LR Boxes Paragraph Boxes Paragraph . . . Nested boxes Rule boxes Title Page Page 1 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit Indian TEX Users Group URL: 5 On-line Tutorial on LATEX The Tutorial Team Indian TEX Users Group, SJP Buildings, Cotton Hills Trivandrum 695014, INDIA 2000 Prof. (Dr.) K. S. S. Nambooripad, Director, Center for Mathematical Sciences, Trivandrum, (Editor); Dr. E. Krishnan, Reader in Mathematics, University College, Trivandrum; T. Rishi, Focal Image (India) Pvt. Ltd., Trivandrum; L. A. Ajith, Focal Image (India) Pvt. Ltd., Trivandrum; A. M. Shan, Focal Image (India) Pvt. Ltd., Trivandrum; C. V. Radhakrishnan, River Valley Technologies, Software Technology Park, Trivandrum constitute the Tutorial team This document is generated from LATEX sources compiled with pdfLATEX v. 14e in an INTEL Pentium III 700 MHz system running Linux kernel version 2.2.14-12. The packages used are hyperref.sty and pdfscreen.sty c 2000, Indian TEX Users Group. This document may be distributed under the terms of the LATEX Project Public License, as described in lppl.txt in the base LATEX distribution, either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version LR Boxes Paragraph Boxes Paragraph . . . Nested boxes Rule boxes Title Page Page 2 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit 5 Several Kinds of Boxes The theory of composing pages out of boxes lies at the very heart of TEX and many LATEX constructs are available to take advantage of this method of composition. A box is an object that is treated by TEX as a single character. A box cannot be split and broken across lines or pages. Boxes can be moved up, down, left and right. LATEX has three types of boxes. LR (left-right)--The content of this box are typeset from left to right. Par (paragraphs)--This kind of box can contain several lines, which will be typeset in paragraph mode just like normal text. Paragraphs are put one on top of the other. Their widths are controlled by a user specified value. Rule A thin or thick line that is often used to separate various logical elements on the output page, such as between table rows and columns and between running titles and the main text. 5.1. LR Boxes The usage information of four types of LR boxes are given below. The first line considers the text inside the curly braces as a box, without or with a frame drawn around it. For instance, \fbox{some words} gives some words whereas \mbox will do the same thing, but without the ruled frame around the text. LR Boxes Paragraph Boxes Paragraph . . . Nested boxes Rule boxes Title Page Page 3 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit \mbox{text} \makebox[width][pos]{text} \fbox{text} \framebox[width][pos]{text} The commands in the third and fourth lines are a generalization of the other commands. They allow the user to specify the width of the box and the positioning of text inside. some words some words \makebox[5cm]{some words} \par \framebox[5cm][r]{some words} In addition to the centering the text with positional argument [c] (the default), you can position the text flush left ([l]). LATEX also offers you an [s] specifier that will stretch your text from the left margin to the right margin of the box provided it contains some stretchable space. The inter-word space is also stretchable and shrinkable to a certain extent. With LATEX, the above box commands with arguments for specifying the dimensions of the box allow you to make use of four special length parameters: \width, \height, \depth and \totalheight. They specify the natural size of the text, where \totalheight is the sum of the \height and \depth. See the next page for the coding examples. LR Boxes Paragraph Boxes Paragraph . . . Nested boxes Rule boxes Title Page Page 4 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit A few words of advice A few words of advice A few words of advice \framebox{A few words of advice} \framebox[\width+4mm][s]{A few words of advice} \framebox[1.5\width]{A few words of advice} As seen in the margin of the current line, boxes with zero width can be used to make text stick out in the margin. This effect was produced by beginning the paragraph as follows: \makebox[0mm][r]{\color{red}$\Leftrightarrow$} As seen in the margin of the . . . The appearance of frameboxes can be controlled by two style parameters. \fboxrule The width of the lines comprising the box produced with the command \fbox or \framebox. The default value in all standard classes is 0.4pt. \fboxsep The space left between the edge of the box and its contents by \fbox or \framebox. The default value in all standard classes is 3pt. Text in a box Text in a box \fbox{Text in a box} \setlength\fboxrule{2pt}\setlength\fboxsep{2mm} \fbox{Text in a box} Another interesting possibility is to raise or lower boxes. This can be achieved by the very LR Boxes Paragraph Boxes Paragraph . . . Nested boxes Rule boxes Title Page Page 5 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit powerful \raisebox command, which has two obligatory and two optional parameters, defined as follows: \raisebox{lift}[depth][height]{contents} Given below is an example of lowered and elevated text boxes. baseline upward baseline downward baseline baseline \raisebox{1ex}{upward} baseline \raisebox{-1ex}{downward} baseline As with \makebox and \framebox the LATEX implementation of \raisebox offers you the use of the lengths \height, \depth, \totalheight and \width in the first three arguments. Thus, to pretend that a box extends only 90% of its actual height above the baseline you could write: \raisebox{0pt}[0.9\height]{text} or to rotate a box around its lower left corner (instead of its reference point lying on the baseline), you could raise it by its \depth first, e.g.: LR Boxes Paragraph Boxes Paragraph . . . Nested boxes Rule boxes Title Page Page 6 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit x1 Bad thing x2 Bad thing x3 Bad thing x4 $x_1$ \doturn{\fbox{Bad thing}} $x_2$ \doturn{\raisebox{\depth} {\fbox{Bad thing}}} $x_3$ \doturn{\raisebox{-\height} {\fbox{Bad thing}}} $x_4$ 5.2. Paragraph Boxes Paragraph boxes are constructed using the \parbox command or minipage environment. The text material is typeset in paragraph mode inside a box of width width. The vertical positioning of the box with respect the text baseline is controlled by the one-letter optional parameter pos ([c], [t], and [b]). \parbox[pos]{width}{text} is the usage for \parbox command, whereas that of the minipage environment will look like: \begin{minipage}[pos]{width} . . . here goes the text matter . . . \end{minipage} LR Boxes Paragraph Boxes Paragraph . . . Nested boxes Rule boxes Title Page Page 7 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit The center position is the default as shown by the next example. You can also observe that LATEX might produce wide inter-word spaces if the measure is incredibly small. This is the contents of the left- most parbox. CURRENT LINE This is the right-most parbox. Note that the typeset text looks sloppy because LATEX cannot nicely balance the material in these nar- row columns. The code for generating these three \parbox's in a row is given below: \parbox{.3\linewidth} {This is the contents of the left-most parbox.} \hfill CURRENT LINE \hfill \parbox{.3\linewidth} {This is the right-most parbox. Note that the typeset text looks sloppy because \LaTeX{} cannot nicely balance the material in these narrow columns.} The minipage environment is very useful for the placement of material on the page. In effect, it is a complete mini-version of a page and can contain its own footnotes, paragraphs, and array, tabular and multicols (we will learn about these later) environments. A simple example of minipage environment at work is given below. The baseline is indicate with a small red line. \begin{minipage}[b]{.3\linewidth} The minipage environment creates a vertical box like the parbox command. The bottom line of this minipage is aligned with the \end{minipage}\hrulefill \begin{minipage}[c]{.3\linewidth} middle of this narrow parbox, which in turn is LR Boxes Paragraph Boxes Paragraph . . . Nested boxes Rule boxes Title Page Page 8 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit aligned with \end{minipage}\hrulefill \begin{minipage}[t]{.3\linewidth} the top line of the right hand minipage. It is recommended that the user experiment with the positioning arguments to get used to their effects. \end{minipage} The minipage environment cre- ates a vertical box like the parbox command. The bot- tom line of this minipage is aligned with the middle of this narrow parbox, which in turn is aligned with the top line of the right hand minipage. It is recommended that the user experiment with the positioning arguments to get used to their effects. 5.3. Paragraph boxes with specific height In LATEX, the syntax of the \parbox and minipage has been extended to include two more optional arguments. \parbox[pos][height][inner pos]{width}{text} LR Boxes Paragraph Boxes Paragraph . . . Nested boxes Rule boxes Title Page Page 9 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit is the usage for \parbox command, whereas that of the minipage environment will look like: \begin{minipage}[pos][height][inner pos]{width} . . . here goes the text matter . . . \end{minipage} In both cases, height is a length specifying the height of the box; the parameters \height, \width, \depth, and \totalheight may be employed within the emph argument in the same way as in the width argument of \makebox and \framebox. The optional argument inner pos states how the text is to be positioned internally, something that is only meaningful if height has been given. Its possible values are: t to push the text to the top of the box b to shove it to the bottom c to center it vertically s to stretch it to fill up the whole box In the last case, rubber lengths (glue element) should be present where the vertical stretching is to take place. Note the difference between the external positioning argument pos and the internal one inner pos: the former states how the box is to be aligned with the surrounding text, while the latter determines how the contents are placed within the box itself. See an example below. We frame the minipages to make it more comprehensive. LR Boxes Paragraph Boxes Paragraph . . . Nested boxes Rule boxes Title Page Page 10 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit This is a mini- page with a height of 3 cm with the text aligned at the top. In this minipage of same height, the text is verti- cally centered. In this third box of same height, text is aligned at the bottom. In this fourth box of same height, the text is stretched to fill in the entire ver- tical space. See the code that generated above boxed material: \fbox{% \begin{minipage}[b][3cm][t]{2cm} This is a minipage with a height of 3~cm with the text aligned at the top. \end{minipage}}\hfill \fbox{% \begin{minipage}[b][3cm][c]{2cm} In this minipage of same height, the text is vertically centered. \end{minipage}}\hfill \fbox{% \begin{minipage}[b][3cm][b]{2cm} In this third box of same height, text is aligned at the bottom. \end{minipage}}\hfill \fbox{% \begin{minipage}[b][3cm][s]{2cm} \baselineskip 10pt plus 2pt minus 2pt In this fourth box of same height, the text is stretched to fill in the entire vertical space. \end{minipage}} LR Boxes Paragraph Boxes Paragraph . . . Nested boxes Rule boxes Title Page Page 11 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit 5.4. Nested boxes The box commands described above may be nested to any desired level. Including an LR box within a parbox or a minipage causes no obvious conceptual difficulties. The opposite, a parbox within an LR box, is also possible, and is easy to visualize if one keeps in mind that every box is a unit, treated by TEX as a single character of the corresponding size. A parbox inside an \fbox command has the effect that the entire parbox is framed. The present structure was made with \fbox{\fbox{\parbox{.75\linewidth}{A parbox ...}}} This is a parbox of width .75\linewidth inside a fbox inside a second fbox, which thus produces the double framing effect. 5.5. Rule boxes A rule box is a basically a filled-in black rectangle. The syntax for the general command is: \rule[ lift ]{ width }{ height } which produces a solid rectangle of width width and height height, raised above the base- line by an amount lift. Thus \rule{8mm}{3mm} generates and \rule{3in}{.2pt} LR Boxes Paragraph Boxes Paragraph . . . Nested boxes Rule boxes Title Page Page 12 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close Quit generates . Without an optional argument lift, the rectangle is set on the baseline of the current line of the text. The parameters lift, width and height are all lengths. If lift has a negative value, the rectangle is set below the baseline. It is also possible to have a rule box of zero width. This creates an invisible line with the given height. Such a construction is called a strut and is used to force a horizontal box to have a desired height or depth that is different from that of its contents.