Annex 7: Habilitation thesis reviewer's report Masaryk University Faculty Habilitation field Faculty of Informatics, MU Informatics Applicant Unit Habilitation thesis Fotios Liarokapis Ph.D. Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University, Brno Interactive Virtual and Augmented Reality Environments Reviewer Unit Professor Andrew Ware Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science, University of South Wales, United Kingdom Reviewer's report (extent of text up to the reviewer) The thesis covers areas that form part of the vanguard of computer science research and has impact on both the scope and means by which users interact with the technology. The document is well structured and clearly articulates the contribution that the Author has made to the development of Interactive Virtual and Augmented Reality Environments. The Candidate has through a sustained and enviable track record of publications in both journal and peer reviewed conferences, covering several discreet research areas, demonstrated a versatility of thought process and an ability to cross reference ideas. Moreover, the Candidate (in his Curriculum Vitae) has demonstrated that he has the ability to supervise research at masters and PhD level, which he has already done so successfully. All aspects of the work covered (from Virtual and Augmented Reality through to the application areas of Crowd Modelling and Serious Games) have resulted in publications that are of credit to the Candidate. The citation lists for the Candidate's publications are testament to the timeliness and value of his contribution. Moreover, in the areas that he has contributed there is ample material for further development and all areas provide potential subject matter for not only further individual research but have the scope for the Candidate to become involved in the formulation and supervision of future PhD level research projects. In the UK at least, some of the areas covered by the research interests of the candidate (in particular Virtual and Augmented Reality, together with Serious Games) are beginning to find their way into mainstream Computer Science degrees as well as informing more niche market course that are both credit bearing (such as degrees in Computer Games Development) and those that are shorter Continuing Professional Development type offerings. Reviewer's questions for the habilitation thesis defence (number of questions up to the reviewer) Question:- One area that could have usefully have been covered in more detail within the application is the securing of funding for research. It might be useful to pursue this with the candidate as his work is not only eminently publishable but, if packaged right, has the credibility and applicability to attract funding from industry and business. Questions:- While the range of research covered in the thesis is admirable, the viability of sustaining such a wide range of research should be questioned. This is not to say that the Candidate should in anyway be discouraged from the path that he is on but merely to check that he has thought through his future plans and ideas. Conclusion The habilitation thesis submitted by Fotios Liarokapis entitled "Interactive Virtual and Augmented Reality Environments " meets the requirements applicable to habilitation theses in the field of Informatics. In United Kingdom on 4 August 2015 Andrew Ware (signature)