Masaryk University Žerotínovo nám. 617/9, 601 77 Brno, Czech Republic T: +420 549 49 1111, E:, W: GAMU - Research Support Programme Supporting the integration of post-career scientists into MU research teams – CAREER RESTART Call 2025 GAMU – Research Support Programme CAREER RESTART 2/4 Table of Contents Objective of support................................................................................................................................... 2 Qualification criteria ................................................................................................................................... 2 Bonus Criteria............................................................................................................................................ 2 Submission of a proposal .......................................................................................................................... 3 Evaluation criteria ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Funding rules............................................................................................................................................. 3 Grant implementation and final report ....................................................................................................... 4 Download links and documents................................................................................................................. 4 Contact ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Objective of support The aim is to create conditions for the integration of researchers into research teams at Masaryk University after a career break, for example due to maternity/parental leave, long term ilness or long term care of close person. This category will facilitate and accelerate the return of scientists to a productive scientific career and thus increase the percentage of their representation in independent/senior scientific positions. Qualification criteria An eligible applicant is a researcher: • whose career has been interrupted, for example due to maternity/parental leave, long term ilness or long term care of close person; • Primarily researcher whose last employer before career interruption was MU and whose cumulative time at MU was at least 0.5 FTE (Ph.D. studies are equivatelnt 0.6 FTE); • Proof of completed Ph.D. studies; • He/she has a minimum of 0.5 FTE when returning to MU after a career break (the grant does not cover salary) • Return to work after 1st of January 2023 Bonus Criteria • He/she is the author (first, corresponding, or otherwise significant - depending on the specifics of the field) of at least one scientific publication indexed in a journal belonging to the first quartile of the field according to the impact factor in Web of Science or comparable scientific performance in fields whose domain is not Web of Science-indexed publishing1 . 1 Authorship may be an advantage, not a requirement GAMU – Research Support Programme CAREER RESTART 3/4 Submission of a proposal The proposal form in pdf format, including all attachments, must be uploaded to Project Manager Informational System (PMIS) under one reference number - project proposal and statement by the head of the department (+declaration) – no later than the closing date of the competition. The submitted files will be submitted for evaluation. The proposal is submitted after approval of the cover sheet in PMIS. Instruction „How to submit“ the proposal is in Document server. Design documentation: • Form prescribed for the CAREER RESTART competition (machine readable pdf) • A statement from the head of the workplace where the project will be implemented on the integration of the proposer into the workplace, his/her potential for workplace development and potential for career development • In case of long term ilness or long term care of close person, please provide it by the statement/declaration (available at folder in Document server) Evaluation criteria The submitted application will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: Criterion Weight in % The applicant's potential to achieve independence and leadership in research 50 Applicant's contribution to the host site 50 Funding rules Annual budget: 500 thousand CZK/calendar year Duration of funding: 2 years Eligible costs • Personal costs − salary supplement (salary component 642 - GAMU project allowance) − Reward • Other costs (e.g. consumables, services, domestic and foreign travel, etc.) - up to a maximum of 40% of the budget • Additional costs or expenses (projects may include a share of the common operating costs corresponding to the SPN coefficient for the economic centre in a given year according to the MU Guidelines for the application of overheads to projects, as amended from time to time) GAMU – Research Support Programme CAREER RESTART 4/4 Ineligible costs • Scholarships • Small tangible and intangible assets • Investments The use of the subsidy must comply with the rules for the use of institutional support. The amount of financial support approved for a given calendar year will be allocated in non investments money to the specific economic centre by way of an adjustment to the institutional support schedule. The unspent amount for a given year of settlement may be transferred to the Special Purpose Fund (SPF) up to a maximum of 5% of the amount awarded for that year. For the SPF, if the funds are not used in the following year, the beneficiary is obliged to repay the unused funds. It is not possible to create a SPF in the last year of the implementation. The economic and administrative background of the projects will be identical to the economic and administrative background of the sites where the scientist and his/her team are or will be based, and these will also bear the common operating costs of the project. The technical and administrative coordination of the project will be the responsibility of the project investigator. Grant implementation and final report The grant investigator has a minimum of half-time employment at MU for the duration of the implementation (0,5 FTE). The possbile changes in the project need the approval of the Vice-rector for research and doctoral studies. The completed Change request form (available at folder in Document Server) has to be uploaded in PMIS and the approval process of the change must be finished. Please inform the GAMU administrator after the change request submission. If the change is accepted, the Decision of the change will be issued. The final report (available at folder in Document Server), including all atachments and the approved cover sheet, must be uploaded to PMIS within 60 days of project ending. The report shall report on the integration of the investigator into the department, his/her contribution to the development of the department and to the career development of the investigator. Part of the end of the project is the realization of the final public lecture (the final public lecture will be part of the final GAMU conference, which is held in the last quarter of each calendar year). Download links and documents Guidelines GAMU website PMIS – Project proposal editor PMIS – Accepted project editor Instruction How to submit the proposal Document server - Forms of the Call Contact Grant office RMU Research Department Žerotínovo nám. 9, Brno 601 77 Pavla Pospíšilová +420 549 49 4747