Please respond to the following questions as truthfully as possible. There is no right or wrong answer. Circle your answers. 1. Before this collaboration I regularly interacted with persons from other cultures. Yes/No 2. I have studied or traveled abroad. Yes/No a. Place(s): b. Indicated the length of time abroad: In response to the following questions, indicate whether you Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Neither Agree nor Disagree (N), Disagree (D), or Strongly Disagree (SD). After participating in this course/activity with students and teachers from another country, I am: 3. more aware and sensitive to cultural differences and similarities. SA A N D SD 4. more confident about communicating with people whose first language is not the same as my own. SA A N D SD 5. better able to understand my own culture and personal perspectives. SA A N D SD 6. better able to communicate with individuals who have different cultural backgrounds. SA A N D SD 7. less interested in studying or travelling to other countries. SA A N D SD 8. more confident to work with individuals with different cultural backgrounds from my own. SA A N D SD 9. less interested in news and events in my partners’ country. SA A N D SD 10. more interested in working only with those who look and talk like me. SA A N D SD 11. more open to those from different national, cultural, religious, or socioeconomic backgrounds. SA A N D SD 12. less interested in learning about global or international issues. SA A N D SD Please rate your level of agreement or disagreement relating to the following statements. 13. At the end of the collaboration, I feel differently about the need to speak more than one language. SA A N D SD 14. Even though the collaboration is over, I am likely to remain in contact with some of my classmates from the partner country. SA A N D SD 15. If I could take another course with an online international collaboration, I would do so again. SA A N D SD Please respond with a few sentences to the following items to let us know what you expect from the course. 17. What do you think were the greatest rewards with the collaboration? 18. What do you think were your biggest challenges with your collaboration? 19. Identify the aspects of culture you discussed with your collaboration partners. 20. Identify the most significant learning outcomes you achieved for yourself during the collaboration. Thank you for your responses! This survey in its initial form was developed and used in the COIL collaborations of Susan Coultrap-McQuin, SUNY Oswego, and Ina Pfeifer Issa, Empire State in Lebanon, 2012-2014.