Pramenv odborné literatury a ieiich zoracování Obsahová část BP - literární prameny a jejich zpracování Formální část BP - struktura, obsahová a jazyková správnost textu, citace a přehled literatury, grafická úroveň Pramenv odborné literatury a ieiich zoracování 1) Historie a současnost vědeckých časopisů 2) Jak vypadají články - druhy a struktura 3) Kde je hledat - knihovny a internet 4) Jak vyhledávat časopisy a články na internetu - databáze 5) Jak postupovat při vyhledávání literatury - kde začít a jak dál 6) Jak získat vyhledanou literaturu 7) Práce s literaturou - zpracování rameny odborne literátu Pravidlo druhé: Základem vědecké práce je studium literatury. ?? Proč ale číst něco, co již bylo objeveno ?? - neopakovat stejný pokus se stejným materiálem - vlastní nové nápady a myšlenky - správné postupy vedoucí k výsledku, styl odborného textu - nelze napsat vědeckou práci Zdroje: - ustni - psané - knihy, časopisy - elektronické - internet Pramenv odborné literatur Historie a současnost vědeckých easonisü 17. až 19. století - časopisy obecně vědecké - přírodovědné časopisy 19. století - specializace na obory - botanika, zoologie, matematika, chemie doposud - další specializace - např. anatomie, fyziologie, genetika fotosyntéza, učení a paměť (1665 F, VB) (1820) !!! Při vyhledávání starších ročníků - u časopisů s dlouhou historií mohlo dojít ke změně jeho názvu např. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry se dříve jmenoval Physiologie vegetable nebo Journal of Plant Physiology dříve jako Zeitschrift für Pflanzen-physiologie - 70. léta 20. století - „Studia Biophysica" zveřejňuje články jen jako mikrofiše (zmenšeniny na plochém filmu, lze číst pouze ve čtecím přístroji), v tištěné verzi jen rozšířená abstrakta konec 20. století - CD-ROM - cena stejná jako u tištěné verze, sleva při odběru obou (European Journal of Biochemistry) časopisy se začínají objevovat na internetu -jen obsah - spíše reklama = bezplatná služba, později kompletní přístup = placená služba Pramenv odborné literatur Pramenv odborné literatur Pramenv odborné literatur nemá shrnující charakter oproti review podává zprávu (protokol) o konkrétním výzkumném úkolu s konkrétními cíly a závěry struktura takových článkuje pevně daná: Nadpis (Title) Jména autorů s adresami Abstrakt (Abstract) Uvod (Introduction) Materiál a metody (Materials and Methods) Výsledky (Results) Diskuse (Discussion) Poděkování (Acknowledgements) Seznam literatury (References) TAIMRD x IMRAD -jsou ale i odchylky dle zvyklostí časopisu - - Materials and methods na konci článku (Cell) - Results and Discussion společně (viz. IMRAD) - + Summary na konci článku (nebo součástí Diskuse - Key words pod abstraktem Pramenv odborné literatur Co naideme v iednotlivvch částech Nadpis (Title) - vypovídá o obsahu samotné práce - hledání a výběr článku na základě slov uvedených v nadpise + o čem článek je F/ÍÍGZDAIndependeiit Variation iii Flowering Time of Natural Aixibid&psh iíutiimia Accessions Jonathan D. Werner,*4 Justin O, Borevitz,*'^ N. Henriette Uhlenhaut,*'1 Joseph R. Ecker,*& Joanne Chory*-** and Detlef Weigel*tti *Plant ütology Laboratctn, The Salli Instttute far Hi »logical Studies, Lajalla, California 92037, *Department nf Btalogy, University of Catijtmmta, San Diego, Ctdijarnia 9203.%, iDef>an'mgi?t af Ecology and Evolution, University aj Chicago. Chicago, Illinois 60637, ^Salk Institute, Genome Analysis Laboratory, La f alia, California 92037, ** Hmvarfl Hughes Medical Instituty-, The Salli Im titule for Btolngicid Studies, La [alia, California 92037 an ď*Departvteiit nj Molecular Biology, Mux Planch Institute for Divelaptiiental htcAagy, 72076 Tübingen, (Jermany Manuscript received September 20, 2004 Accepted for publication January 3. 2005 ABSTRACT FRICIDA {FRI) AnuFLOWFRINGLQCUSCAFLQ are two genes that, unäess plants are vernalized, greatly delay flowering time in Ambidopxis thahana. Natural loss-of-function mutations in FRI cause the early flowering growth habits of many A. tktdiana accessions. To quantify the variation among wild accessions due to FRI, and to identify' additional genetic loci in wild accessions that influence flowering time, we surveyed the flowering times of 145 accessions in long-day photo periods, with and without a 30-day vernalization treatment, and ge no typed them for two common natural lesion i in FRI. FRI is disrupted in at least 84 of the accessions, accounting for only ^40% of the flowering-time variation in long days. During efforts to dissect the causes for variation that are independent of known dysfunctional FRI alleles, we found new loss-of-function alleles in FLC. as well as late-flowering alleles that do not map to FRI or FLC An FIX. nonsense mutation was found in the early flowering Yan-0accession, which lias otherwise functional FRI. In Contrast, Lz-0 flowers late because of high levels of FLC expression, even though it has a deletion in FRI. Finally, eXtreme array mapping identified genomic regions lín ted to the veru aliľa.tion-independent. late-flowering habit of Bur-0. which has an alternatively spliced FLC, allele that behaves as a null allele. Pramenv odborné literatur Co naideme v iednotlivvch částech Jména autorů s adresami - lze využít při objednávání článku, případně při vyhledávání dalších publikací podle jména autora F/ř/GZDAIndependent Variation iii Flowering Time of Natural Aixibid&psh iíutiimia Accessions Jonathan D. Werner,*4 Justin O, Borevitz,*'^ N. Henriette Uhlenhaut,*'1 Joseph R. Ecker,*& Joanne Chory*-** and Detlef Weigel*tti *Plant ütalogy Laboratctn, The Salk fnstttute far Hi »logical Stitdies, Lajnllas California 92037, *Department nf Btalogy, University of Catijtnmta, San DiKgv, Ctdijarnia 92037s iDef>an'mgi?t of Fcalogy and Fcalutian, University aj Chicago. Chicago, Illinois 60637, ^Salk Institute, Genome Analysis Laboratory, Lajnlla, Cn-Ufomia 92037, "* Tlaioard Hughes Medical Instituty-, The Salli Institute for Btolngicn? Studies, La [alia, California 92037 and** Department nj Molecular Biology, Mux Planch Institute far Develapiwntfd htrAagy, 72076 Tübingen, (Jermany Manuscript received September 20, 2004 Accepted for publication January 3. 2005 ABSTRACT FRICIDA {FRI) AnúľLOWlilUNGLQCUSCAFLQ are two genes that, unäess plants are vernalized, greatly delay flowering time in Ambidopxis thaHana. Natural loss-of-function mutations in FRI cause the early flowering growth habits of many A. tktiliana accessions. To quantify the variation among wild accessions due to FRI, and to identify additional genetic loci in wild accessions that influence flowering time, we surveyed the flowering times of J 45 accessions in long-day photo periods, with and without a 30-day vernalization treatment, and ge no typed them for two common natural lesion i in FRI. FRI is disrupted in at least 84 of the accessions, accounting for only ^40% of the flowering-time variation in long days. During efforts to dissect the causes for variation that are independent of known dysfunctional FIU alleles, we found new7 loss-of-function alleles in FLC. as well as late-flowering alleles that do not map to FRI or FLC. An /■"/.(. nonsense mutation was found in the early flowering Yan-0accession, which has otherwise functional FRI. In Contrast, Lz-0 flowers late because of high levels of FLC expression, even though it has a deletion in FRI. Finally, eXt rente array mapping identified genomic regions lín ted to the vern alization-independent. late-flowering habit of Bur-0. which has an alternatively spliced FLC allele that behaves as a null allele. Pramenv odborné literatur Co naideme v iednotlivvch částech Abstrakt (Abstract) - nejdůležitější částí - výstižně sděluje co a na čem se zkoumalo, jakých bylo dosaženo výsledků a co z toho vyplývá (závěr) = strukturovaný F/ř/G/DA-Independent Variation iii Flowering Time of Natural Arabidopsis ihcüiana Accessions Jonathan D. Werner,]M Justin O. Borevitz,*^ N. Henriette UhIenha«tf*J Joseph R. Ecker, *5 Joanne Chory*1** and Detlef Weigel*ttí * Plant Biology Laboratory, The Salit Institute for Studies, Lafollas California 92037, *Department of Biology, University af Ctúijarnta, San Diego, California 92037s iOef>artmer/t of litnlogy and Fi>olutton, University af Chicago. Chicagu, IHttiais 60637, ^.Salh institute, Genome Analysis Ln f juratory, La folia, California 92037, '** Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 'The Satli institut? for Biological Studies, La, folia, California 92037 a,ndMDtif>a,rtiiu'nt of McJ-ecular Biology, Max Planch institute far Develop mental Rtdogy, 72076 Tübingen, Germany Manuscript received Septem bet" 20, 2004 Accepted for publication January 3, 2005 ABSTRACT FPJGIDA (FRI) and FLOWFRING LOCUS C (FLQ are two genes that, unless plants are vernalized, greatly delay flowering time in thahana. Natural loss-of-function mutations in FRI cause the early flowering growth habits of many A. tk/diana accessions. To quantify die variation among wild accessions due to Fill, and to identify additional genetic loci in wild accessions that influence flowering time, we surveyed the flowering times of 145 accessions in long-day photo periods, with and without a 30-oľ et al. 200H. The study of floral induction in A. thaliana lias long Sequences data from this article have been deposited Tvitb Lne EMBI./ GenBiink Data U brinies undo" arcLsnion nos. AT/78lí)06-AY7BíiQfífi. ATO499S5J-AYSMM2, Ä5ŕS54971. Ä\WAÍ12, and AH0HSft6. 1 P/rsent oŕŕŕÍJEť.i'EMRL, Mejnerhctfsuaase 1, D-Ů9117Heidelberg, Germany. -CtinmfHmding twtksr. MPI for Developmental Biology, Spemamis-IraFSf S7-SÍ», D-7207li Tübingen, (Germany. H-inaili WĽigelíŠPwtígľ been approached through the isolation and characterization of mutants with altered flowering times. A large number of flo we ring-time genes have been identified and a scaffold of the underlying molecular network has been constructed (for review, see Mou RÁDOV et al 2002; Sim ['HON and Dean 2002; Siláku: and Con'land 2004: Sung and Amasino 2004). As may be expected, this network is complex. On the basis of an extensive body of physiological, genetic, and molecular studies, four main pathways that regulate the key flora] identity genes have been outlined: photoperiod, vernalization, autonomous, and gibberellin. The photoperiod pathway utilizes photoreceptors in conjunction with the circadian clock to strongly accelerate flowering in the presence of long-day photoperiods. Flowering is also accelerated when plants with high levels of the flora] inhibitor FLC are exposed to an extended period of winter-like temper a tit res. This process, called vernalization, causes epi-genetic silencing of the FLC locus and thereby relieves repression of flowering. Independently of vernalization, FLCh also negatively regulated by the autonomous pathway, which was originally thought to function independently of the environment. Recently, however, it has been found that this pathway may also mediate response to ambient growth temperature f B LA/QUIZ et al 2003). Renclio! 110: 1 ĽJ7-1207 (July 2005) Co naideme v iednotlivvch částech Pramenv odborné literatur používají MATERIALS AND METHODS Plan( material: A list of accessions and their phe noty pes can be found a.t http://natura Most accessions were obtained from the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center or Lehle Seeds. The LrrKand CviK accessions are parents of the Lw/Cvi recombinant inbred line set in which the EDI allele of CRY2via.s identified (El-Assal et hL 2001J and were kindly provided by Maarten Roornneef (Wageningen, The Netherlands). Combinations of Functional and nonfunctional i'Ri and FLC alleles in Col (I.o: ft al. 1994b: MirmAY.LS. and Amasino 2001) were kindly provided by Rick Amasino (Madison. Wl). All lines were propagated prior to genotypic and phenotypic analysis. Growth conditions: Seeds were suspended in 1 ml of 0.1% phytagar fInvitrogen. San Diego) a.nd imbibed at 4Ú in darkness for 4 days. Seeds were then sown onto presoaked Sunshine Mix no. 5 (McConkey, Garden Grove. CA) and thinned after 5 days. Plants were grown in a growth room at 2T under 16 hr of light provided by a 3:1 mixture of Cool-white ajid Cro-Lux (Syivania) fluorescent bulbs, followed by S hr of darkness. For the long-day surveys, six plants for each line were raised in one pot, except for several control genotypes grown in three blocks of six plants. Over the course of the experiment, the pots were randomized across all flats several times and flats were rotated across and between shelves on a daily basis. Vernalization treatments were performed at the seedling of Col, and two replicates each for the early and late-flowering pools. Analysis of the hybridization data was similar to that described previously (Wolyn et at 2004), For the Bur-0 X fk-% F, population {n = 330), the 05 earliest and the 65 latest plants, as measured by days to flowering were pooled and processed similarly. A total of eight samples were prepared and hybridized: three replicates of Eur-0 and fieri and one sample each for the pools. Lz-0 X Ler QTL mapping: A total of 178 F? plants from the cross of Lz-0 to Lew were grown in long days and genotyped for 32 markers distributed across all five chromosomes with an average distance of 15 cM, and a genetic map was determined using MapMaker/EXE13.0 (Laniiľh ft ei. 1987). Marker order was as expected from the physical locations of the markers in the Col reference sequence. For QTL analysis presented in the text, composite interval mapping was performed with QTL Cartographer l.lGc (Has [kn fit eiL 2002) using model 0 with a window size of 4.00 RESULTS Association of FBI deletions with flowering-time effects: We measured the flowering limes of 145 single-seed descent accessions in long-day photoperiods and genotyped them for the Col and Lei" FRI deletions. As observed in previous surveys (JüllANKUN et al. 2000; l.v. Corri: et al. 2002; Štinghcombe et al. 2004), the FRI deletions first described in the Col and L er laboratory strains occur with considerable frequency among accessions, with 34 having the Lfr-type and 46 the Col-type deletion (Figure 1). No accession has both deletions, as expected due to their vei"y tight linkage (253 bp). The effect of these deletions on flowering was obvious, 200 12 10 e E 4 2 D « t2 .2 tO (n jj__8 J. D. Werner ä al. A JMI 11 rp n n.-irrrl II B 1 is likely identical to *Indel2" found in the BUI accession (Is. Corkk et f d. 2002). Accession Or-0 was found to have a novel 1-bp deletion in exon 2 of FRf, causing a frameshift in the coding sequence that leads to a premature stop codon. While we found variation at the nucleotide and amino acid level in the remaining seven early accessions [Da(i)-12, Dra-0, Est, Shahdai a, Van-0, Wa-1, Willi, none had Pramenv odborné literatur Co naideme v iednotlivvch částech Diskuse (Discussion) - diskutuje - kriticky hodnotí a porovnává výsledky s výsledky jiných autorů a hypotéz - ověření správného pochopení obsahu abstraktu - uvádím citaci ve správném kontextu? DISCUSSION Previous studies of natural variation in flowering time in A. thalifma either have focused on a small number of accessions {?..£■> Cazzaní et al. 2003) or did not include genetic analyses (e.g., STlNCllfJOMBE et al. 2004). Here, we examined variation of flowering time in a large collection of single-seed descent accessions available from stock centers. We have confirmed and extended previous observations regarding the frequency and magnitude of effect of two natural FATdeletion s. Furthermore, we not only have estimated the extent of variation likely to be due to genetic loci other than FRl, but also have carried out initial genetic and molecular analyses of accessions that have interesting flowering phenotypes with respect to their genotype at FRL With the identification of the O r-Oßri allele, there are now at least 10 different mutations known to disrupt the F/tf coding region (Joiianson et til. 2000; Le Corre et al. 2002 ; Gazzani et)d 2003). At least 84 of the 145 accessions that we surveyed carry FR! loss-of-function alleles, with the Col and L er deletions being, by far, the most prevalent. At a minimum, the presence or absence of natural fri alleles are responsible for 40% of the variation in long-day flowering time seen in our experiment.. Pramenv odborné literatur Co naideme v iednotlivvch částech LITERATURE AljQNSO-BlANGO. C,P S. E, El-Auk AL, G, GoiJťl.ANH and M. KtJOHNNhJJ-", 1998 Analysis of namral allelic variation at flowering nine loci in ihe I^andsbcrg ŕnerta and Cape Verde Islands etotypea oi'Amlri- dapsis thaliová. GĚrtéUtí 149: 719-764. Bas-íxn, C.]., B. S. Weir and Z-B. Zľng, 2002 QTL Carljcigrnplicr. Version\ Department, of Sialiades, Nonh Carolina State Uni- u'ľsiiy. Rnlí'i^hj NC, liiAzqutJC, M, A., J, H. Ahn and D. Wľigel, 200ÍJ A Lbcrmoaensory pathway comrolling flowering ijme in Ambkíafisis iheitiamt, NaL GeneL 33: 168-J7L Woreyitz, jt O^J, N, Malooi, J, Lutes, T. Dadi, J. L Rednern el aL> 2002 Qu an diali ve trak loci controlling light and lioiTnonc response in two accessions of Ambidopúa tkfíUajia. Generics 160: 65 3-ť©6, Horevitz, L 0„ D, Liang, D, Plouffe, IL-S. Ceiang, T. Zwn pŕ ň£. 2003 Large-scale identification of single-feature po lymo i phisms in cpnaptes genorrwa. Genome Res- 13: 513-^23. ClarkeJ. H.. R. Mitukn,J. K. M, Brown and C. Dean, 19í>E QTL analvsis of f lowering ume in Arážiujktp&th&ki&m. MoL Gen. Genet 248: "27fL2iSe. El-Assal, lS. E,-Du C. Alqnso-Wi.angcí. A, J, PEifrERSj, V. Raz and M. KooRNNi:Ľt-"4 2001 A QTL, for Flowering dme in Avab'trfupsis reveal.H a no«-1 allele of CRY2, NaL Cene L 29: 435-440. Cazíani, S., A. R Gunľall. C. Lister and C. Dlah, 2003 Analysis of die molecular basis of iloweiing lime variation in Arabulop.m accessions. Plam PliwioL 132: I HIT-1 I 1-1. Pramenv odborné literatur Co naideme v iednotlivvch částech Vvznam (shrnutO: - dle nadpisu vyhledávám - dle abstraktu se rozhoduji, zda článek objednám - na základě rychlého čtení (obrázky a tabulky s příslušnými popiskami) se rozhoduji, zda-li má pro mne článek nějaký význam a zda budu číst dál Pramenv odborné literatur - podává přehled o současném stavu problému na základě již publikovaných článků - shrnující review nebo informuje o hlavních oblastech pokroku, ukazuje budoucí směr výzkumu, vytyčuje nové hypotézy - ideální přehled literatury skloubí oba typy dohromady - existují ještě další typy přehledných referátů a také tzv. minireview Pramenv odborné literatur r - člení se na: Úvod (Introduction), vlastní text členěný na kapitoly, Závěr (Shrnutí), příp. Závěr a nastínění budoucnosti; součástí může být i abstrakt Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)—paradigm of an emerging viral infection* A. largeril-*,C"h. Droslcnb, It.W. Doerr\ M Stürmer1, W. Preiser3 1 Jyuiilittejbr iWŕtÄrcrJ FSfrrfnfiy, .kihůun ffíAfgwg Gntihd University Hospital Paul Ehrlich Sir er t-4Ů. tJ-ÓQSVó FwdtikJKrl a. M., (íem/utn * Jft-Tfíitíiitf täx-íjf iitettftUťJiw Tropical Mddiritw, Hamburg, Genjfttsy Accepted 9 M arch 2 003 AhsIľiLťt An acute mid often severe respiratory illness emerged in acuftiHD China in late 2002 and rapidly s plead to different areas of the Fax East as well as several countries around tine globe. When the outbreak of this apparently novel infectious, disease termed severs acute respiratory syndrome (SARSl came to an end in July 200}, it had caused over S000 probable cases worldwide and more than 700 deaths. Starting in March 2003. the World Meal tli Organization [WHO) organised an unprecedented international effort by leading laboratories working together to find the causative agent. Little more than one week later, three research groups from this WHQ-eoordinated network simultaneously found evidence of a hitherto unknown Coronavirus in SAUS patients, tiling different approaches. After Koch's postttlate&had been fulfilled, WHO officially declared on ] 6 April 2003 that this vims never before seen in humans is the cause of SARS. Ever since, progress anoundSArlS-associaťedconjnavirus (SARS-CoV) has been swifl. Within weeks of the first isolate being obtained , its complete genome was sequenced Diagnostic teats based on the detection of SARS-CoV RNA were developed and made available freely and widely: nevertheless the SARS case definition still remains based on clinical and epidemiological criteria. The agenr/seuviromuental stability, methods suitable for inactivntiou and disinfection, and potential antiviral compounds liave been s tud i ed. and development of vaccines and immune therapeutics is ongoingL Despite its grave consequences in humanitarian, political and economic terms, SARS may serve as an example of how much can be achieved through a well-coordinated international approach, combining the latest technological advances of molecular virology with more "traditional" techniques carried out to an excellent standard, ■£■ 2003 Elsevier B. V. Al 1 rights reserved KEyVowtb: Stvcrc acul c respiratory syndrome "SARS): Corona vi ma; SA-RS-associabed Coronavirus i'SARS-CoV]: Laboratory diagnosis; Trans mission: Emending infection: Epidemiulogry: Antiviral b^ajnunitj World Health Organization I WHO} I. InŕľG-duťtion Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is tlie latest in a series of emerging infectious diseases., and certainly one of the most widely publicised. This acute and often enormous scales, and when the disease's ability to spread to distant areas within a very short period of time became obvious (World Health Organization. 2003d). A definition was developed for suspected and probable SARS cases, based on clinical and epidemiological criteria: it has since 2. Search for the tausative a*cnt On 17 March Z&Ö3-, the WHO set up a worldwide network of virological laboratories investigating SARS cases (World Health Organization* 2003a], The hivestigations coaducted by the members of these networks wiere coordinated bv WHO's Department of Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response (CSR) through normally daily telephone conferences and a password-protected internet website. Tims results and planned further studies were communicated and views and comments exchanged almost in :ireal-Linie " which made possible Hie rapid progress in elucidating the aetiologieal agent, In its final form, this network comprised 13 parücipaLing laboratories from tea countries ("World HealLh Organization M.ul ticeulie Collaborative Network for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Diagnosis. 2O03). Investigations had soon mied out a novel influenza virus, strain, possibly of avian origin, as. the cause of SARS, and then fooussed on members of the Ptiriimvxavtriifae family, including buman metapueumovirus (hMFV). and Ctihimytfitľ-Wke organisms, including Chkimvdia pneumoniae. However, further investigations did not confirm these findings: the said agents were indeed found in a number of SARS patients but not in all (WHO multicentre collaborative networks for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) diagnosis, 2003). Almost nobody knew at that stage thai virologists in Beijing had already discovered a new virus in samples trom some of the earliest SARS patients. However, die official line in China at the tinie was lhaL the novel underwent sctollíiiwi">i,'I1 li ■_:■: i i i i sL thii Coronavirus, using cells infected with patient isolates as antigen for indirect immunofluorescent antibody tests (Drosten et aL 2ÜG3ar Ksiazek et al,. 2ÖÖ3; Fig. L), Furthermore, no evidence of present or past infection with this a^ent could be detected in limiled surveys of healthy control individuals not suffering front SARS (fCsiazek et ak, 2003). Tins strengthened the case for die novel Coronavirus being the cause of SARS, bul only after iL had been shown to cause a similar illness in artificially infected macaques could it be regarded as fulfilling all four of Koch's postulates (Fouchier et al., 2ÜÜ.T; World Hea Ith Organisation Multicentre Collaborative Networks for Severe Acute Respiratory Svudrouie Diagnosis, 200."). On April Jri. 200."), less lhau a month after the laboratory network had been brought into existence, WHO officially announced that a new cononavirus, never before seen in humans or animals and now provisionally termed SARS-associated Coronavirus (abbreviated as SARS-CoV'k was the cause of SARS (Kuikeu et ak. 2003). 3. Vii'olosy Corona vi ruses are large, enve loped, positive-stranded RNA viruses with a diameter of 60-220 um. Most but not all viral particles display the characteristic appearance of surface projections, giving rise to the vims family's name [corona, katiu. - crown), They have Hie largesL genomes of all RNA viruses. Based on their unique transcription strategy lltat involves Lhe formation of "nested" m RNA molecules Fjy. 1. SerocaiTvcníiĽin during die ODurae of SARS demonstrated by I FA usin|i SAR-S-CoV-inferred Venn cells. Serum samples from ivife of Frankfurt inde\ Pramenv odborné literatur r - člení se na: Úvod (Introduction), vlastní text členěný na kapitoly, Závěr (Shrnutí), příp. Závěr a nastínění budoucnosti; součástí může být i abstrakt 8. Antiviral treatment No specific treatment recommendations can be made at this time. Primary measures include isolation and the implementation of s b- i tigs tit infection control measures to 9. Conclusion*! and outlook The rapid success in identifyi n g the causative agent of SARS results from a collaborative efľort—rather than a 20 A. Bvrgfr ní ni. /JbumalqfClitiira! VnaliisylS (1004) 13-11 competitive approach—by high-level laboratory investigators ma king use of all available techniques, from cell culture through electron microscopy (Hazelton and Gelderblom, 2003) to molecular techniques, i ji order to identify a novel ageiiL Hopefully Hi is approach coordinated by WHO, will serve as a model for future instances of emerging; infections that will undoubtedly take place (Ludwig et al., 2003). Despite the exemplary efforts thai led to the idejibfication of the causative novel Coronavirus and allowed enormous knowledge about it to be accumulated within only a few months, it is maybe surprising lliat this success in temii-nating the outbreak has to be attributed to '"old-fashioned" measures such as rapid and strict isolation of suspect cases and thorough con tic t tracing (World Health Organisation. 2Ü0.1C): one is left wondering whether the same might also lave hŕ-Ľ>n n rhu* vo d ni Mini it knnudedgl' °f fhť aetiolnnv For this purpose. WHO has defined three geographical zones according to their presumed risk for a SARS recurrence: a potential zone of re-emergence, comprising Guangdong and other areas where animal-to-human of SARS-CoV might occur; nodal areas, comprising Hong Kong, Vietnam. Singapore. Gaíiada, and Taiwan, with sustained local transmission in spring 200.1 or entry of numerous persons from tine potential zone of re-emergence; and low hsk areas. SARS-relaled vigilance should be staged according to the zone in which a particular area is situated; for low risk areas, surveillance slrould be for clusters of "alert" cases among health caie workers, other hospital staff, patients and visitors in the same health care unit. A SARS Alert is defined as two or more health care workers or hospital-acquired illness in at least three individuals (health care workers and'or other lu"Knir.'il slnff and'iir nniiisnfs and'nr vi^itorsl j n r h e same unit Pramenv odborné literatur Kde j e hledá Pramenv odborné literatur roie: klasické knihovny 1 katalogy elektronické internet databáze - kapacita omezená knihovnou - vyhledávání je pomalé + časopis, článek lze nejdříve prohlédnout + kopii mám ihned - negativa papíru + neomezená kapacita1 + vyhledávání je rychlé - objednávám jen článek, podle abstraktu - může trvat i týdny (email je rychlejší) + výhody el. verze - např. vyhledávání v textu Do knihoven už dnes téměř nikdo nechodí. Kde j e hledá Pramenv odborné literatur Časooisv v éře internetu - časopisy se začínají objevovat na internetu -jen obsah - spíše reklama = bezplatná služba - vznikají databáze s bibliografickými údaji - Current Contens, Web of Science atd - přístup k abstraktům - „zdarma" - „fulltexty" - v databázích, na stránkách časopisů - placená služba - přístup k fulltextům přes institucionální prostředky - MU, AVCR - zejména ke konci kalendářního roku v rámci „náborových akcí" ze strany časopisů a databázových společností pravděpodobně prvním pouze on-line časopisem byl v roce 1987 nepravidelně vydávaný a zdarma dostupný časopis Flora Online. - 1992 - The Scientist - přístup zdai na a jsou převáděny do el. podoby i jeho starší ročníky Kde j e hledá Pramenv odborné literatur 1991 USA - e-print archive - zveřejňování nových informací v oblasti fyziky vysokých energií a její teorie (financován národní vědeckou nadací (NSF)) - tvoří ji tzv. preprinty - články, které neprošli recenzním řízením žádného časopisu a autoři v nich průběžně údaje opravují a doplňují ,Literatura nemusí být zmražena v čase, jako je tomu v papírových médiích, ale může téci tak jako výzkum sám" (P. 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Pramenv odborné literatury a ieiich zoracování 1) Historie a současnost vědeckých časopisů 2) Jak vypadají články - druhy a struktura 3) Kde je hledat - knihovny a internet 4) Jak vyhledávat časopisy a články na internetu - databáze 5) Jak postupovat při vyhledávání literatury - kde začít a jak dál 6) Jak získat vyhledanou literaturu 7) Práce s literaturou - zpracování Pramenv odborné literatur Jak postupovat při vyhledávám Pramenv odborné literatur Primární zdroje - původní vědecké práce Sekundární zdroje - shrnuté znalosti v knihách, přehledných referátech (reviews), v databázích, učebnicích, Diplomových a Disertačních prácí - tyto zdroje se necitují (samy zprostředkovávají původní informaci), jako zdroj primárních pramenů Jak DostuDovat? Záleží na tom. s čím začínáme: 1) zvolím téma a nemám literaturu _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________i metoda koncentrických kruhů vyjdeme z nějaké základní informace z učebnice, monografie nebo přehledného referátu od této informace pak hledáme další literaturu všemi směry = široký přehled 2) mám „minimální" literaturu k zadanému tématu pavoukovy postup Pramenv odborné literatur ■čebnice monografie učebnice, review specializovaný článek review Jak postupovat při vyhledávám Pramenv odborné literatur Sekundární zdroje - shrnuté znalosti v knihách, přehledných referátech (reviews). databáze Primární zdroje - původní vědecké práce Jak postupovat? Záleží na tom, s čím začínáme: 1) zvolím téma a nemám literaturu ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________i metoda koncentrických kruhů vyjdeme z nějaké základní informace z učebnice, monografie nebo přehledného referátu od této informace pak hledáme další literaturu všemi směry = široký přehled 2) mám „minimální" literaturu k zadanému tématu pavoukovy postup - od výchozího zdroje postupujeme jen určitým směrem výchozí zdroj - zajímavé citace specializovaná práce - zajímavé citace citace —► článek výchozí zdroj citace —► článek < - nutno pečlivě vybírat - 50 % i více se opakuje - zaměřit se na aktuálnější články Pramen v odborné literatury pavoukovy postup » citace — ► článek citace citace - -> článek < citace — ► článek < citace - -> článek citace citace - -► článek citace - -►článek citace - -► článek < citace citace - -> článek < citace Strategie hledání článku v doDorucenvch databázích zvolit klíčová slova hledat v doporučených databázích dle klíčových slov nejdříve review, následně původní vědecká sdělení Strategie hledaní clanku v doDorucenvch databázích dle klicovvch slov Science Direct (Google Scholar) stažení zdarma článek j e placený nenašli jsme, co hledáme na stránkách časopisu najít e-mail na autora Web of Science Scopus stažení zdarma elektronická žádanka papírová / elektronická žádanka Strategie hledání článku v doDorucenvch databázích zvolit klíčová slova hledat v doporučených databázích dle klíčových slov nejdříve review, následně původní vědecká sdělení TragžT m im k dispozici něiaký článek (např. z Literatury v vyhledávat konkrétní citace v něm uvedené (Science Direct, WOS, Scopus - dle autora a časopisu) Pramenv odborné literatur Jak získat vyhledanou literaturu (separátová korespondence) Jak získat vyhledanou literatur Pramenv odborné literatur Získání vvhledanvch článku rseoarátu nestačí jen abstrakt - nutno přečíst celý článek - zdroj omylů a chyb, nelze opakovat pokus (materiál a metody), statistické zhodnocení (Výsledky), význam objevu a jeho správná interpretace (Diskuse) Pravidlo třetí: Lepší je článek v hrsti, nežli abstrakt na internem. Necituj jen podle abstraktu - nechceme zpravidla celý časopis, ale jen jeden článek - separátní článek, separátní výtisk1 - placený přístup k fulltextům - kopie článku z knihovny, MVS - objednání separátu - separátová korespondence - zdarma (x fotokopie) - poštou - papírová žádanka - ukázka - elektronicky Prameny odborné literátu Ukázka oanírové žádankv a ieiího vvolnění MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO Faculty of Sciences Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology Kotlářská 2,61137 Brno Czech Republic Dear Colleague, I would appreciate receiving a reprint of your article entitled: which appeared in Sincerely in; o^ü m Issg SP s 8 öd 31 Pramenv odborné literatur pokud oslovujeme - používáme obecně titul Dr. - nikdy však v angličtině nespojujeme s oslovením pan nebo paní jako v češtině nebo francouzštině velmi důležitá je správná citace - název časopisu, ročník, číslo a rozsah stran (či alespoň první strana) Dear Dr. Bush, please send me a copy of your article: název článku published in Physiol Plant 113/1 (2001) p. 121-127. Best regards Jiri Napadny Masaryk University Brno Faculty of Sciences, Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno Czech Republic Jak vyhledávat literatur Pramenv odborné literatur Získání vvhledanvch článků rseoarátů - není možné vycházet jen z informací uvedených v abstraktech - nutno přečíst celý článek - zdroj omylů a chyb, nelze opakovat pokus (materiál a metody), statistické zhodnocení (Výsledky), význam objevu a jeho správná interpretace (Diskuse) - nechceme zpravidla celý časopis, ale jen jeden článek - separátní článek, separátní výtisk - placený přístup k fulltextům - kopie článku z knihovny, MVS - objednání separátu - separátová korespondence - poštou - papírová žádanka - ukázka - elektronicky - doručení separátu - poštou - elektronicky - soubor .pdf (Acrobat Reader) Pramenv odborné literatur Práce s literature Pramenv odborné literatur UsDorné čtení literatury: - obvykle do 10 stran textu (poč. 20. st. standardně 30 i více stran) - nutno rychle zjistit, zda-li má cenu článek číst L - 5-10 minut na přečtení nadpisu, abstraktu, klíčových slov, obrázky a tabulky s příslušnými popiskami - podrobné čtení celého článku - výsledky, diskuse, úvod Vvoiskv (abstrahování) z literatury 1) Poznámky na papír - stejný formát - lze zakládat s článkem nebo uchovávat v pořadačích 2) Poznámky v PC -jednoduché vyhledávání, lze kombinovat poznámky z různých článků podle určitých kriterií apod. '. - špatná orientace pří samotném sepisování textu - hromada papíru - časový faktor 3) Zvýrazňovaní textu (vlastní materiál) - jedna barva - střídmost - velká sdělení - vztah k problému Arabidopsis Body Plan 1459 to vegetative development. In addition, early flowers of Sy-0 plants regularly show reversion of the floral to an inflorescence meristem, which is seen as formation of a branch from the middle of the flower (Figure IF). If Sy-0 morphology is viewed in terms of metamer structure, it can be described as VI -»V2* <-► R* —► R, where V2* corresponds to the aerial-rosette-bearing nodes, R* to reverting flowers, and the double-headed arrow to the reversion of an inflorescence meristem. Therefore, in Sy-0, all shoot apical meristems—the primary shoot apical, axillary, and floral meristems—have delayed establishment of reproductive development leading to modulation of either number or identity of Arabidopsis metamers. The heterochronic shift in shoot meristem development has a profound effect on plant morphology (Figure 1, A, B, G, and H). A consequence of this morphological change is the extension of vegetative development beyond the transition to flowering. This change in the life history strategy increases the life span of the plant to >1.5 years compared to the three-month life span of the Ler plants (Figure 1, G and H). It also enables Sy-0 plants to form a greater number of secondary branches as a greater number of leaves and axillary meristems form. This affects overall plant fitness, since Sy-0 plants produce more seed per plant than many other Arabidopsis strains, giving Sy-0 an adaptive advantage at least under some environmental conditions. Identification of genes underlying changes in morphology of Sy-0 plants: The EAR locus corresponds to the FRI-Sy-0 allele: In our previous work, we determined that EAR, a gene required for the aerial rosette phenotype of Sy-0, maps on chromosome IV in the vicinity of the FRI gene (Grbic and Bleecker 1996). This led to the possibility that a dominant allele at the FRIlocas, might be involved in specification of the Sy-0 phenotype. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the nature of the FRI-Sy-0allele. A survey of 40 Arabidopsis accessions by Johanson et al. (2000) established a correlation between the early flowering phenotype and loss of FRI function due to the two independent deletion events. When the FRI-Sy-0 allele was tested for the presence of these deletions, neither was found, indicating that FRI-Sy-0 could be an active allele (Figure 2A). In addition, Northern blot analysis revealed that FRI-Sy-0 RNA is expressed, further suggesting that the FRI-Sy-0 allele may be functional (Figure 2B). FRI is a putative transcription factor that activates the floral repressor FLC, leading to delayed flowering only if functional alleles at both loci are present (Michaels and Amasino 1999; Sheldon et al. 1999). Therefore, we tested the ability of the FRI-Sy-0 allele to delay flowering in the presence of a reference FLC-Col allele. Ft plants derived from a cross between FRI-Sy-0 and FLC-Collines flowered much later than either of the parents, Figure 1.—Morphology of Ler and Sy-0 plants. (A) A 30-day-old Ler plant. Its body plan can be described as VI —► V2 —» R, where VI and V2 vegetative metamers form a basal rosette and the bottom of the inflorescence stem and reproductive metamers (R) designate solitary flowers at the top of the inflorescence stem. (B) An 80-day-old Sy-0 plant that can be described as VI — V2* *-» R* — R. VI metamers form a basal rosette of leaves, V2* marks aerial-rosette-bearing nodes at the bottom of the inflorescence stem, and R represents solitary flowers at the top of the inflorescence. (C) Vegetative rosette of a 55-day-old Sy-Oplant. (D) Detail of an aerial rosette borne on an Sy-0 plant illustrating V2* metamer. (E) Detail of the apex of the Sy-0 primary shoot that has reverted to vegetative development. (F) Detail of the flower from Sy-0 that has reverted to the inflorescence meristem, an R* metamer. (G) A 50-day-old Ler plant. (H) A 1.5-year-old old Sy-0 plant. (from Kazakstan), and Wil-2 (from Russia). These have been categorized as early flowering accessions that do not contain either of the FRI deletion alleles present in Landsberg erecta (Ler) or Columbia (Col; Johanson et al., 2000). Previously, we had shown that the earliness of Shakhdara was probably due to allelic differences at FLC (Johanson et al., 2000). Therefore, we have analyzed allelic variation at FLC in a number of accessions including the previously characterized weak allele present in Ler. We have detected several single-nucleotide polymorphisms plus a 30-bp insertion and a nonautonomous Mwtaror-like transposable element (TE) both within the first intron of FLC, a region shown to be important for FLC up-regulation (Sheldon et al., 2002). The distribution of these insertions and their correlation with FLC activity has been analyzed in a range of accessions. Sequence Analysis of FRI in Early Flowering Accessions We sequenced approximately 3.6 kb of the { region covering FRI in five accessions: Cvi, Wil-2, Shakhdara, Kz-9, and Kondara. These had been characterized as early flowering accessions, flowering at <75 d or <10 leaves (Karlsson et al., 1993; Nordborg and Bergelson, 1999) but did not contain either the Ler- or Col-type deletion alleles (Johanson et al., 2000). The sequenced region contained 573 bp upstream of the ATG putative translation start codon and 870 bp downstream of the putative translation stop codon. The sequences were compared with the same region from the active H51 FRI allele (GenBank accession no. AF228499). Within the FRI coding sequence, Cvi (GenBank accession no. AY198404) showed five nucleotide differences in comparison with H51, four in the first and one in the third exon (Fig. 1). Four resulted in amino acid differences, Pro-12 to Thr, Arg-74 to Cys, Asp-167 to Glu, and Lys-377 to Gin, whereas one, in the second half of the first exon, changed amino acid residue Lys-232 to an in-frame translation stop codon (TAA). This would cause premature termination approximately halfway through the protein. The other differences included three nucleotide changes, a three-nucleotide indel 5' to the coding region and one polymorphism in intron 1. No differences were found in intron 2 or in the 3'-flanking sequence (Fig. 1). The FRI alleles from Shakhdara (GenBank accession no. AY198401), Kz-9 (AY198402), and Kondara (AY198403) were found to encode identical proteins that differed by only one amino acid (amino acid residue Phe-55 to lie) from the H51 FRI allele. This may be a functionally silent substitution because Phe and He are both hydrophobic amino acids. Again, in comparison with H51, several polymorphisms were found 5' to the coding region, one in intron 1 but none in intron 2 or 3' to the gene. Two differences were detected between the predicted FRI proteins of H51 and Wil-2 (GenBank accession no. AY198405; Fig. 1). These resulted in changes in amino acids Arg-74 to Cys and Asp-167 to Glu in the first exon. The same amino acid differences were also present in the Cvi allele. Depending on whether the Wil-2 FRI allele is active or inactive affects the interpretation of the loss-of-function Lys-232 to stop codon mutation in the Cvi allele. If Wil-2 FRI is functional, then the in-frame stop codon could be the primary cause of FRI loss-of-function in the Cvi accession. Alternatively, if the Wil-2 allele is inactive, the stop codon could have arisen as a sec- Figure 1. Nucleotide and amino acid changes in the FRI gene of the five accessions Cvi, Wil-2, Shakhdara, Kondara, and Kz-9 relative to the active FRI allele from H51 (accession no. AF228499). Sequences containing a stop codon are underlined, a.a., Amino acid; Nucl., nucleotide; nd, not determined. The asterisk indicates an insertion. *a, *b, and *c are the first, second, and third nucleotide insertions after nucleotide 459 from H51. These changes have been used to infer the evolutionary relationship between the different FRI alleles, and this is represented schematically. The Wil-2 allele is represented as arising irom a recombination event between a Cvi-like and a Shakhdara/Kondara/Kz-9-like allele. 8 8 8 k S & S V ■» ■* * in io r- [ntron 1 Exon 3 R f 1 Q. I M 3 O i 1 £ < f t s. H51 T T T C T c • A C T C I A G A Cvi C A A T A G A 1 A 1 A c Wil-2 A G C A T T A A Shakhdara G C A T A A Kondara nd G C A 1 A A Kz-9 nd G c A T A A s— Plant Physiol. Vol. 132, 2003 Pramenv odborné literatur Výhody zvýrazňovaní textu: - v ruce celý separát - text kolem zvýraznění - při nejasnosti rychlý přístup k výsledkům a diskusi - lze využít další citované odkazy - nespletu se v citaci 4) Kartotéky - význam pro orientaci v získané literatuře - při zpracování textu mají nevýhody jako v případě 1) a 2) Obecně: Výhodný je systém „jedněch desek" nebo „více hromádek" - - všechen materiál týkající se určitého problému ukládat do jedněch desek a třídit až při jeho použití; - hromádky separátu podle zvoleného kritéria (např. homeotické geny x známé mutace v homeotických genech x vývojové abnormality x review)