MASARYK UNIVERSITY FACULTYOF SCIENCE DEPARTMENTOF CHEMISTRY LASER-MATTERINTERACTIONAS A KEY PROCESS FOR SAMPLING BY LASER ABLATION HABILITATION THESIS MARK~TAHOLA BRNO 2024 Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Rosalind Elsie Franklin At this point, I would like to thank those who made this habilitation thesis possible. I would like to start with my family,as they occupy a central position in my life. Family may seem like an obstacle to many in a scientific career, but on the other hand, it can be a great asset. My family taught me to solve unexpected problems immediately, manage time, and work efficiently. They also taught me patience and how to find joy in seemingly small and insignificant moments inlife. I thankmy husband, David, who has always been and will always be my support; my children, Monika and Šimon, who constantlyteach me what is important in life. I thank my parents for the care they gave me and unwavering belief in me. My dad, who is unfortunately no longer here, would be extremely proud of me. I must also mention our dog, Dusty, a constant reminder that every day can be filled with happiness, yet also with responsibility for others. The fact that I have reached this point in my scientific career is mainly due to my colleagues at the Masaryk University,whom I consider to be my second family. I am particularlygrateful to prof. Viktor Kanický, who was and is a great role model for me both in terms of science and humanity. I am grateful to prof. Vítězslav Otruba, an excellent scientist and the supervisor of my diploma anddoctoral theses. Special thanks go to mylong-time colleague andfriend,Tomáš Vaculovič,who is a great support for me every day. I thankmy other colleagues,Karel Novotný and Aleš Hrdlička, who constantly surprise me with their patience and composure in solving problems. I also thank other colleagues, Lucie Šimoníková, Michaela Kuchynka, Veronika Faltusová and others. I would like to thank my colleague Jakub Ondráček form CAS for devoting his time to unconventional connection of aerosol devices and laser ablation. Sport forms an integral part of my life, providing physical and mental balance. I am grateful to my friends, manyof whom are alsocolleagues,for creatinganenvironment that fosters sporting achievements and life-enriching experiences. Their support motivates me to train, especially for our cycling adventures. This habilitation thesis contains 12 relatedpublications,all focused on the use of laser ablation as a sampling method for inductivelycoupled plasma mass spectrometry.It presents the range of applications for laser ablation inductivelycoupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) technique and provides a detailed analysis of laser ablation parameters and their influence on laser-matter interactionand subsequent aerosol formation.The qualityof this aerosol is crucial for the accuracy and precision of the analysis. Parameters such as wavelength, laser pulse duration, fluence or choice of ablation mode are discussed. The thesis also highlights the significance of the sample's physical, chemical, and surface properties. Additionally, it discusses various methods for studying the processes that occur during the interaction of the laser pulse with the sample. These methods include the study of ablation craters, the characterization of the generated aerosol, in particular the determination of the particle size distribution and the time-resolved signal processing of the monitored isotopes. 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 Structure of the thesis.................................................................................................6 1.2 Summary of publications used in the thesis............................................................... 7 2 Laser ablation ................................................................................................................. 10 2.1 A sampling tool for ICP-MS.................................................................................... 10 2.2 If laser ablation were the ideal sampling method..................................................... 15 2.3 Fractionation............................................................................................................. 15 2.4 How to diagnose the laser-sample interaction?........................................................ 16 2.4.1 Characterization of the ablation crater ............................................................. 17 2.4.2 Characterization of the generated aerosol ........................................................ 19 2.4.3 Processing of the time-resolved ICP-MS signal............................................... 22 3 Parameters affecting the laser ablation process .......................................................... 23 3.1 Laser wavelength...................................................................................................... 23 3.2 Laser pulse duration ................................................................................................. 25 3.3 Laser fluence ............................................................................................................ 28 3.4 Ablation mode and spot size .................................................................................... 30 3.5 Sample matrix........................................................................................................... 33 3.6 Sample surface ......................................................................................................... 38 4 Conclusion and outlook..................................................................................................43 5 References ....................................................................................................................... 45 6 Abbreviations.................................................................................................................. 50 7 Attachment...................................................................................................................... 51 1 Introduction Inductivelycoupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) is a widespread method in inorganic analysis allowingthe determinationof elements intrace andultra-trace concentrations.It is also popular for the possibility of accurate determination of isotope ratios, which are used, for example, in geochronology, bioarchaeology, food science, biology, ecology, etc. In a typical arrangement, samples in liquid form are introduced into the ICP-MS spectrometer. This is advantageous for initially liquid samples, such as water. However, for solid samples, this necessitates a precedingdigestionprocess,limitingthe analysis to the determinationof the bulk content of analytes. Laser ablation (LA) offers an alternative samplingmethod, expanding the application of ICP-MS to localised analysis of very small areas on solid samples without prior digestion. Sampling by laser ablation operates on the principle of laser pulse interactionwith the sample surface,removingpart of the material whichis then transported bycarrier gas to the inductively coupled plasma. The extent and nature of this interactionare influenced by both the conditions of the laser ablationand the sample's properties.Numerous variables canbe adjusted,including the optimizationof laser parameters,the selectionof the ablationcell, the flow rate and type of carrier gas, or the modification of the sample surface. Understanding the process of laser-matter interaction enables control over various process variables. These include efficient coupling of the laser beam to the sample, reproducible ablation, control of the volume of material removed, minimization of preferential ablation, achievement of stoichiometric ablation,andcontrol over the size distributionof laser-generated particles. Gaining an overview of the complexity of laser ablation process is extremely beneficial for optimizing the sampling conditions and the processing of the measured data, opening the way to obtain accurate and precise results using the LA-ICP-MS technique. 1.1 Structure of the thesis This habilitation thesis is a collectionof 12 papers that deal with the fundamental study of the laser beam interactionwiththe surface of a solidsample,and its consequences for the formation of an aerosol suitable for dosing into ICP-MS. The papers have been produced continuously throughout my scientific career, reflecting my enduring interest in this area. It aims to consolidate essential knowledge about laser ablation sampling and its various applications, while also investigating the parameters that influence the ablation process. Seemingly minor insights can contribute significantly to our understanding of the physical and chemical processes involved in using a laser as a sampling tool for mass spectrometry. The initial sections of this work provide a comprehensive overview of laser ablationsampling, detailing its fundamental principles and potential applications 1-3 . The core of this thesis is devoted to examining specific aspects that influence the ablation process, including the laser wavelength 4 , pulse duration 4 , pulse energy 5, 6 , ablationmode 7, 8 , as well as the matrix 8-11 and surface properties of the sample 5, 6, 12 .To facilitate understandingof these core topics,the thesis also includes a summaryof techniques used to diagnose the interactionprocesses betweenlaser radiationandthe sample. This involves detailedcharacterizationof ablationcraters 5-11 ,analysis of the aerosol generated by laser ablation 4-12 , and the processing of LA-ICP-MS signals 1-8, 11, 12 . This habilitationthesis not only collects a range of research findings but also places them in a wider scientific context,includingreferences to the work of other researchgroups dealingwith similar research topics. The primary focus of this work is on nanosecond laser ablation, in accordance with the capabilities of our laboratory,thus representinga specific subsectionof the extensive domain of LA-ICP-MS. For clarity and easy orientation in cited works, my contributions selected for the habilitation thesis are listedas the first 12 publications and are highlightedin blue and bold withinthe text. 1.2 Summary of publications used in the thesis So far, I have published 47 papers (according to the WOS database), 42 of which are in peerreviewedjournals and 5 inconference proceedings.Amongthese 42 publications,I am the main or corresponding author for 15 of them. Due to the focus of my habilitation thesis, I have selected 12 publications and provide an overview that summarizes my contributions to them. This summary pays particular attention to aspects such as experimental work, student supervision, manuscript preparation, and research direction. 1. Wertich,V.*, Kubeš, M., Leichmann,J., Holá, M., Haifler,J., Mozola,J., Hršelová, P., Jaroš, M., Trace element signatures of uraninite controlled by fluid-rock interactions: A case study from the Eastern Moldanubicum (Bohemian Massif), Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 2022, 243, 107111. DOI 10.1016/j.gexplo.2022.107111 (IF 3.9) Contribution: Experimental work, evaluation of data, participation in manuscript writing (Experimental work 30 %, Supervision 10 %, Manuscript 20 %, Research direction 20 %) 2. Holá, M., Kalvoda, J.*, Nováková, H., Škoda, R., Kanický, Possibilities of LA-ICP-MS technique for the spatial elemental analysis of the recent fish scales: Line scan vs. depth profiling, Applied Surface Science. 2011, 257(6), 1932-1940. DOI 10.1016/j.apsusc.2010.09.029 (IF 6.7) Contribution: Designof experiments, experimental work, evaluationof data, participation in manuscript writing (Experimental work 50 %, Supervision 60 %, Manuscript 40 %, Research direction 30 %) 3. Holá,M., Novotný, K.*, Dobeš, J., Krempl,I.,Wertich,V.,Mozola,J., Kubeš, M.,Faltusová, V., Leichmann, J., Kanický, Dual imaging of uranium ore by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass SpectrometryandLaser InducedBreakdownSpectroscopy, Spectrochim. Acta B. 2021, 186, 106312. DOI 10.1016/j.sab.2021.106312 (IF 3.3) Contribution: Designof experiments, experimental work, evaluationof data, participation in manuscript writing (Experimental work 30 %, Supervision 50 %, Manuscript 30 %, Research direction 50 %) 4. Možná, V., Pisonero, J.*, Holá, M., Kanický, V., Günther, D., Quantitative analysis of Febased samples using ultraviolet nanosecond and femtosecond laser ablation-ICP-MS, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 2006, 21(11), 1194–1201. DOI 10.1039/b606988f (IF 3.4) Contribution: Supervision, consultation, participation in manuscript writing (Experimental work -, Supervision 30 %, Manuscript 15 %, Research direction 20 %) 5. Holá, M., Salajková, Z., Hrdlička, A., Pořízka, P., Novotný, K., Čelko, L., Šperka, P., Prochazka, D., Novotný, J., Modlitbová, P., Kanický, Kaiser, J., Feasibility of NanoparticleEnhanced Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 2018, 90(20), 11820–11826. DOI 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b01197 (IF 7.4) Contribution: Design of experiments, experimental work, evaluation of data, manuscript writing (Experimental work 50 %, Supervision 60 %, Manuscript 80 %, Research direction 70 %) 6. Salajková, Z.*, Holá, M., Prochazka, D., Ondráček, J., Pavliňák, D., Čelko, L., Gregar, F., Šperka, P., Pořízka, P., Kanický, De Giacomo, A., Kaiser, J., Influence of sample surface topography on laser ablation process, Talanta. 2021, 222, 121512. DOI 10.1016/j.talanta.2020.121512 (IF 6.1) Contribution: Design of experiments, experimental work, evaluation of data, manuscript writing (Experimental work 40 %, Supervision 60 %, Manuscript 80 %, Research direction 80 %) 7. Nováková, H., Holá, M.*, Vojtíšek-Lom,M., Ondráček, J., Kanický, V., Online monitoring of nanoparticles formedduringnanosecondlaser ablation,Spectrochim.ActaB. 2016, 125, 52– 60. DOI 10.1016/j.sab.2016.09.017 (IF 3.3) Contribution: Design of experiments, experimental work, evaluation of data, manuscript writing (Experimental work 50 %, Supervision 80 %, Manuscript 70 %, Research direction 90 %) 8. Holá, M.*, Ondráček, J., Nováková, H., Vojtíšek-Lom,M., Hadravová, R., Kanický, V., The influence of material properties onhighly time resolvedparticle formationfor nanosecondlaser ablation, Spectrochim. Acta B. 2018, 148, 193–204, DOI 10.1016/j.sab.2018.07.001 (IF 3.3) Contribution: Design of experiments, experimental work, evaluation of data, manuscript writing (Experimental work 60 %, Supervision 80 %, Manuscript 80 %, Research direction 90 %) 9. Holá,M.*, Konečná, V.,Mikuška, P., Kaiser, J., Kanický, V., Influence of physical properties and chemical compositionof sample onformationof aerosol particles generatedbynanosecond laser ablation at 213 nm, Spectrochim. Acta B. 2010, 65(1), 51–60. DOI 10.1016/j.sab.2009.11.003 (IF 3.3) Contribution: Design of experiments, experimental work, evaluation of data, manuscript writing (Experimental work 60 %, Supervision 80 %, Manuscript 80 %, Research direction 90 %) 10. Holá,M.*, Konečná, V., Mikuška, P., Kaiser, J.*, Páleníková,K., Průša, S., Hanzlíková, R., Kanický, V., Study of aerosols generated by 213 nm laser ablation of cobalt-cemented hard metals, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 2008, 23(10), 1341–1349. DOI 10.1039/B802906G (IF 3.4) Contribution: Design of experiments, experimental work, evaluation of data, manuscript writing (Experimental work 60 %, Supervision 80 %, Manuscript 80 %, Research direction 90 %) 11. Holá, M.*, Mikuška, P., Hanzlíková, R., Kaiser, J., Kanický, V., Tungsten carbide precursors as an example for influence of a binder on the particle formationin the nanosecond laser ablation of powdered materials, Talanta. 2010, 80(5), 1862–1867. DOI 10.1016/j.talanta.2009.10.035 (IF 6.1) Contribution: Design of experiments, experimental work, evaluation of data, manuscript writing (Experimental work 70 %, Supervision 80 %, Manuscript 80 %, Research direction 80 %) 12. Holá, M., Salajková, Z., Hrdlička, A.*, M., Ondráček, J., Novotný, K., Pavliňák, D., Vojtíšek-Lom, M., Čelko, L., Pořízka, P., Kanický, V., Prochazka, D., Novotný, J., Kaiser, J., The effect of nanoparticle presence on aerosol formation during nanoparticle-enhanced laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 2020, 35(12), 2893-2900. DOI 10.1039/d0ja00324g (IF 3.4) Contribution: Design of experiments, experimental work, evaluation of data, manuscript writing (Experimental work 50 %, Supervision 50 %, Manuscript 80 %, Research direction 90 %) 2 Laser ablation 2.1 A sampling tool for ICP-MS Laser ablation, as an alternative sampling technique for Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, finds applications across a wide range of scientific fields. Its basic principle involves irradiating the sample with a laser to induce an ablation process, resulting in the removal of a small amount of material. This ablated material is then transported to the inductively coupled plasma (ICP), where it is vaporized, atomized, and ionized. The resulting ions are subsequently analysed and detected in a mass spectrometer and signal of individual isotopes is recorded 13, 14 . Different approaches to sample analysis can be taken depending on the specific analytical requirements. According to the Web of Science database, most applications are relatedto the geological sciences, with 12,500 out of a total of 17,000 articles pertaining to the geological applications of LA-ICP-MS. One such approach is spot ablation,where the pulsed laser repeatedlyremoves material from a single spot. It's essential to monitor data consistency of the time-resolved LA-ICP-MS signal: any sharp drop or rise in the value of the observed isotope may indicate the presence of an impurity or inhomogeneity, potentially biasing the results. Figure 1 presents an example of a time-resolved signal for isotopes measured in an uraninite mineral sample, achieved using a nanosecond (ns) laser with a wavelength of 213 nm, a beam diameter of 50 µm, a fluence of 9 J cm², and a laser repetition rate of 10 Hz. The data in Figure 1a indicate minimal risk of contaminationat the ablation site from fluid or mineral inclusions hidden beneath the surface. Conversely, isotopic records in Figure 1b that varies from the described correct isotopic recordings hint at the presence of a mineral or fluid inclusion. Such inclusions would significantly alter the geochemical composition of the measured uraninite, and therefore, the data must be excluded from the overall recorded data set 1 . Fig. 1. a) LA-ICP-MS spot analysis record of uraninite displaying the correct shape; and b) record of uraninite spot analysis contaminated by chalcopyrite mineral inclusions hidden beneath the surface 1. As can be seen from the description of spot ablation, the laser beam gradually penetrates the depth of the analysed sample. This can be advantageously used for monitoring changes in the sample's composition at various depths – termed depth profiling. Depth profiling is another technique employed in LA-ICP-MS. This method also involves applying laser pulses to a single spot, but instead of targeting just one layer, it monitors the evolution of the sample's composition over time, revealing compositional changes at various depths. By knowing the ablationrate (the amount of material removed per pulse), the thickness of individual layers can be defined 15 . For instance, in metallurgical applications, depth profiling can accuratelydetermine the thickness and composition of layers down to nanometres, particularly when using a femtosecond laser 16 . In natural samples, such as bones and teeth, depth profiling can provide insights into an organism's evolutionor exposure to various factors. An example is the study of otoliths, where depth profiling is a microchemical technique revealing life history patterns in fish 17 . Fish scales,as another bony structure,can be similarlyanalysed,althoughtheir complex structure makes this less common. Nevertheless,scale analysis offers a non-lethal approachthat is valuable for studying water contaminationand migrationpatterns throughout the life of fish. Figure 2 shows a dorsal view of the scale structure and the location of the performed LA-ICPMS analyses 2 . Depth profiling results of the anterior part scales from common carp (Cyprinus carpio) show a concentration gradient of selected elements throughout the scale's thickness, with a clear distinction between the external hydroxyapatite layer and the basal collagen plate (Figure 3a – 3c). It was also discovered that the scale surface can accumulate heavy metals, effectivelypreventing their penetration into the deeper structure (Figure 3c - 3d) 2 . Generally, the LA-ICP-MS methodranks among the depthprofilingtechniques,which have the advantage of simple sample preparation(similar to the technique of Glow discharge spectrometry 18 ). In Fig. 2. Dorsal view of the fish scale of the common carp with marked posterior and anterior part. The anterior part, divided in the anterior and lateral fields, is covered by other fish scales while the posterior field is in contact with water; Marked trajectories for LA-ICP-MS and EMP analysis 2 . contrast, commonly used microscopic methods require a cross-section to be made first, which can be technically and time-consuming. Fig. 3. LA-ICP-MS depth profiling on the posterior part of the fish scale (common carp) for following pairs of isotopes: a) 42Ca and 12C; b) 31P and 26Mg; c) 86Sr and 66Zn; d) 208Pb and 56Fe. Laser wavelength of 213 nm, 100 µm spot size, repetition rate of 4 Hz, fluence of 3.5 J cm-2 2 . The applicationof a specific number of pulses to one spot allows for the determinationof either the average composition of a sample or its depth profile. An alternative approach involves performing a linear scan across a selected part of the sample. This technique serves various purposes: it can determine the average composition of a larger sample area, such as a specific zone 19 , or it can be employed to identify variations in element distribution across different zones. This is particularly beneficial for tasks like determining mineral zonation 20 , assessing element concentrations in growth lines (such as tree rings 21 , otoliths 22 , urinary stones 23 , etc.), detecting impurities or heterogeneities in industrial products 24, 25 , defining archaeological artefacts 26 or other analyses. The parameters defininga linear scan are similar tothose for spot ablation: spot size, number of pulses, repetitionrate and fluence. A key additional parameter is the scan speed. This speed, combined with the other parameters, dictates the degree of pulse overlap, spatial resolution, and the overall duration of the analysis. The use of line scans in LA-ICP-MS provides valuable insights, again, with fish scale analysis serving as a pertinent example 2 . Performing a line scan across the entire fish scale, perpendicular tothe growth rings as illustrated in Figure 2, enables analysis of both the anterior part, which is covered by other scales, and the posterior part, which is in direct contact with the water. This type of analysis,as detailedin Table 1, reveals a distinct distributionof elements in the two regions. Specifically,certaintrace metals like Zn and Mn, as well as matrixelements such as Ca and P, and predominant cationsubstituents like Mg and Sr, were found to be more concentratedin the posterior part. This discrepancy is largely attributed to the higher prevalence of the mineral phase in the posterior region, which facilitates increased substitution and vacancy filling. Additionally, certain trace metal elements, namely Fe and Pb, exhibited symmetrical distributions with elevated levels near the scale's periphery. Such patterns likely reflect variations in diet or environmental pollution exposures over time. Table 1 LA-ICP-MS line scan analysis of fish scale; average values for each region 2 . The applicationof multiple line scans coveringselectedarea of a sample is used for the imaging method. In this approach, a specifiedarea on the sample surface is scanned using parallel lines, where the combination of spot size, line spacing, scan speed, and repetition rate defines the spatial resolution of the resulting elemental/isotopic maps and the time of analysis. However, producing a high-quality image is not without challenges. Common artifacts like blur, smear, aliasing, and noise can compromise the integrity of the image. Various studies and techniques have been developed to reduce or eliminate these undesired effects, ensuring clearer and more accurate visual representations of elemental distributions 27 . Detailed imaging with LA-ICP-MS is very popular for biological applications 28, 29 , characterization of steels 30, 31 or alloys 32 , archaeology 33 , geological applications 34, 35 , and others.An example is the analysis in the uraninite mineral zone 3 . A specific area of 2 × 3 mm was methodically analysed usinga 213 nm laser. For the line scans, parameters suchas a 20 μm spot diameter,a scanspeed of 20 μm s-1 , a 10 Hz repetitionrate,and a fluence of 10 J cm-2 were chosen,achievinga spatial resolutionof 20 μm. The scanrate of 20 μm s-1 was purposelychosen to matchthe dwell time (1 s) to the time required to traverse the diameter of the ablationcrater (20 μm), effectively preventing any smearing of the LA-Q-ICP-MS signal along the x-axis. The visualization of individual isotopes offers invaluable insights, particularly evident when examining lead isotopes. Lead presents an interesting isotopic spectrum, with non-radiogenic 204 Pb coexistingwith radiogenic isotopes of 206 Pb and 207 Pb, which originate from the decay of 238 U and 235 U respectively.Additionally, 208 Pb is a product of 232 Th's radiogenic decay. Nonradiogenic lead 204 Pb is not related exclusively to the structure of uraninite but also forms isolated clusters, likely as compounds with sulphur or selenium, while radiogenic isotopes of lead also copy their parent nuclides. Therefore, the most abundant and homogeneous is representedby the isotope 206 Pb as the decay product of the isotope 238 U (relative abundance of 99.274%), which is the main component of uraninite. The heterogenous distribution of 207 Pb and even more apparently 208 Pb within uraninite aggregates, considered to have originated in one-time period,is worth mentioningdue to usage of lead isotope ratios for radiometric dating. In this context, intra-grainscale isotopic variations within fresh uraninite aggregates, showing no visible effect of post-crystallizationalteration. All isotopic maps are presented in Figure 4. Fig. 4. Photography of analysed sample area (1) and distribution of selected isotopes in uraninite obtained by LA-ICP-MS. Normalised intensities in cps, blue colour as minimum, red as maximum 3. 2.2 If laser ablation were the ideal sampling method... Laser ablation,as an alternative samplingtechnique for ICP-MS, offers numerous benefits over the conventional nebulization of liquid samples. This technique provides many significant advantages, makingit anideal tool for accurate andefficient materialanalysis. The most notable advantage is the minimization of sample preparation requirements. Because laser ablation allows for direct sampling of solid samples into ICP-MS, the need to convert samples into solution is eliminated. This significantly saves time, as complex preparation processes are replaced by almost instantaneous analysis. Furthermore, it eliminates the need for chemicals, making the process more efficient while reducing the risk of contamination or sample loss during preparation. Moreover, the focused laser beam permits highly localised and spatially resolved analyses, enabling detailed examination of sample heterogeneity on a microscopic scale. Additionally, the combination of laser ablation and ICP-MS is conservative in terms of sample usage, consuming only a minimal quantity of material. This aspect is crucial when dealing with rare or limitedsamples. In an ideal scenario,the material released by laser pulses accurately reflects the composition of the original sample. In summary, under ideal conditions,laserablation serves as a unique,rapid,efficient,andhighly accurate method for analysing a wide range of materials for scientific and industrial purposes. However, achieving these ideal conditions is not straightforward, and LA-ICP-MS analysis is usually complicated by factors such as fractionation or matrix effects. 2.3 Fractionation In fact, the laser-matter interaction is a complex process depending on both the laser ablation conditions (pulse duration,wavelength,repetitionrate,pulse energy,spot size) and the sample's physical and chemical properties 4, 8, 9, 11, 36, 37 . Generally, the laser beam can interact with the material in two basic ways – thermal (photothermal) and non-thermal (photochemical) 38, 39 . For longer pulses (nanosecond ablation), heat conduction, melting, evaporation, and plasma formationare the dominant processes.The energy of the laser is absorbedby the sample surface and forms a temperature field due to the heat conduction. Depending on the achieved temperature, the material melts, evaporates, or is transferred to a plasma state. Laser ablation parameters, especiallypulse duration andpulse energy,affect the proportionalityof evaporation and sputtering of the melt as the main processes of nanosecond laser ablation 40 . The physical and chemical properties of the sample can significantly influence the laser energy absorption (absorption coefficient for the specific wavelength), the heat transfer (thermal conductivity) 8, 9, 41, 42 and degree of plasma shielding (attenuationof the incoming laser radiationby plasma). On the other hand, the sample heating by the laser irradiation significantly modifies the optical and thermo-physical properties,suchas surface reflectivity,electrical andthermal conductivity, surface tension, and latent heat of vaporization 43 . Thermal and non-thermal processes create particles of the sampled aerosol by different principles; therefore, their size distribution and composition differ (a more detailed description of the mechanism of particle formation is describedin Chapter 3.5). The particle size is important due to the transportationefficiencyand its impact on vaporization, atomization, and ionization efficiency within the ICP. This insight is key to understanding possible non-stoichiometric sampling, so-called fractionation. In the context of argon ICP, which operates as an atmospheric pressure ion source, the process of laser ablation samplingis likewise conducted in an environment of atmospheric pressure of an ambient gas. In such a setting, the formation of the plasma generated by the laser at the site of ablation is confined to a small volume, typically just a few cubic millimetres. Subsequent expansion leads to material redeposition onto the sample substrate post the laser pulse. Additionally,factors such as transport losses and the condensation of the plasma plume on the ablation cell sidewalls or on sputtered particles can lead to a reduction in the efficiency of ablation. These aspects can potentially alter the yield of the ablation process and affect the accuracy of the elemental concentrations measured. LA-ICP-MS is a time-resolved method that provides a transient signal corresponding to the ablation conditions in terms of time. For spot ablation, it depends on the number of pulses applied, i.e., the first pulse on an intact sample surface will not provide the same analytical signal as a pulse generatedafter many repetitions. Here,thermal effects, meltingof a thin layer of the sample,which can be graduallydepleted of more volatile components,and deepening of the crater (higher aspect ratio) play a role.Fractionationduringanalysis can be quantifiedusing the Fractionation Index (FI). The FI is given by the intensity of any element rationed to an “internal standard” from the second half of the signal, divided by its intensity ratio during the first half of the signal 44 . An example of FI calculations for 43 elements contained in the glass standard SRM NIST610 for different laser wavelengths is shown in Chapter 3.1 in Figure 9 45 . 2.4 How to diagnose the laser-sample interaction? To obtainhighqualityanalytical results byLA-ICP-MS,it is veryimportant to ensure controlled sampling by laser ablation into the ICP mass spectrometer. Because the laser beam is focused on a very small area (tens to thousands of square µm), and the sample is placed in a closed chamber, monitoringthe qualityof laser ablationusing conventional laser system equipment is very difficult.A microscope camera, which is part of the ablationsystem, is used for the basic assessment of the ablation process. This can detect undesirable phenomena such as breakage, cracking or crumbling of the sample, or, conversely, resistance to the laser beam used. For a detaileddiagnosis of the samplingprocess, other procedures must be used typically based on: - Characterization of the ablation crater - Characterization of the generated aerosol - Processing of the time-resolved ICP-MS signal 2.4.1 Characterization of the ablation crater The depth, shape, structure, and chemical composition of an ablation crater are key indicators of the laser-matter interaction.Analysing these parameters can precisely define the processes involved and serve as a benchmark for 'correct' sampling with laser pulses. However, the disadvantage of using craters to diagnose ablation processes is that they are assessed offline after the analysis, usually once the sample has been removed from the ablation chamber. Consequently,any adjustments to conditions for improvedsamplingare implementedonlyafter an analysis has 'failed'. A more stable analytical signal is produced with smaller values of the crater aspect ratio (depth/diameter), ideally less than 1. At higher values (>5), there is ineffective removal of material from the crater's base, resultingin a sharp decline in the time signal 46 . Factors such as the number of pulses and fluence used caninfluence the resultant crater depth,whichalsovaries depending on the sample material. Insights into the behaviour of the ablation process can be gleanedfrom the shape, structure,andvolume of the ablationcrater.This allows for estimations of the ablation rate, the degree of sample melting, or the extent of reverse condensation of evaporated material. The amount of material released during laser ablation can be specified from the ablationcrater volume, relative to the amount of material remainingaround the crater as a rim. For basic diagnostics,ablationcraters are typicallyfirst visualisedusing an optical or scanning electron microscope (SEM). The microscope images enable the detection of undesired effects such as cracking or large fragments being dislodged from the sample and allow for an estimationof the meltingextent around the crater area. The next stage involves determiningthe precise shape and volume of the ablation crater, usually using profilometric methods, either based on the mechanical principle or more oftenon the optical basis. Consider Figure 5, where laser ablation was executed using a ns laser at 213 nm under the following conditions: a laser spot diameter of 100 μm, a fluence of 13 J cm−2 and a repetition rate of 10 Hz 9 . Figure 5 illustrates the ablation craters on different materials after 600 pulses. From the SEM images (Figure 5A1, B1, C1), it is possible tosee the degree of meltingof the materials. This is evident especially for steel sample (Figure A1) both from the structure of the ablation crater rim and from the presence of large, deposited particles that arise directly from the melt of the sample and are indicative of thermal effects. The optical profilometer provides a 3D model of the craters (Figure 5A2, B2, C2) that shows the height of the rim,the character of the crater bottom, and calculates the total volume. The most illustrative viewmaybe a representative cross-section through the crater, where a degree of thermal effects and presumably fractionation effects in LA-ICP-MS analysis can be diagnosed from the elevated crater rim or the molten crater bottom (Figure 5A3, B3, C3) 9 . Fig. 5. SEM (1) and optical micrograph (2) of the ablation craters together with a representative crosssection (3) on steel sample (A), tungsten carbide (B) and glass (C) using 213 nm laser ablation 9 . Each material exhibits unique behaviour when sampled using a laser. While its inherent properties remain constant, the variable parameters of laser ablation can be adjusted. These include the size of the ablationcrater,the ablationmode,fluence,repetitionrate,andthe number of applied pulses. In the process of optimizing the LA-ICP-MS method, characterising the ablation crater is a crucial step in identifyingthe most suitable sampling conditions.The ideal outcome is to achieve a symmetrical ablation crater, cylindrical in shape with a flat bottom, showing no signs of melting,crumbling, or other forms of damage. Under such conditions, an aerosol suitable for analysis by ICP-MS can be produced. 2.4.2 Characterization of the generated aerosol The quality of generated aerosol is crucial for conductingcorrect and accurate analyses in LAICP-MS. The purpose of laser ablation is to generate particles that match the composition of the sample and are of a size that can be efficiently transported and vaporized in the ICP. Knowledge of particle sizes andtheir number distributioninlaser-generatedaerosols is required for a better understanding of non-stoichiometric effects observed with LA-ICP-MS. These effects are commonly encompassed under the term 'fractionation', which is influenced by a variety of factors ranging from the conditions of laser ablation to the effects in the ICP. However, the initial step towards understanding these complex processes is to gather information about the properties of particles generated under specific LA conditions. Subsequently,one can examine changes inducedby transport or ICPeffects.Since aerosol study is only feasible after particles have exitedthe ablation cell,the influence of particle transport is invariably included. Nonetheless, theoretical models of particle formation can be developed based on recognized patterns 43 . Fig. 6. Visualization of collected LA particles of a) steel sample by SEM; b) glass SRM NIST610 by TEM. Laser-generated aerosol can be studied via different offline or online techniques. Offline methods involve collecting particles on special filters, grids, or discs for subsequent analysis. The efficiency of sample collection can be enhanced using an electrostatic sampler 47 , or by segregating and depositing particles on substrates according to their aerodynamic diameter, such as with a cascade impactor 48, 49 . These offline methods not only allow for visual determination of particle shapes and size via various microscopic methods such as Scanning ElectronMicroscopy(SEM),TransmissionElectronMicroscopy(TEM),Electron Probe Micro Analysis (EPMA) but also enable the study of particle composition through subsequent a b chemical analysis (ICP-MS, Particle-induced X-ray Emission (PIXE), etc.) of collected material 9, 10, 47, 48, 50, 51 . The particles visualised on the filter and on the grid are shown in Figure 6a and Figure 6b, respectively. The stoichiometry of the ablation can be checked by bulk analyses of all particles using a dissolution method. Furthermore, Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) enables the acquisitionof the composition analysis of specific particles onthe filter, which is invaluable for elucidatingfractionationprocesses 10,11,47, 51-53 .However, a major limitationof offline methods is the inability to monitor the evolution of particle formation over time; all samples represent the mass accumulated over the entire sampling period. To characterise particles generatedbylaser ablation,aerosol spectrometers operatingonline are also utilised. These devices help mitigate alterations in the aerosol structure that might occur with offline methods, such as filter sampling. Some systems even enable simultaneous measurement of particle size distribution(PSD) and ICP-MS signal at a high time resolution 8 . An example of such an arrangement is presented in Figure 7. The selection of an aerosol spectrometer typically depends on the size range of the particles beingmeasured. Nevertheless, it is crucial to consider the detection principle of the spectrometer to prevent misinterpretation of results, especially for non-spherical clusters 49 . Fig. 7. Schematics of measurement set-up for laser ablation system coupled with ICP-MS and aerosol spectrometers, Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer (EEPS), Aerodynamic particle sizer (APS) and Optical Particle Sizer (OPS) 8 . Various techniques are available for analysing the physical properties of aerosol particles produced during laser ablation. These include electrostatic classifiers with particle detectors (such as condensation particle counters or electrometers), photometric devices, and cascade impactors for offline analysis. Each instrument offers unique advantages and has certain limitations. For instance, the Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) provides excellent particle sizing resolution but has limitations in time resolution 54, 55 . Fast Mobility Particle Sizers (FMPS or EEPS) deliver high time resolution but have fewer particle size bins and require calibration due to the initial unipolar electrical charging of particles 56 . Photometric devices are user-friendly but heavily rely on the optical properties of the sampled aerosol 57 . Cascade impactors, regarded as a standard for gravimetric analysis, provide limited size resolution and only offer integral values over time (offline analysis) 58 . Different techniques based on various physical principles are used to detect particle concentration, such as Condensation Particle Counters (CPC), Optical Particle Sizers (OPS), Optical Particle Counters (OPC),and electrometers.Particle sizing primarily employs twomain principles: mobility in an electrostatic field (Differential MobilityAnalyzer (DMA)) 54, 55 and aerodynamic behaviour inacceleratedflow(Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS)).By integrating particle counters and sizers, a comprehensive aerosol spectrometer can be assembled. The SMPS system is commonly used for submicrometric particle diameters (nanometres to 1 μm) 59, 60 , while APS systems measure particles in the 0.5–20 μm range. For processes with rapid changes in particle concentration,the Fast MobilityParticle Sizer (FMPS) combines principles of electrostatic field mobility with concentration detection via electrometers 7, 8, 61 . It is essential tonote that different methods for PSD estimation provide complementarydata by measuring distinct physical characteristics of particles. For instance, comparing offline impactor techniques with DMA (SMPS) and OPC can reveal different interpretations of agglomerated nanoparticles in laser-generated aerosol. DMA measures physical diameters basedon mobilityinanelectrostatic field and may overestimate the volume-equivalent diameter for porous particles,impacting accurate mass determination. Incontrast, OPC assesses particle diameters basedon optical equivalent diameter,significantlyinfluencedbythe particles' optical properties 57 . If the optical properties of the measured material differ from the calibration standard (typically polystyrene latex spheres), the results can vary significantly, often underestimating the real particle sizes 49 . Therefore, when using any aerosol instrument, the user must be aware of the measurement method employed and consider its advantages and limitations in interpreting the data. It should also be noted that planning and conducting experiments to measure the size distribution and concentration of laser-generated particles pose significant challenges. This is particularly because the aerosol devices employed are primarily designed for measuring aerosols in air.As a result, the flow rates of the sampled gas, along with the concentrationand characteristics of the particles, differ considerably when these devices are adapted for use in laser ablation. These differences necessitate careful consideration and adaptation of experimental protocols to ensure accurate measurements in the context of laser-generated aerosols. An illustration of the plan and implementation of such an experiment, highlighting these specific challenges and adaptations, is demonstrated in Figure 8. Fig. 8. From experimental planning to implementation - measurement of aerosol properties in the Laboratory of Atomic Spectrochemistry. 2.4.3 Processing of the time-resolved ICP-MS signal The characteristic of the time-resolved signal of the measured isotope not only mirrors the original composition of the sample but also reflects the effects and changes that occur throughout the LA-ICP-MS measurement process.This includesthe interactionof the laser with the sample, the formation of solid particles, their transport, subsequent vaporization, and ionization, as well as the behaviour of these ions in the mass analyser and their detection. Consequently, careful processing of the measured data is crucial for achieving high-quality analytical results. Adetailedanalysis of the analytical signal can,for instance,identifythe degree of fractionation, as discussed in Chapter 2.3. This fractionation can then be compensated for using specialised evaluation software designed for LA-ICP-MS analyses 62 . The nature of the signal varies depending on the analytical requirements and,therefore,the establishedconditions.As a result, there will be differences in output between bulk analysis and spatially resolved analysis as already presented in Chapter 2.1. Signal progression also reveal undesirable sample inhomogeneities, which must be excluded from the results, as illustrated in Figure 1b. Furthermore, signal instability, indicative of changes in conditions during the analysis, should be corrected using a normalization method (internal standard, sum normalization…) 63 . Currently, data processing in LA-ICP-MS is facilitated by specialised software tailored to specific applications inthis field.This includes bothcommercial software options,suchas Iolite (Elemental Scientific) 64 or HDIP (Teledyne Photon Machines), and software initially developed for internal use in laboratories which has subsequently been made available to the public such as Ilaps designed in our laboratory 65 or LAtools 66 . 3 Parameters affecting the laser ablation process The laser-matter interaction is a complex process influenced by both the laser ablation conditions and the physical and chemical properties of the sample. Some laser parameters are dictated by the construction of the ablation system used (wavelength, pulse duration) and so their variabilitybecomes strongly dependent on the available experimental setup 67 . While the properties of samples are often challenging to alter, in some instances, modifications are possible, such as surface treatment or the addition of a binder to powder samples. Numerous studies have explored a varietyof laser ablation conditions andtheir combinations,contributing significantly to the understanding and definition of the very complex processes that occur duringlaser ablation sampling.Parameters that most affect ablationprocess are discussedinthe following chapters. 3.1 Laser wavelength It is generally accepted that shorter wavelengths are more suitable for LA-ICP-MS 13 due to higher photon energies, which are efficient at breaking bonds and ionizing the solid sample. The use of shorter wavelengths typically results in higher ablation rates and reduced fractionation 68 . This effect is particularly noticeable when ablating minerals or transparent glasses,where the better absorptionof shorter UV radiation comparedto longer wavelengths is significant. With shorter wavelengths, lateral resolution can be improved, detection limits can be lowered, and the application of LA can be expanded to different types of minerals 69 . Comparing different laser wavelengths usually entails using distinct ablationsystems,meaning that factors other thanjust the wavelengthmust be considered.These include variations inpulse duration, fluence, beam profile, laser light polarization, and the volume and shape of the ablationchamber. To isolate the influence of wavelength on the LA process, one approach is to use a single solid-state laser source (like a 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser) and generate higher harmonics (532 nm, 266 nm, 213 nm, 193 nm), keeping all other laser parameters constant. Studies focusing on the effect of wavelength on LA-ICP-MS attribute the reduction in fractionation effects with shorter wavelengths to the PSD. When applied to glass reference materials, a higher fraction of smaller particles in the aerosol was generated by exposure to shorter laser wavelengths. Since the incomplete vaporization of large particles in ICP is a primary source of elemental fractionation 70 ,the absence or reduced presence of particles larger than 200 nm when using 193 nm laser is reflected in more stable transient signals and smaller variations in intensity ratios, indicating reduced time-dependent elemental fractionation 4 . Many studies investigating the impact of laser wavelength have used NIST 61X series glass reference materials as samples, where the material’s transparency is a significant factor. Even within the UV region, reducing the wavelength is crucial for the ICP response and time- dependent fractionation. This is evident from Figure 9 which compares the fractionationindex (see definitionin Chapter 2.3) for 43 elements with respect to 42 Ca during the ablationof NIST 610 at wavelengths of 266 nm, 213 nm, and 193 nm. The FI was calculated from the intensity ratios of the second 30 s and first 30 s of one-minute ablation with a repetition of 4 Hz. A fractionation index of one indicates no time-dependent fractionation. Fig. 9. Fractionation index for 43 elements with respect to 42Ca for the ablation of NIST 610. Error bars represent the standard deviation (1σ) from 5 measurements for each wavelength 45. The applicabilityof these findings to other types of samples,beyond glass reference materials, has been verified, for example, with metallic, Fe-based materials 4 . Using a 193 nm excimer laser has been shown to significantly reduce the formation of particles larger than 150 nm, which are commonly present up to 350 nm when using a 266 nm Nd:YAG laser (as measured by OPS in the 65 nm - 1 µm range). Figure 10 illustrates the PSD for both types of lasers. Fig. 10. Normalised particle size distribution of the generated aerosol measured during LA of Fe-based samples: a) 193 nm UV-ns-(ArF*); b) 266 nm UV-ns-(Nd:YAG) 4 . 3.2 Laser pulse duration The pulse duration is a parameter that significantlyaffects the ablation process. However, it is an immutable characteristic,determinedbythe designof the laser system.Hence,this parameter is essentiallypredeterminedat the time of selectingor purchasinga laser setupfor LA-ICP-MS. Lasers are generally classified into three groups based on the pulse duration: nanosecond, picosecond, and femtosecond. Research consistentlyindicates that reducing the pulse duration positivelyaffects the accuracyandprecisionof analytical results 71 .This is because shorter laser pulses provide less time for thermal effects to induce fractionation. In femtosecondlaser ablation, the energy transfer occurs in two stages. The first stage happens in the initial few femtoseconds of the laser pulse, during which the sample's surface layer absorbs photons and undergoes photon ionizationprocesses,excitingthe electrons. The second stage lasts a few hundred femtoseconds to picoseconds and involves the transfer of absorbed energy to the lattice throughelectron-phononcoupling. This leads to thermal evaporationof the sample, known as 'strong ablation', or to the direct removal of heavy atoms and ions, termed 'soft ablation'.Both ablationprocesses can occur simultaneously,with the contributionof each depending on the laser intensity and the ablation thresholds of the sample 72 . Longer laser pulses, such as those in the nanosecond and picosecond ranges, increase the proportionof thermal effects, causingnon-stoichiometricablation(preferentialvaporizationof volatile components) 10, 37, 71, 73 . The heat transfer during these longer pulses results in material melting. The mechanical interaction between the molten liquid and plasma leads to the formation of large particles in the aerosol (up to units of micrometres), a process known as hydrodynamic sputtering. The extent of the hydrodynamic sputtering depends on the melt thickness creatingthe upper layer of the ablationcrater surface. Typically,greaterheat diffusion and lower fluences lead to increasedmelt thickness, thereby prolonging the solidificationtime and consequently enhancing fractionated evaporation and hydrodynamic sputtering. The thermal diffusivityof materials,suchas metal andglass,canresult ina melt layer approximately an order of magnitude thicker inmetals under fluences below 10 J cm−2 74 . The amount and size of the droplets formed depend on the thickness of the melt layer, and models of hydrodynamic sputtering have been developed for various ablation conditions 75 . An explanation for the reduction in fractionation when using a shorter pulse can be given by comparing PSD and particle composition. The direct removal of material in a gas phase leads to a gas-to-particle conversion, resulting in primary nanoparticles within the nucleation size range (< 30 nm) and their agglomerates,which can reach sizes of hundreds of nanometres 7, 8 . In contrast,particles createdbythermal effects and thermodynamic sputtering attain sizes of up to several micrometres and are typically characterised by spherical symmetry 4, 10, 37 . Alternative methods for measuringablatedparticles have shown that the chemical composition of these particles varies depending on their size and, consequently, their origin 10, 76 . Primary nanoparticles and their agglomerates are often enriched with more volatile components, whereas refractory components tend to accumulate in larger particles. This trend was also confirmed in cobalt-cemented tungsten carbide, a system comprising both high- and lowvolatile components. Large particles showed enrichment with tungsten, a less volatile element, while clusters of smaller particles exhibitedobvious depletionof W and enrichment of Co. The condensation of Co on larger spherical particles is also distinctly visible 10 . This situation is illustrated in Figure 11, where the 5x4 mm filter area is covered by network of nanoparticles, their clusters, and one large spherical particle. Figure 11a, captured using Back-scattered Electrons (BSE), shows the overall distribution, while Figures 11b-11d, obtained via Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (EDS), depict the elemental distribution within the particles. The EDS mapping highlights the evident accumulation of tungsten in spherical particles and the uniform distribution of cobalt in agglomerates. The original composition of the sample was (% wt): C 6.13, Co 3.33, Ta 1.03, Nb 0.42, and W 89.09. Fig. 11. The elemental distribution maps of particles collected from sample no. 1457HF3, measured on a 5 x 4 mm filter area; a) BSE picture of the particles on the filter, b) tungsten and c) cobalt detected in this area, and d) common map of major elements (W, Co, C, O) 10 . The employment of femtosecond(fs) laser pulses (fs-LA) enables the eliminationor significant reductionof micrometric-scale particle formation,a common occurrence with nanosecond (ns) pulses (ns-LA). The interaction mechanisms of fs-LA with a target are associated with a reductionin thermal effects, leadingto decreased material melting.For instance,during UV-fsLA of Fe-based sample,only nano-sizedagglomerates rangingfrom 50–250 nm were observed (Figure 12b), while UV-ns-LA generatedan aerosol showing a bimodal distributioncomposed of micro-sized molten spherical particles and nano-sized agglomerates (Figure 12a) 4 . Fig. 12. SEM images of the collected aerosol particles obtained for an Fe metal sample using: a) UV-ns(Nd:YAG)LA; b) UV-fs-(Ti-sapphire)LA. These images show the different kinds of transported particles observed for each laser system but are not representative of the total transported mass 4. Shortening the pulse duration can lead to a significant increase inthe accuracy and precisionof the analytical method. A case in point is the analysis of Fe-based samples using lasers with almost identical wavelengths but differing pulse durations (Nd:YAG 266 nm, 4 ns and Tisapphire 265 nm, 150 fs). Matrix-matched (within metallic samples) and non-matrix matched calibrations were employed for analysing Fe-based samples,using a silicate glass (SRM NIST 610) as non-matrix matched calibration sample (glass-metals). Notably, improved analytical results in terms of precision and accuracy were achieved using femtosecond laser ablation, particularly when using similar matrices for calibration. Furthermore, non-matrix matched calibrationemployedfor quantificationprovidedmore accurateresults (5–15% RSD) compared to UV-ns-LA-ICP-MS (5–30% RSD) 4 . For a comprehensive summaryof these results,refer to Table 2. Table 2 Elemental content values, relative standard deviations (n=6) and accuracy values (bias from reference content) found for SRM JK27A using matrix and non-matrix matched calibration. a) UV-ns (Nd:YAG)-LA-ICP-MS; b) UV-fs (Ti-sapphire)-LA-ICP-MS 4. 3.3 Laser fluence Fluence, defined as laser energy per unit area, significantly influences the nature of laser ablation sampling. It affects not only the amount of mass ablated but also the degree of fractionation. Unlike pulse duration, where shorter times are generally recommended, there is no universal guideline for settingfluence,and it must be carefullytailoredfor each sample. The appropriate fluence value depends on the combination of the sample properties (especially its absorption at the applied laser wavelength, thermal conductivity, and melting point) and laser parameters, such as wavelength, pulse duration, or spot size. Generally, samples that have higher optical transparency for the wavelength of the applied laser require higher fluence. However, highfluences for samples withhigh thermal conductivityandlowmeltingpoints may induce melting and splashing of the sample that might result in deviations from the expected element ratio 77 . This is especiallytrue when applying repeated pulses to the same spot, as the overall process also depends on the number of pulses used 14 . A different scenario arises when scanning the sample surface along a line. Here, by adjusting the crater size, scanning speed, and repetition rate, the degree of overlap of individual laser shots is selected. Consequently, laser ablation partly occurs on the previously ablated surface and partly on the untouched surface. It is possible to set a scanning speed where the craters do not overlap, meaning the molten surface of the sample does not affect subsequent pulses. Such a model was applied to the study 6 which demonstrates that the final representation of individual elements in the Al alloy sample varies based on the laser fluence used. Using higher fluences of ns laser reduces preferential vaporizationof volatile components. The change in the response of measured analytes persists even after the application of several pre-shots. In the case of metallic materials where extreme melting occurs, the composition may permanently change due to surface re-melting,especiallyat lower fluences. The experiment was performed Fig. 13. a) The total elemental representation (expressed as a percentage of sum of signal intensities) for BAM 311 sample with different surface roughness: 1 polished (14.0), 2 #2000 (73.0), 3 #1200 (190.0), 4 #500 (335.0), 5 #220 (875.7) and 6 #80 (2717.3); b) The image of a polished BAM 311 surface: EDX map of elemental distribution. Cu (red) and Mg (turquoise) form dendrites. Bi and Pb (green) are captured together in small inclusions within dendrites. Al (blue) is mainly contained in the space between them; c) SEM image of the polished BAM 311 sample surface ablated by 1 J cm-2 spot by spot of 110 μm diameter 6 . on the BAM 311 sample (composition in m/m %: Al 92 %, Cu 4.7 %, Pb 0.05 %, Bi 0.05 %, other elements ~ 3 %) prepared with different surface roughness to also demonstrate the effect of surface topography on laser ablation. The influence of surface properties on laser-matter interactionis a separate phenomenon,covered in Chapter 3.6. To illustrate the effect of fluence, compare the compositionof the ICP-MS response of individual analytes within columns 1 – 6 in Figure 13a, which represent the same sample with varying surface topography. Focusing on column 1, corresponding to the polished sample (preparation of surfaces by the usual procedure), a substantial change in the composition of the registered signal with increasing fluence is evident. Lower fluences lead to higher representation of volatile components (especially Pb and Bi), which are present in the sample in minor quantities compared to aluminium, the predominant element in the alloy. This can be explainedby two factors.Firstly, the different physical properties of elements: Pb and Bi are extremely volatile with melting points of 207ºC for Pb and 271ºC for Bi. Secondly, their distribution within the matrix differs from other elements. Figure 13b shows that the alloy exhibits a dendritic structure that was created during the unidirectional solidification process. Due to different melting points and solidification ratios of elements, the dendrites are enriched with Cu, Bi and Pb. Although globally homogeneous, this dendritic structure introduces micro-heterogeneity to the sample, creating regions with varying melting and boiling points or optical properties, potentially causing fractionation. This effect is most pronounced at low fluences, where preferential ablation occurs primarily in the areas of dendrites, as illustrated in Figure 13c. Irrespective of the sample properties, fluence remains one of the most critical variable parameters in laser ablation. Optimizing fluence is essential to achieve precise (minimal fractionation effect) and accurate (sufficient mass ablated) analytical results. The appropriate fluence value is primarilyrelatedto the sample matrix,laser pulse duration, and the number of applied pulses. 3.4 Ablation mode and spot size In LA-ICP-MS, two ablation modes are commonly used. The first is the spot ablation mode, where a specific number of laser pulses are repeatedlydirectedat a single point. The number of pulses can varybased on the nature of the analysis,rangingfrom a single pulse (known as single pulse ablation) to hundreds or even thousands of pulses. These pulses generate the aerosol necessary for trace analysis from that specific area or to create a depth profile. The second frequentlyused mode is the scanning mode, where the sample is moved at a predefinedspeed, typicallylinearly.The combination of the set laser repetition rate and spot size with this speed determines the degree of overlap between individual pulses. It has been observed that the settings of the ablation mode can significantly influence the formation of aerosols and, consequently, the resulting analytical signal. For instance, in spot ablation, the spot size impacts not only the quantity of generated particles but also their size distribution 7 .Whenmonitoringparticles generatedbyspot ablationwith a ns laser on the SRM NIST 610 sample, a shift in PSD peak, correspondingtothe nucleationof nanoparticles (around 10-20 nm), was noted towards larger sizes with increasingapplied spot diameter (Figure 14a). This shift is attributed to the greater amount of material evaporated. The second peak in the PSD, indicative mostly of the coagulation/agglomerationof primarynanoparticles (at 190 nm), remains constant inpositionirrespective of the spot size,although the concentrationof particles changes.As anticipated,the particle concentrationof all sizes escalates with an enlarging spot. Fig. 14. a) EEPS particle size distribution graphs (average of 80 s spot ablation) for different spot sizes, the error bars indicate standard deviation of 5 measurements; b) Distribution map for temporal behaviour of particle number concentration in individual size channels for spot size of 85 μm. The particle concentration scale is shown to the right of the graph dN/dlog(dp) (particles cm−3 ) 7 . In Figure 14b, temporal changes in the PSD during spot ablation with an 85 µm spot size are depicted. There is a noticeable increase in the production of particles with diameter (Dm) of approximately 190 nm within the first 10 seconds of spot laser ablation. The production of primary nanoparticles begins roughly 20 seconds after the start of ablation, corresponding to 200 pulses applied. Furthermore,the number concentrationof particles with Dm < 50 nm rises as the crater becomes deeper. Such behaviour at the start of surface layer ablation is consistent with the theory that nanoparticles are scavenged by larger particles originatingfrom the intact material surface.As the crater deepens, the production of larger particles decreases 78 , leading to a relative increase in the concentration of smaller nanoparticles. Overall, the dynamics of spot ablation change continuously during the ablation process. The temporal record of PSD for spot ablation reveals differences in laser interaction with the original sample surface compared to a layer of material alteredby preceding laser pulses. This phenomenon is also observable for the scanning mode of laser ablation, specificallyregarding the degree of laser spot overlap, i.e., the ratio of original to already ablated material within a single pulse.At the same laser repetitionrate,this means that slower scanningspeeds will more closelyresemble spot ablation.This was confirmed using SRM NIST 610 for spot ablationand various scanning speeds, all employing an 85 µm spot size and a 10 Hz repetitionrate (Figure 15a) 7 . Slower scanning speeds led to an increased production of primary nanoparticles and a closer resemblance tospot ablation,where the sample remains static. The peakfor agglomerated particles consistentlyremains at 190 nm across different speeds, mirroringthe findings in spot ablation. Figure 15b illustrates that the ablation process in line scan mode is more stable compared to spot ablation mode. In the case of a scan speed of 40 μm s-1 , the scan ablation stabilizes after the initial 10 seconds. Fig. 15. a)EEPS particle size distribution graphs (average of 80 s spot ablation) for different scan speeds, the error bars indicate standard deviation of 5 measurements; b) Distribution map for temporal behaviour of particle number concentration in individual size channels for scan speed of 40 μm s−1. The particle concentration scale is shown to the right of each graph dN/dlog(dp) (particles cm−3) 7. When comparing spot and line scanning ablation modes using the APS instrument, capable of measuring PSD in the range of 540 nm - 17 µm, it was found that line scan ablation produces up to 10 times more particles in this size range, as evidenced in Figure 16 for 85 µm spot ablationvs. scanning ablationat a speed of 40 µm s-1 . Such an increase in large particles causes a considerable rise in the overall volume of the sampled material introduced into the ICP, thereby enhancing the response of measured analytes in line scan ablation mode 7 . Differences in aerosol PSD between spot and line scan ablation have also been the subject of another study 8 , which further explores the comparison of particle formation relative to the sample matrix. This aspect will be discussed in greater detail in the subsequent chapter. Fig. 16. Particle size distribution by Aerodynamic Particle Sizer for spot ablation mode (85 μm) and line scan (40 μm s−1 ) of SRM NIST 610; the error bars indicate standard deviation of 5 measurements 7 . 3.5 Sample matrix The laser-matter interaction is significantly influenced by the sample's physical and chemical properties.These include, for example, the absorption coefficient,which determines the extent of laser energy absorption at a specific wavelength, the thermal conductivity of the sample affecting heat transfer, and the degree of plasma shielding, which refers to the attenuation of incoming laser radiation 79 . Conversely, laser irradiation can substantially alter the sample's optical and thermo-physical properties,leadingto changes in surface reflectivity,electricaland thermal conductivity, surface tension, and latent heat of vaporization. Depending on the sample matrix,there is a specific interactionbetween laser radiationand the formation of aerosol particles, occurring predominantly through two fundamental processes. Firstly, the aerosol is formed via a gas-to-particle conversion process, typically resulting in smaller particle sizes. Studies investigatingparticle formationhave revealed that nanoparticles produced by vapor nucleationare generallysmaller than100 nm (subject to variations basedon laser and sample parameters) before cluster agglomerationcommences 80 .Detailedobservation of nanoparticle formation is challenging due to the irregular shapes and undefined density of the clusters they form. Secondly, the aerosol is formed through heat transfer processes that cause material melting, followed by liquid-plasma interaction, leading to the creation of larger particles in the aerosol through hydrodynamic sputtering. The extent of hydrodynamic sputtering is dependent on the thickness of the molten layer forming the upper part of the ablation crater surface. Increased heat diffusion and lower fluences typically result in a thicker melt layer, extending the solidificationtime andenhancingfractionatedevaporationandhydrodynamic sputtering 74 .The thickness of this melt layer is a determining factor for the quantity and size of the generated droplets. For example, the thermal diffusivity difference in materials such as metals and glass can lead to a melt layer about an order of magnitude thicker in metals under fluences below 10 J cm−2 74 . This principle is influenced not only by the sample matrix but also by the parameters of the laser radiation, particularly wavelength and pulse duration. Some observations have been able to approximately delineate particle formation during the condensation process using ns lasers. Commonly, two size distribution modes are observed 75, 81 . The size of particles inthe primarymode is mainly influencedby the ablationmode 7, 8 , with smaller sizes noted for line ablation,and is largely independent of the type of ablated material. This is attributed to a similar mechanism of primary particle formation across all materials, involving evaporation followed by the condensation of vapours, under conditions set by the laser ablation setup (includinglaser settings,carrier gas, etc.). In contrast,the size of particles in the accumulation mode is material-dependent, as illustrated in Figure 17 when comparing metal andglass. Notably,for SRM NIST 610, the accumulationmode of the PSD shifts tolarger sizes (200 and 220 nm for spot and line ablation, respectively) compared to steel F4 material (120 and 160 nm for spot and line ablation, respectively) for both ablation modes. Fig. 17. Average PSD for laser ablation of different materials (glass NIST610 and steel F4) and different ablation modes (measured by EEPS). Ablation conditions: ns laser (193 nm), 110 µm spot size, 8 J cm-2 , 10 Hz, scan speed of 20 µm s-1 8 . Furthermore,the overall size distributionexhibits lower concentrations for the ablationof steel material. The greater tendency of SRM NIST 610 for clustering compared to steel F4 was confirmedthrough particle observation using TEM, as illustrated in Figure 18. NIST 610 was observed to predominantly form clusters consisting of a single type of particle, whereas F4 produced two distinct particle types. The large spherical particles, characteristic of hydrodynamic sputtering of the liquid layer, can reach sizes of up to several micrometres. Fig. 18. TEM image of particles produced by spot ns laser ablation (193 nm, 110 µm spot size, 8 J cm-2, 10 Hz) a) SRM NIST 610, b) steel F4 8. Although the quantity of particles generated by hydrodynamic sputtering may seem insignificant compared to the total number of particles, their considerable size - up to several micrometres - means that they constitute a significant portionof the total aerosol volume. Both the quantityand size of these particles are influenced not only by the laser ablationparameters but also significantly by the material's matrix. This is particularly evident when comparing different materials under identical ablation conditions. Figure 19 shows PSD in the size range of 0.25–2.5 μm, encompassing the entire range for particles produced by hydrodynamic sputtering 9 . Three materials with different matrices are presented: metal (steel),metal-ceramic (Co-cemented tungsten carbide hardmetal),and non-metal (glass) sample. In the steel sample, the highest number concentration of particles is observed, along with the presence of particles reaching the largest sizes. In contrast, the glass sample exhibits the smallest particles in the lowest concentrations. This variation is linked to the thermal conductivity of the samples; a higher thermal conductivity leads to the formation of a thicker molten material layer on the surface, serving as a source for material sputtering. The extent of thermal effects on a sample can be evaluated by examining the structure and dimensions of the ablation crater. Significant melting of the sample becomes apparent through the characteristics of the crater's bottom, its rim, and the particles deposited around it. These features can be observed using a confocal microscope or profilometer,or through electron microscope imagery as shown in Figure 5. Figure 20 presents a comparative analysis of two ablation craters created under identical conditions but on different material types. The SRM NIST610 glass produces a regular crater, devoid of signs of a molten bottom or an expanded rim, and the resultant particles resemble agglomerates of primary nanoparticles (Figure 20a, c). Conversely, a metal sample displays pronounced melting, especially evident at the crater's rim and bottom, as well as in the abundance of deposited particles (Figure 20b, d). These particles are indicative of thermodynamic sputtering of the melt. Additionally, they serve as 'traps' for capturing primary particles, reducing the efficiency of particle transport to the ICP. The process of matrix unification effectively reduces the disparities in ablation mechanisms amongdifferent samples.This effect was clearlydemonstratedina studyinvolvingCo-tungsten carbide precursor powder samples 11 .For laser ablation,these samples were preparedas pressed pellets,either without a binder or using silver as botha binder and a matrixunifier.The analysis focusingon particle formationandablationcratercharacteristics highlightedthe significant role played by the matrix unifier. Notably, it led to a reduction in variations in the total particle concentrationamong the samples, with the relative standard deviation (RSD) decreasing from 46% to 19%, as shown in Figure 21. Similarly, the disparities in the volumes of the ablation craters were also minimised, with the RSD dropping from 36% to 16% 11 . Fig. 19. Particle size distribution graph measured by optical aerosol spectrometer Welas® for large spherical particles (Cocemented tungsten carbide sample no. 3648 K, steel no. 54666, and glass no. U12) 9. Fig. 20. SEM of the ablation craters after 100 pulses a) NIST 610, b) steel F4 and detail of deposited particles c) NIST 610, d) steel F4 8 . Fig. 21. Total concentration of particles (10 nm–17 µm) formed during the laser ablation of non-matrixunified (without binder) and matrix-unified (with Ag binder) Co-tungsten carbide samples. The errorbars signify the standard deviation of three parallel measurements of each sample 11 . 3.6 Sample surface While the intrinsic chemical and physical properties of a sample are typically unalterable, its surface - which directlyinteracts with laser radiation - can often be modifiedprior to analysis. There are exceptions,such as porous samples,biological specimens,cultural heritage artefacts, or powdered materials.A standard approach to sample preparation involves surface polishing using diamond paste to achieve a smooth finish. Research has demonstrated that intentional surface treatments, aimed at modifying optical or thermal characteristics, can enhance the analytical performance of LA-based techniques. For example, roughening the sample surface can amplify the LA-ICP-MS signal. This enhancement is attributedto decreased material reflectivityandincreased energy transfer from the laser pulse through the material's sharp edges 6 . In the referenced study, certified glass standard reference material (SRM) NIST 610 and aluminium alloy standard BAM 311 (BAM, Germany) were utilised as samples. Different levels of surface roughness were achieved through wet grinding or polishing with various silicon carbide papers (ranging from #80 to #2000) or diamond pastes of 3 μm and 1 μm. The resultingsurface roughness values for these samples are listed in Table 3. Table 3 Surface roughness measured by an optical 3D microscope for samples with different grinding set up 6 . The LA-ICP-MS response for measured isotopes was assessed across different fluences (1, 3, 5, 10, and 13 J cm-2 ). Each measurement was carried out as a "spot by spot" (no pulse overlap) line scan of 5 mm length and 10 repetitions. The average counts per second (cps) for each isotope were calculatedalongwiththe standarddeviation(SD). Subsequently,these values were compared across isotopes and varying fluences. By comparing the cps of samples with specific roughness against those of polished samples,changes in signal response were estimated. As the ratio between cps of samples with specific surface roughness and the cps of polished samples exceeded one in most cases, it is referred to as 'enhancement'. The correlation between enhancement and surface roughness is depicted in Figure 22. Fig. 22. The ratio between cps of samples with specific surface roughness and the cps of polished samples for selected isotopes as a function of surface roughness a) BAM 311; b) NIST 610 6 . a b Beyond the effect of fluence, surface roughness contributed significantly to signal enhancement. Higher analytical ICP-MS signals for measured isotopes suggest an increase in ion production from the aerosol.This aerosol formed by the interactionof the laser pulses with the sample, caneither be larger in volume or have a different structural composition. Toquantify the total mass generated by LA, a DustTrack DrX monitor was used. It measured the aerosol mass produced from ablating both a polished sample and a sample with #220 roughness (exhibiting the highest enhancement) across various fluences (1, 3, 5, 10, and 13 J cm-2 ) for both material types. The analysis revealed that the Al alloy sample with #220 roughness generated an increase in aerosol mass exceeding an order of magnitude, achieving up to fifty times the mass compared to the polished sample. In contrast, NIST 610 demonstrated an increase in aerosol production by less than an order of magnitude (as shown in Table 4). These results are consistent with the signal enhancement observed for both materials, validating that samples with higher surface roughness produce a larger mass of aerosol particles. Table 4 Ablated mass [mg m-3 ] during laser ablation with various fluencies (1, 3, 5, 10 and 13 J cm-2 ) and reflectivity of polished sample and sample #220 (with the highest enhancement in case of alloy) 6 . Another approach to enhance analyte signals involves applying metal nanoparticles to the sample surface, a technique referred to as NE-LA-ICP-MS (Nanoparticle-Enhanced Laser Ablation InductivelyCoupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) 5 . In experiments using Aluminium alloyAW 2030 as the model sample (with a compositionby weight %: 92% Al, 3.9% Cu, 1.2% Pb, 0.8% Mg, 0.6% Mn, and 0.1% Fe), the application of metal nanoparticles in the form of dried droplets led to a significant amplification of the analyte signal, as shown in Figure 23. This enhancement exceeded two orders of magnitude while reducing the detectionlimits by an order of magnitude. The extent of signal amplification was observed to vary with the applied fluence. Table 5 presents a comparative analysis of detection limits for various fluences, contrasting the clean surface of aluminium alloy AW 2030 with a surface coated with 40 nm AgNPs. The observed improvements on metallic targets might suggest a role for surface plasmon resonance and an intensificationof the electric field between the nanoparticles (NPs) and the surface 82 . However, the ICP-MS signal increases monotonously with the surface NP concentration, which is atypical for surface plasmon resonance, where emission usually decreases beyond a critical NP concentration.Anexaminationof the ablation craters revealed that the presence of nanoparticles does not necessarily lead to increased material removal but does alter the crater's structure. Figure 24a illustrates the contrast between a crater formedby a single laser pulse (213 nm, 100 μm diameter, with fluence of 4.5 J cm−2 ) at the boundary of a clean sample surface and an area with drieddroplets containing 40 nm AgNPs. The presence of NPs appears to result in smoother ablation craters with less material splashing. This observation led to the hypothesis of potential variations in aerosol structure, later confirmed by a study showing different particle size distributions between a polished sample surface and a surface coated with gold nanoparticles of various sizes 12 . When employingthe NE-LA-ICP-MS method, a larger proportionof smaller particles (<30 nm) was produced, at the expense of particles around 100 nm and larger (Figure 24b). This phenomenoncan be attributedtotwo mainfactors: firstly,different clusteringmechanisms employed by the two methods; and secondly, reduced thermal effects during NE-LA, leading to fewer large spherical particles typicallyformedby the solidificationof sprayed sample melt, a process known as hydrodynamic sputtering. The experimental findings conclusively demonstrate that the NE-LA-ICP-MS methodproduces a higher proportion of smaller particles (<30 nm) in comparison to conventional LA-ICP-MS, approaching an ideal monodisperse aerosol that can be efficiently vaporized in the ICP. This discovery provides a foundation for future research aimedat developing strategies to reduce the undesirable effects of fractionation in LA. Fig. 23. a) Photograph of the ablated area with a dried droplet of 40 nm AgNPs and craters on the aluminium alloy (AW 2030) sample for a fluence of 4.5 J cm−2; and ICP-MS intensity maps with xy cross-sections for analyte b) Mg; c) Ag; and d) Pb 5 . Table 5 LODs (μg g−1 ) for different fluences (J cm−2 ) without and with 40 nm AgNPs on the sample surface (comparing LA-ICP-MS and NE-LA-ICP-MS methods) 5 Fig. 24. a) Crater image by SEM-BSE for a fluence of 4.5 J cm−2 on the interface of the droplet with 40 nm AgNPs (right) and the surface without NPs (left) 5 ; b) Particle size distribution measured by EEPS (5.6–560 nm, arbitrary concentration units) of LA and NE-LA aerosol using different sizes of nanoparticles for fluences 1 J cm-2 12 . 4 Conclusion and outlook This habilitation thesis comprehensively deals with the sampling of solid materials by laser ablationfor mass spectrometrywithinductivelycoupledplasma (LA-ICP-MS) emphasizingthe prevalent application of the most used nanosecond lasers. It seeks to contribute to the elucidationof the complex dynamics between the laser pulse and the sample. It indicates how numerous parameters, such as laser wavelength, pulse duration, fluence, ablation mode, scan speed, and laser beam size, as well as physical and chemical properties - especially the matrix and surface - critically affect this interaction. The researchincluded in the habilitation thesis shows that the use of shorter laser wavelengths, specifically the reductionfrom 266nm to 193 nm, significantlylimits the formationof particles larger than 150 nm during the ablationof metal samples.This finding underscores the potential for improved precision in particle size control during aerosol generation. The study further shows that the duration of the laser pulses significantly affects the thermal dynamics during ablation. Longer pulses in the nanosecond and picosecond range enhance non-stoichiometric ablationdue to preferential evaporationof volatile components,resultinginsignificant material melting.This moltenmaterial mechanicallyinteracts withthe plasma,leadingtothe production of larger particles by hydrodynamic sputtering and thereby affecting the particle size distribution and composition of the aerosol. The use of femtosecond laser pulses has been shown to be helpful in mitigating microparticle formation - a prevalent problem with longer nanosecondpulses - by reducingthermal effects andminimizingmaterial melting.This advance in pulsed laser ablation not only refines aerosol particle sizes, but also increases the analytical accuracy and precision of the LA-ICP-MS method. In addition, adjustments in the fluence and ablation mode are shown to play a pivotal role. Higher fluences with nanosecond lasers reduce preferential evaporation of volatiles on metal samples, independent of surface topography. The findings also confirm that the setting of the ablation mode, especiallythe spot size in spot ablation or the scan speed in scanning ablation, significantlyaffects the particle size distributionand thus directly affects the analytical signal. This work further confirmedthat matrixandsample surface modificationsare keytooptimizing the laser-matter interaction. Surface treatments such as roughening, or deposition of metal nanoparticles can significantlyaffect the amount and size of produced particles due to changes in the optical and thermal properties of the surface. These modifications not only enhance the analytical signal, but also substantially reduce the detection limits. The work underlines the basic factors influencingthe course of laser-matter interactionandthe formationof sample aerosol usingmethods suchas diagnostics of ablationcraters,measurement of aerosol particle size and concentration, and analysis of analytical signals. Other parameters such as carrier gas type and flow rate, ablation cell geometry and laser repetition rate are certainly very important, and all these factors require thorough optimization for accurate and precise application of the LA-ICP-MS method. In conclusion, the LA-ICP-MS technique is in a state of constant development. The move to shorter-wavelength,shorter-pulse lasers is designedto alleviate fractionationissues,alongwith the development of new calibrationstandards and advanced results processingthat account for factors such as fractionation, matrixeffects,and sample inhomogeneities. These advancements propel the method towards faster analyses, enhanced spatial resolution, reduced detection limits,and expanded applicability. The methodis increasinglyused not only for the analysis of trace elements,but also for the precise determinationof the isotopic ratioand the identification and quantification of proteins after their labelling. 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Paper 1…………………………………………………………………….………….…...…..52 Paper 2……………………………………………..………………………………....…...…..68 Paper 3………………………………………………………………………………..…...…..78 Paper 4……………………………………………………………………………….…....…..90 Paper 5……………………………………………………………………………….…....…..99 Paper 6……………………………………………………………………………….…...….107 Paper 7…………………………………………………………………………….....…...….117 Paper 8…………………………………………………………………………...…..…...….127 Paper 9…………………………………………………………………………………....….140 Paper 10..………………………………………………………….………...……….…...….151 Paper 11…………………………………………………………………………………..….161 Paper 12………………………………………………………………………………......….168 Trace element signatures of uraninite controlled by fluid-rock interactions: A case study from the Eastern Moldanubicum (Bohemian Massif) Wertich, V.*, Kubeš, M., Leichmann, J., Holá, M., Haifler, J., Mozola, J., Hršelová, P., Jaroš, M. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 2022, 243, 107111. DOI 10.1016/j.gexplo.2022.107111 Contribution: LA-ICP-MS design of experiments and measurements, data evaluation, participation in manuscript writing. Possibilities of LA-ICP-MS technique for the spatial elemental analysis of the recent fish scales: Line scan vs. depth profiling Holá, M., Kalvoda, J.*, Nováková, H., Škoda, R., Kanický Applied Surface Science. 2011, 257(6), 1932-1940. DOI 10.1016/j.apsusc.2010.09.029 Contribution: LA-ICP-MS design of experiments and measurements, data evaluation, participation in manuscript writing. Dual imaging of uranium ore by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Holá, M., Novotný, K.*, Dobeš, J., Krempl, I., Wertich, V., Mozola, J., Kubeš, M., Faltusová, V., Leichmann, J., Kanický Spectrochimica Acta Part B. 2021, 186, 106312. DOI 10.1016/j.sab.2021.106312 Contribution: LA-ICP-MS design of experiments and measurements, data evaluation, graphic processing, manuscript writing. Quantitative analysis of Fe-based samples using ultraviolet nanosecond and femtosecond laser ablation-ICP-MS Možná, V., Pisonero, J.*, Holá, M., Kanický, V., Günther, D. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 2006, 21(11), 1194–1201. DOI 10.1039/b606988f Contribution: Student supervision, consultation (the work was developed at ETH Zurich). Feasibility of Nanoparticle-Enhanced Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Holá, M., Salajková,Z., Hrdlička,A., Pořízka,P., Novotný,K., Čelko, L., Šperka,P., Prochazka,D., Novotný, J., Modlitbová, P., Kanický, Kaiser, J. Analytical Chemistry. 2018, 90(20), 11820–11826. DOI 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b01197 Contribution: Design of experiments, LA-ICP-MS measurements, data evaluation, manuscript writing. Influence of sample surface topography on laser ablation process Salajková, Z.*, Holá, M., Prochazka, D., Ondráček, J., Pavliňák, D., Čelko, L., Gregar, F., Šperka, P., Pořízka, P., Kanický, De Giacomo, A., Kaiser, J. Talanta 222 (2021) 121512, DOI 10.1016/j.talanta.2020.121512 Contribution: LA-ICP-MS design of experiments and measurements, data evaluation, manuscript writing. Online monitoring of nanoparticles formed during nanosecond laser ablation Nováková, H., Holá, M.*, Vojtíšek-Lom, M., Ondráček, J., Kanický, V. Spectrochimica Acta Part B. 2016, 125, 52–60. DOI 10.1016/j.sab.2016.09.017 Contribution: LA-ICP-MS and aerosol design ofexperiments and measurements,data evaluation,studyingof ablation craters and the particle structure, manuscript writing, corresponding author. The influence of material properties on highly time resolved particle formation for nanosecond laser ablation Holá, M.*, Ondráček, J., Nováková, H., Vojtíšek-Lom, M., Hadravová, R., Kanický, V. Spectrochimica Acta Part B. 2018, 148, 193–204, DOI 10.1016/j.sab.2018.07.001 Contribution: LA-ICP-MS and aerosol design ofexperiments and measurements,data evaluation,studyingof ablation craters and the particle structure, manuscript writing, corresponding author. Influence of physical properties and chemical composition of sample on formation of aerosol particles generated by nanosecond laser ablation at 213 nm Holá, M.*, Konečná, V., Mikuška, P., Kaiser, J., Kanický, V. Spectrochimica Acta Part B. 2010, 65(1), 51–60. DOI 10.1016/j.sab.2009.11.003 Contribution: LA-ICP-MS and aerosol design ofexperiments and measurements,data evaluation,studyingof ablation craters and the particle structure, manuscript writing, corresponding author. Study of aerosols generated by 213 nm laser ablation of cobalt-cemented hard metals Holá, M.*, Konečná, V., Mikuška, P., Kaiser, J.*, Páleníková, K., Průša, S., Hanzlíková, R., Kanický, V. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 2008, 23(10), 1341–1349. DOI 10.1039/B802906G Contribution: LA-ICP-MS and aerosol design ofexperiments and measurements,data evaluation,studyingof ablation craters and the particle structure, manuscript writing, corresponding author. Tungsten carbide precursors as an example for influence of a binder on the particle formation in the nanosecond laser ablation of powdered materials Holá, M.*, Mikuška, P., Hanzlíková, R., Kaiser, J., Kanický, V. Talanta. 2010, 80(5), 1862–1867. DOI 10.1016/j.talanta.2009.10.035 Contribution: LA-ICP-MS design of experiments and measurements, data evaluation, studying of ablation craters, trappingparticles on the filter and studyingthe particle structure,manuscript writing, corresponding author. The effect of nanoparticle presence on aerosol formation during nanoparticleenhanced laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry Holá, M., Salajková,Z., Hrdlička, A.*, M., Ondráček, J., Novotný, K., Pavliňák,D., Vojtíšek-Lom, M., Čelko, L., Pořízka, P., Kanický, V., Prochazka, D., Novotný, J., Kaiser, J. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 2020, 35(12), 2893-2900. DOI 10.1039/d0ja00324g Contribution: LA-ICP-MS design of experiments and measurements, data evaluation, studying of ablation craters, trappingparticles on the filter and studyingthe particle structure,manuscript writing.