MASARYK UNIVERSITY faculty of economics and administration Three Essays in Macroeconomics: A Comprehensive Framework in Macroeconomic Policy Evaluation Habilitation Thesis Jan Čapek Brno 2021 MUNI ECON Contents 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Comprehensive framework.......................... 5 2 Literature review 7 2.1 Real-time data ................................ 8 2.2 Monetary policy decision-making in real-time............... 9 2.3 Fiscal policy effects.............................. 9 2.4 Macroeconomic forecasting......................... 11 3 Methodology 13 3.1 Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium models.............. 13 3.2 Structural Vector AutoRegressive models.................. 17 4 Contribution 19 4.1 Čapek (2014)................................. 19 4.2 Čapek and Crespo Cuaresma (2020).................... 20 4.3 Čapek et al. (2021).............................. 21 5 Discussion 22 5.1 Limitations of the research.......................... 22 5.2 Further research ............................... 23 References 25 List of supplements 34 1 Introduction The habilitation thesis includes three essays in macroeconomics with commentary. All essays present the results of empirical analyses of macroeconomic policy in a comprehensive framework. The first essay focuses on monetary policy while the second and the third analyze fiscal policy effects. All studies are data-based and use time series of various macroeconomic variables. The first essay in the collection, Čapek (2014), investigates the effect of real-time data on parameter estimates of monetary policy reaction functions. The second essay, Čapek and Crespo Cuaresma (2020), analyses the role played by data and specification choices as determinants of the size of the fiscal multipliers. The third essay, Čapek et al. (2021), estimates fiscal multipliers for Austria in a framework of model uncertainty emanating from the choice of a particular econometric model. Čapek (2014) investigates the differences between parameter estimates of monetary policy reaction functions using real-time data and those using revised data. The model is a New Keynesian DSGE model of the Czech, Hungarian and Polish small open economies in interaction with the euro area. Unlike the related literature, this paper uses separate vintages of real-time data for all successive estimations. The paper reports several statistically significant differences between parameter estimates of monetary policy reaction functions based on real-time data and those based on revised data. The parameter whose estimate is the most affected by the usage of real-time data is the preference for output growth. This result is common across the countries in the study. The results suggest that real-time data matter when conducting a historical analysis of monetary policy preferences. Capek and Crespo Cuaresma (2020) analyse the role played by data and specification choices as determinants of the size of the fiscal multipliers obtained using structural vector autoregressive models. The results, based on over twenty million fiscal multipliers estimated for European countries, indicate that many seemingly harmless modelling choices have a significant effect on the size and precision of fiscal multiplier estimates. In addition to the structural shock identification strategy, these modelling choices include the definition of spending and taxes, the national accounts system employed, the use of particular interest rates or inflation measures, or whether data are smoothed prior to estimation. The cumulative effects of such arguably innocuous methodological choices can lead to a change in the spending multipliers of as much as 4 0.4 points. Čapek et al. (2021) estimate fiscal multipliers for Austria in a framework of model uncertainty emanating from the choice of a particular econometric model. We present a comprehensive framework which allows to assess the effects of different multiplier definitions and choices related to the data, the model employed, and further technical choices associated with the specification of the model exert on fiscal multiplier estimates. The mean present-value government spending multiplier over all models entertained, based on over one thousand estimates, is 0.94. Estimates of the peak spending multiplier tend to be larger than present-value spending multipliers, with a mean value of 1.08. The value of the mean present-value tax multiplier is -0.76 and the mean peak tax multiplier is -0.58 for all specifications used.1 This part of the habilitation introduces the comprehensive concept of the submitted collection of works, part 2 delivers the literature review, part 3 brings a brief insight into the methodology, part 4 states the contribution of the research and specifies the applicant's contribution, and part 5 discusses the limitations of the research and possible avenues for further research. All mentioned parts of the habilitation including the references and the seventh supplement serve as the unifying commentary in accordance with Masaryk University Directive No. 7/2017, Section 5 (1) b), and the Directive of the Faculty of Economics and Administration of Masaryk University No. 4/2019, Section 6, paragraph 3. The first to the sixth supplement to this document constitute the collection of previously published works in accordance with Masaryk University Directive No. 7/2017, Section 5 (1) b), and the Directive of the Faculty of Economics and Administration of Masaryk University No. 4/2019, Section 6. 1.1 Comprehensive framework A comprehensive framework can be understood as a means of communicating analysis results, which illustrates the results under various reasonable variants or settings. It is somewhat akin to sensitivity or robustness analyses, which are typically focused on showing that the main results are unaffected by reasonable variations. A comprehensive framework shows the results under many different scenarios and illuminates the effects of different scenarios on the results. 1The paragraph is adopted from the article's version, which has been accepted by the journal. For more information, see page 34. 5 The idea of communicating uncertainty in economics can be traced back to Mor-genstern (1950, 1963), although the focus of Morgenstern's book was more on the accuracy and errors in economic statistics. Since then, a large proportion of mainstream economics became quantitative and studies started to propose policy recommendations relying on data-based analyses. As this practice became more prevalent in the 1970s and 1980s, numerous studies start to address the fact that the published empirical results were often too fragile to reasonable variation and that the uncertainty connected to the estimates was not adequately communicated.2 One of the earliest studies, which was fully focused on the problem of fragility of results of empirical studies, was Learner (1985), which opens the study with the following first sentence: "A fragile inference is not worth taking seriously." Learner then illustrates his case with an example of a study by Ehrlich (1975), which found that capital punishment deters murders. However, the results were deemed so fragile that a battery of follow-up articles emerged, which addresses various specific omissions in the original study. Nevertheless, Learner (1985) finds these disorganized studies not particularly helpful to understanding the roots of prevailing uncertainty and calls for a so-called "global sensitivity analysis", which would address the complete (relevant) neighborhood of used assumptions and would communicate its effects on the results: "In principle, a global sensitivity study should be carried out with respect to all dimensions of the model in one grand exercise." (Learner, 1985, p. 311) In order to operationalize the notion of "global sensitivity analysis" Learner (1985) introduced "Extreme bounds analysis", which instigated some controversy. Sala-i Martin (1997) runs two million growth regressions to show that Extreme bounds analysis does not deliver useful results and proposes to assign some level of confidence to respective determinants of economic growth instead of labelling the variables as "robust" or "nonrobust". In current literature, the focus is placed on the question of how to best communicate the uncertainty of the analysis results. The failure to appropriately account for 2The literature also addressed the issue of identification strategies used to reach the results, which is not a focus of this commentary. See e.g. Sims (1980) or Learner (1983) for seminal contributions in this topic or Angrist and Pischke (2010) for a more recent review. 6 accuracy and errors from Morgenstern's era is apparent in many studies 60 years later. Manski (2019, abstract) describes the problem as "A prevalent practice has been to report policy analysis with incredible certitude. That is, exact predictions of policy outcomes are routine, while expressions of uncertainty are rare." Aikman et al. (2011) offers an illustration of how to report uncertainty in macroeconomics. Interestingly, the depiction in Figure 8 in the article is very similar to how we present the uncertainty connected to the estimation of fiscal multipliers in Čapek and Crespo Cuaresma (2020) and Čapek et al. (2021). 4 1 February Inflation Report November Inflation Report -0.0 + 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 - 3 - 1 c_ 5.0 Figure 8. Distributional cross sections of inflation in 2012Q4. for February 2010 Inflation Report projection and November 2009 Inflation Report projection. The body of literature on communicating uncertainty in science goes beyond economics - see e.g. Van der Bles et al. (2019) for a more generally focused review with case studies in economic statistics and climate change, or Hullman (2019) for a study focused more on journalism rather than scientific articles. 2 Literature review This section introduces the literature relevant to the submitted essays and for further research. 7 Section 2.1 introduces the challenges of applying real-time data for macroeconomic analysis in general and section 2.2 then focuses on monetary policy evaluation with the use of real-time data. Section 2.3 reviews the literature of analysing fiscal policy effects, measured as fiscal multipliers. The literature on real-time data effects in fiscal policy which is not covered in section 2.3, is available in a survey by Cimadomo (2016). The literature review is concluded in section 2.4 on macroeconomic forecasting, with and without the use of real-time data. Sections 2.1 and 2.2 are relevant in the context of Čapek (2014), while section 2.3 addresses the literature followed in Čapek and Crespo Cuaresma (2020) and Čapek et al. (2021). Review in section 2.4 relates to further research (see part 5, page 22). 2.1 Real-time data The unreliability of real-time macroeconomic data is a well-known issue and many studies have investigated the properties of data revisions. Orphanides and Norden (2002) report that revision of U.S. published data is not the main issue; it is the unreliability of end-of-sample trend estimates. These results are confirmed by Marcellino and Musso (2011) on euro area data, and by Ince and Papell (2013) on data for nine OECD countries. On the other hand, Cusinato et al. (2013) find that data revision and the end-of-sample problem contribute to uncertainty about the Brazilian output gap, but do not find any evidence that the former is less important than the latter. Investigating the empirical properties of U.S. macroeconomic data, Aruoba (2008) finds that the revisions are biased and predictable. For European countries, Giovannelli and Peri-coli (2020) report that governmental forecasts of real GDP growth are biased. Rusnák (2013) reports that revisions of Czech GDP and its components are rather large. He also studies whether the revisions are "news" or "noise", i.e. whether the revisions are predictable or unpredictable, and ascertains in-sample predictability and out-of-sample unpredictability for most variables of interest. Interested readers are referred to Croushore (2011) for an extensive survey of the real-time data literature. Real-time databases are available for the U.S.3, OECD countries4, and also euro area5. Problematic features of real-time data bring about difficulties for macroeco- 3Croushore and Stark (2001), real-time-data-research/real-time-data-set-for-macroeconomists 4McKenzie (2006), 5Giannone et al.(2012), 8 nomic policy evaluation and macroeconomic forecasting. 2.2 Monetary policy decision-making in real-time There are many possible problems with macroeconomic data revisions and they are quantitatively of variable importance in different countries. However, the fact that the data revisions are large does not necessarily mean that they must create problems for economic agents. A researcher who wants to find out how significant the revisions are for decision-making in different situations must incorporate real-time data or data revisions into the decision-making process and observe if there are noteworthy differences in the results. A great deal of research effort has focused on the analytic consequences of bad real-time data quality for monetary policy. The literature goes back to Maravall and Pierce (1986), who investigate the conduction of monetary policy in real-time and ask whether the policy would have been different if final data had been available. The authors conclude that the answer to that question is no. A similar research question is also investigated by a stream of literature that focuses on the monetary rule under real-time conditions: Orphanides (2001) uses a Taylor-type rule to look at the effect of different policy recommendations using real-time data compared to final data and argues that monetary policy reaction functions estimated on final data provide a misleading description of historical policy. Similar results, i.e. that real-time data play a (significant) role, were also reached by Meirelles Aurelio (2005), Gerdesmeier and Roffia (2005), Gerberding et al. (2005), Horvath (2009), and Belke and Klose (2011). More recent literature also uses DSGE models with monetary rules as a tool for monetary policy investigation. Vazquez et al. (2010) and Casares and Vazquez (2016) find that monetary policy parameters are robust to real-time specification. On the other hand, Neri and Ropele (2012) show that there is indeed a statistically significant difference in policy parameters when real-time data are considered (rather than final data). 2.3 Fiscal policy effects The estimation of fiscal multipliers (the ratio of the change in output to an exogenous change in government spending or taxes) is a central element for the evaluation of the macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy. Fiscal multipliers can be communicated and compared easily across different countries and time periods and the precision 9 of their estimation contributes significantly to the quality of GDP growth predictions (Blanchard and Leigh, 2013). The main bulk of the existing literature on the macroeconomic effects of fiscal interventions can be categorized as either model-based or empirical. Model-based approaches typically employ calibrated DSGE models to study the effects of fiscal stimuli in an internally-consistent theoretical framework. Kilponen et al. (2015), for instance, compare such estimates of fiscal multipliers across models and countries in Europe, while Barrell et al. (2012) focus on model-based fiscal multipliers in the context of fiscal consolidation. The advantage of the model-based approach lies in the ability to analyse counterfactual scenarios by simulating the dynamics of the model variables under different conditions. On the other hand, empirical approaches, mostly based on SVAR models, tend to be more data-driven and typically impose less stringent restrictions on the structure of the economic model. The availability of long time series for some countries allow for the use of modern identification methods such as the narrative approach (Ramey, 2011b) to extract exogenous fiscal shocks or the assessment of different regimes (Auerbach and Gorodnichenko, 2012) where fiscal multipliers may differ. In cases where such long time series are not available, countries are often pooled and the empirical analysis is conducted on a panel setting (Beetsma and Giuliodori, 2011; Ilzetzki et al., 2013), or fiscal multipliers for single economies with shorter time series are studied using SVAR models inspired by the seminal contribution by Blanchard and Perotti (2002).6 The estimates of fiscal multipliers tend to differ, sometimes strongly, from study to study (see the evidence presented in the meta-analysis provided by Gechert, 2015). These differences can be attributed to various identification strategies (Caldara and Kamps, 2017) as well as to other technical choices made in the analysis (Capek and Crespo Cuaresma, 2020). The interest in assessing the macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy in industrialized countries has gained renewed momentum since the Great Recession. Given the limited scope of action of monetary policy in the context of very low nominal interest rates, fiscal policy re-emerged as a policy of choice and a large literature has concentrated on investigating how fiscal policy affects macroeconomic variables and GDP in particular.7 6See e.g. Ramey (2016) for a review of the methods used for the identification of exogenous fiscal shocks. 7See e.g. Hebous (2011) or Ramey (2011a) for earlier surveys on the issue, or Ramey (2019) for a recent contribution. 10 There is little evidence on the size of fiscal multipliers for developed European small open economies.8 Ravn and Spange (2012) enhance the Blanchard-Perotti methodology based on structural vector autoregression (SVAR) models to estimate spending multipliers for Denmark and obtain a point estimate of approximately 0.6 after four quarters. Jemec et al. (2011) investigate Slovenian fiscal policy employing a standard SVAR approach and estimate an impact spending multiplier of 1.5, which diminishes in subsequent periods. Unfortunately, not all studies investigating the effects of fiscal stimuli report the results in the form of multipliers (e.g. Afonso and Sousa, 2011, for Portugal or Benetrix and Lane, 2009, for Ireland). In addition to estimates for single countries, evidence from panel studies also exists. Ilzetzki et al. (2013) report that the subgroups of countries corresponding to high income, open, low-debt and fixed exchange rate countries have average spending multipliers of 0.4, 0, 0.2, and 0.6, respectively. The empirical evidence can be supplemented making use of the work by Barrell et al. (2012), where a model-based consumption multiplier of 0.5 is reported for Austria. Breuss et al. (2009) provides an overview of fiscal multipliers derived by Austrian forecasting institutions from large-scale macroeconometric models (within the tradition of the Cowles commission approach). Spending multipliers over the first year after the fiscal shock are typically below unity, first-year wage and income tax multipliers are below 0.5. Recent papers by Koch et al. (2019) and Schuster (2019) complement the existing results by simulating fiscal multipliers for Austria using calibrated New-Keynesian general equilibrium models and derive multipliers of comparable magnitudes. 2.4 Macroeconomic forecasting The forecasting ability of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models has been a topic of debate in the academic literature over the last decade. Some of the existing empirical results suggest that the forecasting performance of DSGE models can reach (and in some cases surpass) that of econometric time series models (see e.g. Adolfson et al., 2007; Del Negro and Schorfheide, 2013; Wolters, 2015). The fact that DSGE models can be used by policy institutions not just for forecasting, but also for policy analysis, makes them a useful and versatile tool to address multiple questions on short-run and medium-run macroeconomic developments (Christiano et al., 2018; 8See the extensive summary of existing multiplier estimates in Mineshima et al. (2014) or the data used for the broad meta-analysis in Gechert (2015). 11 Linde, 2018). However, many studies indicate that the forecasting performance of DSGE and econometric time series models does not tend to be stable across countries or over time (Bj0rnland et al., 2017; Kolasa and Rubaszek, 2015; Nalban, 2018). Consequently the results on the superiority of certain modelling frameworks when it comes to out-of-sample prediction cannot be easily generalized. The results achieved with the use of US data, for instance, may only be partly relevant for a different country, and similar considerations can be taken with respect to the time frame used, the level of data revisions, the transformations of the data, and many other dimensions of the modelling exercise. The existing literature also shows that forecasting performance may vary over time (Bj0rnland et al., 2017) and can substantially change if real-time data are taken into consideration (Croushore and Stark, 2003). DSGE models empirical country data real-time variables Adolfson et al. (2007) 5 (B)VAR, VECM euro area X 15 Bj0rnland et al. (2017) X DFM, AR 33 X GDP Cai et al. (2019) 5 X US / GDP, inf. Carriero et al. (2019) 1 (FA)(B)(V)AR 7 X 7-14 Clark and Ravazzolo (2014) X (B)(V)AR US / 4 Diebold et al. (2017) 4 X US / 3 Gürkaynak et al. (2013) SW (B)(V)AR, RW US / 3 Kolasa and Rubaszek (2015) 3 X US X 7 Kolasa et al. (2012) SW DSGE-VAR US / 3 Mandalinci (2017) X 10 9 X inflation Nalban (2018) 8 X Romania X 7 Panagiotelis et al. (2019) X (B)(V)AR, DFM Australia X 3 Wolters (2015) 4 BVAR US / 3 Table 1: Classification of features of influential pieces in the macroeconomic forecasting literature. Notes: References with DSGE=X do not use DSGE models, whereas empirical=X means that the study does not use empirical models. DSGE=SW relates to the use of variants of Smets and Wouters (2003, 2007) model. In case of variables=3, the study deals with GDP (growth), a measure of inflation, and the interest rate. Literature with variables=7 also adds consumption, investment, wages, and hours worked. To summarize the ground covered by some influential pieces in the literature studying the time-varying nature of macroeconomic forecasting, Table 1 categorizes some of the characteristics of the approaches used in macroeconomic forecasting exercises. The second and third columns present information about whether the piece uses DSGE 12 and/or empirical (econometric) models. The following group of columns shows the country or group of countries of interest of the study, if real-time data were used and for which macroeconomic variables forecasting performance was assessed. 3 Methodology From the practitioner's perspective and with relation to the topic of this commentary, models used for macroeconomic policy analysis can be categorized into two general classes: Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models and Structural Vector AutoRegressive (SVAR) models.9 3.1 Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium models10 Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models are typically understood as quantitative models of economic growth or business cycle, which are derived from microeconomic foundations of separate economic agents. First models, which can be traced back to e.g. Kydland and Prescott (1982), were following real business cycle (RBC) theory. As the name of the theory suggests, technology shocks were very important in explaining economic fluctuations and there was a limited role of monetary factors. These features made RBC models clearly unsuitable for (monetary) policy practitioners and were also at odds with empirical evidence (Friedman and Schwartz, 1963). These shortages paved way for New Keynesian (NK) models, which featured monopolistic competition, nominal rigidities, and short-run monetary non-neutrality (see review article Clarida et al., 1999). The models in the NK family got new features, which brought them closer to observed economic behavior and whose impulse response functions to various exogenous shocks were more realistic. This group of models can be represented by seminal works Smets and Wouters (2003, 2007). The Great financial crisis (GFC) of 2007-2008 brought strong stimulus for further development of DSGE models, as the pre-crisis models seemed unable to predict the GFC. Reflecting on this failure, post-crisis models incorporate financial frictions, 9This distinction is made for the ease of the exposition in this commentary. From the econometrics point of view, DSGE models can be (under some conditions) understood as VARMA models and subsequently (under further conditions) as infinite or finite VAR models. See Giacomini (2013) for a survey. Also, the class of empirical models is addressed as VAR models, which is not accurate in cases like e.g. non-invertible MA (moving average) representation. 10The introduction of this section uses Christiano et al. (2018) and Gali (2008). 13 among other channels. Additionally, evidence shows that not only does financial frictions block need to be part of the model, but also financial data need to be among the model's observable variables (Christiano et al., 2014; Del Negro et al., 2015; Justini-ano et al., 2010). The usefulness of various other model features is being investigated by modern literature, such as model non-linearities (like zero lower bound), heterogeneous agent models, and others. Model used in Čapek (2014) For illustrative purposes, this section introduces the log-linearized version of the New Keynesian DSGE model, which was used for estimation and policy analysis in Čapek (2014). The model is a small open economy (SOE) model, with the Czech economy as the home country and the euro area as the foreign country. The model is adapted from Lubik and Schorfheide (2005). One of the representative agents in the economy are households, which draw utility from consumption and disutility from labor. Households can also enter financial markets to bridge the time gap between pay-day and consumption. If we denote consumption at time t as ct, marginal utility of real income as Xt and the growth rate of the world-wide technology shock zt, the log-linearized evolution of marginal utility of income is11 -At = - JĚ-Bkir^ + zt+l), (1) where parameter r denotes coefficient of relative risk aversion, h is habit (persistence) in consumption, and {3 is discount factor of future utility. The law of motion of the habit stock is 1 (k =--r(Q - hct-x + hzt). (2) 1 — a Denoting the nominal interest rate rt and inflation nt (note that Et-Kt+1 are one-period- 11 Notation convention: variables are letters with a subscript t, t — 1, or t + 1, according to the timing. Letters without the timing are parameters. Et denotes the expectations operator (at time t). 14 ahead expectations of inflation formed at time t) yields Euler equation -At = -Et\t+1 - (rt - Etnt+1) + Etzt+1. (3) We can define inflation as a weighted average of domestic (nH,t) and imported (nFj) inflation 7rt = (1 - a)nH,t + a>nFj, (4) where a is the import share parameter. Production is done by monopolistically competitive firms, which operate in competitive labor markets. Production function features exogenous labor-augmenting home-specific technology progress at. Firms face a Calvo-style pricing mechanism, with a fraction of firms 1 — 6H setting price optimally and a fraction of firms 9H having sticky prices. The log-linearized price-setting decision-making results in a New-Keynesian Phillips curve I - 6H KH,t = —a-(1 - (30H)mcHjt + (3EtnHjt+1, (5) where mcHj denotes the (domestic) marginal cost, which evolve according to mcHjt = -aqt - \t - at, (6) where qt are terms of trade. Similar to producers, importers are also monopolistically competitive. Because importers can sell products with a mark-up, purchasing power parity need not hold in the short run. The result of importers' price-setting is importers' Phillips curve 7TF,t = ^r^(l - P0F)il>F,t + PEtnF,t+1. (7) tip Note the similarities to producers' Phillips curve (5): variables and parameters feature subscript F for goods imported from the foreign economy and ipFj represents the law of one price gap. Foreign economy is modelled structurally and home-economy equations (1), (2), 15 and (5) have analogous versions for the foreign economy: c* = r-L_(c*-fcc*_1 + ^t), (9) < = ^A1 - PP)(-K - <) + PEt*kt+i- do) The star superscript (*) denotes foreign economy variables and parameters. The equations derived from the behavior of households, produces, and importers are complemented with the following definitions and equilibrium conditions: Aet = Ast + 7rt-7r*, (11) qt = qt-1 + TTH,t ~ TVF,t, (12) st = i>F,t ~ (1 - a)qt, (13) At = At* - st, (14) rt-r*t =EtAet+1, (15) UH,t = (1 - a)ct + ac*t + arj(st - qt) + gH,t- (16) Equation (11) defines the depreciation rate of nominal exchange rate et with the use of real exchange rate st,12 equation (12) is differenced version of terms of trade definition, and (13) mutually defines the real exchange rate and the law of one price gap. Equilibrium conditions are international risk-sharing equation (14), uncovered interest parity condition (15), and domestic market clearing condition (16), where yH)t represents domestic output, gH,t government expenditures and parameter rj is intratemporal elasticity of substitution between home and imported consumption goods. Equilibrium conditions are completed with the market clearing condition for the foreign economy y*t=4+g*t, (17) which is simpler than its domestic counterpart (16), because the foreign economy is a large open economy, which is, by definition, not influenced by a small open domestic economy. The model is closed by specifying monetary policy with a Taylor-type interest rate 12A denotes the difference operator such that Aet = et — et_\. 16 rule for domestic and foreign economies rt = prrt-i + (1 - Pr)ftM* + ip2(AyHjt + zt) + ip3Aet] + er,t, (18) < = PX-i + (1 - P^iX + ^(Atf + zt)] + (TC>+i+z>^ (14) I-hp I-hp c] =t^-t(c, ~hc]_x + hzt) (15) l-h < =^(\-IW')(-Xt-ut) + /mtn:a (16) o y' = c' + g't The model is closed by specifying monetary policy. Towards this end, standard Taylor-type rule is used. This formulation of monetary policy assumes that central banks respond to deviations of inflation from steady state, growth rate of output from steady state growth rate y and possibly to deviations of nominal exchange rate depreciation from steady state. Home and foreign monetary rules are therefore rt = Prrt-\ + (l- Pr)iV/^t+i//2(AyHt + zt) + i//3Aet] + srt (18) r* = p\rU + (1 - pDWWt + v2(4V* + zt)] + eu' (19> where rt is nominal interest rate, which is supposed to be monetary authority's tool, pr is backward-looking parameter, y/ s are weights that monetary policy places on different economic variables it reacts to, and sr t is direct innovation to the rule that captures non-systematic part of monetary policy. Analogous explanations hold for foreign economy. The model is supplemented with AR(1) processes describing evolution of government expenditures (acting as a demand or market clearing shock) gt, country-specific technology shock to production function (acting as a supply shock) and the evolution of zt, which is growth rate of worldwide non-stationary technology shock. P = Paa,-l + Sa,t P = PaP-X + S\t gH,t = PggH,t-l + £gH ,t g't = P'gg'-l + £'g,t Zt= PzZt-\+£z,t 3. Summary of model variables, shocks and parameters Table 1 Summary of model variables' Variable Loglinearized Description A at home-specific stationary technology shock c, ct consumption relative to the level of technology c CH ,t domestic consumption of domestic goods (relative to the level of technology) c* CH,, foreign consumption of domestic goods (relative to the level of technology) = exports gh,t 8h,i domestic government expenditures g't foreign government expenditures mcHt real marginal cost PH,t domestic goods price index Pp,t foreign goods price index P, Pt price index Rt rt nominal interest rate (as growth coefficient) s, st real exchange rate yH,t domestic output yt foreign output z, zt growth coefficient of a world-wide technology shock c, effective consumption relative to the level of technology et nominal exchange rate (direct quotation) Q, pLp for matrices i, I — 1,... ,p. The variables in Yt (output, fiscal variables, and other covariates) are assumed to be measured without error by the observed factors Ft. Xt contains m observed time series (not contained in Yt) summarizing information about other macroeconomic and financial phenomena, as well as variables related to labour markets, production, and sectoral developments. Variables in Xt are assumed to depend on observed factors Ft, unobserved factors Ft and an idiosyncratic component et, with matrix AF comprising the corresponding factor loadings. Equation (3) specifies the relationship between reduced-form (rjt) and structural shocks (st). If the number of unobserved factors r is set to zero, the model collapses to a standard SVAR model which can be utilized to implement the methods in Blanchard and Perotti (2002) or Perotti (2004). The unobserved factors of the model (Ft) are estimated as principal components and the identification of the model is reached once matrices A and B are chosen (see Stock and Watson, 2016). Various identification methods can be used to retrieve the structural shocks in st. The method pioneered by Blanchard and Perotti (2002) relies on exact restrictions imposed on the error terms of a VAR model which includes GDP, government expenditure and taxes through an identification scheme based on lags in the implementation of fiscal policy. More modern methods (Rubio-Ramirez et ah, 2010) use sign restrictions that constrain the direction of the response of variables to particular shocks. Once the structural shocks have been identified, government spending and tax multipliers can be computed. In line with recent literature (e.g. Mountford and Uhlig, 2009; Ilzetzki et al., 2013; Caggiano et al., 2015; Gechert and Rannenberg, 2018), we report present-value (or discounted cumulative) multipliers at lag T as follows: present — valuespendingmultiplier £(1+0"'* -i £(i+0"'# 8,J t=0 (4) where yt is the response of output at time t (in logs), gt denotes the response of government 6 fiscal multipliers in a small open economy Table 1. Modelling choices for the estimation of fiscal multipliers Dimension Variants considered Government data composition Nine variants, see Table 2; ESA2010 codes and time series in Supplementary Appendix A Deflating index GDP deflator and HICP (not lagged and lagged by four quarters) Model VAR and FAVAR models with 3-5 vars. (factors ordered first or last) Identification strategy Cholesky ordering, Blanchard-Perotti, sign restrictions Number of factors 1-2 (FAVARs only) Deterministics and lags Constant or linear trend, 1-4 lags Source: Authors' calculations. expenditures at time t (in logs), and g/y is the average share of government expenditures in GDP over the sample. The multiplier is discounted with the interest rate i, which is set to 4% per annum.4 In the context of data at quarterly frequency, we report discounted cumulative multipliers for T — 4. The tax multiplier is calculated analogously, after substituting government expenditures in Equation (4) with taxes. If we concentrate on the non-cumulative reaction of GDP, such effects can be summarized using the so-called peak multipliers (see, e.g. Blanchard and Perotti, 2002; Ramey, 2011b; Fragetta and Gasteiger, 2014; Caggiano et al., 2015): i a- u- v maxt=o,...,H{yJ 1 /0 peakspendingmultiplier =--—- x ——, (5) maxt=0,...,H{gJ g/y In Equation (5), in order to respect the business cycle nature of the multipliers (and the known unreliability of results for longer horizons in these specifications), we restrict the horizon to a maximum of 2 years and set H— 8. 3. Model specifications and data 3.1 Specification choices As reported in Capek and Crespo Cuaresma (2020), in the context of estimating multipliers using SVAR specifications, seemingly harmless modelling choices may have a significant effect on the size and precision of fiscal multiplier estimates. In addition to the structural shock identification strategy, these modelling choices include the definition of spending and taxes, the national accounts system employed, the use of particular interest rates or inflation measures in the model, or whether data are smoothed prior to estimation. On the sample of European countries, the cumulative effects of such arguably innocuous methodological choices can lead to large changes in the spending multipliers. We explicitly integrate such uncertainty into our estimated for Austria, entertaining the large number of models which can be obtained by combining such possible methodological choices. 4 The discounting does not play major role in case of moderate interest rates, while it becomes more important in environments of high interest rate, such as emerging economies. The selection of a 4% interest rate corresponds to a commonly used discount factor of 0.99 per period. J. Capek etal. 7 Table 1 lists all the methodological choices considered to construct models aimed at estimating fiscal multipliers for Austria. The set of possible variants are obtained by combining choices relating to (i) the data employed, (ii) the model used, and (iii) the particular details related to the specification of the model. As for the data choices, these mainly concern the composition of government spending and revenues, but can also differ in the choice of the price index used to deflate nominal variables (CPI versus GDP deflator). As a large part of government spending in Austria is linked to the lagged CPI (e.g. pension payments), we additionally consider lagged CPI (four-quarters lag) in our analysis. The basic modelling choices in terms of specification structure are related to the (i) use of a simple VAR model versus employing a specification that incorporates unobserved factors, that is, a FA VAR model, (ii) the selection of variables in the (FA)VAR model, and (iii) the choice of the identification strategy. Given a model specification, the technical choices relate to the number of deterministic terms in the (FA)VAR equation and the number of lags. For each model specification, we bootstrap 4,000 multipliers and use the median as our point estimate.5 The main analysis includes 2,987 different specifications that can be obtained by combining the choices at hand, each yielding a (peak and present-value) spending and a tax median multiplier. Table 2 presents the compositions of government spending and revenues used to obtain fiscal multipliers. Each choice consists of a specific composition of the government spending and government taxes aggregate. The Baseline setting ('Core/Tax Tiny') employs a very simple composition which contains just three components of spending (compensation of employees, intermediate consumption, and gross capital formation) and two components of revenues (taxes on production, imports, income, and wealth).6 The following three combinations adjust the baseline setting by including also social contributions, benefits, and subsidies as part of the fiscal aggregate (as in Crespo Cuaresma et al., 2011, for instance). To reflect the particularities of the Austrian economy, other compositional choices reflecting the importance of transfers in kind, household social contributions, subsidies, and transfers for the country have to be made. Deviating from the existing literature, so as to cover the specific case of Austria, we introduce three new data compositions (tag starting with 'corefix' in Table 2). The inclusion of social transfers in kind in this composition of government spending accounts for the fact that social transfers in kind amount to >8% of overall government spending in the country. Because of their use to finance large parts of the healthcare and social protection system, changes in the provision of social transfers in kind create important economic spill-overs (e.g. by substituting private expenditure for old-age and long-term care) that should be considered in the analysis. The particular revenue compositions used reflect the importance of household social contributions, subsidies, and transfers for overall disposable household income in Austria. Following Muir and Weber (2013), we also entertain models based on government spending aggregates that contain acquisitions of assets and a battery of adjustments regarding social contributions, subsidies, and transfers (including capital transfers). The spending and tax aggregate compositions 5 In sign restriction identification schemes, the 4,000 solutions are the actual draws. Other identification approaches rely on bootstrapping to compute the 4,000 draws. The bootstrap employed builds on resampling raw residuals (with replacement) and subsequent refitting of the model. Portmanteau tests for residual autocorrelation suggest that around two thirds of the estimated models do not exhibit significant residual autocorrelation at any sensible lag. 6 See Appendix A for the ESA2010 codes corresponding to each component. 8 fiscal multipliers in a small open economy Table 2. Government spending and revenues composition Tag Government spending composition Government revenues composition core/tax tiny (Baseline) core/tax small net soc.t. core/net tax small Compensation of employees, intermediate consumption, and gross capital formation corefix+soc.t.kind/tax mid Baseline (gross fixed capital) + transfers in kind corefix+soc.t.kind/net tax mid corefix+soc.t.kind/net tax large core/net tax all Baseline + acquisitions of assets Taxes on production, imports, income, and wealth Baseline adjusted for actual social contributions Baseline adjusted for social contributions and subsidies Baseline + household social contributions Baseline + household social contributions adjusted for subsidies Baseline + household social contributions adjusted for subsidies and transfers Baseline + household social contributions adjusted for subsidies and transfers (incl. capital transfers) Source: Authors' classification. Notes: There are nine sets of compositions of government spending and revenues. Starting from 'core/tax tiny', which is the Baseline composition (shaded in grey), the other composition sets add extra spending and/or revenue items. These are ordered from narrower to broader sets, comprising many spending and/or revenue items. The corresponding tag is constructed with abbreviations of spending composition separated from abbreviations of revenue composition using a slash '/'. The term 'core' refers to the Baseline spending composition, 'cor-efix' highlights the use of fixed capital formation. The abbreviations for taxes range from 'tiny', with only several items, to 'all', with a broad selection of revenue items. The last row of the table is the only representative of top-down composition approach starting from total spending and total revenue. For specific ESA codes for each composition set, see Supplementary Appendix A. mentioned above follow a bottom-up approach and are created by adding together the particular variables measuring the parts of spending and revenues that are relevant for the estimation of the fiscal shock. The last compositional choice considered ('Top Down Spend./ Top Down Rev.') takes a top-down approach by starting from the full aggregates of total spending and total revenues and subtracting the parts that are not relevant for the estimation of the fiscal shock. The Cholesky identification strategy identifies a fiscal shock using a particular ordering based on the contemporaneous responses across shocks. The first and most exogenous variable is assumed to be government spending, followed by GDP, inflation (in VAR models with four and five variables), taxes, and the interest rate (in VAR models with five variables only). The Blanchard-Perotti identification scheme follows Blanchard and Perotti (2002) for VAR models with three variables and Perotti (2004) for specifications with more variables. The (aggregate) output and price elasticities of government revenue required to perform the shock identification exercise are calculated as weighted averages of elasticities of different net-tax components. The calculation follows Burriel et al. (2010), and uses J. Čapek etal. 9 elasticities of specific net tax and transfer components from Mourre et al. (2014) and Price et al. (2014). The output and price elasticities of government revenue computed for Austria are 1.66 and 0.78, respectively.7 The price elasticity of spending is assumed to be -0.5 (in line with the literature, e.g. Crespo Cuaresma et al., 2011; Perotti, 2004). Our implementation of sign restrictions identifies three shocks: the business cycle shock is identified by requiring the impulse responses of output and taxes to be positive for at least the four quarters following the shock. The tax shock is identified by a positive response of taxes for at least the four quarters following the shock (and the shock is required not to meet the identifying restrictions for the business cycle shock). For the identification of a government spending shock, the responses of government spending need to be positive for at least the four quarters following the shock (and the shock is required not to meet the identifying restrictions for the business cycle shock). The identification strategies mentioned above are unable to explicitly address the issue of fiscal foresight. If a fiscal policy change is known before its (official) implementation and economic agents react accordingly, the reaction in the real economy may be apparent earlier. This timing mismatch is known as fiscal foresight and essentially amounts to a limited information problem (Fragetta and Gasteiger, 2014). Forni and Gambetti (2014) suggest to remedy the problem by extending the VAR model with principal components (as estimates of unobservable factors), which are calculated from a broad range of additional time series containing relevant information. We add one or two principal components to the VAR specification with three variables, making the model a proper FAVAR specification. We estimate the principal components with the aid of 26 additional time series that relate to macroeconomic dynamics, financial markets, and the labour market.8 3.2 Data The main source of data is Eurostat, while some financial variables used for the estimation of the unobserved factors are sourced from the European Central Bank. We use 30 different time series to construct the various disaggregated variables for government spending and revenue required to estimate our models. For extended versions of the VAR model with four and five variables, we also use inflation and the interest rate. The data cover the period spanned from the first quarter of 2001 to the fourth quarter of 2018, yielding 72 quarterly observations. If available, seasonally adjusted variables are employed. If seasonally adjusted data are unavailable, we use the X-13 toolbox to remove seasonal patterns from those variables that contain a seasonal component.9 All the time series for spending and tax categories, as well as GDP, are downloaded from the source in nominal terms and subsequently 7 See Section 4 for a sensitivity analysis exercise in which we vary both of these elasticities and Appendix C for detailed results. See Appendix D for details of the calculation of these aggregate elasticities. 8 See Appendix A for the list of the time series used to estimate the factors. 9 We employ the X-13 Toolbox for Seasonal Filtering by Yvan Lengwiler on Matlab file exchange. The default setting lets TRAMO select additive or multiplicative filtering and then decomposes the series into a trend, cycle, and seasonal component using X-11, with additive outliers allowed, as well as trading day dummies. 10 fiscal multipliers in a small open economy Table 3. Fiscal multiplier estimates Multiplier type min 16th p. mean median 84th. p max Spending multiplier (present value) -1.81 0.63 0.94 0.99 1.22 2.43 Best 40% -1.38 0.52 0.87 0.89 1.21 2.15 Tax multiplier (present value) -2.30 -1.28 -0.76 -0.82 -0.23 1.92 Best 40% -2.30 -1.23 -0.76 -0.84 -0.24 1.11 Spending multiplier (peak) 0.25 0.87 1.08 1.06 1.30 2.22 Best 40% 0.25 0.83 1.07 1.03 1.34 1.99 Tax multiplier (peak) -2.17 -0.90 -0.58 -0.58 -0.19 -0.02 Best 40% -2.17 -0.90 -0.59 -0.57 -0.22 -0.05 Source: Authors' calculations. Notes: The descriptive statistics of the full set of results are based on 2,987 median multipliers estimates, whereas the group based on the 40% best-forecasting models consists of 1,196 multipliers. See also Fig. 1 for kernel densities. deflated using the corresponding deflator (see Table l).10 The corresponding fiscal variables and GDP enter the (FA)VAR models in logs, while inflation and the interest rate are added to the VAR without further transformation (i.e. in percentage points). The methodological framework employed for the identification of fiscal shocks, which correspond to the standard specifications used in the modern literature on fiscal multipliers, implies that the variables in the VAR model are assumed to be stationary or trend-stationary (i.e. stationary around deterministic linear trend). All time series used to estimate the factors are transformed to reach stationarity prior to obtaining estimates of the factors.11 4. Fiscal multipliers in Austria: the role of forecasting performance and specification choices The estimated fiscal multipliers for Austria are summarized in Table 3. We make use of out-of-sample predictive accuracy as a validation device of the models used in our exercise. We utilize the last four observations of our GDP series as an out-of-sample period and compute the mean absolute error (MAE) of one-step-ahead GDP predictions for all specifications used to obtain multiplier estimates, after estimating the models using a sample that excludes the out-of-sample observations. The results of this forecasting exercise allow us to refine the inference on Austrian expenditure and tax multipliers by concentrating on the estimates corresponding to the set of models with best predictive ability. The mean present-value spending multiplier over all models is 0.68 and increases to 0.79 if we focus on the group of best models according to predictive ability (specifications corresponding to the 40% best models in terms of MAE). Generally, peak spending multipliers are larger than the present-value spending multipliers. The mean peak spending multiplier is 0.85 and reaches 0.90 in the group of models with best predictive power. As for the tax multipliers, the magnitude of present-value tax multiplier is quite high in 10 Revenue categories are not available in real terms. In order to investigate the effects of deflating with different price indices while keeping consistency, we choose to source all-time series in nominal terms and deflate them with the same deflator. 11 See Appendix A for the transformations carried out in each of the time series. J. CaPEK et al. 11 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Spending multiplier (present value) 0.5 1 1.5 2 Spending multiplier (peak) -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 Tax multiplier (present value) 0.5 0.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Tax multiplier (peak) Fig. 1. Fiscal multiplier estimates: kernel densities. Notes: The dark density corresponds to the full set of results, the light density refers to the top 40% best models in terms of predictive ability. See also notes to Table 3. absolute value at —1.12 and gets even larger when concentrating on the models with particularly good forecasting ability. The mean peak tax multiplier is —0.54 for the whole set of specifications entertained and —0.68 once we concentrate on the models with best forecasting performance. The smoothed densities of the estimated multipliers are presented in Fig. 1 for the full sample of fiscal multiplier estimates, as well as for the top 40% models in terms of out-of-sample predictive ability. Across all specifications, focusing on the models with best predictive ability leads to larger multiplier estimates in absolute value. However, within certain types of specifications, sizeable differences can be found when zooming into the group of models which have a higher predictive power. The most pronounced differences between variants of the same type of specification are depicted in Fig. 2, which shows the empirical densities of peak tax multiplier for the full sample and for subsets based on predictive ability (best 20, 40, 60, and 80% models), split in three panels depending on the particular deflator used for nominal variables. The first panel shows that within the group of models that employ variables where the GDP deflator was used to transform nominal variables into their real counterparts, specifications with relatively good forecast performance tend to deliver tax multipliers of larger magnitude, with the mode of the distribution moving from approximately —0.4 to —0.9. A similar tendency is observed for models that use variables whereHICP was employed as a deflator, albeit in a less pronounced manner than for the GDP deflator. For the cumulative spending multiplier, the effects of abstracting away from evaluating models with relatively poor forecasting performance are different in specifications when we use only a constant as a deterministic term in the (FA)VAR equation as compared with specifications in which we also add a time trend, with the results presented in Fig. 3. 12 fiscal multipliers in a small open economy J. CaPEK et al. 13 on models where macroeconomic variables are treated as stationary stochastic processes. In models with only a constant, focusing on the best predictive models shifts the whole distribution towards higher values of the spending multiplier (the mode of the distribution increases from approximately 0.6 to 0.9). For models with constant and trend, the picture is different: The distribution becomes flatter once we focus on multipliers obtained with models which have a particularly good forecasting performance, but the mode remains basically unchanged. Table 4 summarizes the share of models with best forecasting performance in the full set of specifications by variable definition. The data composition which tends to improve forecasting performance for GDP data is the Baseline composition (tagged 'core/tax tiny'), which covers 17% of the models in the top 40% specifications by predictive ability. On the other side of the spectrum is a very similar data composition, which features Baseline revenues adjusted for actual social contributions ('core/tax small net soc.t.'), with a representation of 8.2% in the group of best forecasting models. As these two settings are very similar, we can identify the role played by particular components in terms of being responsible for differences in predictive ability across models. Models that include a tax variable that is adjusted for actual social contributions tend to have lower forecasting ability. If the researcher is interested in fiscal multipliers based on data compositions in models featuring good predictive ability, the Baseline ('core/tax tiny'), the 'corefix+soc.t.kind/tax mid', and the 'top down spend./top down rev.' variants appear particularly promising (see Table 2 for a description of data composition and Supplementary Appendix A for ESA codes). Figure 4 shows multiplier estimates across different sets of government spending and revenue compositions. While most of the empirical densities obtained are relatively similar, three composition choices differ markedly from the rest. For the case of the spending multiplier (see top panels of Fig. 4), the composition including monetary social transfers ('core+m.soc.t./net tax small', inspired by Crespo Cuaresma et ah, 2011) leads to a distribution of multiplier estimates which has a similar mode as that of other data composition choices, but more mass around the mode. This indicates that adding monetary social transfers as part of spending composition leads to a higher precision for point estimates of the spending multiplier across models. The sensitivity of spending multiplier estimates to the inclusion of monetary social transfers is a representative example of the importance of variable definitions and data Table 4. Data composition and forecasting performance Data composition Count Percentage Total Best 40% Total Best 40% core/tax tiny 168 77 14.3 16.6 core/tax small net soc.t. 168 76 14.3 16.3 core/net tax small 168 57 14.3 12.3 corefix+soc.t.kind/tax mid 168 78 14.3 16.8 corefix+soc.t.kind/net tax mid 168 62 14.3 13.2 corefix+soc.t.kind/net tax large 168 45 14.3 9.7 core/net tax all 167 70 14.2 15.1 Total 1,175 465 100% 100% Source: Authors' calculations. 14 fiscal multipliers in a small open economy -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 Tax multiplier (present value) Tax multiplier (peak) Fig. 4. Multiplier densities and data composition, based on all results. Notes: For the details of the data compositions, see Table 2. For the descriptive statistics and kernel densities based on the 40% best-forecasting models, see Supplementary Appendix E. composition issues when it comes to fiscal multiplier estimates. In the case of Austria, changes of monetary social transfers (more than 20% of total expenditure) mainly reflect changes in pension payments. Despite the fact that pension payments are legally linked to the lagged national price index, VAR models tend to interpret many of the changes in monetary social transfers as exogenous impulses, which potentially decrease dispersion in the distribution of multiplier estimates. The second data composition set worth discussing is the only one constructed using a top-down approach, starting from total spending and total revenues, which are subsequently netted of subsidies and transfers ('top down spend./top down rev'). As Fig. 4 shows, the spending multipliers corresponding to models that include these variables tend to be more concentrated around a value of zero. In models that consider such a broad definition of government spending, changes in the variable are more likely to be interpreted as exogenous impulses. Besides the ignored endogenous reaction of monetary social transfers already discussed above, changes of interest payments (which are the part of government spending in this broad variable definition) should also be not treated as exogenous fiscal policy impulses, as governments have only limited power to influence interest payments in the short run. Our results further highlight that for tax multipliers, the choice of a particular group of fiscal variables in the model may have a larger effect on multiplier estimates than in the case of spending multipliers. The empirical distributions of multiplier estimates tend to be rather flat for certain cases, while a composition set including capital transfers ('core/net tax all', inspired by Muir and Weber, 2013), deliver more precise tax multiplier estimates (albeit relatively low in magnitude). The lower magnitude of tax multiplier is also due to misleading identification of exogenous shocks, especially for J. Capek etal. 15 a revenue variable (net taxes) that includes capital transfers. In recent years, virtually all of the variations in capital transfers in Austria have been due to sizable banking support programmes, which arguably had only mild effects on GDP. This leads to more precise but lower magnitudes of (net)-tax multipliers once capital transfers are included, however, providing little information on how common taxes affect output. Turning to the effects of using different econometric specifications, identification strategies, and number of variables (see Fig. 5), on average, models with three variables and a shock identification design based on the Cholesky decomposition tend to result in lower spending multiplier point estimates compared with models which employ more variables and different identification schemes. Whereas VAR models with three variables or models estimated with Cholesky ordering lead to median spending multipliers around 0.5, following more modern approaches can yield spending multiplier estimates with a median above $ $ S? $ & S? $ &' 3^^^ „c? a.' o- o „cy V V -k" ~% ° si S x "I -2 T S £ $ S I I 1 —i— ± ± -L + _I_I_l_ ± + J: TT i i i i j_i_ Co* CO- GO' 3? 1.0 4 4 c5- 51 51 <0 <0 £ <0 = -0.5 CD 3 a. E X CO -1.5 i i ± i i I i i ± CO 3? 1.0 51 i i ± -L 1.0 <0 £ £ <0 2-' & & & £ £ £ *3r ^? <>3 £ £ Fig. 5. Fiscal multipliers by model and identification strategy types. Notes: Boxplots are sorted by the median multiplier, the central (red) mark of the boxplot. The bottom and top edges of the box indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles. 16 fiscal multipliers in a small open economy unity. Similar patterns hold for peak tax multipliers, but the differences are smaller: models with fewer covariates and employing the Cholesky identification scheme tend to result in a median peak tax multiplier around -0.5, whereas the approach delivering the highest median magnitude (VAR model with five variables estimated with sign restrictions) reaches -0.7. As is evident in Fig. 5, based on peak responses, present-value tax multiplier estimates have a much larger spread than their counterparts. Varying the output elasticity of taxes used to calibrate the identification schemes based on the Blanchard-Perotti method has negligible effect on spending multipliers, but a notable effect on tax multipliers, especially when calculated as present-value tax multiplier. The effect is larger in VAR models with three variables than in VARs with four or five variables. Increasing the output elasticity of taxes from its baseline setting of 1.66 to 2 reduces the average present-value tax multiplier by 0.3 in VARs with three variables, and by 0.1 in VARs with four and five variables. Varying the price elasticity of taxes, which is only present in VAR models with four and five variables, causes changes in the estimates in both spending and tax multipliers. Doubling the price elasticity of taxes from the baseline value of 0.78 to 1.5 increases both the present-value and the peak spending multiplier by approximately 0.3. The effect of the same change on tax multipliers is, however, very different if we focus on present-value or peak tax multiplier. In case of present-value tax multiplier, the change in the price elasticity pushes the multiplier towards unity, whereas the peak multiplier is largely unaffected.12 We assess subsample stability in the estimation of multipliers by means of discarding one (first or last) observation at a time and re-estimating the multipliers. We thus investigate the possible effects of influential observations at the beginning or the end of the sample on the multiplier estimates. The main result of the analysis is that peak multipliers are much more stable than present-value multipliers. In particular, present-value tax multipliers appear sensitive to discarding initial observations: discarding the observations corresponding to 2002 from the sample lowers the magnitude of the mean multiplier from —1.12 to —0.97, and the estimate goes down further to —0.75 if we eliminate the observations corresponding to 2003. Spending multipliers display some variability when changing the estimation sample. Present-value spending multiplier estimates get considerably lower once the first quarter of 2018 is considered in the recursive analysis (we observe a drop in mean present value spending multiplier from 0.96 to 0.64). Peak spending multipliers are subject to similar drop in the same time frame (from 1.02 to 0.85), but the values of the peak multiplier are generally higher than their present-value multiplier counterparts. The peak spending multiplier is rather robust to discarding observations from the beginning of the time frame, whereas the present-value multiplier drops once years 2002 and 2003 are removed from the sample (from 0.60 to 0.48 to 0.44). Detailed results on the subsample stability exercise can be found in Supplementary Appendix B. In addition, we also investigate the effects of adding different dummy variables to account for the potential effects of the financial crisis. The results indicate that (present-value) spending multiplier tends to have a higher magnitude once we control for the particularities of our model variables during the financial crisis. The peak spending multiplier and the tax multiplier are mostly unaffected by adding a crisis dummy. For detailed results, see Supplementary Appendix F. 12 See Appendix C for more detailed results on these robustness checks. J. Capek etal. 17 5. Conclusions This article estimates fiscal multipliers for Austria, a stereotypical advanced small open economy, with a focus on the dimension of model uncertainty that emanates from the choice of a particular econometric model to obtain point estimates of the reaction of GDP to shocks in fiscal variables. We present a comprehensive framework that allows to assess the effects of different multiplier definitions and choices related to the data, the model employed, and further technical choices associated with the specification of the model exert on fiscal multiplier estimates. The mean present-value spending multiplier over all models entertained is 0.68 and increases to 0.79 once we focus on the best models according to out-of-sample predictive ability. Generally, estimates of the peak spending multiplier for Austria tend to be larger than present-value spending multipliers. The mean peak spending multiplier is 0.85 and reaches 0.90 if calculated on the basis of the group of models with best predictive performance. As for the tax multipliers, the magnitude of the present-value tax multiplier is relatively high, with an average value across specifications of —1.12 and gets even larger in absolute value when concentrating on the best models in terms of predictive ability. The mean peak tax multiplier is —0.54 for all specifications used and —0.68 once we concentrate on the models with the best forecast performance. For some multiplier definitions and modelling choices, major differences in estimates are found if we focus on the set of models with best predictive ability. Our results indicate that if the GDP deflator is used to deflate nominal variables, concentrating on best performing models leads to a larger peak tax multiplier in absolute value (the mode of the distribution shifts from approximately —0.4 to —0.9). Comparable results are found when we focus on forecasting performance and split models over different compositional definitions of government expenditures and taxes. The particular composition that delivers the highest percentage of models that predict well uses compensation of employees, intermediate consumption, and gross capital formation as part of government expenditures and taxes on production, imports, income, and wealth. On average, multipliers obtained from models that require few variables and use Cholesky identification for the structural shocks tend to result in lower estimates of the spending multiplier. On the other hand, using more variables for estimation and employing identification schemes that follow the Blanchard-Perotti approach or sign restrictions deliver results with rather higher estimates of spending multipliers. Similar patterns hold for peak tax multipliers, but the differences are smaller. Our analysis provides evidence that in a framework of model uncertainty in terms of the specification used to calculation of fiscal multipliers, concentrating on the subgroup of models that present good forecasting ability can deliver different results than assessing the full set of potential specifications. In line with conclusions in Ramey (2019), we find that the specific way used to obtain multipliers can make a big difference in terms of inference. Given the scarce evidence on multipliers in developed small open economies, the results we present for Austria have a value of their own for policymakers and fiscal authorities. Supplementary material Supplementary material is available on the OUP website. These are the data and replication files, as well as the Supplementary appendix. 18 fiscal multipliers in a small open economy Funding This work was supported by the Czech Science Foundation (17-14263S to J.C. and J.C.C.). Computational resources were supplied by the project 'e-Infrastruktura CZ' (e-INFRA LM2018140) provided within the program Projects of Large Research, Development and Innovations Infrastructures. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Rafael Domenech and two anonymous referees, as well as participants in the workshop Fiscal Multipliers and Transfer Payments, organized by the Austrian Fiscal Advisory Council, for helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper. References Afonso, A. and Sousa, R.M. 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Schuster A Data Figure A. 1: Government spending, deflated by GDP deflator. 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 Compensation of employees, intermediate consumption, and gross capital formation Baseline + social benefits Baseline (gross fixed capital) + transfers in kind Baseline + acquisitions of assets Total expenditures - subsidies and various transfers 1 Figure A.2: Government revenue, deflated by GDP deflator. 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 Taxes on production, imports, income, and wealth Baseline adjusted for actual social contributions Baseline adjusted for social contributions and subsidies Baseline + household social contributions Baseline + household social contributions adjusted for subsidies Baseline + household social contributions adjusted for subsidies and transfers Baseline + household social contributions adjusted for subsidies and transfers (incl. capital transfers) Total revenues - subsidies, transfers, and various transfers 2 Table A.l: Time series employed for the computation of the factors Source Code Series Tr. ECB BSI,M,N,A,A25,A,1,U6,2250,Z01,E ECB BSI,Q,N,A,A20,A, l ,U6,2000,EUR,E ECB BSI,M,N,A,L60,X,4,Z5,0000,Z01,E ECB BSI,M,N,A,A20,A,4,U6,1000,Z01,E Eurostat ei_bsco_q/BS-HI-NY,SA,BAL Eurostat ei_bsin_q_r2/B S-ICU-PC, S A Eurostat ei_bsin_q_r2/B S-INO -BAL, SA Eurostat ei_bssi_m_r2/BS-CSMCI-BAL,SA Eurostat ei_bssi_m_r2/BS-ESI-I,SA Eurostat ei_isbr_m/RT12-CA,F_CCl,IS-IP Eurostat ert_eff_ic_q/REER_EA19_CPI,I10 Eurostat irtJt_mcby_q/MCBY Eurostat lfsi_emp_q/THS_PER,T,ACT,Y15-64,SA Eurostat lfsLemp.q/ THS_PER,T,EMP_LFS,Y15-64,SA Eurostat lfsq_egais/THS,T,Y_GE 15 ,EMP,OC8 Eurostat lfsq_egais/THS,T,Y_GE 15 ,EMP,OC5 Eurostat lfsq_ewhuis/HR,T,TOTAL,EMP,OC8 Eurostat namq_l 0_gdp/CLVl 0 JVINAC, SCA,P51G Eurostat namq_10_gdp/ CLV10 JVINAC,SCA,P31 _S 14 Eurostat namq_10_gdp/ CLV10JVINAC,SCA,P32_S13 Eurostat namq_l 0_gdp/CLVl 0 JVINAC, SCA,P6 Eurostat namq_10_gdp/CLV10JVINAC,SCA,P7 Eurostat namq_10_gdp/PD10JNfAC,SCA,BlGQ Eurostat nasq_10_f_bs/MIOJNfAC,Sl,LIAB,F2 Eurostat nasq_10_f_bs/MIOJNfAC,Sl,LIAB,F4 Eurostat une_rt_q/SA,TOTAL,THS_PER,T Domestic credit for consumption (and other) to households (and other), currencies combined, stocks Domestic loans from MFIs to non-MFIs, Euro Capital and reserves, unspecified, flows Domestic loans to monetary financial institutions (MFIs), Euro, flows Home improvements over the next 12 months Current level of capacity utilization (percent) New orders in recent months Consumer confidence indicator Economic sentiment indicator Production index Real effective exchange rate (deflator: consumer price index -19 trading partners - euro area) EMU convergence criterion bond yields Employment - Active population age Total employment (resident population concept - LFS) Employed persons - Plant and machine operators and assemblers Employed persons - Service and sales workers Hours worked - Plant and machine operators and assemblers Gross fixed capital formation Final consumption expenditure of households Collective consumption expenditure of general government Exports of goods and services Imports of goods and services Price index (implicit deflator) Liabilities - Currency and deposits Liabilities - Loans Unemployed 2 2 5 2 5 2 5 5 Note: 'Tr.' indicates the transformation applied to logarithm, 4 = second difference, 5 = first difference the series (1 = level, 2 = first difference, 3 = of logarithm, 6 = second difference of logarithm). 3 Table A.2: Government spending and revenue composition Tag Gov't spending composition Gov't revenues composition core/tax tiny D1PAY + P2 + P5 core/tax small net soc.t. D1PAY + P2 + P5 core/net tax small D1PAY + P2 + P5 corefix+soc.t.kind/tax D1PAY + P2 + P51G + D632PAY mid corefix+soc.t.kind/net D1PAY + P2 + P51G + D632PAY tax mid corefix+soc.t.kind/net D1PAY + P2 + P51G + D632PAY tax large core/net tax all D1PAY + P2 + P5 + NP D2REC + D5REC D2REC + D5REC + D611REC - D62PAY - D632PAY D2REC + D5REC + D61REC - D62PAY - D632PAY - D3PAY D2REC + D5REC + D611REC + D613REC + D91REC D2REC + D5REC + D611REC + D613REC + D91REC - D3PAY - D62PAY D2REC + D5REC + D611REC + D613REC + D7REC + D91REC -D3PAY - D62PAY - D7PAY D2REC + D5REC + D61REC + D7REC + D9REC - D62PAY -D632PAY - D3PAY - D7PAY - D9PAY Note: Source of data is Eurostat, the codes follow ESA2010 system. 4 B Depiction of bootstraps (example) An exemplary depiction of the results of the bootstrap for present-value spending and tax multiplier are below. The black lines are the bootstrapped values,1 the blue line is the median multiplier and the red lines denote the 16th, and 84th percentiles, respectively Fiscal multiplier: bootstrap replications using sign restrictions FAVAR, 4 vars., sign res., cons=2, lag=4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 lags in quarters Note: FAVAR model with 4 variables (one factor) and 4 lags, constant and trend included, sign restriction identification. Government spending composition includes compensation of employees, intermediate consumption, and gross capital formation. Government revenues include taxes on production, imports, income, and wealth, adjusted for actual social contributions. Nominal data deflated by (4q)-lagged HI CP. ^he full set of 4,000 bootstraps is thinned for readability: only each 15th bootstrap is drawn. 5 C Robustness check: The effect of the financial crisis Figure C.l: Fiscal multiplier densities with financial crisis dummies 2 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Spending multiplier (present value) -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 Tax multiplier (present value) 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Spending multiplier (peak) -1 -0.5 0 Tax multiplier (peak) 0.5 ■ no crisis dummy ■ BASELINE: a dummy for 2008Q4:2009Q2 + a step dummy starting from 2009Q1 ■ dummy for 2008Q4:2009Q2 ■ a step dummy starting from 2008Q4 6 Table C.l: Fiscal multiplier estimates, no crisis dummy Multiplier type min 16-th p. mean median 84-th. p max Spending multiplier (present value) -4.42 0.03 0.69 0.57 1.46 3.54 — best 40% -1.37 0.12 0.79 0.65 1.49 3.40 Tax multiplier (present value) -6.47 -1.95 -0.97 -0.71 -0.22 3.75 — best 40% -6.47 -2.66 -1.28 -0.83 -0.48 2.95 Spending multiplier (peak) -0.68 0.27 0.84 0.65 1.52 3.59 — best 40% -0.68 0.34 0.87 0.69 1.57 3.48 Tax multiplier (peak) -2.78 -1.04 -0.68 -0.63 -0.34 -0.03 — best 40% -2.78 -1.16 -0.83 -0.76 -0.44 -0.10 Table C.2: Fiscal multiplier estimates, dummy for 2008Q4:2009Q2 Multiplier type min 16-th p. mean median 84-th. p max Spending multiplier (present value) -4.77 0.24 0.67 0.68 1.15 4.15 — best 40% -4.77 0.48 0.77 0.76 1.24 2.83 Tax multiplier (present value) -3.98 -1.43 -0.81 -0.82 -0.19 1.74 — best 40% -3.98 -1.59 -0.95 -0.92 -0.33 1.31 Spending multiplier (peak) -1.22 0.39 0.75 0.66 1.18 3.30 — best 40% -1.22 0.48 0.79 0.70 1.24 2.39 Tax multiplier (peak) -2.56 -0.88 -0.58 -0.55 -0.21 0.01 — best 40% -2.56 -0.98 -0.64 -0.60 -0.23 0.00 Table C.3: Fiscal multiplier estimates, a step dummy starting from 2008Q4 Multiplier type min 16-th p. mean median 84-th. p max Spending multiplier (present value) -1.87 0.68 1.04 0.99 1.32 3.41 — best 40% -0.41 0.71 1.01 0.98 1.28 3.16 Tax multiplier (present value) -2.57 -1.19 -0.67 -0.63 -0.18 1.94 — best 40% -2.57 -1.31 -0.75 -0.70 -0.28 1.44 Spending multiplier (peak) 0.09 0.92 1.18 1.08 1.42 3.57 — best 40% 0.22 0.96 1.16 1.07 1.37 3.36 Tax multiplier (peak) -1.97 -0.91 -0.59 -0.60 -0.21 -0.00 — best 40% -1.97 -0.97 -0.64 -0.65 -0.24 -0.00 7 Fiscal multipliers in a small open economy: the case of Austria* Jan Čapek1, Jesus Crespo Cuaresma1'2'3'4'5, Johannes Holler6, and Philip Schuster6 Masaryk University (MU) 2Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) international Institute of Applied System Analysis (IIASA) Wittgenstein Center for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA,VID/OEAW,WU) 5Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) 60ffice of the Austrian Fiscal Advisory Council Abstract We estimate fiscal multipliers for Austria in a framework of model uncertainty emanating from the choice of a particular econometric model. We present a comprehensive framework which allows to assess the effects of different multiplier definitions and choices related to the data, the model employed, and further technical choices associated with the specification of the model exert on fiscal multiplier estimates. The mean present-value government spending multiplier over all models entertained, based on over one thousand estimates, is 0.94. Estimates of the peak spending multiplier tend to be larger than present-value spending multipliers, with a mean value of 1.08. The value of the mean present-value tax multiplier is -0.76 and the mean peak tax multiplier is -0.58 for all specifications used. Keywords: Fiscal multiplier, structural VAR, predictive ability, small open economy, Austria JEL codes: E62, C32 * Corresponding author: Jesus Crespo Cuaresma, Vienna University of Economics and Business. E-mail: The authors would like to thank Rafael Domenech and two anonymous referees, as well as participants in the workshop Fiscal Multipliers and Transfer Payments, organized by the Austrian Fiscal Advisory Council, for helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper. Financial support from the Czech Science Foundation, Grant 17-14263S, is gratefully acknowledged. Computational resources were provided by the CESNET LM2015042 and the CERIT Scientific Cloud LM2015085, provided under the programme "Projects of Large Research, Development, and Innovations Infrastructures". 1 Introduction The interest in assessing the macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy in industrialized countries has gained renewed momentum since the Great Recession. Given the limited scope of action of monetary policy in the context of very low nominal interest rates, fiscal policy re-emerged as a policy of choice and a large literature has concentrated on investigating how fiscal policy affects macroeconomic variables and GDP in particular.1 A convenient way to communicate the effects of fiscal stimulus on the economy is the fiscal multiplier, measured as the dollar reaction of GDP as a result of a one dollar fiscal stimulus. Fiscal multipliers are easily comparable across countries and over time, and the precision of their estimation contributes significantly to the quality of GDP growth predictions (Blanchard and Leigh, 2013). The estimates of fiscal multipliers are infamously heterogeneous both across countries and methods used for their calculation, and may be very sensitive to arguably minor specification choices, as recently shown in Capek and Crespo Cuaresma (2020). There is little evidence on the size of fiscal multipliers for developed European small open economies.2 Ravn and Spange (2012) enhance the Blanchard-Perotti methodology based on structural vector autore-gression (SVAR) models to estimate spending multipliers for Denmark and obtain a point estimate of approximately 0.6 after four quarters. Jemec et al. (2011) investigate Slovenian fiscal policy employing a standard SVAR approach and estimate an impact spending multiplier of 1.5, which diminishes in subsequent periods. Unfortunately, not all studies investigating the effects of fiscal stimuli report the results in the form of multipliers (e.g. Afonso and Sousa, 2011, for Portugal or Benetrix and Lane, 2009, for Ireland). In addition to estimates for single countries, evidence from panel studies also exists. Ilzetzki et al. (2013) report that the subgroups of countries corresponding to high income, open, low-debt and fixed exchange rate countries have average spending multipliers of 0.4, 0, 0.2, and 0.6, respectively. The empirical evidence can be supplemented making use of the work by Barrell et al. (2012), where a model-based consumption multiplier of 0.5 is reported for Austria. Breuss et al. (2009) provides an overview of fiscal multipliers derived by Austrian forecasting institutions from large-scale macroeconometric models (within the tradition of the Cowles commission approach). Spending multipliers over the first year after the fiscal shock are typically below unity, first year wage and income tax multipliers are below 0.5. Recent papers by Koch et al. (2019) and Schuster (2019) complement the existing results by simulating fiscal multipliers for Austria using calibrated New-Keynesian general equilibrium models and derive multipliers of comparable magnitudes. However, to our knowledge, a pure empirical assessment of fiscal multipliers specifically for Austria, as a stereotypical small open economy within the group of industrialized countries, does not exist. In this contribution, we provide for the first time a rigorous analysis of fiscal multiplier estimates in a small open economy (Austria) incorporating the uncertainty related to specification choice in several dimensions including that related to the particular variables included in the model, shock identification strategies, data preparation or the analytical structure of the model. Given the importance of economic openness to determine the size of the fiscal multiplier, such an exercise allows the results to be interpreted in the framework of theoretical models of fiscal policy effects in small open economy settings. Theoretical results of this literature predict lower domestic effects of fiscal policy through the leaking of fiscal shocks to imported goods, combined with a higher sensitivity to international economic policy spillovers (see Karras, 2014, for example). The main bulk of the existing literature on the macroeconomic effects of fiscal interventions can be categorized as either model-based or empirical. Model-based approaches typically employ calibrated DSGE models to study the effects of fiscal stimuli in an internally-consistent theoretical framework. Kilponen et al. (2015), for instance, compare such estimates of fiscal multipliers across models and countries in :See e.g. Hebous (2011) or Ramey (2011a) for earlier surveys on the issue, or Ramey (2019) for a recent contribution. 2See the extensive summary of existing multiplier estimates in Mineshima et al. (2014) or the data used for the broad meta-analysis in Gechert (2015). 2 Europe, while Barrell et al. (2012) focus on model-based fiscal multipliers in the context of fiscal consolidation. The advantage of the model-based approach lies in the ability to analyse counterfactual scenarios by simulating the dynamics of the model variables under different conditions. On the other hand, empirical approaches, mostly based on SVAR models, tend to be more data-driven and typically impose less stringent restrictions on the structure of the economic model. The availability of long time series for some countries allow for the use of modern identification methods such as the narrative approach (Ramey, 2011b) to extract exogenous fiscal shocks or the assessment of different regimes (Auerbach and Gorod-nichenko, 2012) where fiscal multipliers may differ. In cases where such long time series are not available, countries are often pooled and the empirical analysis is conducted on a panel setting (Beetsma and Giuliodori, 2011; Ilzetzki et al., 2013), or fiscal multipliers for single economies with shorter time series are studied using SVAR models inspired by the seminal contribution by Blanchard and Perotti (2002).3 The estimates of fiscal multipliers tend to differ, sometimes strongly, from study to study (see the evidence presented in the meta-analysis provided by Gechert, 2015). These differences can be attributed to various identification strategies (Caldara and Kamps, 2017) as well as to other technical choices made in the analysis (Čapek and Crespo Cuaresma, 2020). Given the additional dimension of uncertainty on fiscal multiplier estimates implied by the particular methodological choices, even within the class of SVAR models, the approach of this study is to present a consistent framework which encompasses a wide range of reasonable settings and choices which are routinely used in the empirical literature on fiscal multipliers. The framework delivers over one thousand multiplier estimates, each for a particular model specification. We exploit the differences in out-of-sample predictive power of the models entertained for GDP in order to gain insights into the size of fiscal multipliers in Austria. Our analysis expands the methodological setting put forward in Čapek and Crespo Cuaresma (2020) in several respects. First of all, by concentrating on a single economy, we gain comparability in the multiplier estimates, which correspond to the responses to fiscal impulses within the same institutional and historical setting. Furthermore, we expand the set of econometric specifications and modelling choices in Čapek and Crespo Cuaresma (2020) by including new models based on factor-augmented VAR structures and using out-of-sample predictive ability as a model selection tool. The focus on a single small open economy allows us to link the results in a more direct manner to the methodological framework provided by economic theory, in particular when interpreting the results of the analysis, and allows for the assessment of additional sources of model uncertainty as compared to Čapek and Crespo Cuaresma (2020). This is the case, for example, for the composition of government spending and tax aggregates, or for the calculation of the values of tax and spending elasticities required for several identification techniques. In our analysis, we also contribute to the literature by identifying structural fiscal shocks in models where subcomponents of spending and tax revenues are used, making use of elasticities of disaggregated components of the fiscal variables to output and the price level obtained using the fiscal forecasting model by the Austrian Fiscal Advisory Council (2014). Our results expose the uncertainty and heterogeneity that is inherent to empirical estimates of fiscal multipliers. In addition to entertaining different SVAR specifications based on Blanchard and Perotti (2002) and Perotti (2004), we also estimate fiscal multipliers from structural Factor Augmented VAR (FAVAR) models. These specifications provide a more adequate framework to account for fiscal foresight and omitted variable biases (Fragetta and Gasteiger, 2014). Furthermore, we also exploit the existing data on government spending and tax composition in Austria in order to obtain additional multiplier estimates. We compare the results for the two most widely used formulations in the literature - the present-value multiplier and the peak multiplier and deliver the first set of credible multiplier estimates for a representative European small open economy after accounting for model uncertainty. 3See e.g. Ramey (2016) for a review of the methods used for the identification of exogenous fiscal shocks. 3 The mean spending multiplier for Austria is estimated at 0.94 for the present-value multiplier and 1.08 for the peak multiplier. The present-value tax multiplier is -0.76 and its peak counterpart is -0.58. Comparing the multipliers to the existing literature, our estimates suggest a stronger reaction of GDP after the increase of government spending as compared to the results for relevant subgroups of countries reported in Ilzetzki et al. (2013). Our estimate of present-value multiplier specification is comparable to that of Denmark (see Ravn and Spange, 2012). As in the case of the study on the Slovenian economy, our results also suggest that peak spending multipliers tend to be higher than their present-value counterparts (see Jemec et al., 2011). The multiplier estimates obtained using the subset of models with relatively superior predictive ability for GDP tend to be smaller in case of present value spending multiplier. Our results also indicate that the models based on subcomponents of government spending and taxes that deliver the best predictive ability for GDP dynamics tend to include compensation of employees, intermediate consumption, gross capital formation, and transfers in kind as part of government expenditures and taxes on production, imports, income, and wealth, and household social contributions. On average, SVAR models of small dimension and using the Cholesky decomposition as an identification device tend to result in relatively lower spending multipliers. On the other hand, using more variables for estimation and employing identification schemes that follow the Blanchard-Perotti or sign restriction approach deliver results with relatively higher values of spending multipliers. For tax multipliers, Blanchard-Perotti identification delivers a lower magnitude of estimates as compared to other specifications. We also find evidence corroborating a conclusion in Ramey (2019) that the specific definition of the multiplier used may lead to significantly different estimates. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly presents the methodological setting used to estimate fiscal multipliers, based on SVAR and structural FAVAR models. Section 3 describes the different specification designs assessed for the estimation of fiscal multipliers in Austria. Section 4 presents the results of the analysis in detail and section 5 concludes. 2 Estimating Fiscal Multipliers: SVAR and structural FAVAR models We can nest the set of models used to estimate fiscal multipliers in the stacked form of a dynamic factor model, following Stock and Watson (2016). A set of q dynamic factors are stacked to yield r static factors in the vector ft and, abstracting from further deterministic terms (all our models contain a linear time trend), a FAVAR structure is be given by (Y\\ nxl \mxl/ /I 0 \ (PA / 0 \ <«-<« — \ nxi nxl \ nxn nxr AY AJ mxn vnxrj / \rxl/ (1) \ 6t / \mxl/ (n+r) x(n+r) (fA nxl \rxl/ I I \ {n+q)x(n+q) i o . \{r-q)x{n+q)) Vt (n+q)xl (2) A Vt = B et (3) (n+q) X (n+q) (ra+g) x 1 (n+q) X (n+q) (ra+g) x i where equation (1) is the measurement equation, equation (2) is the transition equation, and equation (3) is the identification equation, while the (matrix) lag polynomial §>(L) is given by §>(L) = I - §>iL - 4 ■ ■ ■ — <&PLP for matrices /, / = 1,... ,p. The variables in Yt (output, fiscal variables and other covariates) are assumed to be measured without error by the observed factors Ft. Xt contains m observed time series (not contained in Yt) summarizing information about other macroeconomic and financial phenomena, as well as variables related to labour markets, production and sectoral developments. Variables in Xt are assumed to depend on observed factors Ft, unobserved factors Ft and an idiosyncratic component et, with matrix AF comprising the corresponding factor loadings. Equation (3) specifies the relationship between reduced-form (r/t) and structural shocks (et). If the number of unobserved factors r is set to zero, the model collapses to a standard SVAR model which can be utilized to implement the methods in Blanchard and Perotti (2002) or Perotti (2004) for structural shock identification. The unobserved factors of the model (Ft) are estimated as principal components and the identification of the model is reached once matrices A and B are chosen (see Stock and Watson, 2016). Various identification methods can be used to retrieve the structural shocks in et. The method pioneered by Blanchard and Perotti (2002) relies on exact restrictions imposed on the error terms of a VAR model which includes GDP, government expenditure and taxes through an identification scheme based on lags in the implementation of fiscal policy. More modern methods (Rubio-Ramirez et al., 2010) use sign restrictions that constrain the direction of the response of variables to particular shocks. Once the structural shocks have been identified, government spending and tax multipliers can be computed. In line with recent literature (e.g. Caggiano et al., 2015; Gechert and Rannenberg, 2014; Ilzetzki et al., 2013; Mountford and Uhlig, 2009), we report present-value (or discounted cumulative) multipliers at lag T, present-value spending multiplier = ~*~ ^—— —^—, (4) £Lo(i+*)-Wy where yt is the response of output at time t (in logs), gt denotes the response of government expenditures at time t (in logs) and g/y is the average share of government expenditures in GDP over the sample. The multiplier is discounted with the interest rate i, which is set to four percent per annum.4 In the context of data at quarterly frequency, we report discounted cumulative multipliers for T = 4. The tax multiplier is calculated analogously, after substituting government expenditures in equation (4) with taxes. If we concentrate on the non-cumulative reaction of GDP, such effects can be summarized using the so-called peak multipliers (see e.g. Blanchard and Perotti, 2002; Caggiano et al., 2015; Fragetta and Gasteiger, 2014; Ramey, 2011b), 1 a- u- v maxt=o.....ff {yt} 1 ,c, peak spending multiplier =-——-—-——. (5) maxj=0r..,ij {gt\g/y In order to account for the business cycle nature of the multipliers (and the known unreliability of results for longer horizons in these specifications), we restrict the horizon to a maximum of two years and set H = 8. 3 Model Specifications and Data Specification choices As reported in Capek and Crespo Cuaresma (2020), in the context of estimating multipliers using SVAR specifications, seemingly harmless modelling choices may have a significant effect on the size and precision of fiscal multiplier estimates. In addition to the structural shock identification strategy, these modelling choices include the definition of spending and taxes, the national accounts system employed, the 4The discounting does not tend to play a major role for moderate interest rates, while it becomes more important in environments of high interest rates, such as emerging economies. The selection of a four percent interest rate corresponds to a commonly used discount factor of 0.99 per period. 5 use of particular interest rates or inflation measures in the model, or whether data are smoothed prior to estimation. Using a sample of European countries, Čapek and Crespo Cuaresma (2020) show that the cumulative effects of such apparently innocuous methodological choices can lead to large changes in the estimates of spending and tax multipliers. We explicitly integrate such uncertainty into our estimates for Austria, entertaining the large number of models which can be obtained by combining such possible methodological choices. Table 1: Modelling choices for the estimation of fiscal multipliers Dimension Variants considered Government data composition Seven variants, see Table 2; ESA2010 codes and time series in the Appendix A GDP deflator and HICP (not lagged and lagged by 4 quarters) VAR and FAVAR models with 3-5 vars. (factors ordered first or last) Cholesky ordering (only for spending multipliers), Blanchard-Perotti, sign restrictions 1-2 (FAVARs only) 1-4 lags Deflating index Model Identification strategy Number of factors Lags Table 1 lists all the methodological choices considered to construct models aimed at estimating fiscal multipliers for Austria. The set of possible variants is obtained by combining choices relating to (i) the data employed, (ii) the model used, and (iii) the particular specification within the model class. As for the data choices, these mainly concern the composition of government spending and revenues, but can also differ in the choice of the price index used to deflate nominal variables (CPI versus GDP deflator). Since a large part of government spending in Austria is linked to the lagged CPI (e.g. pension payments), we additionally consider lagged CPI (four-quarters lag) as a deflator in our analysis. The basic modelling choices in terms of specification structure are related to (a) the use of a simple VAR model versus employing a specification that incorporates unobserved factors, i.e., a FAVAR model, (b) the selection of variables in the (FA) VAR model, and (c) the choice of the identification strategy. Given a model specification, the technical choice relates to the number of lags in the (FA)VAR equation. For each model specification, we bootstrap 4000 multipliers and use the median as our point estimate.5 The main analysis includes 1175 different specifications that can be obtained by combining all sensible choices, each yielding a (peak and present-value) spending median multiplier. For the estimation of tax multipliers, Cholesky identification is discarded, since it always results in zero impact multiplier, and thus 587 different specifications are used in the analysis. Table 2 presents the different compositions of government spending and revenues used to obtain fiscal multipliers. Each choice consists of a specific composition of the government spending and government taxes aggregate. The Baseline setting ("Core/Tax Tiny") employs a simple composition which contains just three components of spending (compensation of employees, intermediate consumption and gross capital formation) and two components of revenues (taxes on production, imports, income and wealth).6 The following two combinations adjust the baseline setting by including also social contributions and subsidies as part of the fiscal aggregate (as in Crespo Cuaresma et al., 2011, for instance). To reflect the 5In sign restriction identification schemes, the 4000 solutions are the actual draws. Other identification approaches rely on bootstrapping to compute the 4000 draws. The bootstrap employed builds on resampling raw residuals (with replacement) and subsequent refitting of the model. Portmanteau tests for residual autocorrelation suggest that around two thirds of the estimated models do not exhibit significant residual autocorrelation at any sensible lag. 6See Appendix A for the ESA2010 codes corresponding to each component. 6 Table 2: Government spending and revenues composition Tag Gov't spending composition Gov't revenues composition core/tax tiny [Baseline) core/tax small net soc.t. core/net tax small Compensation of employees, intermediate consumption, and gross capital formation Taxes on production, imports, income, and wealth Baseline adjusted for actual social contributions Baseline adjusted for social contributions and subsidies corefix+soc.t.kind/tax mid corefix+soc.t.kind/net tax mid corefix+soc.t.kind/net tax large Baseline (gross fixed capital) + transfers in kind Baseline + household social contributions Baseline + household social contributions adjusted for subsidies Baseline + household social contributions adjusted for subsidies and transfers core/net tax all Baseline + acquisitions of assets Baseline + household social contributions adjusted for subsidies and transfers (incl. capital transfers) Note: We use seven sets of compositions of government spending and revenues. Starting from "core/tax tiny", which is the Baseline composition (shaded in grey), the other composition sets add extra spending and/or revenue items. These are ordered from narrower to broader sets, comprising different spending and/or revenue items. The corresponding tag is constructed with abbreviations of spending composition separated from abbreviations of revenue composition using a slash "/" ■ The term "core" refers to the Baseline spending composition, "corefix" highlights the use of fixed capital formation. The abbreviations for taxes range from "tiny", with only several items, to "all", with a broad selection of revenue items. For specific ESA codes for each composition set, see Appendix A. particularities of the Austrian economy, we also use other composition choices reflecting the importance of transfers in kind, household social contributions, subsidies, and transfers for the country. Deviating from the existing literature, so as to cover the specific case of Austria, we introduce three new data compositions, whose tag starts with "corefix" in Table 2. The inclusion of social transfers in kind in this government spending aggregate accounts for the fact that social transfers in kind amount to more than 8% of overall government spending in the country. Due to their use to finance large parts of the healthcare and social protection system, changes in the provision of social transfers in kind create important economic spillovers (for example by substituting private expenditure for old-age and long-term care) that should be considered in the analysis. The particular revenue compositions used reflect the importance of household social contributions, subsidies and transfers for overall disposable household income in Austria. Following Muir and Weber (2013), we also entertain models based on government spending aggregates that contain acquisitions of assets and a battery of adjustments regarding social contributions, subsidies, and transfers (including capital transfers). The Cholesky identification strategy identifies a fiscal shock using a particular ordering based on the contemporaneous responses across shocks. The first and most exogenous variable is assumed to be government spending, followed by GDP, inflation (in VAR models with four and five variables), taxes, and the interest rate (in VAR models with five variables only). Since GDP is ordered before taxes, the impact tax multiplier is zero by construction, so we use the identification strategy based on the Cholesky decomposition exclusively for spending multipliers. The Blanchard-Perotti identification scheme follows Blanchard and Perotti (2002) for VAR models with three variables and Perotti (2004) for specifications 7 with more variables. The output and price elasticities required to carry out the identification procedure Table 3: Output and price elasticities of spending and tax composition Output elasticity Price elasticity Spending compositions core 0 -0.542 corefix+soc.t.kind 0 -0.542 Revenue compositions tax tiny 0.832 -0.005 tax small net soc.t. 2.375 1.923 net tax small 2.725 2.355 tax mid 0.721 0.064 net tax mid 1.579 1.127 net tax large 1.750 1.344 net tax all 2.205 1.856 Note: Elasticities are calculated using the fiscal forecasting model by Austrian Fiscal Advisory Council (2014). Compositions in Table 2. For detailed ESA codes for each composition, see Appendix A. in Blanchard and Perotti (2002) are computed for every net tax and spending composition specification using the fiscal forecasting model of the Austrian Fiscal Advisory Council (see Table 3). The model partitions government revenue and expenditure into around 120 budget items that are corrected for structural breaks and then projected individually (see Austrian Fiscal Advisory Council, 2014). We shock the model in the year 2019 using a 1 % increase in real GDP to obtain estimates of output elasticities and a 1% increase in the price level for price elasticities. The real GDP shock is decomposed into its subcomponents (tax bases) so as to represent an average historical shock in the country. The reaction of the individual budget items is then aggregated to the corresponding compositions (see Table 2 and Appendix A) using the average weights of these items during the period 2000-2019. As a last step, for the case of the output elasticity, we deflate the nominal budget reactions using the rise in inflation induced by the GDP shock. For the price elasticity estimates, we substract one (the size of the original shock) to the percentage reaction in the price level. Our implementation of sign restrictions identifies three shocks: the business cycle shock is identified by requiring the impulse responses of output and taxes to be positive for at least the four quarters following the shock. The tax shock is identified by a positive response of taxes for at least the four quarters following the shock (and the shock is required not to meet the identifying restrictions for the business cycle shock). For the identification of a government spending shock, the responses of government spending need to be positive for at least the four quarters following the shock (and the shock is required not to meet the identifying restrictions for the business cycle shock). The identification strategies mentioned above are unable to explicitly address the issue of fiscal foresight. If a fiscal policy change is known before its (official) implementation and economic agents react accordingly, the reaction in the real economy may be apparent earlier. This timing mismatch is known as fiscal foresight and essentially amounts to a limited information problem (Fragetta and Gasteiger, 2014). Forni and Gambetti (2014) suggest to remedy the problem by extending the VAR model with principal components (as estimates of unobservable factors), which are calculated from a broad range of additional time series containing relevant information. We add one or two principal components to the VAR specification with three variables, making the model a proper FAVAR specification. We estimate the principal 8 components with the aid of 26 additional time series that relate to macroeconomic dynamics, financial markets, and the labour market.7 Additionally, we add dummy variables to the baseline specification so as to reflect the impact and consequences of the Great Recession on the economic variables used in the models. We add a dummy taking value one for the period 2008Q4-2009Q2 and a step dummy starting from 2009Q1 until the end of the sample.8 Data The main source of data is Eurostat, while some financial variables used for the estimation of the unobserved factors are sourced from the European Central Bank. We use time series of the corresponding disaggregated components of government spending and tax revenues to construct the various fiscal variables required to estimate our models (see Appendix). For extended versions of the VAR model with four and five variables, we also use inflation and the interest rate. The data cover the period span from the first quarter of 2001 to the fourth quarter of 2018, yielding 72 quarterly observations. If available, seasonally adjusted variables are employed. If seasonally adjusted data are unavailable, we use the X-13 toolbox to remove seasonal patters from those variables that contain a seasonal component.9 All the time series for spending and tax categories, as well as GDP, are obtained from the source in nominal terms and subsequently deflated using the corresponding deflator (see Table l).10 The corresponding fiscal variables and GDP enter the (FA)VAR models in logs, while inflation and the interest rate are added to the VAR without further transformation (i.e., in percentage points). The methodological framework employed for the identification of fiscal shocks, which corresponds to the standard specifications used in the modern literature on fiscal multipliers, implies that the variables in the VAR model are assumed to be stationary or trend-stationary (i.e., stationary around deterministic linear trend). All time series used to estimate the factors are transformed to reach stationarity prior to obtaining estimates of the factors.11 4 Fiscal Multipliers in Austria: The Role of Forecasting Performance and Specification Choices The estimated fiscal multipliers for Austria are summarized in Table 4. We make use of out-of-sample predictive accuracy as a validation device of the models used in our exercise. We utilize the last four observations of our GDP series as an out-of-sample period and compute the mean absolute error (MAE) of one-step-ahead GDP predictions for all specifications used to obtain multiplier estimates, after estimating the models using a sample that excludes the out-of-sample observations. The results of this forecasting exercise allow us to refine the inference on Austrian expenditure and tax multipliers by concentrating on the estimates corresponding to the set of models with best predictive ability. The mean present-value spending multiplier over all models is 0.94 and reduces to 0.87 if we focus on the group of best models according to predictive ability (specifications corresponding to the 40% best models in terms of MAE). Generally, peak spending multipliers are larger than present-value spending 7See the Appendix A for the list of the time series used to estimate the factors. 8See the Appendix for the results without crisis dummies and with different dummification strategies for the Great Recession period. 9We employ the X-13 Toolbox for Seasonal Filtering by Yvan Lengwiler in Matlab File Exchange. The default setting lets TRAMO select additive or multiplicative filtering and then decomposes the series into a trend, cycle and seasonal component using X-ll, with additive outliers allowed, as well as trading day dummies. 10Revenue categories are not available in real terms. In order to investigate the effects of deflating with different price indices while keeping consistency we choose to source all time series in nominal terms and deflate them with the same deflator. nSee the Appendix A for the transformations carried out in each of the time series used to estimate the factors. 9 Table 4: Fiscal multiplier estimates Multiplier type min 16-th p. mean median 84-th. p max Spending multiplier (present value) -1.81 0.63 0.94 0.99 1.22 2.43 — best 40% -1.38 0.52 0.87 0.89 1.21 2.15 Tax multiplier (present value) -2.30 -1.28 -0.76 -0.82 -0.23 1.92 — best 40% -2.30 -1.23 -0.76 -0.84 -0.24 1.11 Spending multiplier (peak) 0.25 0.87 1.08 1.06 1.30 2.22 — best 40% 0.25 0.83 1.07 1.03 1.34 1.99 Tax multiplier (peak) -2.17 -0.90 -0.58 -0.58 -0.19 -0.02 — best 40% -2.17 -0.90 -0.59 -0.57 -0.22 -0.05 Note: Descriptive statistics of the full set of results based on 1175 spending and 587 tax median multipliers estimates. The group based on the 40% best-forecasting models consists of 465 spending and 236 tax multipliers. See Figure 1 for kernel densities. multipliers. The mean peak spending multiplier is 1.08 over all models and 1.07 in the group of models with best predictive power. As for the tax multipliers, the value of present-value tax multiplier is -0.76 across all models and also concentrating on the models with particularly good forecasting ability. The mean peak tax multiplier is -0.58 for the whole set of specifications entertained and -0.59 once we concentrate on the models with best forecasting performance. Our findings support the hypothesis that spending multipliers are larger (in absolute value) than tax multipliers. The smoothed densities of the estimated multipliers are presented in Figure 1 for the full sample of fiscal multiplier estimates, as well as for the top 40% models in terms of out-of-sample predictive ability. With the exception of present-value spending multiplier, comparing the means of the multiplier distributions across all models and focusing on the models with best predictive ability delivers very similar results. However, within certain types of specifications, sizeable differences can be found when zooming into the group of models which have a higher predictive power. The most pronounced differences between variants of the same type of specification are depicted in Figure 2, which shows the empirical densities of present value spending multiplier for the full sample and for subsets based on predictive ability (best 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% models), split in four panels depending on the number of lags of the (FA)VAR. The (FA)VAR models with one or two lags tend to higher values of the spending multiplier. The first two panels of Figure 2 demonstrate that the modes of the distributions are almost 1.2. In contrast, models with three or four lags results in a distribution of spending multipliers with a mode around 1. However, concentrating on the best specifications according to predictive ability, the distribution of multipliers in the models with one or two lags is concentrated around significantly lower values. The mode of the distribution for models with one lag (first panel) is around 0.9, whereas the mode of the distribution for models with two lags is below 0.8. These findings suggest that although some specifications tend to deliver values of spending multipliers larger than 1, many of these disappear once we focus on models which predict well. The patterns observed in first two panels of Figure 2 help explain the differences between distributions in the first panel of Figure 1. Table 5 summarizes the share of models with best forecasting performance in the full set of specifications by variable definition. The data composition which tends to improve forecasting performance for GDP data is the composition tagged "corefix+soc.t.kind/tax mid", which covers 16.8% of the models in the top 40% specifications by predictive ability. Adjusting the revenue part of this composition by subsidies, social benefits other than social transfers in kind, and other current transfers, is the composition (tagged "corefix+soc.t.kind/net tax large") that leads to the relatively worst predictive ability, covering only 9.7% of the models among the top 40%. However, as the results for the last composition in the table ("core/net tax all") show, broader compositions do not necessarily lead to worse predictive ability. 10 Figure 1: Fiscal multiplier estimates: kernel densities -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 Tax multiplier (present value) Tax multiplier (peak) Note: The dark density corresponds to the full set of results, the light density refers to the top 40% best models in terms of predictive ability. See also notes to Table 4. Data compositions which lead to models featuring particularly good predictive ability are the Baseline ("core/tax tiny"), the "corefix+soc.t.kind/tax mid", and the "core/tax small net soc.t." variants (see Table 2 for a description of data composition and the Appendix A for ESA codes). Figure 3 shows multiplier estimates across different sets of government spending and revenue compositions. While most of the empirical densities for spending multipliers are relatively similar, tax multipliers seem to be more sensitive to varying composition of government spending and taxes. For the case of the spending multiplier (see top panels of Figure 3), models using the composition that includes acquisition of assets ("core/net tax all", inspired by Muir and Weber, 2013) lead to a distribution of multiplier estimates that has a similar mean as that of other data composition choices, but is more spread around the mode. This indicates that adding acquisition of assets as part of spending composition leads to a less precise point estimate of the spending multiplier across models. Our results further highlight that for tax multipliers, the choice of a particular group of fiscal variables in the model may have a larger effect on multiplier estimates than in the case of spending multipliers. The empirical distributions of some multiplier estimates tend to be rather flat for certain cases, while a composition set including capital transfers "core/net tax all", delivers more precise peak tax multiplier estimates (albeit relatively low in magnitude). The lower magnitude of tax multiplier is also due to a potentially misleading identification of exogenous shocks, especially for a revenue variable (net taxes) that 11 Figure 2: Spending multiplier densities based on forecasting performance, split over lags of the (FA)VAR lag = 1 ..-best 20%. n=65 ■ best 40%. n=126 ■ best 60%. n=166 ■ best 80%. n=243 ■ full sample, n=294 J best 20%. n=54 ■ best 40%. n=138 ■ best 60%. n=196 ■ best 80%. n=252 |full sample. n=294 lag = 3 J best 20%. n=60 ■ best 40%. n=125 ■ best 60%. n=194 ■ best 80%. n=244 Hfull sample, n=294 lag = 4 !.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.':best 20%. n=56 best 40%. n=81 best 60%. n=149 best 80%. n=201 I Hull sample. n=293 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Spending multiplier (present value) Note: Kernel densities estimated on subsets of multipliers according to the number of lags in the (FA)VAR equation. The darkest density corresponds to the full set of results, the lighter ones correspond to subsets of models by predictive ability (best 20%, best 40%, best 60%, and best 80%). 12 Table 5: Data composition and forecasting performance Count Percentage total best 40% total best 40% core/tax tiny 168 77 14.3 16.6 core/tax small net soc.t. 168 76 14.3 16.3 core/net tax small 168 57 14.3 12.3 corefix+soc.t.kind/tax mid 168 78 14.3 16.8 corefix+soc.t.kind/net tax mid 168 62 14.3 13.2 corefix+soc.t.kind/net tax large 168 45 14.3 9.7 core/net tax all 167 70 14.2 15.1 total 1175 465 100% 100% Note: Count contains numbers of existing specifications across different spending/tax compositions. Percentage/best 40% illustrates the relative representation of various spending/tax composition sets among the best 40% specifications. For a graphical representation of all results based on selected compositions, see Figure 3. includes capital transfers. In recent years, virtually all of the variation in capital transfers in Austria has been due to sizable banking support programs, which arguably had only mild effects on GDP. This leads to more precise but lower magnitudes of (net) tax multipliers once capital transfers are included, however providing little information on how more common types of taxes affect output. While the "core/net tax all" composition delivers the lowest average magnitude of the estimate of the present value tax multiplier, the Baseline composition "core/tax tiny" delivers the highest one. More inclusive specifications ("tax small net soc.t." and "net tax small") tend to deliver estimates closer to zero, which are estimated with less precision. Turning to the effects of using different econometric specifications, identification strategies, and number of variables (see Figure 4), on average, models with three variables and a shock identification design based on the Cholesky decomposition tend to result in lower spending multiplier estimates compared to models which employ more variables and different identification schemes. Whereas VAR models with 3 variables or models estimated with Cholesky ordering lead to present value median spending multipliers centered around 0.8, following more modern approaches yield spending multiplier estimates with a median above unity. However, sign restriction and Blanchard-Perotti identification strategies tend to have higher variance around the mean and deliver therefore less precise estimates. For tax multipliers, which do not include estimates based on Cholesky identification, the patterns indicate that those based on the Blanchard-Perotti identification scheme tend to be smaller in magnitude. In the case of present value tax multipliers, the estimates calculated using Blanchard-Perotti identification are less precise and have a higher frequency of outlying values. 5 Conclusions This paper estimates fiscal multipliers for Austria, a stereotypical advanced small open economy, with a focus on the dimension of model uncertainty that emanates from the choice of a particular econometric model to obtain point estimates of the reaction of GDP to shocks in fiscal variables. We present a comprehensive framework which allows to assess the effects of different multiplier definitions and choices related to the data, the model employed, and further technical choices associated with the specification of the model exert on fiscal multiplier estimates. 13 — corefix+soc.t.kind/net tax large Note: For details on data compositions, see Table 2. The mean present-value spending multiplier over all models entertained is 0.94 and reduces to 0.87 once we focus on the best models according to out-of-sample predictive ability. Generally, estimates of the peak spending multiplier for Austria tend to be larger than present-value spending multipliers. The mean peak spending multiplier is 1.08 and 1.07 if calculated on the basis of the group of models with best predictive performance. As for the tax multipliers, the mean of the present-value tax multiplier is -0.76, with no effect of selecting models with best predictive ability. The mean peak tax multiplier is -0.58 for all specifications used and -0.59 once we concentrate on the models with the best forecast performance. Splitting our results based on the number of lags in the (FA)VAR model, our findings suggest that even though some specifications tend to lead to values of spending multiplier larger than unity, many of these are discarded once we focus on models which predict well. Comparable results are found when we focus on forecasting performance and split models over different compositional definitions of government expenditures and taxes. The particular composition that delivers the highest percentage of models that predict well uses compensation of employees, intermediate consumption, gross capital formation, and transfers in kind as part of government expenditures and taxes on production, imports, income, and wealth, and household social contributions. 14 Figure 4: Fiscal multipliers by model and identification strategy types P ^ * .» # ^ A # £ ^ ^ # £ ^ So A>' <£' ^ * ^ SO ^ <£• ^ * * >