MASARYK UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE DIAGNOSTICS AND RECANALIZATION TREATMENT OF ISCHEMIC STROKE HABILITATION THESIS in Neurology (Collection of previously published scholarly works) 2021 Ondřej Volný, MD, Ph.D. I hereby declare that I wrote this habilitation thesis on my own, using the relevant resources listed in the references. …………………….. Signature Obsah Acknowledgement........................................................................................................................... 5 Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 6 Abstrakt ........................................................................................................................................... 7 Section 1 – General Overview ........................................................................................................ 8 Pathophysiology of Ischemic Stroke..................................................................................................................... 8 Section 2 – Detection of Early Ischemic Changes and Utility of Time-variant Multiphase CT Angiography Color Maps in Acute Anterior Circulation Stroke due to Large Vessel Occlusion ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 Assessment of Early Ischemic Changes.............................................................................................................. 10 ASPECT Score.................................................................................................................................................... 11 Automated Imaging Tools for ASPECT Scoring................................................................................................ 12 Multiphase CTA and CTP in Determination of Irreversibly Damaged Brain Tissue (Core).............................. 12 Imaging Paradigms and Randomized Controlled Trials ..................................................................................... 14 Section 2.1 Detection of ischemic changes on baseline multimodal computed tomography: expert reading vs. Brainomix and RAPID software .......................................................................................15 Section 2.2 – Utility of Time-Variant Multiphase CTA Color Maps in Outcome Prediction for Acute Ischemic Stroke Due To Anterior Circulation LVO................................................................35 Section 3 – Endovascular Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke................................................. 45 Section 3.1 – Mechanical Thrombectomy Performs Similarly in Real-World Practice: A 2016 Nationwide Study from the Czech Republic........................................................................................46 Section 3.2 – Thrombectomy vs. Medical Management in Low NIHSS Acute Anterior Circulation Stroke ................................................................................................................................57 Conclusions................................................................................................................................... 74 List of Abbreviations..................................................................................................................... 75 List of Figures............................................................................................................................... 77 List of Tables................................................................................................................................. 78 Annex 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 79 VOLNY O., P. CIMFLOVA, T.-Y. LEE, B. K. MENON and C. D. D’ESTERRE. Permeability surface area product analysis in malignant brain edema prediction – A pilot study. Journal of the Neurological Sciences [online]. 2017, 376, 206–210. ISSN 0022-510X................................................................................................. 79 Annex 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 85 OSPEL J. M., O. VOLNY, W. QIU, M. NAJM, N. KASHANI, M. GOYAL a B. K. MENON. Displaying Multiphase CT Angiography Using a Time-Variant Color Map: Practical Considerations and Potential Applications in Patients with Acute Stroke. American Journal of Neuroradiology [online]. 2020, 41(2), 200– 205. ISSN 0195-6108. ......................................................................................................................................... 85 Annex 3 ......................................................................................................................................... 92 VANICEK J., P. CIMFLOVA, M. BULIK, J. JARKOVSKY, V. PRELECOVA, V. SZEDER a O. VOLNY (senior author). Single-Centre Experience with Patients Selection for Mechanical Thrombectomy Based on Automated Computed Tomography Perfusion Analysis-A Comparison with Computed Tomography Perfusion Thrombectomy Trials. Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases [online]. 2019, 28(4), 1085–1092. ISSN 1052-3057. ................................................................................................................................................. 92 Annex 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 101 VOLNY O., M. BAR, A. KRAJINA, P. CIMFLOVA, L. KASICKOVA, R. HERZIG, D. SANAK, O. SKODA, A. TOMEK, D. SKOLOUDIK, D. VACLAVIK, J. NEUMANN, M. KOCHER, M. ROCEK, R. PADR, F. CIHLAR a R. MIKULIK. A Comprehensive Nationwide Evaluation of Stroke Centres in the Czech Republic Performing Mechanical Thrombectomy in Acute Stroke in 2016. Ceska a Slovenska Neurologie a Neurochirurgie [online]. 2017, 80(4), 445–450. ISSN 1210-7859................................................................. 101 Annex 5 ....................................................................................................................................... 108 KÖCHER M., D. SANAK, J. ZAPLETALOVA, F. CIHLAR, D. CZERNY, D. CERNIK, P. DURAS, L. ENDRYCH, R. HERZIG, J. LACMAN, M. LOJIK, S. OSTRY, R. PADR, V. ROHAN, M. SKORNA, M. SRAMEK, L. STERBA, D. VACLAVIK, J. VANICEK, O. VOLNY and A. TOMEK. Mechanical Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke in Czech Republic: Technical Results from the Year 2016. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology [online]. 2018, 41(12), 1901–1908. ISSN 0174-1551.............. 108 5 Acknowledgement I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all my motivating mentors (associate prof. Bijoy K. Menon, prof. Michael D. Hill, prof. Andrew M. Demchuk, prof. Mayank Goyal and prof. Robert Mikulík), whom taught me the basics of clinical research, statistics and strokology. Special thanks to my challenge driven research collaborators dr. Petra Cimflová, dr. Johanna M. Ospel and dr. Charlotte Zerna for the countless spent hours in darkroom and deep discussions about our research projects and papers. Finally, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to my whole family, my amazing and always supportive wife, Michaela, and our adorable son, Richard. This work is dedicated to you! 6 Abstract Stroke is a leading cause of adult disability worldwide. Clinical trials studying the reperfusion therapies (intravenous thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy) in acute stroke are of proven benefit. Speed and accuracy of diagnosis and interpretation of neuroimaging is critical before the treatment is initiated. This habilitation thesis is divided into four main sections. The first section summarizes briefly stroke epidemiology and pathophysiology. The second section is devoted to modern neuroimaging tools in acute ischemic stroke with a special emphasis put on the visual and automated detection of early ischemic changes on baseline neuroimaging and clinical utility of the multiphase CTA. The third section is devoted to endovascular treatment (mechanical thrombectomy) of acute ischemic stroke. Its first part focuses on comparisons of nationwide endovascular data from the Czech Republic with a meta-analysis HERMES (Highly Effective Reperfusion evaluated in Multiple Endovascular Stroke Trials). Its second part presents an observational multicenter study assessing the effectiveness and safety of endovascular treatment versus best medical management in patients with CTA detected large vessel occlusion in anterior circulation and mild neurological deficit using recent data from comprehensive datasets and propensity score matching. The last section contains full texts of original publications (annexes) related to the topic of this habilitation thesis. 7 Abstrakt Cévní mozková příhoda (CMP) je celosvětově hlavní příčinou invalidity dospělých. Randomizované studie zkoumající reperfúzní terapii (intravenózní trombolýza a mechanická trombektomie) u akutní CMP prokázaly její jednoznačný přínos (benefit) na výsledný klinický stav. Rychlost a přesnost diagnostiky a interpretace neurozobrazování je rozhodující před zahájením rekanalizační léčby. Tato habilitační práce je rozdělena do čtyř hlavních částí. První část stručně shrnuje epidemiologii a patofyziologii CMP. Druhá část je věnována moderním neurozobrazovacím nástrojům s důrazem na automatickou detekci časných ischemických změn na vstupním neurozobrazení a klinický význam multifázické CTA. Třetí část je věnována endovaskulární léčbě (mechanické trombektomii) CMP. Její první oddíl je zaměřen na srovnání národních EVT dat za ČR s metaanalýzou HERMES (Highly Effective Reperfusion evaluated in Multiple Endovascular Stroke Trials). Druhý oddíl představuje observační multicentrickou studii hodnotící účinnost a bezpečnost endovaskulární léčby ve srovnání se standardní léčbou u pacientů s prokázaným uzávěrem velké mozkové tepny v přední mozkové cirkulaci a s nízkým neurologickým deficitem za použití tzv. propensity score matching analýzy. Poslední část (přílohy) obsahuje plné texty originálních prací souvisejících s tématem habilitační práce. 8 Section 1 – General Overview Stroke represents a major cause of disability and is the second leading cause of death worldwide with an incidence of about 17 million per year. Improvements in primary prevention and lifestyle changes have led to a decreased incidence of age-adjusted stroke. Nevertheless, the overall number of strokes cases has been increasing and is expected to accelerate over the coming decades because of the aging in the population. It is predicted that stroke will account for 6.2% of the total burden of illness in developed countries by 2020. Without major advances in prevention, acute management and treatment, as well as in post-stroke rehabilitation, the burden and cost of this disease will considerably increase. (1) (2) (3) Pathophysiology of Ischemic Stroke Acute occlusion of a cerebral artery or arteriole leads to an immediate decrease in arterial blood flow in a particular vascular territory. Large vessel occlusion (LVO) caused by larger clots are associated with more severe neurological deficits than occlusions of more distal and smaller arteries. Immediately after the occlusion, cerebrovascular and systemic compensatory mechanisms are activated: acute stress reaction, blood pressure increase, recruitment of collaterals, etc., in order to maintain the sufficient perfusion. Blood flow reduction may be partially compensated by cerebral collateral circulation at different levels, mostly at the level of leptomeningeal (pial) collaterals. If the blood flow is above 20 ml/100 g per min (40% of a normal flow), cerebrovascular autoregulatory mechanisms lead to increased oxygen extraction. Below this level of blood flow, the neurotransmission will cease, and neurologic symptoms will manifest in correlation to the affected brain areas. Neurons are able to survive for minutes, but if sufficient blood flow is not restored they die at an average of 1.9 million nerve cells per minute. (4) The processes of ischemic and apoptotic changes are dynamic and occur within the next few hours/days. If the vessel is not opened and brain perfusion is not restored, the failure of these compensatory mechanisms beside the critical decrease in arterial perfusion lead to hypoxia progressing into ischemia, neuronal death, and eventually developing infarct. (5) (6) Larger infarcts are associated with more severe deficits and worse functional outcome, e.g. infarction in the whole middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory has a poor prognosis, with only 9 5% functional independence after the first year in comparison to the M2 territory infarction. The urgent priority in acute ischemic stroke treatment is to reopen the occluded artery or arteries (recanalization), because early recanalization improves the short-term and the long-term outcomes. (7) (8) 10 Section 2 – Detection of Early Ischemic Changes and Utility of Timevariant Multiphase CT Angiography Color Maps in Acute Anterior Circulation Stroke due to Large Vessel Occlusion Acute ischemic stroke (AIS) due to LVO is a highly time-critical disease. In 2015, endovascular treatment (EVT) became the standard of care for LVO stroke patients presenting within 6 hours from symptom onset. (9) EVT represents a powerful treatment, but its effect is time-dependent. The overarching goal when performing EVT is therefore to treat the patient as fast as possible; however, not all patients will benefit from EVT, and screening the eligible patients is crucial in the selection process, in order not to cause harm. (10) Currently, patients’ selection is based on two main pillars: clinical characteristics (e.g. severity of neurological deficit, premorbid functional status, time of symptom onset) and brain imaging. Brain computed tomography (CT) is the most widely used and widespread modality for stroke imaging; non-contrast CT (NCCT), CT angiography (CTA), and CT perfusion (CTP) represent important imaging tools, complementary to clinical examination and patient’s history, aiding in the diagnosis and the decision-making of the subsequent therapy. Assessment of Early Ischemic Changes Early ischemic changes tend to develop in the first hours after stroke symptoms onset. In order to improve the rater detection of early ischemic changes on baseline NCCT, it is important to set up the so-called hard brain window. It assists the rater in differentiation of subtle changes in the grey and white matter density (window width [WW] 35 to 40 Hounsfield units [HU], window level [WL] 35-40 HU versus standard brain window WW 80 HU, WL 40 HU), Figure 1. 11 Figure 1: Comparison of the standard brain window and “hard brain” window Legend: upper row (WW 80, WL 40), lower row = hard brain window (WW 40, WL 40) for proper assessment of early ischemic changes (marked with red ovals). ASPECT Score The most clinically used and validated score for assessing the extent of early ischemic changes in the anterior circulation is the Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS). The MCA territory is divided into 10 regions. For each region affected by early ischemic changes, one point is subtracted from a total score of 10 including the following areas: (A) at basal ganglia level [caudate (C), lentiform (L), internal capsule (IC), insula (I) and M1 to M3 territory]; (B) the M4 to M6 cortical regions at the supraganglional level. The ASPECTS is used as an imaging selection tool for EVT and it was proven to be a significant predictor of functional outcome. (11) (12) (13) On the one hand, it represents a validated grading system, and on the other and, the inter-rater reliability is limited. There is a trend to work on developing reliable and accurate software tools to help stroke physicians with the scan assessment and decision making. 12 Automated Imaging Tools for ASPECT Scoring Neuroimaging interpretation in acute stroke requires some level of expertise, hence it might cause some time delays among less-experienced physicians (stroke clinician needs simple, quick and accurate imaging tools). The e-ASPECTS software (Brainomix, Oxford, U.K.) is a fullyautomated ASPECT scoring tool for NCCT, which has previously demonstrated a scoring at an expert level. The advantage of e-ASPECTS is its potential to eliminate the inter-rater variability. Automated post-processing with RAPID software was used as an accurate prediction tool for irreversibly damaged tissue (infarct core), and tissue at risk of infarction (penumbra). Section 2.1 is devoted to this subject in detail. The main aim was to compare the assessment of early ischemic changes by the expert reading and by the available automated software for NCCT and CTP and ultimately demonstrate the accuracy for the final infarct prediction. Multiphase CTA and CTP in Determination of Irreversibly Damaged Brain Tissue (Core) Baseline neuroimaging is also used to determine how much of brain tissue is already irreversibly damaged, since in patients with extensive early ischemic changes, tissue is unlikely to be salvaged by EVT, and the risk of reperfusion injury (futile recanalization) is higher. There are multiple ways of identifying irreversibly damaged tissue. The most commonly used imaging techniques are CTP and multiphase CTA (mCTA). Both techniques have been successfully used for EVT patient selection in randomized controlled trials, and both have their advantages and disadvantages: CTP maps can be quickly and easily interpreted even with limited imaging experience, because the color-coded display format is a clear visual indicator of pathology. (2) (14) (15) (16) On the other hand, CTP is susceptible to patient motion and post-processing artifacts and generating post-processed maps takes some time. mCTA is more robust against patient motion and requires less contrast and radiation dose. It is equally as reliable as CTP as an EVT selection and outcome prediction tool, and because it can easily be implemented without any additional technical requirements, it is particularly attracts smaller hospitals and places in which it is not possible to afford additional hardware and/or software. (17) However, the standard display format for mCTA consists of 3 separate gray scale images of the cerebral vessels (Figure 2), and evaluating the collaterals requires the reader to assess all three of them simultaneously. Our research team have recently described a new color-coded mCTA display format, in which all 3 mCTA series are consolidated in a single color-coded map, thereby potentially facilitating 13 and improving mCTA interpretation, (Figure 2) and (ANNEX 1 and ANNEX 2). mCTA colormaps therefore constitute a good alternative to facilitate interpretation of collateral status until fully automated collateral assessment becomes routinely available, particularly for less-experienced readers. Section 2.2 is devoted to this subject in detail. Figure 2: Conventional and color-based collateral scoring Legend: Toprow – good collaterals. Most collaterals are opacified on the first mCTA phase and appear red on the colormap, which is consistent with a zero-phase delay. The vessel extent is nearly identical to the contralateral side. Middle row: intermediate collaterals. Most collaterals are opacified on the second mCTA phase and appear green on the colormap, which is consistent with a one-phase delay. The vessel extent is slightly reduced compared to the contralateral side. Bottom row: poor collaterals. The few visible collaterals are mostly opacified on the third mCTA phase and appear blue on the color-map, which is consistent with a two-phase delay. The vessel extent is markedly reduced compared to the contralateral side. 14 Imaging Paradigms and Randomized Controlled Trials The vanguard trials that established efficacy of EVT in patients with AIS used various imaging criteria for patient selection. These ranged from simple paradigms like NCCT and single-phase CTA in the MR CLEAN and the RESILIENT trial, collateral imaging using mCTA in the ESCAPE trial and to multimodal MRI protocol in the THRACE trial. CTP was used exclusively in the EXTEND IA trial, a mixture of advanced imaging was used in the SWIFT PRIME trial (some mCTA and some CTP) and the late window DAWN and DEFUSE-3 trials had NCCT and CTP paradigms. Each approach has its advantages and its drawbacks but the lack of standardization of imaging paradigms globally results in some misunderstanding about what types of patients are actually being enrolled into the studies. This makes comparison of patient populations and treatment effects difficult, but it also constitutes an opportunity to compare different imaging paradigms and try to find an optimal imaging approach; one that provides just enough information for treatment decision-making and outcome prediction, without delaying or compromising treatment by either obtaining unnecessary information or excluding patients whom may have benefited from treatment. Of all the imaging paradigms in use in patients with acute stroke, NCCT with single phase CTA is the simplest and arguably the fastest, but reliability of assessment of the extent of early ischemic changes is low, particularly among less-experienced physicians. Pial collateral status assessment has high specificity if the collaterals are good on a single-phase CTA but poor collateral filling could be a false result due to delay in timing of the contrast bolus with consequent arterial filling. Both CTP and mCTA provide time-resolved images that try to address the issue of mistimed bolus contrast influencing assessment of contrast enhanced CT in patients with acute stroke. In CTP, the brain is continuously scanned over 45 – 90 seconds, while in mCTA, three scans cycles are performed over 16-20 seconds. Due to its higher temporal resolution, the information content in CTP images is higher when compared to mCTA, but this comes at the cost of lower spatial resolution, higher motion susceptibility and requirement for algorithm based image postprocessing. 15 Section 2.1 Detection of ischemic changes on baseline multimodal computed tomography: expert reading vs. Brainomix and RAPID software Based upon: CIMFLOVA, Petra, Ondrej VOLNY*( joint first author)*, Robert MIKULIK, Bohdan TYSHCHENKO, Silvie BELASKOVA, Jan VINKLAREK, Vladimir CERVENAK, Tomas KRIVKA, Jiri VANICEK a Antonin KRAJINA. Detection of ischemic changes on baseline multimodal computed tomography: expert reading vs. Brainomix and RAPID software. Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases [online]. 2020, 29(9), 104978. ISSN 1052-3057. Abstract Background – The aim of the study was to compare the assessment of early ischemic changes by expert reading and available automated software for NCCT and CTP on baseline multimodal imaging and demonstrate the accuracy for the final infarct prediction. Methods – Early ischemic changes were measured by ASPECTS on the baseline neuroimaging of consecutive patients with anterior circulation ischemic stroke. The presence of early ischemic changes was assessed a) on NCCT by two experienced raters, b) on NCCT by e-ASPECTS, and c) visually on derived CT perfusion maps (CBF<30%, Tmax>10s). Accuracy was calculated by comparing presence of final ischemic changes on 24-hour follow-up for each ASPECTS region and expressed as sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV). The sub-analysis for patients with successful recanalization was conducted. Results – Of 263 patients, 81 fulfilled inclusion criteria. Median baseline ASPECTS was 9 for all tested modalities. Accuracy was 0.76 for e-ASPECTS, 0.79 for consensus, 0.82 for CBF<30%, 0.80 for Tmax>10s. e-ASPECTS, consensus, CBF<30%, and Tmax>10s had sensitivity 0.41, 0.46, 0.49, 0.57, respectively; specificity 0.91, 0.93, 0.95, 0.91, respectively; PPV 0.66, 0.75, 0.82, 0.73, respectively; NPV 0.78, 0.80, 0.82, 0.83, respectively. Results did not differ in patients with and without successful recanalization. Conclusion – This study demonstrated high accuracy for the assessment of ischemic changes by different CT modalities with the best accuracy for CBF<30% and Tmax>10s. The use of automated software has a potential to improve the detection of early ischemic changes. 16 Introduction The ASPECTS quantifies the extent of early ischemic changes in the MCA territory on baseline NCCT scans. (18) It has been proven to be a significant predictor of clinical outcome in patients with AIS in the anterior circulation. (12) (13) It is also used to select patients for EVT. (11) It represents a validated grading system, but the inter-rater variability has been questioned. Even experienced clinicians show only a 39% agreement in the identification of ischemic changes on NCCT involving more than one-third of the MCA territory. (19) Hence, there is a trend to develop reliable software tools to help stroke physicians in acute scan reading and subsequent decision making. (10) (16) The e-ASPECTS software (Brainomix, Oxford, UK) is a fully-automated ASPECT scoring tool for NCCT, which has previously demonstrated a scoring on expert level. The advantage of eASPECTS is its potential to eliminate the inter-rater variability. (20) (21) (22) CTP has a potential to discriminate between irreversibly damaged tissue, infarct core, and tissue at risk of infarction, penumbra. (23) (24) It has been demonstrated that visual applying of ASPECTS into CTP parametric maps has a strong correlation with good clinical outcome (defined as modified Rankin scale [mRS] 0-2), with a prognostic value greater than NCCT ASPECTS. (25) (26) (27) (28) All previous studies have shown the highest correlation of good clinical outcome with cerebral blood volume (CBV) ASPECTS. The most accurate prediction of irreversibly ischemic changes by automatic software postprocessing with RAPID was shown for relative cerebral blood flow (CBF) less than 30% in comparison to the mean CBF of normally perfused brain parenchyma. (29) (30) This threshold was used in the randomized controlled trials with patient selection based on perfusion mismatch (SWIFT-PRIME, EXTEND-AI, DAWN, DEFUSE III) to define ischemic core. (31) (15) (32) (14) Severe hypoperfusion has been associated with irreversible necrosis of the ischemic lesion even after reperfusion. (33) In the DEFUSE and EPITHET meta-analysis, large regions of severe delay (>10 s) have been associated with poor outcome after reperfusion. (34) This finding suggests that higher Tmax may identify tissue with more severely reduced cerebral blood flow, which may have a substantial impact on the evolution of the acute ischemic lesion. 17 The main aim of our study was to evaluate how accurate the different CT modalities with and without software processing (consensus reading, e-ASPECTS, CBF<30%, Tmax>10s) assess early ischemic changes at baseline and what is their accuracy for final ischemia prediction. Methods Patient selection Ethical approval was obtained from the local Institutional Review Boards (the Boards waived the need for patient consent). All patients with symptoms of AIS and no history of contrast allergy routinely underwent NCCT, mCTA from the aortic arch to the vertex and CTP in our institution.(17) If the diagnosis of AIS was confirmed by this neuroimaging protocol, NCCT was repeated within 24-32 hours to determine the extent and location of ischemia and diagnose potential complications such as hemorrhagic transformation. Radiological data of consecutive patients from March 2017 to September 2017 presenting with symptoms of AIS in the anterior circulation within 6 hours of last seen normal (symptom onset) were retrospectively reviewed. This time period was chosen in order to compare the reliability of the detection of early ischemic changes while the software for automatic detection of early ischemic changes was implemented into our institutional system. Inclusion criteria were: 1) availability of baseline NCCT with automatic software analysis, baseline CTP and follow-up 24-hour NCCT. Exclusion criteria were: 1) evidence of any intracranial hemorrhage or non-ischemic lesion, 2) negative findings on baseline diagnostic imaging and no ischemic changes on follow-up CT. We defined patients with successful reperfusion/recanalization angiografically as Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction (TICI) 2b-3 in patients treated with EVT or as >40% decrease in the 24-hour NIHSS score in patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) only. (35) Sub-analysis of this subgroup was conducted. Imaging Protocol The imaging protocol set up in our stroke center combines NCCT, mCTA and CTP and both software programs were available during the study period for automatic analysis (Brainomix for NCCT and RAPID for CTP). NCCT was acquired on a multi-detector scanner (120kV, 328 mAs (419mAs/slice), Brilliance iCT 256; Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, OH) with a section thickness of 0.9mm and an image reconstruction of 3mm. For the CTP protocol, 18 40 ml of contrast agent (Iomeron 300; Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals; Dublin, Ireland) was power injected at 5 ml/s followed by a saline chase of 50 ml at 5 ml/s. Sections of 8cm thickness were acquired at 10 mm slice thickness. Scanning began after a delay of 5s from contrast injection in every 1.8s for 75s. After 24 hours, a NCCT was acquired for final infarct delineation in all patients. Image Processing NCCT scans were automatically analysed by the e-ASPECTS software (version 6.0, Brainomix, Oxford, UK). The e-ASPECTS software is a standardized, fully-automated, CE mark-approved ASPECTS scoring tool for NCCT, which has previously demonstrated scoring on an expert level. The e-ASPECTS software is based on a combination of advanced image-processing and machinelearning algorithms. Its scoring module operates on the standardized 3D images, classifying signs of ischemic damage and assigning them to ASPECTS regions. CT perfusion studies were postprocessed using the RAPID software (iSchemaView, Menlo Park, CA, USA) to generate perfusion maps of cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral blood volume (CBV), mean transit time (MTT), and time to the maximum of the residue function (Tmax). The RAPID software also automatically segmented and calculated volumes of the ischemic core (relative regional CBF<30%) and the critically hypoperfused tissue (Tmax>6s). (29) Image review Early ischemic changes were assessed on baseline NCCT by two experienced readers (a consultant neuroradiologist, PC, and a stroke neurologist, OV)* using the ASPECTS score defined by Barber et al. previously, blind to the results of the e-ASPECTS analysis, as well as to other baseline imaging modalities and follow-up NCCT. (13) Automatic segmentations of ASPECTS regions on e-ASPECTS derived scans were visually checked to avoid any severe inaccuracy. Otherwise, the given e-ASPECTS score were not modified and the original e-ASPECTS was noted. CTP maps were superposed on the CT-ASPECTS template and visually assessed by an experienced reader (PC). Ischemic changes on CTP maps were evaluated using the ASPECTS as follows: 1) on the CBF map as the area with CBF<30 % when compared to the contralateral hemisphere and 2) on the Tmax map as the area with Tmax>10s delay in the maximum contrast filling within the region of interest when compared to the contralateral hemisphere (Figure 3). The reader 19 was blind to findings on NCCT, perfusion baseline scans available in the summary of RAPID analysis were visually controlled to exclude any false positive CTP findings (e.g. chronic infarction). The final infarction was assessed on a 24-hour follow-up NCCT with consensus of the two readers (PC, OV), during a different session, one month after the previous assessment of the early ischemic changes on baseline NCCT. To support the reliability of the consensus reading, two radiologists (VC, TK) evaluated ASPECTS of 40 random admission NCCT and 40 follow-up scans (of different patients). The inter-rater agreement with the consensus was counted using weighted kappa (kw) and Krippendorf’s alfa (a). The moderate agreement between raters was demonstrated for baseline NCCT (kw=0.53-0.54; a=0.72) and good to excellent agreement for follow-up imaging (kw=0.78-0.88; a=0.94)**. *PC and OV have 6-year experience with stroke imaging evaluation, 5-year experience in comprehensive stroke centre and both were trained in ASPECTS reading as members of the Calgary Stroke Program. Statistical Analysis Clinical and imaging baseline characteristics were summarized using descriptive statistics. The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated for particular ASPECTS regions (81 patients x 10 ASPECTS regions) at baseline imaging (e-ASPECTS, expert consensus reading, CBF<30%, Tmax>10s) in comparison with ASPECTS regions at the follow-up CT. The Bland-Altman plots were calculated to compare the differences between each baseline imaging method and follow-up ASPECTS. The sensitivity analysis of pooled data for the group with determined successful reperfusion/recanalization was conducted; clinical and imaging baseline characteristics were summarized using descriptive statistics and compared to the group with non-determined recanalization/reperfusion using Wilcoxon rank sum test; the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV as well as Bland-Altman plots were calculated. To compare the two subgroups, we calculated residuals between follow-up ASPECTS and each baseline ASPECT score method (e-ASPECTS, expert consensus reading, CBF<30%, Tmax>10) and analysed these residuals using Wilcoxon rank sum test. This study provides hierarchically structured data with 3 levels: subject ID, imaging modalities (e-ASPECTS, expert consensus reading, CBF<30%, Tmax>10s, and follow-up ASPECTS); and ASPECTS regions (M1-M6, Insula, Lentiform, Capsula, Caudate). We regarded regions as a fixed effect. The generalized estimating equation accommodating 20 clustering at the subject ID level was used (PROC GENMOD; SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC). LSmeans estimates of fixed effect “region” computed from generalized mixed model were graphically illustrated. All analyses were performed in Stata 16.1 (StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX, USA) and SAS 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Results Baseline scans of 263 patients were retrospectively reviewed; 16 patients with intracranial hemorrhage and 166 patients with either negative findings on all imaging modalities or missing follow-up imaging were excluded. Overall, 81 patients met all the criteria and were included into the analysis. Mean age was 70 years (standard deviation [SD] 14 years, range 30-92 years), 38 (46,9%) were women. Median baseline NIHSS was 9 (interquartile range [IQR]=4–17). The median time interval from symptom onset to CT was 156 mins (IQR=71-220); there were 12 patients with the unknow time of symptom onset or wake-up stroke. Median baseline ASPECTS was 9 for all tested modalities (IQR=8-10 for e-ASPECTS, IQR=7-10 for consensus, IQR=7-10 for CBF<30%, IQR 6-10 for Tmax>10s, median ASPECTS on follow-up NCCT was 8, IQR=5-9), left hemisphere was affected in 44 cases (54.3%). Fifty patients received intravenous thrombolysis and 19 patients had mechanical thrombectomy. Reperfusion was achieved in 11 patients in the mechanical thrombectomy group and in 22 patients in the IVT group, the data from mechanical thrombectomy and intravenous thrombolysis groups were pooled for further analysis (as determined recanalization). Accuracy of baseline ASPECTS and follow-up ASPECTS was 0.76 for e-ASPECTS, 0.79 for expert consensus, 0.81 for CBF<30% and 0.8 for Tmax>10s. Sensitivity and specificity were 0.41 and 0.91 for e-ASPECTS; 0.46 and 0.93 for expert consensus; 0.49 and 0.95 for CBF<30%; 0.57 and 0.91 for Tmax>10s respectively. PPV and NPV were 0.66 and 0.78 for e-ASPECTS; 0.75 and 0.8 for expert consensus; 0.82 and 0.81 for CBF<30%; 0.73 and 0.83 for Tmax>10s, respectively, Figure 4 and Table 1. Bland-Altman plots comparing differences in scores of baseline ASPECTS and follow-up ASPECTS are demonstrated in Figure 5. The mean difference between e-ASPECTS and follow-up was -1.16 ± 2.52 (median undercall of ASPECTS was -1), expert consensus and follow-up -1.16 ± 2.23 (median undercall was -1), CBF<30% and follow-up -1.15 ± 1.77 % (median undercall was -1), and Tmax>10s and follow-up -0.59 ± 21 1.86 (median undercall was 0). The ASPECTS was rated as lower on baseline imaging in 15/81 cases for e-ASPECTS, 11/81 for expert consensus, 6/81 for CBF<30, and in 15/81 cases for Tmax>10s. Sensitivity analysis Clinical and imaging baseline characteristics for patients with determined successful recanalization were not significantly different in comparison to the subgroup of patients with non-determined recanalization (Table 2). The results of the subgroup analysis in patients with successful reperfusion/recanalization are graphically demonstrated in Figure 6 (Table 3). Accuracy of baseline ASPECTS and follow-up ASPECTS was 0.79 for e-ASPECTS, 0.81 for expert consensus, 0.83 for CBF<30% and 0.82 for Tmax>10s. Sensitivity and specificity were 0.51 and 0.90 for e-ASPECTS; 0.53 and 0.92 for expert consensus; 0.55 and 0.94 for CBF<30%; 0.66 and 0.89 for Tmax>10s, respectively. PPV and NPV were 0.67 and 0.82 for e-ASPECTS; 0.73 and 0.83 for expert consensus; 0.77 and 0.84 for CBF<30%; 0.7 and 0.87 for Tmax>10s, respectively. Bland-Altman plots for the subgroup analysis comparing differences in scores of baseline ASPECTS and follow-up ASPECTS are demonstrated in Figure 7. The mean difference between e-ASPECTS and follow-up was -0.70 ± 2.48 (median undercall of ASPECTS was -1), expert consensus and follow-up -0.79 ± 2.33 (median undercall was 0), CBF<30% and follow-up -0.82 ± 1.77 (median undercall was -1), and Tmax>10s and follow-up -0.21 ± 1.74 (median undercall was 0). The ASPECTS was lower on baseline imaging in 7/33 cases for e-ASPECTS, 6/33 for expert consensus, 5/33 for CBF<30% , and in 9/33 cases for Tmax>10s. There was no significant difference between residuals of the follow-up ASPECTS and each baseline ASPECTS for the two subgroups (determined recanalization versus nondetermined recanalization group), the median undercall of baseline ASPECT scores was -1 point in comparison to the follow-up ASPECTS for the baseline methods in the subgroup with nondetermined recanalization and for CBF<30% and e-ASPECTS in the subgroup with determined recanalization. There was a trend observed for Tmax>10s that show a higher precision in the subgroup with determined successful recanalization with the median undercall of 0 points. (Table 4). Results from generalized mixed model are illustrated in Figure 8. 22 Figure 3: Comparison of CT imaging modalities and evaluation of early ischemic changes Legend: Baseline ASPECTS was assessed as follows: 10 points on NCCT by expert reading (A), 9 (lentiform) by automatic e-ASPECTS (B) and 6 (M2, M3, insula, lentiform) on Tmax>10s CTP maps (C). Follow-up CT (D) shows the ischemic changes within insula, lentiform and M5 (ASPECTS 7); and hemorrhagic transformation within the right insula. 23 Figure 4: Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value of baseline ASPECTSs evaluated by e-ASPECTS, consensus (expert reading), CBF<30% and Tmax>10s) Legend: ACC – accuracy; TPR – true positive value/sensitivity, TNR – true negative value/specificity, PPV – positive predictive value, NPV – negative predictive value 24 Figure 5: Bland-Altman plots Legend: Bland-Altman plots illustrating the level of agreement between the baseline and follow-up ASPECTS for different baseline CT modalities and means of evaluation (software vs. expert reading). Solid line indicates the mean difference between the baseline and follow-up, dashed lines indicate the limits of the agreement. 25 Figure 6: Subgroup analysis of patients with successful reperfusion – accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value for baseline assessment (eASPECTS, consensus, CBF<30% and Tmax>10s) and final ischemic changes on follow-up NCCT Legend: ACC – accuracy; TPR – true positive value/sensitivity, TNR – true negative value/specificity, PPV – positive predictive value, NPV – negative predictive value 26 Figure 7: Bland-Altman plots for the subgroup analysis of patients with successful recanalization/reperfusion (MT and IVT group pooled data) Legend: Bland-Altman plots compare the baseline ASPECTS and follow-up ASPECTS for baseline CT modalities and different means of assessment. Solid line indicates the mean difference between baseline and follow-up, dashed lines indicate the limits of the agreement. 27 Figure 8: Least square means estimates of fixed effect “region” computed from generalized mixed model Legend: The least square means (Ls-means) estimates were computed from a generalized mixed model (fixed effect was ASPECTS region). Follow-up NCCT was used as a reference grid. Results expressed on a logit scale demonstrate the highest agreement for final ischemia in insula and M5 region regardless the used CT modality and scoring approach. The lowest odds were demonstrated for internal capsule, which also showed the highest variability in scoring. 28 Table 1: Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of baseline ASPECTS (e-ASPECTS, consensus, CBF<30% and Tmax>10s) vs. follow-up imaging Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV e-ASPECTS vs. follow-up 0.76 0.41 0.91 0.66 0.78 Consensus vs. follow-up 0.79 0.46 0.93 0.75 0.8 CBF<30% vs. follow-up 0.81 0.49 0.95 0.82 0.81 Tmax>10 s vs. follow-up 0.80 0.57 0.91 0.73 0.83 Legend: ASPECTS = Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score; CBF = cerebral blood flow; NPV = negative predictive value; PPV = positive predictive value; Tmax = time to maximum. 29 Table 2: Comparison of patient baseline characteristics for the whole dataset (n=81) and a subgroup of patients with determined successful recanalization (n=33) Dataset N= 81 Recanalization subgroup N=33 P-value* Female sex – n (%) 38 (46.9) 13 (39.4) 0.26 Age – median (IQR) 71 (62 – 81) 69 (62 – 80) 0.54 Affected left side – n (%) 44 (54.3) 18 (54.55) 0.97 Baseline NIHSS – median (IQR) 9 (4 – 17)1 14 (7 – 17.5)1 0.002 Baseline ASPECTS – median (IQR) 9 (7 – 10) 9 (6.5 – 10) 0.41 Onset to baseline CT in min – median (IQR) 156 (71-220)2 110 (67-216)2 0.41 Legend: IQR = interquartile range, NIHSS = National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, ASPECTS = Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score, EVT = endovascular treatment *Derived from Wilcoxon rank sum test for two subgroups – determined successful recanalization versus nondetermined recanalization 1 computed for n=79 and subgroup n=32 2 computed for n=69 and subgroup n=31 30 Table 3: Subgroup analysis of patients with successful reperfusion/recanalization – accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of baseline ASPECTSs (e-ASPECTS, consensus, CBF<30% and Tmax>10s) vs. follow-up imaging Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV e-ASPECTS vs. follow-up 0.79 0.51 0.93 0.67 0.82 Consensus vs. follow-up 0.81 0.53 0.92 0.73 0.83 CBF<30% vs. follow-up 0.83 0.55 0.94 0.77 0.84 Tmax>10 s vs. follow-up 0.82 0.66 0.89 0.69 0.87 Legend: ASPECTS = Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score; CBF = cerebral blood flow; NPV = negative predictive value; PPV = positive predictive value; Tmax = time to maximum. 31 Table 4: Comparison of residuals for the follow-up ASPECTS and the baseline ASPECTS for the subgroups of patients with determined successful recanalization versus nondetermined recanalization Determined recanalization n=33 Non-determined recanalization n=48 p-value* e-ASPECTS – median (IQR) -1 (-3 – 0) -1 (-1 – 0) 0.54 Consensus – median (IQR) -1 (-2.5 – 0) 0 (-2 – 0) 0.15 CBF <30% – median (IQR) -1 (-2 – 0) -1 (-2 – 0) 0.26 Tmax >10s – median (IQR) -1 (-2 – 0) 0 (-1 – 1) 0.03 Legend: ASPECTS = Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score; CBF = cerebral blood flow; Tmax = time to maximum. *Derived from Wilcoxon rank sum test 32 Discussion In this study we demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity for detection of acute ischemic changes for CT imaging modalities including assessment of acute ischemic changes by experienced readers and clinically available software. Unlike in previous studies, we have focused on CTP parameters representing either ischemic core (CBF<30%) or severely hypoperfused tissue (Tmax>10s), parameters that were not analyzed previously in the perspective of ASPECT scoring. CBF <30% is nowadays widely accepted to represent the ischemic core with the high sensitivity and specificity and with low overestimation of the core, that could result in unwarranted exclusion of patients who could benefit from reperfusion. (29) In contrast to Tmax>6s, which is used to define penumbra, we evaluated a more severe delay, Tmax>10s, representing the critically hypoperfused tissue, which is associated with irreversible necrosis of the ischemic lesion even after reperfusion. (33) The highest specificity was observed for CTP parameter, rCBF<30%, assessed visually on CTP maps processed by RAPID software. This CTP parameter also showed the highest positive predictive value for final ischemic changes. Moreover, the CTP parameter of Tmax delay >10s, representing a severe hypoperfusion, showed the highest sensitivity and high accuracy for prediction of final ischemic lesion (within the whole dataset as well as in the subgroup analysis of successful reperfusion/recanalization). Tmax delay >10s was studied previously – the association of large Tmax>10s lesion and malignant MCA profile was showed in previous studies. (30) (36) Tmax volumes at a delay of >8s and >10s were strongly correlated with clinical outcome. (37) Our findings support the importance of this parameter in the detection of irreversible ischemic changes on baseline neuroimaging. We demonstrated that both CBF <30% and Tmax>10s have high accuracy in detection of early ischemic changes as shown previously for CBV and these changes could be easily assessed on the derived perfusion maps from RAPID analysis. (25) (26) (27) (28) The Blant-Altman plots showed the lowest difference in baseline ASPECTS and follow-up ASPECTS for Tmax>10s. The other baseline methods showed similar differences in baseline and follow-up ASPECTS with the median undercall of the baseline score of 1 point (these findings did not differ when we analyzed the residuals between follow-up ASPECTS and baseline 33 ASPECTS for the subgroups with determined/non-determined recanalization). The CBF <30% and Tmax>10s also demonstrated the lowest data dispersion for baseline and follow-up ASPECTS. This indicates that these perfusion parameters may represent irreversibly affected tissue with higher accuracy in comparison to detectable changes on baseline NCCT. Nevertheless, the semiautomated analysis showed similar results with expert reading. This finding suggests a comparable diagnostic value of the software evaluation and expert reading in the acute stroke management. Although e-ASPECTS showed the lowest accuracy and sensitivity among the tested baseline methods, the accuracy of 0.76 could still be considered as good, the sensitivity analysis also did not show any significant difference between baseline methods for the tested subgroups. The comparable findings for e-ASPECTS and other studied imaging methods implicates the benefit of software evaluation for less experienced readers. We observed a certain level of variability in assessment of particular ASPECTS regions. The highest odds for agreement in evaluation of baseline ischemic changes and final ischemia was demonstrated for insula regardless the baseline imaging modality and the way of ASPECT scoring. It was demonstrated previously that the insular ribbon sign represented a very early ischemic change in the middle cerebral artery strokes. (38) Contrarily, the lowest odds for agreement between multimodal baseline and follow-up imaging was observed in the internal capsule. That might be explained by difficulties in the visual assessment of hypoattenuation within this region as the internal capsule is naturally less hypodense on NCCT. (39) This small subcortical region might also be challenging to be distinguished on the CTP maps as hypoperfused. Additionally, there was low variability demonstrated for all cortical ASPECTS regions, caudate and lentiform. It may reflect that early ischemic changes of the insula are easy to detect even with the low experience, but assessment of early ischemic changes within the internal capsule might be problematic also for experienced readers. We are aware of some limitations of this study. First of all, this was a single center observational study. The patients were not selected according to the recanalization rate. Information about the recanalization status was available only in patients indicated to mechanical thrombectomy. Nevertheless, due to a limited (6-months) period when the e-ASPECTS software was available at our institution, we decided to include all patients meeting our inclusion criteria 34 regardless of the treatment or recanalization status. We also did not focus on the correlation of ASPECTS and final clinical outcome, as this relationship has been studied in other work.(40) The main purpose of this work was to evaluate the accuracy of ASPECTS assessment on baseline multimodal imaging. We are also aware of a possible misinterpretation of particular regions caused by visual application of ASPECTS regions into the CTP maps processed by RAPID software. At the time of the patient recruitment, the RAPID CTP software presented only the volumes of impaired tissue perfusion (not co-registered within the ASPECTS regions). The automatic segmentation of ASPECTS regions on e-ASPECTS scans also has its limitations and beside the visual control to avoid any severe inaccuracy we did not tend to correct the automatic segmentation and given ASPECTS scoring as we aimed to test the accuracy of commercially available version of the software. There are a few potential pitfalls in regard of the detection of acute ischemic changes with automatic analysis. There might be a false positive finding on CTP maps in patients with a subacute or chronic infarction. The RAPID software automatically segments and removes areas with very low CBF, such as CSF spaces and other extra-parenchymal tissue, so in most cases subacute/chronic infarction is also excluded. Another known pitfall is that CTP maps do not display an infarcted area if the reperfusion was achieved ahead of the imaging, even though there is evidence of the infarction on NCCT. These potential pitfalls highlight the necessity of a visual control of CTP derived maps with NCCT or other available imaging as well as a control of the correct placement of arterial input function and venous output function. 35 Section 2.2 – Utility of Time-Variant Multiphase CTA Color Maps in Outcome Prediction for Acute Ischemic Stroke Due To Anterior Circulation LVO Based upon: OSPEL, Johanna M., Petra CIMFLOVA, Ondrej VOLNY, Wu QIU, Moiz HAFEEZ, Arnuv MAYANK, Mohamed NAJM, Kevin CHUNG, Nima KASHANI, Mohammed A. ALMEKHLAFI, Bijoy K. MENON a Mayank GOYAL. Utility of Time-Variant Multiphase CTA Color Maps in Outcome Prediction for Acute Ischemic Stroke Due to Anterior Circulation Large Vessel Occlusion. Clinical Neuroradiology [online]. 2020. ISSN 1869-1439. Abstract Background – mCTA is an established tool for EVT decision-making and outcome prediction in acute ischemic stroke. We aimed to determine whether mCTA-based prediction of clinical outcome and final infarct volume can be improved by assessing collateral status on time-variant mCTA color maps rather than using a conventional mCTA display format. Methods – Patients from the PRove-IT cohort study with anterior circulation LVO were included in this study. Collateral status was assessed with a three-point scale using the conventional display format. Collateral extent and filling dynamics were then graded on a three-point scale using timevariant mCTA color-maps. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to determine the association of conventional collateral score, color-coded collateral extent and color-coded collateral filling dynamics with good clinical outcome and final infarct volume. Results – A total of 285 patients were included in the analysis and 53% (152/285) of the patients achieved a good outcome. Median infarct volume on follow-up was 12.6 ml. Color-coded collateral extent was significantly associated with good outcome (adjusted odds ratio [adjOR] 0.53, 95% confidence interval [CI]:0.36–0.77) while color-coded collateral filling dynamics (adjOR 1.30 [95% CI:0.88–1.95]) and conventional collateral scoring (adjOR 0.72 [95%CI:0.48–1.08]) were not. Both color-coded collateral extent (adjOR 2.67 [95%CI:1.80–4.00]) and conventional collateral scoring (adjOR 1.84 [95%CI:1.21–2.79]) were significantly associated with follow-up infarct volume, while color-coded collateral filling dynamics were not (adjOR 1.21 [95%CI:0.83– 1.78]). Conclusion – Collateral extent assessment on time-variant mCTA maps improved prediction of good outcome and has similar value in predicting follow-up infarct volume compared to conventional mCTA collateral grading. 36 Introduction Acute ischemic stroke due to LVO is a highly time-critical disease. In 2015, EVT became the standard of care for LVO strokes presenting within 6 hours from symptom onset. There are many ways of identifying irreversibly damaged tissue; the most commonly used imaging techniques are CT perfusion and mCTA. Both techniques have been successfully used for EVT patient selection in randomized controlled trials. (14) (15) (2) (16) We have recently described a new color-coded mCTA display format, in which all 3 mCTA series are consolidated in a single color-coded map, thereby potentially facilitating and improving mCTA interpretation. (41) The purpose of this study was to compare prediction of clinical outcome and final infarct volume in acute ischemic stroke due to LVO using a conventional mCTA display format vs. time-variant color maps. Methods Patient Population The Precise and Rapid Assessment of Collaterals Multiphase CTA in the Triage of Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke for IA Therapy (Prove-IT) study was a prospective multicenter cohort study that enrolled 464 patients who presented with symptoms consistent with AIS (NCT02184936). Patients were eligible for the study if they presented to the emergency department with symptoms consistent with AIS, were older than 18 years, and mCTA and CTP were performed within 12 hours of symptom onset and before recanalization therapy. We included patients with anterior circulation LVO (internal carotid artery, M1 or proximal M2 MCA occlusions). Enrolled patients in who baseline NCCT and mCTA images were incomplete or not interpretable were excluded from this analysis. Image Acquisition NCCT and mCTA: NCCT was acquired with 5 mm slice thickness. The mCTA scans consisted of three phases, with arch to vertex coverage in the first (arterial) and skull base to vertex coverage the second (peak venous) and third (late venous) phases. Detailed mCTA acquisition parameters have been published previously.(17) Axial images with 1 mm overlap and multiplanar axial, coronal and sagittal reconstructions with 3 mm thickness, 1 mm intervals and 1 mm overlap for the first phase were then generated as well as axial maximum intensity projections (MIPs) 37 for all three phases. Time variantmCTA color maps were generated with the FastStroke research prototype (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, USA) and displayed as axial, coronal, sagittal, and oblique MIP reformations. Color-coding of the collaterals is hereby based on a per-patient adaptive threshold technique; vessels with maximum enhancement in the pre-venous phase are displayed in red, those with maximum enhancement in the peak venous phase and late venous phase are displayed in green and blue, respectively (Figure 2). (41) Image Interpretation All images were assessed in a consensus reading (by a neurologist OV and neuroradiologist JO). ASPECTS was scored on 5 mm reconstructed axial unenhanced NCCT images. Occlusion site was determined on axial mCTA MIP images and was reported as either terminal internal carotid artery, M1 segment or proximal M2 segment. We decided to include the proximal M2 segment in our analysis, since most physicians consider proximal M2 occlusions as LVO and as appropriate target lesions for EVT. (42) Proximal M2 occlusions were hereby defined as Sylvian segment M2 occlusions located within 1 cm from the MCA bifurcation. Conventional mCTA Collateral Grading: The delay and extent of collateral filling was graded on axial MIPs of the three mCTA phases. A trichotomized collateral scale as used in the ESCAPE (2) and ESCAPE NA1 (43) trials was applied: Poor collaterals: no or only few vessels visible in any phase within the occluded vascular territory compared to the asymptomatic contralateral hemisphere. Intermediate collaterals: delay of two phases in filling in of peripheral vessels or a one-phase delay and some ischemic regions with only few or no vessels compared to the asymptomatic contralateral hemisphere. Good collaterals: no delay or 1 phase delay in filling of peripheralvessels with identicalor increased prominence of vessels compared to the asymptomatic contralateral hemisphere. Collateral Grading on Time-variant Color Maps: Both delay and extent of collateral filling were graded on a trichotomized scale on axial color-coded MIPs. In other words, in the color-map based assessment, two separate scores were applied for collateral filling dynamics and collateral extent, 38 as opposed to conventional mCTA scoring, in which both of these factors were graded in a single score. Collateral extent was graded as follows: Normal or almost normal extent (>90%) of visible vessels within the occluded vascular territory compared to the contralateral hemisphere. Vessel extent 50–90% within the occluded vascular territory compared to the contralateral hemisphere. Vessel extent <50% within the occluded vascular territory compared to the contralateral hemisphere. Collateral delay was graded as follows: Predominantly no delay (most vessels are displayed in red) within the occluded vascular territory. Predominantly 1 phase delay (most vessels are displayed in green) within the occluded vascular territory. Predominantly 2 phase delay or no collaterals (most vessels are displayed in blue/no vessels visible at all)within the occluded vascular territory. Follow-up infarct volumes were measured by summation of manual planimetric demarcation of infarct on axial NCCT or diffusion-weighted imaging magnetic resonance imaging (DWI-MRI) follow-up imaging at 24-32 h. Interrater Agreement To determine interrater agreement for scoring of collateral extent and filling dynamics on timevariant mCTA color maps, a neuroradiologist and a medical student independently reviewed 30 cases in 2 separate reading sessions with a 1-week break between the sessions (session 1: conventional collateral scoring, session 2: assessment of collateral extent and filling dynamics on time-variant color maps). The readers had access to the site of occlusion, age and baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), but they were blinded to all other baseline information and patient outcomes. 39 Statistical Analysis Patient baseline characteristics were described using descriptive statistics. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression was used to determine the association of conventional and color-coded collateral scores and a) good outcome, defined as mRS 0–2 at 90 days (primary outcome), and b) follow-up infarct volume (secondary outcome). Follow-up infarct volume was hereby included in the models as binary variable (infarct volume below or equal to vs. above the median infarct volume in the study sample). Information loss across models was compared using the Akaike and Bayesian information criteria (AIC, BIC) and the area under the curve (AUC). Adjustment was performed for patient age, sex and baseline NIHSS. Since the follow-up imaging modality could influence follow-up infarct volume measurements; sensitivity analysis was performed for follow-up infarct volume as dependent variable for patients with NCCT vs. DWI-MRI follow-up imaging. Interrater agreement was assessed using the Kappa statistics. All statistical tests were two-sided and conventional levels of significance (alpha=0.05) were used for interpretation. All analysis was performed using Stata 15.1 (Stata Corp LLC, College Station, TX, USA). Results Out of 464 patients 285 were included in the analysis. When using the trichotomized grading system on conventional display format, 60.7% (173/285) patients had good collaterals, 30.2% (86/285) had intermediate and 9.1% (26/285) poor collaterals. Collateral extent on time-variant color maps was normal or almost normal in 50.9% (145/285) patients, a collateral extent of 50–90% compared to the contralateral hemisphere was seen in 34.0% (97/285), and a collateral extent of less than 50% compared to the contralateral hemisphere in15.1% (43/285). When using time-variant color maps, there was mostly no delay in 14.4% (41/285), mostly a one-phase delay in 56.5% (161/285) and mostly a two-phase delay in 29.1% (83/285). Collateral Grading and Clinical Outcome Overall, 53.3% of patients (152/285) achieved a good outcome at 90 days. Table 5 shows unadjusted and adjusted measures of effect size for the association of conventional collateral grade, color-coded collateral extent, color-coded collateral filling dynamics and good clinical outcome, as well as the respective AIC, BIC, and AUC values for the multivariable models. 40 Collateral Grading and Follow-up Infarct Volume Infarct volume was available for 93.0% (265/285) patients. Median final infarct volume was 12.6 ml (IQR 1.7–49.2). Table 6 shows unadjusted and adjusted measures of effect size for the association of conventional collateral score, color-coded collateral filling dynamics, colorcoded collateral extent and follow-up infarct volume (infarct volume equal to or below vs. above the median infarct volume), as well as the respective AIC, BIC, and AUC values for the multivariable models. Interrater agreement for color-coded grading of collateral filling dynamics and collateral extent was substantial (Kappa=0.69 and 0.74, respectively). 41 Table 5: Association of conventional and color-map based collateral grade and good clinical outcome (N = 285) Collateral score Unadjusted OR (95% CI) Adjusted OR a (95% CI) AIC b BIC b AUC b (95% CI) Conventional score 0.62 (0.43–0.89) 0.72 (0.48–1.08) 350.0 368.2 0.74 (0.69–0.80) Color-map based collateral extent 0.54 (0.39–0.75) 0.53 (0.36–0.77) 340.9 359.2 0.76 (0.70–0.81) Color-map based filling delay 1.21 (0.84–1.74) 1.30 (0.88–1.95) 350.8 369.1 0.74 (0.68–0.80) Legend: OR odds ratio, 95% CI 95% confidence interval, AIC Akaike information criterion, BIC Bayesian information criterion, AUC area under the curve aAdjusted for patient age, sex and baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale bDerived from adjusted models 42 Table 6: Association of conventional and color-map based collateral grade and final infarct volume (N = 265) Collateral score Unadjusted OR (95% CI) Adjusted OR a (95% CI) AIC b BIC b AUC b (95% CI) Conventional score 2.05 (1.37–3.07) 1.84 (1.21–2.79) 354.2 372.1 0.67 (0.60–0.73) Color-map based collateral extent 2.99 (2.04–4.40) 2.67 (1.80–4.00) 336.4 354.3 0.72 (0.66–0.78) Color-map based filling delay 1.29 (0.89–1.87) 1.21 (0.83–1.78) 361.7 379.6 0.63 (0.57–0.70) Legend: Final infarct volume was coded as a binary variable in this analysis (volume below vs. above the median infarct volume) OR odds ratio, 95% CI 95% confidence interval, AIC Akaike information criterion, BIC Bayesian information criterion, AUC area under the curve aAdjusted for patient age, sex and baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. bDerived from adjusted models 43 Discussion Our study has the following main findings: 1) color-coded mCTA grading of collateral extent improves prediction of good outcome at 90 days, and its performance in predicting follow-up infarct volume is similar compared to conventional collateral grading, 2) color-coded mCTA grading of collateral filling dynamics performs worse than conventional collateral grading and 3) interrater agreement for color-coded mCTA grading of collateral extent and filling dynamics is substantial. Assessing collateral status on mCTA using a conventional display format, i.e. three separate series that are usually linked by the reader and then assessed in conjunction, takes both collateral filling dynamics and extent into account. (44) When using time-variant mCTA color maps, collateral extent and filling dynamics are graded separately. When color-coded collateral extent was used to predict good outcome and follow-up infarct volume in our study, information loss was lower and discrimination better compared to conventional mCTA collateral scoring and color-coded scoring of filling dynamics. These results potentially indicate that collateral extent reflects tissue viability more accurately compared to collateral filling dynamics. In a previous study, d’Esterre et al. assessed collateral extent and filling dynamics on conventional mCTA images and found that the former was not independently associated with follow-up infarction, while washout, a parameter that partly reflects filling dynamics, was associated with follow-up infarction. (45) The apparently contradictory findings between their study and our study could be explained by the fact that in the current study, the entire hemisphere was assessed, while d’Esterre et al. evaluated brain tissue per ASPECTS region. Both the current study and the study by d’Esterre et al. relied on visual assessment of collaterals, which will always be subject to some degree of interrater variability. This variability could also explain the different results. Automation of collateral scoring could mitigate this problem, but the automated assessment would have to be available instantaneously, and integration of thetechnology into routine clinical practice will take some time. (46) Software to generate time-variant mCTA maps on the other hand is already available, and the color-maps can be generated within a few seconds. mCTA color-maps therefore constitute a good alternative to facilitate interpretation of collateral status until fully automated collateral assessment becomes routinely available, particularly for less experienced readers. Indeed, when comparing a non-expert to an expert reader, interrater agreement for color-map based 44 collateral grading in our study was substantial. Agreement was higher for color-map based grading of collateral extent compared to filling dynamics. This suggests that the latter is more challenging, which could be the reason for the lacking association of collateral filling dynamics and clinical outcome/follow-up infarct volume. The predictive utility of conventional collateral assessment, while it was still good overall, was slightly lower when compared to color-map based grading of collateral extent. It is possible that complications that happened after treatment in the 3-month follow-up period have influenced the association with clinical outcomes, while the efficacy of treatment (either EVT or IVT) might have influenced the association of collateral grade and follow-up infarct volumes, although the latter two points would in theory affect both conventional and color-map based collateral grading. The exact reasons for the differences in predictive power remain therefore unknown at the time being. Limitations Our study has several limitations: First, assessing infarct volumes on NCCT can be challenging, since the infarct is often not clearly demarcated. Second, we restricted our analysis to patients withLVO (including proximal M2 occlusions); our findings can thus not be generalized to more distal occlusion sites. Third, reperfusion status is an important predictor of infarct volume and outcome, but since vascular imaging was not available in all patients, we could not stratify our analysis by reperfusion status. Fourth, recanalization data were missing in a relatively large number of patients, partly because it was impractical to obtain follow-up vascular imaging in many local institutional settings, and partly because it does not have a therapeutic consequence in the vast majority of cases. Fifth, we showed that color-map based assessment of collateral extent is significantly associated with good outcome and infarct volume in LVO patients, but we could not assess in our study whether and how this alters clinical decision-making. Doing so would warrant a diagnostic randomized controlled trial. Such trials generally require very large sample sizes and are difficult to conduct for various reasons. (47) 45 Section 3 – Endovascular Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke The treatment of AIS has undergone very dramatic changes in last decade. Randomized trials demonstrated that EVT represents a highly effective and safe treatment. In order to confirm the broad applicability of EVT in the anterior circulation LVO strokes and to establish the treatment effect at a national level, we compared the Czech EVT data with the patient-level HERMES metaanalysis pooling data from the five randomized controlled trials (MR CLEAN, ESCAPE, REVASCAT, SWIFT PRIME, and EXTEND-IA). Section 3.1 is devoted to this topic in detail. EVT represents a standard of care for AIS due to LVO, but level 1A guideline recommendations for EVT are currently restricted to LVO patients with NIHSS ≥ 6. AIS with NIHSS ≤ 6 is routinely considered as “mild” and/or “non-disabling”. However, one in four patients with low baseline NIHSS suffer early neurologic deterioration. The aim of our observational multicenter study was to assess the effectiveness and safety of EVT versus best medical management in patients with CTA detected LVO in the anterior circulation and NIHSS ≤ 6 using recent data from comprehensive datasets and propensity scorematching. Section 3.2 is devoted to this topic in detail. Additionally, the ANNEX 3 is dedicated to our single-centre experience with patients’ selection for EVT based on automated CTP analysis and it also compares our results with CTP-based randomized controlled trials. The ANNEX 4 represents the first comprehensive nationwide questionnaire-based evaluation of all stroke centres in the Czech Republic performing EVT in 2016. The ANNEX 5 summarizes the technical EVT results from the year of 2016. 46 Section 3.1 – Mechanical Thrombectomy Performs Similarly in Real-World Practice: A 2016 Nationwide Study from the Czech Republic Based upon: VOLNY, Ondrej, Antonin KRAJINA, Silvie BELASKOVA, Michal BAR, Petra CIMFLOVA, Roman HERZIG, Daniel SANAK, Ales TOMEK, Martin KOCHER, Miloslav ROCEK, Radek PADR, Filip CIHLAR, Miroslava NEVSIMALOVA, Lubomir JURAK, Roman HAVLICEK, Martin KOVAR, Petr SEVCIK, Vladimir ROHAN, Jan FIKSA, Bijoy K. MENON a Robert MIKULIK. Mechanical thrombectomy performs similarly in real world practice: a 2016 nationwide study from the Czech Republic. Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery [online]. 2018, 10(8), 741–745. ISSN 1759-8478. Abstract Background – Randomized clinical trials have proven EVT to be a highly effective and safe treatment in acute stroke. The purpose of this study was to compare EVT data from the Czech Republic (CR) with data from the HERMES meta-analysis. Methods – Available nationwide data for the CR from the year 2016 from the SITS-TBY registry on patients with terminal internal carotid artery (ICA) and/or MCA occlusions were compared with data from the HERMES pooled dataset. CR and HERMES patients were comparable in age, sex and baseline NIHSS scores. Results – From a total of 1,053 EVTs performed in the CR, 845 (80%) were reported in the SITSTBY. From these, 604 (72%) were included in this study. Occlusion locations were as follows (CR vs. HERMES): ICA 22% vs. 21% (p=0.16), M1 MCA 62% vs. 69% (p=0.004), M2 MCA 16% vs. 8% (p<0.0001). Intravenous thrombolysis was given in 76% vs. 83% patients (p=0.003). Median onset-to-reperfusion times were comparable: 232 vs. 285 min (p=0.66). A modified TICI score of 2b/3 was achieved in 74% (433/584) vs. 71% (390/549) of the patients (OR=1.17, 95%CI=0.90-1.5, p=0.24). There was no statistically significant difference in percentage of PH type 2 (OR=1.12, 95%CI=0.66-1.90, p=0.68). A modified Rankin scale score of 0-2 at 3 months was achieved in 48% (184/268) vs. 46% (291/633) of the patients (OR=0.92, 95% CI=0.71-1.18, p=0.48). Conclusions – Data on efficacy, safety and logistics of EVT from the CR is similar to data from the HERMES collaboration. 47 Introduction Recent randomized trials have demonstrated that EVT with second-generation neurothrombectomy devices represents a highly effective and safe treatment for patients with AIS due to occlusion/s in the anterior cerebral circulation. (48) (2) (31) (49) (15) Data from the HERMES meta-analysis have proven the degree of benefit of this procedure to be substantial; for every 100 patients treated, 38 will have a less disabled outcome than those who receive the best possible medical treatment, and 20 more will achieve functional independence (defined as a mRS < 2). (10) Nevertheless, several limitations have emerged concerning the methodological background of the HERMES trial, including the fact that all the data from this study come from high-volume comprehensive stroke centres with the highest expertise in endovascular treatment of AIS in the world. In order to confirm a broad applicability of EVT into a real-world clinical practice and to establish the treatment effect of EVT at a national level, we compared the available neurothrombectomy data from the Czech Republic (CR) prospectively collected in the Safe Implementation of Treatments in Stroke – Thrombectomy (SITS-TBY) registry with data from the HERMES meta-analysis. We hypothesised that the safety and effectiveness of EVT in real-world clinical practice at a nationwide level are comparable with the results of the randomized control trials. 48 Methods Nationwide data from the CR for the year 2016 were collected from the SITS-TBY registry. SITS (Safe Implementation of Treatments in Stroke) is a non-profit, free to use, research-driven, independent, international collaboration founded in the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. SITS was set up as an initiative to provide safe implementation of stroke treatments in routine clinical practice. It offers a platform for collecting high quality stroke data in over 1600 stroke centres. The registry is internet-based, which allows rapid data entry and retrieval and allows centres to compare their own treatment results on both a national and global scale. Data concerning patients with pre-treatment mRS scores of less than 2 and occlusions in the ICA and/or MCA treated with second-generation neurothrombectomy devices ± IV tPA (if eligible) were compared with the data from HERMES meta-analysis. Demographic details, vascular risk factors and NIHSS scores (range 0-42, with higher scores indicating severe stroke) were collected for each patient. There was no upper age limit. All patients underwent NCCT followed by CTA from the aortic arch to the vertex to document LVO. Treatment decisions were made in comprehensive stroke centres in accordance with the current European guidelines. (50) Outcomes included: NIHSS score at 24 hours after stroke onset, median change in NIHSS score from baseline to 24 hours, parenchymal haematoma type 2 (PH 2) according to the SITS-MOST criteria (Safe Implementation of Thrombolysis in Stroke-Monitoring Study) and achievement of a mRS score of 0-2 at 90 days after stroke onset. Technical efficacy was assessed by counting the number of cases where a mTICI scale score of 2b or 3 was achieved (corresponding to reperfusion of at least 50% of the affected vascular territory). Reported times included: onset to reperfusion time, onset to groin time and groin to reperfusion time. Ethics approval was obtained from the local institutional review boards and written informed consent was obtained from all patients. 49 Statistical analysis Categorical variables are presented as absolute values and percentages, and continuous variables as mean and SD if symmetrically distributed, or otherwise as median and IQR. We used the MannWhitney test to compare continuous and ordinal variables because we did not have access to the raw HERMES data. We used the Chi-squared test to compare categorical variables. In order to determine whether it was possible to use the above-mentioned tests and that the effects were not due to chance alone we first calculated the intra-cluster correlation coefficient (ICC) for data of each centre by using Proc Mixed. All the tests were two-sided and significance was defined as a p-value of 0.05. Statistical analyses were obtained using SAS 9.3 software (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Results Fourteen out of the 15 comprehensive stroke centres in the CR in 2016 reported data to the SITSTBY registry. In this year 1,053 EVTs were performed in the CR. The smallest number of procedures performed by one centre was 17 and the largest was 136. Three centres performed more than 100 procedures, six centres performed between 50 and 100 procedures and six performed under 50 procedures per year (17, 34, 34, 34, 43, and 46). (51) Eight hundred and forty-five patients were reported to the registry. Incompleteness of data and/or patients who did not meet inclusion criteria led to exclusion of 241 patients. Therefore, the final dataset consisted of 604 (72%) of the total number of patients, representing 57% of all EVT cases performed in 2016 in the CR (with a pre-treatment mRS score of less than 2 and occlusion of the terminal ICA and/or MCA treated with second-generation neurothrombectomy devices ± IV tPA). Seventy per cent of these EVTs were mothership procedures and 30% were drip and ship procedures. CR and HERMES patients were comparable in age, sex, and baseline NIHSS. More CR patients were hypertensive and had diabetes mellitus and fewer patients were smokers. Fewer patients in the SITS-TBY cohort were treated with IV tPA: 76% vs. 83% (p=0.003). Occlusion locations were as follows (CR vs. HERMES): terminal ICA 22% vs. 21% (p=0.16), M1 MCA 62% vs. 69% (p=0.004), M2 MCA 16% vs. 8% (p<0.0001). The median times from onset to reperfusion were comparable: 232 vs. 285 minutes (p=0.66); the median groin-to-reperfusion times were 58 vs. 63 minutes. 50 Modified TICI 2b/3 was achieved in 74% (433/584) vs. 71% (390/549) of patients, OR 1.17 (95% CI=0.90-1.51), p=0.24. CR and HERMES patients did not differ in the median change in NIHSS score from baseline to 24 hours. There was no difference in percentage of PH 2 (5.7 vs. 5.1%), OR 1.12 (95% CI=0.66-1.90), p=0.68. A modified Rankin scale score of 0-2 at 3 months was achieved in 48% (184/268) vs. 46% (291/633) of patients, OR 0.92 (95% CI =0.71-1.18), p=0.48; Figure 9. The ICC for the mRS scores was estimated to be 0.023 and the ICC for NIHSS at 24 hours was 0.058, indicating only negligible differences among the centres. 51 Table 7: Comparison of Czech SITS-TBY and HERMES data on demographic characteristics, past medical history, clinical and radiological characteristics, treatment details and outcomes Demographic characteristics Czech Republic cohort (n=604) HERMES (n=634) p Median age, years 71 (63-79) 68 (57-77) 0.44 Sex, women 307 (51%) 304 (48%) 0.32 Past medical history Hypertension 442 (73%) 352 (56%) <0.000 1 Diabetes mellitus 159 (26%) 82 (13%) <0.000 1 Atrial fibrillation 209 (35%) 209 (33%) 0.56 Smoking (recent or current) 90 (15%) 194 (31%) <0.000 1 Clinical characteristics Baseline NIHSS score 15 (11-18) 17 (14-20) 0.66 Imaging characteristics ASPECTS on baseline CT not available 9 (7-10) Intracranial clot location: Terminal internal carotid artery 136 (22%) 122 (19%) 0.16 M1 segment middle cerebral artery 372 (62%) 439 (69%) 0.004 M2 segment middle cerebral artery 97 (16%) 51 (8%) <0.000 1 Extracranial ICA (tandem lesions) 55 (10%) 61 (10%) 0.987 52 Treatment details and procedural times (min) Treatment with intravenous alteplase 460 (76%) 526 (83%) 0.003 Onset-to-reperfusion time 232 (152-320); 467 patients 285 (210-362) 0.66 Onset-to-groin time 175 (100-767); 426 patients 238 (180-302) 0.66 Groin-to-reperfusion time 58 (44-208); 463 patients 63 Outcomes and safety: Modified TICI 2b/3 433/584 (74%) 390/549 (71%) 0.24 NIHSS at 24 hours 8 (4-17) 10.4 (8.7) Median change in NIHSS score from baseline to 24 h -5(-10 to 0) -7 (-12 to -1) 0.66 Parenchymal haematoma type 2 5.7% (26/460) 5.1% (32/629) 0.68 mRS 0-2 after 3 months 48% (184/382) 46% (291/633) 0.48 Legend: Data are median (IQR), n (%), or mean (SD). NIHSS = National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. ASPECTS = Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score. ICA = internal carotid artery. mTICI = modified Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction Score. mRS = modified Rankin scale. 53 Figure 9: Modified Rankin Scale scores at 90 days Legend: Distribution of scores at 90 days in per cents for the SITS-TBY and HERMES groups. 10 19 17 16 19 12 17 10 16 5 6 11 15 25 HERMES SITS-TBY mRS at 90 days 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 54 Discussion Our analysis of the available national data on mechanical thrombectomy from the SITS-TBY registry confirms the applicability of neurothrombectomy in the real-world clinical practice. As two thirds of the patients from the SITS-TBY registry had complete data, our analysis provides a relatively accurate population-based snapshot of the efficacy of EVT, comparable to the randomized control trials and previously published real-world thrombectomy experiences. STRATIS, the largest prospective multicenter (55 US centers) non-randomized registry including patients undergoing EVT with the Solitaire device, demonstrated that this procedure can be safely and efficaciously performed in the community setting. (52) Before the revelation of the STRATIS results, published data concerning EVT was limited, arising from mostly single-center studies with relatively low numbers of patients. (53) (54) One of the strengths of our study is that we included nationwide patient data from 14 comprehensive stroke centers from the year 2016, thus after the publication of the randomized control trials. A total of 1,053 EVTs with second-generation neurothrombectomy devices were performed in the CR in 2016. If we take into the account the estimated incidence of acute ischemic stroke in the CR (211 per 100,000 inhabitants according to a recent stroke epidemiology survey) then approximately 5% of all acute ischemic stroke patients were treated with EVT in 2016. (55) This relatively high proportion of thrombectomy patients is consistent with previously reported data on EVT eligibility, reflecting the high level of organization of acute stroke care in the CR. (56) (57) (58) The Institute for Health Information and Statistics of the CR has been collecting medical information for all patients admitted to all hospitals since 1992. All medical facilities are required by law to register all admissions and discharges and according to the Guidelines of the Czech Stroke Society, every patient with a diagnosis of stroke should be hospitalized and receive appropriate care in a specialized stroke unit. Since September 2016 the Czech Stroke Society have been monitoring EVTs performed in the CR. Every three months they report data on the number of EVTs performed per month and per center, the percentage of door-to-needle times under 30 min in IVT eligible patients, and procedural times, including median onset-to-groin time, median door- 55 to-groin time and median groin-to-reperfusion. Summary data reports including the parameters mentioned above are sent to all stroke centers and physicians involved in stroke care (neurologists and interventional radiologists). This serves as an important tool for improving acute stroke care logistics and reducing procedural times. Randomized trials have demonstrated that workflow speeds are strongly associated with better functional outcomes, thus the reduction of procedural times should be targeted in every-day clinical practice. (59) (60) (61) Available onset-to-reperfusion and onset-to-groin times in our analysis (467 and 426 patients, respectively) are consistent with the HERMES meta-analysis, suggesting a good pre-hospital and in-hospital management of EVT candidates across the CR. A robust predictor of functional outcome is successful reperfusion, defined as achievement of mTICI score of 2b or 3. Among the 549 HERMES patients who underwent EVT intervention and had mTICI scores documented, substantial reperfusion was achieved in 390 (71%) patients, which is consistent with our data; 433 out of 584 patients had mTICI scores of 2b or 3 (74%). In terms of the effect on improvement of neurological status, comparable the median change in NIHSS from baseline to 24 hours achieved in the Czech cohort was similar to the HERMES cohort, indicating a comparable clinical effect even in the non-randomized registry. In terms of safety, the proportion of patients with symptomatic PH type 2 was also similar (5.7 vs. 5.1%). Modified Rankin scale scores at 3 months as a marker of long-term disability was available in only 60% of our patients. The proportion of available patients with a good clinical outcome (mRS scores of 0-2) was comparable (48 vs. 46%). Nevertheless, it is important to be aware of the proportion of missing long-term outcome data. On the other hand, comparable short-term outcomes mentioned above (NIHSS scores at 24 hours and median change in NIHSS from baseline to 24 hours) indicate a positive effect of the procedure on early neurological recovery. Although cerebral and vascular imaging is done in all IVT and EVT eligible patients in the CR before treatment decision making, ASPECT scores are not available in the SITS-TBY registry. (51) There are only two randomized controlled trials on mechanical thrombectomy in acute stroke published in which baseline cerebral imaging data were not used to select patients on the basis of the size of ischemic territory as determined by ASPECTS (THRACE 56 and MR CLEAN). (48) (62) According to the current European guidelines and results of our questionnaire survey run in January 2017, we can estimate that a majority of patients treated with EVT in the CR in 2016 had ASPECTS > 5 and were treated within 8 hours from stroke onset. (50) (51) From demographic standpoint, HERMES and Czech SITS-TBY cohorts were balanced in age, sex and history of atrial fibrillation (Table 7). The groups differed in proportion of hypertensive, diabetic and smoking patients. Patients were comparable in the severity of admission neurological deficit assessed by NIHSS (moderate to severe stroke). HERMES and Czech SITS-TBY populations differed in clot locations in the M1 and M2 segments of the MCA as assessed by local radiologists and referred to the SITS-TBY registry, indicating that more interventions occurred for distal occlusions. Nevertheless, it is important to consider a challenge associated with a relatively poor standardization in distinguishing between the M1 and M2 MCA segments rated by different radiologists in our non-randomized analysis without a core lab rating of clot locations. This limitation of M1/M2 misclassification has been discussed in HERMES and elsewhere. (10) (63) Our study has several limitations. We are aware that our comparisons with the clinical trials mentioned above are merely qualitative, since our data are based on a retrospective analysis of prospective registry data. As mTICI scoring was performed by the same attending interventionalist, who performed the procedure, and as clinical evaluation of disability (NIHSS and mRS) was not completely blinded, there may be a source of bias. Additionally, there are no imaging data stored in the SITS-TBY registry for neuroimaging core lab reassessment, thus the possibility for misclassification of M1/M2 segments of MCA on CTA as discussed above or mTICI on final run digital subtraction angiography exists and limits our analysis. Another limitation is missing long-term outcome data in the SITS-TBY registry. 57 Section 3.2 – Thrombectomy vs. Medical Management in Low NIHSS Acute Anterior Circulation Stroke Based upon: VOLNY, Ondrej, Charlotte ZERNA, Ales TOMEK, Michal BAR, Miloslav ROCEK, Radek PADR, Filip CIHLAR, Miroslava NEVSIMALOVA, Lubomir JURAK, Roman HAVLICEK, Martin KOVAR, Petr SEVCIK, Vladimir ROHAN, Jan FIKSA, David CERNIK, Rene JURA, Daniel VACLAVIK, Petra CIMFLOVA, Josep PUIG, Dar DOWLATSHAHI, Alexander V. KHAW, Enrico FAINARDI, Mohamed NAJM, Andrew M. DEMCHUK, Bijoy K. MENON, Robert MIKULIK a Michael D. HILL. Thrombectomy vs medical management in low NIHSS acute anterior circulation stroke. Neurology [online]. 2020. Abstract Background – EVT is highly effective for acute ischemic stroke with LVO and moderate to severe neurological deficits. Objective: To undertake an effectiveness and safety analysis of EVT in patients with LVO and NIHSS≤6 using datasets of multicentre and multinational nature. Methods – We pooled patients with anterior circulation occlusion from three prospective international cohorts. Patients were eligible if presentation occurred within 12 hours from last known well and baseline NIHSS≤6. Primary outcome was mRS 0–1 at 90 days. Secondary outcomes included neurological deterioration at 24 hours (change in NIHSSof≥ 2 points), mRS 0-2 at 90-days and 90-day all-cause mortality. We used propensity score matching to adjust for non-randomized treatment allocation. Results – Among 236 patients who fit inclusion criteria, 139 received EVT and 97 received medical management. Compared to medical management, the EVT group was younger (65 versus 72 years; p<0.001), had more proximal occlusions (p<0.001), and less frequently received concurrent IVT (57.7% versus 71.2%; p=0.04). After propensity score matching, clinical outcomes between the two groups were not significantly different. EVT patients had an 8.6% (95% CI: -8.8–26.1%) higher rate of excellent 90-day outcome, despite a 22.3% (95% CI: 3.0–41.6%) higher risk of neurological deterioration at 24 hours. Conclusions – EVT for LVO in patients with low NIHSS was associated with increased risk of neurological deterioration at 24 hours. However, both EVT and medical management resulted in similar proportions of excellent clinical outcomes at 90days. 58 Introduction Patients with AIS due to LVO usually suffer from severely disabling symptoms. (64) However, a significant number of LVO patients present with milder symptoms. (65) EVT is a standard of care for AIS due to LVO, but level 1A guideline recommendations for EVT are currently restricted to LVO patients with NIHSS ≥ 6, since only a limited number of patients with low baseline NIHSS was enrolled in the randomized controlled trials. (9) (10) AIS with NIHSS ≤ 6 is routinely considered as “mild” and “non-disabling”. However, one in four LVO patients with low baseline NIHSS suffer early neurologic deterioration resulting in poorer outcome. (66) (67) (68) From a patient perspective, milder deficits can restrict daily activities and can be devastating to their quality of life. Patients with LVO and low baseline NIHSS often have distinct clinical, demographic, and hospital arrival characteristics. (69) Multiple non-randomized studies have sought to evaluate the efficacy and safety of EVT in such patients and showed mixed results. These studies were mostly limited by their non-randomized design, small sample size, single-center experiences, varying practice or including patients treated prior to the efficacy of EVT was proven and incorporated into the (inter)national guidelines. (69) (70) (71) (72, 73) (74) (75) (76) The aim of our observational multicentre study was to assess the effectiveness and safety of EVT versus medical management in patients with LVO and NIHSS ≤ 6 using recent data from comprehensive datasets and propensity scorematching. 59 Methods The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request. We retrospectively identified acute stroke patients with CTA proven anterior circulation occlusion and admission NIHSS ≤ 6. For this purpose, we retrieved EVT data from the Safe Implementation of Treatments in Stroke–Thrombectomy registry (SITS-TBY) and compared them with medical management data derived from the INTERRSeCT and PROVE-IT study. Standard Protocol Approvals, Registrations, and Patient Consents Permissions to analyze data for the SITS-TBY (a non-profit, quality improvement-driven, international) registry were provided by the ethics committee of St. Anne's University Hospital, Brno, Czech Republic; individual patient consent for the SITS-TBY registry was not sought. The PROVE-IT study used a waiver of consent which was approved by the Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board at the University of Calgary. Written informed consent was provided by the patient or a surrogate for the INTERSeCT study. The reviews of the Institutional Review Boards (IRB) for each study determined that informed consent was not required for this current pooled analysis. The study protocol was approved by the scientific committees of each study. Endovascular data source National EVT data from the CR were extracted from the population-based SITS-TBY registry from January 2015 to December 2018 to cover the time period after the publication of positive endovascular trials. The SITS-TBY registry represents a non-profit, research-driven, international registry collecting data on endovascular treatment. Anonymized patient-level data are entered at each stroke center either by a research nurse or physician at discharge or at 90days follow-up. There has been no formal audit of the Czech SITS-TBY or global SITS-TBY data. However, 12 (out of 15) comprehensive stroke centers participated in the registry in 2016 as part of a quality improvement program. Random hospital-level metrics reported to the Czech Ministry of Health were cross-checked with the SITS data and showed high level of consistency (unpublished). Additionally, a nationwide questionnaire survey run in 2016 did not show major differences in clinical practise including neuroimaging, logistics and treatment standards in all 15 comprehensive stroke centers in the CR, for details see 60 ANNEX 4). Furthermore, since 2016, the Czech Stroke Society has been providing feedback quarterly to all participating stroke centers on number of EVT cases and time metrics based on the data from the registry. Patients for endovascular treatment in the CR are selected through CT and CTA imaging. Medical management data source Medical management was based on the current guidelines (Canadian Stroke Best Practise Recommendations), American Heart and Stroke Association), including IVT in patients presenting within the first 4.5 hours from last seen normal. In patients not eligible for IVT, an antiplatelet agent was administered on day 1, unless there was an indication for early anticoagulation. The two non-thrombectomy cohorts were selected from the multicentre international observational studies: 1) Measuring Collaterals with Multi-phase CT Angiography in patients with Ischemic Stroke (PROVE-IT, patient enrolment between July 2014 to October 2017); and 2) Identifying New Approaches to Optimise Thrombus Characterization for Predicting Early Recanalization and Reperfusion With IV Alteplase and Other Treatments Using Serial CT Angiography study (INTERRSeCT, patient enrolment between March 2010 to March 2016). PROVE-IT was a prospective multi-center cohort study of 500 consecutive patients with AIS presenting within 12 hours of stroke symptom onset with evidence of intracranial occlusion on routine CTA. The primary aim of this trial was to evaluate imaging selection for thrombolysis and EVT decision-making in the setting of AIS. (77) INTERRSeCT was a multicentre prospective cohort study that enrolled 575 patients with AIS with intracranial thrombi documented via CTA. The study included patients with a wide range of clinical presentations (within 12 hours from last known well), occlusion sites, and thrombus characteristics to identify clinical and imaging variables associated with recanalization with or without IVT. (78) For the current study, we only included patients who were independently functioning in the community immediately prior to their stroke (estimated baseline mRS 0-2). Patients 61 were further eligible if they presented to the emergency department with symptoms consistent with AIS 12 hours from time last known well, baseline NIHSS≤6, and baseline CTA with the evidence of symptomatic intracranial occlusion (ICA or MCA including M1 and proximal M2 segments). Patients with the primary posterior circulation occlusions wereexcluded. Demographics, Variables, and Measurements Information on baseline demographics, vascular risk factors (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidaemia, atrial fibrillation, smoking history (current/past), congestive heart failure), time last seen normal, NIHSS score (range, 0-42, with higher scores indicating severe stroke), occlusion location (ICA, M1, M2 MCA), prior use of anticoagulation, prior use of antithrombotic treatment, intravenous alteplase administration (if applicable although many low NIHSS patients are not thrombolysed), were collected. Other clinical endpoints were 24-h NIHSS and functional outcome at 90 days measured on the mRS. Study outcomes Modified Rankin Scale 0–1 at 90 days was chosen as the primary outcome because patients with mild deficits at baseline are more likely to have excellent outcomes. Secondary outcomes were the neurological deterioration at 24 hours (defined as increase of NIHSS score by 2 or more points)(79), mRS 0-2 at 90 days and all-cause mortality at 90days. Missing/incomplete data Among 236 patients, four had missing baseline NIHSS, five missing prior anticoagulation history, six missing prior smoking history, six prior atrial fibrillation history, one missing prior hypertension and prior dyslipidemia history; 14 missing 24-h NIHSS, 13 missing 90-days mRS. We imputed the missing NIHSS baseline values with the group median from the remaining available data and imputed “no” for missing binary variables. The 13 missing values for 90-day mRS were again imputed with the median of the remaining available data. Since all missing mRS occurred in the EVT group, we performed additional sensitivity analysis assuming that the missing 90-day mRS values indicated that the person did not reach a favorable outcome and was disabled/dead (i.e. worst-case scenario), did achieve a favorable outcome (i.e. best-case scenario), and omitted cases with missing mRS 62 scores. For the 14 missing values of 24h-NIHSS (all but one from the EVT group) we assumed that the patients had neurological deterioration (i.e. worst-case scenario). Data about intracranial hemorrhages were missing and unverifiable in the SITS-TBY registry and could thus not be analyzed in our current study. Since the SITS-TBY registry is a study of implementation of thrombectomy in routine clinical practice, it was not mandated that time metrics were being collected. Onset-to-treatment times were thus not available for our analysis. Statistical analysis Standard descriptive statistics were used to measure central tendency and variability of baseline characteristics. Ordinal/continuous variables were compared by the MannWhitney test or t-test based on their distribution. Categorical variables were compared using the Fisher’s exact test. Since our data were not randomized, we used propensity score matching to estimate the adjusted treatment effect of EVT compared to the best medical management, accounting for differences in baseline variables. We used the treatment effect option with propensity score matching in STATA version 14.2 (College Station, TX). Derivation of standard error accounted for the fact that propensity scores are estimated rather than known. Propensity scores were derived from a multivariable logistic regression model that calculates the treatment probability for each subject. This model was adjusted for the following clinically relevant baseline variables: sex, age, occlusion location, thrombolysis status, baseline mRS, prior antithrombotic treatment and NIHSS. The propensity scores were then used to impute the missing potential outcome (if a subject received EVT then medical management is considered counterfactual and if the subject received medical management then EVT is considered counterfactual) for each subject by taking the outcome of a similar subject that received the other treatment level (or multiple subjects if there was a tie for similarity). Similarity between subjects was based on the propensity scores. Common support was assessed using an overlap plot and examination of mean propensity scores by treatment group and quintiles and found to be adequate (Table 8). The treatment effect was computed by taking the average of the difference amongst each EVT and medical management pairs, where outcomes were either observed or derived as the counterfactual from the propensity matching process and presented as a risk difference with 95% confidence interval (CI). We used this method of matching and analysis for our primary, secondary and safety 63 outcomes. We visualized the unadjusted data and the results of our primary analysis using horizontally stacked bar graphs. Sensitivity analysis was performed for the primary outcome using the worst-case scenario, best-case scenario and by omitting cases with missing primary outcome as described above. All tests were two-sided and the significance level was considered as 0.05. Statistical analyses were performed using STATA version 14.2 (College Station, TX). Results Baseline Characteristics Our pooled dataset resulted in 281 patients with LVO and mild symptoms. We excluded eleven patients who were not independent at baseline, 33 patients with distal M2, M3 and no occlusion, and one patient treated with tenecteplase (TNK). This left 236 patients for analysis; 139 received EVT and 97 medical management. The two groups had similar baseline NIHSS, baseline mRS and baseline vascular risk factors. The EVT group was younger (65 versus 72 years), with more proximal occlusions (50.4% M1 and 15.8% ICA versus 25.8% M1 and 2.1 ICA), and less concurrent intravenous alteplase treatment (57.7% versus 71.2%) as illustrated in Table 9. Primary and secondary outcomes Ninety-day excellent outcome (mRS 0-1) was achieved in 62.7% (n=148) of patients overall, with no difference between the EVT and medical management group (61.9 % versus 63.9 %, p=0.785) in unadjusted analysis. The raw distribution of mRS scores between the EVT and medical management group at 90 days is shown in Figure 10. After propensity score matching, patients in the EVT group had an 8.6% (95% CI: -8.8% – 26.1%) higher chance of excellent outcome at 90 days compared to the medical management group. The distribution of mRS scores of the EVT and medical management group at 90 days after the propensity score matching is presented in Figure 11. The result was unchanged in sensitivity analysis using the worst-case scenario (missing outcomes assumed to have achieved mRS 2-6) and when cases with missing mRS were omitted (p=0.33 and p=0.250, respectively). However, assuming best-case scenario (missing outcomes actually achieved mRS 0-1), patients in the EVT group had a 17.6% (95% CI: 0.01% – 35.4%) higher chance of excellent outcome at 90 days compared to the medical management group. 64 Unadjusted analyses of the secondary outcomes are shown in Table 10. After propensity score matching, patients in the EVT group had a 22.3% (95% CI: 3.0% – 41.6%) higher risk of neurological deterioration at 24 hours compared to patients in the medical management group. Patients in the EVT group also had a 2.2% (95% CI: -3.6% - 7.9%) higher risk of death from any cause within the first 90 days after the index event compared to the medical management group. 65 Table 8: Mean Propensity Scores by Quintiles and Treatment Group Propensity Score Quintile No. of observations Mean Propensity Score Medical management 1 16 0.149 2 32 0.324 3 32 0.505 4 11 0.702 5 6 0.903 Thrombectomy 1 - - 2 15 0.316 3 34 0.508 4 37 0.711 5 53 0.915 66 Table 9: Baseline Characteristics before Propensity Score Matching Process Variable Medical Management group N = 97 Endovascular group N =139 Median age in years (25% – 75%) 72 (63 – 80) 65 (55 – 75) Sex, male, % 48.9 43.4 Occlusion site, % Internal carotid artery 2.1 15.8 Tandem occlusion 2.1 3.6 M1 segment 25.8 50.4 Proximal M2 segment 70 30.2 Median baseline NIHSS (25% – 75%) 5 (4 – 6) 4 (3 – 6) Baseline modified Rankin Scale, % 0 87.6 87.8 1 7.2 5.0 2 5.2 7.2 Intravenous alteplase treatment, % 71.2 57.7 Prior anticoagulation, % 9.4 10.3 Prior antithrombotic treatment, % 25.2 44.3 67 Hypertension, % 65.5 68 Diabetes mellitus, % 14.4 10.8 Dyslipidemia, % 26.6 38 Atrial fibrillation, % 23.7 28.9 Smoking current/past, % 28.9 22.3 Ischemic heart disease, % 6.5 3.1 Legend: NIHSS means National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale 68 Table 10: Unadjusted Outcome Analysis Outcome Medical Management group N = 97 Endovascular group N =139 Fisher’s exact test, p-value modified Rankin Scale score 0-1 at 90 days, % 63.9 61.9 0.785 Neurological deterioration at 24 hours, % 10.3 30.2 <0.001 modified Rankin Scale score 0-2 at 90 days, % 79.4 69.1 0.100 All-cause mortality at 90 days, % 3.1 5.0 0.532 69 Figure 10: Unadjusted analysis of 90-day modified Rankin Scale shift Legend: EVT means endovascular treatment, MM medical management, mRS modified Rankin scale. 70 Figure 11: Propensity-Score matched analysis of 90-day modified Rankin Scale shift Legend: EVT means endovascular treatment, MM medical management, mRS modified Rankin Scale. 71 Discussion In our study endovascular treatment and best medical management for large vessel anterior circulation occlusion in patients presenting with low NIHSS resulted in similar proportions of excellent functional outcome at 90 days and comparable all-cause 90-day mortality. This outcome parity occurred despite an increased endovascular treatment risk of neurological deterioration at 24 hours. In keeping with our results, other smaller multicenter studies have utilized propensity score matching and found no significant difference in the excellent functional outcome at 90-days. (70) Although the study by Nagel et al (77 matched pairs) showed a 14.4% absolute difference in good clinical outcome (84.4% versus 70.1%, p=0.03) defined as mRS 0-2 and an adjusted OR of 3.1 (95% CI, 1.4-6.9) favoring immediate EVT, there was no such difference seen for excellent outcome defined as mRS 0-1 at 90 days. (71) Additionally, the study enrolled 7% of patients with basilar occlusions and 6% of patients with initial mRS>2 (20/300 patients). In the study by Haussen et al, the protocol also allowed inclusion of patients with basilar occlusions, which then made up 23% of the EVT group. (73) These and other previously published (mostly single-center) studies have selected individual sites with variability in their approach to patient care and differing local treatment guidelines. A more recent study by Asdaghi et al looked at over 400 registry patients and found association of EVT with favorable discharge outcomes and ambulatory status. (69) However, the 90-day outcomes as well as the occlusion status and thrombus location were not documented consistently. All of the above mentioned studies included patients who received EVT before the publication of positive randomized control trials in 2015 and thus the incorporation of EVT as a standard of care into national guidelines. Thus, the results of these studies might be reflective of the heterogeneity in workflow and experience with such patients and might not be representative of the current clinical practice. We found no difference in all-cause 90-day mortality in our study, which is in congruence with the smaller multicentre studies of Nagel et al and Dargazanli et al. In the study of Sarraj et al, the patients undergoing EVT had higher mortality (8.9% versus 1.1%, p=0.03) possibly driven by increased risk of symptomatic ICH (5.8% versus 0%). Similarly, Asdaghi et al reported mortality of 5.2% and symptomatic ICH rates of4.5%. 72 Endovascular treatment was associated with increased risk of neurological deterioration at 24hours (defined as ≥ 2 points increase of the NIHSS scale) in our propensity-score matched analysis. One possible explanation might be the occurrence of symptomatic ICH with the endovascular treatment. Neurological deterioration might have also been more apparent on formal testing in a setting of mild initial symptoms and thus been more diligently scored. Further, other complications of EVT including embolic events into other arterial territories, arterial access adverse events such as haemorrhage, retroperitoneal hematoma and pseudoaneurysm formation may impact 24-hour assessment. Multiple studies have shown that since low NIHSS patients are generally considered too mild for thrombolysis and EVT, up to one third end up disabled or dead at the 90-day follow-up when left hyperacutely untreated. (80) (81) (82) (83) It is known that in stroke due to (large) vessel occlusion, there is a clear relationship between recanalization and favorable/excellent outcome even though our current study and various other have shown differing effect sizes (from 8.6% to 14.4%). (71) (84) Yet, interventional treatment, whether medical with IVT or interventional with endovascular thrombectomy has possible harm. The value of a future randomized controlled trial in this patient cohort is thus not to show the benefit of EVT but rather to assess if the benefit outweighs the potential harm of the treatment. Data about intracranial hemorrhages were missing and unverifiable in the SITS-TBY registry and could thus not be analyzed in our current study. But two previous studies in low NIHSS strokes that have specifically measured sICH found a notable difference between the EVT and medical management group (Sarraj et al 5.8% vs. 0% [p=0.02], Nagel et al 5% vs. 1.4% [p=0.08]). (70) (71) However, these are sICH risks that we accept for moderate-severely disabling stroke and the acceptable risk of sICH must be significantly less in low NIHSS strokes to justify the risk of death and disability as a complication of EVT. Due to this uncertainty in numbers, despite several analyses from groups around the world, a well-designed randomized controlled trial would be able to finally answer the question about the risk-benefitratio of EVT for low NIHSS strokes. The strength of our study is its multicenter and multinational nature of the utilized datasets. The national population-based EVT data were extracted from the SITS-TBY registry 73 from January 2015 to December 2018 in order to cover the time period after the publication of positive endovascular trials and as such reflect the current clinical practice. Our study is limited by its retrospective nature and even though we tried to account for confounding by using advanced statistical methods, there is still a risk of residual confounding due to unmeasured variables. For example, even though we incorporated occlusion location into our propensity score model, we were unable to also incorporate a measure of early ischemic changes since these data were not available in the SITS-TBY registry. Furthermore onset-to-treatment times were not available for our analysis. Although twelve of total 15 comprehensive stroke centers in the Czech Republic contributed to the SITSTBY registry during the study period. Our previous study showed that over 80% of all EVT cases in the CR were reported to the registry in 2016. (85) We also had no data on the use of anesthesia/sedation during EVT available. Blood pressure changes during induction of general aneasthesia may risk penumbral tissue perfusion and might thus contribute to the neurological deterioration at 24 hours. (86) (87) The mRS, even though one of the most commonly used clinical outcome markers in stroke and captured by the three observational data sources we have used, lacks sensitivity at the minor disability end of the scale and we might thus have not been able to detect a significant difference in our primary outcome. Our matched analysis is larger than the sample size of prior studies but still might have affected our statistical power to detect a true difference. 74 Conclusions The first study (Section 2.1) comparing the assessment of early ischemic changes by expert reading and available automated software for NCCT and CTP demonstrated high accuracy for the evaluation of early ischemic changes by different CT modalities. The best accuracy was found for the CBF<30% and Tmax>10s parameters. The use of automated software in daily clinical practice has a potential to improve detection and extent of early ischemic changes. The second study (Section 2.2) focused on utility of time-variant multiphase CTA color maps brought new evidence that collateral extent assessed on the time-variant mCTA maps improved prediction of good clinical outcome and had similar utility in predicting follow-up infarct volume compared to conventional mCTA collateral grading as previously published. The third study (Section 3.1) comparing EVT data from the Czech Republic with data from the HERMES meta-analysis confirmed the applicability of EVT in a nationwide real-world practice for a CTA proven LVOs in the anterior cerebral circulation. Our multicenter observational post-hoc study (Section 3.2) showed that the EVT for LVO in patients with low baseline NIHSS resulted in similar 90-day clinical outcomes compared to the best medical management despite an increased odds of neurological deterioration at 24 hours. 75 List of Abbreviations ACC – accuracy AIC – acute ischemic stroke ASPECTS – Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score AUC – area under the curve BIC – Bayesian information criteria CBF – cerebral blood flow CBV – cerebral blood volume CI – confidence interval CT – computed tomography CTA – computed tomography angiography CTP – computed tomography perfusion CR – Czech Republic DWI-MRI – diffusion-weighted imaging – magnetic resonance imaging EVT – endovascular treatment HU – Hounsfield units ICA – internal carotid artery ICC – intra-cluster correlation coefficient ICH – intracerebral haematoma IQR – interquartile range IVT – intravenous thrombolysis LVO – large vessel occlusion Ls-means – least square means MCA – middle cerebral artery mCTA – multiphase CTA MIPs – maximum intensity projections MT – mechanical thrombectomy mTICI – modified Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction MTT – mean transit time mRS – modified Rankin Scale 76 NCCT – non-contrast CT NIHSS – National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale NPV – negative predictive value OR – odds ratio PH – parenchymal haematoma PPV – positive predictive value SD – standard deviation SITS-MOST – Safe Implementation of Thrombolysis in Stroke-Monitoring Study SITS-TBY – Safe Implementation of Treatments in Stroke – Thrombectomy registry TICI – Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction Tmax – time to maximum TNK – tenecteplase TNR – true negative value tPA – tissue plasminogen activator TPR – true positive value WL – window level WW – window width 77 List of Figures Figure 1: Comparison of the standard brain window and “hard brain” window, page 11 Figure 2: Conventional and color-based collateral scoring, page 13 Figure 3: Comparison of CT imaging modalities and evaluation of early ischemic changes, page 22 Figure 4: Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive values of baseline ASPECTSs evaluated by e-ASPECTS, consensus (expert reading), CBF<30% and Tmax>10s), page 23 Figure 5: Bland-Altman plots, page 24 Figure 6: Subgroup analysis of patients with successful reperfusion – accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value for baseline assessment (eASPECTS, consensus, CBF<30% and Tmax>10s) and final ischemic changes on follow-up NCCT, page 25 Figure 7: Bland-Altman plots for the subgroup analysis of patients with successful recanalization/reperfusion (MT and IVT group pooled data), page 26 Figure 8: Least square means estimates of fixed effect “region” computed from generalized mixed model, page 27 Figure 9: Modified Rankin Scale scores at 90 days, page 53 Figure 10: Unadjusted analysis of 90-day modified Rankin Scale shift, page 69 Figure 11: Propensity-Score matched analysis of 90-day modified Rankin Scale shift, page 70 78 List of Tables Table 1: Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of baseline ASPECTS (e-ASPECTS, consensus, CBF<30% and Tmax>10s) vs. follow-up imaging, page 28 Table 2: Comparison of patient baseline characteristics for the whole dataset (n=81) and a subgroup of patients with determined successful recanalization (n=33), page 29 Table 3: Subgroup analysis of patients with successful reperfusion/recanalization accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of baseline ASPECTSs (e-ASPECTS, consensus, CBF<30% and Tmax>10s) vs. follow-up imaging, page 30 Table 4: Comparison of residuals for the follow-up ASPECTS and the baseline ASPECTS for the subgroups of patients with determined successful recanalization versus non-determined recanalization, page 31 Table 5: Association of conventional and color-map based collateral grade and good clinical outcome (N = 285), page 41 Table 6: Association of conventional and color-map based collateral grade and final infarct volume (N = 265), page 42 Table 7: Comparison of Czech SITS-TBY and HERMES data available on demographic characteristics, past medical history, clinical and radiological characteristics, treatment details and outcomes, page 51 Table 8: Mean Propensity Scores by Quintiles and Treatment Group, page 65 Table 9: Baseline Characteristics before Propensity Score Matching Process, page 66 Table 10: Unadjusted Outcome Analysis, page 68 79 Annex 1 VOLNY O., P. CIMFLOVA, T.-Y. LEE, B. K. MENON and C. D. D’ESTERRE. Permeability surface area product analysis in malignant brain edema prediction – A pilot study. Journal of the Neurological Sciences [online]. 2017, 376, 206–210. ISSN 0022-510X 80 81 82 83 84 85 Annex 2 OSPEL J. M., O. VOLNY, W. QIU, M. NAJM, N. KASHANI, M. GOYAL a B. K. MENON. Displaying Multiphase CT Angiography Using a Time-Variant Color Map: Practical Considerations and Potential Applications in Patients with Acute Stroke. American Journal of Neuroradiology [online]. 2020, 41(2), 200–205. ISSN 0195-6108. 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Annex 3 VANICEK J., P. CIMFLOVA, M. BULIK, J. JARKOVSKY, V. PRELECOVA, V. SZEDER a O. VOLNY (senior author). Single-Centre Experience with Patients Selection for Mechanical Thrombectomy Based on Automated Computed Tomography Perfusion Analysis-A Comparison with Computed Tomography Perfusion Thrombectomy Trials. Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases [online]. 2019, 28(4), 1085–1092. ISSN 1052-3057. 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 Annex 4 VOLNY O., M. BAR, A. KRAJINA, P. CIMFLOVA, L. KASICKOVA, R. HERZIG, D. SANAK, O. SKODA, A. TOMEK, D. SKOLOUDIK, D. VACLAVIK, J. NEUMANN, M. KOCHER, M. ROCEK, R. PADR, F. CIHLAR a R. MIKULIK. A Comprehensive Nationwide Evaluation of Stroke Centres in the Czech Republic Performing Mechanical Thrombectomy in Acute Stroke in 2016. Ceska a Slovenska Neurologie a Neurochirurgie [online]. 2017, 80(4), 445–450. ISSN 1210-7859. 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Annex 5 KÖCHER M., D. SANAK, J. ZAPLETALOVA, F. CIHLAR, D. CZERNY, D. CERNIK, P. DURAS, L. ENDRYCH, R. HERZIG, J. LACMAN, M. LOJIK, S. OSTRY, R. PADR, V. ROHAN, M. SKORNA, M. SRAMEK, L. STERBA, D. VACLAVIK, J. VANICEK, O. VOLNY and A. TOMEK. Mechanical Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke in Czech Republic: Technical Results from the Year 2016. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology [online]. 2018, 41(12), 1901–1908. ISSN 0174-1551. 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 References 1. 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