Příloha 6: Posudek oponenta habilitační práce Masarykova univerzita Fakulta Fakulta sportovních studií Habilitační obor Kinantropologie Uchazeč PhDr. Piotr Oleśniewicz, Ph.D. Pracoviště prorektor Vysoké školy řízení, Wroclav, Polsko Habilitační práce School tourism as a form of participation in physical education Oponent prof. PhDr. Hana Válková, CSc. Pracoviště FTK UP Olomouc Text posudku (rozsah dle zvážení oponenta) Introduction It is not easy to evaluate the monograph reviewed with 3 polish experts. The topic can be considered as the most important related to recent health oriented physical education. Tourism is the strong social “sport” phenomenon even in cooperation between Poland and former Czechoslovakia since historical period up to these days. Description The text of presented monograph consisted from 183 text pages and about 80 references (international authors are unfortunately missing which seems to be problem of section 3 - the method). The topic is well described related to historical context and former as so as recent legislation. Survey of various categories and/or kinds of tourism is well organized related to formulated criteria and quoted authors. This part (Introduction and Section 1) can be recognized as strong part of the text. In spite of the text I recommend to clarify terminology: migration – travelling – pilgrimming - discovering – mountaineering – tourism. The monograph is structure related to 5 logical sections: sections are separated but cohesive. Each section is accompanied with short summary which underline main ideas or results of the sub-part. Text Analyses Section 2 (Tourism in school education programs) is oriented on different aspects of tourism in school education. University school level is stressed (in complete text – which is controversial with the title of the monograph). Survey of legislation (elementary – secondary school, obligatory – optional) would be interesting as well as type of special schools. Section 3 (The methods) is weak part of the monograph which influences the results, Section 4. Even the sub-parts introduce university population (total sample, male-female, study program etc.) process of data collection and data analyses, research management, ethical consensus, etc. are missing. Formal problem relevant to crucial point “methods” is – various type of tables and figures, different points, evaluation in points, in percentage which make difficult to understand the results better. Research question in pre-ambula of each sub-part are good but presented results (tables, figures) are relevant with qwuestionnaire theses??? It is not clear. Questionnaire (HGK/PO-2009/10-II/I/IS – author´s questionnaire) is not documented either in text or in appendix neither in reference list. Document of questionnaire (manual or guide book or published version) is the most important part of habilitation discussion. The most important ideas related to “tourism “ in university PE education are step by step, systematically described, even achieved results based on questionnaire can be considered only as opinion of respondents (university students) and not real facts. Section 5 (Summary) is similar like discussion but in the end the quality of training of PE graduates, motivation for tourism classes, attractiveness of tourism are stressed. Conclusion The monograph is important part of Kinanthropology (Human Movement Sciences – PE) issue. The extensive number of participants in field research is exclusive part of presented research program. In spite of critical remarks the topic of the monograph with presented achievements seems to be very good contribution to tourism improvement. Dotazy oponenta k obhajobě habilitační práce (počet dotazů dle zvážení oponenta) 1. Please, clarify terminology: migration – travelling – pilgrimming - discovering – mountaineering – tourism. 2. Please – explain methods (participants, questionnaire, data collection, data analyses, research management, ethic consensus). 3. Please – can you explain the phenomenon – low attractiveness of history, sight-seeing, arts in students opinion? Závěr Habilitační práce PhDr. Piotra Oleśniewicze, Ph.D. „School tourism as a form of participation in physical education“ splňuje požadavky standardně kladené na habilitační práce v oboru Kinantropologie. V Olomouci dne : Sept. 26, 2012 prof. PhDr. Hana Válková, CSc.