Hledání příběhu; narativní obrat v právu Martin Škop HABILITAČNÍ PRÁCE BRNO PRÁVNICKÁ FAKULTA MASARYKOVY UNIVERZITY 2012 1. ÚVOD_6 2. PRÁVO JAKO JAZYKOVÁ INSTITUCE_12 2.1. Literární kritika práva 12 2.2. právo a literatura jako formální instituce 14 2.3. Právní imaginace 17 2.3.1. Reprezentace, symbolika, ideologie 18 2.3.2. Právní imaginace 21 2.3.3. Imaginace jakou součást vědeckého poznání 23 2.3.4. Imaginace jako součást právní metodologie 25 2.4. Literární jazyk práva 27 2.5. v právním diskursu jde pouze o slova 30 2.6. právo a metafora 35 2.7. kritika použití literatury a dalších uměleckých forem při analýze práva 37 2.7.1. Mocenský aspekt interpretace 43 3. LITERÁRNÍ INTERPRETACE PRÁVNÍHO TEXTU_47 3.1. interpretace práva jako literatury 47 3.1.1. Řetězové psaní normativního textu 50 3.2. kdo tvoří právní text? 52 3.3. Právo jako literatura - otázka interpretace práva 54 3.4. Objektivita interpretace 60 3.5. Obtíže při interpretaci práva jako literatury 64 3.6. Popis jako konstrukce skutečnosti 68 4. RELEVANTNÍ METODY LITERÁRNÍ INTERPRETACE PRÁVNÍHO TEXTU_73 4.1. narace, jako metoda aplikace a interpretace práva 73 4.1.1. Metoda vyprávěnív právní vědě 76 4.1.2. možná manipulace vyprávěním 81 4.1.3. Zdánlivě objektivní důkazy 82 4.1.4. Oblasti vzájemného propojení práva a narace 86 4.1.5. Struktura právního vyprávění 92 4.1.6. Konec velkých vyprávění 97 4.2. DEKONSTRUKCE, NADINTERPRETACE a přiměřená INTERPRETACE 101 4.2.1. Interpretace dekonstrukcí 101 4.2.2. Vyloučení nadinterpretace 108 4.2.3. přiměřená interpretace 111 5. PRÁVO. HUDBA. DRAMA. FILM A JAZYK_114 5.1. Interpretace mezi očekáváním publika a záměry autora 114 5.2. Právo ve filmovém vyprávění 120 5.3. některé aspekty jazykové interpretace práva 124 2 6. ZÁVĚR 133 JMENNÝ REJSTŘÍK 135 — BIBLIOGRAFIE 139 -4 3 Tato publikace vychází z mých předchozích prací na podobná témata. Základem je kniha Právo a vášeň: Jazyk, příběh, interpretace (Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2011). Kapitola Kritika použití literatury a dalších uměleckých forem při analýze práva vychází z příspěvku Can Art be a New Space for Radical Lega! Thinking? předneseném na Critical Legal Conference v roce 2011 v Aberystwythu. Kapitola Interpretace mezi očekáváním publika a záměry autora vychází z článku Právo jako hudba (Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi, 2011, roč. 19, č. 1, s. 34-40). Kapitola Některé aspekty jazykové interpretace práva má základ v příspěvku Jazyková metoda interpretace práva - důvod k nejistotě? předneseném v roce 2011 na konferenci „Metodologie interpretace práva jako záruka právní jistoty v soudobém demokratickém právním státě" na Právnické fakultě univerzity Karlovy v Praze. Všechny zmíněné texty, jakož i další drobnější práce, ze kterých jsem vycházel, jsou výrazně přepracovány a revidovány. Résumé The book Looking for a Story: The Narrative Turn in Law offers an alternative view on law, its social context and legal methodology.! emphasize that it is meant to be an alternative view and that its purpose is not to replace standard ways of analyzing law, but rather to offer something more. The main axis of this text is the narrative method that brings into legal theory the narrative turn that influenced all the social sciences and humanities in the 20th century. This is the reason why so much space of this text is dedicated to approaches towards art and works-of-art analysis. The starting point of this text is the claim that fiction and other literature and art may offer useful ways how to see the basic issues of law. This is the main reason why I have chosen to deal with the institutional overview of the Law and literature movement in the introductory chapters. Law and literature represents a connection of law and literature that results in a claim that lawyers may learn a lot by reading: How to compose the judicial decisions, the description of facts but also how to see through some of the obstacles that language may pose to them. Language may not always be understood only as something that only signifies but as something that enriches the signified itself. This influences the legitimization of the whole legal system - because of some of the narratives that we tend to connect with the legal system {for example the legal system as the protector of freedom) may the law be better accepted. A part of this issue is also the role of legal imagination as a way to see and understand the abstract world of legal norms and legal institutions. Literature offers more. One of the focuses of literary theory is interpretation. Its methods and techniques may be used as additions to the classic legal methodology. Its basis is an acceptance of a thesis that law is a special type of literature (special type of a text). Only then we can ask who is the author, what role does the context have in legal interpretation and how much in legal interpretation is actually a matter of those who interpret {the addressees, the readers). In both types of interpretation, legal and literary, it is important to deal with the issue of objectivity of interpretation and its relationship to the authority. One of the issues of the law and literature movement is narrativity. It understands narrative as a method that enables description of reality in its uniqueness. Given the fact that narrative has a fixed structure, a partial objectivity of this methodological approach may be reached. Especially when we consider that one of the tools lawyers have at hand is persuasion. Narratives then represent a means of persuasion. The next method used is the method of deconstruction - a counter-met hod that enables us to see through the narratives that may obscure the true nature of things. I have also focused on a so called overinterpretation that is, an exaggerated, ornamental way of interpretation, which uses highly specific methods of interpretation and thus may lead to obscuring the basic meaning of the text. Sometimes an appropriate interpretation is enough; even with its drawbacks and shortcomings may offer a basic and comprehensible approach to interpretation of texts. Literature is not the only source of inspiration for a science. This is the reason why I have focused also on music, theatre and film. In theatrical or musical performances, the 135 audience's expectations must be taken into account. Similar observations may be made wit! respect to the law where it is important to consider the particular community of giver interpretation and possible expectations. Film narrative is different, but given its influencf on the society it may be interesting to use some of the means of meaning communication This is also the space of narratives and their communication. Because of the partial focus or legal interpretation, I have included the chapter on standard use of language. Even though believe that within the legal sphere, standard language should be used, I am convinced thai because of some of its specifics, the use of so called cultivated language should be sometimes accepted. I offer this text as a point of view on new possibilities of legal analysis and interpretation. I see law as a social phenomenon, which is the reason the sociological understanding of law prevails in this text. However, I do not wish to claim this is the only way to analyze law. But it is a way that may be a very useful addition to standard ways of legal analysis. 136 Jmenný rejstřík A Aarnio, Aulis...................................................................41 Abel, Richard L...............................................................84 Adorno, Theodor W.......................................................43 Althusser, Louis............................................................107 Anderson, Jerry L.,.........................................................98 Austin, John L.................................................................95 B Balkin, Jack M......................107,108, 109, 110, 118,123 Balzac, Honoré de..........................................................14 Bartkowsfci, Zenort..........................................................98 Bárány, Eduard..............................................................46 Barthes, Roland.................................9, 20, 67, 75, 91,96 Benjamin, Walter...........................................................75 Berger, Peter Ludwig.....................................................69 Binder, Guyora.............................................16, 24, 91, 99 Blomquist, Robert F.............................................111,112 Borges, Jorge Luis........................................................126 Bourdieu, Pierre..................9, 21, 39, 40, 58, 73,107,137 Bradshaw, lan................................................................86 Brooks, Peter.........................................13, 75,83,83,91 Bruner, Jeröme Seymour.........................................83,88 Burke, Peter.................................................................126 c Camus, Albert................................................................37 Capa, Robert..................................................................86 Čapek, Karel...................................................................37 Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan........................15,17, 29,128 Caudtll, DavidS..............................................................81 Chafdej, Jevgenij............................................................86 Christie, George C....................................................84,95 Cornell, Drucilla.............................................................37 Cover, Robert.....................................6, 65, 66, 67, 68, 76 Cvrček, Václav..............................................................131 D Denverjohn................................................................124 Derrida, Jacques 31, 55, 68,105,106,107,108,110,111, 115 Deutschjan G...............................................................37 Dickens, Charles.............................................................14 Düthey, Wilhelm............................................................78 Douglas, Lawrence.......................................................125 Doyle, Arthur Ignatius Conan.........................................14 Druckmüller, Milosiav....................................................85 Dumas, Alexandre starší................................................14 Dürkheim, Emile......................................................21, 22 Dworktn, Ronald.............12, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 78 Easterbrook, Frank Hoover.........................................104 Eco, Umberto.............8,9,41, 55, 57,106,113,115,122 Elkinsjames R............................................................128 Engel, David M..............................................................77 Ewald, William...............................................................22 Felstiner, William LF....................................................84 Fish, Stanley................................................50,51, 56, 60 Fiske, John.........................................................84, 87, 99 Fiss, Owen M...............................................61, 62,63,64 Foucault, Michel.....19, 20, 31, 32, 33, 34, 45, 63, 80,121 Frye, Northrop...............................................................91 Fuller, Lon Luvois...........................................................36 Gadamer, Hans Georg.........................................119,122 Geertz, Clifford...................................7, 23, 70, 72, 73, 88 Giddens, Anthony..........................................................39 Glass, Arthur..................................................................52 Goldstein, Tom..............................................................72 Gordon, Robert, W........................................................59 Greenawalt, Kent..........................................................25 Griffiths, Frances...........................................................86 H Hall, Stuart...............................................................44,50 Havránek, Bohuslav.....................................................135 Hiflis Miller Joseph..................................................77,83 Hirsch, Eric Donald jr.....................................................30 Holländer, Pavel..........................................................131 Holmes, Oliver Wendel! jr.....................................90,123 Holmes, OÜver Wendeil sr.............................................85 Horáková, Milada..........................................................94 Horkheimer, Max..........................................................43 Horyna, Břetislav...........................................................23 J Jakobson, Roman........................................................136 K Kafka, Franz...................................................................37 Kamir, Orit............................................................126,127 Kennedy, Duncan........................................44,46,47,64 Knapp, Viktor.......................................................130,131 Kotásek, Josef..............................................................109 Kuhn, Thomas S.............................................................82 Kuykendall, Mae......................................................92,93 137 L S Latour, Bruno.................................................................99 Sarat,Austin.......................................................... Le Goff, Francois................................................18,20,21 Sassure, Ferdinand de............................................ Leskov, Nikola] Semjonovič............................................75 Saussure, Ferdinand de.......................................... Levínson, Sartford........................................HS, 122,123 Scheppele, Kim Lane.............................................. Lieberman, Jethro..........................................................72 Shakespeare, William......................................49, Llewellyn, Karl Nickerson...............................................53 Sherwin, Richard K................................................. Luckmann, Thomas........................................................69 Sieyěs, Emmanuel-Joseph...................................... Lyotard, Jean-Francois...................89,100,102,103,137 Silbey, Jessica......................................................... Sobek, Tomas"......................................................... M T Maclntyre, Alasdair..................................................39, SO MacKinnon, Catharine A..........................................8,110 Tait, Allison..................................................76, 81. Macur, Josef................................................................101 Ta mana ha, Brian Z.................................................. Marcelli, Miroslav..........................................................96 Todorov, Tzvetan...............................................55. Mathesius, Vilém.........................................................135 McLuhan, Marshall................................................62,121 (j Michaels, David.............................................................70 Michaels, Walter Benn..................................................45 Umphrey, Martha M.............................................. Mills, Charles Wright.....................................................24 Linger, Roberto Mangabeira.................................. Mnookin, Jennifer L.......................................................85 Morawski, Lech..............................................................19 y Mumler, William H........................................................86 Vattimo, Gianni...................................................... Večeřa, Miloš.......................................................... Viewegh, Michal...................................................... Morris, Luke..................................................76, 81, 89, 90 von Hardenberg, Georg Friedrich Philipp {Novalis). O Ochrana, František.........................................................78 Ortega y Gasset, José.....................................................82 P Patterson, Dennis........................................................103 Polčák, Radim..............................................................111 Posner, Richard A................................16,17, 82, 90,128 Pribán, Jlrř..................................................19, 20, 32,105 R Rtcoeur, Paul..................................................................80 Riffaterre, Michael.........................................................99 Roermund van, G.C.G.J. (Bert).....................40,78,84,88 Rorty, Richard........................80,102,104,114,115,123 Ryška, Michal.................................................................93 W Ward, Ian................................................................. Watson, Alan........................................................... 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