Guidelines issued by the Centre for International Cooperation No. 1/2024 RECORDS AND RECOGNITION OF CREDIT FROM STUDY AND TRAINEESHIPS STAYS ABROAD Article 1 General Provisions These Guidelines regulate the procedure for recording foreign stays of MU students (hereinafter ‘foreign stays’) defined in accordance with Rector's Directive No. 2/2024. Article 2 Records in the Masaryk University Information System 1) Each student is obliged to register his/her foreign stay in the Information System MU (hereinafter "IS") "Internships and study abroad" application (hereinafter "Stay Record") before the start of the foreign stay. 2) The Stay Record includes information on the length and location of the stay, such as country, city and institution. In addition, it includes information on the form of the foreign stay (physical, virtual or combined), the type of stay (study, work or other) and the name of the mobility programme under which the student goes abroad. 3) The student must provide documents via the application to apply for registration of foreign stay. The documents must be signed by the authorized representative. In the case of the registration of stays of doctoral students, this person is the supervisor* or another person authorised by the Dean. On the basis of these documents, his/her foreign stay will be registered in the IS: Before starting your foreign stay: a. Foreign Activity Plan After the end of your foreign stay: b. Foreign Activity Report 4) In the event that a given foreign stay at MU is recognised (see Article 3), the information and documents required to record the stay are replaced by the information and documents used to recognise the results of foreign stays at MU (see below). 5) The time limit for completing the registration of the stay with the necessary documents after its termination is set at 30 days from the last day of the foreign stay. In the event that the results of the foreign stay at MU are recognised, the deadlines for the documentation for the process of recognition of the results of the foreign stay apply. Article 3 Recognition of the Credits of a Foreign Stay 1) The student must apply for recognition of the credits of the foreign stay via the "Stay Record" application. 2) The student must apply for recognition of all successful results of the foreign placement, which are confirmed on the relevant documents, see below. 3) The student must provide the following documents through the Stay Record application to request recognition of credits. On the basis of these documents, the student's foreign stay will be registered and the credits from the foreign stay will be recognised in the form of enrolment in courses at MU. The determination of the appropriate documents is based on the requirements and rules of the individual mobility programmes. In other cases, the requirements of the study or foreign study department of the faculty/MU are followed: Before starting your foreign stay: a. a Learning Agreement for Studies, which must be confirmed by the student, the foreign institution and the authorized representative. The Learning Agreement may be modified or supplemented during the foreign stay (and again confirmed by the student, the foreign institution and the authorized representative). a b. Foreign Activity Plan only if the student works on thesis during his/her study stay abroad. This document must be confirmed by the student, the foreign institution and the authorized representative. or c. a Learning Agreement for Traineeships, which must be confirmed by the student, the foreign institution and the authorized representative. or d. a Foreign Activity Plan only if he/she is not obliged to present either a Learning Agreement for Studies or a Learning Agreement for Traineeships. This document must be confirmed by the student and the authorized representative (Art. 2, para. 3). After the end of your foreign stay, these are the following documents: a. Transcript of Records; a b. Confirmation of Study Period; a c. Foreign Activity Report only if the student worked on thesis during his/her study stay abroad. This document must be confirmed by the student, the foreign institution and the authorized representative. or d. a certificate of the completion of a foreign stay under a Learning Agreement for Traineeships (Traineeship Certificate). The certificate must again be confirmed by the student, the foreign institution and the authorized representative. or e. a Foreign Activity Report. The report must be reconfirmed by the student and the authorized representative. 4) The transfer of all successful results from the foreign stay is done in the form of registration and completion of the course in the IS according to the information that results from the documents necessary for the recognition of the courses from the foreign stay. Recognition of results is applied only to successfully completed activities/courses from the foreign stay. 5) The transfer of recognised courses to the student's academic record will be made by the responsible department of the relevant faculty (usually the study or foreign study department of the faculty) after all required steps have been completed by the student and the person in charge of registration/recognition. 6) If necessary, the responsible faculty department will seek the approval of the person in charge of registration/recognition. 7) The time limits within which the student must provide the documents in question (Article 3, paragraph 3) are as follows: a. Changes to the Learning Agreement within 5 weeks of the start of the foreign stay b. Confirmation of Study Period, Traineeship Certificate and Foreign activity Report within 30 days of the end of the foreign stay c. The exceptions are cases where the foreign institution does not issue a Transcript of Records within the above time limit; in this case, the student must produce the document immediately after it has been issued by the host institution. Article 4 Method of Recognition of Foreign Stays 1) The student's foreign stay must be fully recognised according to the documents specified in Article 3, paragraph 3. Only successfully completed foreign stays or successfully completed courses from a foreign stay are recognised. 2) In the case of recognition of foreign stays implemented by means of a Learning Agreement for Studies, a Transcript of Records and a Confirmation of Study Period, the student must apply for recognition of the foreign stay in two possible ways: a) credit for MU courses listed as required or elective. In this case, the course is recognised according to the MU curriculum, i.e. the credit value is allocated as the credit value of the MU course. The classification of the course is recognised according to the classification obtained from the host institution (in the case of a different classification system, it is converted to the scale used at MU). A student may only apply for recognition of a course that is listed in the MU course catalogue. b) credit for MU courses listed as elective or selective. Courses so recognised are newly created in the IS and the information about the host institution's course is taken from the submitted documents (title, language of instruction, transferred credit value and classification). At the same time, the classification and credit value from the host institution are recognised along with the course. The credit value may not be reduced or increased in the case of the use of the ECTS system at the host institution. Exceptions are made for credits with a decimal value, for which mathematical rounding is applied. 3) In the case of recognition of foreign stays implemented by means of a Learning Agreement for Traineeships or a Foreign activity Plan and a Traineeship certificate, the student must apply for recognition for MU courses listed as required, elective or selective. In this case, the course is recognised according to the MU study plan, i.e. the credit value is allocated in the credit value of the MU course. A student may only apply for recognition of a course that is listed in the MU course catalogue. 4) If the foreign institution does not use the ECTS system, the course classification and credit values are converted to ECTS according to the conversion table included in the Transcript of Records or provided by the host institution or generally accepted. In cases of ambiguity or in other cases, the person in charge of registration/recognition is entitled to decide on the classification and credit value. 5) The method of recognition must be set out in the Learning Agreement for studies or the Learning Agreement for Traineeships/Traineeship Certificate or Foreign Activity Plan/Foreign Activity Report. Article 5 Final Provisions 1) A student who decides not to participate in a registered foreign stay, ends the stay early or changes the dates of the stay is obliged to immediately inform the person responsible for registration/recognition of this information and agree on further action. At the same time, the student shall change the information about the duration of the stay at the foreign institution in the Stay Record and inform the responsible faculty department and the organiser of the foreign stay at MU (if MU organises it). 2) These Guidelines come into force on 1 August 2024. 3) These Guidelines of the Director of the Centre for International Cooperation No.1/2014 is replaced by these Guidelines on the date of its entry into force. Records, recognition processes and requests for recognition of courses in connection with study or work placements submitted before the validity of this sheet shall be governed by the original sheet. 4) These Guidelines do not apply to students of joint accredited programmes (Joint/Double/Multiple Degree), individual contracts (study under dual supervision, etc.) and similar types of programmes at MU where the stay at a foreign institution is carried out in cooperation with the foreign institutions of these joint accredited programmes and results in the award of a joint diploma or multiple diplomas. 5) The documents attached to these Guidelines are sample documents and may be replaced by other documents, but they must contain the same information required to document the registration or recognition of the results of a foreign stay at MU. Attachments: Documents for the registration of a foreign stay at MU 1) Foreign Activity Plan 2) Foreign Activity Report Documents for the recognition of the results of students' foreign stay for the Erasmus+ programme: 3) Learning Agreement for Studies, including amendments 4) Learning Agreement for Traineeships, including amendments 5) Foreign Activity Plan 6) Foreign Activity Report 7) Confirmation of Study Period 8) Traineeship Certificate MU documents for the recognition of results from a foreign stay for other mobility outside Erasmus+: 9) Learning Agreement for Studies, including amendments 10) Foreign Activity Plan 11) Learning Agreement for Traineeships 12) Confirmation of Study Period 13) Traineeship Certificate 14) Foreign Activity Report All documents are also acceptable in electronic form or as a verifiable database record. In Brno on 1 August 2024 Director of the MU Centre for International Cooperation Ing. Violeta Osouchová Ing. Violeta Osouchová Digitálně podepsal Ing. Violeta Osouchová Datum: 2025.02.19 17:18:39 +01'00'