SELF-ASSESSMENT GRID OF INTERCULTURAL ONLINE COLLABORATION Name: __________________________________ IC Development Areas Minimal Developing Quality-based Exemplary Cultural differences I think I display intolerance/defens e against cultural differences during online exchange. I understand there are different values and beliefs but I think that my own beliefs are correct. I can identify at least two cultural differences or incidents during the online exchange that helped me understand the cultural impact of self/other on the online exchange. I’m curious and respectful of cultural differences and can examine things from the other cultural perspectives. Challenges in online communicatio n I tend to blame online partners for miscommunication during exchange I reflect on and try to pinpoint cause of any miscommunicatio n during the online exchange. I have at least one strategy for dealing with online miscommunicatio n. I use more than one strategy to mitigate miscommunicatio n, evaluate them based on acquired knowledge of partners’ background and explore alternatives. Critical thinking I think that online exchange provides an opportunity for language improvement but I was not able to learn other types of knowledge from online partners. An online exchange is for me an opportunity to build a bigger picture of the role of culture in education. I use online exchange to actively seek partners’ opinions and learn their perspectives on education. I use online exchange to interrogate the influence of culture on education and social practices on the local and global level. Adopted from Dooly, M. (2017) Please Remove Your Avatar From My Personal Space. In R. O’Dowd and T. Lewis (Eds), Online Intercultural Exchange: Policy, Pedagogy, Practice (pp. 192-208). New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. INSTRUCTIONS: Your task is to use the grid to self-assess your intercultural competence development in intercultural online collaboration. 1. For each IC development area in the first column – Cultural differences, Challenges in online communication, Critical thinking – mark in which stage (minimal, developing, quality-based, exemplary) you find yourself. Please, be truthful to yourself. 2. Explain your choice of a stage (from minimal to exemplary) in two to three sentences. You need to write about all the three IC development areas.