Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University Czech Republic Stochastic Real-Time Systems: Parameter Synthesis and Games Habilitation Thesis (Collection of Articles) Vojtěch Řehák November 2018 Abstract This thesis surveys the author's contributions to the area of models for stochastic realtime systems. Two fundamental concepts meet in this models — probability and realtime. The probabilistic behavior is here deeply connected with time in (continuous) probability distributions on the waiting times spent in the states of the models. Moreover, we study not only the analysis of such models but also the synthesis of some unspecified parameters. Hence, we extend the models with the third concept — non-determinism. In other words, instead of checking whether the model is correct (i.e., satisfies a given specification), we are computing particular model parameters such that the final model with these parameters is (nearly) optimal. Some of the results are delivered for game extensions, where part of the nondeterminism is solved by synthesis, and the remaining part is considered to be driven by an antagonistic opponent. The thesis is structured as a collection of ten conference papers and one workshop paper, and an accompanying commentary. The commentary aims to highlight the most important results and to explain the "research flow" with the significant connections between the results. The contribution of the thesis author to the particular papers in the collection is expressed in the list of the included papers at the end of the commentary part. iii iv Abstrakt Habilitační práce přehledně popisuje autorův vědecký přínos v oblasti modelů pravděpodobnostních systémů se spojitým časem. V těchto modelech se setkávají dva základní modelovací koncepty — pravděpodobnost a spojitý čas. V našem případě jsou tyto dva koncepty velmi úzce propojeny, protože uvažujeme systémy, kde pravděpodobnost je definována na časech setrvání v jednotlivých stavech modelu. Navíc tyto modely pouze neanalyzujeme, ale naším cílem je i syntetizovat parametry, které nejsou přesně určeny. Tím se v modelech vyskytuje i třetí koncept — nedeterminismus. Jinými slovy, namísto kontroly, zda je model správný (tj. splňuje danou specifikaci), vypočítáváme konkrétní hodnoty pro neurčené parametry modelu tak, aby výsledný model byl optimální. Některé výsledky přinášíme pro herní rozšíření, kde část neurčených parametrů je řešena syntézou optimálních hodnot a zbývající část je mimo naši kontrolu. V takovém případě se tradičně uvažuje nejhorší možný případ; představujeme si tedy, že zbývající parametry nastavuje nepřítel, který se nám snaží uškodit. Práce je strukturována jako soubor deseti konferenčních článků a jednoho seminárního článku doplněný o komentář. Cílem komentáře je zdůraznit nejdůležitější výsledky a vysvětlit postup výzkumných prací s případnými vazbami mezi jednotlivými výsledky. Přínos autora habilitační práce k dosažení prezentovaných výsledků je vyjádřen v seznamu přiložených článků na konci komentáře. v vi Acknowledgments First of all, I would like to thank all my colleagues for constant willingness to discuss any problem. I really appreciate the fruitful and long-lasting collaboration, where the main focus is concentrated on obtaining correct and valuable results. Special thanks go to co-authors of the papers included in this collection, namely to Christel Baier, Tomáš Brázdil, Clemens Dubslaff, Adrian Farmadin, Holger Hermanns, Luboš Korenčiak, Jan Krčál, Jan Křetínský, Antonín Kučera, and Petr Novotný. Last but not least, I thank my wife Kateřina, daughter Barbora, and all the family for their constant support, tolerance, infinite patience, and love. vii viii Contents I Commentary 1 1 Introduction 3 1.1 Motivation Example .............................. 4 1.2 Outline...................................... 4 2 Preliminaries 5 2.1 Generalized Semi-Markov Processes and Their Subclasses........ 5 2.2 Performance Measures and Rewards..................... 7 2.3 Decision Processes and Games ........................ 8 2.3.1 Unspecified Transition Distributions ("where")........... 8 2.3.2 Unspecified Event-Time Distributions ("when").......... 9 3 Related Modeling Formalisms 11 3.1 Queues...................................... 11 3.2 Stochastic Variants of Petri Nets........................ 12 3.3 Stochastic Timed Automata.......................... 13 3.4 Process Algebraic Approach.......................... 15 4 Thesis contribution 17 4.1 Analysis of Generalized Semi-Markov Processes.............. 17 4.2 Generalized Semi-Markov Games....................... 18 4.3 Interactive Markov Chains........................... 19 4.4 Synthesis of Delays in fdCTMC........................ 20 4.4.1 Delay Synthesis for Expected Accumulated Reward Objective . . 21 4.4.2 Delay Synthesis for Long-Run Average Reward Objective .... 22 4.4.3 Follow-up Work ............................ 22 4.5 MDP with Resilient Control.......................... 22 5 Papers in Collection 25 6 Bibliography 29 ix x Parti Commentary Chapter 1 Introduction For successful application of up-to-date mathematical techniques to a real-life problem, we usually need to build a mathematical model of the reality. On this model, the mathematical computation is proceeded, and the obtained results are consequently interpreted back in the original setting of the real-life problem. To acquire reasonable outcomes, we need to work with mathematical models that reflect the crucial parameters of the modeled reality. Here, we are facing the essential problem of modeling. On the one hand, the more accurate (closer to reality) mathematical model we are using, the more relevant results we obtain. On the other hand, the more accurate models we produce, the more demanding computations we need to apply. Hence, the goal is to balance between the traps lurking in the extremes — the too imprecise models that lead to easily achievable results with low practical relevance, and the too complex models that yield precise but hardly computable results. In this thesis, we focus on stochastic real-time models. The probabilistic modeling is useful when we have some quantified uncertainty about the modeled system. Usually, the probabilistic models are used as a compact representation of a large system, the assigned probabilities correspond to expected frequencies of particular types of behavior. E.g., instead of modeling millions of customers with individual requests, we build one probabilistic request generator. Lots of systems also operate in real-time and thus have to work properly under various time constrains. E.g., industrial manufacturing robots works in an uncertain environment (possible delays in the preceding processes) with a varying time of its own processes (due to changes in the temperature or the material quality) but still they have to satisfy certain conditions required by the subsequent product line robots. Typical models for such systems studied in the computer science are timed automata extended with a stochastic behavior, or stochastic processes supplemented with real-time constraints. In some models, the probabilistic and real-time aspects are structurally separated, e.g., the probabilities are assigned to transitions leading to subsequent states but the time aspect of the behavior in the particular states of the model is fully deterministic (i.e., non-stochastic). We consider systems where the timing is stochastic. In more detail, there are probability distributions on the waiting times in the model states. We are especially interested in models where both discrete and continuous distributions on waiting times occur. Another feature that is often present in real-word examples is nondeterminism, i.e., 3 uncertainty without any statistical information. Nondeterminism also naturally oc-cures when we aim to synthesize an efficient controller of a system. Nondeterminism in stochastic systems is studied in Markov decision processes or in stochastic games. Stochastic real-time systems with nondeterminism are modeled in stochastic games on timed automata or continuous-time stochastic games with timed-automata objectives. 1.1 Motivation Example Even if it is not usual, let us start with my personal experience that truly motivated my research in this field of stochastic real-time systems. A few years ago, one of my colleagues (working on a research position in a multinational company) brought up a simple task to be solved. Example 1.1.1 Let us have an unreliable communication between an air traffic control center and an aircraft. A request message is sent to the aircraft, and the air traffic control center waits for its response. As the communication is unreliable, there has to be a timeout after which the message is considered to be lost, and subsequent action has to be taken by the air traffic control authority. The crucial task for a communication protocol designer is to find the best delay time for the timeout when taking into account all technical parameters of the communication, namely a probability distribution on the response time. One would expect that this problem can be more or less easily solved for a given particular instance when all the system parameters are known and given. Unfortunately, the company did not want to disclose their data and other details of the model. They were interested in a tool solving all such questions. Therefore, we reformulated this specific example into a more general computer scientific problem: Example 1.1.2 Let us have a finite-state event-driven system where the events arise after randomly distributed delays. In the system, we allow using both continuous and discrete probability distributions on delays. First, we are interested in the system analyses. Later we would like to algorithmically synthesize (near-)optimal parameters for selected probability distributions concerning a given objective. We realized that this had been an interesting open problem that is fairly challenging. We spent around eight years solving it, and this thesis summarizes all the already achieved results during the research. 1.2 Outline The remaining part of the commentary is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter, all the modeling formalisms used in the collected papers are presented in a unified way. To improve understanding of the relevant results, equivalent or closely relevant formalisms are demonstrated in Chapter 3. In Chapter 4, all the results of the collected papers are readily overviewed. The last chapter lists all the papers of the collection. 4 Chapter 2 Preliminaries The systems we are interested in can be naturally described by modeling formalisms of a large class of event-driven systems. An event-driven system passively waits in one of its states and reacts to events that are emitted by an environment. The first emitted event changes the state of the system, what can retroactively lead to a change of the environment, e.g., when entering the new state, some events of the environment could be enabled or disabled. In our case, we consider the stochastic behavior of events, i.e., for each event, there is a probability distribution specifying the time it needs to be enabled before it is emitted. In what follows, we consider discrete-state event-driven systems (DES) that have finitely many states and evolve in stochastic time [CL08]. DES can be described in a large number of formalisms. First, we introduce the formalisms in a context of (Markov) processes that we are using in most of our papers. In the next chapter, we explain how these classes correspond to other related formalisms modeling DES. 2.1 Generalized Semi-Markov Processes and Their Subclasses The most general concept of (Markov) processes is a generalized semi-Markov process (GSMP) [Mat62] that very precisely corresponds to DES. In GSMP, we have a set of states and a set of events. To each state, there is assigned a subset of events that are enabled in the state. Each event has an event-time distribution specifying the probability on time the event needs to be enabled before it occurs. The time evolves in a state until the first event occurs. Note that several events may occur at the same time.1 Once a set of events E occurs in a state s, the process traverses a transition to a subsequent state. The subsequent state is chosen randomly according to a transition distribution specifying the probability on the subsequent states. The transition distribution depends only on s and E. Hence, the transition can be drawn as a hyperedge that starts from s, is labeled with E, and leads to all states with positive probability in the corresponding transition distribution. The dynamics of GSMP starts in an initial state so (that is either explicitly specified or given by an initial distribution on states). Immediately, an occurrence time is as- lrThis happens with zero probability if the event-time distributions are continuous. 5 signed to each of the events enabled in so according to its event-time distribution. Let t be the minimal time assigned, and E be the set of all events to which the time t was assigned. The process stays in the initial state for time t, i.e., until the occurrence of the first event(s). Then the process moves to a state s' that is chosen according to the transition distribution for so and E. In s', the occurrence times of events are updated in the following way: • for the old events — that were enabled in s but they are not enabled in s' — the times are discarded, • the inherited events — that are enabled in both s and s' (excluding those of E) — remain scheduled to the same time point, i.e., the times to their occurrences are subtracted by t, • the new events — the remaining events enabled in s' — are newly scheduled, i.e., their times to occurrences are freshly chosen according to their event-time distributions. Now again, the minimal occurrence time and the set of minimal events are selected, and the process goes similarly ahead. We call a configuration the state of GSMP supplemented by the times to occurrences assigned to all the enabled events. To deal with GSMP rigorously, one has to impose some restrictions on the event-time distributions. In what follows, two special types of events are often used — exponential and fixed-delay. Fixed-delay events have constant event-time distributions, i.e., they occur after a given constant time with probability one, and so they come in useful when modeling timeouts. Exponential events have exponential event-time distributions, hence, due to the memoryless property of exponential distribution, they can be newly scheduled after each move (even if they are inherited) without any effect on the model behavior [Nor98]. Now, we can define that a configuration is regenerative if and only if the occurrence times for all enabled non-exponential events are newly scheduled, i.e., there is no "truly-inherited" event. In the following, we define some useful subclasses of GSMP. Markov regenerative processes (MRP) are GSMP where from each reachable configuration a regenerative configuration is reached with probability one [Smi55]. Semi-Markov processes (SMP) are GSMP with regenerative configurations only, i.e., all occurrence times of enabled events are newly scheduled according to the event-time distributions after each move between states [Mat62, LHK01]. Continuous-time Markov chains (CTMC) are GSMP where all event-time distributions are exponential distributions. Note that due to Markov property of exponential distributions, all configurations of a CTMC are regenerative [Nor98]. fixed-delay CTMC (fdCTMC) are GSMP with exponential or fixed-delay events only [KKR14]. 6 GSMP DTMC CTMC Figure 2.1: Hierarchy of GSMP subclasses with respect to their expressive power. CTMC with alarms (ACTMC) are GSMP where at most one event with a non-exponential event-time distribution is assigned to each state [BDK+17a]. one-fixed-delay CTMC (1-fdCTMC) are fdCTMC where at most one fixed-delay event is assigned to each state [BKK+15]. Note that this is the common part of fdCTMC and ACTMC. Discrete-time Markov chains (DTMC) are GSMP where all events are fixed-delay events with the same delay time (and each event is enabled in at most one state). Note that any GSMP with only discrete event-time distributions can be equivalently expressed as a DTMC [Nor98]. Hierarchy of the above-mentioned subclasses with respect to their expressive power is depicted in Figure 2.1. For more details see, e.g., [Korl7]. 2.2 Performance Measures and Rewards This section comes up with a short overview of basic properties and measures that we are studying on stochastic systems. For more complex properties, we refer to model-checking results for continuous stochastic logic (CSL) [ASSBOO, BHHK03]. There are two types of analysis: transient and long-run. The basic properties of transient analysis are reachability property expressing the probability that a given target state is reached and time-bounded reachability expressing the probability that it is reached in a given amount of time. In the long-run analysis, the focus is concentrated on the infinite behavior of the analyzed system, and the results refer to frequencies of visits to particular states. In particular, for each state s, we can define the discrete 7 frequency of visits ds and the timed frequency of visits cs by No. of visits to s in first n steps time spent in s up to t ds = km - cs = km -. n—>oo n t—>oo t For CTMC these limits are known to be almost-surely well-defined. We show that for some fdCTMC models these frequencies are almost-surely undefined. Such models are called unstable and it has no sense to compute such frequencies in there. More details are explained in Section 4.1. To obtain a single-number characterization, we use the concept of rewards (also called costs when the reward values should be negative). Rewards are values assigned to particular transitions and states. The transition reward is counted whenever the transition is traversed. The state reward is understood as a reward for a time unit; hence, when being counted, they are multiplied by the time spent in the visited state. The transient analysis usually computes the average reward accumulated before a target state is reached. Typical measure studied in the long-run analysis is the expected reward obtained per time unit on an infinite run. 2.3 Decision Processes and Games It may also happen that some transition distributions or some event-time distributions are not known. E.g., the events can model reactions with an environment that is out of our control, or the model design is not completed and the remaining distributions are the subject of further construction. In the latter case, the goal is to synthesize the unknown distributions such that they will maximize our profit (depending on what transient or long-run property we are interested in). Contrary, if the unknown part of the model is completely out of our control, we are assuming adversarial control and compute the profit of the worst case scenario. Both of these systems are traditionally called decision processes (or one-player games). When some unspecified parts are under our control and some of them are considered to be adversarial, we apply the game theoretical approach and look for game equilibria. This context allows for a unified view of the wide range of game modifications of the DES modeling formalisms. 2.3.1 Unspecified Transition Distributions ("where") Let us have a model where some for some states the transition distributions are unknown. We call such states decision states. Note that it would be too powerful to be able to assign an arbitrary transition distribution to a decision state (this will, for example, allow for immediate skip to an arbitrary state of the model). Hence, the transition distributions are not completely unknown in the decision states. The are actions — candidate transition distributions. Hence, what is unspecified in a decision state is just which of the actions will be chosen. In the game terminology, we are looking for strategies — functions that choose a particular action in each decision state. Strategies could be pure (when we are choosing one action each time) or mixed (when a probabilistic choice on actions is allowed). Strategies could also be memoryless (if it is a function of 8 the current state only) or history-dependent (if it can depend on all the history of the current execution). Note that strategies depend just on states (not on configurations where the timing of future events is stored) [HHK16]. Now, we can define a Markov decision process (MDP) [Kal97, Put94] as a DTMC with decision states. Note that if we commit to some (memoryless) strategy in an MDP, all the transition distributions are specified, and we obtain a DTMC. Our contribution to the synthesis of optimal MDP strategies is described in Section 4.5. Similarly, we can introduce decision states to CTMC. In a decision state, there are actions instead of events and transition distributions. Whenever a decision state is visited, an action has to be chosen according to a strategy. The chosen action then determines to what state the run goes on. Note that in the decision states there is no time-flow and so the decision is considered to be taken immediately when the decision state is visited. By this we obtain continuous-time Markov decision process (CTMDP) [Put94, GHL09]2. When the decision states of CTMDP are divided between two players, we obtain a continuous-time stochastic game (CTG) [Bel57, FV96, BFK+13]. Finally, we define generalized semi-Markov game (GSMG) [BKK+10] as a GSMP extended with decision states of two players. Our contribution to solving GSMG is explained in Section 4.2. 2.3.2 Unspecified Event-Time Distributions ("when") Note that in all above-mentioned approaches the strategies decide in zero time between finitely many options where to go next. Now we would like to discuss situations where the event-time distributions are the subject of the decision. An easy example of such a decision process is the delay time synthesis task from our motivation examples of Section 1.1, i.e., in our GSMP there are some fixed-delay events whose delay times would be synthesized. Our results solving this problem are discussed in Section 4.4. A bit more complicated exemplification of unspecified event-time distributions is based on a compositional approach that is natively present in labeled transition systems with synchronization. The unspecified event can be understood as a transition synchronized with an environment. Labeled transition systems are combined with CTMC in interactive Markov chains (IMC) [HK09]. Therefore, IMC is a CTMC where some event-time distributions are not specified, and such events represent labeled transitions waiting for synchronization with an external IMC component running in parallel. Hence, the strategy resolving the unspecified delay-time distributions is the newly constructed external IMC component. We report on our contribution to this field in Section 4.3. To sum up, in this chapter, we have introduced GSMP, GSMG, IMC, fdCTMC, aCTMC, and MDP, that are all the modeling formalisms we are studying in the collected paper. 2 An alternative definition of CTMDP is that the actions are events and the player chooses what events are active in the decision state. Here, the actions are stochastic transitions to subsequent states, where the events are again active. 9 10 Chapter 3 Related Modeling Formalisms The area of results related to the studied topic is very wide due to a long time of interest and various approaches to modeling and analyzes of probabilistic systems. To show a clear overview of the known results, we introduce other modeling formalisms that are in several contexts used to model DES. We also note how the formalisms relate to the subclasses of GSMP introduced in the previous chapter. 3.1 Queues The simplest model of the event-driven systems is the classical model of queues. The goal of this model is to manage randomly arriving tasks that are supposed to be processed by one or more servers dedicated to the queue. The tasks are arriving according to an exactly specified probability distribution. When a task arrives, it is stored in the queue and waits to a free server to be assigned to. When assigned, the task is processed by the server. The processing takes a random time. The basic parameters of a queue are specified by Kendall notation [Ken53] A/S/n/B/K where the particular parameters are: A - inter-arrival time distribution (D - deterministic, M - exponential, G - general); S - service time distribution (D - deterministic, M - exponential, G - general); n - number of servers (1, 2,..., oo ); B - buffer size (1, 2,..., oo), the default value is oo; and K - population size (1, 2,..., oo), the default value is oo. For example, D/M/l/5 identifies a queue with a constant inter-arrival time, say 15 seconds, exponentially distributed service time, say with a rate A = 0.1, one server, and five slots for the managed tasks. Hence, every 15 seconds a new task comes. If there is a free space, the task is placed in the queue. If all five slots are occupied, the new-coming task is ignored. The very first task in the queue is being processed by the server what takes a random exponentially-distributed time (the expected service time is 10 seconds, if A = 0.1). When the task is done, it is taken out of the queue, and all the tasks waiting in the queue are shifted forward. 11 Queues can be connected and form a gueueing network (QN) where done tasks of a queue can be sent as an input to some subsequent queue(s). Bounded queues are expressible in GSMP with finitely many states, while the unbounded queues require countably many states in GSMP. Depending on the used distribution types (D, M, or G), the queueing networks are expressible in particular subclasses of GSMP allowing fixed-delay events, exponential events, or general events, respectively. Thanks to the massive application of QN in practice, even very specific results are of great interest. The most important analysis of queues (as well as QN) are focused on long-run properties like the expected queue length, the utilization factor (portion of the server working time vs. idle time), expected waiting time of a task in the queue, and the probability of ignoring a task (when a bounded queue is full). For more results we refer, e.g., to [GSTH08, BGdMT06, CY01]. 3.2 Stochastic Variants of Petri Nets Petri net is a well established formalism [Pet62] with a long lasting history and a large number of applications. Formally, Petri net is a bipartite directed multigraph with two type of nodes — places and transitions1. Places represent sources and are usually depicted by circles. Transitions represent operations and are depicted by bars. Each edge connects a place and a transition. Places from where there are edges to a particular transition are called input places of the transition. Similarly, each transition has its output places. The dynamics of a Petri net is modeled by tokens that are assigned to the places and moved according to the transitions. The assignments of tokens to places are called markings. A Petri net starts in an explicitly defined initial marking. A transition, say t, is called enabled if each of its input places has at least as many tokes as the number of edges leading from them to t. If a transition is enabled, it can be fired what removes tokens from the input places and puts them to the output places (multiplicity of edges corresponds to the number of effected tokens). Petri nets are native models of concurrency. When there are more transitions enabled in a marking, the fired one is chosen nondeterministically. In our context of stochastic-time behavior, the nondeterminism is solved by stochastic times assigned to transition. Each enabled transition spends a random heating time before it is fired. If all the heating times are assigned according to continues distributions, the nondeterminism is solved with probability one. Depending on the types of assigned heating-time distributions, we obtain different variants of Petri nets. Stochastic Petri nets (SPN) were independently introduced in [Mol82, Nat80, Sym80] as timed Petri nets where all the heating times are exponentially distributed. It is not surprising that this formalism is Markovian and so equivalent2 to CTMC. Later, Generalized stochastic Petri nets (GSPN) [MCB84] were defined as SPN extended with immediate transitions that are practical when writing a readable model. On the other ^ote that the transitions are not edges but special nodes here. 2Note that in Petri nets, the set of reachable markings could be easily infinite. Hence, to be precise, we need to restrict ourselves to bounded Petri nets (those with finitely many reachable markings). The same holds for the following discussed PN classes and their relations to the corresponding subclasses of finite-state GSMP. 12 hand, immediate transitions do not increase the expressive power of SPN, as GSPN was shown to remain equivalent to CTMC [MCB84]. Deterministic and stochastic Petri nets (DSPN) [MC86] are SPN extended with transitions of fixed-delay heating times, hence, they correspond to the fdCTMC class. Omitting all restrictions yields to extended stochastic Petri nets (ESPN) [DTGN84] where distributions of arbitrary types are allowed for firing times. ESPN is the counterpart to GSMP As this class is too general for any reasonable analysis, Markov regenerative SPN (MRSPN) [DTGN84] are immediately defined as a counterpart to MRP. To complete the list, there are also Generalized Timed Petri Nets (GTPN) [Mol85, HV85] where only fixed firing times are allowed. GTPN correspond to GSMP with fixed-delay events only; hence, they closely relate to DTMC. For more details concerning stochastic Petri net models and their correspondence to Markov processes, we refer to [M0I8I, Mar88, Haa02, Krcl4, Korl7]. For an up-to-date overview of model-checking results for the class of MRSPN, see [PHV16]. 3.3 Stochastic Timed Automata Another approach to modeling DES is to take the classical timed automata (TA) [AD94] and extend them with a stochastic behavior. Timed automata are finite-state automata extended with special variables called clocks. Clocks evolve continuously and synchronously in time. A run of a timed automaton starts in a given initial state and all clocks are set to 0. The states are changed by transitions3 that can be, on the one hand, constrained to particular clock values and, on the other hand, they can cause reset of some clocks. In more detail, each transition (with a source state, a label, and a target state) is assigned a clock guard and a set of clocks R. The clock guards are conjunctions of lower or upper bounds on the clock values, and the transition can be proceed only when its clock guards are fulfilled. If the transition is proceeded, all clocks of the assigned set R are reset. Reset of a clock is an assignment that sets the clock value to 0. Note that there are two sources of nonde-terminism — delays and transition choices, i.e., for how long time the automaton will stay in a state and what transition it will proceed. Stochastic timed automata (STA) are TA where both delays and transition choices are made randomly [KNSS00, BBB+07, BBB+14]. Intuitively, for a state, we will first randomly choose a delay among all possible delays, then we will randomly choose a transition among those which are enabled after the delay. There are some natural (but very technical) restrictions on the delay distributions, e.g., they have to be positive (only) on times when there is some outgoing transition enabled. The distribution among enabled transitions is resolved by assigned weights; the probability then respects the weights assigned to the enabled transitions. The class of STA roughly corresponds to GSMP. The relation is not as straightforward as in the case of GTPN. Note that in STA a clock can constrain many subsequent transitions without any reset. Contrary, when an event occurs in a GSMP (and initiates a transition), it is rescheduled or reset in the subsequent state. Moreover, the transition 3Here, the transitions are again labeled edges in the graph representation of the automaton. 13 (a) A state of STA with a clock (b) Three states of GSMP with events efdl, e/d4, and e c. The bold numbers on edges that mimic the state of Figure 3.1a. The bold numbers are weights. are transition probabilities. Figure 3.1: GSMP states representing an STA state. distribution in STA is defined by the weights of the enabled transitions after the delay time, i.e., it does not depend on the winning event, but on the delay time. Hence, to mimic a clock of an STA in a GSMP, we sometimes need more states and more events. Let us demonstrate that on the example of Figure 3.1 where, for one STA state with a clock c, we need three states and three events in the corresponding GSMP. Note that in the STA the transition going down is enabled only for c < 1, the transition going right is enabled only for c > 5, and the self-loop is always enabled. In the GSMP counterpart, we need three states representing separately the behavior in the time intervals (0,1), (1, 5), and (5, oo). The transitions between the three states are triggered be fixed-delay events ejdi and that are set to delays 1 and 4, respectively4. The event-time distribution function of the event e equals the delay distribution of the STA state. Similarly to unstable GSMP, also STA have some unintended behavior. First, there are Zeno runs that were considered already on (non-stochastic) TA [GB07]. A Zeno run proceeds infinitely many transitions in a finite period of time. Intuitively, this happens when the delay times get shorter and shorter such that their infinite sum is finite. Zeno runs are also in STA, but they have probability 0 (unless the underlying timed automaton is inherently Zeno) [BBB+14]. Other intended property of runs is fairness. A run is fair if every transition which is enabled infinitely often is taken infinitely often. STA with unfair runs of positive probability are studied in [BBB+08]. The relation between fairness in STA and decisiveness in Markov chains is shown in [BBBC18]. Various restrictions of STA are assumed to obtain subclasses where the runs are almost-surely fair. For example, one-clock STA [BBBM08, BBB+08] with only one clock variable, or reactive STA [BBJM12] that can have arbitrary many clocks but the distributions on delays have positive density on all non-negative real values. One player and two player games on reactive STA with exponentially distributed delays are studied in [BF09, BS12]. Up-to-date results concerning model checking of various STA subclasses are summarized in a unified notation in [BBB+14, BBBC18]. The compositional design based on STA was recently studied in [BBCM16]. Concerning other stochastic extensions of TA, there are also probabilistic timed au- 4In this example, we assume that the delay distribution function in the STA state is continues. Otherwise, we need to discuss the cases when c = 1 and c = 5. 14 tomata [KNSS99, KNSS02] where discrete probability distributions are assigned to the transitions leaving particular states. Such distributions effect which of the enabled transitions is proceeded. Contrary to STA, the time-respective behavior remains non-deterministic and is considered to be controlled by an adversarial player. Up-to-date results for synthesis and games on probabilistic timed automata can be found in [FKNT16, JKNP17]. 3.4 Process Algebraic Approach Many other modeling formalisms arise as a stochastic extension of process algebras (PA) [BPS01] such as Milner's CCS [Mil89] or Hoare's CSP [Hoa85]. The key feature of the PA approach is compositionality, hence, it is natural that IMC (discussed in Section 2.3.2) belong to this family of formalisms defined on the algebraic base. The most used formalism of this family is performance evaluation PA (PEPA) [CGHT07] that has exponentially distributed action delays. Each PEPA model can be translated to an equivalent CTMC, hence, all algorithms for CTMC can be successfully applied on PEPA. General distribution delays are discussed in generalized semi-Markov process algebra [BBG98], calculus for interactive GSMP [BG02], prioritized stochastic automata [BD04], stochastic process algebra [DK05b], stochastic automata [DK05a, DGHS18], and the modeling and description language for stochastic timed systems MoDeST [BDHK06]. To sum up, the stochastic process algebras can be viewed as high-level specification formalisms corresponding to CTMC, GSMP, and their non-deterministic extensions. 15 16 Chapter 4 Thesis contribution In the collection, the papers are ordered chronologically from [PI] published in 2010 to [Pll] published in 2017. Here, we explain the results rearranged to five logical blocks. In the first one, we comment the results published in [P2], [P3], and [P5], that relates to GSMP analysis and discuss stability of the GSMP models. This is the only block with fully stochastic models, in all the others we study decision processes or games. Section 4.2 is devoted to GSMG with objectives specified by deterministic timed automata [PI]. Then we focus on compositional approach and study games on interactive Markov chains published in [P4]. In Section 4.4, we demonstrate our results on parameter synthesis in CTMC extended with some non-Markovian events. Such contributions were presented in [P6], [P7], [P8], [P9], and [P10]. Finally, we comment construction of so-called resilient strategies for MDP models introduced in [Pll]. 4.1 Analysis of Generalized Semi-Markov Processes In this section, we focus on the analysis of GSMP, i.e., the most general class. In [P3], we show fundamental instability that can occur in GSMP models. It was a surprise that allowing only two fixed-delay events and one variable-delay event may cause an unstable behavior of a GSMP. In particular, in an unstable GSMP there are states for which both ds and cs frequencies may not be defined for almost all runs. Note that there had been already presented approximation algorithms computing these quantities on GSMP [ACD91, ACD92] or some approximation techniques were proposed to analyze GSMP without questioning existence of a result, e.g., [DTGN84, Lin93, GL94, LS96, LRT99, HTT00, ZFGH00, ZFH01, SDP03, CGV09]. In more detail, we realized that the traditional region-graph representation of reachable configurations of the unstable GSMP models fails in two fundamental principles: • It's no longer true that with probability one each run ends in one of the bottom strongly connected components of the region-graph. • It's no longer true that with probability one each run will visit all nodes of such a bottom strongly connected component infinitely often. We demonstrate this on two simple examples, and so we disprove the correctness of the verification algorithms presented in [ACD91, ACD92]. 17 The problem of non-stable GSMP models lies in fixed-delay events that can immediately schedule themselves whenever they occur; such an event can occur periodically like ticking of clocks. Hence, we define a syntactically restricted GSMP class, called one-ticking GSMP. Roughly speaking, in one-ticking GSMP we allow to have at most one periodically ticking sequence of fixed-delay events. In the context of the hierarchy depicted in Figure 2.1, we can note that all MRP models are one-ticking GSMP, but a one-ticking GSMP model is not necessarily regenerative. We show that all one-ticking GSMP models are stable, i.e., the frequencies ds and cs are always well defined for all of their states. We also show that the frequencies can be computed not only for the one-ticking GSMP states but also for states of a deterministic TA "observer" of the one-ticking GSMP. Finally, we provide algorithms for approximation of these frequencies. The above-mentioned results were published in [P3]. The positive results were previously published in a weaker variant for SMP in [P2]. We also reformulated the negative result for the community working with Petri nets and published it as a short paper in [P5]. Our stability results are also closely relevant to almost-sure fairness in STA (every edge which is enabled infinitely often is taken infinitely often almost surely) [BBB+08] and to decisive Markov chains [AHM07]. Concerning up-to-date results, we refer to [BBBC18] where, among others, the positive results of [P3] are presented in context of stochastic transition systems that represents a unified view on STA, GSMP, and GTPN. Finally, it is worth to note that deciding whether a GSMP is stable (or STA is almost-surely fair) is still an open problem. 4.2 Generalized Semi-Markov Games Our first contribution to this field is the definition of the generalized semi-Markov game (GSMG) [PI], the two-player game extension of GSMP. It was introduced as a generalization of continuous-time stochastic games [BFK+13, RS10], whose event-time distributions are only exponentially distributed. Here, we describe GSMG in more detail as a GSMP that after each event-driven transition goes to a game state, called control, belonging to one of the two players. In each control, the particular player chooses one of the available actions that randomly lead to subsequent GSMP states. The controls and the actions are considered to be performed instantly, i.e., the time passes in the GSMP states only. We also assume that all event-time distributions are continuous with positive density on one interval of time values. As the fixed-delayed events are not allowed in here, we are not afflicted with the instability discussed in the previous section. On GSMG, we study game objectives specified by a deterministic timed automaton (DTA) [ACD92]. Intuitively, a timed automaton "observes" a play of a given GSMG and checks whether certain timing constraints are satisfied, or not. Player I wins all plays that are accepted by the timed automaton, and player II wins the others. Namely, we show that in this setting player I does not need to have an optimal strategy. However, if player I has some almost-sure winning strategy, then she also has an almost-sure winning strategy which can be encoded by a deterministic timed 18 automaton A. The automaton A reads the history of a play, and the decisions depend only on the regions of the resulting configuration entered by A. Further, we provide an exponential algorithm that decides the existence of such a strategy and constructs it if it exists. Our constructions and proofs are combinations of standard techniques (used for timed automata and finite-state games) and some new non-trivial observations that are specific to the considered model. We also adapt some ideas presented in [ACD92] (in particular, we use the concept of c)-separation). Although the results of [PI] consider only reachability acceptance of the DTA observer, they were easily extended to DTA with a Buchi acceptance condition in the PhD thesis of Jan Krcal [Krcl4]. 4.3 Interactive Markov Chains Let us recall (see Section 2.3.2) that Interactive Markov chains (IMC) are compositional behavioral models extending both labeled transition systems and continuous-time Markov chains. In fact, they are CTMC where some event-time distributions are not specified, and such events are rather seen as labels ready for synchronization with an environment. The compositional approach assumes that the labels are synchronized with the corresponding labels in some components running in parallel. IMC have a well-understood compositional theory, rooted in the process algebra [BPS01], and are in use as semantic backbones for dynamic fault trees [BCS10], architectural description languages [BCH+08, BCK+11], generalized stochastic Petri nets [HKNZ10] and Statemate [BHH+09] extensions, and are applied in a large spectrum of practical applications, ranging from networked hardware on chips [CHLS09] to water treatment facilities [HKR+10] and ultra-modern satellite designs [EKN+12]. The main advantage of IMC is the compositionality, which allows for comfortable hierarchical design and analysis of systems. When a label is considered only for synchronization among internal subcomponents of an IMC, it can be hidden for external synchronization using a hiding operator. An IMC where all labels are hidden is called closed. Let us call internal interactions all the transitions representing synchronization based on hidden labels. External interactions will stand for communication with other components. Based on this, we can introduce the maximal-progress assumption governing the interplay of event delays and labeled interactions of an IMC component: Internal interactions are assumed to happen instantaneously and therefore take precedence over delay transitions. This does not hold for the external interactions that stand for synchronization with other components; hence, they could be delayed. Note that a closed IMC is not necessarily fully stochastic, there still could be more internal transitions leading from a state, what we call the internal nondeterminism. The non-determinism caused by an external interaction is called external nondeterminism. In [P4] we analyze open IMC, i.e., those that are not necessarily closed. In particular, we introduce the problem of synthesizing optimal control for time-bounded reachability in an IMC interacting with an unknown environment, provided no state has both internal and external interaction. In our game based analysis of an open IMC C, we assume that the internal non-determinism of C is resolved by Player I, who 19 controls C. The Player II constructs an IMC E representing the environment (synchronized by common non-hidden labels with C) and resolves the non-determinism caused by external interactions. We solve the problem of finding e-optimal schedulers for Player I using the established method of discretization, give bounds on the size of the game to be solved for a given e, and thus construct an upper complexity bound for the problem. To the best of our knowledge, in [P4] we present the first analysis that is focused on open IMC. The games we consider exploit special cases of the games studied in [BF09] and in [PI]. However, both papers prove decidability only for qualitative reachability problems and do not discuss compositionality issues. Further, while systems of [RS11, BFK+09] are very similar to ours, the structure of the environment is fixed there and the verification is thus not compositional. The same holds for [Sprll, HNP+11], where time is under the control of the components. Follow-up results were published in [HKK13], where the IMC component representing the environment is restricted by a modal continuous time automaton. This allows to omit our constraint forbidding common internal and external interactions, and thus it enables the first truly compositional verification. The results were also applied in dynamic fault tree analysis [KK15, BBH+16]. Our result uses the approximation scheme of [NZ10] that was subsequently improved by [HH15]. A distributed synthesis for more IMC components running in parallel was studied in [HKV16]. Up-to-date research on compositional stochastic real-time systems is currently also developed in the SBIP (Stochastic real-time Behavior, Interaction, Priority) framework [NBB+15, MNB+18]. Based on our results for open IMC, the compositional design of stochastic systems was also studied on stochastic timed automata [BBCM16]. 4.4 Synthesis of Delays in fdCTMC In this section we concentrate on CTMC extended with fixed-delay events (fdCTMC). First, we study whether it makes sense to do this research whenever there is a phase-type fitting technique [Neu81] that is able to approximate generally distributed events by CTMC models. In [P6], we focused on distributions that are known to require an excessive number of states to reach a reasonably precise approximation by the phase-type technique. Typical examples of such distributions are uniform, discrete, and shifted distributions. The shifted distribution is, for example, a packet-delivery time — there is some physical bound on the delivery time; hence, the packet is delivered earlier than this bound with zero probability. Note that the hardly approximated distributions can be characterized by intervals of zero density. Addressing this class of distributions, we suggest an alternative approximation. Contrary to phase-type fitting, we also allow the use of fixed-delay events, i.e., we are approximating the models by fdCTMC instead of CTMC. Using fixed-delay events, we split the density function into multiple intervals and, within each interval, we then approximate the density with standard phase-type fitting. We call this technique interval phase-type (IPH) approximation. We provide experimental evidence that our IPH method requires only a moderate number of states to approximate distributions with regions of zero density. 20 The usage of IPH approximation is supported by some techniques for fdCTMC analysis (e.g., the subordinated Markov chain method originally published for the equivalent DSPN class [Lin93]). Let us recall that some fdCTMC models can be unstable (see Section 4.1) and so the analysis techniques are usually applicable only to subclasses such as MRP, ACTMC, or 1-fdCTMC. Note that using IPH approximation for ACTMC models leads to 1-fdCTMC models. Thus, our results promise an efficient approach to the analysis of a class of non-Markovian models and support further research on MRP or 1-fdCTMC. In the subsequent research, we concentrate on parameter synthesis in 1-fdCTMC. In more detail, we consider the parametric version of 1-fdCTMC where the delay times of fixed-delay events are specified by parameters, rather than concrete values. Our goal is to synthesize the values of these parameters that optimize the specified objective. As an objective, we first deal with expected reward accumulated before reaching a given target, then we study long-run average reward optimization. 4.4.1 Delay Synthesis for Expected Accumulated Reward Objective In [P7] we published an algorithm solving this problem by reduction to a finite MDP whose actions correspond to discretized (i.e., rounded to a finite mesh) delay times in the individual states. On such an MDP we apply standard polynomial time algorithm for the synthesis of the optimal delays. The most non-trivial part is to prove that the delays may be discretized, i.e., for each e > 0, we can compute a sufficiently small discretization step which guarantees that the optimal solution of the finite MDP is an e-optimal solution for the original fdCTMC. We show that naive rounding of a near-optimal delay may cause arbitrarily high absolute error. Our solution, based on rather non-trivial insights into the structure of 1-fdCTMC models, avoids this obstacle by identifying "safe" delays that may be rounded with an error bounded (exponentially) in the size of the system. This leads to an exponential time algorithm for solving the optimization problem. We experimentally implemented the proposed technique in our repository branch of the PRISM model checker [KNP11] and evaluated it on some examples. The results were published in [P8]. During the experiments, we realized that most of the computation time was spent by the construction of the discretized MDP, and even for some very small examples, the discretized MDP exceeded our 448 GiB RAM memory. The problem was not in the number of states of the MDP but in the huge number of actions that correspond to suitably discretized values of the delays. Hence, we designed a symbolic synthesis algorithm which avoids the explicit construction of the large action spaces. Instead, the algorithm computes small sets of "promising" candidate actions on demand. The candidate actions are selected by minimizing a certain objective function. Technically, this is done by computing its symbolic derivative and extracting a univariate polynomial whose roots are precisely the points where the derivative takes zero value. Since roots of high degree univariate polynomials can be isolated very efficiently using modern mathematical software (such as Maple [B+12]), we achieve not only drastic memory savings but also speedup by three orders of magnitude compared to the previous method. We demonstrated that our algorithm 21 (experimentally implemented in PRISM with an external us of Maple) can synthesize delays for non-trivial models of large size (with more than 20000 states). This significant improvement was published in [P9]. 4.4.2 Delay Synthesis for Long-Run Average Reward Objective Here we concentrate on long-run average reward optimization. Finally, our successful approach is also based on a reduction to the problem of finding optimal strategies in a symbolically represented decision process, but it is not a straightforward extension. We need to use semi-Markov Decision Processes instead of MDP, and the discretization bounds for the expected accumulated reward cannot be directly employed here, as the long-run average objectives relay on fractions of expected accumulated rewards and timings. More details are published in [P10] where we, moreover, present the result not for 1-fdCTMC, but for (more general) ACTMC models. It is worth mentioning that our experimental evaluation shows the applicability of the method on a case study where the goal is to minimize the power consumption of a disk drive [P10]. 4.4.3 Follow-up Work An extended version of [P10] has been recently accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. In the journal version, we prolong the list of supported non-exponential alarm distributions in ACTMC and also discuss solutions for ACTMC with non-localized alarms. Alarms are non-localized whenever we want to synthesize the same delay-time distribution for an event no matter in what state it is scheduled. This approach requires to use partially observable semi-MDP and appropriate methods to find optimal strategies for them. The non-localized delays in the context of expected accumulated rewards are also briefly discussed in [P7]. For more details, we refer to [Korl7] where all the results of this section are presented for ACTMC with both localized and non-localized alarms. 4.5 MDP with Resilient Control The last contribution [Pll] is devoted to models of repair mechanisms in resilient systems represented by MDP. Repair mechanisms in resilient systems have to maintain the system in an operational state after an error occurred. Usually, constraints on the repair mechanisms are imposed, e.g., concerning the time or resources required (such as energy consumption or other kinds of costs). For systems modeled by MDP, we introduce the concept of resilient schedulers, which represent control strategies guaranteeing that these constraints are always met within some given probability. Technically, for a given resource bound R and a probability threshold p, we call a scheduler resilient if the scheduler ensures for every error a recovery within at R resources with probability at least p. Assigning rewards to the operational states of the system, we then aim towards resilient schedulers which maximize the long-run average reward, i.e., the expected mean payoff. We present a pseudo-polynomial (polynomial when R is encoded in unary) algorithm that decides whether a resilient scheduler exists and 22 if so, yields an optimal resilient scheduler. We also show that already the decision problem asking whether there exists a resilient scheduler is PSPACE-hard. The key technical ingredients of our results are non-trivial observations about the structure of resilient schedulers, which connect the studied problems to the existing works on MDPs with multiple objectives and optimal strategy synthesis [Kal97, EKVY08, BBC+14]. The PSPACE-hardness result is obtained by a simple reduction of the cost-bounded reachability problem in acyclic MDPs [HK15]. 23 24 Chapter 5 Papers in Collection [PI] T. Brázdil, J. Krčál, J. Křetínský, A. Kučera, and V. Řehák. Stochastic real-time games with qualitative timed automata objectives. In CONCUR 2010 : 21nd International Conference on Concurrency Theory, volume 6269 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 207-221. Springer, 2010. [BKK+10] • Author's contribution: participating mainly on discussions concerning the problem formulation and possible solutions. [P2] T. Brázdil, J. Krčál, J. Křetínský, A. Kučera, and V. Řehák. Measuring performance of continuous-time stochastic processes using timed automata. In HSCC 2011 : International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, pages 33-42. ACM, 2011. [BKK+11] • Author's contribution: participating mainly on discussions concerning the problem formulation and possible solutions. [P3] T. Brázdil, J. Krčál, J. Křetínský, and V. Řehák. Fixed-delay events in generalized semi-Markov processes revisited. In CONCUR 2011:22nd International Conference on Concurrency Theory, volume 6901 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 140-155, Heidelberg, Germany, 2011. Springer. [BKKŘ11] • Author's contribution: participating on discussions, bringing the unstable models for Theorem 1 and Theorem 2, participating on writing. [P4] T. Brázdil, H. Hermanns, J. Krčál, J. Křetínský, and V. Řehák. Verification of open interactive Markov chains. In IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2012), volume 18 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), pages 474-485, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2012. Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik. [BHK+12] • Author's contribution: bringing the topic, discussion with Holger Hermanns, participating on problem formulation and partially also on all other phases. 25 [P5] T. Brázdil, L\ Korenčiak, J. Krčál, J. Křetínský, and V. Řehák. On time-average limits in deterministic and stochastic Petri nets. In ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, ICPE'13, pages 421^22. ACM, 2013. (Poster paper.) [BKK+13] • Author's contribution: participating on all phases including poster presentation. [P6] L\ Korenčiak, J. Krčál, and V. Řehák. Dealing with zero density using piecewise phase-type approximation. In EPEW 2014: Computer Performance Engineering, volume 8721 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 119-134. Springer, 2014. [KKŘ14] • Author's contribution: supervising the research, significant contribution to the experimental evaluation. [P7] T. Brázdil, L\ Korenčiak, J. Krčál, P. Novotný, and V. Řehák. Optimizing performance of continuous-time stochastic systems using timeout synthesis. In Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, 12th International Conference, QEST 2015, volume 9259 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 141-159. Springer, 2015. [BKK+15] • Author's contribution: bringing the topic, participating on all phases. [P8] L\ Korenčiak, V. Řehák, and A. Farmadin. Extension of PRISM by synthesis of optimal timeouts in fixed-delay CTMC. In Integrated Formal Methods - 12th International Conference, IFM 2016, volume 9681 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 130-138. Springer, 2016. [KŘF16] • Author's contribution: supervising the research, significant participation on all phases. [P9] li Korenčiak, A. Kučera, and V. Řehák. Efficient timeout synthesis in fixed-delay CTMC using policy iteration. In 24th IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, MASCOTS 2016, pages 367-372. IEEE, 2016. [KKŘ16] • Author's contribution: supervising the research, significant participation on all phases. [P10] C. Baier, C. Dubslaff, L\ Korenčiak, A. Kučera, and V. Řehák. Mean-payoff optimization in continuous-time Markov chains with parametric alarms. In Quantitative Evaluation of Systems - 14th International Conference, QEST 2017, volume 10503 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 190-206. Springer, 2017. [BDK+17a] • Author's contribution: supervising the research, significant participation on all phases, writing some technical proofs. 26 [Pil] C. Baier, C. Dubslaff, L\ Korenčiak, A. Kučera, and V. Řehák. Synthesis of optimal resilient control strategies. In Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis -15th International Symposium, ATVA 2017, volume 10482 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 417-434. Springer, 2017. [BDK+17b] • Author's contribution: proportional participation on all phases. 27 28 Bibliography [ACD91] R. Alur, C. Courcoubetis, and D.L. Dill. Model-checking for probabilistic real-time systems. In Proceedings ofICALP'91, volume 510 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 115-126. Springer, 1991. [ACD92] R. Alur, C. Courcoubetis, and D.L. Dill. Verifying automata specifications of probabilistic real-time systems. In REX 1991: Real-Time: Theory in Practice, volume 600 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 28-44. Springer, 1992. [AD94] R. Alur and D.L. Dill. A theory of timed automata. Theor. Comput. Sei., 126(2):183-235,1994. [AHM07] RA. Abdulla, N.B. Henda, and R. Mayr. Decisive Markov chains. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 3(4), 2007. 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