an information campaign for all FA MU employees after the start of the career counselling centre for researchers focused on the active use of its services. SUPERVISION FOR EARLY-STAGE RESEARCHERS Creating a formal procedure for supervising early-stage researchers by a responsible person. Ensuring the systematic development of the competencies of experienced researchers 11 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. for the performance of supervisory and managerial roles. PHD STUDIES Cooperation with the MU Rector’s Office for the revision of the university-wide concept of PhD studies and on the creation of PhD studies standards to specify the rights and obligations of students and supervisors. Supplementing standards with faculty specifics. Introduction of cross-sectional subjects for PhD students. Introduction of regular training and development events for supervisors, and mandatory training in skills needed for research activities for PhD students. Creation of tools to support the involvement of PhD students in department life. POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS Cooperation with the MU Rector’s Office for the creation of a university-wide postdoc strategy. Establishing detailed rules for the employment, recruitment and career development of postdoc employees with regard to faculty specifics. GENDER BALANCE Cooperation with the MU Rector’s Office on the creation of a university-wide gender balance policy. Subsequent creation of a faculty policy. Implementation of active tools to promote gender balance. Implementation of lectures and workshops on gender for employees to increase sensitivity to the issue. SUBMITTING AND PROCESSING COMPLAINTS Improving employee awareness of existing complaint procedures. Cooperation with the MU Rector’s Office on the creation of mediation services for employees focused on the possibility of confidential and informal consultations in connection with the resolution of complaints that will be part of the prepared university-wide well-being strategy. ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT FOR RESEARCHERS Improving the administrative support for researchers and preparing clear descriptions of the administrative work of sup- 12 15. 16. 17. 18. port departments and maps of individual process procedures. Strengthening the information service on the websites of departments. Electronisation of suitable/necessary agendas. Development of the support for international projects. INTERNAL COMMUNICATION Revision of internal communication, facilitation of information availability and setting methods of their transmission. Increasing the awareness of researchers in key areas (especially in project management, administration and contracts, in labour law matters and others). Organisation of events to support informal communication and meetings of researchers. USE OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE Removal of the language barrier for foreign employees. Supplementing the existing Czech versions of internal regulations and relevant information and public documents at the FA MU with translations into English. Publication of newly published documents always bilingually. Setting up relevant internal communication with employees in Czech and English, creating an offer of selected training events also in English. Supplementing the content of the websites of individual departments of the FA MU in English. Increasing the language skills of employees providing support and service to foreign researchers. ACADEMIC SENATE Strengthening the awareness of the academic community regarding the activities and competencies of the Academic Senate of the FA MU and its importance within the faculty body. Supporting the interest of the academic community in the activities of the Senate USE OF SPACE AT FA MU Preparing an analysis of the real use of the existing spaces of the faculty with the aim of identifying the possibilities of modifications and obtaining free working spaces. 13 3Do not hesitate to contact us: — prof. Mgr. Lukáš Fasora, Ph.D., Vice-dean for Research and Development fasora@phil.muni.cz — Mgr. Silvie Rampouchová, HR Award Manager rampouchova@phil.muni.cz — Ing. Dáša Ayadi, HR Award Specialist ayadi@phil.muni.cz Up-to-date information about the HR Award at FA MU can be found at www.phil.muni.cz/hraward. What is the renewal phase? What is the goal of the renewal phase? The implementation phase is followed by a renewal phase. Its goal is to regularly revise the FA MU Action Plan after three years and to defend the HR Award. Do You want to know more? Do you have something important on the topic of the HR Award on your mind? What are the milestones of the implementation stage? After two years of implementation, the first self-evaluation of the faculty and the revision of the FA MU Action Plan will take place. After another three years, the implementation phase will culminate in an external evaluation of the faculty after a personal visit by evaluators from the European Commission and the defence of the HR Award. 14 These activities are supported by the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education in frame of the project “Development of Human Resources and other strategic areas to support research at MU (HR4MUII)“, nr. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_054/0014703. muni arts Elaborated by: Dáša Ayadi, Kateřina Kramářová and Silvie Rampouchová Typesetting and graphic design: Tomáš Weissar Released in April 2021 www.phil.muni.cz/hraward