»DIVERSITY OF KNOWLEDGE«: Interdisciplinary Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Birgit Lettmann Coordinator of »Diversity of Knowledge« birgit.lettmann@hu-berlin.de Presentation at the Quality Assurance in Higher Education Telč, 10.05.2018 2 »Diversity of Knowledge« – Overview 1 Introduction – A Typical Scenario 2 Characteristics of the Program 3 Structural Framework 4 Evaluation: Findings 3 »Diversity of Knowledge« 1 Introduction – A Typical Scenario 2 Characteristics of the Program 3 Structural Framework 4 Evaluation: Findings 4 »Diversity of Knowledge« 1 Introduction – A Typical Scenario 2 Characteristics of the Program 3 Structural Framework 4 Evaluation: Findings 5 »Diversity of Knowledge« is characterized by: • Interdisciplinarity • Object of Knowledge • Seminar Product • Co-Teaching, Guest Lectures and Excursions • Accompanying Program for Teaching Staff 2 Characteristics of the Program 6 2 Characteristics of the Program »Diversity of Knowledge« is characterized by: Interdisciplinarity o Broad interdisciplinarity o Disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity as complementary & mutual corrective o Aim: bridge the gap between the academic cultures 7 2 Characteristics of the Program »Diversity of Knowledge« is characterized by: Object of Knowledge o Concrete object relevant to multiple disciplines o Nodal point to explore transitions, connections and differences between distinct academic cultures o Aim: encourage meta-reflections on knowledge and inter-/disciplinarity 8 2 Characteristics of the Program »Diversity of Knowledge« is characterized by: Seminar Product o Group-work projects in small interdisciplinary teams o Translate knowledge acquired into a presentable format o Aim: accomplish synthesis of different disciplinary perspectives 9 Aims of the teaching format: • Raise and sharpen the understanding of the structures of different disciplines • Grasp the possibilities and limitations of one’s own discipline • Support reflections on disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity • Encourage the reflection on knowledge and structures of knowledge in different academic cultures • Challenge students to question their epistemological beliefs 2 Characteristics of the Program 10 2 Characteristics of the Program »Diversity of Knowledge« is characterized by: Accompanying Program for Teaching Staff o Meetings with moderated exchange of experience and peer feedback o Individual consultings 11 »Diversity of Knowledge« 1 Introduction – A Typical Scenario 2 Characteristics of the Program 3 Structural Framework 4 Evaluation: Findings 12 The bologna.lab at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin • funded since 2012 by the German Ministry for Education and Research as part of Humboldt-Universität’s bid in the Quality Pact for Teaching • serves as a laboratory for the development and piloting of innovative teaching and learning formats • Four aims in curricular development: research-based education, interdisciplinarity, internationalisation and flexibilisation 3 Structural Framework 13 »Diversity of Knowledge« operates throughout the whole university Advantage: • No obligation to fit into the culture of one faculty or a certain disciplinary surrounding • Possibility to attract students across faculties Challenge: • University-wide effort for promoting the program • Horizontal program structure versus vertical structure of a facultybased university 3 Structural Framework: pros and cons 14 »Diversity of Knowledge« is an elective program (2 modules of 5 ECTS points each) Advantage: • Students have intrinsic motivation • Interdisciplinary skills and cross-curricular competences can be conveyed more easily Challenge: • Students’ commitment lessens during exam times in major Hold down workload and have it done anti-cyclically 3 Structural Framework: pros and cons 15 »Diversity of Knowledge« goes beyond existing courses (5 courses by guest professorship, 4-5 courses by part-time lecturers) Advantage: • Courses are specifically designed to meet the goals of »Diversity of Knowledge« • Possibility of supervising and deepening the interdisciplinary learning of students Challenge: • Extra cost – how to continue after funding ends? 3 Structural Framework: pros and cons 16 »Diversity of Knowledge« 1 Introduction – A Typical Scenario 2 Characteristics of the Program 3 Structural Framework 4 Evaluation: Findings 17 Evaluation: Methods • Evaluations in each semester since 2012 • Instruments: student surveys and interviews • Focus of analysis mainly on: o Elements contributing to the understanding of interdisciplinarity o Challenges and potential of interdisciplinary seminars o Identification of conceptual elements of (self-)reflection o Potential future impact on one’s own studies 4 Evaluation: Methods 18 Students highlight that interactive peer-learning: • encourages a (self-)critical attitude • fosters the reflection of one’s own discipline by comparison to others • strengthens confidence in arguing from one’s own perspective in distinction to other disciplines • enhances disciplinary identity while allowing the experience of walking a mile in another discipline’s shoes • helps with accessing interdisciplinarity 4 Evaluation: Effects of Peer-Learning 19 Typology of achieving interdisciplinarity • Type 1: lecturer-centred o Interdisciplinarity is achieved by lectures (= teaching staff and guest lecturers) • Type 2: lecturer-centred and student centred o Interdisciplinarity is achieved by lecturers and by the different disciplinary perspectives of the students • Type 3: student-centred o Interdisciplinarity is achieved by the different disciplinary perspectives of the students 4 Evaluation: Epistemological Beliefs 20 Epistemological beliefs addressed through discussion of four topics: o Disciplinary approaches o Disciplinary perspectives o Changeability of knowledge o Inconsistencies of knowledge 4 Evaluation: Epistemological Beliefs 21 Difference in extent of how epistemological beliefs are addressed • Type 2: lecturer-centred and student centred o Succeeds best in stimulating discussions, o especially on changeability of knowledge and disciplinary approaches • Type 1: lecturer-centred o Performs worst in initiating discussions, o Least connected with object of knowledge • Type 3: student-centred o Ranges between types 1 and 2 o specific strength: enhancing discussion on inconsistencies of knowledge 4 Evaluation: Epistemological Beliefs 22 Evaluations have shown that this approach: • activates students’ disciplinary knowledge while at the same time questioning the limits of that knowledge • sharpens the understanding of different research methods and helps students gain confidence in applying those of their own discipline • centres attention and supports goal orientation • can develop interdisciplinary team skills by demonstrating how interdisciplinary collaborations work • encourages the development of interdisciplinary understanding, sometimes even interdisciplinary thinking 4 Evaluation: Teaching Format 23 Děkuji and thank you for your attention! 24 Bibliography Hofer, Barbara K. (2001). „Personal epistemology research: Implications for learning and teaching.“ Educational Psychology Review, 13(4): 353-383 Klein, Julie Thompson (2010). „A taxonomy of interdisciplinarity.” in: Robert Frodeman (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity. Oxford University Press. pp. 15-30 Van Dusseldorp, Dirk and Seerp Wigboldus (1994). “Interdisziplinary Research for Integrated Rural Development in Developing Countries: The Role of Social Sciences”. Issues in Integrative Studies 12: 93-138. 25 Contact Birgit Lettmann Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin bologna.lab »Vielfalt der Wissensformen« Hausvogteiplatz 5-7 D - 10117 Berlin birgit.lettmann@hu-berlin.de