ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) ORCID is a global registry of unique author identifiers based on a non-commercial platform. ORCID is supported by many publishers (such as Elsevier, Springer etc), grant agencies and worldwide databases of scientific outputs (WoS, Scopus, etc). ORCID can be used not only in the process of publishing but also in submitting a grant application, you can easily avoid any problem with the incorrect transcription of the name or the wrong assignment of outputs to individual authors. Within the ORCID profile is possible to unify different identifiers and affiliation that researcher uses to ensure clear arrangements of all outputs. ORCID can be linked to other identifiers, such as Researcher ID or Scopus Author Identifier to provide information about publications without the necessity to fill each profile individually. The ORCID profile may also include additional information about education, research profile, grants awards, etc. The different level of privacy can be set up for each area (Works, Affiliation, Fundings, etc). Main advantages: - Link to other identifiers (Researcher ID, Scopus Author Identifier,..) - Automatic data transfer from other connected profiles - Privacy setting for individual items - Ability to sign up via institutional account (secondary IS MUNI password) or social media - Auto-update - Multilingual version including Czech Your ORCIDiD can be created HERE. Instructions: - How to link ORCID and Researcher ID http://wokinfo.com/researcherid/integration/ - How to import data from Scopus to ORCID http://orcid.scopusfeedback.com/ - How to create ORCID profile from Scopus Author Identifier https://libraryconnect.elsevier.com/articles/how-create-orcid-record-scopus-author-id Quick guide: 1) Go to https://orcid.org/ 2) Click on „SIGN IN“ in the right upper window 3) Click on „Register for an ORCID ID“ 4) You can change language in the top right corner The following form will appear. All field marked with an asterisk are required and at the field „I consent to the privacy policy and conditions…“ has to be tick, then please click on „Register“. Here you can set up the privacy for each item. In your new profile you can add addtional information in the sections Personal information, Education, Employment, etc. You can add a link to your website, LinkedIn profile, etc. Also other forms of your name (Also known as) can be included.